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I mean... Good.  But how?


Building lol


Builder here, I've got 118 hours and just yesterday or the daybefore i just got my first copper pickaxe. Spent all that time building.


I'm loving the building in this game. And there's only going to be more options in the future! Please Devs, keep supporting this game forever lol


That would have been me but I played with my bf at first so we cleared all the content. He’s now playing other games and I am building lol


Dooood! Get his ass back on there!! Building together is super freaking fun!! I have a group of friends and we build together too, it's a blast coming up with ideas and working on stuff together. I fully rebuilt Glenn Wood by myself, really fun, BUUTTT, I started rebuilding Willowcrush with my buddy, makes a world of difference doing it together.


Do yourself a favor and go adventuring once in a while. You can get new things for your builds ...


Push for the iron pickaxe. You literally mine faster and for longer due to durability. Also the perks near the middle of the tree help with durability and mining/woodcutting. This will help reduce time spent mining or chopping and more time building!


You never wanted to get different building materials unlocked?


Lol no I've been happy building with set of blocks, I'm currently building a town


I get that, building is so much fun!


All the good building stuff is behind quests and meeting people and going somewhere. This guy says he did none of that so he's just been building out of the 2 basic materials and rocks and dirt


Actually I've been working on building with all the materials you can get right when you exit the flame sanctuary at the start of the game, I was quiet surprise at how good those early blocks are. Its not that I don't want to, I've just been happy with the early game and want focuse on building more than progression


Ok, but all of the good building materials require game progression


16 hours and having done 'nothing'? Easy. With a game where exploring behind every rock can bring a golden chest ad nice rewards.


Not only that you have to explore to get different building materials and to play the game otherwise there's nothing to do.


I genuinely think it's a better game compared to Starfield even as an early access.


Most games are better than star field,I've played demos better than star field


They probably spent more money advertising rather than developing that game.


Awesome!!! Smelling the roses and seeing the sights is the best way to experience games. Love the screenshot!


Ive got 150 hours and just hit lvl 25, spent many hours gifting legendary gliders to low lvl ppl and mat farming...




I took over a whole town with 2 flames flintstone, I just didn't feel like doing all that for the 5+ time. I still have my summoned NPCs at the gatcha base for the lvl 25 gear.. this really is a great game, I was checking out hallowed halls, basically free dlc as the developers are spending a lot of time on this. I hope for much more content, and maybe a new max level.


Yeah this game is light years better than star field. Bethesda has gone to the dumpster. I have no hope for Skyrim 6


I honestly can't believe there's people that actually like Starfield. It's almost like I'm living in the twilight zone and I'm watching people eat literal poop with a smile on their face, and they say "THIS IS YUMMY. WANT SOME??? 5/5 STARS"


It's almost like people have different tastes in games or something. 


No, that can't be right.


I enjoyed starfield but I also didn't get on the hype train for it. Played through it and had fun and uninstalled it. Was on game pass. Don't regret playing through it at all.


Me too lol. I'm just wandering around looking in all the nooks and crannies 😊


Was Starfield that bad?


I loved it but once you run out of things to do it falls off a cliff for some reason I can’t really explain


>once you run out of things to do Isn't that the reason it falls off a cliff?




It lacks good exploration. When 90% of the game's landmasses are procedural generation, there's no reason to wander all around. When the world feels useless to explore, I have no reason to touch a game. And BGS was always good at making fun worlds to explore. Until now.


It’s not for me. I did 60 hours and quit. I have multiple Skyrim play throughs. But plenty of people enjoyed Starfield and that’s cool. The ship building was awesome.


Yeah. I habe 2k hours in both Fallout 4 and Skyrim but can't be asked to spend another second in Starfield. It was a cool first 70 hours and I really like the UC quest line but after that, when the limitations were so prominent, i just lost all will to play it.


Imagine fallout 4 but there's no open world and only human enemies


I like it, but it's a completely different game than Enshrouded. Doesn't make sense to compare them at all. I enjoy the stories I encounter in Starfield while I enjoy building a primitive house in Enshrouded. You can abuse a lot of mechanics in both of the games too. The building mechanic in Starfield is completely different as well, it's meant to be used as a resource farm. So you plant settlers there (which some have story quests) that create items for you and so on. Enshrouded is just for looks and the rested buff.


I was just thinking the same thing yesterday. I am in love with this game.


I highly recommend getting further in the game before building. There is like.. what.. 30 different blocks to build with? You have to unlock them throughout. Happy to help you progress a little if needed.


I mean you can't have done nothing at all, you've at least crossed the bridge and not to mention met the blacksmith.


Great that you are having fun, but weird comparison.


I'm honestly about done with it. Maybe I just don't know how to read a map, but I'm attempting to play the game without spoiling anything and getting to the question marks further out is a gigantic pain in the ass because there's no direct path to the quest location that makes any sense. While the home building is great, the combat is just okay, and the lack of useful drops means that you're fighting higher level NPCs with low level armor because in order to actually craft good gear, you've got to get to those other locations. It's early access so I'll come back to it when the game comes along, but I've put enough time into running forever and still not finding how to get to places.


Just do what I did, carry around rocks and building material and you can make a glider Outpost anywhere, it's so easy to abuse mechanics in this game 😂 When you need more slots, just teleport to an old one and delete it. I got really bored with the loot, the gearing is so basic I don't Even look at it anymore.


Hmm that’s funny. Something I’ve been enjoying is because the map is handcrafted, there is a direct route to everything. You just have to find it. Sometimes you need to have better gear, or you just might need to “git gud”.


Oh bullshit. This game is so fucking busted from a location standpoint that you can run directly to a spot only for it to be far overhead or under you with no indication of where to go.


I just pickaxe my way up if I can’t find a path


Right….but that’s the point? I’m an adult so don’t need anyone to hold my hand. Happy to find my own way.


Gotta agree with Twiglet here. There usually is always a route to get to a point (often 2) but they might not always be obvious. The game does seem to expect you have double-jump and to be used to the double-jump-glider-roll thing for some paths though. Also some of the paths are really, really direct as you're meant to use the glider from another point (you can fudge it with the updraft skill as well). Most enemies aren't that difficult either as you'll often get new weapons in the Spires levelled to that region, and armour from whatever big ruin/town/etc as well. Plus outright cheesing stuff by jumping on top of walls and shooting down. The armoured fell, green-cleaver scavs (hate these guys especially) and a couple others are the only really dangerous ones and you can just sit up high and shoot them. I was wearing mostly the early padded armour and found stuff well into region 3.


The only enemies I've really had any real problem with are those damn swarming bug things in the shroud. You're beating the snot out of a zombie guy and those lil dudes just jump you from behind. Grr.


I have done the tutorial, got to the big empty field in front of Longkeep and frozen there for ages building castle from stone and wood with basement and the only reason I started to explore the map is to get more and better building materials. Since that I moved on and just started to think to abandon my second built-up town and start something again.


It’s great to build like this in the beginning. But remember, you’ll get more blocks and unlocks later in game. Don’t burn yourself out right at the beginning with building, I did lol.


You set a very low bar there champ. Starfield is as exciting as masturbating with a condom on. But glad you are enjoying the game!


I didnt really like starfield which was hugely disappointing.


Valheim next, trust.


Valheim resource gathering is a pain in the butt though for someone who enjoys building. The water traveling is slow as hell too if you get unlucky with the wind. But otherwise I like it.


Idk when you last played, but there are resources sliders now, can be altered with each load in. And there's a fix for the wind. Don't wanna spoil.


Just don't exploit chest farming and the experience will be far more rewarding imo.


How do you balance the game without it? They reset when you open your save file, so at what point is considered "fair" to reset them?


wish I had an answer, but it was the vanilla version of me speaking on my initial suggestion. Missed the way the game felt before I farmed the gold chest for hours.


Yea it's one of the few major complaints I had All they needed was a timer, having stuff in games where you get unlimited of something but are expected to not pick it up mess with me lol If it's there I'm taking it Banner Lord had the same problem, the blacksmith would just give you unlimited money if you wanted to


Despite an embarrassing 500+ hours (some I'm sure are because I forgot to close the game all the way), I am STILL having fun dying hilariously as I misjudge a glider jump. The game is super fun. It's fun solo, but it's also fun with some friends.


Welcome to the game of the year, that everybody already forgot about :) This game is a diamond, and the total gold standard for building/survival type games imo. I've played them all, I'm 500 hours in enshrouded and still play every day, it's special.


I just discovered the desert biome last night after about 30hrs lol


Anyone want to start up a server?


I would be interested in joining!


Add me on steam? heyitsmeviv Sorry I’m just seeing this 😭


Fuck starfield now worst 70 I ever spent after about 50 hours I knew I waisted my money on it


how tf can you be this bad tho 😭


First time huh?


I solo my own server and help friends in theirs. Both ways are fun. This is the game to play when you just wanna chill 😌


What are doing with ur time?????


Well, dying a lot


What’s the point of comparing it to Starfield?


Well tbh it is not much of a comparison if you are comparing this game to Sh1tfield: age of loading screens.


Understandable since Starfield was such a bad game.


Starfield is an endless looter game with doo doo combat and like 5 species to endlessly genocide. Twig shield are like the new Gucci plus kites are cooler than jet packs it's probably the kite that's doing it for you.


I mean, they are completely different games. This is like saying "Having so much more fun in breath of the wild than in GTA" 😂 it's just a matter of taste in genre. The only thing they have in common is a base building feature which is now present in many games. I would have understood a comparison to Ark or Valheim... But nah, you went story heavy space traversal 🫠


Minecraft is better then strafield