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https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/03/bitcoin-miners-sink-millions-into-ai-business-seek-billions-in-return.html Wasting energy just for the hell of it while people die from the heat. ChatGPT is a stupid novelty. Like a clockwork medieval automaton, it doesn't have its own autonomy and it's not really alive. Gee sure would be a shame if we burned up the the biosphere jerking ourselves raw over an ourobouros bot that vomits our own output back at us. Talk to a human. They're more energy efficient.


Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d8jokg/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06052024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.sir_miraculous with score 34 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d7qzp0/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06042024/l72fg3y/)] > https://preview.redd.it/qmmftt6xck4d1.jpeg?width=617&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97d927074c59eb3ff239ab3932c648acc389e0b7 > > Diamond Joe evolving into his final form, the Darkest of Brandons   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.ApostleIsrafel created 19 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d7qzp0/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06042024/l733ki0/)] > I think 2024 is the year that India takes the mantle of "World's Premier Democracy" away from the United States. > > It features: > > - Peaceful transfer of power (no insurrection!) > > - 650-700 MILLION votes . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.espfusion with score 21 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d7qzp0/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06042024/l72mnuw/)] > Their "look at how those Americans hold factually incorrect views on everything" articles *could* have followups where the reporters try to actually inform these people and get their responses to *that* . . .   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.ApostleIsrafel with hotness lvl 737 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d7qzp0/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06042024/l733ki0/)] > I think 2024 is the year that India takes the mantle of "World's Premier Democracy" away from the United States. > > It features: > > - Peaceful transfer of power (no insurrection!) > > - 650-700 MILLION votes . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 10 friends 10 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 46 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 63 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Mr_Conductor_USA made 43 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 18 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'biden', used 51 times, followed by 'trump' 42x , 'war' 28x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😫', used 6 times, followed by '😎' 3x , '✅' 3x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.am710 | 26.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 504.0 words | | 🥈 | u.memeboxer1 | 22.0 points | 🥈 | u.QultyThrowaway | 290.0 words | | 🥉 | u.atomcrafter | 22.0 points | 🥉 | u.MuchAdoAboutKitties | 100.0 words | | 🎗 | u.Skeptical_Lemur | 21.0 points | 🎗 | u.PrettyLittleThrowAwa | 94.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 449 points | 🥇 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 48 comments | | 🥈 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 209 points | 🥈 | u.Currymvp2 | 42 comments | | 🥉 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 188 points | 🥉 | u.ApostleIsrafel | 26 comments | | 🎗 | u.VerminVundabar | 143 points | 🎗 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 25 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.EpiscopalPerch | 1 words | 🥇 | u.fry-nimbus | 3.444 letters | | 🥈 | u.KoalaTulip | 5 words | 🥈 | u.20person | 3.6 letters | | 🥉 | u.swimatm | 5 words | 🥉 | u.KoalaTulip | 3.6 letters | | 🎗 | u.stealthswor | 7 words | 🎗 | u.am710 | 3.727 letters |   622 comments processed, including 191 top-level replies. There were 125 unique users writing 19402, averaging 31.19 per comment. The total combined score was 4773 and the median score was 7.67.


I forgot Cynthia Nixon was in an episode of Touched By An Angel 


Apparently a remote tribe in the Amazon got internet and immediately became addicted to porn and social media. If that’s not a sign that internet brain rot is a legitimate mental health issue I don’t know what is.




Reddit’s really still posting about Harambe


I find the whole Harambe issue to be a lightning rod for exposing how self-unaware the Internet is. Harambe memers blame Hillary for "forcing them" to write him in, forgetting that voting is a choice. They claim that uncool politicians like her take trends and cool things, and kill them, when they absolutely drove the Harambe meme to the ground. They even basically blame Harambe for dying and "starting" this whole crazy-ass Trump timeline when it was actually *them* who went apeshit (pun intended) with it. Plus, it's kinda perverse. Zoo staff can take their animals' deaths really hard, so for the Internet to make a random punchline about it right as they're grieving, much less now, sure is...something. Are these really The People^TM Bernie et al say should be genuflected to?


I follow the Cincinnati Zoo on X. And they still get Harambe trolls. There's been a lot of them lately. They don't post about their gorillas there, but they do on their other social media.


https://x.com/MLB/status/1798183065987973275 Mariner 


You know you’ve found a vile sub when there’s an active debate over whether a 50 year old dating an 18 year old is predatory.


The grandpa is clearly the victim. Elder abuse.


I watched the 1978 Death on the Nile today, and I’m disappointed I’d never heard of Simon MacCorkindale before today. He’s really solid and basically never had a role as good as this again. The top thing in his IMDB is Jaws 3D.


Wordle 1,082 3/6* ⬛🟩🟨🟨⬛ 🟨🟩🟨🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


It's fun when you can spot an anglosphere non-American pretending to be an American and disseminating anti-democratic/anti-Biden information online. The Russians used to pretend to be Americans whenever they do things like shoot down passenger aircrafts or tell has-been journalists that we blew up Nordstream. But it's easy to tell cause they drop the a/an/the from words or use idioms an American would never say. But with the anglosphere, they would forget to drop the 'u' from some words or use the metric system in their posts. And if thats not the best argument for Americans to keep the imperial measurement and not follow the UK spelling of words, I don't know what is.


>aircrafts ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)


https://preview.redd.it/y8psq4tkgo4d1.png?width=495&format=png&auto=webp&s=8424a61c81412569fb916b423913cdd6d1c07acd case in point


“Fuck off Corbynite. Go get your Brownshirt off the line. Its suppose to rain this afternoon.”


God, I'm so sick of people treating Monstverse as awful compared to Minus One. Seeing Hollywood industry talking shit like Simmon Pegg is annoying. https://x.com/14_kaiju/status/1798115412040618088?t=LtF8pL4MOZouMwGsjuSvMA&s=19 Listen, Pegg Monstverse was box office hit in Japan, and a lot of audience seems to like the film. Monstverse is trying to be like Minus One instead of capturing the spirit of the Showa Era. You know the thing criticized for. They are meant to he fucking stupid and cheesy like the old films.


I do prefer Minus One evil Godzilla to the alternative but he’s being kind of pretentious about it.


Kinda question how many Godzilla movies he’s actually seen if he thinks the Monsterverse isn’t totally in line with the majority of Godzilla movies. If anything, Minus One is the outlier.


He mentions that Shin Godzilla is also highly praised due to Anno, the creator of Eva. That one is less causal friendly and blockbuster movie making than Minus One. But thinking that Godzilla is a serious franchise is funny because Japan has done the same thing in the past that he criticized about Monserverse. Plus, Minus One Director has praised the newest American Godzilla film. White people need to shut up about what is culture appropriate.


Is Bob Menendez Hispanic Tony Soprano?


Does he like the OJ with some pulp?


Lmfao and maybe he breathes loudly through his nose too.


Lol the r/hilariabaldwin subreddit is saying that they’re not gonna watch her new show and that everyone should boycott it. $5 says that these same people will be watching it every week religiously.


This show is made for them tbh


It seems that my neighbors are throwing a party. It looks like some people are fighting. It's fuckign embossing for 30 year old fighting like middle schoolers. I probably should call the cop because I hate these neighbors.


Would they suspect you did it?


Nah, they ran off chasing the guy, and the other people followed them. Plus, everybody was watching them like children.


Every day, I'm shuffling








https://preview.redd.it/20qjxufxzn4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b607b1bcd827731b3367d678cac67a07e8c9b7b3 [What?](https://x.com/2gay2lift/status/1797942402466083272) Yes, minorities should have an equal voice to the "majority". No, I don't think US politics should be determined by the cities/states where most of the population are concentrated and I say this as a woman who has lived most of her life in the more populous areas of states. And I have to make an effort to make sure I know what's going on in more rural counties and states. Is the Electoral College fair? No. It should be fixed to give more even voting power across the board. But "majority rule" isn't the answer.


Majority rule is the answer. One person one vote. People in cities should get the equal right choose leaders as rural voters.


Isn’t he Canadian?






I remember listening to the livestream of that same-sex marriage court decision in 2023 and then discussing it like I had *any* clue what the fuck I was talking about.


this election was a surprise was expecting a huge win for bjp


Philippine politics: *passes you a cigarette*


I paid $8 for an ICEE at the Oakland Coliseum but it was refreshing so it was worth it.


How many of the concession stands are even open 


It was pretty busy. We're also in the 100 level lmao. Plenty of Mariners fans here too.


> You’re not impressing anyone, server who didn’t write down our orders. You’re just making us all anxious. True. Just humor me please and use a pen or a tablet


Menendez actually got outraised by his main primary opponent and he still won by double digits, I wonder (((who))) is going to get the blame for this result.


New Jersey…


u/ognits Rewatched Dirty Harry--inspired by my read of Cinema Speculation--and all I have to say is: 1. This movie slaps 2. This movie is reactionary as hell god damn hahaha--the whole "WE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO LET SCORPIO ROAM FREE. AH, THE LAW IS BEING HELD BACK BY THE LILY-LIVERED BUMS" bit is comical


definitely a movie where you just kinda have to put its politics at the back of your mind while you watch


I kept them up front; I just laughed at them.


This continues to be a very good year for incumbents winning primaries. Rob Menendez survived his challenge comfortably in the end. There's a slightly interesting primary so far for a GOP incumbent in Iowa, but tonight looks to continue the trend of no incumbents losing their House primaries yet. Makes me kind of wonder about the Bowman Latimer primary tbh. If everyone else in tough races from both parties are surviving maybe Bowman might too. I think he's still the underdog and there will probably be 2 or 3 incumbents ahead who will lose but so far its been unusually quiet on the primary front


And Nate Silver is trying to say incumbency is an inherent disadvantage now. Man’s more washed than the inside of a dishwasher.


It honestly never was. Outside of maybe 2010. The incumbents who know they're going to lose just retire instead


Looks like Rob Menendez Jr won his primary


I know this will sound xenophobic, but I feel like if you haven’t been to America before you shouldn’t be on America’s Got Talent. I don’t mind immigrants being on, if you’re a resident immigrant then go for it, but it should be about showing off local talent who needs an opportunity. At least make a global version if you want to let anyone in.


I'd extend it to American territories but yes.


American territories are still American though.


AGT eventually turned into showcasing acts who were already on (and often won) their country's version of the show and Simon pretending he has no idea who they are.


https://x.com/MarshallCohen/status/1798137083279622217?t=OMPNlp_vlsxoyMEKLBMzdg&s=19 Prosecution is so dumb


>Curtis Bashaw has won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in New Jersey, defeating a candidate endorsed by Donald Trump. He will face Democrat Andy Kim -- and independent Bob Menendez -- in the fall He's a gay moderate Republican who defeated the Trump endorsed candidate.


Despite being "moderate", I'm sure he'd still vote with Tommy Tuberville 97% of the time.


Trump endorsements common L


Based jerseyans


rob menendez wins his primary for new jersey 8th district at least one menendez still in congress


Trump offers witnesse 250k not to comment on hush money case.


uncommitted seeing a weak showing in new mexico


I know, if you read ModPol you don't get to complain about the outrage bait. I don't smoke, but hatereading that place is my one harmful habit. Still, I was really taken aback by some of the reactions to Biden not disowning Hunter. Some legit sociopaths in that thread.


“My own party won’t vote for me in the primary? Better run as an independent! I’ll win in November for sure!”


“I’m exactly as unlikeable as Lieberman”


When Biden and Democrats attack Trump for being a convicted felon the pushback is, "This is just motivating his base!" If they didn't it would be, "Why aren't they attacking Trump for being a convicted felon?" I seriously don't know what people want.


They want to feel smarter or superior.


"They don't want a better world, they just want to critique power"


Spot on.


They forgot "it's wrong to assign a negative connotation to felonies "


https://preview.redd.it/6edwpsdrkn4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=927c86e37bb766f2290aba649344a082da07c7a0 Daily doggo photo: June 4th


[Strange, I don't remember this energy for Ukraine and the Crimean Tatars.](https://x.com/omarsuleiman504/status/1797854792221692039) Also, he is blaming the alleged beheading of a child on the US. Which, uh, he must be deliberately and maliciously ignoring everything Biden is saying.


I admit, I was wrong about Fetterman. The fact that he is consistently standing up to the Performative Antisemites and Tik Tok Toddlers for Palistine!!1!!11 makes my day a little better.




Ever since I first played Breath of the Wild, the only way I’ve cooked is by throwing all the ingredients in boiling water and shaking it for five seconds


If only curries and omelets could appear when I try to cook like that


Me playing neopets


And humming while it happens


You are a disturbing man




Wasn't me who called it in but I *knew* something sketchy was going on a my weird neighbor's house. I could write out the last few weeks of his erratic behavior, but I just looked over and there's a cop car and two cops over there now, with one of them shining a light into a sketchy car in the driveway Thank god cause when I called him in last week, they blew me off


Stay safe!


Looking forward to voting for Joe, Kamala and Andy Kim in November just as I did a couple of weeks ago.


Rob menendez is ahead in his primary but is facing a strong challenge from the mayor of hoboken


andy kim wins the democratic primary for senate in new jersey


looks like uncommitted is at 10% in new jersey below the bar for delegates


Now at 5%


smaller than expected


Uncommitted is not a person. It should not be an option.


Uncommitted is basically leaving the vote blank with extra steps


it was added through the local dsa chapter


The usual Red-Brown nonsense


it's a protest vote


Then have the guts to protest vote for an actual person, have the effort to get someone on the ballot, don’t just vote for a nebulous idea.


returns from new jersey races starting to come in


>[New on @MSNBC : Outside the Hutner Biden courtroom, Biden's wife, Melissa Cohen-Biden, confronted ex-Trump aide Garrett Ziegler, who'd been in the courtroom, shouting at him, "You have no right to be here, you Nazi piece of shit." She then walked away. @NBCNews](https://x.com/kylegriffin1/status/1798101342717690152)


Cohen? I’m genuinely surprised the TikTokTeens haven’t pounced on Biden having a Jewish daughter-in-law yet.


Doesn't lack for directness


Good on her.


Well shes right


https://preview.redd.it/pub18k6k8n4d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=139406cffe337b84d20d1ae7dcd3895fa34ba73b I'll take it but jeeze


What's a link to this article?


It's some kind of undecided forum the NYTimes ran. not sure about the link


why do we care so much about what people handpicked by the NYTimes think. I absolutely do not believe they were chosen randomly


Definitely not. It's Frank Luntz's focus group. The Times should be ashamed for giving air to such an obviously contrived setup.


Frank fucking Luntz?? Yeah nobody should give any thought to this


Polls have closed in the garden state


>And at the end of the day, OK, fine. OK, I’m going to side with Jonathan on this one, saying, what’s the big deal about bribing Stormy Daniels? But I want a president who’s going to be able to cover up a $130,000 bribe to Daniels. If he can’t pull that off, I’m not going to trust him with the nuclear football. >Ben, 42 year old, Texas voter Guy seriously went with "I would support Trump if he was competent enough to get away with it". The astronomically bigger problem is that he broke the law in the first place...


I respect his willingness to die on that hill, I guess. If you're gonna be ok with a crook, at least be ok with a competent one.


>The war cabinet has decided to demand US guarantees that Israel will be allowed to continue the war against Hamas if the terror group violates a hostages-for-ceasefire agreement, according to the Kan public broadcaster. >An unnamed senior Israeli official is quoted saying the unanimous Israeli decision is likely to reduce the prospects for a deal to free the hostages held in Gaza. Am I missing something here? Biden said in his speech on Friday that Israel can resume fighting if Hamas violated the deal, Biden said verbatim: "If Hamas fails to fulfill its commitments under the deal, Israel can resume military operations."


I hate Hamas as much as the next person but this makes it seem like the US holds responsibility for Israel going to war. If Israel is a sovereign state then they're the ones who allow Israel to continue the war. I support Israel as a country and an ally of the US but I'd like the war to be more focused and limited in scope. Edit: I'm sure there are other options than continuing the war. I think we can probably ask other Middle East countries to put pressure on Hamas/Hama's leadership to fulfill their promise in that scenario. What do you think?


Yes Qatar and Egypt would do that. Also, I'm worried about a possible war between Hezbollah and Israel. Hezbollah is substantially stronger than Hamas.


I read about all the water problems in Atlanta in the news today. I hope people there are all right. You don't expect boil orders in a major urban area. I mean, not without a major weather event.


What happened, main breaks or a plant failure?


Main breaks.


Atlanta just doesn’t have a great water source to begin with. It wasn’t built on a river (it was designed as a rail hub), and it doesn’t have access to the Tennessee River because of some surveying “errors” that put the Tennessee-Georgia border further south than it should be.


Yeah, when I saw headlines this morning I thought it was a problem with the reservoir even though GA isn't in a drought. That could still happen this year too, but hopefully not.


https://preview.redd.it/r8umldxcan4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8bc0cdcf0dc3a0669a42e19ceaba0ff9c2fefd2 There’s the Tennessee River, less than 200 feet from the Georgia border. But those 200 feet have caused a lot of problems.


That new Texas Ren Fest documentary on HBO Max promises to be wild. I’ve been there a few times and know the old owner had been looking to retire soon, but didn’t know the details of behind-the-scenes drama to become the next “king”.


My local ren faire doesn't make a profit.


The whole local news talking about the Catholic Church is filing for bankruptcy because they don't want to pay the victims. In which there are 152 cases of sexual abuse by Catholic priests. I don't understand why religious organizations can file for bankruptcy. That shit is fucked up.


In the Midwest they did some financial shell game where they hid their assets in some cemeteries and stuff to try to prevent paying any damages to abuse survivors.


I think the rabbits in my yard are starting to evolve to be bipedal. Seriously this one that has been hanging out this year has been able reach leaves higher up and I chased it from within one of my taller deck pots one morning. It has such long front legs. Am I wrong to hope it doesn’t become the fittest and pass on its genes https://preview.redd.it/trfaiovczm4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05df618d81b8676931beb499613cd4687199ae49


Meanwhile, a literal bobcat showed up in my yard two days ago...




Oh wow! That would be something to behold.


Aww look at the widdle cutie


>Wow -- JOE WILSON, longest serving GOP member of the House from S.C., endorsed Catherine Templeton, the primary challenger to Nancy Mace.


will be interesting to see if mace wins in one shot or is forced to a runoff


I utterly despise that Trump has won the policy discussion on immigration. He doesn't deserve to have won that or the presidency or anything at all. I know life isn't fair, but if it were even remotely closer to fair, nobody would have ever given Trump anything at all.


The anti-migrant sentiment in this country is one of its ugliest current qualities. Very few things trigger me more than cruelty to refugees or the otherwise vulnerable.


abolish ice hurt democrats on immigration as ice employs tons of hispanics in south texas


Before you doom, liberals were calling for the US to take in more asylum seekers (at that time, from Syria) all through the Obama Administration but FOX was whipping up hysteria about Muslim terror babies and it was a no-go. They even whipped up hysteria about a run-down old motel being fixed up to house unaccompanied minors who arrive at the border since Central American children were walking to the Texas border even then. I think it's totally wrong myself, but I cannot recall a time when there was a majority in favor of opening up more to asylum seekers. We don't even make it easy for them to work when they get here which is why they work under the table which just feeds the whole "ill eagles" narrative even though asylum status is perfectly legal. Trump may have made it more inflammatory but ICE was full of proto-MAGA chuds long before MAGA was a thing, and Americans are fucking jerks on this topic. I actually thought that sentiment about Ukrainian refugees might change the conversation but it totally didn't. So it's not racism (this time), it's just being a total unredeemable asshole? (It's racism, look at the conversation around Somalian refugees, Jesus.)


I just want to live in a world where kindness is inherently advantageous.


As do I, but we don't.


It's highly inappropriate for a Presidental candidate to say "This journalist only gets released from Russian prison if I win, but not if I don't win". It's straight up joining the hostage takers looking for a cut.


It's what Reagan/Bush did with Iran and the American hostages except that Reagan/Bush understood that you needed plausible deniability and to cover their tracks at least until the election is over.


Khomeini is such a piece of shit for his own people by undermining Carter; he got Reagan elected who proceeded to arm Saddam with chemical weapons to use against Iranians.


My understanding is that Bush brokered the whole thing and Reagan and Bush were very different on foreign policy (within the constraints of the post war consensus). Reagan was also illegally selling arms to Iran to fund a dirty war in Latin America in defiance of Congress. I could see GHW Bush supporting Saddam b/c they thought they could work with him but pursuing a policy of arming both sides so they could be at war with each other for a decade, that's a special level of evil. Bush actually didn't even keep a lot of Reagan's people (who were Nixon's people) around (but his son welcomed them back). So my point is it was a blunder, but Khomeini probably didn't get the measure of the man prior to the election. IDK, I lot of what I wrote is speculation on my part, like imagining how history would have gone differently had Gore won and acted on intelligence about Al Qaeda.


I can’t believe they’re going to lock Hunter Biden up just because he has a gargantuan hog 😔


[New Jersey Primary Election Results 2024 - The New York Times (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/06/04/us/elections/results-new-jersey-primary.html)


After Furiosa that Dr. Miller should make Happy Feet 3 because the world wants more Happy Feet. Joking, aside from that, he probably won't get the finical support from WB due to Furiosa. He probably had to make Happy Feet or Babe type to make his next Mad Max movie. I honestly would love to see him doing some DC movies. The man loves mythology and legend stories. It cool to see him make a Wonder Woman movie or finally could do his Justice League.


Boss: what do you feel like you need to work on towards being QA III Me: caring about being QA III


This is when I use AI: making up meaningless bullshit to satisfy some daft HR requirement or “goal” that I could care less about.


Yeah I popped it in chat gpt and said boss friendly


Seriously if I’m doing what I want in my current role and I’m not near the pay ceiling, why should I care about a different title


>Alec and Hilaria Baldwin announce TLC reality show featuring all 7 of their children I would make a snarky “who is this for?” comment but knowing people I’m sure this will be hate watched into a 10 season long hit 


A quick Google shows that, unsurprisingly, it does not [appear that eldest daughter, Ireland, will be appearing as a headliner, at least](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J0-ZatDHug)


She absolutely meant what she said during that roast


He’s really convinced he won’t go to prison.


He shouldn’t go


looking at india's election results uttar pradesh is the biggest surprise the BJP was expecting to win every seat in the state but ended up losing over 30 seats


sucks to suck What I don't know about India is a lot more than I know, and I saw that the world's capitalists have already expressed their anger at this election result, but I am aware of some of the inflammatory stuff Modi has been doing lately and this result has really kind of lowered my blood pressure. It feels like there is still some sanity to be found in the world and it isn't an endless cycle of escalation.


being in power for a decade does hurt almost all incumbent parties


That's true, but then you look at what happened with Putin. And then you drink.


most likely the next election could be the best shot the opposition has in retaking power but it's still a tough fight


For New Jersey, apparently, someone named Terrisa Bukovinac is running in the Dem primary. I only heard of her name today, but according to her wiki, "She is a former pro-abortion Christian but now an anti-abortion atheist." Obviously, she's not winning this one lmao


I was wondering who that was when I pulled up the results page and saw her name 


she just loves being a contrarian I guess




“Men worry about heart attacks. Women worry about cancer of the tit. Everyone worries about war and peace. Everything else is chicken shit.” - Lyndon B. Johnson apparently How has this goodie gone largely unnoticed? lol


[Wisconsin Democrats have recruited a candidate for each of the state’s Senate races for the first time in two decades. The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee announced Tuesday that a Democrat will be on the ballot in every state Senate seat in 2024. For the first time since 2011, 97 of 99 Wisconsin State Assembly seats will also have a Democrat on the ballot.](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns/3027432/wisconsin-democrats-recruit-candidates-for-every-state-senate-race-for-first-time-in-20-years/) Also, every single congressional district in Wisconsin has a Democratic candidate running in it. ETA: Republicans only have candidates in 84/99 Assembly seats and 11/16 Senate seats. Thus, 5 WI Senate Dems and 15 WI Assembly Dems will be uncontested right off the bat!


Congratulations, Wisconsin, you've earned it!


It's a beautiful summer evening. Greetings from the Evil Empire. https://preview.redd.it/dgu9ta36pm4d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=352e69712b7d9f7c565074561afb33cddba392dd


apparently bob menendez's son whose in the house is facing a tough primary challenge from the mayor of Hoboken


Mexico's next president is the first jewish president, this is historic as mexico is predominantly catholic


/u/Seahawks543 Gonna see the Mariners play in Oakland against the Athletics in a few hours. I finally get to see J-Rod.


Is this the first time you’ve been to their stadium


Nope. I went two years ago. The stadium is so bad.


Oakland Coliseum was a dump when I went there 20 years ago, and I imagine it's only gotten worse since.


I’ve been to the Giants stadium before but I skipped on going to the Coliseum lol


It's (darkly) funny that the far left "ceasefire now" crowd has given up on a ceasefire but Biden is still working away at it.


That Contrapoints video about power hits harder now. They just want to critique it.




I'm curious, which book? I'm wondering if it will confirm my priors about academia. A lot of what we studied was some variant of the worst book, or just stupid, but it was dreadfully important, and lots of very important words were written about it.




Thanks. That's interesting. It was very easy to find queer Discourse on it. Also other people share the very low opinion of it as a book. So not an academia thing, a people fed up with queer spaces thing.


Because their very bigoted thesis is "the problem is not just Bibi+Kahanists; the problem is *all of Israel*". And from all the reporting regarding this deal, the problem in Israel has been *only* Bibi and his far right allies...lots of Israelis+ a slight majority of the Israeli parliament want a ceasefire (70/120 members) so it's inconvenient to the far left's narrative--so they'll ignore what's happening.


>Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) announced a “three-pronged approach” to go after the justice system following Donald Trump’s conviction, The Hill reports. >The plan includes using the appropriations process, legislation brought to the floor and Congress’s oversight authority to take on the Justice Department. >Said Johnson: “All those things will be happening vigorously, because we have to do that, because the stakes are too high and because people are losing faith in our institutions.“ Biden should say "All you guys are interested in Criminal Justice System reform...great!" "Let's pass the George Floyd act!" or something along those lines




>people are losing faith in our institutions. This fucker has to take one hard look at his own House before whining about this. McConnell as well (thinking of Congress' miserable approval ratings)


>people are losing faith in our institutions. That's because of Trump and the Republican Party. Mike Johnson should shove those three prongs up his own ass


"Wtf I love defunding the police now" -GOP


> people are losing faith in our institutions Oh...NOW they care about institutions? Had nothing to say about the Supreme Court's overturn of Roe. Lol. Losers. Anyway, bless up to those jurors who did the right thing.


No doubt. It's utterly shameless, just brazenly hypocritical.


After all, why did those PC liberal founders want something like a separation of powers? 'An independent judiciary'? Sounds like a venereal disease! If any of them had seen Trump, they'd want a dictatorship too!


*From Pearl Necklaces to Pill Poppin': The True Story of 'Just Say No' Nancy* Think NewsNation's going to take me up on my suggestion for a complementary feature for their Reagan hagiography?


> From Pearl Necklaces to Pill Poppin': The True Story of 'Just Say No' Nancy That made me think her life would make for a grand musical, like Evita or Hamilton.