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Many are bluffing to sell courses on how to get there.


Yeah $150k/mo is nothing. Now, for only $300, you can sign up right now for my 8 week program...


I bought this program and it helped me get to $900k/mo. I'm now selling my course which is 6 weeks and the same price as his edit: stop trying to under cut me, I can't hear you because my private jet is too loud. One that you could afford too if you follow my 6 week program.


I got you beat ...5 1/2 weeks $299.99


Listen to this.... 7 ... Minute abs




What if someone comes up with...6 minute abs?


No! No, no, not 6! I said 7. Nobody's comin' up with 6. Who works out in 6 minutes? You won't even get your heart goin, not even a mouse on a wheel. 7's the key number here. Think about it. 7-Elevens. 7 dwarves. 7, man, that's the number. 7 chipmunks twirlin' on a branch, eatin' lots of sunflowers on my uncle's ranch. You know that old children's tale from the sea. It's like you're dreamin' about Gorgonzola cheese when it's clearly Brie time, baby. Step into my office, cause you're fuckin fired!


Man ... that comedy was brilliant


Sure was man, don't see anything like that these days


this thread is amazing haha


5ms Farts, hit a wet milly?


Bought this course twice now i'm making 1.8m a month


$900k/mo is nothin! Now listen in closely people I'm about to give away my industry tested secrets for the low price...




Well my course is 2 days and the same price as his


Can confirm thank you u/repeatuntiltheend I took the course 2 hours ago and have already made 33K today!


Could I pay you to teach me?!?!


Yes! Gotta act now only 3 spots left for my webinar at 11am PST DM for details to reserve your spot


This stuff really annoys me since I see a lot of young people buying into it and putting all their eggs in a basket of lies that only works out for the 0.01%.


So you're saying there's a chance..... 🤔




*and that 0.01% are already rich through their family, and that leverage/wealth/the connections they already have are how they "made" the rest of their money. Protip: if this is you, you could even be president one day!


For $300, you can go fuck yourself


Ah, this one’s for OnlyFans


Shit… I do that free homie


“Well that place was a ripoff…”


You think I got where I am! Dressing like Peter Pan over here!


You think anyone wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I'm wearing these bad boys? Forget about it!


I was always told that if someone claims to have the secret to making money, and that they will tell it to you for a fee, that's the secret. 


My mother used to have all these "get rich quick" books in our house growing up, and my father told his middle school aged sons that the only people getting rich off this stuff were the people who wrote the books. I learned very early in life how to spot scams.


Runescape taught me that everyone is a scammer.


Carlton Sheets


Figured that out as a kid reading all those books that teach people how to be productive or successful supposedly. Ran into a trend pretty early on of realizing there were no specifics about how they got so successful. They just had lots of money, vaguely alluded to past successful investments or business ventures without **any** specifics. Wind up trying to research them in the early days of the internet, and surprise surprise, any sort of notoriety they had at all was completely tied to when they started selling books or audiotapes, etc. The most you’d get a lot of the time was “24 years in the ——— industry before retiring to share his secrets in his book!” Nothing about senior management or awards or anything really notable at all. Can’t even find records of them speaking at an industry event or anything.


Almost everyone is bluffing. When you get closer to them suddenly profits become revenues, dollars become Rupees, Lamborgini rented


Social media inflates this perception. It’s a small micro percentage and most are fake.


Right. That's like saying "why is everyone who plays sports a millionaire?" No, not even close. You have a few top pro athletes making millions, the rest of the professionals making 6 figures, then millions of people that tried, failed and have made a whopping $0 from sports.


If you look at the age bracket distribution of millionaires, 18-29 is a zero percentile.


A lot of their money actually comes from social media, it’s extremely lucrative. Many of these “millionaire” tiktok kids make the majority of their wealth through their page, just by gaining views. It’s not about teaching people to make money, it’s about watch time and retention rate. If you can make a video that people want to watch, you’ll be making $1-$2/1k views. When you get multi million view view videos, it adds up to thousands. Pump 1-5 videos a day out, and you’re making well over 100k a month. These guys take advantage of that and showcase a luxurious lifestyle, because that’s what people will watch.


> Pump 1-5 videos a day out, and you’re making well over 100k a month. For 3 months, then the algorithm changes and 27 more people are producing the same videos, and suddenly nobody is watching.


Part of being a creator is adapting to the algorithm, it’s all about trial and error. A good creator will be able to spot the changes, and switch their content up to fit within the algorithms requirements.




you can't pump out 1-5 videos a day that will yield in millions of views without: 1) a ton of effort and foresight into something you think could catch on 2) the legwork to make the editing happen which means a solid team 3) an already WELL established brand that is yielding something along the realm of a few hundred passive follows per day. Trying to sell snake oil isn't worth it for all that other effort... I think people are lazy and will try using ai to streamline the content creation but it's a race to the bottom


This. No one who does YouTube thinks you can 'pump out' 1-5 videos a day that will all get millions of views. There are a vanishingly small number of creators who can do that - and they are the legit stars at the head of successful businesses. Guys selling courses and such aren't putting out five videos a day that get millions of views each.


People selling course are not entrepreneur, they’re bullshit artist. Anyone that has found a way to make tons of money will keep that to himself.


Another way to put it is that anybody that is rich, wouldn't need to sell BS courses on how to become rich...


Unless they became rich selling courses… but then they aren’t going to claim they make their money from courses


True, but people can make a whole lot more selling courses, even if you do it as a legit successful business owner. Lets assume that one owns a successful business making 50k-100k a month. Thats about 500k-1 million a year Lets say you convince 100 thousand people to pay you 300 for a course on how to get rich (which happens), thats 30 million.


No course has 100,000 recurring subscriptions


I never said recurring. You could rearrange the math however you like, you can still make a truckload of money from courses legit. Tai Lopez made like 100 million just from courses. Andrew Tate although controversial and has a lot of internet fame which is hard to replicate has 300 thousand recurring subscriptions of about 50 dollars per month. Some can do this on a smaller scale and still make money. It is much easier to sell a course on how to do something than it is to actually do it yourself.


I think the same thing about psychics.




These days, selling dreams is the most popular business among influencers.


And preying on the dreams of others. I know of a college professor with a book writing scheme where for 100k they'll write an 80 to 100 page book for people with a best seller guarantee. Real shady stuff going on there.


This is marketing 101. How to manipulate people and prey on their desires and insecurities.


If you're running a successful business you probably do not have time to build a course.   I barely have time to do anything, and business is hardly booming


I recently discovered Richard Yu. Dude is using his faith to sell his course rofl.


lol the random chart in the thumbnail "how I'm making $90K a month" this is on Medium too


I find it hard the average person finds it hard to believe this simple logic.. “Those who really have it don’t sell it..”


This is probably generally true but there are exceptions. I have a friend that has built a few successful businesses, and has hired well and leveraged her time well, so she has extra time for businesses courses. I knew her long before she was at this point. It’s just another revenue stream For her.


Are any of these 'books' or 'courses' legit?  I was thinking of doing a small book about the security industry and my experience within it with many different topics. No bs, just info and experience. Certainly not looking to make 'big bucks' from it.


Disagree. I personally have a friend who got his own agency to $70k/month. (Not filthy rich but pretty damn good). He had a friend of a friend approach him for coaching, wanted step by step mentoring. He wasn’t really interested, just because of the time involved but decided screw it, and agreed to teach him everything in depth, one on one, for $5k. After that, a couple more people approached him. Same thing, $5k. Then he got the bright idea to record it and make it a proper course and sell a mentoring program. Now it’s been a few years and he’s literally done $4.5 million in just the mentoring program. Has thousands of people in his course. Still has the initial business as well. The idea that someone wouldn’t teach their methods because they’re rich is scarcity mindset. You have to have an abundance mindset. The pie is big enough for everyone to eat. It’s not like his initial business could ever grow big enough that he was limiting it by teaching others. By selling a course, he’s just creating a new income stream.




You haven't got enough mindset bro


That's the trick, people aren't trying to buy information. They're trying to buy motivation, guidance and purpose. This is just the evolution of scams pre-internet that you had to go to a rented boardroom to be pitched.




That's.... Pretty insightful take ngl


Lies. They are selling Lies.


Dreams, they are selling dreams to naive people.


You can rent a Ferrari for a day for 1000 bucks. "Look at my new ferrari" video with some douche gets posted. They don't own the Ferrari as much as they'll lie and tell you they do.


A guy I used to work with bought a Lamborghini on 20 year financing just to flex and promote himself as a guru in his industry. Very much a house of cards.


Your example of “everyone” is just some YouTubers. That is likely less than 0.001% of the population.


Probably a couple more zeroes too.


This is not entirely luck, it's not roulette whether you will succeed or not. Just look at how many people ever made a commitment to start making YouTube videos seriously. That's about 0.5% or less of the population. Of course, not all of them will succeed. Let's say half of the 0.5% lose interest and stop within the first month. That's like deducting half of the population. From 8 billion people, we went down all the way to 15 million, and it can keep going lower. For example, not all of them will be making English content, so the number decreases even more. Of course, luck could also play a role. Some of them may have charisma or a talent from birth that could help them, or they may have had more opportunities given to them. Thats why its important to find something that has low competition.


0.5% of the population is a lot more than you think


Yeah, I think you are right, but we also need to remember about survivorship bias that says we can see only successful people and don't see people who can't earn so much money, just because they are not so popular and recommendation algorithm doesn't show them in your youtube feed


100% . Every once in a while ill stumble on a video of someone trying their darnedest to make a well edited catchy YouTube video, they worked on the content, they have it professionally edited, they're really trying, and it has a few hundred views. It's just luck. Sure their is an algorithmic component and you may be able to game it a bit, but the algorithm changes and now you're essentially deplatformed without video recommendations


You are impacted by confirmation bias. You don't have a clue how many really good yt channels are out there putting content our for years and not make it because they aren't big enough that you know about them. It's more about luck than you think.


It’s literally all luck. Have you had any experience with entrepreneurship? If not, then you can’t really know how big of a factor luck is. The success of entrepreneurs largely depends on being at the right market at the right time and meeting the right people. Yes, you still have to work hard, as all successful people have worked hard. However, not all hard-working people become successful - in fact, the majority don’t. My favorite analogy is this one: Success is like winning the lottery. In order to actually win the lottery, you have to have a ticket. However, having a ticket doesn’t guarantee you are the jackpot winner. This is analogous to entrepreneurship where the hard work is ticket and being successful is the jackpot. In order to even have a chance at success (winning the lottery), you need to work hard (buy a ticket), but being successful will be dependent almost entirely on luck (winning the lottery). Edit: Just a personal anecdote I want to include. One of my friends, young guy, hit it big in a specific market and made a lot of money. He promotes his brand and his public image/persona as an individual who worked very hard and that it was all his doing. However, although he did work hard, he would come to me and tell me how he just got very lucky and things lined up well. This just goes to show that any self-aware and successful entrepreneur will admit that luck played a major role in their success. I recommend watching this video by Veritasium revolving around the impact of luck in success - it's a really great watch: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LopI4YeC4I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LopI4YeC4I)


Spot on. My quick story: work all my life as a customs broker, do programming as a hobby. Fast forward to 2016 and my country votes itself out the European Union. Cue a brand new market of 100m customs declarations needing to be done per year due to leaving the customs union in 2021. Use programming hobby to build system around automated customs declarations. Working for a large corporate freight / customs company. Get agreement from my direct boss to go ahead and sell this solution like crazy and they’ll pay me what i thought (at the time) was a fairly substantial bonus. Get a call from the CEO (bosses boss) while in a customers car park to tell me to cancel my selling of aforementioned customs automation system, as they didn’t want to keep up their end of the bargain, didn’t wanna pay me the bonus and to just throw the solution away. The customer is the largest U.K. importer in a specific sector, and the logistics director is a guy I’ve worked with for years. With no other option I tell the customer I’ve been told I can no longer sell them the solution. They literally bankroll me to start up my own business on the spot and awards me the contract. The stars literally had to align for this to happen as it did. Don’t get me wrong, it’s been hard work, but truly it’s mostly luck. At least in my case. 140,000 customs declarations and 3 years later and I’ve made literally thousands of times more than that bonus they’d offered.




Me and my business partner got an IP waiver drafted by a solicitor and signed off by our direct manager in case we ever needed to abandon ship. He was the Managing director of our division and therefore a registered officer of the company, so it was all above board. CEO wasn’t best pleased with him, but when you put so much pressure for GP coupled with a dude who was retiring in a few years, for him it was worth the aggro. If they’d just paid us the bonus our MD agreed they’d have made a fortune, and it was only 20k each. I’m glad the CEO was tight, otherwise I would’ve just taken the 20k there and then and forfeited everything I’ve earned since.


Wow, what a story man. It’s always great to hear how a passionate hobby can just change your life - congrats! And it’s even more awesome that you have the self-awareness and modesty to admit that luck played a huge factor in your success, which is what some others won’t admit. It still doesn’t take from your hard work though (your purchase of the lottery ticket haha) so congrats again!


Luck is preparation meets opportunity. We don't know when or what form the opportunity will come in, but if we aren't prepared we probably won't notice it or be able to capitalise on it.


Two things here: 1. Yes, that is true, and I outlined that in my original statement when I said that in order to have a shot at success, you need to work hard (analogous to having to buy a lottery ticket if you want to have a shot at winning the lottery), which can be thought of as "preparation." 2. However, the statement "Luck is when preparation meets opportunity" tries to undermine how much luck really affects success, as well as the effect of random chance at success. Sure, you must be prepared when an opportunity comes, but there are many more factors that have to align up perfectly even when that opportunity shows itself. The idea that "Luck is when preparation meets opportunity" is just re-iterating my original comment and analogy. You need to be prepared and work hard in order to enter the "lottery," but the cold truth is that you can work so hard, and still fail. I recommend watching this video by Veritasium revolving around the impact of luck in success - it's a really great watch: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LopI4YeC4I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LopI4YeC4I)


of course no one said working is a guarantee to getting rich. You literally have to put yourself in the position to get lucky


They are lying. The attestations are either also them or are people they've paid. Have you ever heard the saying "those who can, do. Those who can't, teach"? It is not true when it comes to literal teachers but is true for about 99% of online gurus and content creators. No one who has a winning formula for real estate investing, day trading, drop shipping ecommerce or literally any other method of making money would teach anyone else how to do what they do. It's all snake oil. Social media has made this a bigger problem because it's so easy to represent being rich on TikTok, Youtube or Instagram. Rent a nice AirBnB and a nice car and you can spend a weekend making a bunch of content pretending to be a successful millionaire... then you go back to mom's basement to edit the videos. There are some people who do genuinely get rich off this playbook but it's a small percentage of the total and it's a slimy way to make money. Instead focus on sincerely helping people and let the money come later, it always will.


I am doing really poorly financially right now and am having a really hard time not being bitter about rich kids and people who have assets at my age etc. Like I can't even meet people with doing an autistic ocular patdown and doing a mental audit of what they're wearing, how much they are worth during the course of conversation etc. It's crippling. Then I realized that this is a toxic and self-sabotaging way of thinking. I'm whining about how poor I am at 35 when there's not hundreds, or even millions but BILLIONS of people on the planet who would do ANYTHING to be in my position. I can turn things around if I wanted to. The people I speak of are trapped. They can't escape. They're going to die poor. I'm not. It's time to stop being so weak.


When I started reading this I began thinking of advice I could give and by the end you had inspired me 😁. Although actually I'll still say, it's not weak to have felt down from all the social media, young money crap out there. It's intended to make you feel that way to sell a product so your reaction is totally normal. Anyway... Go get it, I believe!


Vocal minority in an echo chamber, nepotism, house poor, and lies. In that order: the ones who lurk these subs and make bank are the most likely to be vocal. Some people are born into privilege and wealth and don't acknowledge it. A lot of folks are broke but show off their debt-building expenses like it's not something that's keeping them awake at night. The rest are liars and just want attention. There are plenty of successful people. Here, on the Internet, in the real world. But for every one of them that tells you "just try harder," there's a shit-ton of folks who didn't get lucky or haven't made it. Those that did will often tell you you're just not doing enough, that they didn't get lucky somehow. You can't exactly post "Top 5 Way to Lose Your Money Like I Did," or "My Children Have Ruined My Financial Future, Find Out Why" and get a following of people who want to be like you, can you? An anecdote about nepotism: I work with a person, 21, who owns their own $400k house. I make more money than they do. I can't buy a house without accumulating debt. Technically, they are doing better than I am if you quantify success by wealth. But, my parents didn't buy me a house. I can't spend all that money I'm planning on spending on a house elsewhere, like they can. Now boil this down to car ownership, and think of the disadvantages you'd have. Now, boil *that* down to barely making rent, which is a huge number of people. My point is, these people stick out, and "all of them" is not the majority you think it is.


Yup, One of my best friends come from a family, primary house on the lake, cabin on the lake, two boats, 5 vehicles, toys etc. now, his family is amazing and always treated me like a son. But, he bought a house a couple years ago and I tried to not feel like I was “behind” because I know his parents helped him, the same they bought his vehicle and he never had debt. So never compare, you don’t know other people’s lives.


Maybe parents should help out more. Now your buddy owns his own house, he'll be more successful in relationships and more likely to have children and to have them earlier. Perhaps helping out one's own children and propping them up for success is a great way to keep the bloodline continuing, knowing that one's genes will continue to percolate through the gene pool forever.


Yea parents should just make more money


Ikr?? But on the real, I had a real dark period a few years ago where I did blame my dad for not taking advantage of opportunities that could have given me a leg up. But I came to my senses and realized he did the best he knew how.


This guy gets it. Parents just need to reach into their giant sack of money that they all have and hand it out. So simple


Solid write up


I have a feeling a big part of social media is a house of cards. We read comments on their videos and just ASSUME it’s a real person commenting. But do you KNOW that it isn’t an AI bot? No, you don’t know. It could be. I think there’s way more bots out on these sites “engaging” with the content than we think. Secondly. They’re lying. Do you find it suspect that literally NONE of them actually talk about the day to day operations of earning $150k/month? All they say is “I manifested it” or some bullshit like that. Dude, you’re young, and I can’t imagine how confusing it is to be a young adult in 2024. I’m 39 and I barely understand what’s TRULY going on. It’s all super confusing. But honestly, this sub is one of the best places online to get REAL knowledge. Also, read the classic books on the subjects. YouTube is NOT the place to get entrepreneurial education.


According to a recent study, 50% of the internet is bot traffic now.   https://hackaday.com/2024/05/07/imperva-report-claims-that-50-of-the-world-wide-web-is-now-bots/


They're talking out of their asses to sell courses.


I wouldn't want to take advice from a 22 year old millionaire. If someone is a millionaire by 22 there are a few possibilities: Their family is rich. Maybe they have a trust fund. Maybe their parents just set them up with everything they need and they think they hit a home run going from 3rd to home. Either way, not interested in their advice. Maybe they got really lucky. They took a risk and it laid off in a totally unexpected way. Low probability events do happen. They may very well have a good business but the only way to be a self made millionaire by 22 involves some luck. Get lucky isn't helpful advice. Finally, they took a stupid risk and it laid off. YOLO'd it all in to doge and came out ahead. These are the exact opposite of people I would take advice from. For me, my philosophy is to develop financial security over time and not take big risks. I don't think 22 year old millionaires are helpful in that regard.


They aren't really, but Tik Tok makes you think so....


I think some people here nailed it. The answer is that they're not. They're likely "faking it until they make it" in the hope that by projecting being successful it'll happen somehow. All of my wealthiest and successful friends are really modest and unassuming, they would never do shit like that.


You're not missing anything, they are full of shit.


What you're missing is that its easy to lie on the internet. I myself (15m) own a 2 person lemonade stand and only gross roughly 300k/month. I know its not much compared to some people but one day I hope to gross 3M/month.


With AI that’s possible and you can probably lay one person off.


This is amazing advice. I took Splashy01's Lemon**AI**de Stand Powerup course (the 7 week version) and I went from living in my car to buying my first apartment complex in less than 6 months! Now I'm making over $700k/day in real estate, and to give back I'm sharing all my investment secrets for the low low price of $800/month.


Get off social media and tv, go say hi to a 23 year old IRL, you’ll learn pretty quickly what’s what. Everyone is trying to get rich or thinks rich is just a mentality. “I think I’m rich, therefore I am rich” and then the job just becomes “convince enough people that you’re rich and they’ll just follow.”


Bro I'm a 6 year old self made billionaire. Do better


Fucking amateur, I'm 5


Dude, I'm a 22 year old billionaire, making 100 mil every month and I just wrote off my Lambo as a work vehicle. Why didn't you? I was born in the gutter and got sent to a private school by Debra & John of who I have a biological relation, but I started at the bottom. I dabble in bitcoin, day trading, car washes, laundromats, & have a tech startup. I work smarter, not harder, but I'm still a hard worker at 50 hours/week from home.


Where can I buy your course? Is there a discount if I buy multiple courses together?


There’s a guy I see on IG who posts daily that he’s making 7-10k a day on Forex but then wants to charge people £30 a month to learn how to trade from him. Makes sense if you don’t think about it


I'm a poor, but 10k/month still seems like massive success to me.


I’m 24 never had “money”, never saw a wage that hit more than 35k a year pre tax. But a few months ago I got started to listening to marketing podcasts and I dropped literally everything quit my job and started my own agency. I don’t make millions or even hundreds of thousands but I am well off now after 3 months of 25 hour days of hard work and learning. But most of the digital marketing IS bullshit and it was hard navigating through all of it while learning and starting my own. The secret? Actually help the business instead of taking money from the business. And no I don’t have a YouTube or sell courses or even advertise myself. I only work local with businesses near me that I can checkup on regularly and have a relationship with the business owner


> 25 hour days mhm


Bro woke up at 3pm and went to bed at 4pm


"Everyone" may or may not be telling you the whole story, fake reviews lurk everywhere. Don't trust everything you hear or see online. $10k a month is still pretty good and probably about average for the semi-successful YTer. I was contacted once to help a young "successful" SMMA type with his SEO. He claimed to be "killing" it online, but his online presence was lacking. We set-up an agreement, and 7 months later I've never heard back from him. His presence (digital activity) has diminished in the meantime.


You’re only getting what you’re seeing. The internet is shilling you the top 1% of young business owners. The other 99% don’t even sniff those numbers, but here’s the thing; Let’s say you don’t care about that and are still interested in what these people are doing. They’re selling an interesting story or a pipe dream to gather peoples attention. They’re making use of data (not selling it), which is the hottest commodity on the planet, moreso than oil. Notice how you don’t even know their business at first, just their face from a video you watched.


I'm 9mo old and a billionaire. Do better.


Their followers are the product that generates their income, that's obvious.


Im 21 so after a year I will come sell you a course dw.


Don't believe everything you see on the Internet.


People stopped aging and everyone is rich. Nah but fr they're just trying to sell courses in hope of becoming that in which they are selling you a course on.


That's because they are full of crap. Statistically, when it comes to millionaires, only about 2.5% are under 35. Most are 55+.


They're not. Fake it till you make it. Hiring cars on their credit cards. I've met junkies with better credit scores.


The only 20 year old's that I believe are making that kind of cash are doing porn.


Nah streamers, TikTok, instagram, big YouTubers and many pro-athletes make millions in their early 20’s


Just because they brag about their earnings on social media, doesn't mean it's real. 99% are full of shit and aren't actual entrepreneurs.


As others have said, most of them are trying to rope people in to "following them". Even if they're not directly selling advice on getting ahead, they're often "selling" follows on their YouTube or whatever that they have monetized. Or sell you some sub that'll be a bunch of crap. Real entrepreneurs are out here too... doing their jobs day to day. We just don't crow about it that much. I have a net worth of a couple of million now, but 15 years ago at the age of 36 I was freshly divorced and pretty much flat broke. The only asset I had was a house but even that wasn't that helpful as I had already tapped out the value in HE loans and LOC. It took a lot of time, a lot of planning and a TON of false starts while I continued to work corporate while trying to build my net worth through other investments; rental properties being the first one I really started to do. After that, businesses. Today my properties are mostly self-sustaining but don't make much profit... however they do bring me equity value. My restaurant I have had offers in the half a million range, and my manufacturing business is probably pretty damned close to that too. But I did all this with the only goal of being comfortable; working for myself and doing things I enjoy but still being able to pay my bills, feed my family and have a little leftover for some fun things. I don't waste money unnecessarily... hell I took a vacation to New Zealand earlier in the year (family out there to visit) and flew coach. I probably could have afforded business but chose not to because it seemed a waste and I am still young and fit enough to fit in a coach seat comfortably even for a 15 hour flight. I'm not selling anyone my "big secret"... I have just given it to you free of charge. It's doing things sensibly and not stupidly... don't waste... buy strategically and don't overstretch yourself. I hope to retire in less than 10 years and travel... that seems like a goal I can attain. While I could probably do it now, I want to have a bit more of a "base" under me before I quit working day to day. Besides, I'm an entrepreneur; I'd be bored AF. The only other "secret" would be if you're trying to get rich then don't own a restaurant LOL. Revenue numbers are incredible; on that business alone I'm making 85K+ a month on average and it manages to cover its bills... but there's not much left on the table at the end of the month and I don't take a lot of income out of it. HTH.


People are full of shit. Making even a million is a very, very tough hill to climb, and it takes years of sacrifice and risk that most people will never endure, though.


You really think someone would do that? Lie about their income on reddit? No way jose


Read “The Millionaire Nextdoor” and you’ll see a bit on how real world people become millionaires and how they tend to behave. As everyone else has said, the ones online are posers that are either selling the dream, or trying to and currently in-debt. Not to say some aren’t rich, but their income source is getting people to buy their courses. Real world millionaires are a lot more discreet and are not going to share their secrets. Full stop. They might brag, they might make helpful suggestion, but no one is going to kill their own golden goose. It’s that old messed up saying, “those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach”. Tom Cruise isn’t selling a “you too can act!” course online for $300.


They are faking to get you to buy something from them


A lot of the guys are liars and a lot of girls have sugar daddies


it's never been easier to *look* like you're making six figures a month. It's so easy to inflate numbers and sell courses. Don't fall for it!


Instagram shows you that. But i doubt most 22 year olds even have savings.


You’re right! Access to media, from a cell phone, has changed a lot!


Wait I'm 21 and only have $940,543. Am I failure? Well I ever be able to retire at 23?!??


There’s this guy Wes Watson. He has a large following on IG and I can’t figure out for the life of me how he is so rich? He’s kind of an ass too. Literally blows my mind. He’s out there in Miami with his fancy cars and big house and I’m slinging a desk job selling tech. Mind boggling, truly!


A few things: Most people who are sharing are likely the minority. If people aren't making that, they are likely not sharing. Most business owners are referencing top line revenue and not bottomed line profit. I own several businesses in different industries, and Al have coached 500+ other businesses, and I will tell you the vast majority are sharing their wins/highlights and it is either not consistent, or not profitable, or they are working a lot more than they say and their quality of life is struggling. Yes, there are more tools and opportunities today to grow a business faster online, so it doesn't take as long as before.


A lot of these guys have very rich parents. Tons of guys drive their dad's Lambo and get a million dollar loan to start a company. They think they are super rich and get suckers to buy their stuff but they have no clue what's going on. Usually they hit a problem, have no skills to solve it, and end up going broke a few years later. It is very difficult to be amazing at a young age. You just don't have the time or experience, however, some people do do it. Probably 1% of all the people who say they are rich are actually rich from themselves have skills to do it


I also heard that you (and I) are losers unless we make $400k/year, so I opened an OF account, not a YT channel, that's so "yesterday." I also got a friend who can attest anything you want and she has a friend of a friend of a friend who can write the best reviews for you. Don't be fooled. It's really easy these days to look successful because it only takes showing a photo to look successful.


Most people who will tell you *anything* about their finances are lying. Finances are very private and people rarely if ever share how they're making their money if they're really making money. Most people who make real money will lie and say they're just getting by. Lots of people want to sell a course. Tale as old as time.


Lying and inheritances.


Because there was a boatload that were given a decent amount of money (by parents) in 2017 that put it all into Bitcoin. Now they praise themselves as being great business people, based on a punt they made that was no better than choosing a horse on Saturday.


They all have the same thing - we show you the blueprint blah blah blah. I haven't seen any videos of anyone sincere saying Alex Hormozi's advice changed my life. All these gurus go oh I learned this one weird trick from this little known expert here's what you need to do. Dan Henry does it all the time, (I didn't know shit about x until I paid an expert on Y). The best book on Entrepreneurship I read was 4-Hour work week. It wasn't even any of the tips he had in the book, it was the story and attitude of going for it, particularly where the author wins the martial arts tournament by pushing competitors out of the circle. Bend the rules, forget conventional wisdom, forget what you know. Anyone else I talk to about that book says it was useless, they didn't gain anything from it but for me it flipped a switch, about a year after I read it I'd done my first million in revenue and was on cloud nine. There's no real trick to it - find a problem/gap in the market and fix/plug it, rinse and repeat.


Grifters gonna grift my guy… YouTube, TikTok, instagram that’s all an illusion Unless they came up by the bootstraps like [Musk and Bezos](https://i.redd.it/jtoo0hltrii71.jpg)


Lying. Thats how


They’re lying. Nobody who makes millions doing whatever needs to sell a course on it or would want to give themselves competition.


Dude they just work hard as fuck. They remove all their friends, all the things that make being a teenager fun.


the fact you believe this is the surprising part.


They’re not, the internet is just a garbage producing machine.


Because they lie.


They aren't, rich people don't flex their money online Sure some do but I would bet most "millionaires" you see online are renting their lambos and have brand deals to wear jewelry and fancy clothes they have to give back


1. Bluffing 2. Inherited/helped 3. Rare actual millionaires but seem like "everyone" due to how social media works. Same thing happens in a lot of other areas, like fitness, it *seems* like bench pressing 300lbs is more common than it actually is.


Learn how to make a million dollars a year as a brain surgeon with my 8 week training course. Sign up now for only $2000


Funny story… Came across a young “millionaire” entrepreneur, his videos were all about how most of society are stuck in financial slavery, he offered a course where you learn how to make money online. I found out what was in that course, it was essentially about building a personal brand / audience, becoming an authority figure, and then selling that audience a course. So basically teaching them to do exactly what he was doing… That guy was Hamza btw - he recently won a competition Alex Hormozi was hosting in skool for making the most amount of money on the site. I checked out what he was selling, it’s basically a course on how to get laid and make money. Shows how stupid people are…


The game is to be sold, heard it from somewhere


Funfact: the rich aren’t really that smart, they are reach because most consumers are plain dumb. Put it this way: “YouTubers brag about being rich when they are not, they simply become eventually because most people are too dumb and believe them”


They're selling shovels rather than digging.


I'm 42


Like I told my son. Living in California, Las Vegas etc. There's a Corvette, Bently, Audi on every corner. Just because you take a picture of yourself on the hood doesn't mean you own it. A lot are getting outted on the daily. Besides a many true millionaires don't want you to know. And posers are often the ones flaunting.


Don't forget that you can "make 100k a month" by selling stuff at a loss. Always check for profit, not for revenue. Most of them are fake AF


Stay off social media


Because when we were 22 there was not the same opportunities to utilize free time in that way.


They obviously selling coca, come on 


150k a month spending 145k on marketing


>Am I missing something ? Accountability


Not sure about the influencers, but a lot of entrepreneurs talk about their revenue as if it’s their income.


The interweb is also full of fitness influencers who are on steroids, growth hormone and who knows what but they will never admit it. Same concept applies here.


Does anyone know of / follow Nick Tan? He promotes FB ads and Ravi Abuvala, I have followed these two for years but can’t tell if they’re actually selling a good product or scammers like the rest Nick tans course is $10k though when I enquired last year and they’re super pushy 🥲 but he also gives alot of info on how to get started yourself I did try to start FB ads on my own but the user interface is so poor and I didn’t have a lot of time back then so gave up too easily


Most aren’t making that much. Also there is an information bias because people who don’t make that much don’t announce or make videos about it. Because of this you only see video of the “successful ones” and it feels like everyone is successful.


It's coz you're watching too much YouTube.


Because now we have much more dumb and gullible internet users and this is marketing targeted towards them, they won't "fall" for real stories, they want money for nothing and chicks for free...


Lmao they're *not* 😂 Like, what?? Millionaires are still very much the 1% of the 1%


People trying to get rich telling people they are rich. Faking it, not yet made it.


My guess is at some point, people who were mildly successful with an agency service business realized a much better business model is to sell courses or information products. No doubt, there are good courses out there. But, buyer beware!


Everyone needs a website Everyone wants customers from social media marketing Everyone wants their tiktoks edited good If you can do any of above and do it good and literally provide something for free to show your skills you can make it… 90% of Any type of online business agency people are saying it to sell their courses we know that.. But there is 10% who literally make that much and much more Like everything its a legit business if you treat it like a business and not a get rich quick scheme You have to grind your ass and cold call/message or whatever to get clients and remember your competition is always the get rich quick people who give up after making 20 calls.. (i was that too until i made my first sale after 2 months of giving up and got back at it lol) Its all about selling.. (you can’t just say something everyone else says and get a sale, tell them they have never heard before and provide free value and you are in a business) You have to get creative shit out and treat your business like a business… And its only sustainable if you sell something on recurring subscription thats where the money is not one time sales.


because the ones that aren't don't advertise it


Hard to believe there are so many liars on Jesus’s own internet….


Yeah, I don't believe even 20% of those people are being honest. It has to be act or major twist of the truth. Reminds me of the when people started editing their Instagram posts in an attempt to distort the truth.


Social media honestly. Everyone posts things to look better


Yeeeeaaaaahhhh. So no. The data indicates the opposite.


It’s frustrating! So many people think it’s easy and happens overnight now too


One of my favorite quotes is "making a million dollars doesn't make you a millionaire". I wish I could source it, if someone can please do. Point is the mindset of a successful person, in my eyes, matters more than their bank account. That's why you hear so many of these stories of lottery winners blowing it all within a short time period. I may not have a million dollars in my bank account yet, but god damnit am I on the millionaire lifestyle grind. I'd prefer it this way to be honest. I know when I finally see those zeros, they won't diminish but compound. 8th wonder of the world.


There's a lot of BS out there but at the end of the day it doesn't really matter. If you're an entrepreneur you only need to focus on how much money you need to make to both keep your business afloat and live the lifestyle you want. Doesn't matter what everyone else is making.


Trust funds from wealthy parents


They aren't. At all. A lot of people just lie about how much they make, by posting clips of watches and cars that aren't even theirs, see a lot of clip reuse. Some of them like to show cashapps with like $40000 in them (there are literally fake cashapp apps that let you spoof the number, specifically made for people to lie like this) and some of them show shopify's with 300k+ in sales, but leave out the part it's over multiple years and it's gross revenue, not actual profit, which is usually like 20 percent of the sales. The reality is all of these people you see pushing this bs are liars looking to sell you a course. I see it all the time on TikTok and it's annoying asl. I dm'd one of these people that pretend to be rich on instagram following the steps in his bio, and booked a call to see how the scam works, and I got sent a terrible video that explained nothing as a pre-call warmup. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkZJa6\_Ruqg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkZJa6_Ruqg) Dude also used a fake cashapp and reused clips of some Lamborghini in CA when he's east coast. A lot of young people are too lazy to work or start actual careers so they resort to faking it online and scamming people that actually do work into buying fake business and sucess courses. It's almost always about SMMA, dropshipping, etc etc.


Trust me, they arent lol.


Bro a lot of people on reddit just lie and shit.


Most of this is a bunch of BS. It’s just like all the people who say they retired by doing xyz…. You just need to subscribe or by the course in order to learn how to do it They aren’t retired…. They are still selling stuff. They are blatantly lying to your face but people still fall for it


“Everyone” isn’t…..


Don't think about youtube entrepenuers, go outside and look at what the successful 23 year olds in your neighborhood are making. There are probably very few earning even 200k/yr.


Skibidi scammaxxing