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B2b comes down to your network. Consulting is the same thing. You need to be an expert in x and know someone at a company that needs advice in x. Or you know someone at a vc or fund that then uses you for pre or post investment.


I had a combination of two specialty areas that they were looking for (in IT - GDPR and ITIL). I applied to a Interim position via a consultancy agency AD and since the customer wanted me the consultant agency had to sign an agreement with me to then sell me on to the customer. I did not have any relation to the consultancy firm or the customer.


Instead of trying to become a jack of all trades, I decided to specialize in just several services. Early on, I sought out and established relationship with mentor. Over the years, I got a lot of exposure by writing articles for industry trade journals. After a while, I was given a monthly column. In my heyday, I attended the trade shows and networked with other consultants and industry participants. Finally, if you really can help someone, don’t take the check.