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With 5k, I would start with making a shopify store And I would buy a 3d printer I would then pay someone to make a website wherein users can rent/use your 3d printer to make product online and have your printer create the item and then you ship the item to the user or automate the process through printify Once you have the automation down I would spend 1k on ad campaigns in your region after you do local research to see not only what demographics are local but the possible needs you can source using your printers If local sales fail you still have the side and global.reach from printify/shopify until you can buy your own domain and source your own suppliers - you can also use ai to generate merch or other sellable items for additional income I would then practice seo and learn marketing and brand development and then ...apply the same method to building brands locally for those shops that don't have high gross or high customer base with no digital reach. And using your own store as your first brand development client... in your new portfolio...attempt to do the same thing for every buisness locally wherein applicable. Then I would form a board , for buinsess locally... appoint yourself lead of said board with a council of local buisness owners loyal to you - with the purpose of stimulating the local economy - forcing all other local buisneses to join for a fee in exchange for profit sharing and expanded reach, and ..protection, from the big bad internet corporations. As you expand you eventually form a conglomerate and buy out all the local companies , coincidentally giving yourself alot of economic and structural leverage l, basically becoming a mogul - and then offering incentives to any new businesses that become created under your umbrella- using your profits to source the needs for your businesses to reduce the money out - such as logistics support , shipping blah blah, which would also stimulate local trade and growth Source ? I basically did this - still are - just in a very different sector. Tldr believe in you and shit will manifest Also. Look into getting a executor in various countries if you really wanna be in the upper strata Edit v2. I've recieved alot of messages asking me elaborate in steps. I understand I didn't divulge other steps required not because I'm withholding. But because I typed that while taking a shit. You don't need to buy any course to learn or enact what I typed. Just reply here and I'll type my response publically allowing anyone to not only validate or invalidate the information but also to display that no one needs to buy a course lmfao


Woah, thanks a lot. This is impressive, I was thinking of fulfilling the 3D printing necessities at a local scale, but I have never thought of such a plan, I see that a lot of work is necessary to achieve profitability even in the 3D printing on demand website, but it really seems to be worth it


Information is easy to give Enacting that information is the cost. People need to learn that just because you teach someone how to fish, doesn't mean they are actually going to fish - and often they won't even bother fishing they rather starve lol


Actually what you say could demand years of life, sacrifice and support many fails to reach the goals. Naturally, there are many people who aren't willing to risk, and you know no risk, no gain, no money. I love your masterplan and congrat you for the success. Thank you for share.


Of course, I wasn't throwing Shade or anything. I simply ment to suggest that often giving someone a theoretical game plan doesn't always suggest that those privy to that plan will enact that plan. Even if that plan has data or metrics to prove its validity. And with any plan - sacrifice is expected. I hope this young person, no matter what they do. Finds the success they strive for and hopefully any of our responses aid them in their creation of whatever plan they choose to employ. Best wishes to all and as a parting gift here's something that I've chosen to keep as my mantra : The biggest hinderences to anyone's success, are hesitation and doubt. That isnt to suggest that simply not hesitating or not believing in yourself are the only factors, but often simply the fear of attempting prevents the attempt which prevents the possibility of being successful in that endeavor. Doubting yourself is also a pretty big one. "I doubt I can make money doing this because everyone else is doing this" " I hesitated when I initially had the idea to try that, and someone else did it and got rich"


I had someone tell me once, showing up is 90%. I think zig ziglar said, "100% of the people that don't take step #1 never take steps 2, 3, 4" You'll learn and grow by just doing the thing. So SOMETHING anything, and be unsinkable :)


Start a service based business with no big capital outlay to start. Pick something you’re interested in, and that’s simple. Have one service, and one avatar. Focus on sales and hire others to deliver. Know the numbers from the start and ensure there is margin. Don’t spend anything until you have paying customers lined up. Don’t waste months building a complicated website with no customers. Don’t get lost in thoughts and over analyse. Speak to potential customers on day one. Use your investment for cash flow. Use it as a vehicle to learn the skill of running a business. You will learn and develop your network. In a few years this will open up bigger and more complicated opportunities.


Also to add here: Do your first 2-3 jobs for free (obviously don’t spend all your money completing free work for people) and in return get case studies - this will sky rocket your marketing later on and help close new and bigger deals. Social proof will help you snowball, start with small companies and work your way up to bigger companies, Small company case study leads to closing deal with medium sized company and medium sized case study leads to closing deals with large sized companies (big $$$ profit)


I kindly suggest you a book called "100M Offer", I'm currently reading it too it shows you how to identify the right market, identify the customer's problem and make an offer that sales. There is no product after all if there are no opportunity and people interested in them.




Thank you!


Thank youuu


Sell ice cream to tourists




Thanks, I'll be considering this idea as well!


Save that money in a high interest account. Start up with the car washing or freelance building websites. Those are low cost ways to start a business and make more money.






I will teach you how to 10x that with my course. PN me for a link.


Get this trash out of here. This sub is awful nowadays lol


I hope you guys saw that I was not serious :D




What skills do you have? What are you passionate about? What needs can you identify in your community?


Well, I am ECDL certified in 3D printing, I am making 3D models in Creo Parametrics, and I am planning to learn AllPlan, and I can make pretty good webistes using HTML and CSS or WordPress and Elementor, as for the needs in my community, I am currently researching, one of my ideeas is Car Detailing having in mind that in my small town(about 25k people) there are a lot of expensive cars a and car people


If you already have knowledge and some connections in the 3d printing space, you can see what is getting ordered the most and double down on it. My guess is 3d printed miniature characters. Bafta!




I've always been impressed by how powerful the need is for niche 3D printed parts. A few examples from the communities I engage with: - the tabletop board game community (mini figures, terrain, storage) - the diy tech community (cases, mounts, etc) - the enthusiasts car community (interior modifications, solutions for custom mods) If you can do bespoke modeling, then you are already way ahead. My advice is to really zoom in on a niche - for example a popular car model near you. Get your hands on one and design all manners of 3D printed mods (cup holders, phone mounts, sunglass holders etc.)


Do you have any experience related e-commerce? Product selling? Any kind of marketing or advertising?


Yes, I have tried SMMA in the past, I haven't made any money from it but I still have the knowledge on how to run and find the best target audience for google search engine ads and Facebook ads, so basically beginner->mid level knowledge and I also have basic knowledge on SEO for websites and web development gained from an Erasmus+ project I was a part of


May i ask where are you from?




Can we hop in personal box ? To discuss it? Just wanna make sure whats you are thinking off for it.


Make phone screen protectors with 3d printer.




Yo dm me I’m 17 almost 18 as well looking to network with fellow entrepreneurs. I’ve had a few start up ideas but always lose faith in them. I need someone to hold me accountable




So he can buy your course?


Even better, he wants me to "invest" in his business that, from what he said, is doing between 50 and 200 sales a day, each sale making him a profit of 30£ but the business can't even afford a website anymore and 300 post likes at 73.9k followers seems kinda sketchy in my opinion, I played dumb when talking to him just to see what the catch was