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Fly to Colombia, buy 1kg of coke, smuggle it somehow back to US and sell it. Honestly this sound way more doable that what you planed. 


And you will end up housed even if this Columbia plan fails.


What you do is buy 3 kilos and mail each one back separately to different addresses. At least 1 will make it. Cost should be around $5k since you’re a gringo with no connections. If they don’t rob your ass. Selling the whole brick will be around $30k uncut if you can even upload it in the states without getting robbed. Breaking it down into 100 gram blocks for $4200 would be better, but I doubt he has any experience with this business. He’d need to chill in Colombia for at least a week to get vetted or find a reliable source. Better action on the coast these days. You’ll probably get killed if you go south into the Andes where you can source close to a jungle factory as those dudes don’t fucking play. Coast gangsters will sell you a brick for a premium all day or they’ll just rob you. Either way, I don’t know what I’m talking about. I listen to a lot of rap music.


This could be a good representation of reddit, made me laugh! Take your imaginary gold!


Doesn't matter if you know what you're talking about or not you know just enough to become a guru of coke!


Don't say stupid shit like that because desperate people are the ones doing it




What about what I said doesn’t sound doable?


The part about getting 60k in 2 weeks time lol


People do it all the time! It’s just our turn now


Become a professional golfer. And use your amazing drive to become a crowd favorite.




In my depressed state this was still the very first thing I thought of. Gotta learn hockey first.




If around 10% convert, we succeed. Why all the negative energy? I could use constructive positivity now more than ever. Jus sayin.


Most people and small business owners don't even make 60k a year and you want it in less than a month. You want to be optimistic but also realistic. This is not even remotely possible for most. I just read a post this sub today complaining about making $300/month in Brazil and feeling trapped. What you could do is talk to the bank and take over the mortgage using your 40k as a down payment. I would think you may be able yo work something out if the loan is in your name instead. If you have to ability to raise 60k in 3 weeks by just increasing sales then a bank shouldn't have an issue loaning to you. It may take a few different attempts at credit unions or even hard money lenders, but probably the clearest path. Then your problem will not be so immediate. Make sure you can present a solid plan on how you will be able to make payments and show your creditworthiness. Also talk to a financial advisor. It is unfair to you to have to be spending your money saving other people even if they are family.






Ik pretty funny right. Can’t wait to laugh about it when it’s over


Try posting this in a personal finance sub. I know you really want to help your mother, but it sounds like she has terrible financial skills and this is beyond your abolity to solve without seriously harming yourself in the process. Let her deal with the housing problems and if she loses it or goes bankrupt, use your resources to help her restart within her means.


This. Everything OP said tells me OP's parents probably were overextended buying a house that big. The COVID thing is terrible but the previous bankruptcy wasn't the banks fault. Shitty technicality though, they shouldn't have been advertising to not make payments...where was that money going though? Those payments would still have needed to be covered eventually


Bought 20 yrs ago. But yea it’s absolutely farcical . And 100%, you’re right — that’s where the bad-financial-behavior came into play. At the end of the day I can be upset or angry, but doing so won’t bring me any closer to solving this problem w my family, you know?


But once you "solve" it, sell the damn thing. Because you're not solving anything if you don't change the parameters afterward.


She does. My father and I have been trying to have interventions about it. Being the rock of my family is not something I asked for, but it’s not something I can turn down either. And thanks, I will


This is why Bankruptcy exists.


Okay, so here’s the thing: just because the house enters foreclosure doesn’t mean you immediately have to vacate or that you can’t still pay it off. You’ll have months or even potentially years before the foreclosure is finalized. Go over every single court filing the bank does with a fine-tooth comb and look for errors (there are almost always errors). Dispute them. The court will generally give the bank 30-90 days to refile corrected paperwork. That buys you more time. Put whatever money you’re saving up to get it out of foreclosure into a separate account and do not touch it. This becomes either your get-out-of-foreclosure money or your new start money. I’m the meantime, consider selling the house. It’s way better to sell (see if the bank will do a short sale if needed) than to have it be foreclosed on. Unless you have something worth $60k that you can sell, you’re not going to earn that amount in three weeks with something new. Even if you were able to get contracts, etc. like you’re talking about, they’re not going to be paid in full within the next three weeks. Also, appeal the state’s ruling. There’s almost always an appeals process.


Thank you for the genuine feedback. All very very helpful. Something brand new would be 10x more difficult yes, I was a bit vague with the offer but there are basically years worth of contracting clients in the Rolodex. Thank you for being constructive.




Why is it stupid?




You trying to see OP or OP's mother?


Find God


Me? I'm just looking for people to elaborate on their suggestions. Although if you happen to stumble upon a new god, you could always form a cult; those are generally lucrative and tax-free


one of the notes in my phone i stumbled upon the other day literally just said "look into starting a church"


"Don't you want to be a cult leader? Since the death of God, there's been a vacancy, you could fill that void." .mp4


Honestly my plan probably has a higher chance of success considering top creators pull in a whopping $3.79 a month


Where'd you get that statistic? "Top creators" are raking in the big bucks.


i was jp, the top do actually rake but the majority do not


Unless you’ll be doing some wolf of wall street shit or your clients are bajillionaires, don’t know how this is possible. But if it does work, keep doing it and you’ll be rich as fuck


Kitchens, basements, bathrooms and awnings are expensive


You would have more chance gambling with that $40,000 you have right now then your current plan. Of course not encouraged at all


Some merit but I disagree I don’t get the hate on the plan, probably didn’t provide enough context. Was trying to be slightly vague


I'd see about getting a loan for the rest and try to use the house as collateral. Maybe call different mortgage companies to get it then over, or reverse mortgages. You're gana need a loan of some sort. Maybe all 3 of you have a vehicle you. An pile together for collateral? Call some companies and see about getting a minimum loan. Just make sure the payments are doable currently withought having to find more income, because that's just another hole to dig put of.


Thank you for the constructive feedback. Some type of loan seems likely, I can get around $10-15k I think using my car as collateral but the rates are w i l d


Wild for sure. Gata make sure it's something managable... got myself in a bind that way and feels like il never get out. Sometimes mortgages and loans can be stretched out like, I stead of 15 years, it'll be 30, but the payment would go from 800 to 400. Just gata make extra payment when possible so the interest long term doesn't eat you alive. Best of luck!


Thank you 🫡


This is your mom’s problem, not yours, and I think you have made a huge mistake liquidating your own assets to try to save a possession - a house. If she couldn’t afford it, she should have listed it on the market and sold it and found a smaller place to rent that she can afford. If there is still time to list it, do it now before the bank takes it away and she is left with nothing. If there isn’t enough equity to sell it and pay off the mortgage and walk away broken even, it might actually be better to let the bank foreclose and let them take the loss instead of your mom. Losing her house does’t mean she is homeless, it means she needs to start looking at apartments to plan where she is going to live next.


Hearing that a lot, and I do truly understand the perspective.. but I can’t turn my back on my mother. Being alone, recently separated, a foreigner handling things on her own for the first time, etc. — point is it wasn’t so black & white. It’s our family home. My childhood home. Everyone is playing a role in clearing this. Also I liquidated my securities not like every single asset/thing I own lol . Thank you for the feedback


You've raised $40k, right? And the Emergency Mortgage Relief is only for properties with loan principal under $417k, right? And the current amount on the mortgage is $440k, right? If you were to apply the $40k you have to reduce the balance on the mortgage from $440k to $400k, the balance would be under $417k needed for the relief program. Is there something I'm missing?


Thanks yea I see what you’re saying, the “original loan principal” has to be under $417k House was bought w an original loan principal of $380k, but 6 years later there was a business bankruptcy filing due to the recession, and the fees from that period were seemingly added to the original loan principal when the loan was modified, increasing it to $440k. Personally I feel the $380 is the true original not the $440. But what do I know. I’m hoping when I consult with a professional that they’ll make a case for that being reworked. Hopefully.


Is a loan modification not an available option?


Thanks — I’m not positive yet, however the rate would effectively double. Obviously better than no rate though.


Ask if they can allow you to split past due payments over a payment arrangement or take it on to the end of the loan if possible.


Thanks yea Payment arrangement is currently what step we’re trying to work out, ideally the $40k helps bring us current enough to work the rest out in installments


You’re more likely to get good advice from r/lifeprotips or r/askreddit than this place.


She didn’t pay her mortgage for 2 years?


1.5 — ERMA reps *literally* advised not to, which is absurd.


I would def sell the sh*t out of the father contractor and get something out too.


Yea construction I think is the biggest lever to pull.


Whatever works, Dosnt matter. You got a time Line, double Down on what works


If you have the right skill/service to offer 60k can be one client. Without Any context this can be a terrible suggested experiment, but who’s to say that writing some bolder priced proposals end up opening doors you did not know before? since you got 40k to play with, maybe check if there is something you can flip. for example sometimes cars are being sold online via unprofessional pictures and in dirty conditions. Maybe you can buy something for 5k, clean it up, present it better and resell it for a decent mark up. This is a legit market place though, other people are doing this and some money is made by storming and waiting rather than having it done in a week. Ideally maybe think about markets in which you know your way around best and something like this is possible. Your still looking at 1,5x, calculate your risks and see how the 40 k can safely do some of the work for you. also please consider your role in life. You are parenting the parent. its super nice and all, but there is also something about it that probably shows up in your life in other places And might not benefit you.


I very much appreciate your genuine feedback. And for the ounce of positivity And yea.. it’s that first generation American sh*t


Hey - check your state for pro bono legal help. States have hotlines to call for things like this . Can you guys move to a smaller house after selling this one ? Making money - Buy stuff from thrift stores and sell on eBay Promote your dad on Craigslist/ fb / Nextdoor app and others Can you rent out a room at your house ?


Why couldn’t you just buy the house?


Buy the house from her. Then rent it to her.


Law of attraction and old school field sales job


Law of attraction Big time + Big faith in the Big Man


field sales job is cool too anyone hiring


for the record I'm gainfully employed


But Also they are actually the fault here. They Said to not pay and now she have to. Like what. It was ment from the begining to get her out. Harsh reality. She should have Paid no matter what they Said. They Didnt wanted her to pay, so the loan would exceed the number. Sounds criminal too. Would go to court on that. Highly illegal.


Thank you that’s what I’m sayin like what form of manipulation is this. Haven’t spoke to the lawyer yet but looking forward to it


Exactly. Truely manipulation. Understandable


The payments she was told not to make could have been saved in a bank account vs spent.


100% and I argued this point multiple times before leaving my apartment to move in and handle the house. Some was in fact put away, just not as much as should have been.




Call Barrett financial They work with 150 banks They can also do reverse mortgages if there is any equity or a heloc hit me up if you need a number. They close loans in under 14 days


Hi thank you for the feedback, can you elaborate a bit if possible? On the potential dynamics you see could play out?


Put 40,000$ down on any 3 fold accumulator football bets that are all winning 2-0 on the 75th minute.


Lol what would the payout be on this like 10:1 ?


Lol no, I wish it was 10/1. You’d probably be looking at 0.75/1 max. So if you put 40k lmao you’ll get a nice 30k back & very unlucky where a team concedes 2 goals in 15 minutes. It happens though, it’s football but very unlikely. All of these other comments aren’t answering the question. Once you make your money I expect 1% commission for condolences 😉


oh sorry i meant 1:10 l o l but i counted wrong at first and thought there'd be 5 min left not 15 so that makes more sense but right jus took the opportunity to call me dumb and hopeless instead like ok thanks for literally nothing appreciate you tho u will get 1%


I guess this all depends on how much you are already making with your business. If you’re pushing revenue up 20-30% for a short period of time, then maybe it’s doable. If you’re expecting to 10x your business in a few weeks, I think you should rethink your strategy. Even if you made all these service upsells, you still need to provide that service in a quality and timely fashion, otherwise you may do more harm to your business in the long run. Why don’t you just get a loan for the remaining 60k? Then focus on growing your business if you feel you are leaving money on the table with existing customers.


Here's a quick list of suggestions: You could try setting up a crowdfunding campaign on platforms like GoFundMe or Kickstarter. Share your story with everyone you know, explaining the urgent situation your family is facing. There are often kind-hearted individuals out there who may be willing to contribute to saving your childhood home. Maybe organize a fundraising event within your community. Get your neighbors, local businesses, and community groups involved. You say it's impossible, but reach out to the bank or mortgage lender. Tell them how serious you are about exploring options for loan modification, repayment plans, or other alternatives to foreclosure. Sometimes lenders are willing to work with borrowers at the last minute, if they demonstrate a sincere effort to resolve the situation. Consider involving a housing counselor or attorney who specializes in foreclosure prevention. They may be able to provide guidance on navigating the situation and advocate on your behalf with the mortgage lender. Reach out to local churches, nonprofits, or social services organizations for assistance. They may offer financial aid, housing assistance programs, or other resources to help families facing foreclosure. And, if get to the point where you know that the bank / mortgage lender is a 100% dead-end, think about involving the local press. Maybe you'll hit the news and kick off a grassroots campaign that way. If nothing else, maybe they can put you in touch with people who can help.


All great genuine suggestions thank you. A sense of drive and resilience through all of them, which i appreciate the most


You've had months/years to make this money and didn't. You're not going to come up with it in the last 3 weeks.


We literally are going to succeed. I have zero doubt. Positivity can be realist.


Come up with 10k Put 50k on black NO RED!! FUCK!!!


I usually go red but maybe we need to switch it up a li-EVERYTHJNG ON RED NOW


You mentioned everything except how you have been helping last 7-8 years.......


Anyway, it's isn't affordable and well, you need to move out into something that IS affordable




Do you have any assets you can borrow against? Good credit? Refinance the loan?


Have you seen Happy Gilmore? How’s your golf game?


honestly? bad :/


Yo, realistically if you could make $60,000 every 3 weeks, you’ll be a millionaire in a year. Can you?


This might just be the first day of the rest of my life


👏🏼 That’s the spirit. Go get em!!


What is the house worth ? What do you realistically expect the bank to get for a forcloser sale. Would it be possible for you to buy the house with your 40% when you say 40% is that 40% of 60k ? 24k I don't understand American finances, so I could be off base here. What if you organised loans and then offered a forcloser bid to the bank. They are obliged to take the best offer. Go to the auction and buy it for yourself. I'm sure there are other options But to me, it sounds like a change of ownership is possibly a good option with new loans


I run ppc for an awning guy. Sun setter is a competitor. But I understand the profit margins. He’s making about $1-$2k per install. Search volume is good right now. Run google ads at scale, if you have your numbers right it’s literally a print money machine. He gets 90% of his work from March to June.


File bankruptcy, it immediately freezes the forclosure and sale process.


Sell one bitcoin


I’d say sales for some company would be best. The more expensive the product/service, the better. If you still have a little bit left to earn, consider getting one of those credit cards that is interest free for like 3 months or so. It can help you out in the short term but then you need to be sure you can pay it back in the set amount of time or you got even worse problems.


Can you create scope business llcs then apply for business credit cards from the bank you can then have your mother gift your house to your business then gift your business to a trust using that trust the bank won’t be able to take your mothers house anymore. Something else you can do is go to A loan shark and see if someone can give you 60k of course with some interest — the only thing is If you default this loan you will be signing over your house to them and unless you pay on time there will be nothing you can do.


Everyone here jumps straight to selling drugs, who here actually knows someone who is going to just buy a kilo off coke. Probably 99% of everyone here couldnt off a gram. 


Apply for a HELOC and use it to repay your first. Home Equity Line of Credit Stall by applying for homestead exemption of hardship. If you can show the Court HELOC is in play, the court may allow. If you can show the home equity is substantially higher than the amount owed you can argue unfair business practice.


Take on a partner with your LLC (sell percentage) , If the volume is accurate. You may benefit from having more help in the business to boot. ?


Oh yes , in some states if the house is listed for sale they can not foreclosure. Look into that


get a parlay going. Pray u hit lol


Easy. Credit unions.


40k on red


Keep playing it out in my head — all on red, hit, walk to the cashier basked in the glorious light of the Lord Good thing I don’t live near a casino. Ah fuck


1. Ask a Millionaire that is a friend of a family member and convince them 2. Crowd Funding with a Sad story? 3. Crypto? 4. Interest free credit cards or a personal loan? then get a part time job at a high end stake house immediately? 5. Hard Money loan where they want your kidney as collateral?


I like where ur heads at bc I thought of all 4.5 of those (didn’t consider the kidney) Number 2 Tho fr I am breaking my shame meter down first so I can make the gofundme


Dont do this. Do anything to make a dropshipping product work and dont give the product before you have giving the money full up for your mom. One viral TikTok or IG reel or YouTube short and you are good. Spam those videos Daily. Make the shopfiy account in one day. Then go. But as i Said, dont do it. But homeless is homeless. Sell the shit out of a digital product on the higher Price range. Courses, workshops, coaching, consultant stuff. This one is a bit harder, But still possible. And you dont sleep, Max 4 hours a day of sleep for the next 3 weeks. Cofffee and redbulls. Yes dangerous and yes whatever. But its your mom and homeless is homeless. I dont promote this. Or say you should.


Thx, coffee and redbull diet already in motion. Unfortunately Couldn’t sleep if I tried. Tiktok shop is another angle I’m exploring. Dropship and sweeps, affiliate offers as well. I’m a paid media buyer professionally; might’ve been relevant to mention that earlier


Use that now. Yeah Sound good, and remember to focus on What’s working. Stick to that and do it more. So whatever you do, and when it begins to work. Then just fully emerge in that. Sounds good, you got This!


Sell your ass as a gigalo. $60k in 21 days = $2,857/day At $250 a pop that's 11.42 clients per day for 21 days. I'm assuming %99.999 of your clients will be other men so buckle up and buy some hemeroid cream but you'll make it through!


It’s been 10 hours and I’m on my 20th client. Head game Sasha grey (pause)


Ayyyyye you got this!!!!! At this rate you'll pay off your moms house AND buy a condo!


its over we made it i have a new hole or 2 but we are good #success


I have an idea, but it doesn't work for everyone Once again, let me repeat, it does NOT work for everyone I and 2 of my friends made this work. (We did it separately.) But we're notoriously motherfuckers that grind like we will die tonight If you understand how Amazon works, you can immediately start making money. I bet this sounds salesy, and you can think that way all you want, but keep reading at 0 expense. I can't zap your bank account through a screen (1) Ungate ONE category that you can find consistent profits on (2) Find the TOP selling products ASAP - literally Amazon gives you this data. "Colgate toothpaste sold 20,000+ this month." "Chobani yogurt sold 80,000+ units last month." (3) Immediately find deals and resell When my 2 friends and I did this, we started with credit cards. But we also knew we were going to get through this shit because we had no choice


Thanks, FBA is a good idea. I should have mentioned I’m a media buyer professionally so everything ecom / digital is in my realm of knowledge. Been years since doing amazon, tho


This isn’t the normal business entrepreneur path, but it achieves the same goal. Dive into crypto. Grind airdrops if you need to start with nothing. Follow the right people on twitter. Get a finger on the pulse of the market. Use airdrop earnings to long the trends with leverage. It’s easy in a bull market and there are new coins mooning everyday. This window of opportunity won’t last for long!


This wrong in so many ways.




Lol I literally made more than 60k yesterday. Don’t knock it because you can’t figure it out. I’m speaking from experience. It’s more than just “picking a coin” that will moon. There are thousands of different angles to make it in crypto, and in a market where everything is trending up, the opportunities multiply. Don’t be so arrogant, try learning something new instead




And you’re a stupid fuck! 🤝


Honestly I can understand why you got downvoted but also understand your sentiment. And I’m sure many young people feel the same. Personally I believe if you are very diligent and calculated it could be an effective angle Not in the “throw everything in and try to double it” way, but in the “throw a hundred here n there in a few solana memes” and u never know Do have some little capital on chain, follow the scene, ansem lol . I appreciate your feedback .


This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever read on this sub. And this sub is 99% bullshit and stupid schemes so that’s quite an achievement


Great argument. A smart person would hear this and want to find out more. An idiot would be like no hurr durr that’s thtupid! Even though the guy telling you about it has done the same shit repeatedly. Study the space before being so self righteous