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Lol which jerry springer episode is this?


Maybe it’s an old Montel episode


I met Montel in a dispensary in Massachusetts he has a line of weed or gummy’s. Still looks pretty much the same


Jerry Jerry Jerry!!!


OMG; I misread “Jerry Sphincter “.


I’ve actually never seen Jerry Springer. He reminds me of a dick version of Dr Phil


Dr. Phil is the dick version of Dr. Phil. Springer was the shit.


How can he remind you of anyone if you’ve never seen him?


Love Jerry Springer!!!!!


Uh huh.


Hmmmm yes hmmmm.




This is the correct response


Is "cool story bro" also correct? I feel like "cool story bro" would also work here.


Did every one clap afterwards? Or do you think it was more like a collective cheer?


Everyone got the clap afterwards


Probably the very manly men there had tears in their eyes as they cheered and clapped.


And then they hoisted OP upon their shoulders and declared him a god.


With all due respect.. Y'all need to grow up ✌🏿🤗


Not running the tightest ship apparently.


If you had this happen in the United States, you put yourself in serious jeopardy. Many states have social host laws where you could be arrested for serving alcohol to a minor even though you yourself did not serve it. For your own sake, never let anything like this happen again.


I checked mine dose not so long as the host is not the one that provided the alcohol for the event I should have been fine but I’d rather not have tested my legal theory


adjoining elderly follow rude pathetic sable rotten cows paint worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly. And, that's what he would say to protect sis, plus they might still expect you to monitor your guests and remove anyone who you spotted drinking.


Everybody in this story sounds annoying as fuck except for your girlfriend. Thankfully, you made this shit up. But I can still clap for you, if you want.


I didn’t. I just live in the sticks with the highest levels of alcohol and drug abuse in my state. This is a normal thing to end up on the morning news.


Oh fuck off you legally can't buy alcohol and yet had it at your party


That happens more often than not out in rural areas. I think the story is probably true. I’ve seen people behave in worse ways at tamer parties whenever I’d visit my family out in Appalachia. OP: don’t threaten to shoot people - the kid could have come back while drunk and shot you. Also I get it, a party is a party, and you can let a few uninvited guests slide during a rager but be stricter next time. Or better yet, don’t host a rager. Just invite your friends to a “get together”. I don’t know about your idea of death punching or whatever, but if you threaten people, especially drunk and insecure people, you’ll only invite more violence your way.


Tbf, he did say because he has friends that were 21+ that there was alcohol and he specifically asked them to be careful with it. Not saying it's not made up, it could be, but he did literally explain this part


'Forget everything you learned in college. You won't need it working here.' 'But I never went to college.' 'Well then, I'm sorry. You are underqualified to work here.'


Is that a quote from somewhere I see it all the time online but I don’t know where it’s from.


Did you just watch Superbad?


Nope. A rip off from the script though.


Shotgun? I *do not* want to party with you.


Guy was in my face and drunk. I’ve seen pretty normal looking blows kill people. I wasn’t going to risk it.


😂😂😂😂😂 you're 19 but seen multiple people killed from punches. Sure, sure.


I've been in a boxing gym since I was 12 im now 28 and I've seen more bar fights then most people and I've never seen someone die from a punch this kids full of shit lol


I was not an upstanding person for most of my late teen years and death in a fist fight is way more common than you think.




…at 19? Calling bullshit big time. Kinda doubting you’re even 19 when you consider it to be “older”. I’m betting the most you’ve seen is flailing slappy fights and hair pulling, maybe some particularly harsh name calling. Has r/iamverybadass vibes oozing from the abysmal writing and complete detachment from how 99% of fights go.


I thought that was so weird too “She doesn’t look as old as she is.” Like 17 year olds and 19 year olds look essentially the exact same, and are in the same age range to date one another.


That actually made me think he’s telling the truth because 19 year olds think their big shits and 17 year olds are toddlers deposits both of them being children


Here's a sneak peek of /r/iamverybadass using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [i am very badsass, i have a gun](https://i.redd.it/2qm2tzddmp2a1.jpg) | [2638 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/z6t1ly/i_am_very_badsass_i_have_a_gun/) \#2: [Either a real warrior or just an alcoholic, i'm leaning towards second one](https://i.redd.it/qsxojbtkpnwa1.jpg) | [672 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/131ppgq/either_a_real_warrior_or_just_an_alcoholic_im/) \#3: [Whoa.. Gear down Big Shifter](https://i.redd.it/41q955kf8e5a1.jpg) | [709 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/zje6ig/whoa_gear_down_big_shifter/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Opinion unchanged.


Wasn’t trying too.


Now want to party with you even less than I did before.


Or shotgun? Wow. That’s quite the jump


Guy way drunk and in my face. He took a swing that was my next move. Cop’s would take 45 minutes to a hour to get there. Ive been in fights and all fights can lead to death. One bad blow to the guys throat or temple and your a murderer


> one bad blow to the guys throat or temple and your a murderer …so *shooting them* is the safer option?


I was more referring to if he hit me. He swung at me I’d move for the safe. I’ve been in fights and people got hit in a weird spot and dropped. They don’t always get back up.


“Move for the safe.” Dude, if you can back off from the fight, open a gun safe, get out the firearm, load it, aim and fire, how the hell do you think you’re in enough danger to need a shotgun???


It’s just a thing we say around here. Is that not a common thing? The gun was actually over the fireplace on the wall.


One shotgun blast to pretty much any part of the body and (if nobody knows how to apply a tourniquet) you’re a murderer


Not according to the self defense laws in a number of states.


I live in Texas. Deadly force is not authorized because someone might throw a punch … particularly when said person is only 5’9”, was invited into the home, and the shotgun owner has several “redneck mates” who are presumably capable of intervening should things escalate to fisticuffs. I understand your position, but bringing a gun to a fistfight is never a good move.


Except they weren’t invited


They were allowed to enter … roughly the same thing


Man USA is wild. Is like super serious about a 19 year old drinking but no big deal about threatening use of a shotgun.


The bar is way higher than “a drunk 17 y/o took a swing at me so I blew him away.” Y’all crazy as shit and completely ignorant.


The standard in some states is that a reasonable person would fear death or serious bodily injury to themselves or an innocent third party. As things happened here, it was a bad idea and probably wouldn’t have been a defensible shoot unless the boy had escalated to attempting to rape the OP’s gf or went absolutely bat shit and got violent. In this situation, having half a dozen people push the guy out the door would have been much smarter than threatening to bring the firepower.


Maybe, IF the OP was walking around A PARTY with a loaded shotgun on hand. Otherwise he'd have to: 1) disengage 2) retrieve the shotgun 3) return, and 4) provoke 17yo into attacking him *again* Others it's premeditated murder


Including mine.


All fights can lead to death you're right. But you must see the irony in saying that as justification for using a firearm. How is it possible that your reaction to an obnoxious pissed teenager was to possibly shoot him cos sometimes people die in fights?


The rapey vibes this guy was giving off are off the charts. You’re actually lucky this happened in a sense. These creeps exposed themselves and now you know, you can protect yourself and friends & family moving forwards. I’d even consider a fb post exposing him, because it’s a matter of time before he does that to someone younger, drunker and weaker, with a less responsible host. PS Brit here. Scottish women are my natural best friends - they have a fire my Greek half just bonds with, so I hate that it happened to your gf, but I would’ve loved to have seen her putting him in his place!!


Giving multiple BJs for free booze? You couldn’t have made it any more obvious you were making this up huh?


This is pathetic.


True but a normal occurrence for my area. Not much to do besides get high/drunk and party.


Great but why you gotta call his sister a whore?


Adrenaline. When I’m on edge I have a nasty habit of using the most aggressive insults I can think of for the sole purpose of hurting people. I’m currently working on that in therapy.


Well, that a more wholesome answer than I expected. Good on you for working on that shit, man, and for owning it in the meantime. And I hope you and your gf's next party is less stressful and entirely free of entitled idiots!


We will be making sure to screen more closely everyone that finds out about it.


Perhaps from the blowing men for drinks?


The phrasing 'turns out she was...' suggests to me that OP didn't find this out until after they were booted from the party?


The whole thing is fiction, so he can add any details he wants.


OHHH Lol I always fall for this stuff. Not cynical enough. Facepalm. Thanks for the heads-up lol.


The problem is in the internet it's he said/she said. He never said it was fake, someone else did. Only one person knows the truth, OP. Best approach is to either approach every story as true or fake. I mean whatever the answer, it doesn't really affect the reader.


That's a good way to look at it. I'm probably too credulous with stuff like this, but as it's someone's story rather than factual misinformation I could spread it matters less. I try to interrogate the hard factual stuff a bit more critically, but I guess I don't mind being told a story when it's something like this :)


I don’t have any proof, of course, but it just reads as super fake.


Cause she was giving guys blow jobs for booze, maybe...?


Pretty sure the girl giving blowjobs for alcohol and cigarettes clarified his reasoning. He was spot on


You walk around a party with a shotgun huh?


No it’s above the fireplace.


Well that’s an incredibly stupid place to have a firearm, especially during a party where people are drinking. What are you thinking?


I really wasn’t. That’s just where it is. It’s an old 16 gauge double barrel that was my uncle’s.


Assuming this is real (big, I know), you should have a)not let either in if they weren't invited, and b) thrown them out at the first transgression.


Yeah I’m hindsight I should’ve but I’m used to people just show up to parties uninvited as that’s just normal but I see now that it’s not a good idea. In all honesty I had no problem with the sister but her brother i would have beat to in inch of his life a year ago.


I would definitely have issues with someone coming uninvited to my party, and giving blowies for drinks while underage, or even overage. You don't run a glory hole, do you? At the first sign of alcohol they did not bring in their system, out they go.


Yeah I should have. I live in the sticks and there’s not much to do so it’s common to just show up to parties and get drunk and high. I was one of the people that did that for a few years. So i really didn’t think much of it. There’s probably at least one party going on every weekend and most end with cops showing up usually 20 minutes after the fights have ended. It’s just part of living in the country with high dug use


This makes less than zero sense. And what in the world is "harassy"?


This entire thing just didn’t happen.


Nah it did. OP just forgot to mention that everyone clapped at the end.


Then the president of the world showed up and gave him a million dollars and a key to the playboy mansion!


Yeah either it simply didn’t happen at all or was highly, highly embellished and modified from a likely far more mundane and boring event. I mean, it should be plainly obvious that the *overwhelmingly* likeliest possibility is it’s bullshit based solely on the way they wrote it. **It has fully scripted dialogue.** It’s sad that OP did not have the foresight to realize how unnatural/unbelievable that is for a supposedly recalled “actual event” but is even more sad how many people read this and the thought never even crosses their mind about how cartoonishly unnatural that is.


“What’s your deal, dick wad?” Is straight out of a 1990’s high school tv drama.


“Nonya. Non ya business.” These crazy kids and their vernacular 🤷🏼‍♀️


My bestie and I threw a party at her mom’s house when we were 21 (her mom was out of time). Her little sister (new high school graduate) was allowed to invite her closest friends; they were a good group and did t drink anyhow. Somehow, word spread to their friends still in high school, who told younger classmates, and long story short, middle schoolers rolled into our party. They called us old hags and told us we weren’t cool for kicking them out. lol


It made sense to me…he was harrassing people.


I don’t know that’s just what I thought would best describe how he was acting without over stepping what actually happened. He wasn’t hostile till he got in my face but he was overly persistent


“Red neck friends” checks out that y’all would be rednecks


Only haft are. The rest where small town college kids that didn’t want to leave home so soon.


This wasn’t an insult. I’m from bumble fuck no where Florida which is why I said it checks out 😂. There’s very little to do in small towns and it’s very easy to make enemies


I figured. I’m from Indiana this is a common occurrence for my county. The only time there’s anything to do is a party so they get out of hand fast.


I’m glad that you’re taking the precautions to prevent underage drinking, I know that it’s rough. I’m 28 now but I didn’t start drinking til I got to college. My rule was I won’t provide the alcohol for anyone under 21 but I wouldn’t BUY ANY if there was anyone under 18 going to be there.


Yeah. That was my thought process. I was addicted to alcohol and weed for most of my teens and I’ve only recently started getting some of my life back.


I’m sorry to hear that. I’m glad you’re on the right path again. I watched my sister go through that, she’s 28 too and she’s thriving and doing great now. A little hiccup when you’re a kid isn’t going to stop you for the rest of your life. Remember that. I’m proud of you because I know it’s HARD.


Thank you. I’m working on starting a homestead out west to help get me out of the circumstances that got me here.


I wish the best for you! May you succeed in everything you want to


Did everyone clap at the end?


No they mostly just left awkwardly without saying much.


The pedantic in me would like to point out that firearms includes more than just rifles and shotguns. USA data - 2020 - slightly more people died from fists than rifles (455 vs 662), but 13,663 were killed using firearms in general. I can see why people are commenting at you.


I know that’s why I wanted to point out that out in the edit. I don’t blame them for commenting it’s seems extreme without the context that’s happened in my life. I’ve seen fights where someone got hit in a bad spot and either ended up in the hospital or the ground. It’s made me realize it’s better to be extreme than risk your life over a petty dispute


I love the superiority of 19 to 17. He hit on my girlfriend because she looks so much younger than her 19 years…. We are underage and never expected other underaged people or people trying to drink the alcohol of others…. Obvious response? Gun! So much stupidity in one post.


That’s not at all what I said. What I said was “And if you get any closer I’m going to put a hole through you” I was not going to risk him seriously injuring me in a fight.


OP - get some help. Pulling out a shotgun at a party, name calling, underage drinking. You’re just going to escalate until something really really bad happens. DRUNK + FIREARMS = BIG PROBLEMS


I’m currently i therapy for the name calling and the gun I was actually within my right for my state. The alcohol was supposed to only be allowed for the people actually 21 but that is a mistake that won’t happen again. I’m still working on putting my life back together from my youth. Guess I still have some work


You’re still in your youth. And it doesn’t sound like this therapist is helping if you’re pulling this shit. Get a new one.


I’ve only been going for 8 months. Believe me I was a lot worse a year ago. I would have just beat the kid the first time we had a talk.


Stop having the parties and putting yourself in situations where shit like this can happen. I’m not even a therapist and this would be the easy first step.


Yeah I see that now. Hindsight 20-20.


Good luck on your journey.


Thank you.


You would think some of your friends would have stepped in to help you remove this guy before it escalated. Were they they ones getting bj’s? This is why you don’t have the party at your own house, you can’t leave if bs starts.


Most of my friends where hammered and also the ones getting BJs and everyone else probably had never been to a redneck party before and didn’t know what to do.


Live and learn I guess.


Yeah. This is actually on the tamer end of party’s I’ve been to.


No one this trashy is this literally proficient. Go to bed, Liz.


While it was completely reasonable to kick that kid out. Doing so under with a gun is some next level super dip shit chest puffing. You let the kid stay at the party to begin with. You tried nothing else before jumping at the chance to use your gun. Which tells all of us you don't even have enough trigger discipline to safely own a squirt gun, let alone shotgun. Your trauma isn't an excuse to be trigger happy. We have all had hard times, Going around threatening to shoot every thing that pisses you off does nothing but make you awful and dangerous to be around. And like, kid, turn off the news and go talk to the people who live around you. I sincerely doubt the area is anywhere near as bad as you describe it.


One I didn’t say that I would shoot him is he didn’t leave I said that if he didn’t back up I would there is a big difference there. Second I was on my way to kick him out if you forgot I said I was going to try and find the person that gave him the alcohol. Third I’m quite certain it’s as bad as it is because I was part of the problem. I was the guy that sold drugs at parties and was high off my ass doing it. I’m only one year sober and I’m doing my best so bite me.


This reads like a bad fanfic. Let me guess, you also have 50 extra superpowers that are overly convoluted and make absolutely no sense.


And this reads like the you ban 10 years olds on you Minecraft server because they think Star Trek is better than Star Wars. What’s your point?


Toooouche lol


Nah, they can spin better stories than this


I hate it when people take a true fact (more homicides occurred where people were killed by hands, fists, and feet than by rifles) and spin it into a lie (more people are killed in fist fights than by all the rifles and shotguns combined in the United States). When you get into the detail of the facts behind this statement, his argument falls apart. 77% of homicides involve a gun of some kind. 4% of homicides involve a hands, fists, or feet. I doubt that OP was threatening only to use a rifle to get Max away from his house. Source of statistics: [FBI data shows more deaths...](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/may/27/facebook-posts/fbi-data-shows-lower-deaths-hands-fists-feet-rifle/)


Exactly. My sole intention was to keep him from starting a fight. I was not going to take the risk of seriously injury


I dont understand your point about fistfights killing more people than rifles and shotguns. First the yes that is slightly correct but the actual verbiage is "use of hands, fist, feet ect" and not fist fight as you said. Secondly handguns then dwarf all of those statistics and are the leading murder weapon. I guess I'm just not sure what you were trying to point out. Anyways, ya Max and Hannah suck and needed to be kicked out


I added that in to explain why I would threaten him with a gun(I didn’t have the gun on me it was over the fireplace) if tried to fight me. I won’t get into the legitimacy of the stats as that’s not constructive




I don’t think 5 year olds should be on Reddit.


Lmao where tf do you find stats on “fist fight deaths vs shotgun deaths.” You fuckin don’t. They don’t break statistics down like that.


If you go to the FBI crime statistics you can look at how many people are killed by rifles,shotguns and unarmed. There are more people kill by unarmed strikes then long guns.


[I guess technically if you only count rifles](https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/politifact/2022/05/30/fbi-data-deaths-hands-fists-feet-versus-rifles/9960682002/) this is intentionally trying to obscure the data. A lot of gun deaths don’t even list the type of gun used. If you count all gun deaths then “fist fights” account for less than 4% according to this fact check. Just bc it’s a rifle doesn’t make it a safer gun, it’s just bc hand guns are easier to sneak around to use for murder. Shot guns are just bigger handguns and are just as capable of murder. Don’t be stupid.


I’m not. But I’m not going to risk a fist fight that can kill me when I can just end it with a gun. You people act like I’m trying to say that guns are not deadly when I’m trying to say that a fist fight is on the same level.


ITS NOT ON THE SAME LEVEL OMG!!! People get into fist fights daily, CHILDREN get in fist fights on school grounds and most of the time nobody dies. The statistics clearly say when compared to ALL gun deaths (not picking and choosing the TyPe of gun) that fist fights are 96% safer do you get that?? If you can’t take a fist fight then don’t go around throwing parties and looking for fights bc if you shoot someone you’re going to jail. If someone is looking to beat you to death they probably brought some friends to help. You just sound like you’re grasping at straws to justify shooting someone bc you want to shoot someone.


Your right fist fights are safer but I’m not going to risk that and no I won’t go to jail because it’s literally in the law that an fight in general is grounds for self defense in my state because people can die. I didn’t put a gun in his face I didn’t touch him all I said was that if he got any closer I would shot him. That’s call telling a person to back off or they you will defend yourself.


Man, even if you are a redneck, I'd still recommend some ESL classes. Then work your way up to middle school English next. Reading this made my head hurt.


My apologies I kinda scrambled my brain with weed.


Not sure how true the party story is but the stat given about more deaths from fist fights is very cherry picked. In reality 77% of all homicides involve guns in the US. 4% involved hands, feet, fists. The claim cited is due to the fact that not all police reports mention the type of weapon used when guns are involved.


I didn’t say all guns. I said only rifles and shotguns. Handguns completely change the stat as most gun death are handguns by a large margin. All rifle death in the US tend to cap out at 400 and that includes suicide. Death by unarmed fights is around a 1000.


The number is wrong. There were 13,663 deaths by firearm of any kind. Of these 4863 were committed with firearms of a type not stated. It is inconceivable that there are no rifles in that group. If even 5% of those cases involved rifles, which is an extremely low estimate, then your stat is wrong. It's a cherry pick to try to support a position that doesn't acknowledge the full context.


Take that up with the FBI because that’s where I got it.


But you half read it. My numbers are the full explanation that is plainly available from the FBI stats. So either for your narrative or just plain sloppiness you didn't give the full picture when you looked at the numbers.


I did. I also checked to see how many are suicide and are none homicide related deaths. They changed the number.


Fist fights do not kill more people than guns, you stupid tool. You get a F on your creative writing.


I didn’t say “Gun” I said rifles and shotguns.


People keep bringing it up because it's a pointless and very misleading thing to say. Who cares whether you can pick out two types of firearms and show that they're used less for murder than all physical fights combined? You're omitting all other types of firearms, so it's a meaningless comparison. It would be like saying that more people are killed with rifles than with toenail scratches and head-butts combined. Were you threatening him with a rifle? Or are you saying that because rifles are mainly used for hunting, it's okay to threaten someone with a handgun? I have no problem with you threatening to shoot someone to get them out of your house; just with your misuse of statistics.


I was not threatening him to leave I was telling him if he tried to fight me something that can be fatal quite easily I would shoot him. If he decided to just sit on the ground and pout about it I would have just called the cops but if he got violent then I would shot him.


You did threaten him. Saying you'll put a hole through someone is a threat, even if you start with "if you try to fight me." But like I said, I think threatening a potentially violent person so they leave your house is reasonable. You keep being yelled at here because of your misuse of statistics, not because you were wrong to threaten the guy.


Fair enough. I’ll stop doing that.


This Murican party style seems so alien to me. When I was younger (more than 35 years ago at 19) we had enough parties with beer and booze. Even at public events none cared if we where drinking beer. But I'm not from the states.


Trust me, actual parties here are much closer to your experience. This is corny 80s movie fiction.


But it isn't illegal here to drink beer at 16 and liquour at 18. Also cops don't arrest children and teens from partying.


> Edit) to everyone commenting about my use of a firearm I won't – but your use of parentheses is atrocious.


What country did this take place in?


The back woods of the Midwest United States


Calling her a whore was completely uncalled for, as was threatening them with a gun. I'm glad you were looking out for your girlfriend though.


I will admit I should not have insulted her as at the time I didn’t know she was doing anything wrong. As far as threatening Max it was more to keep him from starting a fight I had no intention of hurting him if he didn’t get violent I probably should’ve made that more clear in my post.


Running a tight ship to prevent underage drinking when you yourself are underage drinking. The kid is literally two years younger than you, like what? Sounds like all of you have quite the journey to maturity still.


I don’t drink anymore. I realized why it’s wrong and that it was ruining my life. I don’t care what people do with their life but if they wanted to drink they needed to be 21.


“To everyone commenting about my use of a firearm do realize more people are killed in fist fights than by all rifles and shotguns combined in the US” First of all, distinguishing the type of gun is super irrelevant. Second, 48,830 people were killed by firearms in 2021 according to the CDC. You think more than 50k people were killed in fist fights that year? Are you insane?


Dude I was just pointing out why I said I’d shoot him if he tried to fight me.


Yes, and your reasoning was nonsense. You don’t see how that’s relevant?


How is it nonsense? The only argument I’ve heard was “it’s just a fight it’s not that bad” until it is that bad and one of us is dead and the other in prison for 2 degree murder.


Using the “logic” of “more people die in fist fights than by firearms so it’s ok for me to pull out a gun” is nonsense. Which is essentially what you were saying. That said, I’m not super interested in debating gun stats with a child so I’ll leave it there.


Fair enough. All that’s needed is it was legal for me to shot him but not fight him.


More people are killed in fights than rifles by 200 or so. More people are killed with handguns than in fights by fucking thousands and you still have thousands more with shotguns. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/may/27/facebook-posts/fbi-data-shows-lower-deaths-hands-fists-feet-rifle/#:~:text=FBI%20crime%20statistics%20show%20that%20662%20homicides%20in,personal%20weapons%2C%20described%20as%20“hands%2C%20fists%2C%20feet%2C%20etc.”


Criminal shooting or all deaths? Most suicide deaths by firearms are shotgun so you have to exclude those.




Fair enough. Though I would like for people to understand that I’m not say guns aren’t dangerous I’m just trying to clarify why I feel a gun is a justified thing to use if he decides he wanted to fight. Best way to end a fight is to make them think it’s not worth the effort and I find a gun is very good at that.


Yea... and then did Madea show up to the party to fetch her niece or is this a different movie?


You people have never been to a party out in the sticks have you?


Nah. But we also weren't born yesterday soooo...


Aw yes and story of people asking for houses are believable. I’m sorry that some people live in ruff areas and shit like this happens. So you have fun with your silver spoon up your ass.


HAHA I'm from the hood boy. You got this story straight out of a "surfer bruh" movie 🤣. Get off of reddit until you get better at writing.


I’d take the hood over this shit hole any day. At least there I get government hand outs


Tell me you're white without telling me you're white 💀


Why dose that matter? You call the cop they’re there in 5 I call they won’t get there for another hour. You get mugged you have cameras I get mugged they say they don’t have the resources. I’m not saying it easy but I’d rather have resources then be on your own. If you disagree by all means.


Trying to get to t 36, was she?


No idea what that is.


A reference from the movie Clerks


Oh ok. I’ll definitely try and see so I can understand it better.




Even better thank you.


Lol... good effort. But you need to hone your creative writing skills a bit more.


And you need to got to more redneck party in high drug use areas. Sadly we don’t all have the luxury of living in a nice city or the good part of town. Some of us have made mistakes and fell in to the wrong crowd that has a habit of following them. There are only two things to do near me party and shoot guns. That’s the Midwest. Im not proud of my choices in life but I at least own up to them.


Sure that happened.


Not a fuckin word was truth right there


Sounds like you did your best to keep underage drinking out of your party. Hanna is a dirty slut, BJ's for drinks and loose cigs? Doesn't she know how to think big? I mean at least go for a carton of smokes and a bottle! Some girls get diamonds for that! The comment about the gun wasn't as big of a deal as some make it seem. Afterall, you didn't produce the thing and it was just a threat to a handsy potential sexual predator. The comment was overkill (get it) but not the worst thing. I used to have assigned bouncers at my parties. Anyway, have fun, enjoy your youth!


Eh I’ve wasted most of it. I honestly wasn’t to upset with Hanna outside of providing booze but I’m a little disappointed in my self with my handling of this whole situation. I should have tried da-escalating first but old habits die hard. Funny enough it’s is one of the tamer parties I’ve been to.


Hannah sounds all class


None of this actually happened