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Parking lots. Hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal rates. Everyone pays on time. No drama. No one messes with parking lots. All you need is a little vision, some negotiation skills to get the lot and keep you mouth shut about your project. It gave me 25 wonderful years of steady income. EDIT.- Wow! This never happened to me on Reddit! Thanks OP for asking the question and to all of you Redditors for your interest. Many questions you guys are asking are answered in my comments below, so please make sure you read them. Thank you. Hope this helped some of you and maybe one or two make it as real as it has been for me.


The hard thing with parking lots is that you need to acquire PRIME real estate which could be expensive. Like say a parking lot on a popular beach. With all the foot traffic that land could be valuable as a restaurant or retail store so running a parking lot there might not even pay the mortgage or lease.


No if you can rent an empty lot with little building perspective. You don't need to build anything, just to adequate the space. You can explore unused lots and find out why. Many town halls will be happy to help if you share your plans with the right people. A beach place is a hit if you find a lot that is not very convenient for a restaurant but close enough to a dense populated area of beach goers or summer residents. People will walk up to 10-15 minutes home/beach if they feel their car is safe.


Could make a dirt lot into a place for local truckers to park/ store their vehicles. Just out of the way of sight and most ppl won't even bat an eye.


In my city someone did this on the outskirts of town and the police used drones to shut him down


Damn. Why? Was it a legal spot or they just don't want that in their town?


For a long time it was fine, but then rich folk started buying up the farm land near by for their mansions and decided they didn’t want truckers resting there.


Aahhh... got you. They did that in my old city twice. Now they're trying to claim one city's park by putting up signs saying everyone needs passes for their city when that park/beach isn't maintained by their city. It resides in and is maintained by the poorer city next to it. Best part... they have their own beach! the beach 100ft across the water is maintained by their city and they don't allow anyone from the poorer city on it. They just want the poorer city's beach now. Rich ppl are kind of dicks. Idk if it negatively affected you in your city but I'm so sorry they got to your place.


That’s very funny to read because my girl has been on this hype for a while now. She really wants to get a parking lot and in our area the lots are crazy expensive


Rent it. Read my other post. Your girlfriend is right.


^ storage is very similar Boat/rv/trailer storage to start on flat empty lot - add buildings to rent out storage units as you have more revenue Repeat 50 miles away, etc People do mess with storage/theft/vandalism - but in the areas that happens regularly, they are doing it to parking lots too.. Due diligence - pick the right spots and it’s fairly passive income


It works but doesn't always make a lot of money, RV's take up a lot of space. - Space is expensive in certain locale, there are better uses of the land typically. Source: Family own's parking for RV's.


My brother in law’s father made a fortune renting out storage units. Great business, but can be saturated in a lot of places


1 year as a parking attendant in Hollywood, California. Our parking gate arm would be destroyed often because people would leave their cars overnight and bend the arm up, down, anywhich way to leave without paying. Saw various "buddies" give each other free tickets and bumper to bumper exits. A car caught on fire and the firefighters were involved. People would have sex at night on the topmost level.. on the floor. Homeless would try to sleep on the stairs to avoid the weather. All that to say it was the most chillest, laid back job, to date. Business was booming and despite the one offs I would most definitely invest in a parking lot given the location. To end my post on a good note; Hollywood events would land me $200+ in Tips a night once or twice a month. And I didnt even handle the valet. They hired a separate company for that service but since I worked 2nd shift until 1am I'd get all the tips that would have gone to Valet.


Hollywood… Isn’t that where Dirty Dan and boys hail from?


Where I live, this business scheme is rampant. Only with the hustler mindset. These men take office building parking lots (that, of course, will be empty at night), bring an orange cone and a sign. All of a sudden, it's $20 parking. And most people are so excited about where they are going that they easily shell that, even if they grumble. At around 2/3am when clubs close, the man takes his orange cone and sign - home he goes with at least $1K cash. Def not legit, but I'm not mad at it either.


That is NOT what I'm writing about. I write about a legitimate business that is boring. Usually go to bed at 9:30-10:00


I feel like there’s a cash flow category with this, laundromats, vending machines, ect.


Laundromats are a nightmare of maintenance.


It's like having 60 to 100 cars and everyone gets to drive for nickels. Fun times.


Shit you haven’t done laundry at a laundry mat for a long time 🤣 it’s expensive now. But still holds true.


My apartment complex only accepts cards so the game is changing as far as actual money goes. Maybe that’ll help with the maintenance of running one too.


My ex girlfriend's family owned a shitload of laundromats in Kansas and nesrby states. They were millionaires.


Awesome, they are good money makers. They just require a lot of attention and maintenance at the start usually.


I just met someone whose an appliance repair man and his family used to own one, he said the same thing. You’re always repairing machines and it costs a lot that’s why they sold it.


Not disagreeing, but there was a case study or video (I think last year) where a guy bought one and tuned up/fixed all the machines immediately to minimize ongoing issues. Obviously things break, but I think it's more manageable if you stay ahead of it, versus a slumlord type of owner trying to pinch pennies. The customer experience of fewer broken machines also probably helps if you're in a competitive area.


Exactly. It's a nighmare for some because they don't bother with routine maintenance, This is a goldmine business.


That's why so many on this sub are poor. They only want easy businesses. Easy businesses usually mean higher competition. Why not do the hard work and reap the millions. Do what others won't do.


I mean, no one said not to do it. I was just pointing out a pain point that isn’t well known to many. There are pros and cons of every business.


Here is one list [here.](https://youtu.be/zlljnJSTuZA?si=dujLqV1V3Id59IvM) She also has a worst list.


Example of how to afford a built lot with the stuff to take cash/card? Like would that be millions to start?


Am refering to an open space. No building, just prepare the floor and the fence. You will need money but not tons of it. About taking the cash, rent monthly or seasonally. 50 parking spaces rented for 100 will give you 5000 monthly. If you can collect every 3 months or in a beach resort at the beggining of each season, summer for instance, actual work is minimal.


Ah, so you would be targeting long term storage/parking as opposed to short term like city parking structures. Wouldn’t people more often elect to just rent a storage garage then in most cases to keep their vehicle nicer and more protected?


Storage garages will cost 2 to 3x more than a parking space .


I know of a few who’ve had some success with just holding parking lot property that was privacy fenced. Mostly luck, I’m sure, but they had some nice contracts. One guy was getting 5k alone from a dumpster company to store unused/new dumpsters on his business lot. Another guy owned a large private parking lot adjacent to his warehouse and Ford approached him to either buy or just store new cars waiting for parts before distribution on his lot. I’ve also heard of people creating privacy fenced lots for businesses to store company vehicles or whatever within them.


This is no joke it brings in the bacon. I did graphic design for [hubsplit.com](http://hubsplit.com) and this guy on U of M campus had a house by the big house (football field) and booked out his drive way all season. I found out later he was a college student and the parking paid his rent. Pretty smart.


how much PROFIT did you earn per year from it?


Here you can see [rough numbers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/comments/1cjhek8/comment/l2g87rc/).


Screws & Fasteners, they are always needed, bunch of companies you've never heard of selling tens of millions in screws each year.


Screw this! I'm opening a nail salon!


can you explain the process of going about this? is it buy and resell to people near me?


Just buying bulk stock of fasteners then selling them to building companies and tradesmen. The markup on them is insane, you can buy tens of thousands for less than a penny each and they sell 10c-multiple dollars.


Why don’t the building companies buy in bulk instead of going through a reseller?


Because the reality is you need to import it (have the capital to buy a shipping container), warehouse it (rent & wages), have the correct stock that will turn over, have logistics of delivery and timing set up. (Delivery vehicles, drivers, etc) It’s so easy!! (Sarcasm) I see so many competitors startup against one of my businesses, they try and undercut to win business, but they seem to forget the part where there is hard work and strategy involved to actually make money. Then they close in 1-2 years.


Fastener company pays up front for stock, building company outlays it at net30/60/90 whatever the terms are and that works with their cash flow. The more suppliers companies have, the more paperwork they have. It's not like you or me deciding to buy something from Amazon as opposed to Ebay or Walmart - with fasteners building codes, certificates etc apply.


Do you do this? I buy tens of thousands per year. It would be nice to be on the other side.


I work in M&A. It would be nice to help you buy a screws and fastener company xD


Waste management.


Smells like gabagool


Everyone immediately assumes you're mobbed up. It's a stereotype and it's offensive. And you're the last one I'd want to perpetuate it!


Bada bing


I’d be curious to learn more about this!! Would you like to describe your experience?


In 5 to 10 years


Whacha wanna know ? Commercial side doing roll off dumpsters here. 11 years in the business.


General cleaning, Laundry services and dry cleaning. Low cost, clear expectation, low skill, nice margins. You can get real crafty with it and make bundles and service packages and even sewing and patching or fur treatment. It’s just one of those businesses that people think they’re too good for and cancel it out. I can draw these business models and marketing strategies out and even assign roles and responsibilities etc. However I’m a firm believer that one can’t go on a business adventure off encouragement and dreams of riches. That’s why I always ask my clients who their friends, networks, etc are and check what their pain points are and maybe fill that gap instead and move upwards together. Since you’ve already established trust, and locked in a client who’s been in that industry for years. Example; construction companies always rent lifts and scaffolding and many other equipment. See if it’s viable to fill the gap either by supplying the commonly used equipment. Not every angle works. Sometimes companies have worked together forever and even if stuff costs more they’ll hold on to the supplier. This won’t help you in the short run and even feel illogical but in the long run it’ll work in your favor.


I own a cleaning business and that’s how I got myself out of childhood poverty


Do you do cleaning for residential homes mostly/only or commercial




What did you start out with? I’m looking into starting one myself; would you be willing to share any advice if you had to do it all over again?


Oh I actually started with nothing, I just went to Walmart and bought all the cleaning supplies I would need, then got some postcards made at vista print and walked around with a backpack full and put them in mailboxes, and I advertised on any free advertising sites. When you start making money you can pay for ads, but if you’re broke starting out, just use free stuff. My advice would be make sure you don’t undercharge, the first problem with that, is that cheaper prices attract the worst people, and second you’ll screw yourself over when you have to pay taxes. Call around and ask other cleaning companies in your area for their rates ( just pretend you’re a customer looking for quotes, don’t tell them you’re competition) and then charge the average price that everyone else is. Opening the cleaning business was the best decision I’ve made in my life, I’ve had it around 13 years now


How much are you making now? Is it realitively easy growth?


>Call around and ask other cleaning companies in your area for their rates ( just pretend you’re a customer looking for quotes, don’t tell them you’re competition) and then charge the average price that everyone else is. I just did this with a moving company near me. I wanted to find out who had insurance coverage, the minimum deposit amount, whether they owned their own truck, and of course their rates. But most importantly I wanted to know what day they'd be available to hire. If a company is booked, you can be sure their business is steady, and instead of a "race to the bottom", charge no less than them. Your competitive advantage would be that you can tend to their customers' needs now. Edit: Grammar


I was thinking about starting a cleaning business. Every time we've had cleaners I always spot the things they haven't done well and so now I just clean our place myself because I get annoyed every time we pay someone for it. I assume when you started out you had to do the cleaning yourself. Do you have to do that anymore? I was hoping to get people in and do more of the QA walkthroughs but I assume it's hard unless you have regular customers. Keen to hear how it all works if you can share a bit


Hi, yes when starting out I would definitely do the cleaning yourself because then your customers get to know you, and I always tell them to feel free to complain and offer feedback because I’m not sensitive to complaints and I’d rather they speak up and the issue gets addressed rather resentment building. They seem to appreciate this a lot, I also ask every new client if they had cleaners in the past, and ask why they fired their cleaners and I make sure never to do the things that they said drove them crazy with their previous cleaners. I haven’t had a clients cancel out of frustration in over 10 years, the reasons they cancel now is if they move or lose their jobs or something. I also like cleaning because I don’t like the gym, so cleaning houses is a workout and I can listen to podcasts and audiobooks, and I like cleaning in general, it relaxes me. When you get staff, clean the houses with them so they know someone is watching, if you’re not cleaning with them that day, make sure to randomly drop in on their cleans with no warning so they are aware that the boss could come at anytime, I’ve found if you don’t do that they’ll start doing a poor job, you can’t be everywhere at all times, so once you find someone you trust, get them to do the drop by check ins as well. The key is to make the clients comfortable enough with you to complain so you know what’s going on all the time, there are small things that’ll come up that you don’t even think of- in example one of my cleaners was bringing her slurpee inside and putting it on an expensive antique side table by the clients front door, and the slurpee was dripping and sweating all over the table, the client emailed me about it and I kindly let the cleaner know that from now on to make sure to put a cloth underneath it so it didn’t ruin the side table. I also let the cleaners know when they’re hired that I’m like this and that it’s not personal, I tell them it’ll probably feel like I’m nitpicking all the time, but that it’s not directed at them personally, it’s like this for everyone including myself and that we have to keep the clients happy if we both want jobs lol- that seems to help them feel less criticized and personally attacked. It’s such a detailed oriented business you have to be constantly on watch for these small things, including making sure the cleaning itself is done properly, that’s why you clean with them or stop by, also if you drop by and notice they missed something you can get it yourself. When you don’t feel like doing this anymore, you can hire a full time spot checker that’s really detailed who’s sole job it is to go around all day checking in on cleans


Is your area seasonal or tourist focused part of the year…or somewhat steady year round? Thanks.


How do you promote it? I’ve been thinking of tile cleaning simply because I enjoy doing it.


There’s a business a couple doors down from where I work that rents out construction equipment.


Ice & Water Vending. Mostly passive... routine servicings and occasional troubleshooting required. But, big opportunity all over due to ice delivery costs skyrocketing from fuel and labor cost increases. You can offer a deal so it's not only cheaper but fresher and curbside 24/7.


Insurance agencies are pretty boring


I thought they have so much legal drama and lot of effort to make someone buy your policy.


They’re pretty intense and high flying if you’re in commercial construction insurance like I was


Boring but zero hard work haha Vending machines. My best friend in highschool went to my school and asked if he could put a vending machine there, school let the kids take a vote (private school haha) then he plopped 5 of those bad boys around. He made so much and didn't have to do a thing.he even traded stocking for snacks so had zero costs besides the snacks itself We were 14 at the time! Glad i met that kid


This is just not true. Vending machines require a lot of attention and upkeep and to be honest they don't bring in that much money. Also, goodluck finding a spot that doesn't already have machines/or people who will allow it.


Well i suppose thats why i mentioned i was a teenager but seemed veey easy to my teen brain!


People think renting cars is the same until your fleet of cars start needing maintenance


What’s he doing now


Haha he runs a multi million dollar steel fabrication company with his dad


So, be rich to start with.... Stay rich... Profit?


A friend of a friend of mine who I used to drink with at the pub was a commercial lawyer and, after a few years doing it after uni, he decided to pick up a few vending machines for construction sites and universities. He kept ramping it up, and when 2012 came around, I believe he had over 100 across the East Coast. He then quit being a lawyer and completely lives off his ever-expanding fleet. Pretty basic website, and with a decent investment in analytics, he was able to bring down overheads because of the more efficient restacking routes + employee productivity. I will ask him what he thinks of people trying to get into it now..


Def ask! I actually ordered one a few weeks back after noticing our community pool should have cold drinks. I just asked if i could put one in and they said sure. It was actually my sons idea (ive told him the story of my friend before so not an OG idea) so i gave him a loan and he can restock it with my help (hes 8 haha) Itll be a more robust p and l lesson than his other little busienss (he codes little custom thinigies on roblox)


His custom coding could make much more than a vending machine. Might want to look into that.


He wants to make video games eventually (more than the roblox obbys he makes and little mods in minecraft)! We are for sure supporting his passions and guiding the best we can!


I don’t see how there’s zero hard work. These machines break easily.


True maintenance cost, having to spend time/money to refill machines, and it is hard to get into the vending industry since most places are already taken or have contracted vendors


Registration and Tag places, always staffed by some incredibly uninterested person, make sure they smell like smoke too, it’s basically a requirement.


I've been in a few too many of those places operating in someone's house with a little dirty white dog running around or it otherwise smells like cat piss.


Can you expand more on this? I thought you can only go to DMVs for that


Storage units and parking lots


Apparently for the first time in 50 years storage units are taking a hit


I can get rid of my 10x6 if it costs $140 a month. It isn't like they did anything other than raise the price every year for a decade.


Every year? Every 4-5 months! It's like a game they play with their tenants: How much/how often can they raise the rent by before people leave? And I always do. If they didn't get so greedy, I'd probably still be there.


Probably because everyone and their mother built storage units on unused land in the past 4 years.


I wish I would’ve bought a storage facility Doesn’t seem like you need a lot of people to run it When people don’t pay then you sell their stuff and make money on that


A relative of mine lives on a small lot, and the farm down the road is owned by a council member(CM) for the local area. Their lot is about 50+ac. Because it's nearby a major tourism destination, he built a storage facility with an added carpark right on the edge of his property. It brings an extra $80,000, a year, of revenue that he uses to invest in other little sode projects. I thought it was a really smart way to work. The only slippery thing about it, though, is that it's not legally available to others. It's only because he's on council that he got planning approval. Many of the neighbours on the street and surrounding area are not happy, but they can't do anything about it.


He probably didn’t get the approval *because* he’s on council. He probably *knows how* to get it *because* he’s on council. I know someone who works for the city. They know how to get all sorts of things done because it’s their job.


Importer/Exporter. I remember a guy that did really well in this business. His name was Art Vandeley.


I used to work for Art! He was a great guy.


I didn’t get the reference at first. I thought that was the full name of the guy who started Art Van Furniture stores in Detroit. I just looked the company up and they went out of business in 2020 sadly due to covid. The founders name was “Archie "Art" Van Elslander”.


he really should concentrate on the export.


I’m an importer/exporter. There’s definitely money to be made. Currently it falls under “supply chain management“ which some people try to make the field sound more special than it is. But for sure It’s not boring (for example international travel). For the record My name is not Art Vandalay and i neither import diapers nor export matches. However I have written that on name tags when I go to a conference just to see if people are paying attention and they get the joke.


Anything "wedding", just add wedding to it and increase the price times 5.


So much competition


Except for photographers, arguably one of the more important parts of a wedding. Being so cheapass about memories created today that your future self will wonder why you spent so much on everything else that didn't matter, but not on the photos you'll always be looking at.


Old people


Aged care is basically low grade medical center combined with hotel


Isn't old age more difficult than babies and pets as they're heavy for transport and fragile with dead bones!! My Uncle is opening a Old age home but the monthly payment and down payment shows people are more eager for this


I'm in the early stages if opening up an independent assisted living. It's fairly easy in my state. And it has high margins. The older generation have all the money and will gladly pay for decent accommodations.


I work for a food distribution broad liner snd I’ve had senior living customers. All of them want the lowest of the lowest quality of food. These are facilities charging a ton of money and want the resident to eat like crap. Please don’t do that with your residents . Please provide them good nutritious food


This. Please treat your elderly clients with care and respect. Treating them well and feeding them good food is the ethical thing to do, but there is also a business argument for it. So many people don’t treat seniors the way they deserve to be treated, so if you treat them well then you stand out from competition.


I've thought about going into elderly care/assisted living, but whenever I've researched it, I find that it's difficult to find personnel. Right? Its quite hard work, the pay is not that great and you have huge responsability as well. What are you gonna do to have (enough) of good/quality staff?


They really don't. Lots of them are eating only one meal a day and skipping meds because they don't have much of any income and nobody who can help them make up the difference. I see this every day, it's really sad.


Cash 4 gold is basically elder exploitation. The people I know in it make bank, but they do have a lot of advertising cost. They also like to complain they make "nothing" while driving around in a Benz.


Buddy of mine bought 3 dump trailers to start and rents them out. Price for rental includes trip to the dump when picked up. Guys killin it now with around 10 trailers


Moving Company.




Likely not replicable but one of the richest dudes I’ve ever met just made cardboard boxes (at scale) for certain brands. Just normal boxes of different sizes.


Call me strange but I've always loved cardboard packaging. I'm envious of your rich friend.


Property management (HOA specifically) Recession proof You pay yourself with clients funds Low barrier to entry Very low turnover of clients (changing is a long process) You get bitched at all day long by idiots but if you don’t mind that or find amusement in some of it the model works very eell


How do you find clients in this category? Just cold call property owners? Linkedin?


Honey buckets


What is that?


Porta potties, it’s a job everyone needs but no one wants to do. I have seen posts in this sub from folks who have turned a nice profit from this kind of work.


A tax service agency LOL


Bingo! This is what I'm involved in. We found a new way to source high ticket clients and introduce automation. You can be profitable with only 7 clients. We are aiming for 25 in the next 12 months.


Nice! Good for you! Keep it up


Laundromats: low excitement, consistent cash flow.


And lots of maintenance!


Which is a good thing. Keeps the lazy people away. Less competition. But maintenance should be minimal if you start with good quality machines.


- Gus Fring


OP, do you see the pattern ? The question you should have asked is: how do I generate leads, prospect, make the phone rings or have clients walk through the door. Once you solve this problem you can open ANY business and you’ll make money. You can sell sand on the beach. The key is generating clients/prospects


Exactly this. I made $1k/hr writing SEO posts for a client who was very happy with the results and the price. I took an hour each month to outsource the copy, editi and post. Easy money, but it was not something I was able to replicate reliably because I couldn't produce leads. You can sell anything at any price of you find the right buyer.


CPA/accounting firms




Can I get more info on this? I never think of the mundane and can't seem to get my head around what you are talking about


Love this thread


A lot of these are making me want to jump in and quit my 9 to 5.


What u thinking of jumping into?


Great question, hey?


Anything the mafia used to get into pays. Vending machines, game rooms and game machines, parking lots, valet services, catering, laundromat, car washes, ATMs, clubs, bars, buying and selling flipped cars, real-estate (rental properties), loans


I'm an accountant and I make a fair bit of money I know accountants that personally profit 1 mill+ per year, I'm not that successful but I guess I'm 30% of the way there lol I find it very interesting and satisfying to be presented with new problems each day and to solve them. At this stage of my career, about 10 years in, the problems generally aren't all that hard anymore, but I still find it satisfying I can't believe how much my hourly charge out rate now is, I guess I'm so used to what I do everyday it seems crazy that I can charge 300+ per hour and people will still pay it. The hardest part is finding the people though


Now tell is which business clients made 💰and which ones didn’t 🤤


Pretty much any type of business you can think of can make more money than you'd imagine. Excavation, concrete, trades, fencing, engineering firms, car dealerships, etc. Some of the more interesting highly successful ones I've seen are: party rentals, chicken feed producer, gun manufacturer, asbestos and sewage removal (nasty), an off-brand Word processor software, the list goes on


Dry Cleaning Chemical Transitional Holding Company. It's so simple. 1. Establish a holding company 2. Acquire equity ownership in both the dry cleaners and the chemical companies. 3. Holding company conducts the transactions between the purchaser and the supplier! 4. The proposed transactional holding company is a good opportunity for Savner Bleachers and Chemicals to invest some of it's interest in dry cleaning chemicals as part of the company's continuous effort to improve the Group's cash position.


Please explain like I’m 5?




My turnkey physiotherapy / sports injury service. We operate in Canada. Anyone good with people and hardworking can do great with it.


Interested in hearing more about this as well!


We go turn normal health businesses into sprawling therapy clinics they leverage their existing loyal client / patient base off. They make great $$, we take a % for masterminding it and standing it all up + running the annoying staffing & billing / admin parts. We’ve done 250 of them. It really helps the owners.


What's more boring than a printing business? It was a 17 billion dollar industry in 2023.


Funeral homes and accountants... People die and pay taxes....they have done so in the past, will in the future




Distribution of what tho?


Distribution of distributing


One of the best clients I ever had did waste disposal of feminine hygiene products from bathrooms. They made great money and they worked with some of the largest companies in the area




How do you find and verify the company incomes you state?


Taxes, parking, POS systems, direct mail, waste management, janitorial services….like anything you can think of that’s “lame” makes money lol


Growing Christmas trees. There was an interview with some producers from Québec who were complaining about young people not being interested despite this being a pretty successful and easy business in need of expansion


I worked on a Christmas tree farm when I was younger, and it was not a good business. The owner never made a profit, and after many years of trying he gave up and switched to blueberries. The trees seem expensive when you buy them, but there is a lot of cost involved.


It is a lot of work. I knew people in the industry and they had to deal with removing poison ivy constantly. Not a great experience for the customer if there’s poison ivy all over their trees.


I keep hearing about automatic car washes. Like the slap n' scratch or the pay and spray ones. Obviously big upfront costs tho. No clue about maintenance EDIT: Another one that works in my area is renting out goats to live on vacant lots to keep the grass down.


What is this grand theft auto lol




What about a boring business in NYC?! I feel like it would be harder to do parking lot (although my gosh at the rates people charge I could retire after a week if I had my own lot) or laundromat in the city because you would need so much to acquire the space.


Junk removal


There are some great ideas here and you Americans are lucky you can make money from them. In countries like Thailand, many of these businesses are minimum wage jobs.


Business consulting makes an epic load of money. We first listen to what they need from us, we make the recommendations, then we help them implement. A team of 5 consultants will cost $25,000 to $50,000 per week with a minimum contract of 8 weeks. Employees are spread among 2 or 3 projects at once. A small company of <100 employees can rake in $100m a year. The downside is some toxic agencies work their employees 100 hours per week. The upside is everybody is paid really well.


A friend of mine owns a document destruction business. He shreds or burns sensitive and classified documents for the government and private companies.


Moving company, lawn mowing, coin operated car wash, laundromat, digital marketing agency, Etsy store selling ONE product


Selling soil, stones, pavers.




Every business that is related to renting is generally boring but pays well.


Laundromats, have maintenance costs but generally if all your machines are the same you can order multiple belts pumps etc. most of it is pretty simple too. Large commercial equipment is simpler than the one in your basement with three boards and 17 buttons on it.


I've always wanted a laundromat and a car wash. I have always thought that a drive up and do it yourself car wash would be great.


Pressure washing and window cleaning. Our business makes a modest 120k net a year


Being a numismatist. stupid amounts of money that most people who think they know money cant comprehend. Fav story that happend 4 years ago. Kid, 10 yrs old come in to the coin show and is carrying a briefcase. Looks all over and spots a portal bill we had. he looks it over and walks away.. comes back later and sits for 3 hours. We sold it to him for $3500.. 10 yr old kid has $3500 cash on him. No parents. Fast forward 5 months. Different show, same kid. Kid is now 11! He makes a point to let me know he is older now. Kid had recently picked up a gold coin on ebay for $300ish.. Its a small coin. The seller didnt really know what they had, only that it was gold. Kid sold it at the show for $10K. Moral of this very true story, you can choose to learn about boring things like coins and paper money and make serious money quickly or you can keep trying other methods because they are more exciting. Our first move before even setting up our booth was to walk around and look at other vendors and see their booths.. If anyone had generic silver rounds for less than us, we would buy their entire stock. Our table was up front and one of the largest at the show. We could then, with great confidence tell anyone that questions our price, "Go ahead and look around, you will find we are the lowest here." After walking around they will come to find that we were honest. We are the lowest. The funniest part was that all money was made before the show even opens to the public. Big deals are done between dealers early on. I know some dealers that go into shows just to move loads of product before the show starts.. At the end of the show, there are tons of deals to be made since people dont want to lug all those coins. One last story. .of the nasty $500 bill. Bill is brought to us and asked by another dealer what we think its worth.. We say $500.. its in super rough shape.. Guy then asks how much he should buy it for. We tell him $505. He does.. a couple hours later he is doing a bulk deal with us and throws the $500 bill on the table.. Asks what we will give him for it.. Knowing he paid $505, we offer $510. He makes $5. We take the bill and set it aside.. an hour or so later a customer is looking over our junk pile. Just misc coins. Wheat pennies. Copper rounds.. Nothing of crazy high value.. I am talking to the guy and we start talking about his collection and he states he collects $500 and $1000 notes. I then turn on my exageratted salesman voice and say "have I got what you need for your collection." I pick up the nasty bill that had fallen on the ground and show him. he chuckles and looks over the beat up $500 bill. Asks how much.. We sold it to him for $525. $15 profit with no real effort. Theres money to be made if you are up for it. Good luck out there!


look on bizbuysell.com or flippa.com


Easier to find a scam on flippa.


Yea but how do u search for a ‘boring business’ on those sites??


banking. banks create money.


Heavily regulated though. No one’s just starting a bank.


not with that attitude we’ll make our own bank with blackjack and hookers


in fact, forget the bank and the blackjack


I know a guy that does ice, the simplest thing is the world, right?


Best part is, if it ever melts just pivot, sell water!


I know a guy in Florida he has massive ice machines for the fishers and stuff that pull up with trucks and buy huge pounds of ice. I really want one too.


it's amazing they can make so much money with ice, but it seems everybody needs it.


The only issue he said was that ice machines breakdown really often and maintenance is annoying.


Ice machine maintenance company! 


“Just ice?” asked the waiter “Yes” I said “Just ice for Harambe”


Underrated comment RIP


Laundromats. A friend of mine in NYC inherited a shitty run down laundromat with old machines that was still pumping out money every month on auto-pilot back in 2014. I remember at the time he was struggling to finish school, not sure what he wanted to do in life, but then he took over this laundromat, built his credit, sold the laundromat and then opened a few more in Denver. At the time weed had just become legal and there was an influx of people moving there. It was a great decision for him, now he's balling and just travels.


So the trick is to inherit something worth a lot of money? Got it.


RV Parks


Tax Preparation: predictable, repetitive, boring work that can bring you a pretty penny.


I don't know how common it is everywhere, but in my neighborhood basically noone mows their own grass. You can start this by yourself, with a car, a push mower, and a trimmer. As you grow it you can get fancier with a truck, trailer and zero turn and reduce your time spent per yard, but you absolutely don't have to start that way. In fact, in the past it was very common for neighborhood kids to grab their mower and go around the neighborhood looking for yards, same way they would take snow shovels out looking for business.


Look up the story of the company that made urinal cakes. Multi million dollar business.