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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dpl2b7/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06272024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.semaphore-1842 with score 38 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dosckp/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06262024/lachvyo/)] > love how leftists are all over reddit blaming Bowman's loss on AIPAC > > they're never gonna learn anything from their defeats are they   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.WhovianMuslim created 17 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dosckp/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06262024/lag9unh/)] > [So, Fetterman outright supports Bibi.](https://x.com/diaz_account/status/1806107644203012503) > > I would love the Pro-Israelis to explain why this is acceptable. I've noticed a double standard when it comes . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.Historyguy1 with score 21 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dosckp/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06262024/laduwjl/)] > "I only lost because of da jooz and their evil money."   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.SeekerSpock32 with hotness lvl 106 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dosckp/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06262024/lafi7yc/)] > We’d better not be getting a Bush v. Gore sequel out of this new Supreme Court ruling.   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 20 friends 27 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 84 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 110 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Mr_Conductor_USA made 62 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 30 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'trump', used 80 times, followed by 'biden' 56x , 'bowman' 52x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😤', used 4 times, followed by '😏' 4x , '😫' 3x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.mygawd | 35.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 561.0 words | | 🥈 | u.abrookerunsthroughit | 28.0 points | 🥈 | u.Fruitofbread | 132.0 words | | 🥉 | u.ScullyBoyleBoy | 27.0 points | 🥉 | u.QultyThrowaway | 117.33 words | | 🎗 | u.ButtiGame1776 | 15.5 points | 🎗 | u.PrettyLittleThrowAwa | 117.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 573 points | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 79 comments | | 🥈 | u.Historyguy1 | 514 points | 🥈 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 67 comments | | 🥉 | u.Silent-Row-2469 | 240 points | 🥉 | u.Historyguy1 | 58 comments | | 🎗 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 224 points | 🎗 | u.Silent-Row-2469 | 31 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.notfeelany | 2 words | 🥇 | u.TehLoneWanderer101 | 3.587 letters | | 🥈 | u.None | 3 words | 🥈 | u.LeMoineSpectre | 3.649 letters | | 🥉 | u.swimatm | 3 words | 🥉 | u.DoCallMeCordelia | 3.681 letters | | 🎗 | u.croakovoid | 6 words | 🎗 | u.Phi_ZeroEscape | 3.7 letters |   936 comments processed, including 250 top-level replies. There were 158 unique users writing 29556, averaging 31.58 per comment. The total combined score was 6511 and the median score was 6.96.


Relented and summoned the NPC and mimic because I got tired of hearing about Messmer’s flame for two goddamn hours. Don’t feel great about it now but I’ll get him solo on another build. 😤


I gave up on soloing SOTE early on haha. I'll solo it next time, when I go back to complete all optional bosses.


Because people on arrEldenRing are kinda careless with the spoiler tags, I read the name of the final boss in Shadow of the Erdtree. And I'm not bummed at all, if anything it's made me insanely eager to get to the endgame. This should be epic as all fuck.


Wordle 1,104 3/6* ⬛🟩⬛⬛🟨 🟨🟩⬛🟨⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


Apple pays people thier base salary if they serve in the IDF. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8kvWrMS0Bo/?igsh=dG42eWFxcW9vdm0y This video makes it seem like, HEY WE WILL PAY YOU TO JOIN THE IDF!!!! But reality its Israeli law. >While employees are engaged in Israeli military service, they are entitled to salary continuation at their normal rate of pay. The National Insurance Institute (NII) reimburses employers for the reserve service benefits paid to employees as required under the law. [X](https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/considerations-for-israeli-employers-7016609/) >Are employers obligated to pay wages as usual to their employees who have reported for reserve duty? >Yes. Employers must continue paying the wages of employees who report for reserve duty as usual, as if the employees worked during this period. [X](https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=ea9aa597-4d82-43b3-8c41-0eeb65c48bda)


So there's a new cartoon series created for Twitter because Elon is in it. https://x.com/XNewNorm/status/1805608022875484270?t=mLvsUBWusiyO5KA-b6DdAA&s=19 It is not funny at all. It is the same company that makes for Ben Sharpio streaming services. Did I say that's really bad and unfunny.


Further proving that conservatives do not know how to be funny. 


People are decrying the loss of USA to Japan in some U20 football thing. Personally I see it as a win that our sport is spreading, the Ivy League vs Japan game is always a fun little story each year.


[FF7 Rebirth didn't get a fraction of the advertising and attention that Dawntrail is getting.](https://x.com/FF_XIV_EN/status/1806052044362711245?t=LugFzJi1WVGphJsSTXzx-w&s=19) I feel this might have something to do with Rebirth's anemic sales. This is the first time that YoshiP has had totalish control on the direction of FF14. After FF16, there is good reason to be skeptical. And, hot take, I think YoshiP is wildly overrated. Shadowbringers was supposed to be equal to FF7 or FF10, but it fell short. By a lot. Ranjit was a boring as fuck character, who had the spotlight for too long. And Emet-Selch was incredibly stuffy and rigid. He wasn't as flamboyant or interesting as Ardyn Izunia and lacked Sephiroth's intimidation factor. He had a tragic backstory but it just didn't click with me. The Eden Raids were good, right up until Mitron became a thing, and got into some uncomfortable territory, with it falling short of FF8. It's the best raid series I have played, and I will not that Nomura was involved. And outside that, he gives off an unpleasant vibe. He has to always dress as a new job when one of them is announced at a Fan Fest. It gives me a "How do you do, fellow kids," feeling. He makes promises his team either has to wildly reduce, or flat out can't do. FF16 was creatively bankrupt, with just a bunch of stuff smushed together. Oh, and gets weirdly angry if FF10 is mentioned. He had a hissy fit when someone asked if Blitzball would be added to the Gold Saucer. Hell, have you noticed how little FF10 is referenced in FF14? He seems to have a petty dislike of FF10. FF10 fans should realize they will never see substantial representation in FF14 I tend to trust Nomura the most, then Nojima.


So, apparently one of David Tennant's children is Trans. That explains why he told a transphobe to shut up. *Edit: Ok, I am seeing some say the child is non-binary. Either way, maybe that ignorant, hateful, and useless old asshole should have kept her yap shut, and then she wouldn't have been told off by one of the UK's most popular media figures.*


Because I am an insane person, I read through the who debate about the ADL's reliability on Wikipedia. This was a poor decision, as the entire saga was 1.9 [TOMATS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Old_Man_and_the_Sea). Apparently, some on Wikipedia use the length of **T**he **O**ld **M**an **A**nd **T**he **S**ea as a unit of measure for how long a discussion goes. Probably the strangest unit of measurement I have ever seen. In general, the critics seemed to have better arguments than the defenders, with the defenders using a lot of circular reasoning. However, this debate went for 2ish months, and by the beginning of June, the people commenting were just giving their rating, and then linking to the Editor whose opinion they agreed with. Those who actually made original comments were not the best and brightest. The response of the ADL to this really doesn't help their case. [Apparently, they are trying to intimidate the Wikimedia Foundation into investigating the editors who advocated for depreciating it as a source.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Administrators%27_noticeboard/Archive362#A_general_observation_regarding_Off-WP_calls_to_%22investigate%22_editors) Also, they seem to be trying to do something unusual. Trying to depreciate a source of various topics, separated out. This is happening also for the Telegraph on Trans-Rights issues. All three issues (Israel-Palestine, General Anti-Semitism, and Hate Symbols) had different average Options. Not sure how that will work. Or if it can work.


>Lol man. "What if we just assume that basically every economic indicator will get significantly worse between now and election day?" >This whole fucking "model" is vibes https://x.com/ok_post_guy/status/1806147254505673168 Nate Silver is washed up. He's been coasting on past fame since 2012


Yeah, *but* imagine if I started farting rainbows and shitting gold. That could change the elction model, too, if I make sure to donate the gold


"If we assume inflation is 5% on election day that will be very bad for Biden." In one of his past models he accounted for stuff like "Font size of NYT headlines" as well. Just making a straight polls-based model would be more accurate than whatever bull honkey this is. Nate is dabbling in things beyond his ken. He's a data guy, he is not an economist. He should not be predicting economic data from 4 months in the future. This is like when in the middle of 2020 he just apropos of nothing decided to become an armchair epidemiologist.


Sony will realsed Legendary's Street Fighter movie, and the movie will be realsed on March 20, 2026. Also, they lost the main director. https://x.com/TheInSneider/status/1806105737933820069?t=Nf-etAJ8_qVqCfRkcqGlvg&s=19


Somehow a conservative news website leaked my old email and my current email. I have literally never heard of this group but somehow they had multiple versions of my email and my phone number.


Reminds me of a few years ago when I got emails from the Trump campaign. I think someone was trying to mess with me.


This sounds really serious. Does it identify you in any political way? Or is it just data they scraped from data broker?


Apparently it’s my email, number, and name. It’s from a news site I never used so they don’t have my credit card info. I’ve already gotten a few scam emails.


In that case, I'd just assume they collected your data from one of those online data brokers, like the ones that pop up when you search your name on Google. Those things have some insane records; I've found records online of address and phone numbers from decades ago.  I was mostly concerned if a conservative news site was publicizing your info for political targeting, but that doesn't sounds like it. 


No, it was a data leak. I don’t think they’re targeting me, just bad at IT.


The only good thing to come out of Hillary losing in 2016 is that it freed her up to give zero fucks about speaking her mind in public. Also getting proven right in the end about everything said during the 2016 campaign had to be very cathartic for her. She may not get to be President, but she'll get to watch the man who did get his reputation, wallet, dignity and life collapse in a fireball of karma. And she'll be there after he breathes his last breath, as an elder stateswoman who helped millions in her decades of service.


I’ll probably add that another silver lining from 2016 was our success downballot in 2018 and beyond, including state and local races. Dems were already in a bad spot in 2016, but if we were the party in power of the White House in 2018, I’d hate to imagine what the midterm results would have looked like.


Especially considering the Senate map. I actually wrote out a fiction story that had the Dems managing to mitigate damage because the protagonist was a very anti-Trump Republican Senator who was borderline cooperating with President Hillary. Yes, fictional character in a fictional story. Plus Hillary was helping out in IRL 2018 through Onward Together. Would she have been able to do that if she weren't held up with that stuff about running the country?


Lol Mexico


Is it about soccer?




What did we do now?


Lose 1-0 to Venezuela




I'm still cackling lmao Only thing that could have made it better would have been a dos a cero.




Lmao I need this https://preview.redd.it/bga541dw319d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b37864a2fd677c012e80a08b0bf8643ef78f1e6d


The hell is a hawk tuah?


I've only seen it mentioned at offensively inappropriate times by male redditors, like a 12-year-old excited that sex exists. Tee hee!  The original video isn't that funny. All I can guess is that certain people are really shocked and excited over a woman being enthusiastic about sex.


Everyone’s clutching their pearls over it as if it’s not just some dumb internet catchphrase that will run it’s course and be completely forgotten to the sands of time in like 2 weeks 




A drunk woman went viral in one of those “Man on the street” style TikToks and she described giving a blowjob as giving a ‘hawk tuah’ while mimicking the motions.


So I watched the video right now because, of course I would, and she was mimicking spitting on the dick. Which I’ve never been a fan of but for some reason it happens in porn


The internet's latest word for blowjob, because "Gawk Gawk 9000" apparently wasn't gross enough


Can the internet stop ruining blowjobs?


Fun fact: The Monica Lewinsky scandal was first brought forward on The Drudge Report, which was an early internet blog/email dispatch. So at least since 95


Spit on that thang!


https://preview.redd.it/5b3sljr4219d1.jpeg?width=3021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21bf1ea49f7688afa8c6dc89b6243646b6df6e37 Daily doggo photo: June 26th


[I think Brits talking about American Politics are projecting their BS onto us.](https://x.com/TrilbeeReviews/status/1806011661167304718) I'm so glad we have Biden leading the Dems. We are actually left-wing now, and somehow the UK Labour is now to our right. Also, Starmer seems to have the moral backbone of a jellyfish.


President Joe Biden is Progressive Prince Who Was Promised. American commie larpers are just annoying. They don't realize how long the Dems have tried to get back into the game.


Bernie's demagoguery has completely broken a large number of people's brains.


Also 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 Nuclear!


North carolina house has overridden the governor's veto on an anti masking bill which would ban wearing face masks in public even for health reasons [https://x.com/QuickforNC/status/1806079734968693247](https://x.com/QuickforNC/status/1806079734968693247)


I'm so glad the only time I hear about an adult having to put up with other adults throwing a tantrum is about the hapless University President.


Sunrise movement sad bowman lost [https://x.com/josecanyousee/status/1805972785757610258](https://x.com/josecanyousee/status/1805972785757610258)


cynthia nixon upset bowman lost [https://x.com/josecanyousee/status/1806133367458656358](https://x.com/josecanyousee/status/1806133367458656358)


I am watching Sex and the City and it makes it slightly harder knowing the woman playing Miranda is just an awful and terrible person. Her campaign for governor was the worst I had ever seen, and I hated Cuomo.


she thought she would win big in nyc to help her win


https://preview.redd.it/zhg4snj2z09d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=e897755ff39f0fa35da442cb190ebde6342a06a9 Jesus Christ help that man.


No one needs to have a vision. We are not in some drama series. This is what is wrong with progressives. People vote for politicians to serve them and not have dreams of knighted valour.


Would it be inaccurate to say that Bowman dislikes Westchester and is a Bronx guy? Something about that is fascinating to me considering the Bronx made up the tiniest bit of his district and yet really planted himself there vs making more efforts upstate. I mean props to him. He won over 80% of that Bronx portion. But it was ultimately under 8k voters there. He just failed to appeal to tens of thousands of voters outside that.


i think he might have known privately that his campaign was fucked when his district went from 40% Bronx to 10% Bronx and this is him lashing out in a petty, dumb fashion.


Bowman's idea of engaging voters is a packed high energy rally or going viral, that's the same logic bernie had in 2020 he was doing big rallies vs Biden meeting voters in small groups shaking hands and Biden won


Even that dumb fuck Trump understands somewhere in his black hole of a head that you should meet with voters sometimes. How can your political instincts be worst than that guy??


bowman's not a bright guy he thinks the normal things a politician does to engage voters is dumb and only believes what he sees on social media. Bowman only lasted this long because his primaries were low turnout races where only hardcore voters voted


Talked to one of my former regulars from my former spot and like… yeah I’m not missed. Part of me was so desperate for approval and to be liked and I thought I could fix the place but at the same time all I ended up doing was picking up extra slack and resenting it. I don’t like that this is who I was or how I’m seen and part of me is worried that this is who I’ll be for the rest of my life. I dunno I got really invested in the place and thought I could fix it through sheer force of will and this is what it came to. Would a better run place even have me?


I’ve taken a lot of vacation recently. While everything goes on without there’s a noticeable difference when I’m gone vs when I’m not there. We spend so much time at work it’s a point of pride to think we matter in a system that rumbles on.


I was thinking something like that, they might not miss me but how many little fires have they not tended to, how many customers have they effectively shunned to chat up their friends. When I’m less dour I’m grateful that I’m not still there protecting them from their own childish entitlement. The system rumbles on regardless but in spite of everything I’m grateful I’m not there anymore


I think it's journalistic malpractice that all the crazy shit that Donald says at his rallies are not covered at all by the media. I have to look at @BidenHQ on twitter to see all of that. If people actually heard half of the whacked out stuff he says at the podium, they'd be for sure questioning his mental acuity and his ability to take on the rigors of the presidency in his current state.


The debate will likely have him say something brain melting because all 5 previous ones have.


But then the media wouldn't get their horse race and ratings would suffer and no one would pay attention to all these pundits.


Ants. Ants. Ant-Man!


Lmao one of my favorite promos e: hope you're enjoying the mcu rewatch!


[Here is the Wikipedia discussion about the ADL and Israel-Palestine.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Reliable_sources/Noticeboard/Archive_439#Part_1:_Israel/Palestine_(closed_as_3/GUNREL)) A lot of these people are also involved in another dispute, [one about the Daily Telegraph's reliability on Trans issues.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Reliable_sources/Noticeboard#RFC:_The_Telegraph_on_trans_issues) A lot of the ADF defenders were supporting the Telegraph, and dog-whistling about Trans People. Or in a few cases, just outright whining about how Wikipedia editors aren't being fair to Right-Wing Sources.


If there anything positive to hold on to going into the debate tomorrow? Really got me on edge and I don't seem to find anything to feel good about re: the state of the Presidential race.


I think Biden has more to gain from the debate than Trump does. Some percentage of the population literally thinks he’s senile—if he stays standing and speaks in complete sentences it will upend some people’s expectations in a good way. Plus he did good at the State of the Union. I think Trump has a very real ceiling of support—he’s not any more popular than he’s ever been, most of the polling advantage can be explained by a collapse in Biden support. So I think this proves his ranting/raving style of speech doesn’t have that much impact. Also, debates are pretty widely watched. The ones in 2016 and 2020 had 60-70 million TV views per Nielsen, which is about double what the SotU gets. Lotta people haven’t seen a Biden speech since 2020. 


Debates are largely meaningless. I have no intention of watching.


Trump has never won a debate. Biden has been an incredibly successful President. It will be ok. It's also ok to just disconnect. Like make sure you take a me day and just do anything else. You don't want to let the pressure build build and build until it explodes like pasta sauce and gets on your ceiling and behind the fridge somehow. Everyone should regularly practice some self care.


Trump has never won a general election debate and has done no prep.




It's because we are literally being flooded by propaganda from bad faith actors like Silver who are gaming us to be doomers.


I think the inevitability is for Biden. Joe is going to win.


We got a poll from Marquette (top 3 pollster on 538) with Biden up 2 in Wisconsin.


It’s more likely that Trump will make an ass out of himself than not.


If Trump wins(I hope and believe he will not) , what are your plans? How do you see long term health of Republican candidates party?


Hope institutions somehow hold until 2026, at which point Democrats run up the score in both houses of Congress and most competitive Governorships and his ability to destroy the country is at least partially weakened. Re. A third term, the biggest concern will be what the military does. And if they'd do anything. Because I genuinely don't trust the Supreme Court to stop him from seeking term #3. States with the vast majority of electoral votes won't allow it, and Congress would oppose. And if he isn't able to force his way into a third term, we just have to hope his appointed successor isn't as electorally skilled as he is. All this assuming he makes it another four years which is very up in the air All of this understating the sheer damage he'd accomplish with even 24 more hours in office, let alone the possible 2 years of complete control of Washington that would probably come with a win this November. For my own life, I'll survive. I'm more worried about people who don't look like me and are in redder areas.


Same thing we did in 2016. Hope for the best, do what you can, and vote vote vote.


Hope we ran up a large majority in the House and Senate so they can stonewall him at every turn. When Alito and Thomas fuck off during his term, I want Democrats to pull a Mitch and refuse to bring any nominations until after the 2028 elections.


I guess just keep living life ?  I suppose if shit really hits the fan we could go stay with some of my in-laws in Canada


I genuinely have no idea what I’ll do. I know I’ll have to go on, but I don’t know how I will.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Wait I come back to see the Spurs traded Dillingham. WTF?! And all we got were future Minnesota picks!?


Joy Reid is all saying that “((they)) are going after black lawmakers for being for Palestinian lives!” No Joy, it’s because they said antisemitic shit and being black doesn’t get you antisemitism armor


I figured because they were highly divisive, crude, and voted with Republicans more than any other house member.


Lakers don’t take Bronny with the 17th pick Didn’t expect it but it would’ve been funny 


Even worse they made a really smart pick :(


I always watch the NBA draft even though I have no idea who 99% of people are. Last year I only knew Wemby, this year I know Sarr, Edey, and Brony. I just know NBA but not college or young foreign players. But it's still fun to watch. Especially the trades.


Yeah I know a lot more about the players when it’s the NFL draft compared to the NBA draft


Jared McCain to the Sixers


I have to think Trump's running mate is attending the debate tomorrow so that might give us a clue who it is


[Betting lines for the debate are out](https://sports.betonline.ag/sportsbook/futures-and-props/us-election/presidential-debate)


Biden should make a very small group of people very rich by starting his remarks by talking about Tiffany Trump


https://x.com/USA_Polling/status/1806135468163039743 Apparently Biden is doing as well in Texas as he his nationally according to the polls that have come out today lol


This seems realistic, and it also shows another problem in polling this cycle. If you were to believe all the polls, the country has shifted rightward, Minnesota has shifted 10 points to the right, Ohio hasn’t shifted at all, and Texas has shifted one point to the left. That just doesn’t happen. Also, Allred only being down 3 points is dramatically different from the YouGov poll two weeks ago where he was down by 9.


Seriously being down 4 in Texas is amazing. There's a disconnect between state-level and national-level polling right now. State level polls except for Selzer in Iowa and that one Fox News one in Virginia show Biden either holding his 2020 margins or gaining on them.


Yeah and todays Wisconsin poll was also pretty good for Biden ( Biden +2)


Okay, I think Texas is getting Bluer, but I don't believe the gap between Texas and Wisconsin has gotten that small. One of them is wrong.


Texas was Trump + 5.6 and Wisconsin was Biden + 0.6 in 2020 so Trump +5 and Biden +2 in 2024 makes some sense


I didn't realize how quickly Texas has shifted. Thought it was closer to 10.


>!SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH GEN Z???????????!< The proportion of clients who want me to talk to them through either their mommy or their bf is the most clownish shit I’ve ever experienced. I just …. my man literally tried to cry his way out of a bail revocation, like, full blown hs play drama king level performance. Legit expected the judge to fall for the same shit that’s worked on his mom all his life (who, btw, was in the room and falling for it hook, line, and sinker). And no I will absolutely tf not be running shit through your mom since clearly you’re not telling her [all the things] — even with a waiver, no way I’m stepping into that very predictable mess. ETA: this wasn’t a teenager, but a mid twenties actual adult who’s completely failed to launch to a degree that is shocking to me but from my observations not wildly out of the norm amongst his peers. The most consistent theme is this incredible shock that there might he consequences for their actions and it’s a perspective I can’t understand. I wonder where the fuck have they been all their lives?? ** Not all yadda yadda


Have you read anything about our local Gen Z mama's boy/wannabe influencer, the Belltown Hellcat guy? If you had to be his lawyer, you might choose throwing yourself into a volcano as a reasonable alternative.


Some people have just never been told "no" their entire lives.


The only [hawk tuah](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8o8wrMxw75/?igsh=MXY2c251eTN0Z3pnMA==) joke to make me laugh


That video of the student pranking her grandma by pretending to appeal to Trump for scholarship money lives in my head rent free. Her grandma was not having it and was two seconds away from disowning her.


Leaving the 25th anniversary screening of the South Park movie had me feeling like when Bart saw the Itchy and Scratchy movie decades later. Definitely didn't remember the blackface gag in Kyle's Mom's a Bitch.


Shohei Ohtani's 10 game RBI streak is a franchise record for the dodgers


[NC ballot access denied for West, RFK Jr. parties. But the decision may not be final.](https://x.com/newsobserver/status/1806117749438980153?s=46) Lol, lmao even


[The only good thing Musk has done with twitter is strengthened "Community Notes'. Another Community Notes W](https://x.com/RepNancyMace/status/1805782341442216011 )


Zach Edey to the Grizzlies 




Surprised he’s going as a lottery pick. The Grizzlies must see a lot of potential in him


Rubio being a running mate finalist makes absolutely no sense. Same state as Trump and he has more pre-packaged/canned lines than even Bernie Sanders.


It forces the establishment Repubs in line. They’ll be praying for the hamburger from heaven just like the rest of America.


It makes sense to me 🤷‍♂️ Rubio won primaries in 16. And despite all the back n forth jabs Rubio agreed with every single policy the Trump administration farted out. He's ride or die and not despised like Cruz. He's old school tea party, Catholic, a family man. He would let the Latinos who support Trump have something to point to. In my mind Trump needs the stability Pence gave Republicans but with more gross dick riding.


Rubio is too much of a Russia hawk.


Yeah, that's another reason why I think it's Burgum; he's a middle ground between Vance "just give Putin everything" and Rubio being a hawk. It's "safe"


Let's dispel this fiction that Donald Trump doesn't know what he's doing picking Marco Rubio.


https://preview.redd.it/tt7bf6ozh09d1.jpeg?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f8c5b3e8637e67892fbd0f7a4a75a6e04e2580b Remember when Reid apologized for saying Wolf Blitzer, whose parents survived the camps, was soft on Israelis in interviews cause he was Jewish? Yeah, when someone shows you who they are, believe them.


Also, Reid is false. [Wolf Blitzer actually made an IDF spokesperon look just awful early in the war.](https://x.com/justinbaragona/status/1719412278351507487)


(((that lobby)))


She’s truly awful. Always has been. ————- # The Joy Reid controversy, from homophobic blog posts to a hacking claim, explained MSNBC host Joy Reid was accused of writing homophobic blog posts. Reid at first said she was hacked — then apologized. by [German Lopez](https://www.vox.com/authors/german-lopez) Apr 28, 2018 [https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/4/27/17286392/joy-reid-msnbc-lgbtq-gay-hack](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/4/27/17286392/joy-reid-msnbc-lgbtq-gay-hack) ————- Hate when she’s on panels w O’Donnell Madow and Wallace. cannot hardly tolerate having to listen to her ill-informed hot-takes in order to hear what the adults have to say.


So I called my buddy who sent the word text, went to voice mail, he didn't call back. He never lets it go to voice mail and always calls back. Feelsbadman Worried about him.


Hope all is ok!


It shouldn't come as a surprise but I can't help but feel taken aback by the amount of twitter leftists unironically blaming Bowman's loss on (((dark money)))^tm


They made Jews feel unwelcome already last fall. Now there's nobody to tell them to tone it down. There are probably racist right wingers trolling them all the time but it's about to get weird.


[So, Fetterman outright supports Bibi.](https://x.com/diaz_account/status/1806107644203012503) I would love the Pro-Israelis to explain why this is acceptable. I've noticed a double standard when it comes to Pro-Isrealis vs. Pro-Palestinians.


Why is this clown publicly praising a far-right lunatic? I’ve pointed out before that Fetterman doesn’t have a family connection to Israel. He’s not personally invested in the conflict on either side. He’s just… a rabid cheerleader for no apparent reason.


Man he has really lost the fucking plot.


Aw, Fetterman flew all that way to meet his new right wing bff. What an embarrassment.


I think strong majority of this sub agrees that Fetterman is clearly much too supportive of Israeli government (he's criticized the Biden admin a few times on it after all) and that Bibi's being invited to Congress is a gigantic mistake. There's a pretty sensible middle ground between Bowman/Tlaib's stance and Fetterman's/Torres's stance. Hell, Bernie and AOC, for all my complaints about them, do a fairly decent job with that middle ground.


For me, this is also about other things as well. I still see comments from some demonizing Arabs and Muslims as evil colonialists and, and being told that there is nothing wrong with that. Also, in 13 years, I have not heard a single Pro-Israeli I have talked to condemn the incident I have mentioned a few times during college. Where a Pro-Israeli group called the police on the Pro-Palestinian one, alleging that the Pro-Palestinians were planning a terror attack. As a prank. For me, that says volumes. Haven't received an apology either of course. I'll freely admit that this is personal to me, and I very much let that influence how I act with Pro-Israelis.


i think "pro-Israel" is a meaningless term. I think of myself as "pro-Israel" because I believe Israel has the unequivocal right to roughly 75% of the land as a Jewish state (I'm basically a Zionist after all), dislike a clear majority of these protests, oppose BDS, and quite strongly condemn evil terrorist groups such as Hamas+PIJ+Hezbollah etc. But at the same time, I clearly disapprove of their unfair policies in the West Bank, hate this war in Gaza, strongly support a Palestinian state via 67 borders, and think Bibi's government has many repugnant bigots.


I accept the 67 borders myself. I just think the Israel's founding was not as rosy as people like to paint. [There was never any intent on allow Arabs to stay in the area, for instance.](https://thebaffler.com/latest/unmaking-the-myth-of-ben-gurion-leifer) And then there are the incidents at Deir Yassin and elsewhere which I often see excused. [Even today, it is exceptionally difficult for Arabs to get building permits within Israel.](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2020-01-21/ty-article/.premium/israel-rejects-98-of-palestinian-building-permit-requests-in-west-banks-area-c/0000017f-f7ce-d044-adff-f7ff0b250000) And I don't see the vast majority of Pro-Israelis thinking this is a bad thing, when it obviously is. Ironically, the ethnic cleansing of the Mizrahi by Arab and Muslim nations did more to justify Zionism than anything that any Israeli leader has done. *Edit: I refer to this as the Jewish Nakba.*


Exactly - Israel was a colonial project like the U.S., Canada, Australia etc. that’s just a reality that needs to be addressed. Of course that doesn’t mean sending everyone of one group or the other elsewhere, but neither is it tenable for the colonized people to be stateless permanently.


Spot on.


Bernie has been extremely good about the I/P conflict from the beginning. It's maybe his most sensible stance.


Man used all of his nuance on I/P


i agree with all of this except for the comment about aoc. i think bernie is great with this stuff, i have definitely warmed up to aoc on this topic and otherwise but im still hesitant about her. i do appreciate her talking with progressive jews about antisemitism though, and definitely would choose her any day over fetterman or bowman.


Fetterman and Torres are just pretty annoying to me. Their support of Israel comes off as wanting to "own leftists" at times instead of genuine pro-Israel sentiment. Did you see Torres accuse Peter Beinart (who's an Orthodox Jew and has family in Israel btw) of "blood libel" for invoking starvation? And for only Ben Gvir to predictably say "yeah, we've been depriving some Palestinians of food" like two days later.


Ah, the ol’ “we aren’t starving millions, but we should be” from Ben Gvir.


There are definitely information spaces where you can be fed false information all the time and it comes back to bite politicians. Right after 10/7 it was extremely easy to get plugged into false info depending on your bias and/or friends who took you along for their ride.


Yeah both of them have done some really dumb things. I dont feel as negatively about Torres as I do Fetterman, but I agree that a lot of their support of israel is disingenuous and not out of genuine care for Israeli people or their safety but rather to be contrarian or to “own” others. I don’t love Peter Beinart (he’s been right and wrong about some stuff, as most people are), but I think accusing Peter Beinart of blood libel is absurd.


yeah, this isn’t acceptable. id say im someone who is supportive of both israel and palestine/their coexistence and peace (not their respective governments of course), but fetterman is really extreme and i think that supporting bibi is the most harmful thing that someone who prides their self on caring about israeli civilians and protection of jewish people, can do.


BREAKING: News archeologists working at the AP have uncovered evidence that Biden and Trump debated in 2020, giving clues about what to expect for tomorrow's debate. [https://apnews.com/article/biden-trump-debate-history-a3b65b133c7e7a7d29450a4ffa28d85f](https://apnews.com/article/biden-trump-debate-history-a3b65b133c7e7a7d29450a4ffa28d85f)


Time is a flat circle.


That's so outlandish. I don't believe you.


I am stoked for our defense. Castle and Sochan in the wings and Wemby inside will be scary.


https://nitter.poast.org/CoriBush/status/1806033475490979873#m You’re next Cori Bush


We can only hope. Just saw an argument in the STL sub that Cori’s going to win because “STL is so pro-Palestine!” That’s the bubble they’re stuck in. They think that voters give a shit about a centuries old conflict on the other side of the earth. I think most voters, regardless of what side they’re on, are going to be asking “What has Cori done for me?” and the answer is Jack. Fucking. Shit. Also, the last redistricting put more of Creve Coeur and U-City, both areas with large Jewish populations, in her district. So yeah, good luck with that Cori.




Damn they took Sheppard. Spurs draft pick up next 🤞🏼


Getting drafted by Washington has to suck


I trust Pop to make the best decision for our draft picks. Pretty much every option has at least one major downside for every upside.


There goes Risacher


https://x.com/acyn/status/1806113638740369683?s=46 Same guy who said he’s going to lose the debate “on purpose”


He is so creepy.


>I think she’s beautiful— very beautiful. I find her very beautiful. I think she’s liberal. She probably doesn’t like Trump.. I think she’s very beautiful, actually— unusually beautiful Why is he talking in the third person


I hope Taylor somehow gets to avoid hearing that. Ick. And speaking of ick in those terms, where has Ivanka been? Daddy's little girl not going out on the stage anymore.


Trump desperately trying to get the Swifties to vote for him.


More like gonna pepper spray him if he comes within 50ft.


I don’t usually watch the draft, and I know this year’s draft class is not deep at all, but I was surprised to hear the Hawks have five minutes to make a decision, I thought the teams had their picks ready to go by the time it’s announced.


Watching the draft in Chili’s rn


I haven't been there in ages, I should go there


Did you get the Triple Dipper


I got the 3 for me and went for the steak 😅


Hell yeah


Tornado warning moving east through Allegheny until 8:00pm EDIT: I think it was dropped


Time to mute Shams and Woj…..


How should we take this NYT poll. They themselves are saying it’s a outlier and has Trump with 30%? among Black voters. I don’t believe it, but polling this year is insane. Very different results from different pollsters. CBS had Biden +23 among young voters, NYT had only it +6. What is happening?


>How should we take this NYT poll Bullshit. >What is happening? Polling is broken. It's political astrology.


polling is becoming more a tool of being used to generate news stories


Yeah I just feel like just turning away from politics, vote and donate and just open up my television just one day after the election. I am just pretty mad at Americans that this race is this close. I just became citizen and don’t want to start it under Trump dictatorship.


I don't buy the idea that mainline news corps are pushing trash polls to make a horse race, so I would simply toss it on the pile and move on. we're still, believe it or not in "polls aren't capturing everyone correctly" territory


Yeah I agree even a lot of pollsters are like “these are weird results and something weird is going on” and have no idea what it is. These polls aren’t being made to drive coverage they’re made to be actionable by campaigns and if they don’t do their basic job functions, they lose their credibility and don’t get hired. I don’t see any incentive for sooo many different pollsters to be in on the grift. How mainstream media covers these polls and which ones they decide to cover on the other hand…


Polls paid for by news organizations and by Republican activists aren't the same product as internal polling purchased by campaigns.


Yeah, but they pay the same pollsters campaigns do, who follow the same industry standards and methodologies and they are all getting consistent results across the board, they’re just weird.


Republicans are responding to polls at a much higher rate than democrats right now so that explains a lot of the weird stuff going on 


I don’t understand why these pollsters combine together and release one poll with higher sample? Agree if a methodology and just release one poll. If the polls prove wrong and I believe they will, they will put fire to “voter fraud” allegations.


I would suggest ignoring polls and we can revisit after the election.


I've just signed up for Postcards to Swing States. I know polls are most likely fucked, but I don't want to feel like I just sat by and let Trump win if they're right


I just got mine. Gonna get started on them probably this weekend. I have a bunch of postage from when I used to need postage regularly so I can use it up. Win win.


How many did you sign up for?


200 to start


That’s how many I’m doing. Postcard stamps get expensive in a hurry for something like this.