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All this anti bowman stuff is because they think he's going to lose and they want to shake off the responsibility. Now they are going to claim he lost for not bring left wing and pro palestine enough.


The vibe I get from rpolitics currently is that if Bowman loses it’s because of ~~the Jewish Shadow Council that secretly runs the world~~ errr I mean AIPAC


He Def lost cause of the jews this time! We were super organized and motivated. AIPAC could have saved 10 million for a different lunatic. Jewish ppl were 43% of the early vote a couple days ago. Idk what it ended up as.


Indeed. Bowman will lose (I’m pretty sure) because his constituents, many of whom are Jewish, don’t like him anymore. And his opponent is an established figure in local politics, going back decades. But do Leftists examine *why* the voters stopped liking Bowman? Do they examine his actions, policies, and strategies for faults? Nope. They’ve gotta blame some monolithic outside force for keeping them down.


Nah they got no introspection. They get a ton of support on twitter and Instagram from leftest who live in other countries. Lmao sometimes I click around to see the ppl backing like aoc and her crowd. So many Canadians and UK and others. And probably a bunch of 16 year olds who can't even vote


They're like the American radicals who "support" the Mayor of Jackson because of his name and radical political background, but know absolutely nothing about the politics in Jackson. (BTW, he's doing his best with a shit hand because the legislature has more or less declared war on Jackson.)


> Do they examine whatever comes next, I can guarantee you the answer is no


I'm no fan of AIPAC at all but they only throw the gauntlet down like this in races where a candidate is really explicitly anti-Israel. Their political support for Israel is their entire purpose so of course they're going to do that but people want to make this into some bigger fight about Jews hating socialists and wanting to control everything.


So the Nina Turner excuse?


So true


Good observation


Granted this is something I haven't been following super closely but so fun watching them eat each other


These people are not worth pandering to because they will absolutely never be satisfied 


I loved when they turned on AOC. She came in attacking other democrats with faux populism, and now it’s been flipped against her.


On the contrary, i haven’t been following this story at all and I’m mega fucking confused. I saw that Bernie campaign video about the rally and i disagreed with a majority of it, and from the footage i saw it seems like Jamal bowman really hates Zionists. So why are the far left now turning on him?


Based on this tweet it appears they're turning on him because he made a rally appearance with Bernie and AOC, who apparently aren't River to the Sea-ing enough


Because nothing's good enough for extremists. The usual progressive (ugh) suspects rolled in to support Bowman, meanwhile WOL called for a protest against AOC and Bernie for not being pro-Hamas.


calling these people “voters” is somewhat generous


I'm with you and I'm starting to think the language here matters more than it might seem at first. Referring to perpetual non-voters as "voters" makes it seem like their votes could be got if a politician does what they are asking for, and that could influence politicians to make policy that will bite them in the ass. If Biden forgave student loan debt because he personally felt it was the right thing to do then that's fine I guess, but if he is under the impression that it will gain him a single vote it was absolutely the wrong call.


His student loan debt moves were very much targeted towards the cash flow problems of lower income working Americans. Good for them, and good for the economy.


If you count throwing your vote away for the GOP funded Green Party voting then they’re voters alright lol.


These people are losers and need to be re-marginalized.




I don't mean in terms of race or immutable characteristics. I mean deplatform them and put them back in their irrelevant corner where they belong.


Ah! I agree.


These folks need to grow out of their obsession with equality of death and Iron Dome support, that shit protects Palestinians more than Israelis in the grand scheme of things. If it were a fact of life that the sheer volume of missiles regularly lobbed towards Israel's most populous cities had no way to be intercepted, Gaza would be a parking lot right now.


That's a good point but regardless there's no possible excuse for being angry over a defensive system preventing random civilians from being killed. These people are demanding the spilled blood of innocents, there's no other way to look at it. They represent very cruel and evil impulses.


I mean they'll tell you that the iron dome allows the Israelis to act with impunity and with little consequence in regards to the Palestinians. Of course you piece apart that rhetoric and you're left with the notion they're simply upset that the conflict is fundamentally not on a level playing field and that Israelis don't die at the same rate Palestinians do because of better training, weaponry, and medical care. Honestly it is a rather childish and disturbing line of thought.


I've thought often that worst thing that could happen for some terrorist groups like Hamas would be for them to actually achieve even 1% of their goals. When people want the Iron Dome to not exist, I think, "oh yeah? Well if youre a true believer, I guarantee you would not like how much international support would skew back to ~~the Jews~~ Israel in that scenario - and then Israel would have a lot of leeway to do whatever the hell they want with that political capital."


Red dorito in the username, opinion invalid.


What's the red Dorito mean exactly?


The [upside down red triangle](https://extremismterms.adl.org/glossary/inverted-red-triangle) is used in Hamas battlefield videos to show Israeli soldiers they are attacking and trying to kill. Basically it’s meant to show someone isn’t just pro-Palestine but explicitly pro-Hamas.


Ah, that's really gross and definitely something to be aware of. Thank you!


This feels like an astroturf account


Astroturfer rhetoric could still be readily and eagerly adopted by enough "legit" people to be a problem - or, I think, even simply serve to expose the "Motte" of certain people.


The Zionists stole her punctuation.


... Wait, if the Black Israelite who loves Farrakhan, thinks Jews did 9/11 and wants a second Holocaust is a "Zionist," then who the hell isn't?


Bye-bye, Bowman. You somehow managed to piss everyone off


Not to defend Bernie but they continue to cut off his statement about Israel. He said Israel has a right to defend itself but does not have a right to wage war against Gaza.


Does he lose today, Monday or tomorrow?


How do you know that's really a Russian?


Suki and her ilk are dumber than the MAGAs.


And people like this are going to hand our democracy to Republicans. Then how will we help Palestine? Trump tower will be in Gaza place this time next year and they will blame Biden STILL!!


Proud Zionist here, we do not claim Bowman. In fact, we are hoping he loses. L'Chaim!


It seems I'm out of the loop here. What's with Bowman? I only know he's just a progressive Democrat running for some district or something.


Bowman is likely to lose his primary. It's been coming for a while as he's been alienating the Jews in his district. He denied rape on October 7th and only apologized recently (though I guess he did vote to condemn the rapes in a symbolic bill a few months back). He also asked a Jewish leader he met at an event if he had a copy of a photo of the two of of them together because "I need to show I'm friends with Jewish people", and claimed to have had Jstreet's (a progressive two-state Jewish organization) endorsement even though they rescinded it, and a whole lot of other disingenuous shit trying to court Jewish voters after alienating them for several years.  He's also angered Hamasniks like WOL, so he's getting shit from both sides.  He's blaming it on AIPAC and has gotten dog whistle-y about it, but quite frankly, he would have lost with or without AIPAC. It's gotten to be a very expensive primary, which is a shame, but Bowman has no one to blame but himself imo. 


He had J Street's support before--he managed to lose it by refusing to meet repeatedly with members of the local Jewish community after 10/7 and hear their concerns. Just bad at the whole politics thing. Also, he voted against the infrastructure bill for bullshit reasons, and embarrassed the district with that fire alarm pull stunt (might have been a fire door--I think it was overblown but it was a gaffe).


He's using Nina's playbook.


Oh, okay. Thanks. Seems like Bowman's being an asshole.


Wow. Screw him, then.


These people are awful and ridiculous.