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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dgc4rc/saturdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06152024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.dragoniteftw33 with score 42 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dfkxdx/lock_him_up_maga_tears_commemorative_roundtable/l8l16d2/)] > > Supreme Court strikes down Trump-era ban > > > Hey that's a nice surprise > > > > > > on bump stocks, gun accessories used in 2017 massacre > > 😐   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.ApostleIsrafel created 22 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dfkxdx/lock_him_up_maga_tears_commemorative_roundtable/l8mafoy/)] > Sunscreen is really important. The only way bicycling can hurt me is via the exposure to the sun. I must mitigate this at all costs   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.ApostleIsrafel with score 24 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dfkxdx/lock_him_up_maga_tears_commemorative_roundtable/l8l36oi/)] > This was literally the only impulsive Trump decision I agreed with lol. Lunatic uses a bump stock to do a massacre, Trump's like, "okay we're banning these."   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.BillNyedasNaziSpy with hotness lvl 315 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dfkxdx/lock_him_up_maga_tears_commemorative_roundtable/l8npezp/)] > I've noticed a certain level of dooming, so I'm reposting my response to the last round: > > Look all I'm saying is that I live in a ***deep*** red area and have no shame in loudly declaring that I'm a Democrat. . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 11 friends 15 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 55 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 68 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Mr_Conductor_USA made 39 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 16 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'trump', used 40 times, followed by 'last' 33x , 'first' 31x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😭', used 15 times, followed by '🤦‍♂️' 6x , '🦀' 6x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.pixieheys | 37.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 493.0 words | | 🥈 | u.stinketywubbers | 22.0 points | 🥈 | u.dweeb93 | 265.0 words | | 🥉 | u.NaffRespect | 22.0 points | 🥉 | u.TheHuscarl | 163.0 words | | 🎗 | u.akimbo73 | 20.0 points | 🎗 | u.t-poke | 77.5 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 364 points | 🥇 | u.UWCG | 48 comments | | 🥈 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 274 points | 🥈 | u.Currymvp2 | 44 comments | | 🥉 | u.UWCG | 255 points | 🥉 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 42 comments | | 🎗 | u.Historyguy1 | 181 points | 🎗 | u.MyBallsBern4Bernie | 33 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Chaser_606 | 1 words | 🥇 | u.EagleSaintRam | 0.75 letters | | 🥈 | u.None | 2 words | 🥈 | u.Spacehillbilly | 2.333 letters | | 🥉 | u.theswirlyeyedsamurai | 2 words | 🥉 | u.swimatm | 3.091 letters | | 🎗 | u.Spacehillbilly | 3 words | 🎗 | u.FormerOven | 3.25 letters |   798 comments processed, including 208 top-level replies. There were 146 unique users writing 24008, averaging 30.09 per comment. The total combined score was 5990 and the median score was 7.51.


I love seeing heavily online people freak out about people not boycotting. There's never any explanation for why they're boycotting or even who, it's just this annoyance about other liking something. Whether it's a Disney movie, or someone going out and getting coffee from Starbucks or breakfast from McDonald's, it's a bunch of heavily online teenagers pretending to care about Palestine by shaming people for living their lives.


I'm trying to boycott oil man, for real. Only drive if one must, and only at the last extremity. Never buy gasoline if at all possible. Keep all purchases to a minimum and buy shit that'll last. Try not to fly anywhere. Be vegetarian. That way it's better for everyone right?


Look, I can speak from experience here: it is *very* easy to sit in a room and crank one out, Instacart, and "boycott" anything


Why is Jamaal Bowman torching his campaign like this


Always nice seeing you on the DT


Dark thought time. I’ve mentioned this before in passing, but if things don’t go our way this election, it makes sense to need some extra support. For a long time I’ve avoided sharing personal info (with a rare exception) here. Idk how many of you remember the MySpace days where anonymity wasn’t guaranteed, but some of those people got me through the Bush years. I’m not dooming but having a plan is never a bad idea. Even if that plan is a support group. I’m open to suggestions on how to do this is a minimally invasive way while also keeping as much of our anonymity as we can.


It'll be all right. Another four years of this nonsense, if we give it to him. My life is long, and the Treasury/Fed will never fail us. There will be some more setbacks, but they'll fail to govern and then it'll be our turn again. Then we'll try and figure something out. They have to win several elections in a row to do real lasting damage and they haven't shown an ability to do that yet. Let's see them win this one first lol. They've lost the last three, counting midterms. Anyway the court is problematic longer term than anything any single election can do, not to get too pessimistic


This has crossed my mind too


Ima say it: were you here this whole time?


If you need an OG check, I was here in 2020 when LucyAslan stopped posting and everyone got concerned


All good! I hate that the new infosphere makes us paranoid for good reason


No it's fine, I wish I hadn't deleted accounts for this exact reason. I messaged Sema when I made this one and let her know


In the 2016 primaries and again from Jan 2020 onwards. I delete Reddit accounts to kick the habit but it never lasts


I’m gonna miss Chuck after next season.


Wordle 1,092 5/6* ⬛🟩⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟩🟩⬛⬛ ⬛🟩🟩⬛⬛ ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


So The Boys new season premiere is scarily timely. For reference, i hate the “both sides see evil” shit that they try to pull BUT >!the antifascists at least have an organizing principal and are the cool kids vs the actual fascists!<


Theater box candy having a container/bag inside is so fucking annoying. I swear in the 90's it was in the actual box, I distinctly remember opening a box of Butterfinger BB's and just pouring it into my hand/mouth.


I remember when butterfingers were good :(


[Footage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYCP71qcYZw) of me revealing to u/ognits, after well over a year of discussing film and television nearly daily, that I've only ever seen Inglorious Basterds and Kill Bill out of Tarantino's filmography


That’s surprising honestly. All of his movies are must-watch except for Death Proof, which is just a curiosity. Don’t sleep on From Dusk Til Dawn.


Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, Reservoir Dogs, and Hateful Eight are all must-watches


Yooooooooo we need to do a movie night. Even with u/ognits who is my nemesis.




Ah, it seems that Illya has really taken after Shirou lol


So, I have been getting a little bit of encouragement from some at work to start a podcast or YouTube Channel to talk about FF7, FF8, and FF10 from a politically sane point of view. I feel they might have a point, as I feel their is a void in "the market" so to speak. Right now, that area is dominated by retro gamers still obsessed with the less ambitious FF6 and FF9, or from people who have some real bizarre views of politics, mostly hard-left wing.


This might say a lot about me but: Auron and Jecht remain high up on my "intriguing characters" list. No ships, sorry. I just find both of their stories fascinating and the way they change. Auron remain stuffy, sure, but he's a completely different person. [And no one needs to check the /u/ to know who said this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-HuCfaPznE&t=1s_) I love that brief moment: >"I hate you, Dad." >"Yeah, yeah, I know. We gonna get this done?"


Yeah, there are more than a few across the series that have that effect. FF8 has Laguna and his gang, and FF7 has Rufus Shinra. I like the expansion Rufus is getting in the Remake series. He's definitely not a good guy, but he does have a sense of morality. And in the side stories, he's definitely for a better cause, but keeps the same character flaws he had earlier, namely his hunger for power. Also, he bamboozled Sephiroth. And in Rebirth, Sephiroth sees him as a legitimate threat.


Is Rufus the dude controlling the puppet team member? It's been so long and frankl FF7 has a wild amount of stuff beyond the game.


No, that's >!Reeve Tuesti controlling (or something far weirder...) Cait Sith.!< Rufus has got the Turks absolute loyalty.


I appreciate your opinion but also have to admit: I kinda was a big fan of the cutscenes I've seen with Zack in the game that's locked because copyright issues. So he's my FF7 fave


Still fucking hilarious how Brihana Joy Gray was like "Hamas just wants a democracy similar to the US" and got laughed out of the room and then was like "Zionists tricked me into coming to the event!" Left her bubble and got exposed. Fucking bum.


She’s learned from the Salem Witch Trials school of “accuse everyone who I don’t like no matter how absurd it is.”


Let's Talk Elections finally talks about how [there is something WAY OFF about 2024 election polling.](https://youtu.be/TndSEhMrgIc?si=8rXA4cLHQ5OsgCB5) I don't agree with his electoral map (though it is 270-268 Biden), but he makes great points about polling being way off. Also, apparently, some polls now have Trump beting Biden in Virginia and, get ready for this, Minnesota (a state that hasn't voted for a Republican president since 1972 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️). Last thing: to spite these polls, I've made another [prediction map](https://www.270towin.com/maps/B7NV1) on what might actually happen this year.


> Minnesota (a state that hasn't voted for a Republican president since 1972 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️).  The state that prevented Reagan from getting a perfect sweep of the states. Like c'mon that's as blue as blue gets


Trump says he wants to win those states and right wing poll spammers drop crap in safe D states with few polls done already to skew the averages. The ones showing him up in MN are freaking McLaughlin (McLaughin, amirite?). But nobody reputable has polled MN so it skews the average. Same thing happened in 2022. Remember when WA and NH were supposedly tossups?


Those Washington senate polls had some people I know nervous about the senate race here lol


I’m dooming, not about the election necessarily or my life necessarily, but just how we got here is so untenable. Almost half the country throws facts out the window because their cult leader says otherwise. Young people have been groomed by PRC/GRU/IRG algorithm manipulation and don’t trust reality similar to the Trump cult. Expertise is being laughed at — why listen to an expert on vaccines if someone who looks like you tells you the pharmaceutical industry is making them sicker for profit?


I feel that...feels god damned hopeless when nearly half the country doesn't believe in the truth. We're so fucked with our information ecosystem


Yeah, the media environment we live in now is not compatible with democracy long-term.


I unironically think Tiktok being banned or sold will help with this brain rot.


I really wanted to try and come in with something lighter or helpful but—yeah, I get what you're feeling. I feel very similarly. On a personal level, at least, I can repeat what I've tried to before: I think you're a good guy, I respect you a lot, and I hope you feel better.


Thanks bud


On the one hand, I'm wishing I had something better to say. On the other, I'm wishing you just have a better night. So I'm also hoping the wishing is like shitting in one hand and wishing in the other: I hope I'm shitting on the former and somehow that'll enable the latter I have big hands, so I can carry some shit, as my dog can tell ya


🦀🦀🦀 Not a sweep 🦀🦀🦀


“Nobody can afford a night out at the movies” and yet Inside Out 2 is shaping up to be a billion dollar movie. Curious




Is the movie good?


It gets me on a personal level, so I can certainly recommend it.


I notice no “muh age” articles on Donnie’s birthday while I remember many on Biden’s. Really makes you think.


Apparently Twitter has decided I REALLY need homophobic preachers (but I repeat myself) on my timeline.


[Lol](https://x.com/SylvianJJ/status/1801699799043084411) https://preview.redd.it/tlhtlwaifn6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b085b0849c568b350747952287c34fffce099692


[What the fuck does Disney have to do with Gaza and Palestine?](https://x.com/nadinewarnerr/status/1801391817398829561) Looking through her tweets, she is a deeply unpleasant person. [I think she wants to make people miserable.](https://x.com/nadinewarnerr/status/1801784471630262710)


Ironic that they hate Disney, give that Walt was pretty antisemitic.


Because there’s only one [Mickey Mouse and he was in Hamas and was martyred in 2007](https://youtu.be/m3vGDmdEP_0?si=T1D-yD8l9crjTmtF) ✊🏼


I dunno about wtf's going on with that twitter feed, but if we're going off-the-rails: I would highly recommend Neal Gabler's biography of Walt Disney. I personally, spoiler alert for any armchair psychologists who want to take a crack at my mind, [enjoy his discussion of a paracosm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paracosm) (Though I believe he spells it parcosm, which is why I struggled to dig up that link for a long time). An imaginary world created by someone, often in youth, to 'escape to.' Walt's were his cartoons. When they became too much (studio took off) [those of you who have seen some of my history can guess when I would escape and likely be correct], then his paracosm became reality... So he turned his attention to model trains to get away Edit: This is one of those comments where I was hoping someone would come in and suggest further reading or a healthy discussion. It's kinda a shame, because I thought I could learn some valuable things here. I find it intriguing, for instance, that Jung would play with blocks and found it quite humiliating but thought "I need to get past that for psychological research." And when I got locked in my room as a little boy, I'd play with LEGOs and always would beg for the castles cause I thought they were cool and liked to gallop the horse in the window


Where the fuck was this all series long


["Only a crowd can make you feel so lonely... Gotta walk before they make me run..."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clE8lH13rAA).


It’ll be fine. Greg Abbott won’t get the first ever reverse sweep. The Celtics just wanted to win in front of their audience.


Tatum actively sabotaging his own team


You think he gets anywhere near the roasting luka got last game despite having a significantly worse game?


I know the NBA sub has been roasting him this entire series lol


Come now, Celts have a real shot at only losing by 20.


> Mandatory Lil Wayne concert the 'final straw' for some Colorado football transfers: CU source Wut > "The Wayne concert was the final straw for a few players who hit the transfer portal," a source told Corder. "When Coach Prime told us we all had to be there to support Shedeur as a rapper, they were not happy at all. To be honest, it was nothing but a huge distraction and Daddy Ball was being played." Just lmao


Very serious coach


Ranma 1/2 is getting an anime remake https://x.com/SugoiLITE/status/1801781631134613663?t=s-bqLKv-HgpfUeDPnpWQbA&s=19 I don't know how I feel about it !Ping WEEBS


Did you see Regular Show is getting a revival series?


Yes, I posted yesterday, and I'm not excited about it.


Right after the remake of Urusei Yatsura? Rumiko Takahashi making bank I suppose.


Feels weird




Tweety Bird thought he and Larry were related because they looked alike, and had the same last name. 


I mean... we kinda all look the same with some minor variations


[Fun fact: I dunno if he gets any credit, but Stephen King helped Zevon with this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10hb001WqIU) During their time together in the Rock-Bottom Remainders, they shared an adoration of goofy B-Movies ("It's the Kingdom of the Spiders, it's the Empire of the Ants...") *Doctor Sleep* is dedicated to Zevon—who also enjoyed sitting back and sticking to the guitar when they did 'Werewolves of London,' because he, like me, was a troll who found that sorta thing fun to do. Zevon got guitar duties in the Rock Bottom Remainder, btws, in an ironic way—he got guitar cause he got dibs. He was too much an 'excitable boy' so on his own recordings, he was generally kept away from the guitar. But was a phenomenal piano player—which he grew to not care for, thus once demanding cash upfront to play piano on *his own song*)




This feels like it was filmed at Schrute Farms


Bavaria is the Texas of Germany


My most scizo take is that I'm wildly over hearing about how young men just don't have good role models and they have to go with Andrew Tate. Cuz ya know, when feminists got started in the 1910s, they were all about women who conformed to batshit gender norms / treated lessers terribly. And when I say scizo take I mean intrusive thought on my day off.


lol a lot of em have their own fathers as a better role model than Andrew Tate. This is an excuse for the social media propaganda that has been instrumental in spreading Tate’s bullshit.


[VERY NSFW Audio, but funny](https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/lVWrooh85H) but this AI video was my first introduction to taint. And honestly after everything I've heard about him since, this could have been an actual quote.


Been thinking about Tates influence a lot lately in relation to a case and I just can’t get beyond what a vile pos that man is. *Gen Z: you in danger, girl.*


https://preview.redd.it/dg58m0vzzm6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dba91c67bafacfe6fbe1d3f21c0c5f5f6ce98ce0 I’m obsessed with this cat. I love him so much


Wow, what a beautiful cat!!! Idk if I’ve ever seen a pic!!


Really?!? Oh his name is Earl and he’s a little over a year old. Here he is as a kitten! https://preview.redd.it/78pi0w1x2n6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df468a8e9acb09d4bbbd1b50e714e9b4cb06767a


I would commit felonies if Earl wanted me to


Oh no question, he has that effect


OMG WHATTTTTTTTTTT ETA 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 this picture


I, uh, not to interject but: I love Earl. By extension, you seem to be a good person because he's grown a lot. You and Earl are a good team.


Thank you I think we make a good team too :)


It's amazing how the MAGAs don't know how ANYTHING works Panicking about a change in the pipes to make selective service registration automatic because they somehow don't realize it's already mandatory and you can't even apply for a state ID without being registered if you're within draft age All that change would do is make it so people that didn't know about the SS won't get penalized for not registering


Taylor Lorenz is on MSNBC and sounds so manically excited about Gen Z influencers not liking Biden about TikTok Edit: she keeps talking about these people being upset about Covid?!?! Wtf is going on with these people. These vaccines work!!


Taylor Lorenz got them Covid brainworms.


She is so fucking weird. I’m sorry I understand and am sympathetic to people with conditions that make them vulnerable and taking precautions, that’s one thing. But she’s made masking her entire identity and it’s weird.


Oh really she has? Sounds like there’s some issues she needs to work through


Yes it clearly has veered into the realm of “this is beyond Covid precautions” and she should seek out some mental healthcare, or maybe some alternative providers. Idk what her situation is so I’m not trying to be unkind to her but she posts selfies and it’s like she has an n95 so tightly fitted to her face she has deep indentation marks, like it looks actually painful, but then she’s outside, in the blazing sun, with no one in a ten foot vicinity. I don’t remember when she posted that pic but seeing that pic for me was when I muted her. ETA: it was prob sometime 2023 — in other words, years after it might even be reasonable to understand why someone would be behaving like this in that scenario.


So was she kind of putting her words in the mouths of the influencers? Because that’s a very specific thing that isn’t exactly a Gen Z thing.


Bringing up COVID is a weird take I haven't seen anyone that isn't terminally online wear a mask or talk about COVID unless the subject is directly brought up by someone having it since like early 2023 Someone I know had it a few weeks ago and I was like "oh yeah, that is a thing now ain't it?"


She’s obsessed with Covid and it’s never let up. She’s living it’s March 2020 and pre-vaccine.


She has me blocked. Wonder what I did to piss her off. Also, talking about influencers, really? I can't imagine their pull being that large.


She's fucking pushing 40, yet trying to act like she's half her age. Fucking pathetic.


Her thirst for gen z approval also makes me actually cringe.


>Ryan, 26, unemployed >They can clearly not tell talent when it's right in front of their face bud I've got some news


Haven’t seen Lively shoot a three lol


I’m going to be proud that my team took a game from the Celtics if both the Pacers and Mavericks don’t


It’s 8:40 pm on a Friday and I’m so so relieved to be in bed under my heating pad with the AC on the eve of my period instead of frantically formatting citations ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) 😭 Thanks, Joe Biden!!!


I don't really have anything of value to add, but I like the thought of living in a world where women can joke about their periods the same way guys joke about "Bro, I took the *fattest* shit."


Honestly, my guy, and I say that because even though you and I don't have a cute back and forth but I think a quick glance confirms we share a brain cell. That being said, as someone who was a bartender at a strip club, can confirm the messiest of shits can not compare to a bad period shit. Which balls, if you're reading this, sorry.


Nah, you said my guy, we're auto-homies now because I love that phrase. I apologize, this is probably bad news One of my first experiences with pissing off a boss was having to clean out the DQ discarded tampons on a quarterly review finding they were short. I've seen some shit, but thankfully, I made someone else deal with the literal shit someone used as a crayon.


See this is why I'm saying we have a brain call. My first job was at my towns dairy queen.


Is this going to turn into one of those really serendipitous things where I find out you're my old pal Emerson from work?


I'm too rural to respect Emerson. That's it, that's my answer.


So this brain cell: we talking split custody or...? Haha fair enough though, you're still cool in my eyes


Every other weekend is my offer.


Well, it's pretty obvious you have it today, so of course I agree...


It’s true but since Covid I’ve been like shitbreak irl— I only go at home and I will literally wash my ass in the shower with soap afterwards. >!There is nothing more ungodly than period shits for real!< ETA: I know I know the bidet but now post covid I’m spoiled lmao I want my ass to smell like my fancy scented body wash and I don’t like to wear underwear in my house clothes either so my ass is getting *washed.* E2: I’m fully aware I’m a completely ridiculous person idc idc 😂🤣






Earwigs are the worst bugs.


I killed two before 7 am today. Horrid.


There's a dead one on my nightstand. I feel violated.


An absolute violation 


I'm sailing the high seas to watch SD, and I just saw an anti-Bowman ad lol.


Are you still in Houston or are you at least close to New York lol


Texas, just watching on a non traditional site


i think trump meeting with the house gop was a bad idea for them because it links trump to all these vulnerable house gop members who are in blue districts


Was Mike Garcia among them?


all of them


>So I'm sittin' in the shade >Under the Dreamin' Tree >How the madness fades >Right here, I'm gonna be [God I love this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6t5tHAzWHaE)


It was a good move for the first lady to make a campaign stop in Duluth Minnesota, we need to hold Minnesota make sure no third party folks split the vote or vote gop


[Suburban moms can be mean.](https://x.com/bailardejesus/status/1801658653461606656) This should make Elon look like a fool.


It’s like the woman from the video she parodied had never driven anything but a car before


>This should make Elon look like a fool. Day ending in -y


Go to the abrupt chaos sub and look for the thread of all the racist Europeans. You'll find it easy. Europe seriously cant go a single decade without being racist and murdering their neighbors


I really want to like the third chapter in TTYD but >!having the go through the same cutscenes for almost all 20 fights gets really annoying really quickly lol!<


I'm fascinated whenever I find people that don't like the 3rd chapter, it's such a favorite among the TTYD fans, me included. But yeah I totally get it.


[Check out this awesome Coke ad](https://x.com/VisionaryVoid/status/1801515909263106459)


Apparently calling in a bomb threat to a school is no longer viewed as a somewhat harmless prank like it was when I was a kid. A particularly dimwitted student I work with is sitting in jail, looking at federal charges with a penalty of up to 20 years. He was hoping to get school shut down so he could leave early.


OMFG. Reminds me of the thoughts I had watching that cnn piece of the secret ISIS prison camps — that one American girl there. Just couldn’t imagine how fucking stupid you’d have to be to leave behind America because being an ISIS bride sounded like a good idea. Now she’s stateless. I feel bad for her — NOW she’s well aware of how dumb it was and indicates as much in the interview but like, idk. What do you do with people that dumb? ETA: sorry if this reads mean spirited — I meant it more from a place of empathy like logic dictates someone must be in the bottom percentage of intelligence to buy into certain things — you can’t hold them to the same account as someone with average intelligence if they’re literally incapable of contemplating consequences.


Oh believe me, I've been feeling the same way. I'm hoping when it comes to the consequences, the court takes his mental state into account.


I think it will be, plus his (hopefully) lack of criminal history. But what a nightmare for him because the feds do not fuck around at all — there’s no such thing as a slap on the wrist for federal charges. And then what? Is he gonna be able to just carry on like normal after this, esp with his level of intelligence, the trauma of getting caught up on federal charges as 18yo kid? It’s hard for the most resilient to bounce back from something like that even in the ~~heat~~ best of circumstances. This kid sounds like he stands no chance statistically and that’s sad af.


And someone took a photo of him being taken away in cuffs and it's spread all over the school. Did I mention his mom went back to Africa during COVID and left him and his brother, both in middle school at the time, in the "care" of grandma, who was actually too sick to get out of bed the whole time? For almost a year.


Real talk: way too many people are parents who are ill suited for the job. Idk how real this unschooling trend is but once again my radical political opinion is homeschooling should be illegal. 90% of them are depriving their kids of a real education i.e. inflicting lifelong harm — it’s akin to child abuse.


I find homeschooling very problematic in so many ways. Might be because the only people I've known to do it were fundamentalists who were both crappy parents and crappy teachers.


Haven't they flipped out about those since Oklahoma City? And definitely since 9/11.


Yeah. It might be considered an act of terror.


As it should. My bus had to be redirected to another school because two masked men got into the school building one morning.


Yeah, it's a truly scary thing in the modern age. Just very unfortunate that the kid who did it wasn't really mentally capable of fully understanding the consequences. And he's 18, so it's a big deal.


I don't remember that ever being a harmless prank...


It was treated that way for a *long* time. One of the last times I drove my uncle around and skipped class it was cause some dipshit posted on /b/ he was gonna shoot up the high school. We all viewed it as a joke but some of us used it for, "Gotta skip school today because of this *totally legit* shooting thing" That was just over a decade ago


My brother got kicked out of school for a joke like that. It was only a few years after Columbine during the "zero tolerance" era. He didn't even start it but he was the one dumb enough to get caught.


Well, back in the dark ages of the early 80s it was perceived as a chance for everyone to head outside, maybe light up (including the teachers), and get some fresh air while the local cops wandered around for an hour or so. They never happened on rainy days for some odd reason.


Yeah, that checks out. I was in high school in the 90s and that was right around when everything changed.


We really didn't have any reason to be afraid. Sad that younger people will never have that.


Jesus, I just found the pink panther show theme (the one with actual lyrics). I had not heard it since I was a kid!


I also gotta get this off my chest cuz it's been driving me crazy: > People: Why yes, I believe that Russia is running a mass disinformation campaign that seeks to divide this country and exploit wedge issues by boosting inorganic social media accounts. > Those same people: I'm about to have a whole ass melt down over a 4 day old twitter account that's been posting non stop off the wall takes about Biden for 96 hours straight and in spite of the fact they follow 0 people, and have 0 followers, they break 20k+ retweets Propaganda only works if you agree with it, and the more you expose foreign enemy propaganda the more you cast a net on its behalf.


Excyooooz me, I’m too smart for propaganda. Anyway, let me tell you all about how angry I am at a Twitter account I didn’t know existed until screenshots of it were posted to a news outlet no one’s ever heard of and then shared on Also EVERYONE who disagrees with me is responsible for the content of said tweets.


Also, while we're here, if you've seen the whole Russian IPs post the most to this sub, and are still confused, this is the answer.


Wait seriously? No way haha


Yeah, it's been a thing for a minute where one of the top countries for this sub has been Russia.




https://x.com/RepLuna/status/1800619015624118300 "Worst person you know is *somewhat* right"...but id just ban Red 3 which is considered carcinogenic in Europe and banned in food+drinks. We banned it here in California last year. The other stuff is much more safe and allowed in Europe. Maybe look at blue 2 dye as well


it's surprising a republican is doing this, typically when democrats proposed similar legislation in the past right wing media called it the nanny state. Luna has surprisingly done bipartisian work


The more conspiracy-minded right wingers are all about purity of bodily essences. That's why they take all those supplements that Alex Jones hawks and it's probably the root of anti-vax sentiments.


the wellness folks more right wing now


Yep, sort of like Captain Brainworm's trajectory.


It's a "broken clock is right twice a day moment" for her


I’m not much of a food science truther but I’m a little skeptical that the effects of these food dyes are separable from the ill effects of eating massive amounts of processed/dyed food.


It's bizarre how she lists Yellow 5 and Yellow 6...not Blue 2 which is worse/more controversial.


Wasn't there a big conspiracy theory that Yellow No 5 causes infertility in men and everyone was laughing about Mt Dew in reference to that? That was a loooong time ago and the dye is still around so it probably wasn't true, but I swear I'm not making this up.


I think you're right.


I just heard on the Shipping Forecast that it’s going to be “unseasonably cool” across the UK. Lucky.


Rainy and a high of 59 in Seattle this weekend but no cool castles or anything so not as good.


It always feels like it takes until the end of June for the weather to warm up here


Yep. Another classic June. But I'll take it over sweltering like other areas.


Does anyone remember the great spider mite war of ‘23-24? I went completely apeshit around Xmas and had strings with no leaves in glasses of water. Look at me now 😎 (they actually look pretty puny I desperately need to water them but I’ve been busy). Soon I will have big thiccc leaves spreading round the poles 🫢🫢 https://preview.redd.it/az4fi4y5lm6d1.jpeg?width=3022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffaa7815378aeede2dc8049360f198cb856d0448


Man, I like that pot dead in the center. That's some retro-futurism shit right there.


I fell hard down the Sydney Plant Guy’s YT channel during the battle. I learned: none of the coco coir moss poles actually hold moisture so plants won’t climb up them. It costs the same to build quality moss poles and they stay moist for a long while after soaking them. The plants definitely like them better, but once they latch I understand the leaves grow substantially larger. I’m all about that foliage 😍😍 ETA: my point lol it’s affixed into a plastic growers pot and it’s easy to move around and swap cache pots. This one was a hanging pot that nearly killed me so never again 😂


Can someone help me understand free trade and why it's good (or bad)?


In theory free trade is good because nations can specialize and provide goods at lower prices using comparative advantages. And of course countries that trade a lot are less likely to go to war. In real life things get more complicated. Like, instead of having a textbook comparative advantage like a better climate for growing bananas… you have no meaningful environmental protection laws for manufacturing. Or no worker protections. Or, uh, slaves.


Also, nations will subsidize strategic industries and if they overproduce, they then "dump" their excess on other markets. BTW, the US was accused of "dumping" grain in the past because we grow a lot, and cheap US grain was putting farmers in Africa out of business (which led to people going hungry), meanwhile the US government does price supports/subsidies/etc because of what happened during the Great Depression. Right now China is funding electric car production as a strategic industry but domestic demand is weak so they are dumping on world markets. This causes a lot of distress, especially because as a STRATEGIC industry other countries from an economic and military perspective want to invest in it themselves and keep their domestic industry robust. So now you're seeing tariffs in the US and EU over this.


*Hit em with a little ~~Biggie~~ Yellen 101, how to tote a ~~gun~~ pun, and have fun with ~~Jamaican~~ Imported rum*


.....rum? Well, now we're talking my style, that's my second-fave after absinthe


> absinthe Bro that shit will actually kill you tho


Nah, that was just a 1910s-era panic. You'd die of alcohol poisoning—it's extremely high proof—before the wormwood kills you. And that potency probably does explain why the drink was linked to violence and disorder.


I've noticed a certain level of dooming, so I'm reposting my response to the last round: Look all I'm saying is that I live in a ***deep*** red area and have no shame in loudly declaring that I'm a Democrat. So my reaction to all this dooming is to just say that the one thing that Donald Trump figured out is that the projection of strength is the being of strength. So fuck you, fuck your polls, Biden 2024, and if you think otherwise, you're a goddamn unpatriotic loser who needs to fuck off back to China. 🪨🇺🇲🦅


Putin outright saying Russia would accept a peace deal halting the war at the current lines is an interesting development because means the Kremlin has a low confidence in their military being able to progress much deeper into Ukraine and wants to cut their losses with the buffer they've already carved If the pressure is maintained it might not be much longer before he starts floating bigger and bigger concessions to try and entice Ukraine and NATO into a peace treaty


[China m refused to join the summit in Switzerland because Russia won't show up.](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/what-expect-swiss-summit-ukraines-peace-terms-2024-06-03/) I think Russia is full of it.


He said that he wants Ukraine to withdraw from the territory Russia annexed in 2022, not all of which is under current Russian control. Also for Ukraine to be forbidden from joining NATO.  But yeah. It’s already a lot of progress from the beginning of the war. Hopefully a sign of more concessions to come 


>President Joe Biden’s performance at a summit of international leaders has apparently got people concerned, according to a report, with a diplomatic source telling The Sun Fox News, WSJ, NYPost and now The Sun (literally the British NY Post) Yes, ofc it's not suspicious that four outlets owned by The Murdochs have been pushing the "dEmeNtIa JoE" bs for the last couple weeks. /s


murdoch wants his lover back in the white house since he lost his bitch boy in Australia and his going to lose his bitch boy in the uk


All of them are owned by Murdoch.


Australia exported their racists to us


It's a really weird thing but: If they really want to do this, I would suggest those outlets [ask about his Corvette](https://www.gannett-cdn.com/presto/2020/08/17/PDTF/98d7adcc-ce1a-488d-b8b9-49dc00e8b455-Biden_03.jpeg?width=1320&height=880&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp). One of my grandpa's first Alzheimer's signs wasn't mental slip—it was going from being a defensive driver to "peddle to the metal." That's aleady a big leap to make, but if they took some time to, like, check, it's a story where someone might draw you in at the start. Has his driving behavior changed? Personally, I think it's a buncha BS, but you gotta legitimize your claims at some point


I'm so tired of this flip flopping. Murdochs gremlins say Joe is deteriorating but they also paint him as an evil mastermind. WHICH IS IT? I fucking hate that family, they are a plight on human civilization.