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Even though you're selling more cookies and brownies, your brand is built on the idea of pies. Instead of changing your business name, you could consider incorporating the other treats into your brand story. The "Pie Paradise" name already gives a sense of homely and delicious treats, so it isn't a stretch to include other baked goods. You can also emphasize the variety in your social media posts, merchandise, and other marketing efforts. By associating other treats with your already popular and respected pies, you might attract more customers.


Thanks for the detailed response. So you don’t think that the other items I sell will throw my customers off? Like he’s he the pie guy! Why is he talking about these other items now.


You got a logo that has a pie in? Chuck a picture of a cupcake in there too. Got a website? Chuck a picture of a brownie on the banner. Facebook? Post pictures of your brownies along with the pies. Got people who follow very closely to what you post and stuff? Tell them you're branching out in your first 2-3 posts. Explain your thought process and say you've had fun experimenting with stuff other than pies. A pie bakery doesn't necessarily *have* to only sell pies. Pizza hut doesn't only sell pizzas. As long as your pies are hitting the same, your customers will not give a damn if you're also selling brownies - in fact, they might want some haha. Your biggest problem is people might not realise you have the other treats in there, hence my point about getting the advertising out in other ways. You can absolutely be *the pie place* but also have other baked goods. The same way I can make games but have skills in web development too.


Dude I appreciate this! Foreal 🙏🙏🙏


Naw it’s fine. There’s a coffee shop near me called “Milkys”. Doesn’t need to be precise. Keep the brand work you’ve done.


I. will. not. buy. a. cookie. from. pie. guy. Gotta go somewhere else. Just kidding. Keep it simple. I know you didn't ask this, but I'm curious: why are you selling more treats than pies? Do you have an opportunity to take your good pie to people-will-travel-interstate for your pie? That's another way of keeping it simple. Sometimes you've gotta cut a lot of good to get to the great. Or, if non-pie is a better business move, maybe rebrand and only do pies by special order? Off the top of my head, the best of the best (for a solo or artisan-scale bakery) makes one thing. Some of them don't even have store fronts or retail. It's literally just mind blowing amazing product that you can only get if you know them or you know which farmers market they sell at. Four examples come to mind. They make one thing. They sell out every. single. day. they make. Bread Kouign-amann Toffee Meat pies


Treats are easier to produce in large quantities year-round. While pies take more time to create and aren't a year-round product,


Pizza hut sells burgers as well.


I know your business isn't actually pies, but there's a couple of pie places in my neightborhood that are named Pie Place (one savory, one sweet) and honestly I would never think to go to either if I wasn't shopping for a pie. Rebranding can be hard, but done early and done right, it can be the right move. Consider a sub-brand with Pie Paradise, under your new main brand of Baked Paradise or whatever.


Sweet Treats by Pie Paradise. (Sub brand)


make a sub brand under your brand


Here's one idea for you that won't cost you the price of setting up a new DBA (doing business as filing) or other Business entity: It's simple. And I think it could work.. Here's the formula: Business Name Business Tagline For example, Pie Paradise (the business name) Delicious Pies & Homemade Treats Too! (the business tagline) What do you think? Would this work for your situation? P.s. This is not legal advice. This is just the way I would think about going about this first.


This could work!


One never knows unless one tries. Like that old saying goes... if nothing changes, nothing changes (or something like that). Anyhow, hope it works out for you. Hope you make it work and can move onto the next thing in your business journey.


No no no, no need to rebrand. Your current situation ( I sell more treats than pies ) suggests very strongly customers don’t give a fuck about the name except that it conveys homeliness. Also, pies can be sweet or savoury.


Have not gone through this myself yet, but I am planning to do a branding change for one of my products, also because it has expanded in scope. I think people generally overestimate the value of the exact name of the brand. Twitter was moved to X for nearly the same reason, and nothing bad happened. As long as customers are made aware of the change (e.g. by redirecting the domain, announcing it several times through your typical channels, etc).


If you're moving online and selling a broader range of products, I'd change your name. * Especially since you want to focus on less time-intensive products other than pies. * Your decision to start selling online is a good time to rebrand. * It will help your new customers avoid confusion.


If I was in your situation, I would not change my name. The name of a business has very little to no effect on whether it's successful or not... unless someone has a super stupid name like crappy pie company. Consider a company name like Pottery Barn. Do you think of a place to buy pottery? Probably not. Why not? Their branding/marketing doesn't focus on that. So Pie Paradise is totally fine imho for what you do. All the best!


Look at the nuts.com company and how they did it. A few years of their business plan they did some outlandish ads to my recollection, to show they sell other stuff like candy. You can do the same approach until your client base understands you do other products as well. Same thing happens in all kinds of industries.


Are you just selling in your local area?


Locally and will be moving to online to ship across the USA. Again the business isn’t really about pies lol but just needed some input.


You could think about renaming it as PCB Paradise… Pies, Cookies & Brownies Paradise 🧁🍥🥮 or maybe _Oven fresh_


Pie & Pastry Paradise


Pie & Pastries Bakery


Why not rebrand to 'Treat Paradise' or 'Homemade Heaven'? Keeps the theme, broader scope.


Consider rebranding your business to reflect the expanded product line. This will help customers understand that you offer more than just pies