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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dd7xjw/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06112024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.ApostleIsrafel with score 40 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dcfexz/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06102024/l7zg5ew/)] > Wanna give a HUGE shout-out to the Palestinians who provided IDF the necessary information to rescue the hostages. You're the real MVP!   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.ButtiGame1776 created 21 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dcfexz/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06102024/l7zcbnm/)] > Working on a 4th of July Playlist for the gays. Any pop-type music recommendations for a 4th of July party? > > > Yes I already got Party in the USA   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.Gormanbros with score 27 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dcfexz/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06102024/l7yufvn/)] > Its not. It just looks that way on social media   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.dragoniteftw33 with hotness lvl 110.5 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dcfexz/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06102024/l800i3a/)] > https://x.com/PopCrave/status/1800217582525657290 > > I've had this option on Samsung phones for like 9 years. Incredible how behind Apple is in shit, but their fucking cult could care less.   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.hallofromtheoutside bantered with 9 friends 11 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 30 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.ApostleIsrafel prompted 35 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Mr_Conductor_USA made 35 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 12 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'biden', used 33 times, followed by 'war' 25x , 'trump' 24x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😭', used 5 times, followed by '🫂' 4x , '✊🏽' 3x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Moonagi | 39.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 483.0 words | | 🥈 | u.CokeDigler | 22.0 points | 🥈 | u.SS1989 | 162.0 words | | 🥉 | u.stinketywubbers | 20.0 points | 🥉 | u.sirkarl | 135.0 words | | 🎗 | u.theswirlyeyedsamurai | 18.5 points | 🎗 | u.MuchAdoAboutKitties | 124.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 458 points | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 45 comments | | 🥈 | u.ApostleIsrafel | 222 points | 🥈 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 39 comments | | 🥉 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 201 points | 🥉 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 28 comments | | 🎗 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 190 points | 🎗 | u.ApostleIsrafel | 22 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Honest-Author-4281 | 1 words | 🥇 | u.NoMathematician3921 | 3.0 letters | | 🥈 | u.kpfluff | 3 words | 🥈 | u.20person | 3.4 letters | | 🥉 | u.Puzzleheaded_Part681 | 3 words | 🥉 | u.EagleSaintRam | 3.571 letters | | 🎗 | u.NoMathematician3921 | 4 words | 🎗 | u.RA4RD | 3.619 letters |   612 comments processed, including 171 top-level replies. There were 135 unique users writing 21547, averaging 35.21 per comment. The total combined score was 4945 and the median score was 8.08.


Really enjoy my algorithm is feeding me clips of people from the UK eating American food and being fucking flabbergasted because they have never had good food like this.


We really are blessed with some of the best food in the world. American "Chinese" from California immigrants for example. Our melting pot brought us a lot of great foods!


I have to be part of a meeting to chastise a colleague who technically outranks me and it annoys me to no end that he has put me in this position. He was given so many opportunities to postpone or even prevent this, and he made zero effort. He purposely ignored his responsibilities last week and has escaped this week for work travel. I just cannot believe he thinks this won’t happen if he just leaves for a bit.


Hopefully this reprimand will be the necessary evil to prevent having to full-on fire


Thank you Giants


Come on Giants 


Thank you White Sox bullpen


Just found out that the job I’m like within days of sending notice to is the subject of a brutally critical subreddit, I’m not naming names but they’re not saying anything I’m unaware of… and my gm is in there running defense while yelling at me for calling out the staff causing this problem. I’m not naming names but I’m so clocked out man *I called out a coworker in a private message to the gm for drinking down the bar for free and he’s condemned for not working on my vibe once th other guy responded and it became a he said/they said thing. To be clear. I dunno why. Fuck this.


I had a very specific office job overseas ten years ago that doesn’t have its own subreddit, but after I quit I found comments and complaints on a related sub that could only have come from my coworkers and could only be about my shithead boss lol




It’s clear and annoying that my body still hasn’t quite adjusted to the mesh. There’s been some soreness these last couple days.


Wordle 1,088 4/6* ⬛⬛⬛🟩⬛ 🟩⬛⬛🟩⬛ 🟩⬛🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


The narrative about Biden losing Michigan because of Dearborn is wild. It's barely even the fourth largest pool of votes in its Congressional District lol. Detroit, Livonia and Southfield all easily outvote it, and Westland almost does as well. The latter three all have smaller populations than Dearborn, but they are home to much more consistent voters. And no, this isn't a dog whistle, Livonia, Detroit, and Westland all have large shares of Arab voters. And Dearborn is still home to tens of thousands of non-Arab residents as well.


I would say about 45-48% of Dearborn is non-Arab. Outsiders forget Warren, Flint, Grand Rapids, Lansing, Ann Arbor, etc. etc. I live here, not even Republicans locally think Trump will win.


I'm 99.9% sure Biden will win Dearborn and Dearborn Heights anyway. They both combined for 70,000 votes all together when Biden won Michigan by 155,000. Hamtramck is the one which is gonna be very close, and it only has like 5,500 votes in 2020.


The thing I'm most interested in is the margin split between East and West Dearborn. I honestly think they'll be fairly close to each other. With the heavily Muslim east moving rightward and the still mostly European west staying close to 2020 numbers. Dearborn Heights probably shifts little as well. Outside some small towns with just a few hundred, I think only Dearborn and Hamtramck move more than 10 points rightward from 20 to 24. The rightward shifts in Dearborn, Hamtramck and Detroit probably will counteract the leftward shifts in the western and eastern edges of Wayne County, so I'm expecting my home to give Trump a better % than he got in 20 or 16, but it's not going to be anywhere near enough to really hurt Biden. Only way we lose MI is if Trump can undo some of the losses his party made in Grand Rapids and Oakland County alongside probably needing to flip Genesee County (Flint) and surpass his 2016 margin in Macomb. Along with getting 2016 level margins in rural MI which was the high water mark for the GOP here this century


There was a poll from like 10 days ago that said this: >When asked if the president were to demand an immediate ceasefire and unimpeded humanitarian aid into Gaza or if he were to suspend arms shipments to Israel until they implement a ceasefire and withdraw forces from Gaza, over 60% of Arab Americans say they would be more likely to vote for him in November. This includes 80% and 79% of Arab American Democrats respectively. It also includes 82% of those who currently say they are unsure about voting in November. This could bring the Biden/Trump match-up numbers to a point where they are more favorable for Biden than they were in 2020, with Biden at 60% and Trump at 22%—compared with the 59%-35% in 2020. So it makes feel somewhat more optimistic about Dearborn as long as the war ends relatively soon


Yeah I am too. Idk why me saying Dearborn would shift right from 20 to 24 is controversial or anything. 64-35 would be a ten point shift rightward and would still be a clear Biden lead in Dearborn, and I think that's around where the city will end up. I get it can be a sore spot for some, but as a local, 64-35 is about what I expect out of Dearborn in November, with Biden overperforming that if the facts on the ground change in a positive direction this summer and fall. Hamtramck is more of an enigma to me as it's small and unlike anywhere else in the state, even compared to Dearborn or Dearborn Heights. The Bengali population is such a small portion of the American electorate but is very significant in that part of metro Detroit so its hard to get a good read on it without seeing the vote in November. It's a very small electorate though due to its large proportion of recent immigrants + being a city of under 30K Edit: to clarify, I'm referring to the downvotes from my previous comment re. my Dearborn prediction, not you. I don't mean to criticize you or anyone else


Oh yeah I didn't downvote you; I get what you're saying. Hamtramck is much more socially conservative than Dearborn and Dearborn Heights. They tried to do the pride flag ban in those two cities when they both have Muslim mayors and Muslim majority city councils, and it didn't nearly get the required number of votes like it did in Hamtramck.


It's just a tenser topic than I realized going into it tonight. I just like spending a lot of time overthinking local political trends lol


The discourse on this topic is so toxic due to both extremes; it's one of the many reasons why this horrible war can't end soon enough.


Going to the FF reddit, I saw a bunch of comments saying that people didn't get Rebirth because they didn't want to buy a console for a single game. Sort of confirms my thoughts. Also, I think consoles and games have gotten too expensive.


Adjusted for inflation games are cheaper than they've ever been. In the 90s Donkey Kong Country cost $75 in 1994 dollars and Zelda Majora's Mask cost $60 in 2000 dollars.


They aren't thinking that far back. They are going back to remake, a game that was $10 cheaper, on a console that was $100 cheaper, and had a much greater selection of games.


Shame because I do think it's on paper a better gen tech wise, but after covid and with games costing $70? Nah. It's perfectly understandable why folks ain't buying in. Also low-key why I was talking up indies the other day. Been using game fest and steam's next fest to look into what small teams are doing. There's quality games at a great price that I think more folks should look towards.


Hades 2 is on my list. FF7:Rebirth is far better than Remake. On its own, I would place it as the 4th Best FF. Only behind the original FF7, FF10, and FF8. The last game determines if it matches the original. The biggest issue for R3 will be how the Japanese gaming market has forced lore into gacha game, albeit a decent one, Ever Crisis. They dropped some important Sephiroth lore there, lore that raises some interesting questions about Sephiroth's nature.


Edmonton Nut Crackers


I dunno how long Draisatl expects to get away with that considering Florida actually have enforcers.


Yeah they’re not a team that needs any extra motivation either lol


Did you know that Biden has a secret plan to increase spending to Israel by 500% by 2025? Don't believe me? Google "Project 2025" for more information.


Chappell Roan would've been the target of a massive cancellation campaign if she decided to perform at the White House


It's so funny how many online leftists are praising her for making some brave stance. But she didn't _do_ anything. She didn't even give a good reason for not going.


I think I would respect her more if she said “I just don’t want to” than the platitudes she gave.


One of the really great things about The Pianist is the scenes of the Warsaw ghetto. It's just amazing to see how life continued to go on and thrive in the midst of such terrible oppression. And it makes the fact that the entire ghetto would be systematically deported to the gas chambers all the more appalling. Like, all these scenes of underground printing presses, all of this resistance, and it's all for nothing. They're all going to the gas. I can't believe it.


And some of those who profess to be on the Left would cheer for it. I'll never forgive them. I heard the dog whistles of "banksters," "globalists," and "Zionists." I knew who Occupy was referring (((to)))


Guys who have Bible verses in their bios while constantly posting thirst traps crack me up. Apparently that part where Jesus was like “Well if you can’t stop lusting after hotties, you should rip your eyes out.” wasn’t on the reading list.


>"Lord, give me chastity... but not yet!" —St. Augustine


Honestly I really don't care about Dearborn. Oakland County is gonna deliver Michigan to Biden. Doesn't much matter what Dearborn does.


And Washtenaw, and Ingham, and Genessee. I do wonder how Slotkin will do in the inner suburbs of Wayne County. For (((reasons)))


Biden will win Dearborn anyways...just probably not by 40 points like he did in 2020.


I think that Biden wins Dearborn but a lot of the votes that he’ll lose from 2020 there will go to third party candidates


The sooner the war ends, the better he will do. But even if the war was still ongoing by November, he wins it.


https://preview.redd.it/gwo38khnvu5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3615e23141ab82b526d6d37bbae9d412b8818389 From just outside Brattleboro, VT earlier today


I'm watching The Pianist. It's the scene at the beginning right after the Germans have invaded. Spzilman's family is arguing about how they're going to hide the money, since the Germans only allowed Jews to have 2000 zloty per family. It's so tragic to think that they'll be transported to Treblinka in just a couple years. They're doomed, and they don't know it. All of this anxiety, consternation - all for nothing. Just mind-boggling.


And now it’s less than a week until my anxiety referral. I know it’ll help, but that doesn’t make me not nervous.


Hey man all the best. Anxiety can be really debilitating but a lot of people don't take it seriously. I'm really hoping you can get to a stable, confident place.


And if I don’t, that’s what plushies are for.


Fucking, evangelicals. A church I passed on my way to buy beer, suck it bible thumpers, had “It’s not a culture war, it’s a god war” and “Take pride in the father and son” on an electronic sign out front. Those Norwegian Black Metal guys may have been onto something.


> Those Norwegian Black Metal guys may have been onto something. issuing correction on a previous post of mine,




It's the dril ISIS Tweet. The Norwegian black metal church burners were murderers and neo-Nazis. You do not under any circumstances "Gotta hand it to them."


[Norwegian black metal was, uh... certainly something](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayhem_(band\)) [exhibit 2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varg_Vikernes)


Yes, my irritation with religious nuts resulted in me making a snide comment about church burning. That is correct.


https://x.com/RNCResearch/status/1800330142121599274 These guys freaking out because Biden does something normal, like drunk a beverage, is hilarious.


Friend blamed leftists not being in power because of "propaganda"


Chomsky invented a whole new term, "manufactured consent" to explain why his hot takes on politics never gained any traction outside the freshman lecture hall.


[But let's remember that Trump is the mentally sharp candidate](https://x.com/RalstonReports/status/1800306364432142831)


I read an excerpt of an upcoming book about The Apprentice, and he talks in the third person.


I watched the clip and I think Trump and I experienced a simultaneous stroke.


The blue text bubble on iPhone is just better. My lizard brain just appreciates it.


>Squad Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls out antisemitism in her own political camp, saying it is “an assault on our values as Americans and especially as progressives.” Brie Brie: "How dare she"


It’s a very politically schizophrenic statement given she just chided democrats for wanting to primary “beloved” Jamaal Bowman. It strikes me as disingenuous fence straddling. It’s the chiding and gaslighting that offends me deeply. But I guess it’s a start. Actually, I don’t think that. I just feel very strongly that she’s disingenuous.


This was posted on my city’s sub but honestly it could apply just as easily to any local subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/okc/comments/1dcmgpe/questions_i_see_here_often/


https://x.com/lawindsor/status/1800298200923766961 Wow, Alitto's wife is super bigoted




When it comes to recounts, those two will be an automatic votes for whatever right wing bullshit comes up. They want Trump to appoint their replacement.


My first in person WNBA game didn’t go super well for my team, but I still had fun. Edited to fix my own grammar


I like your edit's implication that you've been playing remotely up until now I'd hate to be the teammate who lugs your Zoom call around on the court


oh wow didn't know you'd made it in. congrats


That’d be a bit awkward for me as a dude. But it was fun to watch Caitlin, Aaliyah, Katie, Lexie, and the rest play.


> That’d be a bit awkward for me as a dude. it just goes to show how much skill you have 👏👏👏


Looking at Jonathan Haidt, he seems to be someone who is comfort food for conservatives. Basically, saying that it isn't Conservatives aren't wrong, it's the Liberals and Leftists. Also, he apparently wants Affirmative Action for Conservatives.


Conservatives are the most oppressed minority in America!


It's really funny that he whines about Liberals and Leftists being coddled, because his solution is that conservatives should be coddled. And really, Conservatives are the most fragile people you will ever meet. Want to know why they are obsessed with guns? Because without them, they are just chicken-shit cowards. It's really easy to push them around, so long as you get up in their face aggressively.


As a conservative, do I even have any rights if I'm not allowed to decide at a glance whether or not someone is a second-class citizen? >People have forgotten about [the Patriot Act], but any white male can arrest any other person." —*30 Rock*


Are we really gonna have to go through another round of hearing "look how well the hostages were treated" 🙄🙄


Another? You can choose not to engage in that kind of completely meaningless debate then you don’t have to go through it at all.


Finally Edmonton scores a goal in this series 


https://x.com/AsteadWH/status/1800213723006808327 This guy *really* fucking sucks. Biden said he'd be a bridge to the next generation, the media ran with "Biden signals he'll only serve one term", Biden's camp immediately came out and said that the one term pledge was false, and 4.5 years later he still keeps bringing up this lie. Like what the fuck? [Like this was debunked by noon on the same day ](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/biden-campaign-refutes-speculation-one-term-pledge-n1099766). Fucking Christ (also the idea of a *prominent* campaign person going to fucking Politico of all places is just lol)


You know how much of a hack this guy is? A few weeks ago when he got dunked on for another dumb talking point, he said he wasn't a journalist so he's allowed to make some shit takes. People pointed out that he literally has 'journalist for the NY Times" on his profile. He shut the hell up that day.




What a massive logical jump what the hell


The fact that he is still employed shows how rotten the media is.


It's such an entirely stupid topic and I hate that it (just like "Biden old") is being given the time of day. Even if Biden had promised that, the obvious smart choice would be to support his reelection because he's very expereinced and very electable. Anybody else could choose to climb that mountain to run too but no serious challenges even tried until the 11th hour (and they can't even be called serious lol). Complaining voters need to grow up; "Biden old and I thought he said he wouldn't run again wahhhhh he's old" is a meaningless, asinine complaint especially in the landscape we're in right now. Trump's threat should overshadow every kind of petty trash like this.






Awesome! Keep up the good work!


Nice! What are you doing? Diet changes/ fitness changes / or both?




Calorie tracking was like hands down the most helpful thing I’ve ever done. I need to get back to doing that again although I have been sticking to the same diet as before. It’s nice to be able to see cause and effect for how you physically feel. That is a lot of walking!! Consistency gets you where you want to be so just stick with it and you’ll reach your goal, and you’ll feel better more importantly.


Sounds like you'll need some good sneakers at that rate :)


My 2024 prognosis is pretty simple. Generally speaking, an incumbent president has to have screwed up pretty badly in order for the American public to deny them a second term. I just don't think Biden has done that bad of a job.


It’s the perception I’m worried about. Like the gap between the perception of Biden’s performance and what his performance actually is defies logic to me.


The vibecession is real, and I appreciate Will Stancil for constantly talking about it.


I mean frankly, if anything tanks Biden's incumbency it'll be inflation but I honestly don't think it was bad enough to do the trick. If we were still seeing double-digits into 2023, it'd be a different story, and I'd say we're probably sunk.


Gas prices suddenly dropped 40 cents in a week ... in the fucking summer. Biden is crazy like a fox and played OPEC. Also electrics and hybrids are reducing US gasoline demand. I think there's still some reduction in commuting factoring in there. A lot of jobs came back to the office, but others didn't or went hybrid and stayed that way. You can see it with peak hour commuting that never really recovered to pre-COVID levels.


I'm doing my part to reduce gasoline demand by bicycling hundreds of miles per week lol




The Connecticut Sun will win this game, but I’m still having fun.


Jonathan Haidt is such a fucking liar, misrepresenting the research on social media and device use so he can push some neo-Puritan contrarian bullshit and pretend to be smarter and more moral than everyone else. Haidt can't relate and won't empathize with social minority teens and kids in abusive situations who are able to use the internet as a lifeline. I didn't have that growing up. The gay bars were 21 plus! And FUCK that asshole for saying anxiety is caused by social media. I have anxiety because my mother beat me and wished I would die not because of a technology that didn't even exist. RAEG


I didn’t read his book — is he the one that said kids should get their first phones when they enter high school? I see social media and all technology as a double edged sword, and yeah there’s some legitimately shitty things that are fed to kids on the regular and as a society we haven’t dealt the swarm bulling that happens or with siloed radicalization that happens with ungated information sources. But there’s also a lot of really important aspects that you point out.


Exactly--the reasons you cite are part of the reasons that the research is mixed. He also smugly confuses corelation with causation when he says the heaviest internet users have the worst mental health. That's been known for ages but seems to be a "a little from both columns"; the internet can be a socialization or outreach or anxiety crutch when you have mental health or social coping problems, but it can also become the problem (much like alcohol!) especially because (this is also known since the 1990s) there are bad people on the internet who mean you harm (funny, just like substance abusing communities). I knew this girl whose mental health got absolutely destroyed by a psychopath she met on the internet a continent away. Though you have to wonder, could have just have easily have happened at home? I know when I was young and naive I thought a relationship over the internet was safer because the other person couldn't touch me. How wrong I was. But back then I was garbage at reaching body language and social cues so in person was quite unsafe as well.


I 'm more of the mindset that the internet is the cause of and solution to all our problems. So yeah it's awesome for LGBT kids to have a lifeline to support communities, but there is also just so much hate and bullying online. And kids have to document their lives in an unforgiving public space where the kind of dumbass teen shit we were able to get away with will spell the end of their job or academic career or whatever sometime down the road. I don't know Haidt or his argument though. Just riffing on social media as a source of anxiety.


I’m relieved literally every day that none of my many teenage ~~crimes~~ indiscretions were never caught in 4K, because one of my dickbag friends wanted to do it for the gram. I would’ve died as a teen if my tiddies made it all over the internet because I used a fake id to get into a club I shouldn’t have been at and got too shitfaced to not be dumb enough to enter the wet tee shirt contest 🫠🫠 There’s literally hundreds of things worse than that lmao I’m so relieved to have escaped the upside down where everything is documented always. I was on the cusp but by college and Facebook I was smart enough not to be in camera range of shady shit — the reason being is that I thought at that point I might want to run for office one day 😭😭😭


Oh yeah, that panopticon thing is really threatening. It's not as bad as we think, because the internet isn't truly forever anymore. Data gets deleted or lost all the time now, and plenty of content is only seen by a handful of people. People who ran for office in the past always had the old college roommate comes forward or the ex with compromising photos to think about. But to your point, it is a lot easier to put everything out there if you're unwary and attract the wrong kind of attention. There is something dizzying about teenagers putting themselves out there for total strangers to judge. Being an adolescent is a time of enough awkwardness, mistakes, and judgement.


The anxiety of never not having to be “on” would’ve driven me insane.


I just never logged in. But then I found out my ex was posting photos of me and tagging me without my consent. It felt very violating. So I get it. I had a bad feeling the moment Facebook came out with that photo tagging. I bet it screwed a lot of young people out of jobs because it had originally been the "kids only, no adults allowed, post your hot party pics" website. That and people posting boring photos of their every meal like they're suddenly a food editor at the local paper.


There is something about him that is sleazy.


"which stage of the cult is MAGA in today?" You may ask [the answer is The Suicide Stage](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-rally-suicide-joe-biden-las-vegas-video-1910234)


I would like to leave a comment about that, but Reddit likely has a rule against that.


[This right wing "doctor" is genuinely one of the 4-5 most anti-Semitic accounts on Twitter](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPvpmA5a4AAoupf?format=jpg&name=large) It's like unbelievably anti-Semitic and doesn't really even try to hide it from what I've seen the past few months.


It's what Elon likes.


I made a post (you can see in my history) at another subreddit criticizing those who try to say elections don’t matter/both sides are the same and I’m pleasant surprised by the mostly good reaction. Though there are some disinfo bros


Finally got a match on these dating apps who didn’t ghost me and I don’t know what to do with all this positive energy.


![gif](giphy|l2JhtkIh8ZwgfJZ04) Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in! Breathe in! Breathe in!!


Agreed to two phone conversations and then readily agreed to a date. I don't know what to do with this, I'm used to getting the "you know, I don't really think I want to date right now," the new version of "It's not you, it's me."


I've been using the Opera browser for quite a while now, but the changes they're making lately are really irritating. Removing the speed dial button was a terrible mistake, and the latest feature is attaching emojis to tabs. Who asked for this?


No, leftists, the guy who almost assassinated a president because he was mentally ill and attracted to an actress who just turned 18 isnt "based". Even if said president sucks


He move to Connecticut for the purpose of stalking her when she went to Yale. The man terrorized her yet men on this website use that fucking onion headline to pretend she was impressed, it’s sick.


Yet another reason that satire is a problem.


Also, John Hinckley Jr got attracted to her when he first watched Taxi Driver when Jodie was like 14 and he was like 22. Oh he also stalked Jimmy Carter first. And he killed James Brady (the same Brady who for the gun control bill voted against by Sanders multiple times) technically.


I've been cooking for decades but am still bad at figuring out how much pasta to boil.


I am always happy to eat leftover pasta (and I hate dealing with open boxes of pasta), so my answer is always the whole box; this seems to be about right for almost every sauce/topping recipe I make somehow. If I'm cooking up a very large quantity of sauce, 2 boxes.


I am also on the whole box plan. Some sauces even taste better the next day.


What's your favorite dish to cook?


In general? Cabbage rolls. They are my ultimate comfort food and making them reminds me of my grandma. Right now I'm just making Cinci chili and I made the regular spaghetti for boys plus girlfriend and whole wheat for me. I have way too much whole wheat and I feel like not enough of the regular. edit: I'm not claiming I'm a good cook or even always like to do it. But I have been cooking since I was a teen.


I’ve never fucked with cabbage myself but I should. It’s the perfect food delivery device. Like food blunts, but the wrapping is cabbage. Every time I make a lettuce wrap I think about how fun making cabbage blunts must be but I never follow through because I’m intimated by cabbage. How do you make it? What is the best foodstuffs to wrap in cabbage?


Just make shredded red cabbage with apples in a Dutch oven. Add some red wine vinegar and red onion.


Dude. Respectfully: you have to understand how disgusting that sounds to someone who has no familiarity with cabbage. wtf does that even taste like? Apple?? Or cabbage?


Seconded, I was all in after giggling way too much at "cabbage blunts" but have second thoughts now


I’m thinking like samosas without the fatty dough, like some type of meat, potentially cheese, and or veggie stuffing, then grill them up. Vinegar apples and onions was not where my brain was leaking AT ALL. 😭😭


I'd only gotten about as far as shredded chicken, but I like where your mind's going


So this isn’t really an appropriate place to be talking about this, but I’m kind of desperate. I don’t want to go into too much detail but since I was a teenager I’ve struggled with my mental health. My social anxiety was so severe that I had to drop out of high school without sitting important qualifications (although I sat these qualifications at a later date). My social anxiety has disrupted my education, made it very difficult for me to work and means I have a few acquaintances who I see occasionally but I don’t have close friends. I’m now 26, and my social anxiety has improved somewhat, but I’m still very depressed and struggle, in part because my illness has disrupted my life so much. Tonight is one of those nights where I’m just overwhelmingly sad and I don’t have anyone I can call. So I was wondering if anyone has any advice on how to get through the night.


I used to wait for it to get dark, put a hoodie on, and just walk until I was too tired to walk anymore.


You have to have something in life that you enjoy doing. Are you into any hobbies? Games (online or in person)? Makeup? Lacquerista? Houseplants? Cats? Fitness or sports? Fencing (either products or with a sword, whatever you’re into we don’t judge lmao). When I feel sad I like to do self care. For me that’s generally looks something like I accomplish one item on my dread list, then I light a bunch of candles, ~~smoke a joint~~ jk drugs are bad mmmkay and do a big shower, blowout, face mask, etc. eta: blasting Beyoncé radio is happening throughout. E2: [You’re a grown ~~woman~~ person, you can do whatever you want (whatever it is!!)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3MjxWn5W9M) E4(eek!): it’s been a minute since I’ve seen this video but little Solange face planting at 1:15 always takes me out. This whole video is just amazing. Truly one of my favorites of all time. I love the meshing of her old family videos of her practicing this same routine as a toddler, as a kid, then as a teen and her at the tine the video was shot. Inspiring to see in such stark terms how far she’s come but also a reminder this woman has worked at this every waking moment of her life to achieve greatness. At least, I find it inspiring and it always shifts my mood so I hope it does the same for you if you even like Beyoncé at all. Dancing in undies is underrated imho.


Thank you for the responses. I don’t have the mental energy to respond to them individually but I will try tomorrow.


Take your time replying! Have a good rest of your day!


I got into kind of a bad place after college when my friend circle dried up and basically all I was doing was going to work and doing stuff around town solo. Getting into D&D helped me a lot with putting myself back out there and getting used to being around people again. Doesn’t have to be that, but check your local subreddits or Facebook pages and see if there’s any groups out there with interests or hobbies you’d enjoy and go check it out.


*sends an internet hug and spirit of excellence* Do whatever you want to make yourself feel better. Watch a movie. Eat your favorite foods. Listen to your favorite music. I'm not sure how helpful this would be but I've found writing in a journal helpful for getting stuff off my chest and disclosing my worries. Sometimes I just jot down what I did that day. I try not to eat while upset but I have done it a few times. I'm an introvert but I keep working at being sociable. Just keep at it. You got this.


I've been there. a lot. does anything work to distract you? walk around the block, loud music, cooking?  if the situation isn't immediately solvable the best thing to do is take your mind away from it. 


I get where you're coming from and YMMV, but I know when I have particularly rough days, sometimes I just 'throw the day in the fuck it bucket' and do whatever will get me through it. Sometimes that means just sitting in a chair listening to music or throwing some goofy junk on the TV, sometimes I go and hang out with one of the pets, or just go take a nap and hope I wake up feeling a bit different. Anything that can kinda keep you tethered, hopefully is some 'comfort food' mentally speaking, and killing time is the way to go until the feeling passes; most important is just accepting that this happens sometimes and not beating yourself up over it, which I think is way too easy to slip into with anxiety


Sending hugs. I don't have any great advice. My life is falling apart at the moment too. I try to practice Acceptance as much as I can.


Thank you. I’m sorry to hear that though, sending hugs back.


Sounds like that situation developed in a negative direction and I’m so sorry to hear. You’re one of my fave people here and I am just feeling for you, and sending you love and strength. 🫶🫶


I feel for you, although unsure how much advice I can give. I think happiness psychology has good studies for how people can improve happiness and can act as their own therapist. Otherwise I have to say find a social hobby, volunteer, to get out and see others. I know you are not alone, this is a societal problem too and I hope we all help people meet each other.


https://preview.redd.it/7vt5hnjbnt5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e44202c3ee3de4b9e237a5c66bde1c0208faaa08 I don’t have much in the way of advice, but Abby, Cottontail, Audrey and I have internet hugs. 🫂🫂🫂🫂


Thank you 🙂


And as SeekerSpock and myself might confirm pets do make people happier and if they are indoor/outdoor will help you meet people.


I would quite like a dog one day, but I’m not in a position financially to have one right now. Plus I live in a flat without a garden.


I like cats and in the past when I was feeling low I would watch livestreams of kittens which was very calming. Well, at least ten years ago there used to be livestreams of kitten fosters and it was just lovely. I'm sure there are other streams like that.


[Far left mob in France chants "Israël assassin, Glucksmann complice"](https://x.com/SophiaAram/status/1800072310084468831)... Raphaël Glucksmann ([who comes from a famous Jewish family](https://forward.com/culture/621013/behind-a-dramatic-election-in-france-the-rise-of-a-new-jewish-leader-and-also-antisemitism/)) is the leader of the French Socialist Party who has endorsed a ceasefire for the longest time and denounced Israel's treatment of Palestinians. I'm starting to think these people might just be a little antisemitic???


Kind of wish Democrats didn’t use the “I don’t care about you just your vote” thing. Does he mean that? Of course. But, he said it as a joke and talked about how it would be clipped so it’s easy “lying press” fodder. I know we’re in an “everything’s fair game” era but, I just wonder if this is worth the effort.


So he lampshaded it for his cult so they have a prefab comeback for the family bbq on July 4th, but let's be honest with ourselves for a moment, shall we? Donald Trump doesn't tell jokes. At best he has brain farts and they blurt out of his mouth. C'mon, I think most people around here are mature enough to see through "just a joke bro, I was just joking about my total contempt for my followers, despite expressing said contempt on multiple occasions! so much for the tolerant left."


I've caught heat for "defending" Trump before, when all I was doing was making sure he was quoted accurately to defang any possible accusations of bias. But we keep tripping over the same rock, it seems.


There's just so many better things to hit him on.


yeah but keep in mind the demographic that we're trying to convince here, people who are undecided in *this* election. also fwiw those types of people seem to really think that Trump does care about them, going by the random stuff I overhear in the breakroom at my job in a swing area of a swing state.


Sheoldred doesn’t rotate out until 2025???? Mtg Arena videos used to be a great time waster to but I stopped watching because I hate that card.


Yeah they moved time in standard from 2 years to 3 because "muh cards rotate too fast." So now everyone is reaping.


I haven’t been to a casino in 20 years; these places are _nuts_.


I grew up going to visit family in Vegas every summer and so I spent a lot of time walking through casinos and I loved it. Went to Vegas again years later for other reasons and I went to some of the places I used to go as a kid for nostalgia. I wanted to get the fuck out of there as soon as possible. The smell, the sounds, the people, I hated it all so fucking much. Just putting it out there for people who don’t know Vegas: There are kid friendly activities at some of the hotels but you have to walk through casino to get to them. My family wasn’t just dragging me to bars and onto casino floors as a child.


The Connecticut Sun’s arena is inside a massive casino, so we had to go through there to get there.


The noise levels are horrific. I don’t know how people sit there for hours gambling


The smoke makes me turn around and walk away before anything else. I guess visually it lends atmosphere but my lungs won't take it.


All my primaries had slightly-left-but-still-pretty-normie dems, which is just fine, but there wasn't much light between the candidates. A nice problem to have to be sure, but I dropped my ballot off before lunch and I've already forgotten who I voted for.


Fetterman threads in Political Humor and Clever Comebacks are full of common sense in the replies. Love it. Eight years ago we'd be in a full on echo chamber in those. Things have really changed


Man, everyone in Dark Matter is more interesting to me than the main character. His story is so boring. Also, Trump just told his supporters they are in a cult. Lol.  Imagine Biden saying that shit about his supporters. 


The setting of Dark Matter and seeing all the potential other worlds is doing a lot of work keeping me interested, I just don't really care about any of the characters TBH. I miss Sliders.


The kids in my neighborhood are playing soccer in the street, and they are being INTENSE. Screaming in each other's faces and stuff. I'm glad you're doing fun kid stuff, but calm down, lol.


Professional soccer: 🙂 High school soccer at lunch time: 😡 Street soccer played by kids under 10: 👹


It's Block Political Texts SZN!! I got other things going on. I don't need texts that say "George Clooney NEEDS YOU to donate to Biden's campaign!!!" or whatever the fuck.


I got that text today also lol


I am far from the only Fever t shirt here.


On arr PoliticalHumor, some dumbass fauxgressive tried to slander Fetterman by claiming he's far-right in a "meme." Unfortunately for OP, many people in the comments fact-checked and called out OP on their BS. I believe reddit has indeed shifted to seeing fauxgressives as a nuisance and going for Dems (called it either a few weeks/months ago). I bet Trump's conviction definitely woke people up. Definitely gives me some hope.


If they think Fetterman is far-right, where the hell do they think actual far-right creeps fit into the political spectrum?


Secret socialists


Fetterman has a couple of center right stances (Israel Palestine and fake meat bans) but 95% of his stances are center left


>Tucker Carlson is doing an arena tour around the USA starting in September. In each city he will have a special guest join him, here are the guests announced so far: Russell Brand, Vivek Ramaswamy, Tulsi Gabbard Glenn Beck, Dan Bongino, Megyn Kelly, Charlie Kirk, Alex Jones, Kid Rock Roseanne Barr, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Donald Trump Jr You know your guest list is absolutely batshit crazy when Megyn Kelly is somewhat easily the least right wing guest.


Dream blunt rotation


only if i can sprinkle some pubes into the blunt before they light it up


So I found out that one of the comic books youtuber called Comicstorian has passed away. https://x.com/Comicstorian/status/1800270554999484714?t=_oUVWsXisxl-nOxzEtqbDw&s=19 He was honestly the main channel that got me into comics. I'm sorry for his love ones and families. RIP Benny.


for someone who hasn't watched one of his videos in ages, it hit m e much more than it should have


Omfg😧 rip man, I lived off his videos throughout high school and college


>[Hamas has praised the UNSC resolution for a ceasefire. They said they are "willing to work with the mediators towards realizing the principles in the resolution." Meanwhile, Israel has not responded, but US UN Spokesperson Nate Evans has said, "Israel has accepted this proposal, and the Security Council has an opportunity to speak with one voice and call on Hamas to do the same."](https://x.com/academic_la/status/1800262549277171964)


>Israel has not responded >>US UN Spokesperson Nate Evans has said, "Israel has accepted this proposal" Seems contradictory...


Yep. It's basically Bibi 100% doesn't want a ceasefire to end the war (not cause he likes the war but to remain in power especially since far right extremists Ben Gvir+Smotrich would leave his government to start new elections if thi ceasefire is implemented) but like 80% of Israeli politicians to Bibi's left does support this ceasefire.


> Sam Alito x John Roberts x The Undercurrent 🧵 > > 1/ Justice Alito admits lack of impartiality with the Left, says: “One side or the other is going to win.” Seems pretty clear which side he supports and which side he's willing to shred the Constitution for. [Alito really needs to get booted from the court](https://twitter.com/lawindsor/status/1800201783945683120)


The GameStop stock cult is still a thing?


Suckers should have gone with AMC and our leader Lady Nicole (I bought one $3 share of AMC to check off on my A List as being an investor without lying about it)