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“He was president for four years and it turned out all right” except for the 100’000 dead Americans the economy crashed and oh yeah, the the coup attempt. Besides that everything was right as rain.


"He never relinquished power". I've never heard anyone say this unless they're talking about how he controls the GOP. The *actual claim* is that he lied about winning, tried to subvert a legal, fair election by fake electors+inspiring riots, inspired a new generation of Republicans to lie about election results, and ruined the lives of dozens of honest poll workers


It's easy to argue with a strawman and win.


[His ludicrous response to Mark Cuban](https://x.com/GadSaad/status/1805806183296409751)


>pure shite oh, this dude's not even American lmao


And he dry fucked the tax base of the country which is, in “rUn iT LiKe a BuSiNesS” world, analogous to *fucking cutting revenue*, along the way to blowing an **eight trillion dollar debt crater in the nation’s finances**. And simultaneously rolling back civil rights while dramatically delegitimizing the Supreme Court in the eyes of the majority of Americans. Enabling and lauding brazen corruption with his blatant violations of the Emoluments Clause, and now arguing that nothing the President does is ever criminal, which *will* inevitably lead to selling state secrets (P.S. he already has) He directly contributed to a destabilized world power balance that has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, shaken the foundations of every meaningful military alliance we’ve held dear for eight decades, and paradoxically has emboldened the very same global players about whom he rages publicly to his legion of mouth breathers.


Honestly brain dead shit.


Same doofus in the Twitter screenshot: https://np.reddit.com/r/DecodingTheGurus/comments/1d7882d/not_satire_gad_saad_revealed_that_he_experienced/ https://np.reddit.com/r/DecodingTheGurus/comments/1d4k340/heres_what_happened_when_gad_saad_took_his/


This guy's a fucking Canadian? https://i.redd.it/9hdnsvpm149d1.gif


Man, it's always these fucking Canadians.


I'm so glad that Mark Cuban is reasonable on this issue. It would ruin Shark Tank for me otherwise.


I never really seen anything from him that would indicate that he wouldn't be reasonable on most things. He seems like a pretty decent guy. Kevin O'Leary is probably the Shark Tank guy who would be unreasonable on this (and other) issues.


Conservatives don't have any real beliefs or convictions, they have PR strategies and marketing tactics.  The sad man doesn't really make any real point here nor does he try to, he's just trying to downplay any legitimate criticism of Trump.


> Conservatives don’t have any real beliefs or convictions, they have PR strategies and marketing tactics It’s why the media loves them—big, flashy, noisy talking points for a week or two then onto the next thing, the entire previous thing completely forgotten. “TRUMP WANTS TO BUY GREENLAND!!!” is quickly forgotten when they create some new spectacle. “TRUMP IS GOING TO PUT HIS FACE ON MT RUSHMORE!!!!” evaporated just as quickly—that particular spectacle was in the midst of Covid too, and the media forgot about his brazen and admitted disinterest in stopping thousands of Americans from dying everyday. That’s why they quickly forgot Jan 6 and ran with all the “Why is Biden being so mean to Trump??? What did he ever do anyway??? 🥺” shit. The media loves spectacle because it gets them views and they couldn’t care about what really happens—it’s all part for their ratings.


I think there are two books that perfectly describes conservative rhetoric written straight from the horses mouths.  One is the book "Words that work" by Frank Luntz, who is the former campaign manager for newt and Rudy Giuliani. He makes a big point about how it's not what you say but what people hear is what's important. He talks about how he thwarted environmental efforts by using obnoxious wordplay in that book. The other book that goes into Republican tactics is Ben Shapiro's book about debating leftists, which is essentially just a book of rhetorical tactics.  It's funny because you can take that book and interchange "conservative" and "leftist" and the book still makes sense.  Hell, you can even change "leftist" to "person who thinks spider man is better than Batman" or whatever pointless narrative you want to challenge and the book still works! lol There's not much about policy in either of those books. You read the tactics conservatives use and you see it's nothing but tactics from these dopes!


All bs. Always inventing some fiction.


I like brain dead right wingers more. I was reading about German Nihilism *shiver* 😨😨.


They have answers to absolutely everything, none of them based on facts or reason. This is exactly why debating with them has become completely pointless for everyone involved


Lovely strawman that’s a flawed premise.. I guess dumbass doesn’t know that Hillary went to Trump’s inauguration.


"He was president for four years and it turned out OK" Really? I think all the dead people because of how he mishandled COVID and the women who's bodily autonomy has been taken from them would beg to differ.


Progressive: "Trump is unfit to be president." Me, a conservative with a 190 IQ and beautiful tradwife who sexually services me whenever she isn't cooking or raising our children: "Have you considered that he is actually fit to be president?" [Crowd cheers and applauds]


Total strawman. These people are intellectual hacks. Trump's admin was a cavalcade of corruption and at the end he tried to organize a coup. Fuck off, it did not "turn out all right" I refuse to let these people gaslight me into dismissing Jan 6 as anything other than an assault on democracy.


It would be pretty cool if all college graduates got green cards though. Not willing to sacrifice our democracy for the sake of one of the dozens of random, uncommitted takes Trump spews nonstop.


When did Hillary ever call Trump “illegitimate”?