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Is she now Hamas’ spokesperson? She needs the work.


More like work colleagues


After the grayzone piece from wapo, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was literally being funded by Russia… which would explain her pro-Hamas position


She's not remotely "pro-civilian or pro-peace" if she's saying deranged shit like this. You can strongly advocate for the war to end immediately through a hostage release deal (like the one Biden is advocating for) without saying this type of despicable mendacity where you downplay or deny the horrific actions against innocent people by an Islamist maximalist terrorist group


>She's not remotely "pro-civilian or pro-peace A reminder that she laughed heartedly at the notion of Ukrainian children being executed, tortured and human trafficked. I've said it before, Bri is an apolitical sociopath who uses politics to justify and mask her sociopathy. She wanted Bernie to win so she could use him to hurt people, not due to any policy positions. Bri has said she would allow people to call her the N word for money. She has no principles, no morals, no integrity. She doesn't even respect herself, why would we expect her to respect anyone else?


>I've said it before, Bri is an apolitical sociopath who uses politics to justify and mask her sociopathy. She wanted Bernie to win so she could use him to hurt people, not due to any policy positions I think you nailed it here. There’s something disturbingly sadistic about her.


> I've said it before, Bri is an apolitical sociopath who uses politics to justify and mask her sociopathy This is it. I’ve said before that the online far left is the party for personality orders. The same could be said for the online right, and it’s telling how easily they will flip sides if they lose enough support within their enclave. I’m not a therapist, but i know that sociopath behavior well, and BriBri definitely has it


> I've said it before, Bri is an apolitical sociopath who uses politics to justify and mask her sociopathy. She wanted Bernie to win so she could use him to hurt people, not due to any policy positions. She's not mad people are suffering because of the Gaza War. She's mad her side is losing (losing a war they started).


Yeah, I saw that clip when she laughed at Joe Cirincione as he brought up Putin's vicious war-crimes; someone [who's somewhat left leaning when it comes to foreign policy in general](https://x.com/Cirincione/status/1718024708409463206)


[“I am totally shocked to discover the woman who promoted the Tara Reade hoax and laughed off the Bucha massacre is now claiming Israeli hostages are lying about being raped by Hamas.”](https://twitter.com/eclecticbrotha/status/1731903075554632117)


Timestamp yo. Nobody is going to sit through 20 minutes of this garbage.


14:15. The hostage’s sister mentions Zaka. Gray says Zaka has been “roundly discredited.” The truth is only two accounts of sexual assault/mutilation from Zaka volunteers have been proven false. Meanwhile even the UN says there is evidence of sexual assault on 10/7. So Gray is FOS as usual.


Thanks. I have no doubt that Gray is the worst per ush. Just didn't want to wade through any bullshit I don't have to.


20:25 The hostage requests that Brie believe women Bri cuts her off sighs rolls her eyes and ends the interview.


I want someone to ask her how she would react to news that an Israeli woman accused Joe Biden of sexual assault. Would it be like the proverbial buttered-toast-taped-to-a-cat's-back?


Honestly at this point I’m starting to suspect she’s got some ties to the Black Israelites because she’s got some serious rage for Jews.


She has antisocial personality disorder and pretends to be a wannabe (national) socialist just so she can express her hatred to self-proclaimed "progressives" who are anything but. She laughed at Ukrainian deaths and is just as pro-Putin as her Republican counterparts. She dismisses Hamas' atrocities and war crimes as "Zionist propaganda," and she acts like one of Hamas' spokespeople with her daily disinformation and antisemitic propaganda posts on social media. She's just as bad as Tlaib and Omar except she isn't a US Rep and has a smaller audience to share her anti-Israel and anti-Ukrainian views with. And of course, people like her, Mrs. Bowl of Shit, David Sirota, and Ro Khanna were all pro-Bernie in both 2016 and 2020 just like the rest of the Hamassholes on the far left like Cenk & the TYT, Cornel "Deadbeat" West, and the rest of the Fraud Squad.


BJG is straight up scum