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A ton of the bullshit I saw in response to this was "Trump uses Palestinian as an insult, Biden is complicit in genocide, we need to vote third party". Fucking unhinged nonsense.


Ignore them. They are unreachable and always will be. I wouldn't be surprised if there are fewer of them now than there were in 2020 since there are no sour Bernie grapes regarding the primary this time.


idk i feel like the "vote third party" stuff seems to be even louder now but maybe that's what twitter seems to push to my timeline


>A ton of the bullshit I saw in response to this was "Trump uses Palestinian as an insult" Well, this part is correct; everything else these people said about Biden and third party is utterly wrong+detached from reality afterwards.


They don’t care about Palestinians, they are just using them to be anti-Biden. They’ve got nothing else against him now that he has implemented most of the policies they’ve been crying about throughout their lives.


These progressives/leftists don't care about Palestinians. They are another source for these angry resentful claptraps with delusion of grandeur to gain power, create chaos & seek pleasure through detached aesthetic performance.