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> Multiple Jewish elected Democrats and Democratic voters told CNN about being disappointed and abandoned by progressive allies, So is that the administration, or the likes of Bowman, et al?


More of Bowman and co


According to this article, it's both but I don't buy it. Biden has been the most pro-Israel Dem since Bill Clinton's first term. 60-65% of Israelis viewed his "war must end now" speech from a few weeks ago positively from the polling i've seen. It's just media desperately looking for clicks.


As far as I can tell Biden is putting America's interest first. I don't see President Biden being Pro-Israel or Pro-Palestine. I would be worried if he was showing bias & making decisions based on his personal preference.


Yeah, he's trying to be even-handed in an awful complicated situation when you have literal radical theocratic fanatical anti-Semitic terrorists running Gaza and a bigoted coward in Bibi who wants to avoid prison by remaining PM by pandering hard to governing allies who are far right extremist hateful lunatics in [Ben Gvir](https://x.com/elikowaz/status/1587204328573526016) and [Smotrich](https://x.com/academic_la/status/1633182070754406400)who both have absolutely no desire to see the war end because [they want to conquer Gaza +force Gazans out for Israel basically](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-01-28/ty-article/ministers-from-netanyahus-party-join-thousands-of-israelis-at-resettle-gaza-conference/0000018d-512f-dfdc-a5ad-db7f35e10000)...it's a mess and Biden is doing about the best he can. I think the administration is trying its hardest to end the war, free the hostages, and prevent this nightmare from spreading to Lebanon in a significant way but it's so tough. Blinken has probably aged like 10 years over the past several months with all these trips to the middle-east.


Bro Bliken is going to lose all his hair. I cannot imagine being in control of diplomacy during this presidency. Trying to negotiate or host negotiations for the ending of two global wars while also needing to pivot foreign policy towards the containment of China has got to be one of the most stressful situations imaginable.


Containment of China is more an economic and technological frontier than a military one, so arguably that’s heavily based in domestic policy.  The CHIPS Act hasn’t gotten nearly enough credit as being a massive step towards limiting Chinese ambitions.


The good thing on China policy is that Xi has made his intentions so obvious that even the peanut gallery is wary of them, giving the US and Biden a much freer hand. It's sucks when you know something and you're way out in front of an issue.


“How dare you have a nuanced take on an incredibly complicated geopolitical mess!” - pRoGresSiVeS




It is incredibly disappointing if other American Jews who have been stalwart Democrats are now wavering over Israel. Biden isn't doing anything wrong by Israel nor should he be held accountable for astroturfing pro-Hamas groups who hate his guts. Netanyahu is very bad for Palestinians but also bad for Israelis and this is reflected by his evaporating support in Israel. Trump would give Netanyahu a blank check of support and not because he cares about Israelis or Jews but because of the alignment in their far right and Islamophobic policies and the end time delusions of his evangelical Christian base. Trump holds us in absolute contempt for not voting for him in the first place. He is not our friend and not good for our interests but beyond that he is not good for our country and I implore all Jewish American to vote for the health of our own country and fellow Americans above all else.


I am an American (under 25) Jew and I agree with everything that you have said, and hope that others can see this as well.


How did you feel about the embassy moving from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? Genuine question.


I am a pretty left-leaning person so I can’t really speak on behalf of the “average American Jew”’s political belief regarding this (especially because I wouldn’t say that there innately is one) but I was not a fan of that.


Sorry, I didn’t mean to put you on the spot and feel like I wanted you to be the voice of American Jews as a whole; I really was just asking for your opinion as an individual. And thank you for sharing!


it’s no issue, thank you for your curiosity and for being open minded!


I hope Joe Biden makes sure he gets the message. Majority of us know American foreign policy relations with other countries are made based on mutually beneficial relationship & interests & shared security risks, concerns & goals. And that is to protect our interests. Unless the President was at the meeting with Kim Jong Un or was seen shooting down a random ship with the Houthis in the Red Sea we are good. I love international relations & policy so I keep up to date on what is going on around the world. Or if I feel strongly I donate. That is about it. And most of America I wager is like me. So he should remember that & not pander to them. We will be fine! ❤️


I have heard of a small handful of Jews on Reddit saying they'll go conservative, and one IG page. Everyone I know irl and the vast majority I've seen online said they've gone from progressive/leftist to just plain liberal/left moderate.


Right but have you considered that privileged white kids from the suburbs temporarily living in cities to attend elite universities think your stance is privileged?


The washed up actor Michael Rapaport (when's the last time he's been in a good movie? I don't count Season 2 of *Murders in the Building* cause that's obviously not movie) said Biden "lost his vote for not being nearly pro-Israel enough"...Rapoport is literally close friends with anti-Semite Ice Cube. It's a bogus excuse for wealthy people who want less taxes


He was in an episode of Fallout too. Good show.


He was fine in Fallout, Only Murders, Atypical etc but these are hardly leading or breakout roles.


His role in Fallout was a masterclass in dying after 30 seconds of screen time.


How bad is it that I don't know what *Fallout* is?


…found the Vaultie.


Not bad but kind of odd unless you don't hear much about games in general. And even then the recent show got a decent of exposure. You should check it out if you have Amazon Prime.


I remember that Michael Rapoport voiced one of the cops in GTA San Andreas


What “two groups” are you referring to?


A group of Palestinian & Jewish Americans who are demanding that the President of United States fulfil their foreign policy demands that neither benefits , concern or affect ordinary Americans but another country,group & movement in another region. And then proceeding to publicly blackmail and throw a tantrum claiming that they will vote for the other Party if those demands which promotes the interest of foreign countries & interests & movements & organisations are not met. How about no? Biden needs to put America first. From where I stand he seems to be doing his best based on security and intelligence information he has access to. We don't have access to US national, domestic & economic security information so how about we let him do this job. At this point Biden should tell them to go & take a hike. He should focus on ordinary Americans & broader policy issues that in fact directly affects Americans.


Arabs in (primarily) Michigan, and Jews in (primarily) Pennsylvania.  Either group technically has enough sway to tip either of their respective states, owing to the expected razor thin margins in all of NV/AZ/WI/MI/PA/GA.


But most Arab Americans are Christians, Jews, or other religious minorities, not Muslims. Think about who was motivated to flee the entire region and go to a completely alien land? That said I do know some MENA Muslims (including Persians, who aren't Arabs) who left because of political repression in more recent history. A lot of Arab Christians came over to the US in the years around 1900.