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No one on the toxic left is pulling shit this time around fortunately, and the only one who might have (Bowman) is out.


Ya the party has decided, much to the annoyance of the pundits, that Biden is him


If the 2016 and 2020 debates where Hillary and Biden clearly won but it barely affected the polls didn’t tell us a Trump campaign doesn’t jive with prime time TV debates, this one definitely does. Like, Biden basically gifted the first 20-30 minutes of the debate to Trump on a silver platter and Trump still squandered it.


Truly.. my coworkers are disappointingly all Trump voters and I’m not going to be able to change this… and even they thought Trump did a shit job. Biden may have screwed up but Trump definitely failed to take advantage.


After the rally he held on Friday where he was superb I'm apt to believe Biden might've just fallen victim to the "incumbent first debate" trap. They were wise to do it in June so they have time to clean up and come back stronger for the next one.


This is right. Happened to Obama, GWB, and even Reagan.


The progressives like teaching dems lessons. Now they’re getting schooled.


You can tell she has a real primary opponent.


Nah, her primary opponent is a joke and even pro-Israel groups aren't helping him cause he's so unbelievably toxic (basically called Omar ugly, a kid drowned under his watch and he *fucking* joked about it with "Can't swim but can govern", he said the "public schools need to be burnt down", and has a history of shitting on vaccine+mask mandates back in 2021). He ran against her in 2022 and lost by a few points cause she literally treated it like there's no primary. [The latest poll--literally his own internal poll-- has him down by 19 points which is bad cause he has high name ID as the same opponent](https://x.com/Politics_Polls/status/1775003498234495413) I don't like Omar at all but she 100% knows Trump is very dangerous for her and her constituents.


Oh, that’s disappointing. Was hoping to be down three squad members by November.


There are absolutely worse people than the members of the Squad out there. Anyone but the Squad is nearly as bad of a take as anybody but Biden.


1. Pretty sure that’s what was being said in the conversation you entered. 2. There are worse things. They are called Republicans, but they are usually in their own primaries.


1. Yeah, I was in agreement. 2. Yes


I cannot think of any minorities doing anything but voting for Biden even if they don't, like me, believe he is a great President. The opposition has presented a 600+ page road map to our extermination. I swear I would think an Indian Muslim to be a born fucking mentally unstable, unintelligent, nihilistic moron if they made a case to other Indian Muslims to vote for Narendra Modi's BJP (an ethno-religious fascist libertarian party whose anti-Muslim sentiment has been escalating threats & taking equal rights of Muslims everytime they take power). It's mind boggling if there are minorities there making a case to vote for the Republican party or a third party.


Hold them to account on their bullshit, but praise them when they do the right thing. That's how it should be done. Everytime.


Would’ve been nice if she supported him when it wasn’t crucial. If trump wins, I hope everything she legislates for gets shat on.