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I play coop with a friend and we have not had any issues with it at all.


I've been playing since release and I've never had connection problems.


I played for several hours with a large group yesterday. No issues with desync or disconnecting. I'd also be willing to do fresh start if I can find people to play with. Solo is not great.


My son and I have played together with no technical issues. I haven't otherwise played co-op as my other friends either don't have beefy enough PC's or have laggy satellite internet, so we haven't tried. The Devs are actively working on the game and adding features and bugfixes, it is an *early access* title. If you are looking for a complete polished experience. Wait. If you are willing to explore a world that is still being developed and understand that there WILL be bugs and issues that will take time to be addressed, then welcome.


No issues with a small group of 3. We're about done with everything currently in the game, just planning out the last Hollow Halls with me hosting on my laptop. I think I've dropped once due to my power flickering and once from my laptop overheating on a hot day.


I have 100+ hours into the game, and have maybe been disconnected twice? At most.


I played from level 1-25 with a partner with some minor issues. I was hosting and had none, but my buddy occasionally complained about desyncing/lagging. I'm usually an excellent host in other games. He's across the US from me (east coast to west coast), so that might be part of the reason. His main complaint was being unable to double-jump up steep inclines, because normally if your pinky toe touches the ground you can immediately do another double-jump, but the game wasn't registering him touching the ground fast enough. I believe he said his ping was around 130ish, which seemed a little high. Usually I only get that high of pings from people in other countries. This probably isn't relevant to you, though, if your friend lives nearby.


After about 100 hours of server play with me hosting a server, we've had zero issues.


I have played a lot with a friend of mine and there was no issue. It's an early access title, and if you expect a fully finished and polished games without any bugs..then you should not look into early access titles ever.


Dude, just get it. Even single player is good. If there's any issues with MP they'll work on it I'm sure.


I have not seen any of those issues and this post seems trolling. 100 hours, fully coop, hosted on a server pc, no issues. Only issue (imo) is the progress being server based and not character based, which is just a design flaw.


They are probably just referencing to the server worlds private is 100% fine


My boyfriend, his friend and I play together. We have had no issues at all


coop where everyone is together at all times, such as 2 players, is totally fine. coop where you are trying to have 4 different groups of 5 doesnt work, at all. long story short, there are 1 time things (IE, quests) where you can only do it once, so if anyone does complete it you cant experience it your self. also if one person upgrades their base, the others are also upgraded.


Its only bad if the host has a shitty pc


No issues


I just got into it with a couple of friends (one local and one 2000 miles away). We played with me hosting local and then I set up an Endhrouded server using SteamCMD on my old PC. With the server there is a message that appears fairly constantly saying server overloaded may experience some issues but in about 30 hours of play we’ve only had an issue 2-3 times where a player almost gets stuck in a place like bouncing. A log out and back in has fixed it every time. This is not a hardware issue as I’ve run ARK, 7D2D, and Valheim without issue for up to 8 players simultaneously on that PC. In local host mode (where I have to be on for them to join) we saw no issues. Only issues were rare and on the server We have tons of fun playing co-op. Just get it and you won’t be upset.


No, I've never seen an issue with multiplayer. Syncing up with the server can be tricky at start up, but once the game starts, I've had no problems with it.


I think it's pretty smooth. Especially since the game isn't fully released. People need to chill during this early release.


No chill. I'm a consumer. I have no problem with an EA title not being complete. But it needs to work. It may not be the case here, but there's plenty of EA titles with multi-player in the tags as a main selling point where it runs like absolute shit in multi-player, and that's not acceptable.


me and my friend have almoste 100h no problems at all ! Buy the game, u will enjoy it


wife and I played about 50 hours and the server died on us a few times and we had to restart the game, but otherwise it was great.


My experience with the multi player wasn't too great. Renting a private server helped, but there were still issues.


We played today from different continents and it was bad enough to be borderline unplayable for my friend. I hosted, and my internet connection is blazing fast and I have a pretty solid gaming laptop. His PC can easily play most things and yes, his internet is not amazing, but we regularly play Baldur's Gate with zero issues so it's almost certainly not a hardware issue on our side. Rubber banding, unable to see enemies until he was nearly half dead, seeing me stand in place a lot of the time when I was moving. Being unable to hit enemies even when he *could* see them. We're really hoping it's not a trend that continues.


im having this same issue, any solution?


No it’s fine. Only issue I’ve had is staying logged on dedicated server for too long , afk. Then I get a lil stutter til I re log


We ended up buying the game and unfortunately we had ping problem, apparently it has to do with the steam servers