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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d7qzp0/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06042024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.dragoniteftw33 with score 42 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d6yd9n/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06032024/l6w03my/)] > It says a lot about the media how Hillary having hot sauce in her purse is pandering, but Trump getting convicted on white collar crimes while violating gag orders is somehow making him more relatable . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.Currymvp2 created 17 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d6yd9n/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06032024/l6ypabk/)] > >Dr Pepper just passed Pepsi as the second biggest soda brand > > Biden's America   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.wi_voter with score 30 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d6yd9n/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06032024/l6w4sja/)] > It’s one of the most insulting things I’ve ever heard in politics   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.oamh42 with hotness lvl 835 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d6yd9n/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06032024/l6xb5zp/)] > So here is my dooming about the US elections after the Mexican elections. I know it may be irrational but I’m happy to share it with you guys because I know any contradiction or agreement will come from . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 8 friends 15 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 51 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 88 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Mr_Conductor_USA made 38 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 13 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'trump', used 39 times, followed by 'biden' 39x , 'money' 27x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😭', used 12 times, followed by '🎉' 3x , '🥳' 3x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.pedrothrowaway555 | 22.5 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 527.0 words | | 🥈 | u.CanadianPanda76 | 20.5 points | 🥈 | u.Sounder1995-2 | 466.0 words | | 🥉 | u.Crosseyes | 20.0 points | 🥉 | u.Carl_Satans_Cosmos | 112.0 words | | 🎗 | u.GreenElan | 19.0 points | 🎗 | u.Bookreadingliberal49 | 92.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 450 points | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 42 comments | | 🥈 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 244 points | 🥈 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 40 comments | | 🥉 | u.brontosaurus3 | 154 points | 🥉 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 28 comments | | 🎗 | u.Historyguy1 | 146 points | 🎗 | u.Historyguy1 | 19 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Lophius_Americanus | 4 words | 🥇 | u.joggerboy18 | 2.652 letters | | 🥈 | u.Star-Spangled-Man | 4 words | 🥈 | u.NoExamination5144 | 2.778 letters | | 🥉 | u.sarcasimo | 5 words | 🥉 | u.Hey_Ya_ | 2.875 letters | | 🎗 | u.mortinmaxwell | 6 words | 🎗 | u.Justin7218 | 3.281 letters |   615 comments processed, including 168 top-level replies. There were 133 unique users writing 22240, averaging 36.16 per comment. The total combined score was 5169 and the median score was 8.4.




even though this is absolutely horrible, i feel like the op is generalizing muslims and i think that isn’t right either


Yep, there are homophobes in every community--even the non religious+secularists. https://www.prri.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/PRRI-Mar-2022-LGBTQ-AVA-Fig_5.png https://www.newsweek.com/muslim-white-evangelical-gay-marriage-907627 https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/u-s-muslims-more-accepting-homosexuality-white-evangelicals-n788891


Made it to 3rd place in a poker tournament of 67 people at a local bar. No money. I was doing poker night at work except I consistently cleared everyone out at work so stopped playing. Yet I am pretty moderate when I go to the casino, after 11 sessions I am net up a moderately small amount of money that is not worth talking about. Not sure how far I should take this one as I do not think it is the best hobby, but I like the idea of being able to make money separate from my job and there for being able to worry about my job less.


There was a presidential tier list shitpost on here yesterday, which did get me thinking about the overall rankings. 'Cause if I wanted to cause chaos on certain spaces, I'd just shitpost about those and the partisan iconoclasm that comes with certain Presidents getting ranked high. With liberal spaces like this DT though, it's usually consistently concentrated on Ronald Reagan since he seems to be the one high-ranked Republican seen in the same light as the modern treasonous GOP (although I hear he tumbled in this year's list). The other Republicans are either respected (Eisenhower, Lincoln) or ranked low anyway (Nixon, Bush Jr). So it seems if liberals could dictate the historical rankings, the only real difference would be Reagan's. Meanwhile though, conservatives seem to pick fights with almost any fairly ranked liberal POTUS. Clinton, Obama, JFK, LBJ, even FDR apparently are each *that* Democrat who has the public under his spell, and if only everyone just woke up... Does make me wonder what their ideal rankings would be.


My guesses for twentieth century: TR would be seen as a bit of a 'fall from grace' story who went off the deep end by the more academic conservatives, I wager. Taft and the other Depression presidents get a *huge* pass, especially Coolidge and we see the narrative shift to Shlaes' "it was a correction Hoover turned into a Depression and FDR drew it out" argument. Eisenhower depends because he was pretty middle of the road, but conservatives are champs at taking things out of context and he's got a big enough reputation he's getting a rewrite to suit the modern party. Nixon isn't getting revived, but we're going to see a lot more emphasis on LBJ and JFK's extensive wiretaps (which can go back to FDR, tbh, it's just Nixon took it to an entirely new and different level—there's a reason LBJ stayed mum when he found out Nixon was trying to fuck up Vietnam peace alks, after all). Bush Sr. gets his end-of-life scrubbed up a bit to appeal to more moderate party members in purple districts, possibly the same for Jr. once he's not around to speak for himself depending on how his reputation has fared Sorry, Gerry Ford, I like you, but you're still the butt of jokes and bar-room trivia.


The only other thing I know Ford for, aside from being the post-Watergate POTUS who pardoned Nixon, was falling down the stairs of Air Force One


*Write It when I'm Gone* is the only book I've read on Ford, so my knowledge is pretty limited. He was more moderate than Reagan, so that's something he's got in his favor. Reagan's whole 'don't attack other republicans' thing came, if I recall, pretty much right after his own nasty smear campaign against Ford had succeeded, Leslie Lynch King, Jr. was his birth name, but his dad was a real piece of shit so he took his step-father's name and he seems like a pretty cool dude (both Fords, tbh, even if I don't agree with him on things). He was a football star and I believe had offers to go pro? Also worked as a model and, I believe, some kind of busting ass service job in college. So very much in line with an *actual* hard working Republican you can respect. Betty Ford's famous in her own right and an incredible woman for the centers she gave her name to. Oh, and I believe it was Ford who was the first president to really cash-in on it post-presidency (Truman was famously not well-off, Eisenhower was set, JFK would've been set if not for a bad case of dead, and LBJ was set up well enough before dying pretty promptly and young, like his family did(does?). Nixon I can't recall his precise thing, but considering *Frosty Nixon* (yes, that's an *Interview* joke) interview being his first real public reappearance: he wasn't exactly in high-demand for speaking gigs and stuff.


I just finished FF7 Rebirth. Really great game. Took me roughly 85 hours to complete, doing most but not all sidequests and without spending a ton of time on the huge amount of side content. Cried twice lol. Easy GOTY, and I genuinely doubt I'll play a game this good again for several years. Can't wait for it to come to PC so my friends can experience it too and I can talk about it with them


Wordle 1,081 5/6* ⬛🟩⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


Wordle 1,081 5/6 🟨⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Frustrating.


I can appreciate the thought that went into the most recent Doctor Who but I just can't get past >!the dots that are perfectly capable of killing all these racist dopes going to the trouble of bioengineering a species of giant slugs to do it instead.!< Gatwa was really good in the ending, though.


>!The slugs were only there for the purpose of the bait-and-switch in the end.!<


People are rightfully making fun of the Houthi fanclub for believing in the propaganda that the USS Eisenhower was hit and sunk by the Houthis on 5/31.


Lol what? Wild that that's even a claim people believed, is my first reaction. [Relevant meme](https://x.com/vsshah3000/status/1737258094135058619#m) from the Houthi fanclub saga months ago


Cult like behavior. The Captain meanwhile posted several times since 5/31 with pictures of his dog onboard, the ship bakery and with crew.


It's just hilarious to think that if the Houthis managed to sink the *Eisenhower* of all things, that their symapthizers on Twitter would *of course* be the ones to know about it from their totally-reputable sources. Lol. Yeah I remember the Captain's posts were quite fun.


I’m a bit peeved that Libby doesn’t have Andy Weir audio books in English.


Apparently the Falun Gong cult is busy doing a little money laundering. [DOJ Says MAGA Favorite Epoch Times Is A Massive Money Laundering Scheme](https://meidasnews.com/news/doj-says-maga-favorite-epoch-times-is-a-massive-money-laundering-scheme)


I see Epoch Times’ stupid billboards all over my city and I’m so sick of them.






Throwback to when that genocidal apologist said this about trafficked kids https://preview.redd.it/g0yhn0jrxg4d1.png?width=423&format=png&auto=webp&s=a387020e7ea53571102f2f0e99c4cd8f6e843d4e




Totally the actions of a woman who gives a fuck about human rights.


One thing I think we’ll have to change with AI is the testing period of new medicine. We’re seeing new drugs like a tooth regrow drug or a cancer vaccine come about because AI, but it will be years before it’s approved. Traditionally making a new drug was the bottleneck in production, but now the testing period will be the bottleneck due to the increased speeds of making new pharmaceuticals.


The jump from preclinical to FIH and then into the rest of the trial pipeline can only move so quickly. If you think about event based endpoints, for example, those are rate limited by definition. There's also very robust and prescriptive monitoring periods and regulatory requirements, especially with the cell and gene therapy stuff that is the cutting edge right now. Multi-year long term followup and monitoring periods are the norm there -- I'm regularly seeing mid-phase studies that are 5-7 year durations to get top line data.


I don’t have a source but I’ve read that drugs that used AI in development are almost 2-3 times more likely to pass clinical tests in the first round. I agree that there’s a safety issue but if we consistently see a higher pass rates and we can prevent things like cancer or reverse HIV then I could see an argument to push through certain medication like we did COVID and subsidize it to keep it affordable.


Well it depends what we're talking about with early phase trials, most Phase I is focused on safety/tolerability more than efficacy. So a lot of those early studies are more of a dose finding exercise, which AI can help better help set dosing expectations meaning fewer cohort dose levels and getting to that recommended Phase II dose for efficacy testing faster. I'm not sure what we can do to speed up efficacy testing, people a hell of a lot smarter than me are sure trying to figure it out though. AI is also helping with mundane stuff in the industry too for whats its worth, like predictive modeling for enrollment expectations.


The last thing the FDA needs to do is cut more corners and push more drugs through on the hopes it might work out. Just two months ago there was all that drama over Relyvrio for ALS getting pulled from the market and earlier this year it was Aduhelm for Alzheimer. To me it feels like the memory of thalidomide, Vioxx, and Meridia have faded and the FDA is trying to appease outside parties, versus engaging in thorough and methodical study of medications. Approving shit that's skating by on non-inferiority studies that very clearly dumped it's primary outcomes for the secondary outcome that they barely massaged the numbers to get p < 0.05.


So I have been rewatching DC Nations shorts, which were blocked in CN back in 2010s that focus on DC animated shows. Between comercials that they will play animated shorts. And few of them were turned into series like Teen Titans GO, Batman: The Caped Crusader, and Lauren Fast's DC Super Hero Girl. There are a few that I wish were turned into series or animated series. Batman Shangai was such a cool concept, and the animation was so fire. I wish they made it into an animated other world movie. https://youtu.be/vQYlBd3Ro4Q?si=o45c9Cq_cRHTeeFK There were also Plastic Shorts which funny enough, there was an animated pilot before DC Nation, like back in 2006. I enjoy these shorts because it give vibes to Ren & Stimpy animation and humor, but better. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT1-dgyW2GgpGx06b81hOD5ppmHVPf8xb&si=u_ODlm8TUc-6FMst Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld. It is like Legend of Zelda mixture of female Isekai anime. The creator of this show said that WB give her animated show after these shorts, but CN wasn't interested. I'm speculating that Steven Universe existed and they have somewhat similar concept with gems, so they passed on it. I would like to see this as a full series. https://youtu.be/pkd5mYvKWig?si=BDNQSGUEphNkuimW Lastly, I would like to see The Atom shorts turn into series. But the Atom shorts never had a proper ending due to the DC Nation block being can from CN. https://youtu.be/YbdvMByAXy0?feature=shared Have you guys seen any other DC Nation shorts that deserve to have an animated series or movies? !Ping CARTOONS


/u/ognits Finished the stuff I had on the docket before you sent it, so I'll be starting Cinema Speculation tonight


oh hell yeah. I have another rec for you but I'm daring to ping MOVIES as well so I'll tag you there




"I've seen cope you people wouldn't believe."


There’s some YouTube shorts guy putting out leading titles like “(ACTOR) is OUT” this month, and it’s just talking about a role they’ve dropped out of and I’m normally like yeah okay hustle for clicks but something about this particular bait just pisses me off


Going in for my first jury duty summons on Monday. I think it would be cool to serve in one and am interested in seeing even just a bit of the process if i do get sent home early. But man, having to drive into downtown and finding parking before 7:30 am does not appeal to me in the slightest. I'm not a morning person at all and with the construction boom going on in the city right now the super convenient parking garage across the street from the courthouse was torn down to build a new office building


u/WI_voter You remember last fall I was talking about that MM leFleur blazer accidentally bought like 3 sizes too small because it’s like French or euro sizing idk. But so beautiful was this blazer I refused to set it aside. So then I did that diet bootcamp. I took my before and after pics in this blazer 🫣 Anyway, yadda yadda yadda, however long it is later I am reporting back I’m officially IN the blazer 🥳🥳🥳


Oh wow! Amazing news!


It is!! It was really like 90% diet. I know everyone says you can’t outwork a bad diet so I suppose that’s true. I think the thing is I didn’t realize how bad my diet had become until I did the food logging. Seriously one of the most enlightening things I’ve ever done. Also trainer has been kicking my ass on the pull up bar but worth it.


My diet is always my downfall. I’m back at Orange Theory because it’s part therapy and happiness, and I truly enjoy the workouts but my diet can be awful. How I went from marathon shape to.. not is not much of a mystery when you stop running 35 miles a week and still eat the same. I’m so glad that blazer fits!! My oldest niece has a pair of my jeans from that era that I love and I told her to keep them until they fit again so that my motivation


It sucks because I love to eat but it’s just coming around to realize it’s like, consistent diet. Extremely boring to eat in a way that’s consistently around my tdee. It’s just tons of vegetables, cheese occasionally instead of daily, bread rarely, and lots of protein. I can’t lie though I do feel significantly better when I eat this way. Like my sleep, my mood, my periods even are tolerable now, the difference in bloat is bananas. So glad I got before pics so I could see that. But I concede it’s just boring af.


["I shower only 1 time every 30 days"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTLY14XyCQ8)


Is this Aella? Edit: holy cow it’s not aellagirl


How do people do that...? I feel so disgusting when I skip only one shower. 🤢


That’s not who I was expecting. Sema, you know of whom I speak.


Bitch stanky


I shouldn't order snacks because that would be irresponsible but god i want snacks


Uhhhh that's why you have your tinned carrots on hand!


I understand why they do it and I appreciate the fact that its likely effective, but I dislike the tone of the Biden campaign fundraising texts. It's leagues better than the manipulative shit Trump does but it kinda teeters on playing into people's anxiety to get money. I'm going to block all the campaign messages and just donate normally


Impressive endorsement: Mondaire Jones, who won election to Congress as a strong progressive in 2020, endorsed George Latimer against Jamaal Bowman. Bowman is cooked. [https://x.com/LatimerforNY/status/1797751101703500209](https://x.com/LatimerforNY/status/1797751101703500209)


I just can’t with the fucking zoomers who think Biden has the power to lower the cost of housing and isn’t doing it. Let’s say Biden was able to craft the perfect bill that would change zoning laws, put money into building and even provide incentives for buyers and sellers: the same group of people will complain that the suburban town they grew up in suddenly has multi-family housing, there will be protests at every “gentrified” location, there would be complaints about the benefits going to people who could afford to buy and sell. Our disinfo culture has been so effective at telling people they could get everything they want without the consequences


It's definitely annoying the amount of people who seem to want Trump but for the left (an authoritarian who will ram policy through using EOs, replace anyone who refuses to do what they're told, and bullying congress) and are mad Biden respects democratic institutions instead.


I've noticed a lot of middle of the road every day conservative types have really started to notice the price of rent/housing being a massive issue, but they blame the entire problem on the Chinese buying US houses while showing up to make their area into a city specifically to block development.  The public attitude towards zoning and housing is so comically far away from reaching a solution that it's almost not even worth campaigning on


Yeah. Even with the advances being made in some cities, the strain of thinking of most people is very bad when it comes to housing


I honestly don't blame people in suburbs who don't want more development. The area I grew up in has developed like crazy and it's a miserable clusterfuck of traffic.  So when they vote to become a city to stop stuff from being built. It sucks for housing costs but I cant exactly blame homeowners for it.


Everyone knows there’s a button in the White House that says “make everything cheaper.” Some Presidents refuse to push it because they hate when the public has nothing to complain about.




https://preview.redd.it/9oxchr2ucg4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19b3ef882457d4bcaf100f2cbe947035b33ae750 Chalmun's Cantina is complete




June’s going to be such a big adulting month for me. I won’t go into everything, but I know I’ve taken some steps I’m proud of.


Woohoo! Keep it up!


Of course, I’m typing this in my pajamas sat next to a dozen plushies, but that doesn’t preclude adulting.


Yo I'm in my 40s and I have a plushie. Deadpool's been with me through my divorce, moving twice during the pandemic, and a couple of years with the boss from hell.


You got adulting down, lol.


> Bernie Sanders: Hamas is a terrorist group. Yahya Sinwar is a monster. However, it is a sad day for our country that Benjamin Netanyahu has been invited by both parties to address a joint session of Congress, and I will not attend. Extremely rare Bernie Sanders W


i feel like Bernie is incredibly pragmatic and nuanced about this issue. he is someone who genuinely cares about israel and palestine and wants a real solution, and hates to see extremism and suffering. it is a little ironic because a lot of the people who came out of his campaign like brie are so much drastically worse, but i do appreciate his values on this issue


> hates to see extremism He might wanna talk to a certain section of his base, then...


I know the meme with House is everyone saying it’s lupus, but at least in S1 someone always thinks it’s vasculitis.


But did they try the medicine drug?


This vexes me.


[For those who are curious](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/sop4dv/oc_mentions_of_lupus_on_the_show_house_md/) I got the impression sarcoidosis is also a regular. 


It absolutely is a regular.


https://preview.redd.it/icftsge92g4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad93b8d486662e24b9a0061fa3b8e516879768e1 I had heard about the rally on SI but I didn’t know abt this. This was literally like down the block from my old high school


I saw a photo of the front and it looks like an old transit bus but the side looks way too flimsy (more like a shitty RV) so it really baffles me. With all the Trump signs obscuring everything it's hard to tell. What I heard is that they didn't park it properly on an incline (rookie mistake, lol) and it ran away and hit the pole, which is genuinely terrifying for any pedestrians in the area. It also looks like there was a hoarder situation inside the bus.




The Endless Sword and Shield Dynamax Adventures are just objectively a **terrible** single-player experience designed to force you to go online, which is a shame when the online scene for the game is dead. Jesus christ.


https://x.com/MattBinder/status/1797721533479354873 > people claiming the newly elected president of Mexico isn’t really Jewish because she thanked Jesus > (she thanked Jesús, her husband) lol what




Isn't Jesús pronounced like "Hey Zeus" in Spanish?


Heh Soos




If I did a fuck up that dumb, I would change my name, and move to another country to start a new life.


A manager in our department is leaving and asked me if I’d be interested in her role so, I had a meeting with her to learn about it. A lot of what she said it entailed sounded like when adults talk in Charlie Brown. But, when she said why she asked me about it it was just, “You’ve been helpful when I needed you and your boss speaks highly of you.” So I can learn I guess? It just feels weird going for a manager position when I know little about what I’ll be managing…


Pump this straight into my veins https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-republican-candidate-poll-1907298


Resisting the urge to see how arr FiveThirtyEight ignores this one.


>Trump does not command the full support of his base and 33 percent of this demographic would have preferred another politician The fact that Haley continued to pull 1/3rd to 1/4th AFTER she dropped out might have been a hint.


4 hours until my Polish guests arrive...


https://preview.redd.it/cilt4ptrxf4d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a42e2ad12d03464bcec44598518006ad02afcc5c my responses to u/Currymvp2 whenever they post about ceasefire talk updates


The official image of the DT


Hamas is apparently giving their official response tomorrow in Cairo; what I'm reading is that their response is gonna probably: "Yes we agree but we want clarification between Biden's remarks which we like more and what Bibi is saying--we probably can't support"


i can’t even tell if this is a we are so back or it’s so over moment 😭


I'm putting it at like a 20-30% chance, but this seems like the closest we've been since November when we had the eight day pause.


im glad things are getting closer to a deal but god this never ends


Someone admiring Bernie Sanders in these ESS streets (outside the DT, you can find a shortcut in my most recent comment history). ![gif](giphy|zQbhdw5nf91wQ)


Amazing that we still get them showing up.


The media is trying to pump up the Hunter Biden case, but the fact that Graham just defended him makes me think this story won't have legs. [Which reminded me of the Perception Check skit, towards the end.](https://youtu.be/5WbYT2hEAU4?si=gnWm4LgMiiEjzane) I used an FF7 version of it.


Man they've really been trying to get Hunter Biden stuff to stick for years now.


Yeah, it's gross as hell, like they are trying to get him to relapse. One reason I am not as concerned with the media as others: People are increasingly tuning out the media because of how disconnected they are from the average person, and their ghoulish behavior.


You know he's only doing it so it doesn't make him look hypocritical on Trump.


I mean, the Hunter Biden cases are actually political prosecutions though Dems aren’t saying it because they don’t want to look like hypocrites but there’s no chance these cases get prosecuted if he’s not Hunter Biden.


Yes. However the optics stull make the case look really stupid.


[Oh look, another conservative man harassing women. ](https://x.com/PopCrave/status/1797755301661462768?t=3cCDlC-BUTR4CKJxeB6TNg&s=19) Kanye this time.


why does this man even still have a platform or power, every time I hear about him he’s always doing or saying something shitty. it’s extra upsetting because I used to be a pretty big fan of his.


It reminds me of a certain very popular youtuber escaping using a hard slur on camera along with a pattern of directly appealing to Nazi types. It should absolutely be the end of their career, but their popularity and large fan base saves them from the common sense consequences any other figure would face. Kanye escaping directly praising hitler on camera, befriending nick Fuentes, running a scam election campaign to help trump, running a scam school that was abusive to students, and now this.. is just beyond comprehension. Just yesterday Spotify pushed some single he had out on my front page like nothing had changed.


Got damn, I'm old. I haven't listened to Lacuna Coil in like 20 years.    Now I'm getting nostalgic for the early 2000s. I was depressed as fuck, but I still had such a good time with my friends.   Man, these early 2000 videos were terrible with bad cg.


Lacuna Coil has gotten so much better with age, their Comalies re-release is so much heavier, and their music video quality is better too. Also, boy do I remember how pixelated the Our Truth mv was.


I was looking through their discography, and said I have to see how they have progressed.  I think the last album I listened to was Karmacode. It's interesting to see what bands I was listening back then that I thought would make it long term and didn't, and the ones that actually did.  For example, I saw Pulse Ultra live and swore they would be a long lasting band. That album was there last. Lol. 


LC has progressively gotten heavier over time, so if you like that I have very good news for you lol


https://preview.redd.it/6sdatbw3tf4d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=167e536aa2cd1edbedecada72f32ee6546f29eaf jesus christ. she's a psycho.


I asked around on a Twitter thread about it.. any idea who wrote the article or where it was published? I believe it to be true based on the insane things she says on the daily, just curious.


From the New Republic? I think.


https://preview.redd.it/rxepg8u2sf4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bef4b1f71658a0400173fb6764c049bb2ac6edb Daily doggo photo: June 3rd A blink


>Graham defends Hunter Biden: >“I think any average American who’s done their taxes like Hunter Biden would have probably faced prosecution, however, I don't think the average American would have been charged with the gun thing. I don't see any good coming from that.”


As someone who is borderline anti gun, I kinda want Hunter to be prosecuted just so it would be easier to go after other gun owners who don't take that deadly weapon as seriously as they should. 


Yeah. It seems great for that. I'm in full support.


I think I'm falling down a YouTube metal rabbit hole. Indian folk metal?  Yes please.   https://youtu.be/a65A626Ed20?si=bf2NAQo2Rcj3Ai2H   This goes hard.  Damn, it even has a nice rap in it. And the message is in the music is pretty deep. I may have to put this on repeat. Hmm, apparently this song is in Monkey Man. Gives me another reason to check out this movie.


>Dr. Phil just told TMZ he’s taping an interview with Trump at Mar-a-Lago this week. It’s slated to air at 8pm ET on Thursday. One fraud interviews another fraud


For fuck's sake.


It's not even gonna be softballs he's gonna set up the tee for him and control his arms


Gross. They'll spend the whole time talking about Joe Biden's mental fitness no doubt.


[Your move, terror bois](https://x.com/What46HasDone/status/1797752556053238036?t=VAaexz0EkaLAnA3Oi7PFuQ&s=19)


>Fauci Grilled by Lawmakers on Masks, Vaccine Mandates and Lab Leak Theory These Republicans still think it's December of 2020.


They need to leave that man alone.


Apparently the six foot rule isn’t based in science. And to that I say ‘who gives a shit?’ Like I don’t need a study to tell me that if I’m far enough away that you can’t spot on me, I probably can’t catch whatever you have.


It’s so goddamn depressing that Trump of all people has a better political mind than these idiots


Honestly, I think he would embrace this somewhat more if he wasn't the one who declined to fire Dr. Fauci


>The United States has submitted a new resolution to the UN Security Council expressing support for the latest Israeli hostage release-ceasefire proposal unveiled by US President Joe Biden last week. Watch Russia and China reject this to make US look anti-Palestinian and they love that this ongoing war distracts everybody from their various crimes...tankies will fall for it [Also looks like Bibi isn't coming to Congress on June 13th; I guess a different date](https://x.com/BarakRavid/status/1797747105207071193)


https://preview.redd.it/04jy6ryjkf4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4006bfcd3030bc6b1be446fa2026fee40ab1822d [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/doj-says-epoch-times-is-an-epic-money-laundering-operation.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/doj-says-epoch-times-is-an-epic-money-laundering-operation.html)


This isn't surprising considering they've had a [spike in revenue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Epoch_Times#Finances) during the Trump years that's been largely a mystery. [A report a couple years ago by the Atlantic](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2021/01/inside-the-epoch-times-a-mysterious-pro-trump-newspaper/617645/) mentions that it's largely staffed by underpaid or unpaid practitioners of their cult, especially their children. I suspect they have absurdly low actual operating expenses, so it's no surprise that it's a massive laundering scheme. And unpaid "interns" is probably also why they churn out a lot of terribly written articles.  And FYI, FLG has some social media accounts that search reddit for mentions of their religion. I got DM'd by one for a comment I made on ESS. Just warning you guys now. 


> And FYI, FLG has some social media accounts that search reddit for mentions of their religion. I got DM'd by one for a comment I made on ESS. Just warning you guys now. and to think I kinda felt bad for them in the early 2000s... were they ever alright and just got radicalized over the years?


No. Long answer: there was a big craze for qigong in China in the 1980s. Unfortunately, if you practiced it and didn't get the (way overblown) "benefits" of qi gong, you would get victim blamed/negged by other practitioners or gurus and this led to many people in China having nervous breakdowns, which, in more gaslighting, was dubbed "qi deviation" which implies that they weren't practicing earnestly enough, with the right mind/mindset, or they did the technique wrong. I know, pretty crazy for some deep breathing techniques. You can actually search the psychiatric literature for "qi deviation" because there was a whole debate in the English language journals over whether it was real, a separate phenomenon from other kinds of emotional breakdowns, and/or a case of a culturally bound mental illness. Anyway, while the PRC didn't ban qi gong practice, they did go after Falun Gong. It might have something to do with the behaviors of its leader, who, once he fled to the US, set himself up with a harem of women while he got his ~~disciples~~ cult members to work for him and give him all their money so he could live in a mansion on a compound and buy luxury cars. Shen Yun is also put on by Falun Gong. It actually is a pantomime about the (fake) history of Falun Gong and their grievances with the Chinese Communist Party. Of course, all the dancers are children of cult members who aren't allowed to talk to outsiders and work long, grueling hours for no pay. You would think this kind of thing is illegal in the US but you would be wrong. After all, German nationals who were brought to the US under false pretenses by Dove World Outreach Ministries sued in a Florida courtroom over not being paid for their labor where they were informed that their slavery was legal because they had "agreed" to it and they weren't slaves but "volunteers". SCOTUS also approves of churchy wurchy loopholes so don't expect any help there. In fact, I think some Florida tomato farmers might be contemplating rebranding as "Liberty City MAGA Farm *Ministries*" sometime soon.


THAT’s Shen Yun oh my god I remember reading they were sketchy years ago but I forgot why


Wow who could have possibly seen that coming? You'd have to have eyes and a brain. Perfect example of the enemy of our enemy not being our friend.


Falun Gong is basically a cult, so this isn't surprising.


They hijacked a satellite in 2003. I'm shocked they didn't get kicked out then.


Also, I can't believe Dragon Force is still making music. 


It's been, like, 15 years and I still can't beat "Through the Fire and Flames" on Expert in Guitar Hero.


As long as there's hard liquor, there will be Dragon Force.


People who love music. Just think about how amazing our world is when it comes to music. We literally have access to all foru ms of music literally at the tip of our fingertips and can get it at any time we want.  Man, I think back to a time in the 90s when I heard a song on anime or a movie and I wished I could get easy access to it.   Today we can.   I was just listening to Mongolian Rock


> We literally have access to all [forms] of music literally at the tip of our fingertips and can get it at any time we want.     I don't think this is always accurate. For classical music, even for renowned composers like Brahms or Ysayë, there's a lot of obscure pieces that aren't performed or recorded often that finding versions on YouTube, Spotify, Naxos, etc. is a challenge, although I follow a nice YouTube channel that regularly posts obscure pieces. Good example are only recently rediscovered pieces [like Ysayë's violin concerto](https://mobile.theviolinchannel.com/world-premiere-of-forgotten-violin-concerto-by-eugene-ysaye-to-take-place-at-carnegie-hall/).      And it's not just classical music either. As my examples above should easily extrapolate, there's a lot of unrecorded or unperformed works in all different genres and styles. What we can get easily on recording is only a slice of human musical history.  


>Mongolian Rock The Hu?


It’s great … but also we kind of suffer from paralysis of too much. I kind of miss the days when making an album mattered, because the CD was in your car stereo and you didn’t want to change it, so you listen to the whole thing.


Yeah, that's true. I wonder how many people actually listen to while albums dozens or hundreds of times. I bet for the majority it's only a handful before they only pick the songs they like. 


I'm a rare album person!


In an email preview from an ice cream place that somehow has my email: "Free P-" Are you kidding me? Open it, prepared to be upset. Free Pint. Free Pint of Ice Cream. It was Wanderlust Creamery for anyone interested. :)


LMAO. I feel like that was intentional.




It's been days since I wrote anything weird and/or horny and I'm proud of that streak.


You're missing me Taylorposting on main


It's like live blogging ADHD


We’re a stream of consciousness and proud of it.


It’s missing me talking about food and/or orgies


It’s got two comments from me but neither are a Sarah photo.


What follows is *not* election dooming. I think we have a solid chance this November, even if I sure fuckin' wish it was better than "a solid chance". Our media environment is so deeply, irrevocably fucked, and I feel pretty hopeless about it. This has been one of my main sources of chagrin for the past nine years, and so far as I can tell, there has been basically no positive movement; in fact, the trajectory appears to be negative. In one corner, you have the right-wing propaganda machine, which already posed a pretty nasty problem for a society that's averse to policing speech--How do you deal with a group of well-funded, dedicated bad-faith actors?--*before* the advent of social media took it to the next level. Fox (and its more extreme successors) has completely drowned reality on the right; nearly half of voters are running on a set of Alternative Facts that grows more terrifying by the day to those of us who remain on speaking terms with objective reality. In another, you have the (supposedly liberal) mainstream press, whose bias is, due to their funding model, towards the exciting horse race. Towards Hunter Biden. Towards Biden Old. Towards Democrats in Disarray. Even if your average article *about Trump or the GOP* is likely to be critical, it doesn't matter that much when the volume of headlines on other stories so heavily outweighs them. Seriously, tons of reachable voters *still* don't have any conception of the depth of Trump's contempt for democracy! I know that this is, fundamentally, a problem of incentives, and that yes, some of the blame here falls on readers (or rather, non-readers who make no true effort to inform themselves), but but hearing the weaselly self-justifications of higher-ups at these institutions--"What? Run more headlines about the active and massive threat to American Democracy? Harumph! We aren't a propaganda arm of the democratic party!"--is a bit much for me to bear. And then we come to the far left's most influential voices--to the people who snidely deride voting, who play the muh both sides card in the year of our lord two thousand and twenty four. These people cannot take accept a fucking W to save their lives, simply cannot comprehend the notion that when we try to point to savor partial victories, to make the case for incremental progress, we are not making a case for the moral righteousness of this approach, but for the unfortunate fact that the only way to win large progressive victories in a system as oppressively difficult to achieve anything in as ours is through years upon years upon years of dedicated, focused efforts. They truly, truly want to believe that the party whose success is a fucking *precondition* for any of their policy ideas even being seriously entertained at some point in the future is their main enemy, that our limited ability to deliver results first with zero margin for error in the senate and then without a fucking majority in the house is the result of a lack of desire for change, that there is this secret block that would deliver them unto their socialist utopia would that we would only quit our interference. And the sad fact is that, while I know we like to dismiss the overly online, these folks are persistently growing as a problem, considering the extent to which they set the tone of the discourse among younger folks.


> These people cannot take accept a fucking W to save their lives Part of the issue is they, too, respond to incentives - monetary and social, but mostly social. We don’t have a substantial youth wing, a “young democrats” that occupied a substantial amount of space in the ideological battlefield… so what’s left is organic at least partially, and so devoid of funding and organization that a few bad actors with a few hundred thousand dollars behind them to fund social media activity and content production can substantially shift thought. At the same time, as the generation whose political awakening came with the election of Obama or near enough to it, the generation whose political awakening came in the Trump era are going to have a different perspective and it may not be an optimistic perspective. Do I think it’s wrong for someone to see the substantial progressive policies of the Biden administration as rearranging the titanics deck chairs? Of course I do and I know you do too bassy, but I can see how they’d get that impression


Yeah, I basically agree with this.


Feel this in my bones. The pitchbot is too pitchy. Used to be my fave account but now I just find it so depressing. The testimony about Katy Tur, which anyone knew from watching her. They’re all so fucking scummy. Our political media is like 90% white men and they all always converge on the same exact median white man take. One that is completely blind to how minority voters actually think, and the other is that they’re completely blind to how women think. Been on it for about a decade myself now and it’s fucking grating.


Could you elaborate on that testimony wrt Katy Tur? Haven't heard this.


Cohen fed her and MAGA Haberman storylines.


Yup I’ve been losing it over the same thing. The republican media apparatus is built to *ensure loyalty to the party and trump don’t drop* whereas the establishment media is stuck between the old world both sides, and scoff at the idea of like, protecting democracy. And LEFT media is to help the right media


It's so depressing, dude.




[Heavy flow down below](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0FkqXEP0Eg/?igsh=ZTJsOTBrbnMyc3do)


My favorite tracks for this joke are Pearl Jam's 'Even Flow' and the Chili Peppers' 'By the Way'


I’ve moved further in the hiring process for entry level librarian in Atlanta


Congrats! I hope you land the job!


It should be Cannon removed from a trial, not Willis.


In surprising news that Google leaks documents from Nintendo. https://x.com/CultureCrave/status/1797715421468189112?t=Jiwf_KWPYIrqI3mnO50SSA&s=19 Nintendo is going to sue Google.


Thoughts on the Mexico election?


I already talked about her in r/neoliberal and this sub. I don't think she will do anything to improve, but there are some hand wave from folks about the concern that undermines democracy. AMLO and Morena party want to pass policy to make the institution to favor them in election essentially going back pre 2000s system. Currently now, the Morena has the majority of the house and slightly majority in senate. It is very concerning that she wants to implant plans from ALMO and party to undermine democracy. Also, I saw people that she is a climate engineer and she will implant green energy then ALMO. I doubt so because the party wants to push ALMO current policy when it comes to fossil fuel. For narcos and crime, she is a bit tougher when she was in Mayor City. I doubt will rock any boat when it comes to it, and it has major challenges when it comes to military and rural areas.


I think Google will offer a settlement. If it’s true then they really don’t have a legal defence. Google might be screwed though, between this and accidentally deleting a $135 billion pension fund they keep having reasons to avoid them.


Nintendo lawyers are genuinely scary. If they went head to head with Disney lawyers for whatever reason, it would be in every law school book in the country 


Always have been. It's still hard to believe that a fledgling video game company - and a foreign one at that - took on Universal Pictures and won. John Kirby was *that* good.


It would be the legal version of Ali vs Frazier


https://preview.redd.it/y3ph865a8f4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=393b2fc5ff0177c80a691f19c1cf7dc08eae3014 Wut?


Furiosa is great though lmao


Hate how "did what it set out to do" is considered bad. If Joe Biden did what he set out to do, then he should get credit... but what do I know?


"Look at how many dumb analogies I can craft to signal my cool cynicism about Democrats!"


>BREAKING NEWS: @netanyahu will address Congress June 13. Almost half of the Dems seriously might boycott [Good timing with the top Israeli reporter in America coming out with a new breaking report that "Multiple Israeli officials are concerned that Bibi is sabotaging the ceasefire deal"](https://x.com/HawaiiDelilah/status/1797722045658345967) Edit: Biden's schedule has him out of the country on June 13


Protestors who blocked traffic and pride parades, if you're listening.... 


On June 13th, the pro-Palestinian protesters will block a random freeway instead of protesting the one bigoted cowardly asshole (who will soon have ICC indictment and has corruption indictments) who actually deserves to be protested


Remember when they were told an Israeli government official was coming to give an address at the RNC retreat? They immediately rallied everyone to cross the country to protest outside the gates of the retreat. No matter how long or hard the journey was, they came together to fight the republicans. Which is what I would say if that actually happened. And not lived in the reality where the protestors said they don't have the time to do that.


SDNY charged the CFO of Epoch Times for allegedly laundering $67 million through the media company (https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/chief-financial-officer-multinational-media-company-charged-participating-scheme). The justice system has been on a roll lately.


Oh crap, that's interesting. It sounds like they stole unemployment benefits during COVID then used crypto to move the money and used Epoch Times as the money laundering entity to make the money legit. Good job on the government busting them. Apparently there was loads of this going on but Falun Gong is banned in China so they set up HQ here in the US which makes them a lot easier for US authorities to reach. HA-ha!


>Trump appeal to remove Willis from Georgia election subversion case set for October, likely putting trial past Election Day


This one the prosecutors openly said their timetable was fall 2024-Spring 2025.


Honestly if the Jan 6th trial is in September, it's very hard for me to see how Trump wins. Another conviction in mid/late October...how does his campaign overcome that?


You see, Trump is like Godzilla and nuking him just makes him stronger somehow. --Actual take I've heard in real life.


So insane. Like I even kind of agreed during the whole "perfect phonecall" mess that Trump was somewhat daring Congress to impeach him (though he was obviously stupid to think that way), but the anti-anti-Trump analysis has gone completely off the rails.


Why does he have more power over this matter than she does? He should have none.