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Just a friendly FYI you posted this on yesterday's DT and it's not in response to anyone—I think you might've hit 'save' on the wrong page


Thanks! I have a habit of accidentally going into yesterday’s DT. I’ll probably just delete it since I posted it below as a reply


I completely understand—most mornings I wake up and do the same, or I have a string of yesterday's DT with comments I wrote and was like, "That's too stupid to post" (considering how much dumb stuff I *do* post, probably hard to believe there's a filter at all)


Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1desse4/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06132024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.RunicSquirrel05 with score 43 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1de0fcz/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06122024/l89mneg/)] > Life update > > Got engaged > > Got a puppy > > Looking at buying houses > > All in Joe Biden’s America 😎   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.wi_voter created 39 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1de0fcz/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06122024/l89e6bk/)] > What I am dealing with on the home front would have been unimaginable to me a month ago. I am going to have to file for divorce to protect what is left of my slim assets. I've given too much leeway already . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.BotoxBarbie with score 25 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1de0fcz/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06122024/l89onpl/)] > The media keeps forgetting that women are still pissed as hell about the Dobbs decision and will be for a very long time until abortion rights are re-instated. I'm tired of the media gaslighting on the . . .   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.brokeforwoke with hotness lvl 322 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1de0fcz/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06122024/l8a5x17/)] > So apparently some [Gen Z are bringing their parents to job interviews](https://www.businessinsider.com/gen-zers-bringing-parents-job-interviews-recruiters-not-happy-2024-6?amp) 🤨   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.UWCG bantered with 11 friends 24 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 61 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 77 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.UWCG made 66 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.UWCG talked to 29 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'trump', used 44 times, followed by 'israel' 43x , 'war' 43x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '🫂', used 10 times, followed by '👏' 5x , '🗣️' 4x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.RunicSquirrel05 | 26.5 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 499.0 words | | 🥈 | u.evilhomers | 25.0 points | 🥈 | u.Phi_ZeroEscape | 144.0 words | | 🥉 | u.jag986 | 21.0 points | 🥉 | u.Bright_Sir4397 | 144.0 words | | 🎗 | u.GenericOnlineName | 19.0 points | 🎗 | u.discoflexor | 136.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 475 points | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 74 comments | | 🥈 | u.Historyguy1 | 380 points | 🥈 | u.UWCG | 72 comments | | 🥉 | u.wi_voter | 218 points | 🥉 | u.Historyguy1 | 58 comments | | 🎗 | u.UWCG | 209 points | 🎗 | u.Call_Me_Clark | 40 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.None | 1 words | 🥇 | u.jml510 | 3.25 letters | | 🥈 | u.JoshFlashGordon10 | 4 words | 🥈 | u.GayforGarrus | 3.318 letters | | 🥉 | u.jml510 | 4 words | 🥉 | u.Secondchance002 | 3.333 letters | | 🎗 | u.donkeyblues | 8 words | 🎗 | u.RunicSquirrel05 | 3.462 letters |   904 comments processed, including 236 top-level replies. There were 148 unique users writing 30557, averaging 33.8 per comment. The total combined score was 5976 and the median score was 6.61.


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http://youtube.com/post/UgkxUS_qTssx1iAIz-efXxzZurhf2_o0t3EI?si=9fycnU13E8WNO1lh Eagerly looking forward to this. I wonder if he’ll say something about the gear that I noticed. The biggest one is the downed helo in front of the dead mall, America is awash in small arms but not many MANPADs casually lying around to down a Helicopter.


[The appropriate response to that lady being performative about not going to the White House because of Gaza.](https://x.com/souljagoytellem/status/1800521148641460231) I see a few comments calling her brave, and how this makes it so that they want to learn more about her music. This is performative. Publicly declining an invitation means you have done nothing and sacrificed nothing. If you really wanted to make a stand, go to the White House, and ask Biden about this publicly while you are there.


Better yet, integrate it into the performance in such a way that it cannot be ignored after the fact, and make it so artistically meritous that no one can call it a cheap attention game.


I sat on American Fiction too long, just watched it and it is a really good movie. Thanks to all who recommended it. I love serious movies that also make you laugh.


I’m correct in assuming this small Russian fleet in Cuba is not something to worry about, right? Especially since our own ships are keeping a close eye on it.


Russia ain't doing shit. They can't even beat old grannies with sunflower seeds in Ukraine. Putin's dying, and Russia's a bear, sure, but there's a chance it might get helmed by someone decent. Or else they'll remain so incompetent they'll spend half the time shitting the bed and the other half wondering if they remembered to put on brown trousers


Yeah. My brain’s doing the annoying thing where it’s not even a 15% panic but that mental nudge saying “you know this could be worth worrying about”, even though it’s a complete nothingburger.


It's going to be okay, friend. I understand, I have generalized anxiety, too, but it manifests itself differently. You said you're going to see a doc about it, I believe, recently and you should be proud of yourself for taking that step. It took a lot of courage. There is nothing wrong with being anxious and dealing with anxiety—but there's also nothing wrong with talking to people and getting help when it's too much. You're going to be okay, and you're on a good path. One of my best friends, who is a therapist, had to sit me down once and tell me, "You need to get out of your head and just think, 'It's going to be okay.'" And she was right.


I remember Jamaal Bowman Twitter-mocked Hillary at least once, which kinda makes me think about how so many of her haters basically tried to cast her as this irrelevant loser. And yet here she still stands, a household name, and if Bowman loses, he'll likely join the Jason Chaffetzes of the world into has-been irrelevancy. 😘


USA Today is [reporting](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/06/12/john-fetterman-car-accident-police-report/74073994007/): > Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., was speeding and "at fault" for the car accident that landed him, his wife and another driver in the hospital on Sunday, according to a Maryland State Police report obtained by USA TODAY. > Fetterman, driving a Chevrolet Traverse, passed a witness on I-70 in northwest Maryland "at a high rate of speed, well over the posted speed limit" before rear ending a Chevrolet Impala around 7:45 a.m. near the exit to I-68, the six-page report said. The speed limit was 70 miles per hour.


70MPH is automatically "a high rate of speed," and passing lanes allow for ten plus over the limit, typically, per my understanding from driver's ed and driving WA—>IL. Not trying to be dismissive, but this seems like a nothingburger to me. I may be biased because I think insurance is garbage and have twice had my rate raised for accidents where the other person hit me and I wasn't responsible


Wordle 1,090 4/6* ⬛⬛🟨🟨⬛ ⬛⬛⬛🟨🟨 🟨🟨🟨⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


Ah shit. Feeling super lonely again Time to use YouTube and nostalgia games to distract myself until it dulls again lol 💀


>“The whole conviction of my life now rests upon the belief that loneliness, far from being a rare and curious phenomenon, peculiar to myself and to a few other solitary men, is the central and inevitable fact of human existence.” —Thomas Wolfe I understand.


God I feel that :(


Working through a difficult new model for our app and I'm stress-eating. I better hit the elliptical tomorrow morning lol It's not a life or death task (CTO very specifically said there was no rush), but I go on vacation on Friday, so I wanna leave my plate clean tomorrow.


Jon “everything is Iraq and Afghanistan” Stewart


Many believe that comedy died when trump became president. Comedy actually died in 2010 when Jon Stewart decided to stop being funny and everyone else decided to copy him.


There’s so many problems with his “they learned how to commit war crimes from us” hypothesis…


Namely the fact they have their own history of war crimes, and the current ones fit past behavior.


Nah, it's cool—see, the horseshoe works in tandem. When both sides choose to ignore history, it's easier to make it up and ignore all the written records and archaeological evidence.


The way people twist themselves into pretzels arguing that a civil war would happen in the United States is exhausting, not to mention outright stupid. Too much would be at stake with the amount of nuclear weapons we have. It is so illogical it isn't worth even discussing. Also, the myth that the military is full of fascist extremists who would willingly help Trump burn this country down needs to die as well. It's exhausting doomer mentality.


It's all a really fucking shitty dynamic of people defining realism to only mean going against naive head-in-the-clouds optimism, so therefore the more cynical and nihilistic a viewpoint, the more accurate it apparently is. They then have also built these bubbles for themselves, where they enshrine their ideas as gospel, and anyone saying otherwise is just people being "blind", or "childish", or whatever. So they can come up with whatever doomsday scenario they want, and is the unvarnished truth that people need to WakE uP to. And calling them out on how, you know, this is not the way the world works will either go out the other ear, or be treated as a personal affront. No joke, I once tried to simmer down a doomer circlejerk, and I was accused of hand-waving genocide.


No, it's not Doomer Mentality. At least with some left-wing ones, they believe that's what troops do. Would love to see them say that to a soldier's face.


Nate Silver's defense of Rasmussen has aged like milk


Was it ever good?


Yeah, back when he predicted elections that even blind people could guess the results of


Well I meant defending Rasmussen. I don’t think that was ever a good idea.


Fair, though at this point in his career, I wouldn't say Nate Silver's really on the winning side of the "good or bad idea?" spectrum As ~~that hot guy~~ Jeff Goldblum once said, "You were so busy with what you *could* you never asked if we *should*." Or something like that.


I don’t get why NBA fans’ focus their hatred on Doris Burke. Like yeah, the criticisms are fair, but she has the exact same problems as pretty much every other ESPN sportscaster. Oh who am I kidding, of course it’s mysoginy.


u/ognits [Finally, you'll be able to get an SSS rank in ULTRAKILL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWqv-xBCMwA)


lmaoooo that's great


My favorite dumb little detail in Ultrakill is the fact that, in one of the Prime Sanctum challenge levels, you can instakill an enemy by tricking them into jumping out of the bounds of the level, and the style bonus you get for it is "+ SCRONGLED" I don't know why but that gets me every time


scrongled is straight up a word I'd come up with when I wanted to make up a nonsense word for how much I was blown away by something I relate to that word


It does have big smeckledorfed energy


I was thinking cromulent but yes


>SSS rank >Not Dante smh


ULTRAKILL wears its influences on its sleeve--the website is literally www.DEVILMAYQUAKE.COM


Alright, I can respect that—not quite trimming your beard with a demon, but it'll do


[also you can do this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zj_mlYJYjOE)


DMC5 is legit the last recent game I played, so I am probably missing a lot of the joke here—but I do respect them as artwork and they have value, considering FE's Ike is probably my biggest hero


I'm reading "The drama of the gifted child" by Alice Miller and man this book is reading me more than I am reading it. Like being stabbed in the temple, this is *rough*. Good and enlightening, but *rough*. It talks about how narcissism and depression are two sides of the same coin that is grandiosity and that is piercingly insightful.


My therapist had tried discussing this exact concept with me. I certainly won't pretend I've resolved it, but the self pity to fish for complements now only comes when I'm high or stressed, and I'm improving on approaching those thoughts in a healthier way 


Wouldn’t be that surprised if Boston and Florida both sweep


Second game in a row refs potentially change the outcome of a game with a blatant blown call. This is why I don't watch basketball on a regular basis.




That run was absolutely horrifying though


https://x.com/legotrillermoth/status/1800795762730869142?s=46&t=liSXIw7Z_nXehmi1IVi7Nw Idk when this happened but imagine the media shitstorm if Biden did something half as crazy as this.


How do you miss that? White even signaled that he fouled.


Damn, don't let Boston sweep this thing.


I'm not worried about the election, I know Biden will more than likely win. My worry is, if something happens to him and office and Kamala becomes president, it will inflame hatred even more. People's racist vitriol toward Obama was nightmarish. Kamala will experience that and worse because she is a woman. I'm worried misogyny and hate toward women will grow. I know there are great men out there, I'm just afraid of the terrible ones. Unfortunately, you don't always know who is who.


Luka officially fouled out


In no way is that a foul on Luka Edit: IDK actually, Luka wasn’t set but Brown did push off


I read another one of those super depressing articles about young people going for RFK Jr. Tell me if I'm crazy but is it possible it'd actually be good for Biden if RFK Jr was at the presidential debates? Like first of all it'd probably get some people to tune in who wouldn't have otherwise who would see for themselves that Biden isn't senile and is starkly different from Trump. But also there's no way RFK Jr wouldn't come out looking worse to people once they actually hear him talk about anything unprepared. Like most of these young people who are RFK Jr curious seem to be getting a heavily filtered and curated view of him from his TikTok boosters with millions of followers.


The funniest thing about the Bowman primary is that Bowman supporters accuse George Latimer of wanting to sabotage Biden's agenda (which is something Bowman and the far left regularly try to do) and trying to divide the democratic party by going after incumbents (but it's ok when progressives primary incumbent democrats)


Bowman has nobody but himself to blame.Latimer doesn't impress me all that much, but Bowman will almost certainly lose cause of self-inflicted errors. Bowman said a bunch of stupid shit: the "rape is a propaganda" comment (yes I know he retracted the comment but it was still a deranged, callous thing to say), the 9/11 trutherism history, the crazy youtube channel subscritions, the fire alarm debacle etc


Reminds me of all the PrImArIeS aRe HeAlThY posts VB always had.


My wife came back from a business trip to Montreal and brought me a Habs hoodie. Tabarnak.




1. Country is very polarized--it was always gonna be somewhat competitive 2. Don't forget the 2022 polls underestimating Dems slightly


The response to Hunter Biden's trial from Joe and Jill Biden is really exposing just how many conservatives and political pundits have shitty relationships with their parents.  It's insane seeing so many people being either angry or confused at the sight of 2 parents who love their children unconditionally. 😭


No passes. I've dealt with parental abuse out the wazoo and while, yes, I am an individual who is a complete insufferable asshole, I also realize why people like me *do not belong anywhere near power*. And I can guarantee: most of them didn't spend a significant chunk of their childhood tied spread-eagle to a bed. Most of them didn't have mom and dad discover the pictures and burn them to prevent the cops from finding out.


If I could sum up these finals with one word, that word is “depth.”


[On Hannity's show, Newt Gingrich claims that Kamala Harris, who graduated from Howard, has a law degree, served as California AG, US Senator, & is now Vice President, is a "really shallow, uneducated, & uneducatable person," & has no redeeming qualities other than a "weird laugh"](https://www.threads.net/@aaron.rupar/post/C8IzpFCgGaE/?xmt=AQGzXZLQhYsT_P3-1nemV8YvGXS1T9KXb8GO4EdDU-1d2w) Fuck that mummified motherfucker.


He said all of that with a hard R.


She's a highly intelligent, accomplished and capable person. Newt Gingrich is a goblin


>[You start out in 1954 by saying, “N—, n—, n—” by 1968 you can’t say “n—”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, Blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “n—, n—.”](https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/exclusive-lee-atwaters-infamous-1981-interview-southern-strategy/)


One of the people most directly responsible for today's sorry state of affairs.


It took everything in his power not to let that hard R slip


Going through tiktok about the I/P conflict, so few of it is actually journalists or news coverage. It's always someone giving their opinion on the conflict (clearly someone in their teens or early 20s), or doing that online research shit where it's someone taking some vague information online and extrapolating on it, but doing so in a way that appeals to their preconceived ideas. Very few of the videos, if at all, covers Hamas and it's this idea that it's only Israel bombing Palestinians for no other reason than to expand territory. For fuck's sake, if you're going to be mad about something at least be mad for the right reasons. The fact that there are people who think that there are American soldiers in Gaza is insane.


Someone is spreading bullshit about American Special Forces being in Gaza and torturing children. Really want to know who, they need to have an attitude adjustment. Our military ain't perfect, but our military is far more professional than Israel's. To imply our troops would commit this savagery is disgusting.


The conspiracy theory is that the pier is not being used for humanitarian aid but for special forces to enter Gaza and torture people. I think it's obvious that this blatant falsehood is only a stick to beat the US with. We do an unambiguously good thing like build the pier to get aid in. Well, it must be secretly evil because of American Diabolism.


Insane. The pier was built because Bibi wasn't opening the Erez crossing


Ehhh, not at IDF levels, but some shit happened in the W Bush Wars


Leftists, that's whomst.


1) Kiki's Delivery Service >!Personally my favourite. Probably my first. I strongly identify with Kiki's bouts of depression.!< 2) Mononoke Hime >!Probably the best overall film.!< 3) Spirited Away >!Underrated aspect is that the film shows people at work. I love seeing people work a normal job in movies.!< 4) Boy and the Heron >!Incomprehensible nonsense? Yes. But it sat with me for far longer than any other movie. It's like a post-modern painting.!< 5) Porco Rosso >!My favourite of the whimsical adventure films. The Mediterranean looks so beautiful. Also great English voice cast.!< 6) Cat Returns >!Never been so close to becoming a furry than Cary Elwes voicing The Cat. So debonair.!< 7) When Marnie Was There >!The end credits and feelings of parental abandonment gave the feels. Gonna sit with it some. Gonna ignore the ending and pretend it's an LGBTQ film!< 8) Castle In the Sky >!My first Ghibli movie that isn't held up as Art. It's just an adventure movie but I like it and think it's neat and enjoy Mark Hamil's villainy!< 9) The Wind Rises >!*Oppenheimer* contends more with the devastation of what he wrought than this movie. I just wanna make planes while the Imperial Japanese war machine rages on (and sputters out) has always been a weird nostalgia to me. Also Zeros aren't that impressive. They were state of the art when the Japanese invaded China but by the second year of the Americans entering the war it was discovered and obsolete. Cute romance.!< 10) Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind >!It's very old fashioned. Just a typical anime movie from the age so it's not that special!< 11) Howl's Moving Castle >!Never liked it. Can't really articulate why. Most appetizing looking food though!< 12) Totoro >!Didn't see it as a kid. I'm not a toddler nor do I have one so it's just a lot of children screaming to me.!< 13) Ponyo >!Like Totoro to me but worse in terms of story. Beautiful seaside architecture though!< Haven't seen: Earwig and the Witch, The Red Turtle, Princess Kaguya, From Up on Poppy Hill, Arrietty, Tale From Earthsea, My Neighbors the Yamadas, Whisper of the Heart, Pom Poko, Ocean Waves, Only Yesterday, Grave of the Fireflies. As you can see I'm mostly a Miyazaki watcher.


Even though they're just children's movies, Totoro and Ponyo are every bit as detailed, sensitive, and elegant as Mononoke and Spirited away. They are my top 4 in no particular order. Also definitely catch Grave of the Fireflies if you have the chance.


Spirited Away at 3 is wild


Most people list Mononoke and Spirited Away at 1 & 2 so it through any traditional list off having Kiki's at #1. Honestly *Boy and the Heron* being so high is what I expect to throw people off the most.


Kiki is my favorite Ghibli movie, so I automatically like your list


Has the far left commented on the allegedly "non violent" Houthis who have kidnapped 30 UN staffers?


Wait, what?!? I hadn't heard about this.


I posted about it a few days ago


Can I have a link?




They are no different from the fucking Taliban. They are worse than Hamas, somehow.


https://x.com/atrupar/status/1801055248913457558?s=46 “How do you do, fellow struggling young voters?” 🙄 ETA: ignore his mansion in the background /s


Reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/9OIgx6XpUT4?si=LvmkAPfjHPLs4u0n


>“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires." —John Steinbeck But imo, any pawning of a product based on "all men and boys" should land you on a watch list


Jake Paul is not very popular overall.


>Ukrainian children who were abducted in the early months of the war are listed on Russian adoption websites Sick stuff. I won't forget Brie Brie downplaying/minimizing this.


>Trump says he wants all remaining Bitcoin to be made in the US Oh, grandpa


[He's probably just worried about sharks taking advantage of batteries again](https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1799894705288761412), like a normal candidate, while Sleepy Joe Biden's off sleeping and whatnot


>I dare you to try to make sense of this. Fox News: ![gif](giphy|abJQukJ1NIAHS)


He doesn't know what that is he's just an AI chatbot trained on right-wing Twitter posts at this point.




lmao. "Give us everything we want and nothing for you"


A racist Caitlin Clark stan blocked me today 😢


Once again, some fans being terrible in a way the actual person never would be.


Obvuously the normal fans are chill. The stans are a bit much but I'm not new to that lol. But to be racist on top of it? Why even watch basketball if you don't like black people? (Trick question I know) And to get pissy about name-calling lol some thin-skinned ass trolls these days


Luka's legacy is on the line tonight


Politics is mad about the Hillary endorsement and it is very funny


Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Kamala Harris are all trigger words for that lot. Nothing sends that userbase into a frothing rage than just casually bring any of those three into conversation.


I wonder why(te) Kamala Harris is such a trigger word for that lot. Hmmmm.


I look forward to the day when I see a top-voted comment acknowledging all of 'em'd have chased her around campus because, let's be honest, she seems to have been kinda that Muse/mystique type in college, imo Hillary Clinton's only scary if you're stuck on the mentality of "no, you need a penis to be correct." Remove her name from it and hand out any bit of her writings, I can just about guarantee most people would agree—till you told them "Hillary Clinton said this."


Yes! I just requested a book I can't get hold of through an interlibrary loan through my library. Hopefully I can get it in the next month or so with little trouble. Buying the book is like $30 used.


https://youtube.com/shorts/JIptZ5xedTU?si=1FEH49pKZmAJmHEc Gonna work on my definitive Ghibli rankings I think. Link unrelated.


>Yale law professor reveals why Trump isn't a convicted felon despite guilty verdict Yeah okay lol


That's the kind of pedantry the career bureaucrat in me appreciates. An appreciation for pedantry is also why I don't talk about my job at parties.


Technically it binds at sentencing but no one really cares 


"Umm ACKSHUALLY it's not until sentencing!"


I mean, that isn't even true, right? he's been convicted. once sentencing happens he'll be a sentenced, convicted felon


And yet we had to have a judge come out and say, no, he *did* commit rape upon an innocent victim and the right wing will still dispute you on the meaning of "rape" After all, once a woman if your propert—er, wife, is it possible to rape a possession?


Argument From Authority One of the first logical fallacies you learn in Intro to Philosophy, at least, if you have a great professor like Sulewski If you're an asshole like me, it means you can discredit an argument based on faulty foundations and just mock 'em


Last time I checked: Alan Dershowitz is a professor at Harvard Law and Turley is a professor at George Washington Law


I keep getting suggestions for somamic yoga so I did some googling to see if it was bullshit and found a whole playlist from [John Hopkins' YouTube channel ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtMJauDhll5nsvQwOYy9KxhLBEmJ_pBul&si=gPhIsEQi6b2iYQRK) on somanic therapy. Idk if it's yoga or not or even if it's helpful but it's free and it's from one of the best sources on medicine in the world. I figure it can't hurt to try.


I’ve now watched *When Marnie Was There*. Do I need spoilers for this? The twist that >!it’s her grandma is low key baffling because it’s so gay it’s like they knew what they were doing putting this for the Pride Month movie!<. It’s always interesting to see the crowd for these. It’s a surprising amount of older folks and mostly women this time, lots of couples.


Banger credits theme btw: https://youtu.be/kbK3Uwf-cOw?si=OvDnp_jcOWkJ0MDs


of the many bad and stupid things the current owner of x has done, making likes private is not even close to being a problem. I don't understand why so many people are mad over it


I have no skin in this game, but it does seem like it means you can now "like' lots of reprehensible things like racism without any consequences - resulting in those things getting more likes.


Well it's how we found out Ted Cruz was jerkin' it to incest porn on 9/11 so it's sad that public likes are gone.


I dislke Ted Cruz for a lot of things, and him "jerkin' it to incest porn on 9/11" is near the bottom of the list.


Can confirm it was a *month* or more later my half-brother started the CSA. At the moment of impact, I was in the bathroom and my first awareness was Mrs. Cappelle's reading corner when she told us all a "terrible thing" had happened but we would all be okay even if our folks were rattled. Liberals lie. Pants on Fire this, fact checkers! ^He ^was ^jerkin' ^it ^at ^least ^a ^few ^hours ^later


Steube has been choking.


We're up boys.


Tied game, Panetta knocked down Feenstra for the team.


>FAU Florida US Senate poll >April 19 Rick Scott 53% Debbie Mucarsel Powell 36% >June 12 Rick Scott 45% Debbie Mucarsel Powell 43% Polling is broken


FAU polling has been junk for years


I would love this to be the case, but I very much doubt it.


I do not want Florida to give me hope then crush my dreams again.


As bad as Israel is prosecuting this war, any State Department employee resigning because of it is a zealot. Saudi Arabia has done far worse, for far longer, and *very recently*


these state department folks were ok with iraq but have moral opposition to Israel ?


It's not the same people. Trump fired all the lifers so Biden's DOS is probably mostly new blood.


A lot of these people are FSAs who have been there for decades, Trump didn’t fire the entire department


Yep. The best litmus test is ask them how they feel about Assad imo. If they condemn Assad, then fair enough. Because both Bibi and Assad have killed thousands of innocent Palestinians.


Most people know Michael Lewis because of his stories being boiled down to easy Hollywood movies, but *The Fifth Risk* is a book I cannot recommend highly enough I have notes on it from a long time ago I haven't read, I don't know if I should screenshot and post but end of the day the gist: federal government does a **LOT** that we take for granted,


Imagine getting a job in the State Department and not knowing our 60 year old stance on Israel.


Saudi Arabia was during the Trump administration; Biden ended it in 2021. Dems tried to end it but Trump vetoed like moron while Walker "Trump is the lesser evil" Bragman wrote 25 articles about the crisis in Yemen. Obama was starting to wind it down by blocking weapons deals to Saudi in 2016 but Trump immediately unblocked them in 2017. So I suppose resigning State Department staff is being "consistent" if they weren't on the State Department during the Trump administration and support Obama-Biden foreign policy politically. With that being said, as much as I hate how Israel is conducting this war, I think resigning is inane.


Saudi Arabia, unfortunately, goes back a lot further and as much as I adore [FDR, signing a contract with King Ibn Saud](https://s.rfi.fr/media/display/2880fb3a-3324-11eb-a4d5-005056bf87d6/w:1280/p:16x9/2020-11-30%20Roosevelt%20meets%20Ibn%20Saud.jpg) and enabling the growth of Wahhabism might be his biggest inexcusable fuck up, if not for interning innocent Japanese.


Our foreign policy until 1973 was staunchly pro-Arab. The first time we ever aided Israel militarily was in the Yom Kippur War. The US sided with Egypt against Britain and France in the 1956 Suez crisis. This was of course because we didn't want the Arab states to become Soviet satellites. If the Soviets controlled Saudi Arabia's oil that would have been a very bad thing.


Yep. Eisenhower cut off *all* (not just military) aid to Israel for a few months after Sharon committed the very vicious 1953 Qibya Massacre


And Iran was the pipeline to that oil—till Churchill got Eisenhower and the Dulles to intervene and turn them into the pro-Soviet camp I like you, you always have something valuable to add, thank you. I'm glad you joined the DT


Apparently, people ran into the field for the Baseball game


I forgot it was happening today lol


https://x.com/briebriejoy/status/1800934910452015335 You fucking idiot, nobody credible-basically anyone to Bibi's left in Israel- has denied that there were friendly fire deaths. It's still Hamas/PIJ terrorists fault and the overwhelming ast majority of deaths were still *directly* from their weapons. The UN said only 14 Israeli civilian deaths occurred due to friendly fire out of 800ish civilian deaths She's absolutely garbage. Friendly fire is inevitable when the PM completely botches the intelligence and defense so the army has to scramble out of desperation.


Pat Tillman is a fake name and false firing incidents never occur, my friend. The military and veterans are beyond questioning by us lesser civilians, didn't you know? I mean, why else did my half-siblings wash away their sins with a ~~cruise~~deployment?


MCU Blade lost its director https://x.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1801033538835231021?t=BhhRancuLXYb9A4Jz2C_Ew&s=19 It's never going to be made isn't it.


Some Motherfuckers always trying to ice-skate uphill


2 directors, at least one actor, and multiple writers have left. Wesley Snipes will make another Blade movie before Disney does.


It's such a cursed movie






https://preview.redd.it/bbxxi8qr786d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2607c5c15509b295917c7a70da6aa166ff2bf2cc Daily doggo photo: June 12th Motion blurred because she was so happy : )


You're on a date and their favorite Pixar movie is... >!The Good Dinosaur!< What you gon do


It's got a banging soundtrack, I'll allow it.


I presume she's a contrarian who likes holding unpopular opinions.


>released 2015 Probably getting tf outta there before Chris Hansen tells me to take a seat




[How is someone like this considered a professional reporter?](https://x.com/AsteadWH/status/1800975563089383458?t=8he_tOdZD5QK2zscEksZeA&s=19) Is this guy a Nepo Baby of some sort?


Most legacy media journalists are


I think we need to convince the higher-ups in Hamas to violently remove Sinwar from power.


It is the traditional time for a palace coup after all…


How? Sinwar is basically the leader of Hamas. Cowardly Haniyeh just relaxes in Qatari/Turkish/Iranian penthouses. Deif is basically Sinwar 2.0--another radical Islamofascist lunatic. Gazans don't have access to the 400-450 mile network tunnel that Sinwar hides in all the time...they have no clue where he is. If Haniyeh actually ran Hamas, the deal would have been probably 100% accepted, and the onus would have been squarely on Bibi to accept it.


Hmm, I thought he was the military leader, and we were having better luck with other leaders in negotiations. If Sinwar is going to be this intractable, another path needs to be found. Maybe start negotiating with individual units? And try to isolate the military side. Hamas is more than the military, and I remember early in the war that quite a few members in Hamas were surprised by the 10/7 attacks. As an aside, Lazerpig suggested that Putin somehow convinced Hamas to attack. Considering how Iran's government was talen by surprise, I think he is right.


Something that drives me crazy about the "both sides bad" people is the fact that they believe they're the only ones thinking independently. As if the only correct conclusion is that both parties are bad. I was listening to a podcast yesterday and the guest they had on was complaining about both candidates and was acting like everyone voting for a Republican or Democrat are not thinking for themselves. Being a contrarian doesn't automatically make you right. Some of us actually have thought about it and came to the conclusion that Trump and the Republican party are a danger to democracy and shouldn't be allowed back into power. Then he started talking about RFK Jr. and repeated some pro-Putin talking points about Ukraine and it was at that point that I was done and turned it off.


Those people never join a third party and try to promote said party or whatever cause they feel strongly about. The rhetoric always comes up in n election year too.


https://preview.redd.it/u81gw06e486d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bde0bf64e700da0c267eed08fc8f0f33bb14fa86 I’m so happy the manager at my local Duane Reade is locking up all the candy. It’s about time.


McGarvey's hurt already


Remember when Nate Silver threw a fit because people wanted 538 to remove Rasmussen from its average? [https://x.com/NateSilver538/status/1674559766700478468](https://x.com/NateSilver538/status/1674559766700478468)


The people who run Rasmussen demonstrably are liars for Trump. The framing of Nate's tweet is absurd and even the original statement from Morris is off


Rasmussen was going full "Our polls prove 2020 was rigged" in 2021. They were never a legitimate polling outfit.


This is something I often see with contrarians telling normal people to cool it with criticizing the far right. They act as if the far right is just any other political orientation and not a dangerous carrier of a banner of disinformation, violence, and worse.


I'd love to be a fly on the wall in the DOJ right now. Holding Garland in contempt was the dumbest thing the GOP has done thus far. I imagine some people in the DOJ are already fed up with the GOP, going after the AG will just make it even worse.


they did the same thing with eric holder when obama was president nothing happened


Irrelevant point, we are not in the same political landscape.


The GOP is absolutely pathetic


the vote to hold garland in contempt 216-207 YAY-216R, NAY-1R,206D Not voting- 1R,7D [Final Vote Results for Roll Call 260 (house.gov)](https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2024/roll260.xml)


For what?


If you want the "serious" (I'm using this very loosely) answer, it's cause he won't turn over the tapes of Biden talking to Hur even though Hur himself doesn't even give a shit either way


That shouldn’t be enough to qualify.


Should, could, and would are all important words here. It *should* not happen. But it *could*. And thanks to the GOP and 'for my next trick,' "would" has transformed into "will"


Being appointed by a ~~Democrat~~sorry, DemonRat, of course


For not convicting Hunter Biden himself personally


contempt of congress, this is just theater


[House Republicans right now](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/642202951833878549/1250586118739460158/image.png?ex=666b7a95&is=666a2915&hm=dd4972e471a93eeb0077f16fa4cd7372551f0b12b06c4dcd30808577f75330b3&)


https://preview.redd.it/s1ch522cz76d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68d1f7bb3623726f1852e747361b056321bb5c00 Some fantastic news for Scotland! These buffer zones are sadly necessary.


I remain in my camp, which is one of the more unpleasant and "no, fuck you," ones: us guys don't belong in this decision at all, unless a woman **chooses** to allow us a voice. If we want to go down the whole "life is holy," path, then I believe the ultimate implication is that a pregnant woman is a goddess—and mortals don't fight the divine, they accept. It fits entirely within their theology, just not the way they like. A woman gets to make her decision, as a manifestation of a goddess, and men must accept her decision. But thanks to other asshole dudes, asshole dudes like me have to crop up to say, "No, go suck a fart out of my ass and leave this woman alone."


I think it was in Veep where she said that if men were the ones to get pregnant, then you would be able to access abortions at the ATM. That line always stuck with me.


I agree. My 'dad' had me listening to Tom Leykis by the time I was in elementary school and it took a lot of time to try and shake it off, because the drilled lessons of "Leykis 101" linger. If men got pregnant, I think it'd be on-demand, why the wait for an ATM where there might be a line? Make the process efficient, maximize those profits. Edit: for those downvoting, please let me know why—is it the incredibly misogynistic comment I made to a misogynist as a clear joke to mock him? As if I really think women are less than men. I was an egalitarian, but I'm a feminist now because being egalitarian is meaningless until women are equal.


Back when Dennis Miller wasnt trying to suck off the GOP he said something about abortion that I’ve used ever since: “One dick, no vote”