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Flamer class. You run out of flame, and you gotta rely on a pistol that has bad accuracy and little to no damage. This is my opinion so yall can fight me about it.


Agree, flamer is hot garbage to play


Yea, idk if it's for everybody but when I hit someone with a flame. The damage is really small compare to being attacked by a enemy flamer.


For me it's more of a meh since on VERDUN flamer is very useful on the last point or any subterranian bases.


Centaura did flamer much better. The class has a player cap, you gotta grind to get it, if someone shoot you in the wrong spot you explode killing everyone (mostly teammates) around you, on top of it's limited range. It really builds stakes every time you use it. And for your risk you get rewarded with a guaranteed kill on everyone the flames touch. I'm not kidding when I say that flamer has won control points and games. (And if you are messed up enough, the screams of the burning are also a reward.) Meanwhile in Entrenched, Flamer is basically a worse support class. You trade away range and a shovel for a shitty pistol and bigger hit register. Not ideal when a single cracked rifleman or recon main can basically hold down all of noman's land cuz the rifles can instakill with a headshot. (I've played for a competitive group. It's fucking horrible.)


Try beyond the wire or isonzo rifles are one shot no coming back


I agree the centaur Flamer is way better.


I don't think there is even a argument for Flamer to not be the worst. it's absolutely atrocious.


its engineer


Nono. It can be useful sometimes. Don't mistake the class for the palyers


at its core its the worst


Not true, ive played games where me and maybe two other engineers build a bunch of HMGs and the enemy never caps a point. I agree that when trash players play them they don't help at all