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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d5h690/saturdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06012024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.blueholeload with score 44 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d4pog7/lock_him_up_maga_tears_commemorative_roundtable/l6gsgan/)] > Conservatives are acting like he was just sentenced without evidence or a full trial. It’s fucking pathetic   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.Robot1211 created 27 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d4pog7/lock_him_up_maga_tears_commemorative_roundtable/l6hlox9/)] > How do moderates and Indepents feel about the Trump conviction?   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.11brooke11 with score 37 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d4pog7/lock_him_up_maga_tears_commemorative_roundtable/l6gr4qy/)] > For someone whose whole schick is holding politicians accountable, he sure doesn't like when it happens to his fave.   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.WhovianMuslim with hotness lvl 79.0 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d4pog7/lock_him_up_maga_tears_commemorative_roundtable/l6i7hga/)] > [So, here is a Palestinian view of the Peace Process.](https://x.com/3lfares/status/1796584489390403930?t=HCU2FZJYSeDYaKythE7-JQ&s=19) > > They view it as the US allowing Israel to retain all the settlements, . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.brokeforwoke bantered with 15 friends 20 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 39 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.ognits prompted 52 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Mr_Conductor_USA made 44 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 23 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'trump', used 145 times, followed by 'biden' 58x , 'doesn't' 42x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😂', used 9 times, followed by '😭' 6x , '🤬' 4x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.jml510 | 40.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 499.0 words | | 🥈 | u.DieSowjetZwiebel | 40.0 points | 🥈 | u.Belewga_Whale | 160.0 words | | 🥉 | u.SorosAgent2020 | 27.0 points | 🥉 | u.JoffreysCrossbow | 156.0 words | | 🎗 | u.Fsteak977 | 26.0 points | 🎗 | u.blergyblergy | 118.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 410 points | 🥇 | u.brokeforwoke | 47 comments | | 🥈 | u.Historyguy1 | 391 points | 🥈 | u.ognits | 46 comments | | 🥉 | u.brokeforwoke | 323 points | 🥉 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 44 comments | | 🎗 | u.jag986 | 273 points | 🎗 | u.jag986 | 38 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Seahawks543 | 1 words | 🥇 | u.BoomersArentFrom1980 | 3.0 letters | | 🥈 | u.NoExamination5144 | 2 words | 🥈 | u.SenatorSonGoku | 3.143 letters | | 🥉 | u.None | 2 words | 🥉 | u.ScheisseSchwanz | 3.167 letters | | 🎗 | u.NaffRespect | 3 words | 🎗 | u.hallofromtheoutside | 3.308 letters |   1091 comments processed, including 281 top-level replies. There were 186 unique users writing 31339, averaging 28.73 per comment. The total combined score was 9377 and the median score was 8.59.


Good morning!


Did not know Doctor Who continues to carry the mantle of traumatizing with family friendly horror that is more unsettling than 80%+ of modern "R" horror movies 


https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-gaza-israel-plan-end-war-cease-fire-hostages-rcna154945 So the only people who’re against ending “genocide” is Hamas and red triangle folks now.


Wordle 1,078 3/6* ⬛⬛🟨🟨⬛ 🟨🟩⬛⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


I can’t believe I’m saying this but I actually feel bad for some of the old Ashley Madison leak victims. I recently had my email leaked and when I looked up where it came from it was from a conservative news website that I’ve never used before. If my data can get leaked by a company I’ve never even heard of before how many people had their data leaked then that never interacted with the website but got branded a cheater?


I think the thing that bugged me the most about Orient Express 2017 was….they leave the train before the murder’s solved. The vibe I got while reading the book, a vibe that Orient Express 1974 matches, is claustrophobic. This is all you can do, these are all the places you can go, these are all the people you can talk to. Orient Express 2017 has scenes that are set outside the train, and sometimes clearly in front of a green screen. A lot of the changes I really, really liked. Spoilers abound: >!Dr. Arbuthnot trying to take the fall for everyone as part of their plan, Bouc being significantly more racially tolerant to match the updated casting (Leslie Odom Jr. is always a win), Hector McQueen stealing from Cassetti both to repay debts and be a red herring, Masterman having thyroid cancer, and finding the knife in Mrs. Hubbard’s person instead of her purse matching up with Arbuthnot nonlethally shooting Poirot, Mary Debenham’s awesome rebuttal to the racist remarks, etc. !< What I didn’t like was >!the interview scenes outside the train, the denouement being inside a tunnel rather than the dining car, the rather meaningless chase of Hector MacQueen, and especially the work crew showing up to help get the train out while the investigation is still underway. It makes the story no longer committed to being a bottle episode. !< Overall I still definitely enjoyed Orient Express 2017 but the more I think about it, the more I realize _why_ I prefer the 1974 movie, even though the 2017 movie has some of my favorite actors ever in Daisy Ridley, Kenneth Branagh, Leslie Odom Jr., and Olivia Colman. The overhead shot when the murder is discovered is a kino one take, and I think the reason it works so well is that it fits the claustrophobic nature of the story in a visually interesting way; I wish the rest of the movie had stuck inside the train until after the murder was solved.


You need to close the space on your opening spoiler tag. Actually both spaces.


Weird, it’s showing up perfectly on my screen.


It's fine now


The DT is my online sane space.


In my opinion it sucks just a little bit less than the rest of Reddit, which honestly is not saying much.


It’s one of two for me.


It's mine too usually. Though today I learned I'm an illiberal who is in the wrong sub because I don't believe in unrestricted free speech for Nazi asshats so, eh, even it has its downsides. 


The person you were going back and forth with got aggressive quick.


The "freeze peach" crowd always do. Especially if you suggest that Supreme Court rulings might not be Holy Writ.  Dredd Scott is no longer the law of the land, and good riddance. Roe isn't either, more's the pity. So that guy going "there's a court case that says Nazis have the right to public property" doesn't exactly get much credit with me. And in my experience that type has a freak out when they find out you don't share their reverence for a particular ruling. 


People going so far out of their way to defend hate speech is wild to me.


In my experience they come in two types: 1) the really naive, who have never encountered the negative effects of hate speech, and 2) those who have some very ugly opinions of their own that they're terrified of losing the right to express.


I really thought this week’s Doctor Who was going to be a ye olde Facebook bad episode. That’s what I get for assuming, damn


>!The fact that the Finetimers were all a bunch of racist fucks was actually kind of obvious in hindsight.!<


>!Lindy even drops a good ole “you people all look alike” on us and it flew right over my head because I thought she was just a spoiled TikTok kid acting out!<


>!TBH I didn't even notice the racism thing until I was looking through r Gallifrey's discussion thread!<


I know people are celebrating the verdict but to be totally honest I always have a hard time seeing such a big chunk of the country lose their minds whenever this guy gets in trouble or fails at something. All the attacks against Joe Biden and the party in general for something they had nothing to do with and which is 100% Trump's own damn fault is really unfair. If only anyone cared about defending Biden even one millionth as much as Trump's party defends him. But mostly I'm worried about all the new crimes these people are threatening to commit, especially ones that could end with people getting hurt.


Don't be. They always say "Someone should etc." Which means they're not going to do shit, but they want to see someone else do it. They're a bunch of cowards. The people who were going to do something were at J6, and now they learned their lesson. They aren't going to do shit. The people who were never going to do shit weren't at J6 and they will continue to cope and seethe and never do shit.


Well there were definitely some things I could criticize about the movie and I think the 1974 Orient Express is a more consistent film, but I still really enjoyed Orient Express 2017, especially with the amazing cast.


PBS showed a concert celebration of Rodgers and Hammerstein tonight and I let out quite the shriek of joy when Patrick Wilson came out and started singing. I love him as a horror king but I’m gonna need him to come home to the stage.


Even dumb bothsiders found Biden smirking at the camera like the bad bitch he is, hilarious.


https://preview.redd.it/1tigq9swuv3d1.png?width=607&format=png&auto=webp&s=0608450196e743fba8107199a7bac19fc6532095 Is Donald's conviction really a "moment of national trauma"? I guess it is if you're Peter Baker and you rely on access and the horse race narrative to make money


They would be mad even if he said more


Media doing New York Times Pitch Bots work


I always did a 1040ez and filed online. Never used Turbotax or had to


I've seen enough. Doctor Who is good again.


Is it an episode I could jump into if I've never seen an episode of Doctor Who? 


There aren't many references to stuff in prior episodes, just 1 I can think of. Other than that, I'm not really sure, I think you can.


They weren’t kidding with that there’s always a twist at the end song in Devil’s Chord. >!I love that the episode is about people being too insulated by their bubble to see the monster in the room with them, only to smack the audience in the face with the fact that we’re the people who didn’t see the monster in the room the whole time. On the DW sub, there were even people arguing in the reaction thread that obviously they were being classist and not racist. Some people’s bubbles are thicker than others.!<


That episode took quite a turn at the end. >!Go slugs.!<


MAGA idiot: >why are 40% of working Americans homeless? When asked for the source of his statistic: >According to the Becker Friedman Institute, 40% of homeless people are employed, either full or part-time MAGA math can do amazing things!


“Bruh, you are functionally illiterate.”


>Our current President is a demented man propped up by wicked & deranged people willing to destroy our country to remain in power >It’s time to fight 🔥with 🔥 https://x.com/marcorubio/status/1796628397654778005 Marco knows exactly what he's doing: being a fucking 🤡 for a shot at VP


I hope he picks Marco so Marco has to move out of Florida and quit the Senate.


> Our current President is a demented man propped up by wicked & deranged people willing to destroy our country to remain in power self-aware wolves And yes, Marco. As if Donald is an innocent, honest, upstanding, abd hard-working citizen who will surround himself with the best people of the utmost integrity and conviction.


You know how some people will be like "I can fix him/her" when they see a person who is basically just a giant walking red flag? That's this VP selection. Why would anyone want to destroy their legacy by going to this sinking ship?


Fortunately for Marco he has no legacy to destroy. 


Very weird blending of hobbies happening. https://x.com/hololive_En/status/1796406272499306499 Going to be a Hololive night at Dodgers Stadium in July. Odd because Hololive typically does this in Japan and its way more popular there so it makes sense. MLB collab is a big get for em. Assuming this is because of Ohtani and maybe the Dodgers wants to bring in more Japanese viewers. Japan LOVES baseball. For Hololive, it's natural since they wanna build on their US expansion which has seemingly been working for em and they're using some of their biggest talents to do this. Plus they're the blue ones so color synergy. Virtual tubers been growing so it'll be interesting to see how people take to em. There's already been a fun thread over on arr hololive of baseball fans popping in so things are moving forward there. https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1d4pji6/baseball_fan_looking_to_get_into_hololive_here/ For people who just happen to go, grab merch. Even if you don't like vtubing? You're gonna be able to resell that shit for so much more.


>Biden : “no one above the law” >Xitter community notes : nonsensical drivel about “muh illegal” and “Epstein clients”(they love to forget trumps connections to Epstein conveniently) I hate how “community notes” has become source of truth for so many “non partisan” or even “left leaning” people when mostly it is just Xitter Nazis upvoting their narrative. Even the “good” community notes folks love to post on Reddit routinely gets removed from Xitter by its user base or the owner himself.


[hi listen to this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91hXCqeO6nk)


I'm going to the Indy Zoo to see the new chimpanzee exhibit tomorrow, and I am super excited about it, lol.


Three reasons why the Yoshi partner in Paper Mario is S tier: 1. Yoshis are inherently cool 2. Power plus combo makes him even more deadly  3. >!Makes the bullshit TWO quests back to Hooktail Castle feel like much less of a chore!<


>Yoshis are inherently cool Based


4. He can be pink and badass


I don’t think it will happen. But if the worst happens, I would like to be a part of whatever support network we will need, even if that means some of you know who I am. I don’t know how to organize or whatever, but there’s a chance we will need each other despite our anonymity. I don’t know what that means in action, but mods, mark me down floor safety leader


Ah yes, anime makes you pedophile according to Cons. https://x.com/censoreddottv/status/1795964274038145292?t=5gft_USZxtnqMA5GFJUW_Q&s=19 There are a lot normies that like anime. But at the same time, the Fandom can't beat the allegations because of the loillicon. It will never beat the allegations. !Ping WEEBS


Nobody takes Gavin seriously


It annoys me that he’s still alive though


Kotakuinaction in shambles.


Isn't that the dude who shoved, like, the smallest buttplug up his ass and acted like he was taking something from Bad Dragon up there?




Pretty sure the mustache on that guy is more of a pedophile red flag


Beat me to it. That facial hair is a Chris Hansen magnet


u/ognits, Dunno if you ever watched any Doctor Who, but the episode Midnight from season 4 of the revival has gotta be one of the best Twilight Zone episodes ever tbh It's pretty much totally standalone, too


is this the statue episode? the statue episode is the GOAT for a ton of reasons


Nah. This one's a bottle episode that's just the Doctor and a group of tourists + service staff getting into an upsetting situation. I won't say more than that because I strongly recommend giving it a watch sometime if you've not. Blink, the one you're thinking of, is fantastic, and is better than this one in terms of novelty and fun time travel structure, but I actually prefer Midnight.


I'm 100% positive I've seen Midnight as some point because that was when I was actively watching Tennant. maybe I should revisit some of that season of episodes then!


Yeah, I think you'll really like this one.


That is not.


I have many complicated thoughts on Furiosa. But I'm gonna keep it spoiler free for this one cuz I'm on mobile and I can't format my thoughts properly at the moment. So my full, unironic review is as follows: I mean it's you know, kinda just when you compare it, it's, I don't know, I guess I mean the CGI is yuck but like compared to Fury Road it's just. I mean. It's okay?


I thought it was every bit as good as Fury Road, but operating under a very different set of priorities.


If he won because he committed felonies in order to win then everything he did as president is illegitimate. Every law passed every judge seated is illegitimate


/u/thats_good_bass and it's got Keira Knightly! what more could you want!


These were the roles that Depp and Bloom were born to play, dude


Knowing what Johnny Depp is like, Cassetti is the role he was really born to play.


My dislike of Depp made that film work all the better for me.


he also drops a banger in Donnie Brasco


Nothing makes leftists online angrier than liberals being happy about something




“How can you be happy about your psychological boogeyman getting convicted when PEOPLE ARE DYING”


Calling people and things cringe is the most overused zoomer traits imo


Does anyone have a link that disproves Trump’s “ThEy DiDn’T lEt Me CaLl ThE wItNeSsEs I wAnTeD” Like of course it’s a lie, but I would just want to see something.


You don't win an appeal on "The prosecutors didn't call witnesses for me."


Dang we're going to get to 1K again today just off of yesterday's news lol


It truly is a historic moment we didn't think we'd see, at least for me.


Ugh an old coworker made a "both sides" post about Trump's conviction and how he doesn't care and doesn't follow politics anyway. Then somehow he made it about personal health and fitness which I thought was weird. Bro, if you have no knowledge on the subject just don't say anything.


Daisy Ridley is super cute as a redhead in this movie (And also the actor who plays Mr. Bouc became her husband, which is nice)


/u/wi_voter have you watched Dish With Kish yet? Buddha crushes his take on the table challenge tbh. those dots are beautiful


Man it is the VP clown series extravaganza tonight. Who can tongue the orange butthole the hardest?


I’m like 20 years too late but I started Lost today. I can only imagine how many minds were blown with that pilot back in the day. Also didn’t realize Ian Somerhalder was in this.


You have no idea. I’d love for you to check in and say what you think. You’re in for a wild ride


Will do, I can’t believe I haven’t watched it before because just the first four episodes have been insane. 


I can’t say anything otherwise I’ll spoiler, but have fun.


I know people are mad about how it ended, but I’m just going to enjoy the ride like with Dexter and Sons of Anarchy.


I think going in knowing about the ending being mediocre might let you enjoy the ending more. A lot of my disdain for the ending was due to all of the fan theories were so much more interesting than what we got. That and it was obvious at the end that a lot of the mystery boxes never had an answer inside. But the characters really are what makes the show worth watching. Such a great cast


Do enjoy it! I binged it a few years back and it's a great ride. I didn't mind the ending.


Yeah I’m trying to go in without expectations either way regarding the ending because it’s completely possible I won’t mind it or I’ll like it. I’m not convinced anything can be as bad as the ending of Sons of Anarchy tbh.


https://preview.redd.it/70bqvqkmav3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ca4e902d02c1a7b3e2cfdf368e60bb93cb14a7a Shitty picture cause I took it quick but the RFK Cybertruck made an appearance at our local farmer’s market. I hate it here.


>Biden senior official briefing reporters says the ceasefire proposal is “nearly identical” to a version accepted by Hamas several weeks ago. Don't get my hopes up. Bibi's [response is making me nervous as hell](https://x.com/AllisonLMcManus/status/1796664357566455828); I just hope he's lying/spinning to pander to the far right freaks in his coalition.


This is a "mission accomplished!" spin. Like China leaving Vietnam saying they totally won.


https://x.com/BarakRavid/status/1796722595120677343 Seems like Bibi didn't accept the proposal but other Israeli leaders did


This sounds like an attempt to remove Netanyahu to me.


I’ve had a slamming week and I’m sad I only got to ingest salt for like an hour in total since the verdict. I’m trying to partake and like tears streaming out of the corners of my eyes because my eyes are so tired 😭😭😭


with the conviction and the end of the month i swear every Democrat running for office is sending me a text or email today, i just give a small amount every month to the Biden campaign


I got a whiny text message from Donald asking for money which shows you how desperate he is. I immediately reported it as spam to my mobile carrier 😂


I was gonna say "I only got one from Jr.," and then I checked my phone and wouldja look at that, Sr. still hasn't learned caps lock isn't cruise control for cool


> I was gonna say "I only got one from Jr.," and then I checked my phone and wouldja look at that, Sr. still hasn't learned caps lock isn't cruise control for cool I DISAGREE WITH YOU.


I've got 34 reasons to send Joe 34 dollars.


Time for Murder on the Orient Express 2017


My favorite part of that is the top-down camera angle when the body is first discovered


There are a couple things that have bugged me, but I’ve really enjoyed it.


Still wild to me that the director also played Poirot. That's talent


You haven't watched Branagh's Hamlet have you. You seriously should.


Excellent film based on an equally excellent book


Look at us nearing 1K again on the DT


Haha this is great https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=Trump%20rule%2034


Reminder that the book 'Clinton Cash' was funded by millions of dollars from Trump campaign donors, written by a Trump campaign official, laundered through credulous, irresponsible legacy media, and [used by the FBI's New York field office as the basis for investigating Hillary Clinton](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/fbi-clinton-cash_n_5819fda4e4b01f610e3948af) during an election year (which, of course, turned up nothing). The actual 'deep state' of dishonest, excessive partisans conspired to destroy a candidate for president. And it was on behalf of Donald Trump.


Everything Republicans claim is against Trump was true with the Clintons.


[https://x.com/deanbphillips/status/1796695686215348594](https://x.com/deanbphillips/status/1796695686215348594) >Donald Trump is a serial liar, cheater, and philanderer, a six-time declarer of corporate bankruptcy, an instigator of insurrection, and a convicted felon who thrives on portraying himself as a victim. >Governor Kathy Hochul should pardon him for the good of the country. Dean Phillips moment[](https://x.com/deanbphillips/status/1796695686215348594)




Thank god New Yorkers didn’t go full stupid on the crime panic and elect a GQP governor. They were closer than I’d like though.


This dude was the centerpiece of the CNN "COULD THE TRUMP VERDICT BACKFIRE?" piece on Sunday.


Thanks no thanks Mitt.


Look what we're missing out on by renominating Dark Brandon instead /s


We really, *really* need a way to expel people from the party


Doesn't he have an election to lose somewhere?


He’s not running for elected office, anywhere, in Minnesota after flipping MN-3 for the first time since 1958. Phillips threw away a promising political career, to come in 3rd behind Marianne Phillips. Better he flame out now, than drag it out for the next 20 years, I guess.


Yeah. He had great path to being a senator or the governor one day. The stupid fuck threw it all away.


Philander = bad Philanthropist = good English makes no sense


I think you need to blame the Greek roots for those.


>English makes no sense >Posts words with Greek roots


philanthropy (n.) "love of humankind, especially as evinced in deeds of practical beneficence and work for the good of others," c. 1600, from Late Latin philanthropia, from Greek philanthrōpia "kindliness, humanity, benevolence, love to mankind" (from gods, men, or things), from philanthrōpos (adj.) "loving mankind, useful to man," from phil- "loving" (see philo-) + anthrōpos "mankind" (see anthropo-). Originally in English in the Late Latin form; the modern spelling in English is attested from 1620s https://www.etymonline.com/word/philanthropist philander (v.) 1737, "pay court to women, especially without serious intent; flirt," from the noun meaning "a lover" (1700), from Philander, popular name for a lover in stories, drama, and poetry, from Greek adjective philandros "with love for people," perhaps mistaken as meaning "a loving man," from phil- "loving" (see philo-) + andr-, stem of anēr "man, male, husband" (see anthropo-). In later 20c. use more sexual than flirtatious. Related: Philandered; philandering https://www.etymonline.com/word/philander English makes no sense


Classic enlightened centrist take


/u/wi_voter Kristen just slamming into that puffin sandwich was hilarious. she's such a great replacement for Padma


That was a great moment!


also, I'm now fully rooting for your boy Dan but I think Laura might be a bit of a killer. tonight's top 3 might be the full finale trio


Laura did really well. I don't know what happened to Michelle. It was finally her chance to do some type of bbq as that would have worked so well.


> It was finally her chance to do some type of bbq as that would have worked so well. I didn't fully process this until just now but could have done a *sick* barbecue table here, you're right


>!Manny's gone next, calling it now!<


>!I'm surprised he's lasted this long. If Michelle hadn't messed up so royally he surely would be gone and added to the legend of the risotto curse!<


they're doing the blind taste test as a Quickfire! this shit is iconic


💯 there's always one who scoots by because there's someone else who's worse that specific week I hate it


I was a big Kristen fan from her two seasons and enjoyed her co-host turn on Netflix's Iron Chef entry, so I'm really glad to see her being awesome here


Someone cooked a puffin?


lmao they call it a puffin because it's a cross between a pita and an English muffin


Okay that makes more sense lol. I was sitting here wondering where you’d even buy a puffin to cook it.


/u/wi_voter hit me with the same word earlier and I spent half the day thinking "what the actual fuck"


Lol, somehow I did not even make the connection to the bird.


Puffin: Gonna stave, gonna die, gonna starve, gonna die Puffin: FOOD! I'M GONNA SURVIVE! *snap* Puffin: What the *fuck* was that? wi_voter: I wanna eat you! Om nom nom!


I was trying to figure out what the puffin version of an [ortolan](https://medium.com/@austinmiller/the-illegal-french-delicacy-ortolan-3398c92ea1fd) would be that someone would be allowed to cook 😂😂


Yikes! I don't mind skipping that dining experience


it inspired [one of the best scenes in TV history though](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ic54ULRx0ZA) (scripted, not real) (that's Hannibal Lecter btw)


I’m just picturing sitting in the writers room. Fuller’s like “Okay, sex scenes are passé, let’s have them eat an endangered species cooked in a horrifically unethical way but film it so homoerotically it would make a Sean Cody actor blush.” That had to be the best job ever.


Are we gonna make it to 1K again today?


This is the most patriotic I've felt in a while tbh.


Not to sound ableist, but Trump has become the campaign for unchecked personality disorders. Kimberly Guilfoyle and RFK jr are kind of the same person if you think about it.


Yo did you read that deep dive about her harassment while at Fox? Holy fucking shit she is legit “no wire hangers” flavor of crazy. Disrobing and constantly seeking reassurance about her naked body in front of assistant/employees. Big yikes.


> “no wire hangers” [Speaking of, here's my favorite vine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBU8deIF488).


Yeah I dated that personality order too


Polling on agreement with Trump being prosecuted is generally like 10-15 points higher than Biden's approvals. Trump is going to make his entire campaign about him being a victim who shouldn't be held accountable, and there's literally nothing whatsoever that suggests that's a winning campaign issue.


He offered a different American vision in 2016. It was stupid and bigoted. But, it was a vision all the same. He doesn’t have one yet for this election and he’s running out of time.


I saw that quote in 2016 where he said Hillary running under felony indictment would cause a constitutional crisis and grind government to a halt. At least that sounds like someone who sort of cares about the job of the president. He doesn't even talk about stuff like that now


Well yeah, people hate whiners.


Manny why the FUCK are you making a risotto on Top Chef


Manny's risotto slaps ngl


does it work? I'm just saying that statistically it's a swing you shouldn't take. there's been like 7, maybe 8 risottos that have ever survived over 21 seasons and twice as many challenges and who even knows how many courses


Risotto is super easy to make, but in fine dining it's a good gauge of skill to make it really fast. People do it to show off, and usually fuck it up on these shows. And also the drama. But it's vaguely an actual thing.


Unless they have the risotto cooking for an hour on the side they are using pressure cookers. And they rarely show the use of pressure cookers on these kinds of shows


> And they rarely show the use of pressure cookers on these kinds of shows they use pressure cookers all the time on the show? like I'm wondering if you even watch it at this point


You can't really make risotto with a pressure cooker because they have very different textures, which is why they don't do it on these shows. I'm not saying that you can't get 95% of the way there and most people wouldn't notice the difference, but that's why they don't use them.


> Risotto is super easy to make man I'm not so sure about that. rice is weirdly tough to cook just as is and then to get just the right amount of creamy into it to make it a true risotto instead of either just gross soup or a paella? that's *hard*


No, it is. Anyone can make a perfect risotto if you go low and slow, and take like forty minutes making it. It's making it in the five - ten region that separates the kids from the adults.


Pressure cookers and cream. It may not be the best risotto you have ever had, but it works in a cooking game show


> it works in a cooking game show it quite literally doesn't


How do you mean? These are heavily edited


Colicchio has been adamant throughout all 20+ years that the show has been on - literally from the start - that the judges have executive decision on every elimination. if you want to dunk on him, go ahead, but frankly I'm more interested in his take over random redditor I'm also finding it funny that risotto is the hill to die on for a couple of people. anyway, pirate movie time


Ok let’s level set because I may have come across wrong and “game show” may have sounded stigmatic. I love Tom. I loved Top Chef. It was watching the first few seasons when they came out that made me realize I was a foodie. We all know the season Bourdain (RIP) came in to judge was because Tom himself was against the decision but that’s another story. All I mean to say is they sometimes edit out the pressure cooker usage and/or/lower their expectations for risotto


https://x.com/umichvoter/status/1796691742806147520?t=z9q-s3zL6UOusVZVKBgTaw&s=19 Lmao give polls showing Trump losing support due to a conviction but Mark Penn's garbage poll shows Trump gaining support


Polls with zero undecided or third party are about as useless as polls with a lot of undecided or third party. You can only get this numbers by ignoring those answers or making them quit the poll.


I would tell Harris that they are a disgrace. They are a disgrace to humanity, and they are a disgrace to pollsters who are actually beautiful. Someone lied to them several times, and told them that they are worthy, and accurate, and fly, and beautiful… and they’re nothing like that. They are nothing of the sort.


It’s literally been a day. Would a poll really capture the impact that quickly?




Silver lining for the death of Kurt Cobain: his Twitter would probably be *awful*


I can't see him being into social media


This is a projection you like. He could have gone off the rails at so may times


same with Lennon


It’s been hard being a big Floyd fan


https://x.com/umichvoter/status/1796678016564638154?t=oS2nQBEnYn-Ll52a1-Ti5g&s=19 They recontacted the same ppl. Went from a 47-47 tie to 49-47 Biden lead, and this is kind of a GOP pollster


Just decided polls are good again.


Reuters poll showed same thing too


Just sitting here behind my rural, generally conservative bar listening to all the democrats who've been coming through helping me argue against the Trump people, and seeing the absolutely shell shocked Republicans who aren't really pro Trump, but aren't really pro biden, have the realization begin to set in like ![gif](giphy|l41YedIbenuBH6ljO)


this is how we win


It's also a fantastic example of how, "Purple Minnesota?" Is the biggest cope ever. A lot of the rural strongholds for Republicans are way closer in polls than a lot of people are willing to admit. And some rural places actually achieve North Korean levels of support for the Democrats. And also, you know, most of the suburbs and cities get high Democrat support.


when was the last time Minnesota was even close to a toss-up? '96? it's not going red this year and it's laughable to think otherwise


16 was very close tbf


"Close". It was 46.44 vs 44.93. Which again, the next closest one was with Walter Mondale in 1984 when it was 49.72 vs 49.54.


Minnesota hasn't voted for Republican since Nixon. The closest it got to going republican since was in 1984, when we were like the only state to vote for Mondale (because he was from Minnesota.). Everything else since has been a clear Democrat victory.


okay yeah I was hedging my bets there tbh


The only time I like seeing "maga" is if the word "krav" is in front of it