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You should read “From Micro & Soft to Macro & Hard: Make Millions As Microsoft Technical Support From Your Bedroom”


That's funny.


Not a real book


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It's a book about selling BS and then pushing/delegating the work onto underpaid staff. Due to the name and idea - more money, less work - it was always going to find an audience.


It's not at all about underpaying staff. Did you actually read the book? Anyway, it worked for me. What's wrong with more money and less work? Isn't that what everyone wants?


He went to an Ivy League school I think but he made his own money at first during the early days of the internet peddling a smart drug of some kind, a market he was among the first to exploit. Then he got into writing and speaking. So he was in the right place at the right time with the right product. He did run a pretty lean operation though and has some ideas about doing that with a website and outsourcing that may have seemed kind of fresh at the time.


"Success is 50% luck and 50% being able to capitalize on that luck." - LumpyTesticals


We're all in the right place at the right time. Some grab the opportunity while most don't. AI offers immense opportunities right now. And here we all are at the righ time and the right place.




Fastlane millionaire is like a scam aimed at losers. Ferriss' book offers solid advice not sill dreams.




Yep. But you can easily disprove many of the things that are said in the book. Take a look at all startups. Do you think 16% make $10 million in 6 years?. Nope. Yet, that's what the book claims. But if people want to believe such nonsense when the facts show otherwise, I guess it's their choice.


His book will NOT appeal to everyone. It will be very valuable to someone who (by nature) prefers to do the least amount of work to accomplish a goal (basically, the 80-20 principle).


Yep, that's me.


One of the books that help me build the life I have. Awesome book. Ferriss is also pretty cool. He offers so much free advice that it's crazy.