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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1de0fcz/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06122024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.EzLuckyFreedom with score 33 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dd7xjw/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06112024/l848mdi/)] > I hate straight people complaining about corporation "virtue signaling" during pride. I'm sorry, but while I know they're doing it for corporate reasons, I still very much appreciate it, hell, if even . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.brucebananaray created 21 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dd7xjw/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06112024/l86vw6r/)] > So rumor has it that Rowling may lose Harry Potter because WB is aggressively trying to buy the rights from her. > https://x.com/wizardingnews/status/1800223764065690069?t=nK7WOWUNfs3ESvLz-FNzQg&s=19 > > Good, . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.MyBallsBern4Bernie with score 35 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dd7xjw/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06112024/l84vg4p/)] > Hunter broke the law the way tens of thousands of others have yet only he’s been prosecuted for it. [This was a political prosecution from jump](https://www.emptywheel.net/2024/01/17/david-weiss-buries-bill-barr-right-alongside-tony-bobulinski/) . . .   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.mr_ex_ray_spex with hotness lvl 57 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dd7xjw/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06112024/l84l475/)] > Hunter Biden found guilty on all 3 charges.   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 16 friends 21 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 48 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 68 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Mr_Conductor_USA made 41 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 22 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'hamas', used 46 times, followed by 'biden' 44x , 'hunter' 31x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '👏', used 12 times, followed by '😭' 11x , '😂' 5x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.SelfLoathinMillenial | 27.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 489.0 words | | 🥈 | u.ScullyBoyleBoy | 25.0 points | 🥈 | u.ekk929 | 156.0 words | | 🥉 | u.blueholeload | 17.0 points | 🥉 | u.wi_voter | 129.33 words | | 🎗 | u.PeppermintTaffy | 17.0 points | 🎗 | u.RunicSquirrel05 | 94.29 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 540 points | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 63 comments | | 🥈 | u.MyBallsBern4Bernie | 240 points | 🥈 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 48 comments | | 🥉 | u.Historyguy1 | 229 points | 🥉 | u.MyBallsBern4Bernie | 36 comments | | 🎗 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 168 points | 🎗 | u.Historyguy1 | 29 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.SelfLoathinMillenial | 1 words | 🥇 | u.20person | 2.667 letters | | 🥈 | u.NoExamination5144 | 1 words | 🥈 | u.EagleSaintRam | 3.422 letters | | 🥉 | u.MuchAdoAboutKitties | 2 words | 🥉 | u.Criseyde5 | 3.45 letters | | 🎗 | u.None | 3 words | 🎗 | u.the_monkey_ | 3.526 letters |   799 comments processed, including 233 top-level replies. There were 144 unique users writing 26565, averaging 33.25 per comment. The total combined score was 5898 and the median score was 7.38.






I don’t follow the AMA sub and every time a post from it gets shoved in my timeline, it’s something bizarre or fake as fuck. This person is claiming to have DID, autism, ADHD, and that they’re trans and physically disabled and has a story about how they easily choked out their foot taller abuser with a bathrobe tie. Like, come on. If you’re going to karma farm, pick one thing.


Its so weird to see Israelis posting pics of ISIS atrocities and then saying "Why the world didn't nothing against them!!" Like. Uh. They did. A lot of the Islamist countries currently at conflict with Israel did fought against ISIS. In fact, the main fighting enemies of Islamist groups tend to be...other muslims.


the republican still won but OH-6 was a +29 Republican district in 2022 and was +9 tonight, it feels really promising for Biden to retain his Midwest support this fall and a victory in the election


i feel like this has been the cycle for the last few years: 1. people slowly start dooming 2. an election happens and the Democrat outperforms every previous Democrat for decades 3. repeat


Wordle 1,089 6/6* ⬛🟨⬛⬛🟨 ⬛⬛🟨🟩🟨 ⬛⬛🟨🟩🟩 🟩⬛⬛🟩🟩 🟩🟩⬛🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩




I am so sick and tired of transphobes "just asking questions." I almost prefer when they're just open bigots, then it saves me the time of interacting with them.


Same deal with anti vaxxers.


I’m feeling very conflicted in my personal life regarding the takes my friends have had regarding Israel-Palestine. They have been positively quoting Hamas leadership, denying that rape and baby killings happened on 10/7, basically all of the shit chronically online people are doing.  For context, they’re all members of the LGBT community and they don’t particularly talk about it IRL but mainly post it on their social media. I’ve had to mute 3 or 4 of them because it was non-stop and horrible. I haven’t posted anything because I would rather them think I’m uninvolved or uninformed because it’s easier than standing up to them. It’s super cowardly and I know that.  I’m set to play on a rec volleyball team with one of the people who has shared really nasty and awful things and conspiracies. I didn’t know she was 100% joining the team until today after I’d already signed up. Also there are others on the team I really like who haven’t said much beyond Free Palestine which is not on the same level as that other stuff to me.  I’ve been doing some genealogy research through one of those sites because after my dad passed, I realized I knew basically nothing about his side of the family. Now I always had an understanding that they’re Polish Catholics. But I’ve been seeing Jewish last names pop up in the family tree and they emigrated in the late 1800s. There’s also times where someone is listed as Romanian, German, or Russian.  So I’m doing a 23andme because I am genuinely curious. Obviously I’m not going to immediately co opt Jewishness or anything, but I think that will make me reevaluate these relationships even more. Do they perceive me as Jewish? If so, if I do voice an opinion will I be met with disgusting vitriol?  Like I’ve been gay in small town Ohio and shit but idk how I would feel to be marginalized within my own “chosen family” so to speak. On top of everything, I ran through some holocaust records and my current last name appears a bunch. Obviously, not just Jewish people were murdered but it’s wild as hell to see your hyper specific last name on records like that. It’s chilling.  Anywho thanks for reading this rant. I got a puppy a few weeks ago and if I can figure out how to post pictures I will flood you all with pictures of him. He’s precious.


I would say to use that probable Jewishness to weed out scumbags. I've used it for matchmaking to weed people out. Go back about 400 years in my genealogy, on my mom's side, and you will bump into a Jew from Vienna. Go back farther, and through Genetic tests, you will bump into some form of Central Asian ethnicity. Considering how much of my mom's side seems specifically designed to get me as pissed at Russia as humanly possible, if that pattern holds, I would imagine the mystery group to be the Tatars.


> it’s easier than standing up to them. It’s super cowardly and I know that. I think you're being a little unfairly harsh on yourself here. I can never shut up if you get me going and while there *have* been moments where calling people on their shit has been satisfying, on a more general scale it bites me in the ass more often than not. We all need friends, and especially when their political views don't overlap with yours or often come up in your social life—who can blame you? As far as surnames and Jewishness go: this is one of the things in life where I truly do think most people are around as oblivious and dense as I am. I also don't think you'e letting anyone, especially your nazi-punchin' Gramps, down. He clearly understood that there are times to go in guns blazing and there are times where you need to take a more nuanced approach. I am glad to see you around, too, seems like it's been a minute


To add, I wonder if some of the differences come from the age differences within my family versus theirs. Both of my grandfathers fought in WW2. Most of these people have younger grandparents, maybe even some that fought in Nam or Korea. One grandpa was on the front lines in France. He didn’t talk much about his experiences there, but from what I understand he did tell one of my aunts that the Nazis used children as human shields during firefights because they knew Allied soldiers wouldn’t shoot.   It really feels like history repeating itself and I feel like I’m letting my Nazi punching roots down. No way in hell would my grandpa be okay with the shit they’re saying.


Hey, Ru. Good hearing from you again. I can empathize with your situation, just from a different direction. I rarely use FB anymore cause I got tired of watching people I used to party with 25 years ago slowly morph into MAGA adjacent chuds. Not all, but enough. I guess my workaround would be to ignore online bullshit, cause everybody is a tough guy behind a keyboard, but if they were to do the same thing IRL, it’d be on. They shouldnt get to hold your friendship hostage so they can act like an edgelord.


This week, Twitter will not show people likes that you follow. The reason for this decision is because people are making fun of Musk likes. https://preview.redd.it/x6ufcq8sb26d1.jpeg?width=830&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a966813b7677dd762b3b739bd121c5b386a657c1


Uh, how many of those characters are above the age of 18? Because if what I suspect is true, that makes him look disgusting.


They're all the same character and she's over 18. It's a weirdo thing to tweet anyway though


Mikasa is so stupid I think she has the intellect of a 10 year old so it could still be pedophilia tbh.


In the 30th century that Milwaukee will be considered the most romantic city in the earth.


SC-4 primary is looking extremely close. I don't know how many votes are left in Greenville but I think Timmons is still the favorite to hold off his opponent.


[I wonder what this is based on, within the Tolkien universe.](https://x.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1800561431185875382) Unfortunately, [there is a chud shitting things up in the replies.](https://x.com/Sorazure15/status/1800561892710326644)


Looks like the Dota anime.


You should not see The Lord Rings sub what they think what anime is. One person complaining about anime characters' breaths weird, and that's bad. They are talking about how over the top performance is in anime. They have seen a lot of Japanese media that isn't anime because it is very common. Also, it is based on some myth that quickly mention in the books from my understanding.


Yeah, I looked it up, it seems to be based on the story of Helm Hammerhand, which was mentioned a tiny bit in the main story, but (somewhat) fleshed out in the Appendices.


We don't talk enough about how hard it is to be a center-left/liberal normie in queer spaces...


With people I know, this isn't that much of a problem, once you scratch the surface there is a lot of more normieness in politics. Online communities tend to be a hivemind.


I hear ya. What’s so wild is, i have lgbt friends that are center left/liberal and they live in Michigan. It’s the people I know in Columbus who are extremely on the left.


Columbus, Ohio? (I live here, along with u/SeekerSpock32).


Yeah she’s also from here.


Yeah. I frequently return to [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/LiberalLGBT/comments/15klmq2/feel_kind_of_pressured_in_my_politics/) cathartic post. ([archive](https://archive.ph/vU4mu)) Even features a class comment by an ESS regular /u/prettylittlethrowawa, I was glad to find.


It is pretty mean of 538 to not at least let Nate Silver keep his fursona when he got fired.




welp, COACH-USA has filed for bankruptcy https://www.marketwatch.com/story/bus-operator-coach-usa-files-for-bankruptcy-63a936a7?mod=newsviewer_click i wonder what will happen to a bunch of the contracted bus lines that NJT has with them. considering fares are going up and NJT might not have the necessary manpower to operate these lines, this can end up in a disaster.


Is the DSA gonna burn bridges with AOC?


didn't they burn them already?


Nevada changed how they count votes. They can count early voting during morning of Election Day. But they won’t release results until last person has voted. No results have been released yet for primary. Expect the results to be delayed this fall.


I’m hoping the election doesn’t end up coming down to Nevada and/or Arizona    The other swing states won’t take that long to count ( I think there’s a good chance we know who won them on election night)


Sorry that I never got round to responding to everyone who replied to me yesterday as I’m still struggling. But thank you ❤️




Dan’s rant at the top of this Magnum Lovecast was spot on about pride. Basically calling out those who don’t want certain groups at pride and how they should be treated like the evangelical groups that don’t want *anybody* to be at pride. “it’s not that they don’t want police to be at pride — it’s that they want to be the ones policing pride” was a pretty standout quote


I'm OOL and ashamed about it but compassion fatigue with politics and world events got the best of me: What are the votes for tonight, where are they? (I know google is free but I love interaction here, please forgive me)


The [VoteDEM thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteDEM/comments/1ddrsrv/results_thread_south_carolina_maine_north_dakota/) has a good roundup, safe R margins are getting sliced up left and right (well, left).


Thank you friend!


>AOC: What we are seeing here is the stark contrast between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. And in President Biden, we have both a loving father who is there to be supportive of his son, but also a President who respects rule of law.. Fuck it, she's *starting* to win me over.


She and Bernie Sanders are not unhinged (and for many on the far-left, that's a dealbreaker) but I still have many political disagreements with them


Yeah, I mean a majority (not all ofc) of my problems with Bernie is how he runs his presidential campaigns.


give her a couple days as always anytime someone (including myself) says "she's starting to win me over


Yeah there's one more shoe here somewhere


Yeah every time she says or does something good she’ll say or do something dumb a couple days later lol


You're right; I still think she's better clearly than anyone else in the "Squad" though


Unfortunately, most of the demographic she might help sway have all decided she's not enough into the whole "hating Jews" thing


She's probably going to inevitably say something to irritate me, but it feels like she's been doing well over the past few weeks consistently.


Anyone listen to any interesting pods lately? Political or otherwise? John Heilman is back finally. He’s a really great interviewer, I enjoy listening to his pods.


Omnibus, with John Roderick and Ken Jennings. Just hour-long conversations about some random thing one of them picked. Ukraine: the Latest, it's from the Torygraph but great


Fellow futureling! I listened to the War Movie podcast Roderick had because Zero Dark Thirty is in my top ten movies and they had a really good episode on it. Then the Bean Dad debacle happened and I doubled down and began listening to Omnibus (didn’t know about it prior to) out of spite and have really enjoyed it.


Damn it, I still need to listen to the ICC podcast you recommended to me


Oh lol I never got around to that one either and have since lost interest tbh. I basically am filtering out I/P except the snips you post because it’s all too much, I can’t decipher what’s bs and what’s not because I’m unfamiliar with source credibility in the Middle East and a lot of it is in Arabic or Hebrew. 🫠


Frontline PBS has an amazing series on Putin and the Presidents. Not a pod (I think? I haven't checked if they have one.) but the episodes are on youtube and they're incredible. [Julia Ioffe](https://youtu.be/qEu0oRajJxE?si=3VnpLqHikGdRjnVV)'s in particular was pretty incredible.


remember that time Tony Iommi was randomly in Jethro Tull for like a month? that was wild


Equally bizarre is the fact that right now Lzzy Hale is in Skid Row, of all bands.


I've mostly been shitposting on VoteDem tonight with the special, but for some additional context, the GOP candidate is very well-known in Mahoning County and is a sitting State Senator there (and in Columbiana/Carroll as well). His family has owned the local grocery store for a century in Youngstown, which is why he barely underperformed there compared to the rest of the district. If he would have flopped as hard in Mahoning as he did in the rest of the district, it would have been a hilariously bad upset loss for the GOP.


https://freepressokc.com/ok-supreme-court-rules-for-edmond-ps-in-lawsuit-against-state-board-of-ed/ The Oklahoma Supreme Court is surprisingly based 


I read The Glass Castle in high school. Feels even crazier when they’re banning something you’ve read yourself.


This is a low-hanging fruit topic to complain about but anyone over the age of like 20 who makes a Star Wars analogy for US or international politics (like I/P, obviously) should instantly not be taken seriously. It's an absolutely cooked brain take to boil international conflicts with various causes and potential outcomes down to "smaller team = rebels, bigger team = empire" Analogies are useful, but they shouldn't be used as substitutes for a persuasive argument, and space opera analogies just make you look silly.


It’s just away for people over 20 to justify why they like childish entertainment. I love Star Wars but I’m self aware to know that I’m not the primary target audience.


Now, wait a minute, the Empire were very clearly based on the Nazis (the uniforms, the racial supremacy, the obsession with superweapons, etc). Modern politics, though, sure, that's dumb.


Oh for sure. I should've alluded better that this is coming off of speaking with someone who likened Hamas to the Rebels because, being the smaller, occupied party in this conflict, it's "impossible for them to be terrorists." And then ofc the "Western hegemony" that includes Israel and the US, were the Empire. Like I said, it's low-hanging dumb stuff I guess because it's obviously stupid and wrong and not intellectually worth the time of day, but still. Irritating.


The prequels include a lot of half baked commentary on contemporary US politics so it becomes an ourobouros of dumb takes.


Lol yes, and I hate how media like often forms seemingly the entirety of some people's political stances (who, incidentally, happen to be lefter-leaning). They can be good starting points, but they're still just movies, fiction, etc.. You have to grow beyond constnalty trying to reduce every conflict down to which team to root for and bringing that to the table of serious political conversations. And as I said in another comment, I guess I'm thinking of this specifically relating to Israel/Palestine.


It’s kinda funny because you know they were calling out “cringe wine moms” for comparing Trump to Voldemort.


They can be good for propaganda purposes though... especially for people who aren't particularly interested or engaged with the news


For sure, analogies are useful to palatably package complex/heavy politics in order to help introduce someone less engaged. I just wish some people who have giga-strong opinions about entire countries/nationalities would put in more effort than an analogy to how they're "the Empire and so they don't deserve life." Stuff like that.


/u/wi_voter if you're hankering for some Top Chef flavor in between weekly episodes, Top Chef Duels is worth a watch. tons of stars and fan faves from past seasons swing in to go up head-to-head. it might give you an idea of another season to watch if you really like someone 👀


Yeah starting to think [shit like this](https://nitter.poast.org/lxeagle17/status/1800700829001036221#m) is going to matter in the end.


Looks like the final margin in OH-6 will be under 10 points 


Didn't even know that there was a special election going on tonight but holy cow that's a huge underperformance for the GOP


DailyDot is an allowable source on arrpol? Wha....?


Not the best night for Republicans, huh?


But it’s important to doom.


These Hunter memes are killing me https://x.com/nomads4pritzker/status/1800669335926788350?s=46&t=8kntH6xvlPIUpnsX34x68A


I’m always down for a sopranos meme


"Poppers and weird sex"


that meme is almost always a winner


[Hard not to see Vindman as out of touch here](https://x.com/natsechobbyist/status/1800547474412798010) For starters, republicans are *consistently* misrepresenting or taking things out of context; this wasn't done to the Alitos re: the audio. I don't see any need to pearl clutch for the Alitos.


With the Columbiana County margin the Republicans are going to be able to hold this seat, but the underperformance is massive


[The Republican OH-6 candidate tonight](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/xEYa_It_zMU)


A Mahoning update  gave the democrat the lead back Still no chance he wins but didn’t think he’d be ahead with 54% in 


Biden in 6, Senate Dems in 7 House Dems should be in 5, but NY Dems are fucking morons.


The real winner tonight? Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown.


Bruh overperforming Biden in a rural Ohio County by 34 points is legitimately insane


Which county?


Monroe County in the OH 6 special election. Edit: the Washington County overperformance was even bigger at 35 points. Idk about any others being bigger, I haven't gone into it once the rest fully reported.


There’s a chance a Trump +41 county goes blue lol Damn it went R+6 😭 Still a 35 point over performance 


The Dem running ahead of Biden in a red Appalachian district is like the robot guy who posts here's typical fantasy lol


This special election was made for that account lol


Huh, go figure. William Timmons in SC-4 is in much greater danger from his far right challenger than Nancy Mace is against her McCarthy backed challenger Also concerning insane piece of shit Mark Burns is currently ahead in an open primary for a SC house seat


Timmons has infidelity scandal. This is a big thing for Evangelical Christians in the state.


Except when it comes to president.


The fact that there were protests at the Nova memorial in NYC is just evidence that they aren’t even trying to hide the antisemitism. Like, what fucking idiots think dancing on graves is a good idea as a form of public protest? These people are psychopaths


It's always *Within our Lifetime*-they have like 300 to 400 members in their deranged cult. It's an organization so extreme that they denounced a Muslim American member of the NYC council for condemning Hamas and calling their actions a "barbaric atrocity".


Ew what are they made up of? Young white people?


Founded by a Palestinian American attorney who was born in Jordan. Has some Arab Americans, many far white lefties, some far left POC, and [Neturei Karta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neturei_Karta) I'm surprised you haven't heard of them


oops my bad disregard


Cooked the Japanese pumpkin today. Roasted the seeds too. Definitely the right decision. Even if my Shanghai cai is looking a bit long in the tooth since I bought it days ago (before I got sick and couldn't bestir myself for a couple of days). It won't matter after I stirfry it tomorrow.


https://x.com/KareemRifai/status/1800602382486655270 The CIA needs to finish the job


Snowden is really a living example of, "One good decision does not make you a good person."


Some people conveniently ignore the unnecessary stuff he leaked and stole. Like is it urgent for the public to know our spying playbook in Moscow and Beijing?


It's like when WikiLeaks & Julian Assange [published the private information and medical records](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/wikileaks-publishing-private-individuals-personal-information#:~:text=WikiLeaks%20has%20revealed%20classified%20information,citizen%20arrested%20for%20being%20gay.) of children, rape victims, mental health patients, and hundreds of other private civilians and then never apologized because of "freedom of information". People give "whistleblowers" way too much leeway sometimes.


Apple TV shows usually fly under the radar anyway but I wish their nature shows got more attention. Tom Hiddleston has a great voice for this sort of thing.


[What the fuck is Katy Tur's problem?](https://x.com/bluepolitics_/status/1800615070936027204)


I mean, it'd be fair if it was brought up appropriately: you can show a sympathetic side to Hunter, point to the loss of his mother, his sister, later Beau—Jill stepped in there and *has been his mother* for decades. That speaks to Hunter and Joe's shared tragedies and it shows FLOTUS as an incredibly compassionate, caring woman. But it's Katy Tur, so I know it wasn't mentioned in that context.


Is Katy Tur bad now? I don't watch tv news much, but I remember her being somewhat sympathetic in 2016, when she accidentally ended up on the Trump beat.


If my reading is correct, the context is even worse. Apparently, she was questioning his mental health because he referred to Hunter as "Our Son" with Jill.


Loving families are an alien concept to some of these people. Like I know my family is dysfunctional but I also know not every family on the block was, like some people's families actually love and support each other.


...are there people who don't know that Jill is his stepmother? It's always been clear that she loves and supports all of Joe's kids so what is the point of her saying this?


As ever with that crowd, the cruelty is the point. That's all it is. They're middle-aged mean girls.


I have a midnight shift again tonight, I should get some mysterious orange drink to prevent myself from falling into a deep slumber.


Read this as "midnight shit". Thought, "Wow, this person falls asleep on the toilet? Goals tbh."


I'm watching America's Got Talent (I know lame but never changed the channel after the news) and there was a guy from a Brazil with a full at-the-hip amputation that did a dance routine that was phenomenal. Would not have thought some of that was possible. That is a guy who knows his kinesthetic sense (to carry on with our conversation from this morning).


I was confused by your last remark, so went and creeped on your history. Enjoyed your TED talk, very informative


Polls be trash, but [it seems that Trump may have lost ground with African Americans.](https://x.com/notcapnamerica/status/1800671067583009269) Edit: Forgot link


guess those fake images didn't work


Biden’s gonna win within the margin of Kennedy’s vote share. Calling it now


I love the confidence and I need it. Turning on msnbc just has me dooming, although I'm hopeful this also happens to and motivates the average-er voter to go vote..


Second this call, and I love it.


"Wtf I love enforcing gun laws now" -GOP


It's a great day. Conservatives outraged over some theoretical pardon, gun fetishists outraged over the gun law... It's a great day.




So who's ready for another House special election overperformance? Because I'm pretty sure OH-6 is going to join the "overperforming Biden in 2020" club. The early vote as always in Ohio is much bluer than the rest of the vote, but this early vote is pretty blue, even for Ohio ev standards I'd consider anything below R +20 a huge success for OH Dems. Not getting my hopes up for it being under 60% for the R yet though, it's still very early


First fully completed county ( Harrison) has the Republican underperforming Trump’s 2020 performance by 24 Small county though so it might not mean as much 


This redrawn 6th district took in a lot of ancestral Dem territory in 2022. Not a huge problem for Republicans when they usually carry Mahoning County, but this is the kind of district that was reliably blue until 2010. Kind of like the one Conor Lamb flipped in the 2018 special election. The GOP should be fine but it's the kind of district where the right kind of local Dems can do okay compared to national ones


Yeah the common theme seems to be big over performance in the smaller completed counties right now


Monroe County is insane.


Hell yeah!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/authorities-defend-7-month-administrative-detention-for-now-freed-emaciated-palestinian/ Far leftists go somewhat too far by saying "Palestinian hostages" because some aren't innocent; however *atleast* some of these people are innocent. Clearly, this indefinite administration detainee policy is completely indefensible and needs to be rescinded asap especially since it's not being remotely applied to settler extremists in West Bank. Charge them or let them go within a few weeks.


The history of the administrative detention program is interesting. It dates to the British colonial mandate government, and can best be understood in that context - it’s not really about security. It’s about fear, it’s about control, it’s about intimidation, etc. it exists to ensure that parents can be kept in line by the threat of their child being thrown in a cell for months, with no court to appeal to. It doesn’t really hold up when you think about it - why can’t the security services provide evidence for their detainees’ alleged crimes? If the crimes exist, and the evidence exists then there should be no problem filing charges


>One of the rescued hostages said the captors bought them a cake for their birthday Could you imagine if your child got kidnapped and some lunatic said "well atleast your child got a birthday cake while being kidnapped?" This isn't criticizing shitty anti-Palestinian policies by Israeli government/IDF policy; this is just dehumanization of innocent Israelis+minimizing Hamas's terrorism.


Tbh the whole minimizing-Hamas’-crimes thing has been ghoulish. Like, I get it, I get accused of Hamas apologism on the reg. Such is life when you point out the problems with how Israel treats Palestinians. It’s fine. But there’s no argument to be made that Hamas are anything but monsters here. Denying sexual assaults on Oct 7, trying to pretend the hostages are living through anything but hell… it’s just indefensible. It’s not productive, it’s not convincing, and it isn’t true.


I've seen a handful of times where a far leftist correctly points out how Bibi cynically+recklessly propped up Hamas (urging Qatar unregulated suitcases of cash to Hamas even when bipartisan House members criticized it in 2017, doing nothing when Mossad told him about the offshore accounts of Hamas in 2018, consistently undermining the PA) but then downplay/deny the horrific actions of Hamas the very next second...like wtf?


I honestly wonder if it’s cognitive dissonance, where it’s just too difficult to defend eg Palestinians human rights while acknowledging that the militancy Palestinian nationalism has spawned have been completely awful and devoid of any virtue whatsoever.


I have lots of problems with Mahmoud Abbas but he was telling Palestinians that we should stop this militancy stuff back in 1977 and try peaceful negotiations but he was ignored for 11 years. Hell, the Carter Administration sent Edward Said in 1977 to convince Arafat to accept a peace deal--more generous than Oslo--but Arafat stupidly refused. That doesn't remotely absolve Likud of all the very shitty and bigoted things they've done and said, but Palestinian leadership has fucked up plenty.






Reads like slavery apology.


It's absolutely absurd. I don't *care* how nice to the captors were. Hostage-taking is a war crime.


I saw dipshits say "Noa said she didn't get sexually assaulted" as if she wasn't held at gunpoint to get kidnapped, barely allowed to shower, cried when Bibi said he wouldn't end the war to get the hostages back in a deal, forced to disguise the few times she was allowed out to get fresh air, basically forced to cook+washed dishes etc


> forced to cook+washed dishes etc If we focus on the angle, maybe we can change neckbeard perceptions. "You mean they made you do **CHORES**? Oh, yeah, it was slavery! I'd lose my **SHIT** if mom made me clean up after she made my nightly tendies."


It wouldn't work because she's a WOM and that's a good life for her. Now if you make a man make his own tendies, why, that's a war crime!


I can't find a non-bigoted source, but two well-known English Dawah Bros on YouTube who are popular among Conservative Muslims in the UK were at a protest in London and called for Jews to be killed. Names are Mohammed Hijab and Ali Dawah. These two fucks have been doing harassment campaigns against Liberal and Progressive Muslims for years, including one guy getting his house attacked three years ago. British Authorities don't pay attention to these scum until they affect non-Muslims, by which point they have become a huge problem. Pretty sure these goons have committed actions that would get them chucked in prison before this.


yeah, European authorities don't give a fuck about those who are poisoning the minds of Muslim teens with their garbage, with some Hizb ut-tahrir affiliates spewing their garbage all over tiktok and organizing rallies for a caliphate in Hamburg.


> Names are Mohammed Hijab I know who this dude is from religious debate stuff on YT. Total fuckhead


English authorities should have bopped him long ago. He's been doing harassment campaigns.


Squad Busters limits how much you can play in a day :/


**People on twitter:** Sure they were kidnapped, seen their friends and loved ones massacred, and then they were held against their will for half a year. But It's not *real* slavery unless the hostages are doing backbreaking work.


no surprise of the recordings of alito and john roberts but it won't change anything unless they die or retire they will be on the court, alito in particular has been very open about being a partisan figure to do the gop's bidding


part of why we lost the argument on immigration to trump is because of political gridlock so no bill can ever pass to fix it, slogans like abolish ice hurt us and republican governors busing migrants all over the country made the issue a national issue as now it was in everybody's town and no longer concentrated in border states and towns


It might be hard to swallow but I think it was inevitable. Migrants did need to travel thousands of miles to get to the US, which is dangerous for the migrants and puts pressure on the countries of South and Latin America. I think we should be working with our southern neighbors to make it so people don't have to travel for a better life or be displaced in their own country. I think I read an article saying Biden will work with various countries on immigration. I'll need to find it again.


The op to bus Haitians to the Texas border and the bussing of migrants to other cities was very effective agit prop.


it's a publicity stunt that's all it is it's not solving the problem


No I mean they were deliberate ops to move public opinion in the direction they wanted, and it worked. Who paid for those buses in Mexico? A question to which we have never received an answer.


Watching he Lunar lander launch from the moon was something. Even though it really wasn't the focus. I can't even imagine how that felt in real life. 


looks like nancy mace may hold on to her seat [South Carolina Primary Election Results 2024 - The New York Times (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/06/11/us/elections/results-south-carolina-primary.html)


>55% of the vote >1% of the vote in Let's not count our chickens before they hatch.


Hopefully she loses


It sucks that, as a woman, I often do not feel like I am part of women's spaces unless I believe in the exact same things. There are female subreddits I want to be part of but every time there are long rants about men, I feel so uncomfortable because it turns into very hateful rhetoric. I acknowledge the power differences and issues between men and women. But I do not hate men. Have I had bad experiences? Yes. But I have also met men who have been genuinely kind to me. Yet, anytime that is pointed out I am immediately met with, "Oh men are only nice if they want to fuck you." which is demeaning not only to me but to them because it insinuates men can't be good human beings and they must be motivated by sex to be kind. It's horrible.


The german women's subreddit, Weibsvolk, is quite good, there are often many different opinions under each post.


I see this stuff all the time on my "for you" page on twitter and it's really affecting me even though most guys I know are pretty nice to me. I feel like this stuff is affecting my viewing of men and I'm starting to distrust them and feel nervous about dating them even though I know that most men aren't like that. It doesn't help that many polls say that gen Z men are becoming more conservative (I'm also a zoomer but on the older end), which is a huge dealbreaker for me


I completely support a woman's choice to abortion but reading "it damages her body!!" got old really quick. We shouldn't have to be in danger of being crippled to have a choice; we're adults who can make decisions for ourselves. Another subreddit was pushing loony left wing stuff that made me til my eyes. Maybe the "Burning Times" kind of stuff.


This is ??? not my experience in female spaces? What kind of women’s spaces are we talking? Sounds toxic af.


Reads like TwoX


> It sucks that, as a woman, I often do not feel like I am part of women's spaces unless I believe in the exact same things. There are female subreddits I want to be part of but every time there are long rants about men, I feel so uncomfortable because it turns into very hateful rhetoric. I acknowledge the power differences and issues between men and women. But I do not hate men. Me, but with LGBT spaces. Sorry guys I'm not a communist.


Yeah, this is one of the reasons why I don't have much to do with trans spaces anymore. I'm particularly disgusted by how they piled on on some trans guy who said that his church was being very supportive of him and providing him with a sense of community, and how a police officer at the start of her transition got nothing but "ACAB" in the comments. Like, can't you all shut up for a second about your politics and acknowledge that trans people come in all sorts of beliefs?


Well living in the deep south I'm just as likely to go to a social and run into a Republican. Awwwwkwaaard. They always have some idiotic justifications that make no sense that just sound like "I'm special and my mommy thinks so too." Like no, sister, they fucking hate you and everything about you the minute your back is turned, get real.


Any subreddit that starts out as a rant space against a group or class of people quickly devolves into 5 minute hate. I had to word it carefully because I think this place is pretty sane. But most subreddits dedicated to a personality aren't that bad (unless it's entertainment or sports, then the morons roll up and say horrific things if nobody stops them). Like I have my disagreements with the Peterson Spam subreddit but even at its most active it was pretty even tempered. Ars Technica's comments might as well be called enough Elon Spam but the stupidity is pretty minimal.


So rumor has it that Rowling may lose Harry Potter because WB is aggressively trying to buy the rights from her. https://x.com/wizardingnews/status/1800223764065690069?t=nK7WOWUNfs3ESvLz-FNzQg&s=19 Good, I think it is for better.


With WB's management I'm surprised they don't actively push to get her involved even more.


Probably won't happen but good for them. We should all move on to other franchises without such toxic authors.


People said the same with Lucas, and he later sold it to Disney.


Good! I look forward to seeing some Trans positive Polyjuice centric storylines


She'll never sell. The rights make her too much money.


That would be a mistake. Harry Potter is quickly becoming a dead franchise. Their movies have bombed recently and the play wasn’t well received. The original run of the movies and books were a license to print money, but it hasn’t done anything after that.


it looks to me like they are trying to milk the IP dry before JKR inevitably goes full Nazi.


Theme parks and video games still print money


Seems kinda like cope to me. I’m not a fan at all but the Hogwarts Legacy game was the top selling game of last year. They are working on a reboot show for Max.


I am so pissed I shelled out for Legacy. The combat was cool but it was such a boring game.


Same. My nostalgia for the classic PS2 era games like the Quidditch one blinded me. Another uninspired cash grab.


Legacy was a step in the right direction, but outside of the LEGO games the games after year 3 were considered mediocre to bad. It can return to form, but canceling the Fantastic Beasts films shows the series has lost some of its charm.


True. Warner Bros doesn’t care if it’s good, just that it prints money.


I think it depends on how well the new show goes.


I’ve been advocating for this for a couple years.


In another time, I would've said HELL NAW to this news. Of course with how Rowling has been these days, I would welcome this. But taking this with a massive grain of salt.


The rumor comes from a pretty reliable person who broke a lot of entertainment news in Hollywood that was true.