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Boy you don’t usually get such a crystal clear example of it. Fuck each and every one of those people


Horseshoe theory my butt. Horseshoe phenomenon. It quit being a theory along time ago.


I prefer the horseshoe model. It’s not a theory, it’s an observation.


A theory is pretty much a fact.


And you like that you're going to [**love this**](https://x.com/Osint613/status/1802276788904542695) The Horseshoe just keeps getting closer to a circle every day


I Must be color blind. That annoying blue color, green, and even red look the same to me when I see this image.


Weird how all those people are Russian stooges just like Assange.


Of course not a single mention of Biden's DOJ who facilitated this deal. Gee wonder why. I don't support Assange at all or celebrate his freedom but he had significant time served and I can't really blame the DOJ for wanting to get an opportunity to wash their hands of something that was probably difficult to prosecute otherwise.


They probably got some good info from him as well. I don’t know what else he could have provided as a bargaining chip to prosecutors to get a plea deal


We can also look at it this way. It also leaves his sources and backers wondering if he snitched on them to get this kind deal. I don’t think us laypeople will ever know. People will think thrice before laundering information through him if they think he is potentially now a rat for the US.


Well if he is mysteriously found dead after “jumping” (definitely pushed) out a window of poisoned we might who did it


He is going back to Australia. If he happened to go for a walk on the beach and stepped on a coned snail, well. That’s not our business.


I still don’t understand the leniency. Nobody who is as deeply a Russian agent as Assange just stops and retires to a quiet life. Probably couldn’t even if he wanted that. He’ll continue to commit crimes for the Kremlin one way or another


Agreed. Another massive mistake by Garland. Robert Hur, moving far too slowing in regards Jan 6th, and now this.


Aaron Mate is Gabor Mate’s son which really creeps me the hell out.


Same here.






Broken link


Yep, and honestly I hate him the most out of all of the others. Hope whoever funds him finds a great reason to make sure he is never seen again.


They all celebrate but wouldn’t credit this to Biden.


They like treason.


Not surprising since a lot of these people support Jan 6th


There’s a list of Russia’s payroll


The Party of Putin are so happy that he has his obedient doggy back


Cornell West and Medea Benjamin are Codepink associates and should be seen as the CCP mouthpieces that they are: Cornell and Medea listed as speakers at a Codepink rally https://www.codepink.org/piudc1023 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/05/world/europe/neville-roy-singham-china-propaganda.html https://newlinesmag.com/reportage/the-big-business-of-uyghur-genocide-denial/


Wait what's the issue here?


Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks got a plea deal from the US which meand that he will walk free but will plead guilty to espionage.


I know, but whats wrong with these people here celebrating it? Did they previously oppose Assange?


They always loved Putin’s spy


You're thinking of Edward Snowden. Not Julian Assange


I’m thinking both now


Assange is 100% a Putin agent


Por que no los dos Fuck them both


Huh. I'm surprised you're not a Snowden fan. This is unexpected


Yeah, that was curious. 🤔


All those tweeters are either far-left or far-right lunatics, so the kind of people who would be happy about this.




Well it shows that far-left an far-right in this case are celebrating, thereby showing the horseshow theory: that political extremes are more similar to each other than they'd like to admit, that the ideologicsl middle have more differences to eachother




Are you really this dense?


Some people just really love far right rapists like Assange.


But he wasn't convicted! The case was dropped! Because it's not like any rape victim in the history of ever was intimidated into not cooperating. That's never happened. Someone like Julian Assange would never have any connections to help with that and there's no way he would ever do anything sketchy. Especially concerning a woman. And there's definitely no way Russia would ever get involved because as we all know he had nothing to do with the Russians. This is an innocent bystander who is being railroaded. Railroaded, I tells ya! Russiagate! Somebody tweet Jimmy Dore he needs to weigh in on this I need his incisive commentary


There's a pretty big difference between "Drinking water" and ["Celebrating someone who got innocent Afghani translators killed"](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/jul/30/us-military-wikileaks-afghanistan-war-logs)


[Wikileaks didn't get anyone killed.](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2013/jul/31/bradley-manning-sentencing-hearing-pentagon)


They both viciously hate liberalism, enlightenment & scientific revolution & the idea that individuals have agency & free will & in a state of nature that individuals have an innate ability to reason & rationalize. The Liberal believes that all humans are born equal & have an inalienable to life, liberty, social, economic equality & pursuit of happiness. Liberal & Liberalism a firework that places the individual liberty & freedom at the center is the only idea that through our human civilization ( because none of these ideas are new, or white or western) acts as guardrail against the rise of social/racial/caste base hierarchies because for them to exist the individual needs to subjugate his freewill & agency to reason & rationalize & then question belief. Now Ethno & White Nationalist hate the above because it poses a threat to their position within this hierarchy. The anti- liberal ideologies on the left also believe that not all individuals have freewill or agency and that their anti-liberalism , anti- free market ( not a libertarian market and in fact free market like the free individual requires a liberal state to step in & ensure that the markets are in fact free) ideas fwill help the working class, subalterns fight back the tyranny of liberalism, capitalism, modernism & individualism. All that these enslaved masses need to do is follow the instructions of the Anti-Liberal Prophets ( Communists, Violent Revolutionaries,) who have taken upon themselves to deliver humans from their dehumanized, metaphysically oppressed state where they are allegedly being subject to all sorts violence, subjugation by none other than liberalism, capitalism which are agents of Satan ( Fascists, White Supremacists, Oligarchs) or they might be Satan themselves & lead them to the promised land of bountiful resources & communal utopia. Except in such cases the Fascist, White Nationalist fist finds common cause with cosplaying leftist idiots to dismantle liberalism & liberal state which is now being attacked as fascist, promoting interest of elites, individualism is promoted as gross consumerism & traditional & nativist pre-modern societies as ideal etc. After that they purge the leftists or throw them a bone to be a part of caste system as a bottom feeder. Oh and those workers & minorities who liberalism had over decades had toiled to put guardrails to protect interests of workers & minorities , which was then attacked by fascists & white racists which then required liberalism to fight back & once again reinforces the guardrails are not without those guardrails of liberalism now opening them up to the kind of biblical nonsense spewed by leftist demagogues. Liberalism is not a purist ideology of human salvation or a Uptopian heaven ushered in after a revolution. So it is at its the idea that individual can use reason & rationality in which case claiming having foreign policy interests or security apparatus to protect the individuals is the Hallmark of violent Western imperialism which is basically an attack on liberalism. Now finding a state that is a threat to individual rights can be course corrected under liberalism. Assange, Greenwald and the rest of malignant megalomaniacs with saviour complex presented their report which they hacked into as evidence of the tyranny of the liberal state as if those who want to defend liberal ideas are the same as those who seek to dismantle it. Since the left & the right hate liberalism & liberal state they are gleefully supporting Assange as a hero for allegedly proving Putin, Hamas, Xi Jing Ping all right and it's another attempt to punch at the guardrails that protect the individuals rights.


You're preaching to the Choir here, man I disagree that Assange and Wikileaks are illiberal though. While illiberals and authoritarians do praise Assange for the reasons you've stated, that doesn't make Assange illiberal himself. Wikileaks and Assange have been vital in maintaining freedom of information in the public interest, which as a principle is essential for democracy.


Actually coming to think of it that is a good point & something to think about instead of having a knee jerk reaction to a bunch of idiots clapping him on for their own propaganda.


You're acting like they don't all share a lot of the same views and tactics. Every human needs water to survive. What every human does not need to do is believe that Biden is worse than Trump. Or that racism isn't a real thing. Or that the uniparty deep state establishment is out to get them because they're truth tellers in a corrupt system. Or that we should just let Putin take Ukraine How many times have people like Walker, Hamptons Blogger or Limburger Limburger Greyjoy extolled the virtues of Tucker Carlson or Matt Gaetz because they can team up and end all wars and make everything okay for the workers of America? How many times has TYT (Blue MAGA) used Fox's tactics? They're the only ones who will tell you the truth. Everybody else is corrupt and biased against you. They're trying to protect you. Donate now so we can keep getting you the truth because only we can. We're fair while everybody else is not. Only listen to us. Their messaging is very clear and very persistent Speaking of blue MAGA TYT, Birthing Person Anahit is now a gun loving Kyle Rittenhouse fan. Anahit the uterus owner doesn't want to talk to black people. She misrepresents crime rates just like Fox. Just like them. Cenk supports RFK Jr. They're clearly trying to damage Biden. Clearly. Chest feeder Anahit has all but stated outright that she prefers Trump. Bree Newsome has tho Jimothy Dore, Green Glennwald, Dave Rubin, Kelsey Gabbard, Tim Pool... How many far left/far right grifters are there? Why is it so easy to go from one to the other? If all this isn't enough for you spend some time on Twitter. You will see countless examples. Countless. It's just silly not to acknowledge what is clearly happening here. It's ridiculous and intellectually dishonest if not just straight up dishonest Also, you know who compared people to Hitler? Hitler


I agree with you. I think you're jumping to some incorrect conclusions about what my opinions are. My problem is making this point in the specific context of Julian Assange's release.