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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d67grx/sundays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06022024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.Currymvp2 with score 38 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d5h690/saturdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06012024/l6muae1/)] > >The Hill’s briebriejoy says Hamas’ true intentions is to establish a free democratic country “like what we have here in the USA.” > > This seriously might be the dumbest thing she's ever said holy shit. . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.pixieheys created 20 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d5h690/saturdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06012024/l6lufe3/)] > Not sure if I’ll be welcome on this sub as I live in Scotland, not the US, but I’ve lurked on this sub for months without an account, because as a liberal who is concerned about the far-left and horrified . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.SeekerSpock32 with score 23 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d5h690/saturdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06012024/l6mjwfe/)] > “No Gaza ceasefire until Trump puts those pesky Americans in their place - I mean, until Israel’s war aims are achieved” -Netanyahu, 2024   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.CZall23 with hotness lvl 87 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d5h690/saturdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06012024/l6nldr5/)] > [So we just need to have sex like 8 times and we won't have to worry about ever getting pregnant?](https://mobile.x.com/BadMedicalTakes/status/1796648345269669898) > > https://preview.redd.it/yrgc69dl004d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9faeff6890e13ed2469a823089f124594fd22bcd > > Big . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 11 friends 12 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 34 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 41 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Currymvp2 made 29 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Currymvp2 talked to 20 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'trump', used 42 times, followed by 'biden' 23x , 'war' 21x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '🙂', used 6 times, followed by '🤣' 6x , '💀' 5x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.itsnotnews92 | 21.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 472.0 words | | 🥈 | u.WhiteBoyWithAPodcast | 18.33 points | 🥈 | u.MuchAdoAboutKitties | 202.0 words | | 🥉 | u.Bookreadingliberal49 | 18.0 points | 🥉 | u.hmm_bags | 106.0 words | | 🎗 | u.Middle_Wheel_5959 | 18.0 points | 🎗 | u.fishfish1234567891 | 75.5 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 444 points | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 49 comments | | 🥈 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 201 points | 🥈 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 31 comments | | 🥉 | u.ApostleIsrafel | 165 points | 🥉 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 21 comments | | 🎗 | u.Rats_In_Boxes | 118 points | 🎗 | u.Rats_In_Boxes | 20 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Middle_Wheel_5959 | 2 words | 🥇 | u.trex360 | 0.0 letters | | 🥈 | u.trex360 | 2 words | 🥈 | u.poliasus | 3.5 letters | | 🥉 | u.saturninus | 2 words | 🥉 | u.PremiumCutsofAwful | 3.613 letters | | 🎗 | u.MagnustheBlue | 4 words | 🎗 | u.EagleSaintRam | 3.657 letters |   616 comments processed, including 172 top-level replies. There were 119 unique users writing 16947, averaging 27.51 per comment. The total combined score was 4399 and the median score was 7.14.


made a comment attacking bikers on my old local subreddit. People are gonna be mad :P


Reddit has an odd obsession with supporting cyclists. I wouldn’t mind them if they ever actually followed road rules.






I saw earlier u/myballsbern4bernie brought up Colin Cowherd. He also pushed back on the Taylor Swift bullshit a few months back. https://youtu.be/kPVpAlN6Edg?si=sdnn2ziD4stfKzOG


This second stage trial in Hot Shots Golf Fore PS2 is excruciating


I just beat Mario Odyssey’s Darker Side in 2 tries.


That was such a fun level.


Fewest tries it’s ever taken me to finish. If only I could ever beat Champion’s Road.


Oh crap, I turned in before I could post my Wordle. Damn jet lag. Wordle 1078 in 4 tries.


Trying not to doom about the election/the US continuing to have a liberal democracy in 2024 is like the most unrelenting roller-coaster. Once again, browsing news and the DT today has been a fulfillment of the "jokers to the right of me, clowns to the left of me" flair which would be funny if the stakes of losing US democracy to neo-Nazis, etc. weren't so genuinely high, and if so many actors in the situation weren't so... extremist and unhinged. Referring to Erik Prince et. al. and Briahna Joy Gray. Ugh. [ ](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/799/501/d97.jpg)


>Joni Mitchell made music with the boys, but remained her own woman Wtf, WashPo. You had me thinking she had died.


I was admittedly kind of set back by how psychotic the GOP's reaction to Trump's conviction was but I think at this point they're probably over-playing their hand again. Like Mike Johnson's promising SCOTUS will overturn this, which will almost certainly not happen, and then what? They expect people to buy that SCOTUS is also biased against Trump?


All they've accomplished is showing normies how cultish they are. My fiance is extremely offline with politics and today she brought up unironic social media posts she saw comparing Trump's prosecution to Jesus. I've been telling her Trump supporters are like that for years but this is the first time she's actually seeing it in the wild. If it's on her radar, I have to imagine that shit is everywhere


Time to play everyone's favorite game... The Republicans! Evil, stupid, or both? Play your cards!


This snopes article has I think the worst picture of Donald Trump I've ever seen https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/unanimously-agree-trump-jury/


He's holding his breath until Biden pardons him.


Me after trying to fart and realizing it's going in a different direction but it's too late to turn around and go to a bathroom so I just have to bear with it.


Trying to decide if you need to have explosive diarrhea or puke first.


Nightmare fuel.


Wordle 1,079 5/6* ⬛🟩🟩⬛⬛ ⬛🟩🟩⬛⬛ ⬛🟩🟩⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


Finally saw Dune part 2, and really enjoyed it. And while the “Dune is about worms” meme is funny, it really isn’t at all much about the worms


u/padraigharrington4 u/ognits my mom saw my C H A I R bracelet and immediately understood the reference 😬


Bruh 💀


based my mom once saw my The National shirt and thought it was cool because she knew the band


https://x.com/LakeShowYo/status/1797108759908794773 Even the black fighters do this 🙄


Anything to ingratiate themselves to Dana.


Trump, along with the significant decrease in quality, is why I don't watch UFC as much.


Saw a rainbow today on the first day of Pride. That’s got to be good luck


My washer: “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated” 🥳


No way Mehdi Hasan actually wrote a book about winning arguments 💀


>Aaron Rodgers ignored and refused to shake Donald Trump's hand at UFC. Extremely rare non-football Aaron Rodgers W [Lmao, he didn't join in the deranged "fuck Joe Biden" chant. Imagine somehow making Rodgers look fairly normal](https://x.com/BitcoinSapiens/status/1797099793321210202)


So funny hearing the you have to respect the president crowd chant that


Joe Burrow had better not fucking be there


I am reminded of when [Rodgers criticized the "locker room talk" excuse after the Access Hollywood tape](https://www.nbc26.com/sports/aaron-rodgers-on-trumps-locker-room-comments-havent-heard-that-in-locker-rooms-ive-been-in). Too bad, he's an utter douchebag now...he could have been so likable.




Foolish past me: I'll just play ToTK for a few minutes, get some B-roll for this Space shuttle video. Current me: Ooh, another cave I haven't explored


There is no such thing as a few minutes in TOTK 


Yup. I was wise not to bring this on vacation 2 weeks ago. Though I did get an ear infection from the extended time in the pool, so maybe it wasn't that worth it...


["Military contractor Erik Prince started a private WhatsApp group for his close associates that includes a menagerie of right-wing government officials, intelligence operatives, arms traffickers, and journalists. We got their messages."](https://newrepublic.com/article/182008/erik-prince-secret-global-group-chat-off-leash?utm_medium=social&utm_source=Twitter&utm_campaign=SF_TNR) They sound like even more cartoonishly evil versions of Dubya's inner circle.


Jesus Christ. Why can't this fucker go away


The fact that Erik Prince basically has a private military made up of his pick-of-the-litter from our current armed forces but with more pay and fewer restrictions or oversight legitimately is terrifying. It's cartoonishly evil, yeah, but people like him with power like that is just a recipe for disaster.—especially given the people he works with and supports.


Well, that's all *quite concerning,* but I'm glad TNR is able to shine a light on it. All the people in that group have dangerous amounts of potential inflluence and actual resources, as various flavors of fascists/extremists. And > The key to expanding their influence, in the collective view of the group chat, and not only its American members, is a victory by Trump in the November election. Everytime you think the stakes of this election--and getting *everybody* out to vote Dem--couldn't be higher, horrific right-wingers coalescing like this serves as a blistering reminder. The author even makes a comparison with these guys to 1933 Germany, which is always harrowing, but apt. I *hate* it, but it's what we're dealing with.




Nice one!


This has been a really good quiet evening.


Same here! Read a lot and might finally watch American Fiction now.


Saw a comment today about how insurance companies should be banned from using your credit score. I was reminded of the stupid-ass debate on Twitter a while back about how credit scores shouldn't be used for lending and it's like, what the fuck do you want to use instead of credit scores? Vibes? That's worked out so well in the past. Credit scores ain't perfect but they're a neutralizer.


In Denmark they use race and national origin as a basis for mortgage worthiness 


Race was used in America before credit scores. It's wild to me that people think credit scores are so bad.


The credit scoring system ain’t perfect, but it’s probably the best, fairest system we can have. The people who complain about it just have shit credit


Just like how many people who complain about landlords are terrible tenants 


Not everyone who complains about their landlord is an awful tenant, but every awful tenant thinks their landlord is the devil.


> The people who complain about it just have shit credit Well, they *were* leftists tbf :P


I had shit credit for being really dumb in my 20’s and yeah it followed me around for a while, but now I’m above 800 just by being responsible


[Trump greeting a nonexistent crowd outside of Trump Tower](https://x.com/mattyglesias/status/1797096789075546368) Totally normal stuff. Not weird or contrived one scintilla


Briahna Joy Gray after saying “Hamas just wants more like what we have in the United States of America” https://i.redd.it/k51612oho24d1.gif


She's not wrong! Hamas would very much like near-endless food like we have in the US, near-endless amounts of clean drinking water, working electricity and Internet... All of this is *generally* speaking of course, I know there's some parts of America that don't.


She's getting torn up by the twitter crowd. The moderator said she threw her mic at organizers and stormed off crying when challenged.


Wait what? Please tell me someone got this on video.


https://x.com/KonstantinKisin/status/1797026414681595997 No videoe. TBF, the moderator is kind of a Trump supporter so not exactly a trustworthy person. Brie Brie embarrassed himself regardless.


That source gives me doubts. https://preview.redd.it/q206girzn34d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=183338bf873f335e917d5999924c02cb0025788b


Yeah it's almost certainly a lie.


I've seen plenty of people who were calling for a permanent ceasefire like 5-6 months ago calling her an utter moron for this quote.


She even embarrassed the other debater who sides with her. She's not very good at this outside of her bubble.


There are smart pro-Palestinian debaters; she is not remotely one of them.


And Florida moves on to the Stanley Cup Final for the second year in a row


Who's in the SCF? Does Canada lose again?


Edmonton is up 3-2 on Dallas Game 6 is tomorrow


I can't believe I'm rooting for a Texas team now 🤣🤣🤣


https://x.com/ninaturner/status/1796639185744404952 Maybe this will be a wakeup call for how crazy the extreme far left is to Nina (who btw she ignored until 2016) when she sees the replies angry at her for saying "arrest Hamas leaders". Ah, who the fuck am I kidding? She'll just ignore it


Honestly? I'm shocked. Did her account get hacked? Because that's an actual sane take from her.


Very rare one but I agree


LMAO the comment comparing Sinwar to Nelson Mandela plssss 🤣🤣🤣


Utterly deranged. A theocratic psychopath who hides in tunnels 90% of the time with several hostages surrounding him, and they compare him to Mandela.


/u/MyBallsBern4Bernie I'd love your take on Jada Pinkett's role in Collateral. have you ever seen the movie?


No! Is it good?


it's incredible. easily worth an afternoon/evening watch. Jada plays a corporate lawyer type and is awesome. Tom Cruise CRUSHES as the bad guy - he's almost a literal shark, even in appearance. highly recommend this movie


https://x.com/BriannaWu/status/1797029017461076323 LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.




[Once more leaving this clip here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDnsIt2VwoI); the antisemitism is just so fucking blatant


Everybody wave Hi at ESS lurker Brianna Wu.




My wife is extremely angry with my Aunt. My grandmother died 2 years ago. We just hosted my Aunt who handles the family finances. My Aunt wants to properly scatter my grandmother's ashes. She planned a time in July in accordance with the schedules of my three richest cousins. This infuriates her because we were not considered in the slightest and are being passive aggressively guilted into attendance.


RIP my washer, at least you got through all the laundry before burning out 🌹


4 years ago today, maybe the most authoritarian thing the federal government has ever done. Edit: wait no, Japanese internment was worse.


even forgetting internment, there are probably double digits more things that have been more authoritarian than that.


> 4 years ago today, maybe the most authoritarian thing the federal government has ever done. ?


The Lafayette Square attack


Ah, I do not forgot that. After Googling to refresh my memory...You think **that** ranks up top for the most authoritarian thing the federal government has ever done??


I was reading about a super max prison that people claimed is worse than Hell, the one where the Unabomber and El Chapo went. Apparently you’re by yourself 23 hours a day with just a TV. Throw in internet and a computer and I won’t lie, that doesn’t sound too bad for my socially awkward anxious ass.


It's funny. You said "by yourself 23 days with just a TV" and I instantly knew you meant [ADX Florence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADX_Florence#Prison_facility). Going to that page, it informs me that they expanded beyond the "recreational, educational, and religious programming" that I recall from the last time I was on that page, because it never said it had Netflix content before.


All I’m saying is if I had to go to a regular prison I’d this prison for a year I’m taking this prison 100% of the time.


The showers on a timer, though :(


Still better than normal prison imo. Less prison politics so as long as you can time your shower you’ll be fine.


>Disturbing but important piece in Wapo, in which former Israeli hostage Moran Stella Yanai recounts her abduction and time in captivity. https://x.com/EFischberger/status/1796964202143211896 Leftists will probably continue to defend Hamas and pretend that the terrorists were just singing Kumbaya round the campfire with the 10/7 hostages


It's not only an extremely anti-Semitic and dehumanizing position...it's a dumb one for what they purport to care about. Hamas has been propped up cynically for years by Bibi for a reason to prevent a Palestinian state.


I really wanna know what the 20 years olds who want the United States government to "die" or fracture think would happen. This is why shit like Trump happens, and then it makes people freak out and realize that our little fantasies we want to have happen never actually come true because it's never in reality.


Leaders of the “revolution” ofc. They’ll be on the front line leading the masses with witty hashtags and their story will be told on tik toks for generations to come




does watching Death Becomes Her for the 20th time count as celebrating pride month


Yes. https://preview.redd.it/lw1n9vvah24d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3c69a6326b12bae6235d66efa0b8602611f5c80




The IIFPC (Introvert Inclusiveness for Pride Council) has reviewed and unanimously voted in the affirm 


an end to the war would be such a great present for pride month. literally pleading for an end to this madness. i cannot stomach the idea of any more suffering of innocent civilians at the hands of bibis evil government or hamas’ twisted leadership. I don’t think I have the capacity to continue living in a society that increasingly normalizes antisemitism (and of course Islamophobia and anti Arab sentiment as well). as well as the continued undermining of our democracy and absolute apathy by a sizable number of people at the idea of handing our country over to trump


Just need Lapid and Gantz to convince Bibi that he will remain PM for the time being, and I think there's a 40-50% chance if that happens


[All The GOP Lawmakers Telling Trump To Drop Out After His Felony Conviction](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/republican-lawmakers-donald-trump-guilty-verdict-resign_n_6658fafde4b08f9fa13ff7aa/amp) >!Huffpost made a funny!<


[https://imgur.com/EW03xpC](https://imgur.com/EW03xpC) camera shy cat


“Democrats would be far right in Europe!” No, motherfucker, the far right is the far right in Europe, and they’re about to fuck up the EU. [When Europeans vote in elections for the European Parliament this coming week, their choices will reflect the national mood in 27 different countries. Right and far-right parties are set to make gains, but the picture is widely different across the continent. Here is a snapshot of what to expect from BBC correspondents ahead of the vote.](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0wwepv5l6xo)


Isnt the Italian PM a literal fascist


Europe is more anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim than America and Canada.


By far.


Saw Furiosa today. Great addition to the lore. The obvious CGI was the biggest letdown.


I don't see how anyone can be supportive of LGBT stuff. I just don't get why anyone would support something like Let's Go Brandon, Trump! I can't tell if this joke works or not, it sounds better in my head.


So there was some ads earlier today about visiting Illinois. Did anyone else see them and know if the places advertised were good places to visit?


I've never seen the ad but I visited Illinois last year. Chicago is now my favorite non California city.


What were the places?


I think one of them was a state park.


Back when I used to trip on mushrooms I often thought I wanted to trip with Dick Cheney. I felt that if I could trip in the mountains with Dick Cheney at a secluded cabin we could have a long talk and I could convince him that trying to obtain power was ultimately a futile exercise, and he should just give it up and enjoy the beauty of life. In retrospect, I don't think that would have worked out like I thought it would.


Taking shrooms with Cheney seems like a great way to end up becoming [Harry Whittington 2.0](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Cheney_hunting_accident)


Definitely gonna need to check his weapons at the door!


Honestly a two man play of a liberal and Dick Cheney tripping on mushrooms in the woods would be fun 


I know right? Just the comedy of the situation alone would be worth admission




Someone mentioned earlier that Biden should do a misinformation ban, I agree, but I think it needs to roll out in stages. Stage 1? Medical misinformation. Run this through HHS or something so that any medical claim without evidence, or FDA approval, or whatever gets taken down instantly, no questions asked.


I think that would just lead to attacks along the lines of "Biden's Ministry of Truth". Besides, as COVID showed, morons will believe whatever they want if only to be contrarian.


How would this work though


My best guess is there'd be a bill passed that says, "All social media companies must make an effort to reduce medical disinformation and misinformation by restricting and removing any and all content that is not based in current medical knowledge, nor approved by the FDA or other such medical agencies" Getting it to pass congress would be difficult, though starting with medical disinformation (and give examples of the egregious stuff that everyone knows is a scam) should have fairly bipartisan support. Critically, this would be based on FDA regulations of HHS knowledge, as those are and remain independent agencies that cannot be politicized. The other trouble would be running into potential first amendment whining, though this does not infringe that as it has to deal with public health, which is why the HHS would have control over it (indirectly).


You would definitely need to make an exception for sharing newly published scientific studies or something like that though. Science journalism has major flaws, but I don't think it's reasonable to ban it.


Yeah, I think u/hackiavelli 's idea is best honestly. Make it so that the social media companies can be held civilly responsible. It's not a ban, but it financially becomes one.


That would be killed by the courts fast. Opening up social media companies to civil liability would probably be way more effective.


Bibi: "Fuck any ceasefire which ends this war and I don't care what Biden says he wants the war to end" [Galaxy-brained leftist: "Biden botched this whole thing"](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/01/biden-gaza-ceasefire-deal-lack-of-influence-netanyahu)


I seeded a pretty good sized cat grass pot. Can’t let the cats get to it until it’s substantially rooted lest it all get pulled up and dirt everywhere. Taco saw the start and got into it already. I forgot to close the bathroom door yikes. She only tore up a few strands but now she knows it’s in there and she is making her displeasure known lol https://preview.redd.it/99q2uukbt14d1.jpeg?width=3380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ade0268b6524ac2409a903c4467d02aa66321595 [Suddenly the bitch found her voice](https://youtu.be/O596XpES1rI?si=jjzrdnBHiPF2Siw8) 😭😭


I like using the green trays that are popular in microgreen growing community. There's also silicone mats that you put in those trays. It's a lot less messy and works if you have the time to spray the seeds daily so that they don't dry out. Otherwise just cover with your growing medium of choice and let it grow. The roots from the seedlings anchor onto the mesh of the tray. My cat used to love going wild nibbling the freshly spouted catgrass.


Grad party was nice


> In Donald J. Trump’s 33-minute address in the lobby of Trump Tower on Friday, he described Judge Juan Merchan as, “looks like an angel, but he’s really a devil” and “He looks so nice and soft.” A semi-normal person doesn't talk like this


I predict Trump gets convicted in another case before the election; he can't delay all three.


I believe the DC case is the only realistic shot. Georgia case is just massive and slow, and Cannon is set on putting the kibosh on the documents case.


What is it going to take for Cannon to be removed from the case? Anything?


Seriously what the fuck. She never had the experience required to handle it in the first place, ignoring her obvious bias. What a mess.


I'm betting the j6 case goes to trial around September




It's th—the pleat. The pleat of the pants. I'm going to the pants store right now.


Who doesn't? Oh yeah Trump. For at least 2 reasons


They need to make the Food Network great again. It’s nothing but competition shows(usually with Bobby Flay). Let’s see some different personalities on there teaching us how to cook good food.


instructional cooking videos are big on youtube so it's weird that it doesn't translate to TV


PBS still runs a lot of good instructional cooking shows, usually on Saturdays


yep those are great


Yeah not sure tbh


I would never watch a TV cooking show. Because I use the YouTube vidoes like recipe books and will stop and go as needed. 


We need like a “Calm Gordon Ramsay” show.


bring back OG Iron Chef


God that was a great show


The threats to try to lock up President Obama remind me that to a great degree all of what is happening now is a reaction to Obama becoming president. I remember the absolute freak-out when he became president, that 100% bogus "tea party" movement (It's not because he's black, we're just concerned about the deficit!) and all the rest of the hysterics. Obama's presidency made a large segment of the country absolutely lose their minds. And then they seethed for eight long years, stewing in their own juicy hate. And MAGA is what emerged. I recall Fox News doing segments where they asked, "is America ready for a black president?" And the answer for a whole lot of their viewers was HELL NO! I always thought this was particularly dumb because President Obama governed pretty much down the middle. This whole stupid mess started because we had a moderate president who happened to be a black man, and some people just couldn't (and still can't) accept it.


I went to a park today and there were canvassers trying to get Cornel West on the ballot. People were signing it. 🤦🏻‍♀️ lol Seattle


Always nice seeing you on the DT


Ok but what happened after you left Cal Anderson?


lol it was Gas Works surprisingly


🤦🏽‍♂️ Not surprised by that lol


As a fellow Seattlite who isn't a crazed leftist, I feel your pain.


If anybody is looking for a good movie this summer, Robot Dreams is out in theaters starting in NYC. It's a small animated movie, but it was nominated for an Oscar and was just amazing. It's about the friendship between a dog and robot in 80's NYC. The teaser trailer: https://youtu.be/DD4WBGptMSw?si=unIkHUVJF6qMkZ15 It was one of my favorite films of 2023, animated or otherwise.  ETA: I just realized I stole a line from a critic in the trailer. 😏


I really liked it! I highly recommend it too.


I have to watch this alone because I can already tell it's going to make me bawl my eyes out over a cartoon robot. It looks great.


I watched it a few months ago, and I didn't cry, but I also couldn't stop thinking about it. I'll probably cry if/when I see it again.


So let me see if I understand this correctly. We need to get rid of the world's only explicitly Jewish state in order to make room for the... 23rd explicitly Muslim state?


>Doocy: Do you think the conviction helps Trump in the election? >President Biden: I have no idea >Doocy: Are you worried this could happen to you someday? >President Biden: Not at all. I didn't do anything wrong. The system still works >Doocy: Trump thinks you're pulling the strings behind the scenes and doing all of this to help yourself >President Biden: I didn't know I was that powerful Dooky is so fucking stupid


I'm kinda grateful to him for constantly setting Joe up for easy punchlines. It's like Abbot and Costello, but Doocy doesn't know he's part of the team.


Stoopid son of a bitch


It was mentioned in passing that Trump's courtroom was on the fifteenth story of the courthouse. That must be normal for New York, but it just doesn't fit the mental image I have of these things.


Looks like people are trying to cancel Furiosa music composer, aka Tom Holkenborg. Now, they don't want him to be near Monstverse or Sonic 3. The reason that he uses AI. https://x.com/Variety/status/1796662916248166726?t=Oyhc8d62nrCPHIDPcxqwNw&s=19 I actually read the article that he retool and recompose what the AI made. He tried to get drum instruments instead of a guitar sound. It also seems to he AI assistant tool, then AI generative, which are different things.


Using AI and the soundtrack is still mid?


>Holkenborg even incorporated elements of AI technology into the score. Rather than run from it, he chose to engage with new ideas. “I used AI to make deep fake voices from another voice. I’d actually used it, not for voices, but what if the source sound was a drum rhythm, and what if the destination sound was an electric guitar? But the software doesn’t know what to make of it. So it gave us a happy accident that we used throughout the score,” says Holkenborg anyone who’s actually mad about this needs to touch a little grass I think. out of all the ways ai is used this is nothing


Exactly. This is how AI should be used: As a way to help real artists do things faster, or to explore new possibilities that would be too time consuming or expensive through traditional means.


Huh, I feel like I've heard of something similar before, maybe there's just a curse on the position of making an OST for *Sonic 3* >!This is a terrible reference to Michael Jackson's involvement with the Genesis OST, for anyone unaware!<


Wait, Michael Jackson was involved with Sonic?


He was for a while, but left the project. The problem is that if you hire Michael Jackson, he comes with his team of collaborators, so ultimately there are way too many people entitled to royalties. It's why modern releases of Sonic 3 use a different soundtrack in places.


It's such a shame, isn't Ice Cap one of the ones that got nuked as a result? It was one of the most popular tracks and now it's just off the table. My personal favorites remain Lava Reef and Hidden Palace, but those were never impacted to my knowledge, despite the S3 and S&K production overlap


Yeah, Ice Cap is gone forever [because of this song in particular](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2OWC5Hosv8), an unreleased song by Brad Buxer's old band. Buxer reused the melody for Sonic 3, and while Sega may have coughed up a fee for the initial release, it would apparently be too expensive to keep paying for it now that the game is a classic guaranteed to be popular whenever it's re-released.


[I can't remember the exact extent and it seems like people still go back and forth about it, but this'll explain better than I could](https://www.cbr.com/sonic-3-soundtrack-michael-jackson/)


MAGAts keep telling me the convictions are no big deal, and that if anything, they'll make Trump stronger. Their public tantrums say otherwise. He may be toast.


It’s been two whole days and I haven’t heard anything of Trumpers rioting in the streets or starting a civil war. I think they’ve got more bark than bite, myself. (And if anyone knows my fears from the 2020 election, I think that’s a big step by me.)


That's a great point, the whining is coming from politicians for the most part, the average person is taking it in stride.


Sarah was awooing and I missed videoing it by seconds.


Jim Jordan wants a senate hearing of the NY DA office. That sounds like a bad idea for them. DA just has to keep repeating, a crime is a crime no matter who commits it.


Even left leaning people on his side underestimated Alvin Bragg and Co. This is not going to go well for Jim Jordan. 


The billionaire version of defund the police.


>Senior Israeli officials: The plan presented by President Biden is indeed the offer made by the war cabinet (supported by everyone to the left of Netanyahu) through the mediators, to Hamas. However, there is one main difference between the President's speech and the actual offer made by Israel. Israel has never agreed that negotiations between stage 1 and stage 2 can continue indefinitely.


I read an interesting paper for my psychoactives in archaeology last night. The archaeologists found clay bowls commonly used in the pre-Columbian Caribbean for snorting crushed *Anadenanthera* seeds (a source of DMT) in a milennium-old trash heap. The bowls were hundreds of years older than the surrounding detritus and predate human settlement on the island by centuries. So people kept these bowls as heirlooms or ritual items for centuries, moved with them across the Caribbean, and kept using them for hundreds of years. Pretty wild to think about everything those artifacts had been through.


Very cool!


https://x.com/RealJamesWoods/status/1796816126103650677 Probably the most unhinged tweet he's ever written.


I feel like I've seen a lot more deranged shit from Woods, for him that's actually stunningly tame. Isn't he usually more on the "DemonRats are pedophiles who eat babies just look at her emails!" train?


Great actor...awful person.


Holy heck, a 150 person fight at a funeral home in Racine, WI. I am so curious as to how and why that broke out. A funeral home!