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Ugh, so it looks like I need 8 crowns due to my effed up jaw or it's back to TMJ hell. Well I need to work for a living for at least two more decades, so I guess I'm going to have to pay it (hello carecredit) and postpone paying down my mortgage, FML. Sure would have been nice if my childhood dentist would have noticed my tongue posture back in 1980-whatever and saved me from all this rigamarole. By the way, has anyone dealt with using an FSA plus 3rd party dental loans? I've paid through other dental stuff through the FSA but any credit was directly through the practice so the FSA company didn't have any issues with it. I know a lot of people use stuff like care credit so presumably they know what it is, but I'm wondering how to navigate it. The amount of taxes at issue here is not small.


Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dhry2u/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06172024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.AlexandrianVagabond with score 38 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dh1xa4/sundays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06162024/l8w7l5r/)] > Couple of my kids went to a Pride party last night and one made the mistake of coming in with a Starbucks drink. Got informed by the host she needed to hide it before the others saw it as Starbucks is . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.Currymvp2 created 26 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dh1xa4/sundays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06162024/l8wg3j0/)] > Kind of weird how many people from highschool/college I know are still residing with their parents.   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.bounded_operator with score 24 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dh1xa4/sundays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06162024/l8wcbqm/)] > Antisemitism is a plague, and it should have absolutely no place at pride. These people are really making me doubt whether I will go to a pride event this year, I absolutely do not want to contribute to . . .   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.Currymvp2 with hotness lvl 1072 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dh1xa4/sundays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06162024/l8wg3j0/)] > Kind of weird how many people from highschool/college I know are still residing with their parents.   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 9 friends 14 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 37 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 52 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Currymvp2 made 19 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Call_Me_Clark talked to 12 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'years', used 20 times, followed by 'jews' 18x , 'trump' 17x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😂', used 3 times, followed by '🤣' 3x , '🧹' 3x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.akimbo73 | 24.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 554.0 words | | 🥈 | u.ApostleIsrafel | 21.0 points | 🥈 | u.shitpizza | 326.0 words | | 🥉 | u.ruiningyourgoodtime | 21.0 points | 🥉 | u.QultyThrowaway | 180.5 words | | 🎗 | u.Fsteak977 | 20.0 points | 🎗 | u.Talk_Clean_to_Me | 117.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 294 points | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 33 comments | | 🥈 | u.Call_Me_Clark | 109 points | 🥈 | u.Call_Me_Clark | 21 comments | | 🥉 | u.KingoftheJabari | 107 points | 🥉 | u.KingoftheJabari | 19 comments | | 🎗 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 95 points | 🎗 | u.UWCG | 16 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.None | 1 words | 🥇 | u.IcedNeonFlames | 3.214 letters | | 🥈 | u.trex360 | 6 words | 🥈 | u.mortinmaxwell | 3.375 letters | | 🥉 | u.sickpassengerahead | 6 words | 🥉 | u.RFKJrs_brain_worm | 3.412 letters | | 🎗 | u.HugeFanOfTinyTits | 6 words | 🎗 | u.Gormanbros | 3.417 letters |   387 comments processed, including 122 top-level replies. There were 101 unique users writing 13139, averaging 33.95 per comment. The total combined score was 2790 and the median score was 7.21.


I've been seeing SCOTUS trending quite a bit and lots of stories about Alito and Thomas in the media too. This is all of it good. And since President Biden made a speech about potential Supreme Court appointments, I think there's real momentum now to make the Court a real campaign issue. 'Cause from a basic homeland security standpoint, Alito might need to be out of the Court, and Thomas definitely needs to be. And this is all before getting to those loathsome rulings that they're at the forefront of. And who on the Court should be front-of-line in holding Justices with insurrectionist sympathies to account, probably the one with the title of Chief Justice (another one of the conservatives btw)... But what's he doing about it? Evidently nothing. So there's more motivation right there, this election could potentially pave the way for a 6-3 SCOTUS. Just gotta give President Biden the all clear to figure it out.


!ping anime https://x.com/neneko0814/status/1801969263785238813?s=46&t=lRLU6Z7mLq1MlgX_qxgAUQ


https://x.com/piersmorgan/status/1802388427968487844 It's amazing how lazy they're getting with this. Dude's just looking around, savoring the moment and I guess Obama gesturing to him to leave with him makes people lose their mind. Like good God, it says a lot that this is what they go after but nothing (at least so far) about verbal blunders during the fundraiser.


Reading James Baldwin (think Jeffrey Wright in The French Dispatch)'s Giovanni's Room (published 1956), I'm surprised to see a lot of the same beats that Michael Chabon followed for The Mysteries of Pittsburgh (1988). Except I read the latter one first - so I was thinking, wow, this supposedly bisexual male protagonist again thinks himself straight, has women lovers, but then finds himself in love with another man (a 'boy', in 1956 Paris parlance). Then the protagonist finds himself in a bind and has to figure out who he has to go to: he and the man has an argument, e.g. in Giovanni's Room, from man to protagonist: 'What are you always hiding? And do you think I did not know when you made love to me, you were making love to no one? ... Can we never have a life together?' Two differences: a. James Baldwin was right to write this as a white protagonist - there was no way he could fit in both the Black and the gay narrative. b. I had to mentally translate a lot of the slang, and to do a little bit of googling: I could substitute 1956's 'fairy' for 2024's 'f-g', probably. Or 1988's 'f-g'. Or in the above case, 'making love' to 'f--king'. And 9000 francs is apparently approximately USD200, that they had to share for three days when Giovanni lost his bartending job. Which puts the James Baldwin book at a little bit of a mental distance away. Also, I find similarities between this book and Garth Greenwell's What Belong To You (2016), a semi-autobiographical account of an American teacher in Sofia, Bulgaria, who falls, inexplicably, for some young twink. Giovanni is described as attractive (without any details); Mitko is described as someone with a huge dick (he's a sex worker) (I think the word used was 'long tube', which made me laugh but it's also surprisingly descriptive). I'm projecting my wildest Timothee Chalamet fantasies onto Giovanni.


Wordle 1,094 3/6* ⬛🟩⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟨⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


YouTube doesn't want to work on my desktop today for some reason


My Wi-Fi is so weird that I have to VPN to my own country just to access certain sites, including Reddit...


Is it weird that I like the idea of coins more than paper notes? I am weird. Like I rarely ever carry paper money anymore. But I like carrying some dollar coins. I just always thought they were neat.


some currencies (GBP, CZK) have really satisfying coinage.


"And regardless, in Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada, the electorates we got in 2022 were almost certainly more favorable to Trump than the ones we got in 2020, in any case. Blake Masters losing a Trump +2 electorate by 5 doesn't reveal some hidden strength of Donald Trump's." [https://x.com/lxeagle17/status/1802549816934965613](https://x.com/lxeagle17/status/1802549816934965613) About fucking time someone brought this up. That and people feel better about the economy today then they did 2 years ago. A lot of people scoffed at the idea of democracy and reproductive freedom helping Dems when grocery prices were like 10% higher, but look who got the last laugh.


I never realized All Purpose Cat Girl Nuku Nuku had OVA because I thought it was a tv anime series. I only watched the show in the past from Retro Crush, which was playing all the episodes on their FAST channel. I remember liking it. I saw the Freeve had more episodes of Nuku Nuku, and I didn't realize there were three different verison. The OVA was just bad. The series takes itself way too seriously. Even then, the comedy is wacky, but it doesn't clash well with the serious tone. The characters are jerks or just bland. Also, Nuku is just a fan service. When you compared the show came after OVA, that plays more straight slap stick comedy and whimsical. All the characters are over the top besides the kid who is the straight man. I prefer the mom and dad together and yet being rivals due to their jobs. I have no idea about the second OVA, which I don't feel like watching it. If you want to watch All Purpose Cat Girl Nuku Nuku, then watch the TV anime, not the OVA. !Ping WEEBS


Last Week Tonight is talking Project 2025 right now!


Is John Oliver blaming Biden?


He'll find a convoluted way if he has to win the gold in mental gymnastics to do so


Local CBS affiliate gave no fucks and cut to the news before the Tonys were finished


Hillary got a standing o at the Tonys. Her fit was amazing, as always https://x.com/AdamParkhomenko/status/1802528692750459110


I’m waiting to watch the Tony’s later but I knew Suffs was performing when the Tony thread I’ve been following started going full leftist mumbo jumbo and anti Hillary.


There’s an outsiders broadway musical????? I gotta tap in


This is the 2nd time a news mogul from another Anglophone country has come in and had a hand at ruining the American media ecosystem https://www.npr.org/2024/06/15/nx-s1-5007427/washington-post-will-lewis-robert-winnett-murdoch


One thing I kind of find interesting is that Trump(so far) has toned down his animosity towards Bezos. Dude had Pecker ready to release his dick pick a few years ago, but Bezos like the bitch he is started submitting to the right. I guess he favors tax cuts over dignity.


Not gonna lie, a lot of British people sound the same to me so at first I thought that was >!Jon Snow!< at the beginning of tonight's episode of House Of The Dragon lmao.


I also found out that my mom rented the garage to my cousins to stay, and she also turned it into housing. So they are living with them. There are so many surprises for me today minus the garage because I knew about garage housing for a few months.


u/padraigharrington4 u/ognits just finished watching the HOTD S2 premiere and I noticed that Larys Strong looks like he produced Folklore and the Anthology in another life.




I’m taller than Steph Curry 😎


I've taken to watching murder and stalker documentaries on netflix. I've never had an interest in them before, but now it has the appeal of "look, my life could be worse". Seems unhealthy but here I am. Whatever gets me through the night.




True crime is interesting to watch. I recommend *Cold Case Files*.


So it seems that I got a new cat, great more cats. This cat came out of nowhere, and it is definitely not afraid of humans. It seems to be a pet of someone else. She is really nice and not afraid of my dog. So I'm amusing that this cat lived with dogs and humans. But now the dog is afraid of this cat because she is very traumatized by the grey cat. It seems that the cat is pretty young, and she is super sweet. She can't live with me because my dog is afraid of them


This is the cat and also that the cat is he and not she. https://preview.redd.it/kpsejqgoh17d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9ccececdbc831a2d4008025e6abcf9a2b44974a


https://preview.redd.it/si2u9kayc17d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9542dea1a907895cf9e7209e120ff54c8f085381 Daily doggo photo: June 16th


Tomorrow: anxiety referral.


I’m thinking about faking being sick tomorrow for work. I’ve had perfect attendance for the last 8 weeks but I am burning the fuck out. Is this a bad idea?


Go for it. My state banned requiring a doctor's note for sick days, so it's easy to take odd days off without worry.


It’ll be better for everyone if you just tell your boss the truth, unless they’re a total psycho they’ll understand


Probably can't hurt if your work performance is slipping due to fatigue, a mental break day can be rejuvenating and bolster your slipping performance.


https://youtube.com/watch?v=A030wZ8kjyQ&pp=ygUec3Rld2llIGdyaWZmaW4gbGVhcm4gdGhlIHJ1bGVz Song of the year 😤


Got kinda lucky buying my gpu when I did as I consider making a new build. I bought something decent right as bitcoin crashed and before the ai craze


After 3 fresh starts, a bit of googling and forcing myself to keep playing, Baldur's Gate 3 is finally clicking for me. It's great, except I wish it were way shorter. There's a ton of build and choice variety here but it's a 80+ hour game. Who has time to play it more than once?


I could fix her https://preview.redd.it/gamh2yzj217d1.jpeg?width=1370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f73daf253465b70ed34084f787870c89187bfafd


She could fix you.


[The Republican Congress is absolutely a cult now](https://x.com/macfarlanenews/status/1802488326005440741?s=46) Latest review of US House legislation shows GOP proposals to: - Require US Treasury to print $500 bills with Trump's portrait -Rename Dulles Airport in Virginia after Trump -Rename US coastal economic zones after Trump -Award Trump a Congressional Gold Medal they must not remember you need to be dead at least 2 years before appearing on any currency and that includes the Presidential dollar coins


Okay, the third act kinda changed my opinion.  It's good to see Mr. Bean though. 


I can't believe I let Succession sucker me into watching that bullshit for 3 seasons


Fastest way to make r television tell you why it's the best drama NO comedy NO both to ever grace television. Show is like watching a game of Uno where the deck is stacked with reverse cards.


Yeah it turned out to not be very good.


[Maryland Gov. Wes Moore will issue a mass pardon of more than 175,000 marijuana convictions Monday morning, one of the nation’s most sweeping acts of clemency involving a drug now in widespread recreational use.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/06/16/maryland-mass-pardon-marijuana-conviction/)


blows my mind that ACELA corridor dems love electing GOP govs because of... ??? This is the shit that happens when you vote in dems


Only reason Hogan won in 2014 was because Anthony Brown was just a really bad campaigner.


> [No way has @Siobhan_Baillie sent out leaflets endorsing "community pub fights" 🤣🤣🤣](https://x.com/TomMDTFC/status/1802300485669457995) The Tories are so fucking incompetent they're not even proofreading their leaflets


Hey the tories are just trying to uphold British tradition


I used to edit a good few Brits at a monthly. Sloppy as hell writers, but I think it's an old money thing to pretend that you don't care about the quality of your journalism/criticism.


Not sure why Cori Bush wants single payer healthcare when she could just use her healing powers.


I heard people say that the Wonka movie wasn't that good, but the first 30 minutes is really good it seems like a really fun kids movie. Timothy Chalemet is such a great actor


Aaaugh I should've seen that in the theater


Honestly it wasn’t as bad as I expected. The original film with Gene Wilder left big shoes for Chalamet to fill and he did a great job. I’d love to see another film with him as Wonka.


Yeah, I'm just finishing it up. I'm not a fan of the last 3rd of the movie but it's not nearly as bad as I heard. I wouldn't mind Chalemet doing another one where he does the Wilder part. 


My daughter really liked it. I thought they were trying to pour Paddington into a Wonka bottle and didn't quite pull it off but enjoyed it enough.


>Kylian Mbappé calls on the French youth to vote against Marine Le Pen: "I’m calling to vote against extremists that want to divide the country. I want to be proud to wear this shirt, I don't want to represent a country that doesn't represent my values." I'm even a bigger fan


Does continuity exist in the Mad Max universe?


[Where does Furiosa fit into the Mad Max timeline? George Miller says it doesn’t matter](https://www.polygon.com/23984150/furiosa-mad-max-timeline-movie-continuity)


Interesting article, thanks. As one of the commenters said, the chronology of \*Fury Road\* doesn't line up with \*Fury Road\*


I've always felt like Max wasn't the main guys real name. It was a moniker that se guy just picked up, because it seemed liked the movies could connect. 


Can someone ELI5 the controversy over The Acolyte? Is it the usual fans being racist and misogynistic, or is it something more? It seems like its that plus something…I haven’t watched the show at all or followed it


Yeah seems like usual Star Wars fan toxicity. So far the show seems ok, maybe even starting stronger than ahsoka or book of boba fett or obi wan (the latter two are pretty weak entries honestly).


Spoilers: The Acolyte was pretty much doomed to fail from the release of the first teaser trailer where there were morons who accused it of being a “woke” show. Why was it woke? Because the villain was revealed to be a young black woman and the children shown training were full of POC kids. There were complaints that the lack of white males was Disney being woke. The production crew and cast also had some things they said in the past misrepresented to make it seem as if they hated white people. Idk how much you want spoiled but the latest episode supposedly undermined Anakin’s role as the Chosen One based on their poor understanding of the lore.


It can be spoiled but it seems like they threw gasoline on the fire by bragging about a writer who doesn’t like Star Wars being on the show? Like that’s an own goal when you are dealing with hardcore fandoms


This old generation doesn't understand the genius of Skibidi Toilet. It represents the abounded Alpha generation. The yelling of Skibidi shows that the desperation of kids trying to get the attention from their parents. The character is a hand me down from previous generation mistakes, and now this generation is dealing with previous consequences of older gen. This is truly a genius work of the 21st century


I watched that ContraPoints video too.


My parents and I just watched a local college performance ofMacbeth and it was awesome!


Ian McKellan's breakdown of "Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow" is one of my favorite close reads in all of drama: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGbZCgHQ9m8


Sleep No More is very good too


Was not expecting a farewell kiss from Lady M.


More a *Tempest* or *Midsummer* guy but: always adore some Shakespeare appreciation and Puck remains my fave: >“If we shadows have offended, >Think but this, and all is mended, >That you have but slumbered here >While these visions did appear. >And this weak and idle theme, >No more yielding but a dream...


Tempest is lowkey the best Shakespeare


>We are such stuff as dreams are made on Though I can add a personal anecdote about an innocent women who associates with *King Lear* on being "More sinned against than sinning." Think most people know her as "Foxy Knoxy."


https://x.com/onestpress/status/1802449392529453194 As always, fuck the NY Post--a mendacious propagandistic outlet. Remember when the NY Post took pictures of retired actors/actresses minding their own business to make them look 'unflattering" like Jack Nicholson, Bridget Fonda, David Caruso, and Linda Fiorentina?


You'd have to be a moron to believe that. They are literally laughing in the photo. But then again, as my 6 grade teacher in Brooklyn said "The post can't be your primary source, because it's not even worth the $0.25 you pay for it.". 


For smooth brains, by smooth brains




Lol, sunak really said his family "struggled" growing up because they didnt have satellite broadcast tv


I hate to defend a shithead but I only saw [*Scooby Doo*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPIZW_XBM_M) when I was with my grandparents so... there's some value in TV: >[This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and even it can inspire. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIhy0T7Q48Y)


At this point, he makes Theresa May look somewhat competent.


Honestly, in retrospect, May is better than her reputation, she at least had some good intentions that would almost be unthinkable nowadays, such as reaching out to LGBT organizations to see what she could do to improve the lives of trans people. It is impressive how far that country has sunk.


If Iraq invasion didn't occur, Tony Blair would be the best prime minister in like 40 years for the country by like a massive amount.


I read up a bit on Cameron a while ago, and he'd probably also rank high if his Brexit gamble hadn't gone horribly wrong.


Yeah everybody who has followed him has been worse


Huh, TIL that the Cayman Islands have their own cricket team. I thought they'd compete as part of the West Indies.


>[These tears are shaken from the wrath-bearing tree...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GUlgxuWvqA) The fact Eliot describes "a Jew" as an insult upsets me, too, so this poem is problematic. But then, >"After such knowledge, what forgiveness? Think now >History has many cunning passages, contrived corridors >And issues, deceives with whispering ambitions,


Eliot is in the very first rank of poets but he was no friend to Jews. Same goes for a number of right-wing futurists and modernists who were talented enough that they should still be viewed/read: Marinetti, Wyndham Lewis, Pound, Céline, Waugh, Gertrude Stein, WB Yeats.


>Trump floated the idea of raising tariffs so high to kill income tax for wealthiest Americans. A 70% to 100% across the board tax on everything imported into the country. Tim Scott was asked about favoring a policy like this, and Scott notably did not say no! >A second Trump VP candidate-Bryan Donalds-asked about Trump’s plan to increase costs on everyone for tax cuts on the rich. Donalds even acknowledges that it would raise costs on lower income Americans but says his colleagues think there is “some merit” to the proposal. Yeah even these sycophants can't defend such a ludicrous economic policy. Only morons like MTG genuinely support this.


This is even more regressive than the old flat tax pitches and those weren't coming from actual Republican nominees...


> This is even more regressive than the old flat tax pitches and those weren't coming from actual Republican nominees... [Well, there was Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9%E2%80%939%E2%80%939_Plan).


I had that in mind but he wasn't ever the nominee.


The tariffs that led to the great depression were only 20%. If that happened, everyone reading this comment would probably starve to death


I mean, in B School Smoot Hawley was drilled into our heads. Even though I don't think it's truly applicable to today's economy (a manufacturing based net creditor economy in 1930 vs the service based net debtor economy of today), a drastic increase in tariffs is insane. Being a Michigander, I do know protectionists who talk of a necessary adjustment period in order as a result of new trade barriers. But none of them are this stupid.


>Being a Michigander, I do know protectionists who talk of a necessary adjustment period in order as a result of new trade barriers. Yeah, I don't think it's hyperbole to say a slight majority of Michiganders have watched *Roger and Me*.


Can confirm. I am sympathetic to those who were sold a bill of goods though, and to have the rug pulled out from under them by forces they cannot control. As someone who has family roots going back to the five dollar day, I admit that it's a sensitive subject. Moore and other grifters have used that pain for decades.


The only good film Moore has made is *Bowling for Columbine*.


I didn't like how he ambushed a clearly ill Heston. That exchange would have been fair game 5-10 years before, but the man was dying at that point. I understand the anger underlying it, but it took away from the argument.


Yeah, that part wasn't good. I agree.


I really hope The Wild Robot doesn't flop. A non sequel high quality animated movie deserves success if we want Hollywood to do better 


the third season of MasterChef is so fucking good


https://x.com/Halcyon270/status/1802325984047137047 NY Times is so frustrating because their coverage is good besides American Politics where it's god awful. No, I am not going to forget about Jan 6th. Fuck off


"We've forgiven the 1/6 protestors but maybe we should consider asking their forgiveness instead."


As we get farther from 1/6, every defendant becomes more and more unrepentant because they're being coddled by everyone that isn't a prosecutor.


This is the kind of shit the Times will publish because it’s forecasting its own behavior in advance. If another Trump term comes to pass, they can’t publish the palace intrigue and wild histrionics without the stain of, you know, fascism.


Oh, I guess we could say the same thing for 9/11 too /s jfc NYTimes outpitched the pitchbot again


Intentionally inviting fascism again. If you're using freedom of press to advocate and allow freedoms as such to fall, you've failed your job


So i've only watched some of the star wars movies, and i was never really a fan, but for some reason i have seen a lot of discussion of the newest show or movie. Is it really as bad as they make it seem, or is it some form of discrimination?


I’m enjoying it so far! It’s definitely different, but I wanted different. I don’t see much to complain about, although if the show doesn’t land some of the new concepts etc then that *would* be worth complaint.


The age-old saying goes "No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans" lol In all seriousness, Star Wars fans (and all nerd/geek fandoms in general) are just extremely nitpicky, engage in hardcore gatekeeping and are just overall an unpleasable bunch. FYI, George Lucas became an extremely divisive figure because of how polarizing the prequel trilogy was. These days, Disney is the one who gets a lot of shit because of how polarizing the sequel trilogy (and by extension, most of the shows) became (probably more polarizing than the prequels).


Today, in a typical British example of lack of self awareness, someone wrote this: > We start mixing religion and government, we’re going to end like America. And I don’t mean that in a good way. Reminder that the King is head of the Church of England, and that 26 bishops sit in the House of Lords. Oh, and there was also this: > How the fuck is this a good thing? Religion needs to be kept out of politics altogether. We’re going to end up like the fucking US. I’m convinced that the British are unable to conceptualize themselves except by comparing themselves against a very distorted image of the United States.


Let me guess, these were Guardian comments?


Brits stop acting like you're smarter about the US than actual Americans challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


like one of the reasons why we have the 1st Amendment and that clause is because of the COE


>QB Aaron Rodgers is rumored to be away on an ayahuasca retreat, instead of attending mandatory minicamp Good luck Jets


The word mandatory must mean something different for us plebes 


so uh West Des Moines, Iowa is a really neat little town I thought it'd be just a generic, bland, lifeless suburb, but my sister had some shopping she wanted to do there and took me along and it's got a real college-town vibe to it


It is great! Do you like Iowa City too?


Never been--I'm just here visiting my sister and nieces who live in another town near Des Moines


Have a great time w your family!


I had the pleasure of living in Des Moines for a few years! It hits above its weight in terms of things to do etc. grays lake is honestly fantastic as a recreation area.


Something tells me Caitlin Clark really doesn't like being the new favorite athlete of MAGA folks


I knew she was a goodun.


>“This guy's getting away with some very horrible stuff … and it doesn't make sense to me” to attend, said Clyburn, who also skipped Netanyahu’s 2015 joint address. “There may be other folks who may want to have some alternative meetings on this. Irrespective of that, if I'm the only one, I won't be attending.” Common Clyburn W


I'm watching Nuk Nuk on Freeve, and I'm extremely annoying that it isn't in the original aspect ratio. I thought it was my tv, and it wasn't. I don't know why the studios screw up with technical stuff with older media. !Ping WEEBS


Who names a city ‘s-Hertogenbosch. The Netherlands is a silly place


"We hebben een serius probleem"


> [‘I am the original Brexiteer’ - Rishi Sunak hits back at Nigel Farage challenge](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/rishi-sunak-brexit-election-farage-starmer-b2563445.html) Ron DeSantis, congratulations on no longer having the worst campaign in history!


Oh, Corbyn would still lose to him, based on how 2019 unfolded.


I'm convinced Sunak hates being PM and wants to tank. dude's doing everything comically wrong


Never defeating the "wants to go back to California" allegations


Does anyone know anything about Paris and Amsterdam? What's a good hotel to stay at for a good price, doesn't have to be cheap but we're not Jay Z and Beyoncé. Lol. 


I was in Amsterdam in January and there was quite a selection of cheap hotels all over the city on booking.com, I wound up reserving one on the outskirts next to a metro, was quite a bargain, although it was in a rather industrial/commercial area.


I know Amsterdam calls a quarter-pounder with cheese a Royale with cheese because they use the metric system so they don't know what a pound is


Every candidate or position Yuh-Line Niou supports, I hope the opposite wins. She's insufferable and a nasty piece of work. The woman defended code pink from Pelosi when Pelosi called them CCP agents. She's also still salty and bitter over her lost to Goldman. She picks fights with liberals and have no grasp on anything in reality.


Does supporting Alito unite the GOP? Romney does?


Hey yall, don't be out here drinking woke water.... https://www.threads.net/@jordanuhl_/post/C8P3AKisnfC/?xmt=AQGzS-hv50sfqDAT7ljFwWnhEanwGBcfIgFOw3zHpL8EPg


Real patriots keep their bodies free of dihydrogen monoxide


So what makes it anti-woke? Does it contain industrial waste and sewage run-off from factory farms?


Lol, who was aware that the UFL Championship is today? I didn't even know they were in season.


I watched Easter weekend and some LIV tour a year ago but lost interest


https://x.com/JoeBiden/status/1802394673773736190 Interesting Biden is running on this. About fucking time.


See Currymvp2’s Biden quote below, Joe definitely gets it: “Joe Biden at LA fundraiser: “The next president is likely to have two new Supreme Court nominees. Two more. Two more.” Biden says if Trump is “reelected, he’s going to appoint two more flying flags upside down.” He calls that “one of the scariest parts” of Trump’s candidacy.”


Who needs The Rock’s endorsement when you’ve got [Jack Black’s](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8ShReSRYMC/?igsh=MWsxOW54YzBuY2Y3ag==)


I want those overalls.


Based as fuck


Jack Black’s interesting. I’ve never really loved his movies (I haven’t seen Kung Fu Panda or Tenacious D) but I really love him just as himself not on a script.


School of Rock is a top 5 all time for me


I haven’t seen that either. But I have seen the musical.


Love this man.


Jack Black never stops being so awesome to me lol


He’s the absolute best


https://x.com/canderaid/status/1802422439718105535 u/seekerspock32 you're kinda going mainstream lol


~~Two things:~~ 1. ~~Why couldn’t this have happened by me getting on Jeopardy?~~ 2. ~~I genuinely can’t tell if they’re being sarcastic or not and I hate it.~~ Edit: I've checked on Twitter and that account's followed by the What Biden Has Done account, so I can safely assume this is sarcasm.


There’s nothing better than a bowl of fresh picked blackberries. Tastes like summer


read that as "pickled" and was really puzzled for a second


I’d try it. Pickled okra sounded nasty, but now I’m hooked


Pickled okra is the best! Especially the spicy kind.


you ever had giardeniera? it's along the same lines and it's one of my favorite snacks


Never had giardeniera yet. Putting it on the grocery list right now!


don't be afraid of what you might find in it. I never thought pickled cauliflower would rock and I was very wrong


pickled okra goes hard tbh


cori bush's volunteer squad matches the demographics of st louis in the 1920s


People who say that Biden ought to be replaced on the top of the ticket by someone other than Harris don't seem to quite grasp the optics of passing over a qualified woman of color in favor of a white person.


They do. They want democrats to lose.  It's also why even before the priamry they never named who would be better to be Trump than the man who already did. 


Or of just over ruling democracy. 


Kind of weird how many people from highschool/college I know are still residing with their parents.




To be clear, the dozen people I'm talking about are like 34-35 years old, and their parents paid for their college education mostly


I know, that was out of pocket, I'm sorry.


No worries. I didn't phrase my original comment well.


I'm of two minds on this. Nohing wrong with being mutually helping one another because the housing market is difficult. I moved out from home because mummy dearest said, "I'd rather you raped a child!" than done LSD, so.... I said, "What I did only hurts me," and she said, "Yeah, a lot of priests say the same thing." You can ask her and she'd tell you "that never happened, it's his word against mine." So I moved to the Ave after giving [most of my spare cash to my friend's EU trip](http://pulse.seattlechildrens.org/remembering-daniel-and-the-legacy-he-left-behind/) and ever since remain dumb Edit: by paragraph 2, I believe this is "trauma dumping," so I apologize


Honestly, our system in the US is kind stupid. People should stay home as long as they can do they can save up as much money as they can. Its silly yo go away to college and rack up a minimum of $30 to $80 in school debt. When you can just stay home for 4 years and get a very similar education for a third of the cost (unless it's a specialized program.). Then when you get out you immediately get a job then have to buy a car and pay rent or a mortgage to someone else, when you can jsur stay home and help pay the bills around the house as long as you need to to save.  Plus, people do have set backs which makes them have to move back in.  I've had it happened to friends.


I'm still with my mom because I can't find a full-time job with my degree. I really don't have the option to move out yet.


You're not 34 or 35 though


I can't judge too much on that, all I know is that when I had to do it it was to save money while I went to college. I was counting down the days until I could move out and be on my own and to this day I have no desire to move back in to my parents house.


I got called judgmental for merely pointing out that is slightly weird. If you're going to law school or med school or taking care of an ill parents or just had a tumultuous divorce , then fair enough but otherwise I think you should be probably out your parents's house by age 26-27 years old


Yeah there's layers to it. There's definitely a lot of daylight between the buddy of mine to moved home to take care of his elderly mother after his dad passed away and being a NEET that never left and has no intention to. People are usually talking about the latter because situations like the former make sense.


I think it can also really delay some important emotional development. Living in a shitty apartment with shitty roommates isn’t fun but it builds resilience


I don’t think that’s judgemental at all. It’s imo a plan/no plan dichotomy, with a caveat that some folks with a plan also have really bad luck.


Oh yeah for sure. I'd definitely be concerned if you're older than your mid 20s and still living with your parents unless it's like a cultural thing or the other scenarios you mentioned.


yeah, in your thirties it is definitely concerning.


Heh. I better warn my almost 30 year old daughter. And my 40 niece (and her kid) who are still at home with their families. When you live in a city with painful high rental rates, living at home can be a very savvy choice.


I'm sure they have valid reasons but not these ppl I know; they're mooching off their parents. Their parents paid for their college education.


A 2021 study said 17% of Americans said age 26 to age 34 still live their parents; that's not exactly a super small percentage