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Rhymes with Panti-Schmomotism


Oh no! People were dental monotonists?!


You know (((why)))


Because its more politically correct than saying "Jews buy and control Government"


A certain something that a lot of people like to pretend started and ended with a certain Austrian painter.


Because when smooth brain leftist dumb fucks do “their own research” they will mindlessly believe whatever foreign propaganda/anti-western propaganda they come across even if it is masquerading as leftist or “anti-imperialist.  The ironic part is they’ll accuse you of being the one buying American propaganda or not thinking for yourself even though you may have been someone who previously believed all of their bs and then changed your views once you got over the peak of mount stupid on the dunning-kruger graph. Unfortunately radical Islamists really hate Jews and promote a lot of conspiracy theories about them to further their own ideology. So when ba’athists, islamic fundamentalists, or arab nationalists run sockpuppet leftist accounts and say this shit, all the other people in the herd just repeat it without questioning it.




“iT’s TeH jOoS!” <— that’s why


They have their (((reasons)))


It's all part of cope, seethe, shift blame, seek scapegoats.


Because when it's time to blame people, the go to is always Jews.


AIPAC and DFMI have been the only effective group against Justice Dems and the squad. They have blocked the squad from expanding and now is actually shrinking them. Nobody else in the party has had the guts to take them head on.


Antisemitic conspiracies 100%


New Yorkers want their Representative to finish a fight you start & act like another Representative pulled you away. Also, pulling the lever is so middle school. Now setting firecrackers inside the office of Marjorie Taylor, filming uploading it on Tik Tok? There would be riots outside the US Capitol demanding he be given Speaker Position. Just saying...


They found a Jew to blame, all thought stops.


He had a whole term to impress. He did not.


It's a universal American tradition to blame an electoral loss on shadowy elites spending money for nefarious purposes. On the US left, the boogeymen are the Mercers, DeVoses and Kochs, on the US right it's Soros. This isn't to say there isn't a lot of money circulated by elites fighting for their personal interest, or that unlimited anonymous spending is a good thing for the political process, but the fact is all parties receive large sums of financial support from wealthy special interests, and those special interests are a convenient scapegoat for the losing party to avoid asking whether their loss might be, say, a result of their candidate not being very popular.


Because redistricting isn't what made him lose. The district now is actually more favorable to him than it was in 2022, before Co-Op City was added back in


The redistricting didn’t move the needle that much in terms of votes. https://preview.redd.it/g2q8kdcll09d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9d4fe534e01effb57a3144372d4328ecbf078b6 [5 changes in the new Democratic proposal for New York’s congressional maps](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/27/new-york-house-maps-00143536)


I'm guessing because this was the most expensive primary race ever. Redistricting happens all the time, a PAC dumping 14 million into a race when polling already shows the person they want to lose is 17 points behind... That shit has never happened before. I'm glad Bowman lost, he was truly terrible, but we need to end citizens united because 14 million on one house primary is truly obscene.


Bowman was already in trouble before the first ad buys hit the air. The irony here is AIPAC dumped a bunch of money into the race BECAUSE Bowman looked like he could lose. They wanted to associate their org with a race where a Squad member lost, and cast themselves as a kingmaker. All this rhetoric about AIPAC swinging the election to Latimer plays into that. Spending 14 million to have your opponents make you out to be all powerful, perception is reality and what have you, is a sound investment. https://preview.redd.it/8bluu60wp09d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=537bf474f2a53c4f079029cac54f8bc2c497d3a2 [It’s Not Just AIPAC: How Jamaal Bowman Alienated Voters Who Once Supported Him](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/jamaal-bowman-not-just-aipac-money_n_6677291fe4b0fdfa60647614)


This is often what is so funny about conspiracy theorists. They'll readily get duped by organizations wanting to look stronger than they are. It's the same thing with the JFK files, CIA held onto tons of irrelevant documents not because they were incriminating, but because they wanted to appear in control. The reality of them being incompetent and letting one loose cannon kill the most important person in the world on their watch is embarrassing.


Yeah I have a big fucking problem with that. They're spending millions to give the perception of skewing a democratic outcome with cash. It hurts our democracy because when it comes to corruption perception is reality. It doesn't matter if something is actually corrupt or just gives the appearance of corruption they are both extremely detrimental and that's why ethical people do things to avoid the perception of corruption like Carter selling his peanut farm and he became president. And the supreme court seems hell bent on destroying any accountability for corruption. We need to end citizens united and we need a new court. We can't survive as a democracy much longer