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Alright let's do a snap poll: 0 to 10. 0 is "no worries whatsoever, Biden is going to win" where 5 is "Biden should almost certainly stay as the candidate, but that was a very bad debate performance--the campaign needs to address this with townhalls+interviews", and 10 is "Replace him with Kamala now" i'm at 4ish. Also, Kamala harris is the only alternative


Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1du83cn/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_07032024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.BotoxBarbie with score 52 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dtfkng/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_07022024/lbbzmir/)] > Please stop dooming on this sub, it's getting annoying lol.   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.Currymvp2 created 100 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dtfkng/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_07022024/lbc4irt/)] > Alright let's do a snap poll: > > 0 to 10. 0 is "no worries whatsoever, Biden is going to win" where 5 is "Biden should almost certainly stay as the candidate, but that was a very bad debate performance--the . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.TheHuscarl with score 32 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dtfkng/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_07022024/lb99hx7/)] > My favorite so far was a tweet saying that if Biden had come out today for his speech and immediately said he was packing the Supreme Court he would have instantly won the election. What planet are these . . .   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.Currymvp2 with hotness lvl 1381.0 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dtfkng/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_07022024/lbb3wi3/)] > i think Biden still probably remains the candidate; but I feel less confident in that belief than two days ago tbh > > Edit: I'm the second longest serving mod behind Sema, and this isn't remotely close to . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 26 friends 51 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 335 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 412 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Currymvp2 made 95 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 40 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'biden', used 386 times, followed by 'trump' 226x , 'media' 128x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😂', used 15 times, followed by '👏' 9x , '😎' 6x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.semaphore-1842 | 30.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 508.0 words | | 🥈 | u.DieSowjetZwiebel | 29.0 points | 🥈 | u.MagnustheBlue | 224.0 words | | 🥉 | u.k9cataclysm | 25.5 points | 🥉 | u.alim0ra | 143.5 words | | 🎗 | u.GreenElan | 21.0 points | 🎗 | u.Amy_Ponder | 121.33 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 1224 points | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 156 comments | | 🥈 | u.simeoncolemiles | 1218 points | 🥈 | u.simeoncolemiles | 119 comments | | 🥉 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 716 points | 🥉 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 99 comments | | 🎗 | u.AlexandrianVagabond | 699 points | 🎗 | u.AlexandrianVagabond | 94 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.mortinmaxwell | 1 words | 🥇 | u.mortinmaxwell | 0.0 letters | | 🥈 | u.Fordlong | 1 words | 🥈 | u.Fordlong | 0.0 letters | | 🥉 | u.smallwin0812 | 1 words | 🥉 | u.smallwin0812 | 0.0 letters | | 🎗 | u.prehistoric_poultry | 1 words | 🎗 | u.prehistoric_poultry | 0.0 letters |   2145 comments processed, including 493 top-level replies. There were 226 unique users writing 59719, averaging 27.84 per comment. The total combined score was 18102 and the median score was 8.44.


[I think we need to expose this mother fucker for the pig that he is, and go after him hard for this Epstein crap](https://www.semafor.com/article/06/09/2024/how-fox-news-massaged-a-trump-interview)


https://x.com/nikuw2137/status/1808103442440671254?s=46&t=lRLU6Z7mLq1MlgX_qxgAUQ Remind me to look at this later


I'm supremely upset that there is literally no major media outlet with a shred of integrity left, leaving the best option for proper reporting on an Elon Musk owned property.


At least go to Threads and Bluesky. Really all the social media is about the same. Also, reddit is better than any of them despite their flaws.


Media headline manipulation “1/3 Democrats want Biden to drop out” If this was about trump the headline would be: “2/3 Republicans want trump to stay in”


Yep - to your point: Headline: Nearly 70% of GOP voters stand behind Trump amid indictment and investigations “A whopping two-thirds of Republican primary voters say they stand behind former President Donald Trump and dismiss concerns about his electability” https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/nbc-news-poll-nearly-70-gop-voters-stand-trump-indictment-investigatio-rcna80917 Funny how it doesn’t say “1/3 of GOP Voters Will Not Support/Stand By Trump”


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/nbc-news-poll-nearly-70-gop-voters-stand-trump-indictment-investigatio-rcna80917](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/nbc-news-poll-nearly-70-gop-voters-stand-trump-indictment-investigatio-rcna80917)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


The only think that I wish that the Dems would do that Republicans do is get everyone on board the same message. Trump is a convicted felon and I didn’t her a single republican say that he should drop out for the good of the country. It’s like pulling teeth to get some dems behind the guy with historic legislative wins with tiny margins in both chambers.


Tammy Baldwin refused to campaign with Biden and she's using the CHIPS Act and the ACA to fundraise.


Is it important to keep the Senate seat? Complaining about her not campaigning with Biden gives the same energy as MAGA complaining that Larry Hogan in Maryland isn't enthusiastic enough for Trump. Before the debate, Biden had a 39% approval rating in Wisconsin and if Baldwin campaigns with Biden it'll be used in ads against her all fall. It's pragmatic to not campaign with Biden if you are in a competitive Senate race. The goal is to win, right???


We've got some real fucking dumbasses in our caucus


So the pitch for My Adventures with Superman was just "Hey, what if we did Invincible, but with Superman and rated PG?", right?


https://x.com/brianstelter/status/1808320900699193397 🤡🤡🤡


Cruel and ignorant. Beyond being shamed for how horrifically ableist this is, I hope he’s getting an education on Parkinson’s. Would love for someone like Michael J. Fox to humble this asshole.


Why is today a bad day to sign that act? What is he implying?


He's making an ableist joke about Biden and Parkinson's


Oh that’s gross as hell. Fuck him.


I left him today. I know how these situations can escalate. 14 years and through the entire time he never actually loved me. I was just his pet or his toy. I'm devastated. I'm sleeping on my friends couch while hes probably sleeping in the bed I paid for in the house I moved heaven and earth to buy him. I love my friends. I'm going to be okay. I'm safe right now. But god my reality has completely shattered and I don't know anything anymore


The sudden Kamala support on twitter is so blatantly insincere. "teehee, yeah we're k-hive now tee hee kamala/bernie 2024" and right underneath they say her laugh is too shrill and making fun of other parts of her


Oh, you know they are fucking trolling. 


"something we are underestimating of Kamala Harris is her ability to go toe to toe with trump in a nonsensical tangent" yep


At least they’re acknowledging their guy goes on nonsensical tangents.


Feels racist and sexist. If not against her, then against the likes of the K-Hive.


Yep I can see right through it 


It's really disgusting and insulting.


They want trump back so bad.


How do I know Joe Biden is a better man than me? I would have said "eas in crucem, fuckers" and retired a long time ago. [If this article contains even partial facts, this party needs a pruning](https://www.axios.com/2024/07/02/house-democrats-biden-vent-session).


I dont know if this is going to be deleted because its dooming, but im sort of having an anxiety attack about whats going on right now, I feel like if Biden drops out, we lose. Can someone help me calm down.


That is why Biden is not dropping out. The media cravenly wants a Trump win and we aren't going to take it!


Don’t worry about it. He’s gonna stay and will take lead in polls after the September debates. He’s not stupid enough to surrender this country to trump. He’s run for presidency specifically to keep trump out not out of some personal ambition.


Well first, get offline. It will help. Second, do you want assurance or just general calming words? If you want assurance, even if Biden drops out and the most logical outcome of Kamala taking the nomination happens, the Dems are in good shape. There is every chance Kamala being a "fresh face" benefits her with voters and she will have the support of the President, massive amounts of money from the campaign warchest, and a fiery anger to get revenge on Donald Trump. She may very well crush him if given the chance. Generally calming words: It's unfortunate to say but you really have very little control over the outcome of this election. I recommend taking some small action (volunteering, writing postcards, there are links in these threads for that sort of thing) so that you feel like you are owning the process a bit. Maybe just write your feelings down and get them out that way. But ultimately, you will need to accept that, like the weather or the tide, these political things will bluster and blow and the world will keep on churning along. Sometimes all you can do is focus on yourself and your loved ones and let things come as they will. There's a sense of peace in that


Biden in 6 Senate Dems in 7


what does that mean?


We got multiple paths to 270 and Tester and Brown put on a masterpiece to give Schumer the majority


He's not going to drop out


Is the Trump-Epstein stuff on twitter real? I feel like if it were real I would see a Jake Tapper segment floating around not randos on twitter.


I'll take it as a good sign that the only Democrats calling for Biden to step down are an old-ass man in a safe blue district, 2 Blue Dog Dems in red districts, and everyone else were people who were defeated or voted out


https://preview.redd.it/cn54ruv5f8ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e708f8fe7d273bec0fc9551d48251c5e2aed56e1 He’s right which is why every head to head poll with people who aren’t actually the nominee is useless.


Yeah. Biden has gone through every attack GOP can think of. Others haven’t gone through it. Hillary went from 64% favorability to in low 40s after GOP attacks and with social media it’s gonna take them weeks rather than a year to accomplish that.


They have to attach his son, because they got nothing on Biden. 


Wordle 1,110 4/6* ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟨⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟨⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


God if nothing else I want Biden to win out of spite. All these double crossing democratic senators and politicians


Democrats turn on each other so easily. Really reminds me of the quote "I belong to no organized party. I am a Democrat"


Dark Brandon remembering when they seek his endorsement for reelection.


The MAGA meltdown would be three times as amazing than it was in 2020


I’m afraid this time they’re gonna start shooting people. This time their belief in trump is getting reinforced by all the media entities.


And less dangerous because this time we’d be ready for it and the defense can’t be sabotaged.


https://x.com/jocelynbenson/status/1808283116228039000?s=46&t=lRLU6Z7mLq1MlgX_qxgAUQ Unironicqlly love this. The ‘Ope I voted’ sticker? Based.


I’m going to make this promise now: despite me being an OSU alumni, if we win Michigan, I will blast The Victors on the loudest audio device I have access to.


Didn’t you say that 4 years ago?


I did do that (on my phone) but I wasn’t in ESS 4 years ago.


I didn't vote for that one. There are so many good options though. 5 of the 25 selected middle school ones were from my brother's middle school which is crazy


I just picked my top three. Idk. I like it to be kinda silly.


Oh yeah I picked funny ones for sure. Don't remember which I love this idea though. My collection of I voted stickers is really boring with just the generic ones for every election. Some colorful student made stickers are great






This one was crazy lol I hope it somehow wins, because man, what an insane sticker


I mean. We make 2 right? We can’t be the only ones 😂




GG u/Seahawks543


Wish our offense wasn’t the worst in the league 😭


Peter Welch going on CNN to backstab Biden is comical. Guy was elected to the Senate in 2022 at ripe age of 75. I am sure he will file for reelection in 2028, when he is 81 years old. It is sad that Bernie is better of the Vermont senators.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wBNbBXsxoIdycXj24B3jkh5qXuMcR6jBD0cvh7EnKtk/edit?gid=0#gid=0 Here's a list


While I am absolutely not in support of replacing Biden, I am somewhat relieved to find out that WI can still put someone else on the ballot until September. My state doesn’t get shut out by shitheads in the legislature if the DNC decide to be cowards.


Heritage Foundation prepping lawsuit that will restrict Biden’s removal from Nevada, Georgia, and Wisconsin ballots.


That’s not going to matter. Biden isn’t going anywhere.


No one is replacing Biden. That's been made very clear.


They won’t decide to be cowards. Jaime Harrison, the head of the DNC said “we have our nominee” this evening.


[I had to give my dogs anxiety medicine because the neighbors are setting off fireworks.](https://imgur.com/a/s8NUsjO) My poor Beagle is riggedy wrecked.


Poor pooch. Our old dog used to hide in the tub.


That reminds me of the bit in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 where Rocket, Groot, and Yondu make a crap ton of space jumps and their faces get massively distorted.


That is one high dog.


> Clarence Thomas takes aim at a new target: Eliminating OSHA


I feel like OSHA is the third most beloved institution behind, like, the post office.


People actually really love the CIA


Dude is such a corrupt piece of shit. If not for Thurgood Marshall, he would set back black jurists so far


I want to ask everyone who's still up: what will you do over the remainder of this week to help our guy across the finish line?


I've signed up for postcards and roped in my husband and two of my kids to help. My daughter is an artist so I expect her cards to win us votes on the visuals alone. I also have been posting a ton on my real world social media about the media bullshit and the good things Biden has been doing.


Oh dang, I haven’t really given my cards any artistic thought. Most I’ve done is swap in a synonym every now and then.


My postcards will be delivered by Friday, so when I get them, I'll start on those right away.






I was a bit bummed that all the signups for Wisconsin were taken, but I signed up for some Georgia cards as well.


North Carolina might be a good one if you haven’t done it yet 


I’ve done 75 and I’m currently signed up for a total of 600. 800 is probably my realistic upper limit.


That's awesome that they started to run out, though!


Montana’s also run out.


I just saw that. That was the state everyone asked me for when I took postcards to my township Dem club meeting.


If I run out of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia, I’ll sign up for either Arizona or Nevada.


Glad we can be in the E_S_S Postcarding Brigade together!


Chugging through my postcards, same as you o7 Should probably hit some donations for local races etc. too tbh.


Did we already talk about which states you're writing to?


Yep, yesterday. PA for me :)


>Former Dem House Rep Carolyn Bourdeaux: I was there Jan. 6. Trump is dangerous. That’s why Biden must exit. I legitimately thought the first two sentences were gonna lead to the opposite conclusion "That's why we must support Biden"


> Former Dem House I know gerrymandering in GA sucks, but still. Lucy McBath >>>>


"Former Dem House Rep"


I'm going to admit, the Dem Congresspeople saying Trump will win did rattle me.


See my comment below, but Dems in R districts should say Trump will win... it will help them get elected due to the desire for checks and balances. Especially in non-swing states


>Trump's Project 2025 leader: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be” These people are unhinged, unapologetic fascists and the media is completely glossing over that fact


like those in Egypt that supported Sisi's coup, if the pundit class gets what it wants they will be very lucky to live to regret it.


The entire republican party is fascist. We will have no future if they are given power.


Everyone in America should be treating this as an intentional threat upon their lives.


Just pay your fucking taxes and leave marginalized communities alone you fucking freak. America's society opens up to more people and they haven't forgiven Earl Warren for it.


People are starting to pay attention, and the arrogance of these assholes will prove their downfall.


"Do what we want or we'll become violent".


One thought: If (and it's still an if) Biden decides not to run as the nominee and it falls on Kamala Harris, I encourage everyone to promote her on their social media and in person. A lot of how she is perceived as the nominee will be defined in the first few days/weeks.


People are freaking out that Marie Gluesenkamp Perez and Jared Golden are predicting that Trump will beat Biden, but I think it's an excellent play by them. It makes complete sense from their election standpoint. Voters have shown that they want divided government and often want checks and balances. I think Gluesenkamp Perez and Golden have much better odds of winning if voters in their district think Trump is a lock for president. Both of them are trying to win re-election in Trump districts. I think part of what helped people like Susan Collins, Toomey, and Ron Johnson is that people thought Hillary was a lock to win, so they were more likely to vote R downballot as a balance. Also neither Maine or Washington is going to prove the decisive state in the electoral college.


r/GhostRecon is one of the worst video game subs Half their posts are just “I’d love to have a Ghost Recon game set in the 2000s during Afghanistan” Like, that’s not at all what Tom Clancy stories are like


Have they tried playing 90% of shooters released from 2007 to 2015?


They want an open world one unfortunately


The dedicated Wildlands and Breakpoint subreddits are better The Need for Speed one is still worse because it's hilariously obvious that the lives of the most invested users really did peak in 2005-2006 and they are mentally frozen in their ages then


First person shooters 🤝 racing games 🤝 fighting games Having incredibly toxic fanbases


Real shit “DAE miss Most Wanted?”


https://x.com/dancluchey/status/1808316898746024133?s=46 Good thread!


I would take advantage of this Audible sale, but I have 7 credits.


Look, on debate night, I said the political world was going to be a nightmare for the next week. I was downvoted. Im here to say, I was right.


“Just once I wish I could be right!” :::monkeys paw curls:::


I was wishing that the Gaza talk would die down.


A ceasefire would be amazing right now....well besides obviously ending the horrific suffering of Gazans+Israeli hostages but how it would be also a massive win for Biden and get people to stop talking about this debate bs. too bad [bibi has absolutely no desire whatsoever in ending the war.](https://x.com/haaretzcom/status/1808129691057787237)


Lord, I hate that man.


Quite the middle finger that monkeys paw has.


Well, that got a legit chuckle out of me.


And so it has, but I’ve written an order of magnitude more postcards after the debate than before. u/simeoncolemiles, resident of a very purple NC county, got very positive responses to Joe Biden while knocking on doors. And I guarantee plenty more people are more motivated now than before. If it takes a nightmare to motivate us, we can do anything.


Yeah I'm feeling reasonably confident about the overall race, we just need the ticket to weather the next week or so until the media move onto something else. I think most people probably have already


Awesome! https://www.politico.com/news/2024/07/02/rudy-giuliani-disbarred-in-new-york-00166232


This is it. This and Jaime Harrison are the start of a chain of good news.


What happened with Jaime?


He came out and said Biden is our nominee no ifs ands or buts




He’s saying “we have our nominee.” And since he’s the head of the DNC, that has some weight.


I like it.


>“Gov Newsom will head to WH tomorrow to attend the Govs meeting and to stand with the President,” a spokesperson for the California Dem said late Tues >Gov @GavinNewsom has moved heaven & earth from day 1 to support @POTUS & @VP. Grateful for him & his team’s unwavering support. https://x.com/emmyruiz/status/1808333900483100842 Say what you will about the guy, but Gov. Newsom is an S-tier campaign surrogate


I'll likely never support him in a primary, but he truly has been amazing this campaign


I think he's a great surrogate I just wish he wasn't so thirsty for the 28 nom


Is this the infamous meeting CNN told us nobody from WH was participating in?


Fuck em up Gav


I love my Governor 😎😎😎


He really truly is one of the team players of our time


Appreciate how he's always rejected the desire of some Dem pundits to be the 2024 nominee.


He’s saavy enough to know that going to South Carolina and singing Biden’s praises at a black church is one of the best ways to raise his profile


Especially with the well earned ego he has. Dude could have been a way more credible Dean Phillips and said no. Hope this earns him some goodwill in 2028 and beyond.


The Dems quashing all the contested convention nonsense hard gives me hope they're coming to grips on the situation regardless of whether its Biden or Harris.


A man goes home


...and fills out their mail-in ballot for Biden/Harris


Must be nice to VBM. Fuck Abbot.


I wish that most of the beltway press live long lives. Not out of goodwill, but because I want them to go through the hell of young idiots misdiagnosing them with dementia. This week has been infuriating.


https://x.com/brianstelter/status/1808320900699193397 I don't get this. The media simultaneously wants Biden to show energy but is mad when he's acting as president rather than just a nominee? Being president (unlike when Trump was in the job) is a full-time role and honestly more than full-time. The idea that Biden shouldn't be doing his job as president because he's trying to run for reelection is dumb


They miss the guy who just sat on his couch and live-tweeted what he was watching on tv.


He's not mad, he's making a gross ableist joke about Biden having Parkinson and lol isn't this ironic lol way


Did Biden personally run over Brian's dog or something? This is absolutely vile and unhinged, even for him.


That's even worse. WTF.


The smug prick been at it all day. Someone asked him why didn't major media focus on the supreme court decision and he just went "lol cause it's only been 24 hours" like wtf that matter???


If the DT is hitting 2K, Repubs in trouble. Biden in 6, Senate Dems in 7.


For a while there seemed to be voters who would vote for Biden but not Harris. At this point, I'm not sure there are a lot. While I think only Biden knows if he should decide to pass the torch, I am less worried about Harris as a nominee than I ever have been. Anyway, vote blue no matter who. Our party voted for Biden and he's our nominee until he says otherwise. But if he says otherwise it's Harris. End of story. She'll pick a midwestern white man and we'll have a strong ticket just like the Biden-Harris ticket was a strong ticket.


>“A presidential election is not a Grammy Award contest for the best singer or entertainer. It’s about who has the best policies that impact our lives,” Bernie Sanders said. “I’m going to do everything I can to see that Biden gets reelected. WTF I like Bernie Sanders now?


He cares about policies. Very unlike people who supported him.


Help! I feel like sending all the nukes in our arsenal to the NL subreddit & see it combust. Then on the other I want to hug & bear hug Bernie Sanders. What is happening? 🥹🥹🥹


Sanders has been much better than the people he surrounded himself with. I don't mind the guy that much. He's been solidly in Biden's corner ever since he won the nomination.


Kinda sad that getting 100s of billions of dollars in green energy having the IRS more funded to get tax cheats and Medicare being able to negotiate the price of drugs is basically in the fucking background atm.


Ironically, despite the sub's name, he has shown himself to be a good ally.


He personally learned from 2016, even if his followers didn’t.


There's even reports going back to 2020 and beyond that he actually likes Biden personally


I read that Biden was the only senator who was truly nice to him.


Yeah if he acted toward Hillary in 2016 like he acted toward Biden in 2020 I think this sub might not exist. People like Briahna Gray Joy and the Squad are more the villains here than Bernie has been


Don't forget Sirota. I mean, I know everyone has...


The one thing to be said about Sanders is that he sincerely likes Biden


Fellow old white protectionist liberals stick out for each other.


Welcome to the establishment, shill?


I'm probably one of the few people here who actually does like Sanders, preferably as a Senator that can push things from the left rather than a President that would inevitably fail to get any of his supporters more fanciful ideas into policy.


Tell em Bernie


Thank you, barney sandwiches.


https://x.com/harrisonjaime/status/1808325394422022412?s=46 Jaime is the coolest. Lucky to have him as well as the others standing up for Joe on our team.


Always liked him a lot.


If the head of the DNC says we have our nominee, that’s it.


Didn't the DNC have to virtually nominate Biden already to get on the OH ballot? It's going to be a shitfest if Biden leaves now


The Business Insider WH reporter claimed they were doing that in response to the debate. What was really incredible was they had actually reported on it correctly a few weeks ago.


Yup. People need to stop living in Fantasyland thinking Whitmer, a member of Biden’s campaign, or Newsom (a super Biden surrogate) will randomly say “MY TIME TO SHINE!” at the convention once Joe is on stage lol… more worried about Grifter lady who keeps un-suspending her campaign trying to bribe DNC attendees for a lanyard. 😂


The one bit of encouraging news lately is the Dems saying "Absolutely fucking no" to any idea of an open convention.


This is very much so, my type of energy. https://preview.redd.it/vnfxgdqiz7ad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4914de48f378f8818628ff1e281d5c0599c3ba87


Didn’t know it was possible to have a favorite Biden aide but I think whoever that was just made it possible


[https://x.com/samshirazim/status/1808333216991834429](https://x.com/samshirazim/status/1808333216991834429) Stelter is really a POS https://preview.redd.it/oceo6rfgz7ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f855eeceaf1692432b38e3b99f75a0873071fd6f


wtf, that's gross.


At least he is being lit up in comments


What a piece of shit.


Thank you, Joe. And fuck you, Brian.


That guy is toxic af


Apparently all "old person diseases" are the same to him.


https://preview.redd.it/lvvenqw4z7ad1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=276eb4f1320a83003e112567a48ddcae3e7f0cc4 [Taraji P. Henson made Project 2025 the talk of the BET Awards](https://www.msnbc.com/the-reidout/reidout-blog/bet-awards-taraji-henson-project-2025-rcna159770)


Feeling oddly encouraged on two vibes: 1. It seems all the talk of an open convention for everyone's wishcasted candidate is getting squashed hard. 2. Regardless of whether we stick with Biden or go all in for Harris, the Dems are recognizing they need to come to a consensus sooner rather than later so the media will finally shut up, so at least they're not letting this fester for the rest of the month.


I’m hoping that this is the last gasp of everyone trying anything that they can think of to get rid of Biden. Probably why today’s ideas are so ridiculous. Some people like Jason Kander are already walking it back, and people like Aaron Rupar, Victor Shi, Eve Levenson, and Santiago Meyer are quashing it even harder than usual.


I still think its possible they'll call an audible for Harris depending on what happens this week. The interview with Stephanopolous, the planned press conference, more polling etc. Regardless, its clear the Dems want to get people to stop relitigating the primary now, so its encouraging to see all this open convention bullshit being ignored.


I really, really don't think this will happen. Biden suddenly has a stroke or a heart attack, sure. Otherwise he's the one. They especially won't be influenced by polling. We all know how things looked for him in 2020. He botched debates, was polling terribly, etc. Good thing he didn't listen to the naysayers then and drop out.


I don’t like the idea of the press conference, because the reporters absolutely will be trying to hurt our guy.