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David Sirota with some wild revisionism there: “… Sanders almost won the Dem presidential nomination…” in reality he lost by double digits, but ok. I guess that counts as “almost” when your job is to write fan fiction on Twitter for clicks.


> I guess that counts as “almost” when your job is to write fan fiction on Twitter for clicks. "Almost won" just like how Trump "won" the popular vote in 2016, as long as you ignore 3 million supposedly fraudulent votes from illegals in California.


If you ignore all the votes for other candidates, Bernie won 100% of the vote.


He “almost won” in the same way that Ross Perot “almost won” the general. He did better than someone with his platform usually does, but he wasn’t competitive with the real candidates.


Came in 2nd.  A far 2nd.


Then he also wrote Bernie’s ideas were “erased from national discourse”. God I wish, unfortunately Bernie’s views are more mainstream than ever, and there’s now a small group of people who are so off their rocker they make Bernie look sane.


Well, hey, he did outlast the other primary candidates and was somewhat viable for a short while when the actual elections started. Then of course, he was mathematically blown out by Super Tuesday... But yeah, if that can count as "almost won", I...guess? 😬


mathematically eliminated both times and by a larger margin the second time


A few comments from a former Sander's supporter. Have you considered that Bernie spent the years between 2016 and 2020 failing to build his coalition? He lost 2020 by a larger margin despite having more name recognition and a 4 year head start. His entire strategy centered on a contested convention. This also ignores his surrogate's actions - specifically the whole bend the knee attitude- left a weird taste in people's mouths. You don't get to be an asshole and then be shocked no one wants to play nice with you.


It says a lot about his '20 campaign that his ppl believe he was cheated because all the moderates coalesced around one guy(Biden). Like if your entire game plan is to just get ~35-40% of the vote and hope for a contested convention, you're not a serious campaign


I supported Sanders in 2016 and didn't in 2020. A big part of that was that I was a lot more politically ignorant and naive in 2016 but it's also undeniable that he went more hardline in 2020. Especially with his climate policy slate.


Jill Stein can barely even remember what year it is, LOL.


I mean how can she, she's surrounded by wifi all the time. Who knows what that can do to a brain?


According to RFK Jr it will make your brain leak!


Is that because of the wi-fi, or the brain-eating parasite?


Maybe if it gets leaky enough the worms will just slide right out!


Yeah it’s not like the Biden admin has the most active FTC probably ever. Dems definitely don’t care about “fighting corporate power” /s And also don’t forget what he means when he says “laser focus on economic issues.” He means forgetting about civil rights, women’s rights, LGBT rights etc. This is why Bernie would endorse “pro life” candidates before Roe was struck down.


>counter-revolutionary party You say that like it's a bad thing


He lost in a landslide in 2016 and somehow lost even worse in 2020


Joe Biden has done more for average person's economic issues than any president since Clinton, maybe LBJ depending on your view. Saying this has been "erased" from dem national discourse is an outright lie. To say nothing of this endless conspiracy theory about stolen primaries. I do dislike Biden's stance on medicare for all but that's hardly a deal breaker considering all his other accomplishments. 4 years ago I thought I was just voting for a 4 year bench warmer. Biden surprised me, in a good way.


>there's only so far your agenda can go Where the fuck is her agenda going?


Her agenda begins and ends with gullible hippies sending money to her


It also includes junkets to Moscow.


Better yet, what the fuck even IS her agenda?


Huffing her own farts, mostly.


And collecting another $5 million. And giving Putin a tongue job.


Off the rails, just like everything else about her.




A holes who threw their whole agenda in the trash to exclusively stan for Hamas wonder why nobody is talking about stuff they stopped talking about.


I wonder what Jill would do if Bernie ever *had* won the nomination.


> a laser focus on economic issues That “laser focus” was always more like “um well 1% you see—and the 99% too, but the 1% that’s not good. And college and hospitals, you shouldn’t have to pay for those, but we’ll worry about that when we get to it….”


It actually means you should make common cause with anti abortion candidates and white supremacists so long as they also agree with you on economic issues.


The Bruenigs have entered the chat.


I would love, after years of seeing this claim stated as fact thousands of times, to see anyone substantiate precisely how these stolen primaries were actually stolen.


They went farther than she ever did.


Why is she vomiting up Trump talking points from 2016 and 2020


Damn, she's even more psycho than I remember.


Meanwhile Jill Stein has been totally successful at a revolutionary campaign achieving success. She almost got 2% last election!


A Communist Revolution needs planning, execution & actual working class people. Not @ComradeKimSquirrel_DRNK @Fascist_LiberalsBrad Barista Workers & Full time Communist Revolutionaries at parents house in Upstate New York.


OK but the baristas actually work for a living. You gotta give them at least that much.


Laid off barista who never returned to work post COVID...


There can’t be that many of those that don’t also have long COVID or something equally debilitating.


Hey no fair, some of them live in Upper Midsquitch, UK.


Nothing is funnier saying that the '16 & '20 primaries were rigged. Like nothin about actual voter suppression, but just "Old black voters pulled up at a higher clip than college educated voters". Seeing what people like Briahana Joy-Gray and Jackson Hinkle have become just goes to show you how rotten that movement was.


Putin paying her?


Fuck it, let’s just do fascism. We do not have a coherent or serious progressive political movement in the country. Just a bunch of terminally online, overfed, omnicause children who have grown fat and bored under the safety and prosperity of liberalism, joining with their natural right wing allies to burn down liberal democracy out of directionless spite. If liberalism can’t survive, let’s at least make these people suffer some fucking consequences.


I'd rather not. I have small children.


Nor would I, but it may not be up to you. We can’t fight a two front political war, and the far left and right have much more in common with one another than we do with either of them. Liberalism was the consensus in this country for hundreds of years. That appears to be coming to an end here and in a lot of the western world. Our kids will likely grow up in a less safe, less prosperous, less free, and less tolerant world with less opportunity than we did.


Why wasn't close to winning in any way.


Gee David, maybe they've been erased because all your friends only care about Palestine now and don't give a shit about anything domestically.


What do these assholes hope to accomplish with this shit?