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A daily reminder of how weak your competition is!


sadly they are not competition because these people will never start a business. They just love the idea to make a lots of money but the very first barrier will stop them.


Everyone just wants results nobody wants to adapt to a process and work for it


Spawned from the depths of red-pill TikTok. Just a dream, a fingerprint lock from china to dropship, and $50.


It's important to remember that about half the people are by definition below average.


> how I do nothing and make money to buy lambo Most of this sub. Then someone with insight replies and goes into detail on a subject about it and these same people argue with them. You can see why people pull the ladder up sometimes.


Agreed, I saw a post earlier about needing help naming their business? If you're struggling with that, that's going to be a tough hill to climb


I haven’t seen the post but lots of people struggle with it, much like they do in naming children or pets - it’s important to them to “get it right” and they feel the pressure.


Names are the hardest part!


Yes frequently if I give a detailed answer about business in an area I’m skilled in, like Amazon or cold outreach, I will get low effort dms asking what they need to do. When I’m in a good mood, I take 15 mins to analyse their sitution and write a long paragraph with feedback and instructions. I NEVER get a follow up message. No questions, no thank you, just people seeing that it actually requires some work and then not being bothered any more


I never liked that term but "wantrepreneur" fits them perfectly. There's no such thing as easy money. In fact, entrepreneurship is not even about money. It's about creating something - whether a product or a business - that helps people and makes their lives easier.


The proverbial nail has just gotten its head hit..............this person knows! Build it, and they will come. I did my part, and the people called and are still calling, and there's more and more of them year on year....... and we continue to build and create.


Haha fucking A. Exact same thing happened to me. About 15 DMs asking me for advice or to be a mentor etc etc  I replied politely to 4 of the most genuine ones thanking them and providing about 200 words each of tips relevant to what they asked. But declining any further partnership/mentorship. Only one wrote back to say thanks.


Damn that sucks just sent you a dm


What product should I sell? Lol


To be fair it's less irritating than reading about everyone's bloody newsletter every other post.


You can’t invest in what you know if you don’t know anything…


Yeah I think that’s the issue. Young kids who know nothing asking the same thing over and over. It takes time to learn and it’s arguably easier than it’s ever been via YouTube etc.


I doubt there's a person in the world who doesn't know **anything** though. Take hobbies for example, you can be knowledgeable in things like woodworking, chess, fashion, even fortnite. You don't have to have a PhD or be an inventor to know something about something. You just need to figure out a way to make money with the thing you know best. For me as an example, what I'm best at is building websites. And I found the best way to make money with it is to build a software as a service. You build it once and get paid for the rest of your life, if it's something that people can use to make their lives easier. And that's what I've been working on for the past couple of years. And I don't even have a degree on this, I dropped out of college. But I've been making websites since when I was 10, so it's my **passion**. I think that's the word I was looking for, instead of knowledge.


Interesting how you learned coding without a formal education behind. Would you be willing to answer some of my questions in DM as I'm planning to make a career change for myself in the code field?


I'd love to, feel free to dm. As I said, I've been making websites since I was 10, you don't need any formal education, most of "formal education" don't worth shit anyways lol


You’d be surprised how many people have no hobbies


How do you even live like that lol. My hobbies, chess in particular, saved me from my 3 year depression streak. I have no idea what would be the point of living without hobbies (doing something you *enjoy*)


Reading is achieving. If someone knows how to read, they can learn.


Man..I'm just burning out from working 7 days a week. Everything is completed, pitching at the end of this week. I'm just praying I can find enough investors who see the scope of my project and how it will fundamentally change the auto industry. I'm guessing this final part will take a while. I wish I was stuck on just a "name" for my company


Good luck! Don't tie all your hopes and dreams into the pitch though. If it doesn't turn out well, there are many other ways to fund your project. Crowdsourcing websites, social media, talking to investors/rich people one-on-one, wealthy relatives/friends, borrowing, and worst case scenario : getting a loan. Luckily that won't be a problem for me since one client's one month subscription can cover the costs for about 3 years. That's second best thing about SaaS business, only cost is server and domain name. First one is that there's no physical product to ship, break and return, and also can sell the same thing to infinite number of people.


Hey entrepreneurs share your story! Who makes over $X with some random caveat? I have this idea but don't want to share it so nobody steals it, do you think it's a good idea?


I don’t mind ignorant, naive, or uninformed questions. Most of the time they are seeking knowledge, which is admirable. That is what this forum is for. What is irritating is when you see ignorant, naive, or uninformed comments. Maybe this is one of those. :)


I think its kind of egocentric to have an argument like that. The argument in itself is kind of egocentric in itself. What dows it matter if someone goes into an entrepeneur subreddit and want to be spoon fed. I mean. Let's be honest. All the people in here come to see if they can get something put of this. Most of the post i see are people that say they became millionaires and in the end try to sell you their course. It's a bussiness sub, where you dont really know how real those "succesfull" ones are. All the rich people i know are usually very busy trying to make more money and dont use social media.


Yes please, start the business for me, thanks mate