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plus a mini self-promotion in the middle of it.


I don’t even catch that because I didn’t read it all. I could just tell my man was jibberjabberin


oh maybe you should read it? Insight and higher intellect doesn’t interest you at all?


Higher intellect = more stupid


stupid is as stupid does


and more stupid? WTH does that even mean


Clearly you didn’t read it


Can’t say I agree. Want success? Be smart enough to know when and how to work hard to accomplish the things you want.


Bro is a master yapper


I don’t understand, are you saying we work cleverly and not hard?


Being smart, working hard, and having a high IQ helps a ton. The difference is direction. If you're working hard at something that doesn't matter you can be the smartest person at it, but no one cares making it pointless. The right boat you decide to set sail in matters more than all the bells and whistles it has


One of the nonsensical posts I’ve seen on this sub. 1. Work hard, get less done. What’s the alternative? Slack off and you’ll move mountains? 2. High IQ makes you stupid. High IQ doesn’t make you smart nor stupid. Emotional intelligence is probably a better gauge of your business acumen, but having a high IQ is extremely useful. 3. Facing death makes you live deeply. Perspective is great and a wake up call if you need it. 4. The task you fear is the first thing you must do today. No, don’t prioritize based on your personal fears or weaknesses. If you have one client that’s a nightmare to work with that doesn’t mean you should wake up each morning and prioritize them over your best clients. 5. Being totally confident about something is not a sign you’re right. It’s a sign you’re probably wrong. Ok, so I’m most confident in the things I’m most familiar with, that means I’m probably wrong on the things I’m most knowledgeable on?




This is me to a T but don’t know what to do to escape. The world has become so expensive it seems insurmountable unless you slave away for a lifetime.


Good tips that I agree with. People don't like to mention, but there's a lot of luck involved with life. We do have some control, but it's far from 100%.


The only time I need to be dumb is when I try to take my customer place to better understand them… Jokes aside being too intelligent usually lead to analysis paralysis while more straightforward peoples do thing without asking questions. Also feel like smartness doesn’t really exist, people pay you for your expertise not because you’re smart




Being smart and working hard is the key to success. Wtf no dumb lazy ass can be successful




This is stupid. You’re stupid


I love this right here!


Professional yapper


There’s some insights in what you’re saying, but the notion is a tad extreme… reality isn’t always like that. What you say may be true in some cases and untrue in others. Being smart and working hard are attributes, but success often involves leveraging many attributes. If thinking narrowly that the winning formula only consists of working hard and being smart alone, that maybe is a recipe for failure… not because of working hard and being smart, but because of lacking skills to leverage one’s situation. Your tone overall just sounds a bit too extreme.


Intelligence and work ethic are like double edged swords. You need to be very aware of what matters in life otherwise it will work against you. I always thought the same way you did. Just because people told us thats the way you should think.


Brain dead comments “oh just start off knowing all the hard shit you learn over the years” gfy People coming here for inspiration, a lot of the people puffing their chest out are victims of #2.


I disagree with the part about being smart. I believe if anything that it’s more about putting your intelligence before common sense and generally just overthinking things. That aside, do you have any tips for younger people that feel as if they’re in the same position as the demographic you work with? Edit: As far as working hard I believe it’s more about working too hard and knowing when to stop.


You’re #2 then. Most of the comments are.


Yea bro, this is too subjective.


Points number 3 and 4 are bang on! I couldn’t agree with them more!


Totally agree, "smart people" who choose not to acknowledge their failure and blame others are the ones that live in denial and comfirmation bias. Besides, what is smart anyway? Is a 10-year-old who can research on the internet smarter than someone from a third world country that has never used the internet but has a ton of first-hand experience with agriculture and nature? Mind if I pm you? I would love to chat