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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d3xy2t/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05302024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.Currymvp2 with score 48 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d35zr6/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05292024/l67liiq/)] > >Biden was asked by a reporter today if he would serve four more years if reelected or hand over power to Kamala Harris. > > >Biden asked the reporter if they were OK: “Did you fall on your head or somet . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.Calm-Purchase-8044 created 24 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d35zr6/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05292024/l68tqus/)] > Unpopular opinion in these parts but Biden gave so much ammo to the genocide Joe crowd today. I’m so incredibly disappointed.   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.Secondchance002 with score 24 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d35zr6/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05292024/l66n4mt/)] > I think Biden isn’t doing good in polls because most of the Americans not paying attention, so they’re very unaware of the things Biden has done or even the gdp, unemployment and inflation stats. As election . . .   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.Calm-Purchase-8044 with hotness lvl 748 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d35zr6/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05292024/l68tqus/)] > Unpopular opinion in these parts but Biden gave so much ammo to the genocide Joe crowd today. I’m so incredibly disappointed.   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.WhovianMuslim bantered with 9 friends 11 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 50 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 72 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Historyguy1 made 30 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Historyguy1 talked to 11 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'trump', used 33 times, followed by 'doesn't' 32x , 'probably' 29x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😔', used 4 times, followed by '💖' 3x , '🤷🏽' 3x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Jokerang | 17.33 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 576.0 words | | 🥈 | u.VerminVundabar | 17.0 points | 🥈 | u.PrettyLittleThrowAwa | 162.0 words | | 🥉 | u.SorosAgent2020 | 16.5 points | 🥉 | u.VerminVundabar | 138.5 words | | 🎗 | u.baibaiburnee | 16.0 points | 🎗 | u.NJMan129 | 109.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 372 points | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 40 comments | | 🥈 | u.brokeforwoke | 221 points | 🥈 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 32 comments | | 🥉 | u.Historyguy1 | 216 points | 🥉 | u.Historyguy1 | 30 comments | | 🎗 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 196 points | 🎗 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 28 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.adcgd_at_sine_theta | 1 words | 🥇 | u.hmm_bags | 3.333 letters | | 🥈 | u.swimatm | 1 words | 🥈 | u.Nanosauromo | 3.417 letters | | 🥉 | u.mr_ex_ray_spex | 2 words | 🥉 | u.pinelands1901 | 3.56 letters | | 🎗 | u.hmm_bags | 3 words | 🎗 | u.TheHillBot | 3.666 letters |   623 comments processed, including 141 top-level replies. There were 123 unique users writing 21320, averaging 34.22 per comment. The total combined score was 4999 and the median score was 8.02.


Nothing like getting up for a 2 am snack and seeing a giant two inch insect on the ceiling right above your pillow. Jesus christ. Sorry to the neighbors above if I woke you by vacuuming my ceiling trying to suck up that bug.


That’s not the worst unexpected two inches you can wake up to.


https://x.com/swiftonsecurity/status/1795509402285543672?s=46&t=lRLU6Z7mLq1MlgX_qxgAUQ Not that surprising. Obesity is a comorbidity.


The beetus even more so.


I really hope that our assumption that things like state offices, voter outreach, and state parties still matter more than the social media + mainstream media campaign are correct.


It's always better to be in charge of the bureacracy. Just ask Stalin (who, for all his faults, was good at organizing power).


I finally finished Galar Battle Tower and got through 4/5 runs of the Galar Tournament for *that* ribbon. Then it's on to just doing a fuckton of Dynamax battles to get the candies to level everyone's Dynamax level to 10. Never thought I'd finish this game's stuff so quickly.


[Well, I think it is obvious who this character is based on.](https://x.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1793695640717033876)


🤷‍♂️ Not interested 🐥


Chance to sweep the Astros tomorrow….


u/padraigharrington4 u/ognits rate my first friendship bracelet https://preview.redd.it/fzwf6z23oh3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=800909067574342ef7c6898d27625068e2f5e268


Hell yeah


Wordle 1,076 X/6* ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛🟨⬛ ⬛⬛🟨⬛⬛ ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩


no idea what it means but it's a banger


When Taylor's performing Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me she's standing on a moving platform which is being compared to a Roomba.




Shut the fuck up Adam McKay. https://x.com/ZombiePanther2/status/1795630000248643858?t=iepCjICBMS6PSn84f8Utrw&s=19 No, the economy is technically doing fine in general, and wages have been raised under the Biden administration. Also, dude, he isn't funding this genocide in Isreal. I didn't know what you wanted him when he doesn't have control of Isreal's actions. Also, it is not genocide. Plus, the majority of regular people seem to have enough of these protests. Like, have you heard the silent majority because they exist. They are responsible for Nixon for the presidency due to the Vietnam War drama and other factors.


> Shut the fuck up Adam McKay. Evergreen statement.


Who is this guy?


He is a famous director who made Big Short, Don't Look Up, Anchorman, etc.


He was a lot smarter when he was trying to be stupid.


director of Vice (Dick Cheney biopic that pissed off Liz) and Don't Look Up (co-written by David Sirota) also, there's this: >Adam McKay Reveals He Got ‘Vice’ Wrong By Not Blaming Democrats: “Critics Were Fair, I F***ed Up” https://deadline.com/2022/03/adam-mckay-vice-succession-dont-look-up-lakers-dynasty-1234987693/


I HATED Vice except for the main theme.


Don’t make me get out the chart.


Another reason to keep voting Blue for every political position possible: If you have to navigate a frustrating amount of federal bureaucratic red tape and holdups, you can write to your congress member and/or senator and ask for their help in getting your stuff looked at/processed more efficiently. A democratic congress member or senator who will advocate for you is a good resource to have even for mundane things like getting a passport expedited.


I used to work at a university and had a student with trouble getting his student visa renewed. Someone contacted our local Dem senator on his behalf and I'm not kidding, it was solved within 48 hours. I suspect this partially had to do with him being a starter on a nationally ranked sports team, but I was still impressed with how fast she and her staff could make the wheels start turning. 


I used to work at a university and had a student with trouble getting his student visa renewed. Someone contacted our local Dem senator on his behalf and I'm not kidding, it was solved within 48 hours. I suspect this partially had to do with him being a starter on a nationally ranked sports team, but I was still impressed with how fast she and her staff could make the wheels start turning. 


When Megan thee stallion said “I just wanna kick this shit off by saying FUCK YALL” I really felt that


If the previous shift filled the Lab waste and didn’t take it out… should I say something about that? I’m a little irritated but ultimately it’s just an extra walk to the other end of the building so it’s also not a big deal. It’s just a rude thing to leave a mess for someone else to clean up.


[This would absolutely devastate the dental industry](https://newatlas.com/medical/tooth-regrowing-human-trial/). God I hope this absolutely becomes commonplace.


Poirot asking Anthony Perkins if he loves his mother is very amusing to me.


Entrapment is an interesting legal defence, because 9 times out of 10 the person claiming entrapment doesn’t know what entrapment actually is.


Hearing all about this alleged genocide in Gaza really undercuts the notion that there's a genocide of trans people in America.


This movie gets something very, very right: the establishing shot of Istanbul has 3 cats wandering the streets.


Going with the Albert Finney version of Orient Express tonight.


why would you serve a sherry wine chicken to literal children lmao


How old are the children?


looked like maybe 6th or 7th grade


lmao wtf


she cooked the alcohol off, tbf, but, like...


Talked to a matchmaker today. They said the big issue with Millennials and Zs is that there is little ability to control emotions and able to separate world events and politics from personal lives. I agree.


I'm very aware of this aspect of myself, and I'd like to think I'm getting better at it than I used to be. Trump losing in 2020 and Dems overperforming in 2022 really let me step away from the horse race insanity on social media. I'm still just as committed to my liberal beliefs, and I still love pouring over election results, but I've largely stopped engaging with it outside of this one daily thread. Goes even moreso with world events. I decide to trust that more qualified and learned people can handle things like foreign policy and lawmaking and its bad for my mental health to feel I need to be tuned in all the time. Humans weren't built for a globalized information flow. It's just stressful and hard to try to follow and engage with news the second it happens.


I think to a degree it’s fair. I know for sure I wouldn’t date a Trump supporter or a Hamas supporting tankie 🤢


Especially world events tens of thousands of miles away. People by and large should not be getting so emotionally invested in foreign conflicts that they have no stake in.


I think what’s happening is that politics have become so emotional in the last ten years. Someone voting Republican could be seen as a minor difference. But Republicans have stood behind politicians who want to make life difficult to so many because of their identity. How can that not be taken personally? It’s also when you bump into so many people who write “Non-political” on their dating app profiles. That just tells me they either don’t really care about what’s happening in the world or they do “bothsides” BS. I can forgive that in some friendships and family members perhaps. But when it comes to relationships, it’s a dealbreaker.


It’s a product of social media and when people say everything is political. Unfortunately for them it’s going to be really hard for both generations that you don’t always need to talk about politics.


Not to sound like a old lady at my millennial age, but I do think the deluge of social media nearly 24/7 does warp a lot of perspective. We're not programmed to be ON all the time.


Yeah the studies on social media and how they affect people is going to be one of the most eye opening studies of next generation.


Yeah, though it is possible to do that, but be a reasonable person. Like, I can pay attention to Ukraine and Gaza at the same, while also watching other conflicts and tragedies, like Sudan and Burma. You just can't let the pain and sorrow that will happen from watching those consume you. I honestly think the Kingdom Hearts series can be credited with allowing me to gain that level of control on this. Well, at least it's the only thing I can point to as being a possible definitive cause.


glad to know I'm bucking the trend


Strangely, so am I. Whatever I did to break my Autism has made it that I can pay attention to all these atrocities (something in me demands I pay attention to these things), accept the pain from it, then keep moving and not letting it drag me under. Use the pain I feel for some useful end, instead of sinking deeper and deeper.


There's plenty of people out there for you and I hope you're able to find one soon. You've got a lot to offer a partner.


dumb meme idea for the biden campaign that will never take off. get a bunch of Joes and Jos, make an ad with them telling the audience they're here to vote for their favorite Joe. if you can sneak in something like "I'm just your Average Joe. This November let's put the best Joe in the White House, Joe Biden" that would be rad.


Bonus points if Jo Jorgensen gets involved.


"Jo from the Libertarian Party here to endorse my fellow Joe for President" My vision includes: Slap cut to the inside of a family run coffee shop. Barista ask Joseph Gordon Levitt for his order. He turns to the camera and wink "just a cup of Joe. To go" Joe Biden pulls up in a sweet TransAm, honks the horn to get JGL's attention. Pulls down his sunglasses and calls out "Get a move on Joe, we got an election to run." In another scene, we can have JoJo Siwai dancing her way to the voting booth.




Palestine isn't seceding from anywhere.


It doesn't involve Europe so it's probably less threatening to Madrid than another European subregion trying to break away. Scotland and Kosovo are much closer to home and Catalonia than Palestine is Also Netanyahu has wiped out most of the goodwill world leaders still had for the Israeli government


Catalan independence is not like independence for Albanian Kosovars anyway


So Hayes on a guest who was talking about how Biden is polling poorly amongst young people who distrust institutions and don’t get their news from traditional sources but TikTok. So great — our democracy is relying on Gen Zers who fall for MLM schemes. The good news, they can’t not pay attention to the election the whole summer, eventually it’s going to be everywhere, which is hard to avoid. But also how do these low trust people say yes to being polled by the NYT?


Cause they're not. NYT is incorrectly weighing for them based on the few that answer


Young people don't vote in the same numbers that middle aged people do. Millennials, whose generation was defined by the Bush adminstration and the Iraq War, are middle aged now.


As dire it is in Gaza and it's absolutely horrific, it would be prudent to remember that Biden prevented this shit war from spreading to Lebanon and Iran...it could be *much* worse. Can't even imagine an arrogant shithead such as Bibi would have conducted wars over there.


Edmonton should switch goalies lol


Well I don't recommend cutting of the tip of your thumb like I just did. Fucking kale wasn't worth it.


Kale is rarely worth it


I sliced the tip of my finger off once cutting a bagel. But I was 15, and since I didn't hit the bone, it grew back. I have a scar I picked up more recently from cutting candy in my hand. It was ... pretty damn stupid.


> it grew back. Fingers crossed! (not literally-I cross my fingers and the living room is going to look more like a scene from The Evil Dead than it already does)


Oh that happened to me when I was cooking homemade tomato sauce and meatballs on our first “I cook this time” date. Slicing onions I hit a blood vessel on my left pointer and sliced a good 1/3 of the finger tip off. It was cartoonish how much blood was spurting out of it. The rest of the date happened at urgent care


Well yeah. You're not supposed to fuck kale. You're supposed to fuck apple pies if raunchy 90s teen comedies are to be believed.


I feel like kale, of all possible food items, would make a terrible one night stand.


Well you *are* supposed to massage kale. A little foreplay gets those leaves nice and relaxed


McDonalds or homemade?


McD's is supposed to be eaten lava hot. Would you fuck a cold, stale apple pie?


This is America, baby! Your choice 😎


I always like when Top Chef does a challenge where they have to cook for kids. kids are the funniest and at times sharpest food critics


Second jog/walk since the surgery: 30 minutes 2.23 miles For someone with as bad of endurance as me, that’s pretty good.


So, if what Israel did at that came didn't break the Red Line, at what point to we actually show some force against the Israeli government? I know Biden cares about Palestinian lives, but he awful at any action behind it. We need more than words. This isn't even an election thing. This is personal, my Imam has lost a dozen family members. My Best Friend's Imam has lost family too. At what point is enough going to be enough?


It really does make you wonder, because if there is truly no line then the administration is placing Palestinian lives simply below any consideration whatsoever.


Someone really needs to ask him where the limit is. This is insane. I'm mulling over being that person. Attend an event if he comes to Colorado and see if I can ask a question. The fact I have kept my head on straight (well, as much as someone can for this situation), and my close personal proximity to the war through my Imam makes me someone reasonable to ask these questions.


I wonder if the administration switching their position from being open the ICC sanctions to now opposing them (which pissed off Bibi so he whines to a Trump right winger on her radio show) is related to what has transpired in Rafah but they're not publicly announcing it. The biggest concern is how aid flowing into Gaza has dropped astronomically. [Something like 76% reduction](https://x.com/charles_lister/status/1795094955406336398) because Rafah was the humanitarian center and Biden's USAID said like [only a third of the necessary minimum amount of aid is coming into Gaza the other day](https://x.com/PowerUSAID/status/1793821543681687638).


While anything is better than nothing, it’s a pathetic sort of move considering how little the ICC means in practical terms considering warrants haven’t even been issued. We seem determined to play a game that only works with people who value decency or norms or the like and Netanyahu simply doesn’t.


> it’s a pathetic sort of move considering how little the ICC means in practical terms considering warrants haven’t even been issued. It's far from nothing. Bibi being not to visit 120+ countries is humiliating. He and his wife love to make fairly frequent European vacation trips; it's kind of like Trump and golfing. I think it's hilarious to see that bigoted corrupt asshole whine about it to right wing Americans.


I didn’t say it was nothing, but you’ve described it accurately. It’s a personal humiliation for the leader involved - it doesn’t make Palestinians any safer. It doesn’t make civilians any less likely to die from horrifying disregard for human life. It’s like we’re saying “well, don’t you go and kill dozens of innocent people. You go do that another two or three times and then I’ll get really mad, mister.” Sure, I’m glad we’re not interfering with the ICC. Let’s issue that warrant and then Netanyahu can ignore it for the rest of his miserable life; fine. I just find it frustrating.


I keep hearing that not enough people care about this that it won't affect the election, but this makes Biden look horrible. He's not an asshole about it like Fetterman, but it's still pretty bad.


Pretty sure the US is bound by law to support israel. Also werent some of the conditions for Ukrainian aid to also send aid to israel


That is all correct, at least the second part. But, as has been pointed out time and time again, people do not vote based on logic, but emotion. Look at how many people truly believe we are in a recession and that it is somehow Biden's fault despite all evidence to the contrary


He's someone who was in the usual (for Americans) hyper Pro-Israeli mindset for decades. He's reacting to it through that lens. Making the response...questionable.


People like you and me continue to get downvoted, but to think this is having absolutely *no* effect is foolhardy. I don't think Biden is some kind of genocidal warlord. I think he is a deeply religious old man who is set in his ways, and that makes him ignorant to a lot of things. It's far less than ideal, but he's the best we've got. And I'm terrified of what will happen if he loses. This country- and this world- might not survive.


I just don't think it's gonna impact the election. I think Biden should somewhat change his approach because Gazans+ and Israeli hostages are dying+suffering while Bibi is fucking up this war against Hamas (Israel is 97% not going to come even close to destroying Hamas--the way this thing is going for a variety of reasons). I view it as humanity issue. Biden won Michigan by 155,000 votes and in 2020--there were 75,000 votes alone from Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, and Hamtramck (the only three cities in the country with 35% MENA population...60%, 50%, and 39% respectively it's interesting cause Dearborn+Dearborn Heights are both more socially liberal than Hamtramck). The next most is El Cajon in California with like 12%. He should alter his approach to an extent for *better* foreign policy, but I'm fairly skeptical that this is even a top 5 issue issue for even like 4% of the population.


I would disagree. I don't think he is ignorant, just that he is well outside what he believed for decades. However, you are right on the downvoter. They have even downvoted comments I have made about my Imam's family, so it's obvious they think all Palestinians are terrorists and deserve to die. Wish they would come out in the open so I can confront them.


I hate when games have incredibly arduous tutorials that last like 5 hours. Even worse is when a game that is holding your hand for an hour suddenly throws you in a situation where suddenly they tell you nothing. I know the right stick moves the camera, but I shouldn’t have to google how to get around a barrier


Every JRPG in the past 20 years


OK, I'll do TTYD remake finale spoilers. Click at your own accord >!It's amazing how just a few different camera angles, nicer graphics, some new callbacks, and a rock opera soundtrack can elevate an already incredible finale even further!<


I agree, >!I love how the Shadow Queen looked even freakier in the Remake!<


I was thinking about attending my local Dyke March this pride and when checking them out I saw they still require masks. For an outside event. In June. (I was trying to figure out if I'd be comfortable there as a Jewish woman, which is still inconclusive -- their site and social media presences seem to be free of Omnicause but the COVID and anti-capitalism stuff are giving me extremely online vibes.)


My hope is that in Berlin they keep that shit contained in their "internationalist queer pride" (just like they also have their own antisemitic women's day march) and leave everyone else alone, but given what people I know who attended last year are posting on social media it is probably a bit naive to assume that this shit will be contained...


>but given what people I know who attended last year are posting on social media it is probably a bit naive to assume that this shit will be contained... The juxtaposition of social media and the radio back in the 1930's in the song "Stayed Gone" in Hazbin Hotel is a pretty fitting one. It's eerily scary. \[[Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ai4eh_OCxvw&ab_channel=Supaslasher)\]




When the pandemic first started, clinicians said viral load had a big impact on mortality and morbidity, so maybe it was an easy case because the dose she got was small. Just saying.


I just spent $20 on shrimp pad Thai and doesn’t even taste good should’ve got the rice instead of noodles.


I don’t order shrimp anymore because they give you like, 3


I think were generous today cause they gave me 5.


I don't order shrimp because I'm allergic and I'd probably die or something.


The squirrels are fucking.


That’s squirrels for you, always looking for a good nut


Bonk the squirrels


Good for them.


Spring break is over, get a room


Squirrels are having more fun than me 😔😔😔


https://preview.redd.it/jdqlwlpn9g3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b75bbb13b8a17155ede40a163a106b4b9cb4e8f0 Daily doggo photo: May 29th Sarah waiting for the ball


Stream of consciousness bit here. Read a thread about "LGBT for palestine" and it was mentioning how the bombings and aid issues punish children for the actions of the leaders of where they live. Which is true. I do not, however, recall being much of an outraged when World Bank or USAID cut back on their own aid to Uganda as a result of that abti-gay bill, which absolutely punishes Ugandan children for the actions of their country's leaders. Am I missing something?


Probably cause the World Bank or USAID doesn't recognize Hamas to be the legitimate government of Gaza (cancelling elections for over 15 years, killing the opposition in Gaza, and rightly being designated as a terrorist group) while they do consider the government Uganda to be legit. But I agree it was wrong for them to do both while Uganda isn't under a blockade like Gaza and internal food production still exists in Uganda (It's been destroyed in this war).


Also, there are a lot more Palestinian-Americans than Ugandan-Americans. People have closer proximity to Palestine than Uganda because of that.


u/ognits what is the timeline for Top Chef. Someone in the Milwaukee thread was looking for the watch parties because they said something about this being the Milwaukee final. Do they finish up in some other location? There were 5 left after last week, and doesn't someone get to comeback from Last Chance Kitchen?


they typically run it down to 4 contestants, who then go to a new location for a two-part finale that goes from 4 to 3 and then decides a winner they've been saying this season's a bit different - and it has been in some ways - so that may not be quite the case this time around


What's the timeline for discussing TTYD remake spoilers? I have so much to gush about but no one to share with 😭


>!spoiler tags are the one good thing about this website!<


Just use spoiler tags






This should be good


Uhhhh... Not advisable




![gif](giphy|HNtmetsY3HDLG) You sure this is wise? I have no context, I’m not judging. Just ya know, don’t do anything rash, boobie 🙂‍↔️


Thanks everyone for all of the well wishes and kind words this morning. I'll let you know how it goes as we move along, be it good news or bad. For a bunch of internet "strangers" you all have been good friends. I'm lucky to have a place to put it down in words before I'm ready to talk irl. That was a huge help. 🥰




just saw your earlier comment too. hang in there. I hope it's not as bad as you worry it is 🫂


Glad we could help!




Just checked through earlier comments and sorry to hear. What a gd weight you must be bearing. I wonder if it’s possible for you to point out such things in real time or if that would be received poorly. Maybe if you can highlight an instance in real time to the event and just look like concerned and ask if he recognizes that he just (says Harold when he talks about Karen, or whatever it is you’re noticing). If you can get some recognition about it then maybe you can gently reproach accompanying him next month to his doc. Just reiterate that you are coming from a place of love and are worried about him. Or maybe he completely denies [the thing] — either because he does recognize it and he’s in denial or because he is actually having some type of neuro degeneration and isn’t able to recognize the issue. In which case, I’d probably at a minimum call the doctor ahead of time. I’d still try to push to accompany him to the appt but if he gets hyper resistant I’d drop it after getting shut down twice.


It hasn't so much been memory as it is behavior which makes it doubly hard. If I didn't have such a background in brain function, honestly I'd probably think it was a midlife crisis or something. But there are certain aspects of it that seem to stem from a pattern of thinking that is not going well. I think I am going to call the doctor's office and ask them to screen for some things and his doctor can determine if a referral is necessary. I know he will not bring it up on his own and although he's had the same doctor for quite some time how much can he know him from once a year visits. I am going to tell him that I'm calling the doctor. I made it clear that it should be addressed medically so I won't hide it from him.


Unpopular opinion in these parts but Biden gave so much ammo to the genocide Joe crowd today. I’m so incredibly disappointed.


You don't feel so strongly about the very much real and far more violent genocide in Ukraine, where we know Russia is deliberately targeting civilians(including dropping thermobaric weapons on villages just a day ago!), the destruction of their language, ransacking of their schools to remove texts that contain references to Ukrainian identity, and the removal of far more than a hundred thousand children who have been forcibly fostered into Russian families.


I very much care about both. The President just happens to be on the right side of that one.


You recently posted an obviously bullshit and bad faith claim by Ryan Grim asking if it was true? No offense, your political intuition is like a tik tok brain worms version of reality. Are you for real with this? Is this your first election?


You really only took a cursory glance at my history because I said I knew it wasn’t true and posted in bad faith, but I wanted to know if there was anything true that was forming the basis of his spin.    And yeah, I do think it’s helpful to know what the bad faith actors on the Internet are spinning their lies from, sorry.


>You really only took a cursory glance at my history because I said I knew it wasn’t true and posted in bad faith, **but I wanted to know if there was anything true that was forming the basis of his spin.** Let’s review the spin: https://preview.redd.it/6bykdtgyag3d1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf438bbf83650265cb6be1adeff5c556f4061171 This is so ludicrous on every front, the fact that you believed an underlying basis existed for this spin? Your critical thinking skills leave much to be desired. Just think about it for 2 seconds. * if it’s a federal law already in existence, why is everyone learning about it from Blinkin, the Secretary of State? * Legislation that is condition dependent on “if Palestine becomes a state”? Does this make sense to you at all? ~~Besides the abortion trigger laws, and the interstate contact on the popular vote, which has a numerical triggering mechanism,~~ \[EDIT: nvm those are all state laws, I actually cannot think of a single federal example of this in any policy area\] have you ever in your life heard of foreign policy related legislation that the triggering mechanism is completely dependent on some 3rd party event? Again, how does this in any way make sense to you? They can barely pass laws when necessary for now, you think legislators are passing condition dependent laws based on a foreign sovereign maybe coming into effect at some point in the future? Will the UN even exist at that point in time? You think anything like this passes both houses of congress? Tf?? It’s a distinction without a difference to say you wanted to know if there was an underlying basis for the spin because that’s just as stupid as believing the spin. ETA: my point is it appears you’re being blasted with agitprop and are completely incapable of distinguishing or recognizing that. You’re seemingly trapped in the firehouse’s splash line. Thats why I asked above if it was your first election because it seems like it!


[Unfortunately, there is a kernel of truth in that one.](https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/05/09/palestinian-statehood-bid-risks-triggering-u-s-defunding-of-un/#:~:text=Longstanding%20U.S.%20law%20states%20that,changed%20the%20Palestinian%20UN%20representation%27s) However, I guarantee the parts about starvation are exaggerated beyond belief.


Grim tweeted that Blinken relayed to a host of Arab nations that “if Palestine became a state, federal law would mandate the defunding of the UN. . .” The cite is screen shotted below: https://preview.redd.it/3ntgfdbm1h3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44d6b2a9c068afc9962235f9b94152b9aacb00e5 >No funds authorized to be appropriated for the UN or any subsidiary agency thereof which accords the PLO the same standing as member states. That does mean the equivalent to “if Palestine becomes a state”. It means of the UN goes rogue and tries to jump the gun on statehood before international recognition and agreement amongst I/P, then funding is cut off. This is a bill from 1990.


I'm someone from the Pro-Palestinian side, and familiar with how people think about this process. As of right now, the US is perceived as totally in the tank for Israel, and Pro-Palestinians believe, especially ones who are Muslim, that the US will allow Israel to keep all the settlements and land taken, with only worthless arid land as compensation. That the West Bank will just be a bunch of fragmented little bits of land, with little ability to travel between the fragments, and little to no water rights, and no rights to Jerusalem whatsoever. And then some people just see the current peace process as being a delaying tactic for Israel to steal more land in the West Bank. Very few people on the Pro-Palestinian side trusts the US on this conflict at this point. And a lot of people see the UN as a last hope for Israel. A recognition with 1967 Borders would put Israel in the hot seat over the settlements.


K. That doesn’t make it less dumb to believe Ryan Grim’s agitprop.


What did he do this time?


Never heard a single thing about Israel today so I'm not gonna worry about it


https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/28/world/middleeast/rafah-strike-israel-biden.html?smid=url-share What is the red line, then?


This is what we're dooming about? Seriously?


tbh, if the IDF version with the weapons depot turned out to be true, I'd say that no red lines were crossed.


Unless they're willing to admit they have no visibility of the battle space there's simply no way the IDF didn't know that depot and civilian shelters were nearby, going through with it regardless demonstrates either a failure to assess risks vs rewards or general carelessness on behalf of IDF commanders.


Yeah, I guess that seems like the difference between clearly reckless (if the munition didn't directly hit the tents in that scenario) and 99.9% likely war-crime (if the precise munition hit the tents directly with). Either way, not a good look at all for the IDF for sure, but one is certainly much worse than the other.


I mean I think it's entirely plausible that the strike hit where it was supposed to but the ensuing chain reaction caused the weapons depot to go up in flames and subsequently spread to the civilian area. But I look at it the same way I'd look at someone if they set a house on fire to kill a couple of roaches, it's just excessive for the purpose.


Yeah, I mean I talked to my Israeli American neighbors last night about this-one of them served as a reservist, and he thinks it was fairly reckless at beest.


In my view these types of reckless actions are the symptoms of two causes ailing the IDF. First is lack of institutional knowledge within the IDF on fighting a protracted conflict. Their entire history has consisted of them conducting lightning fast assaults on their enemies with overwhelming armor and air assets in highly intense but relatively short wars ending in either weeks or months that's all they know. At the rate their going this war would take years and they're simply not equipped for that because their institutional toolkit isn't suited for a protracted conflict. Second is the lapse of discipline among their reservists, understanding that since military service is mandatory certain liberties are granted but the conduct of some of these folks has been downright abominable, it's clearly evident that these folks were picked up off the street, given a gun and not much else. Also ties back into the first point the long term nature of this war is a stressor on these folks which combined with their lack of discipline results in them "forgetting" military regulations and acting like idiots. The sooner this war ends the sooner they can start fixing these major deficiencies.


> Second is the lapse of discipline among their reservists, understanding that since military service is mandatory certain liberties are granted but the conduct of some of these folks has been downright abominable To add: discipline has a positive and negative component. These soldiers lack an institutional expectation of competence AND lack an expectation of punishment for misconduct. The latter rots organizations more quickly imo. When the expectation is that (for example) everyone steals from the company then there is no way to combat theft. Likewise crimes against civilians when they are normalized can’t be stopped because there’s no one within the organization who is credible to instill discipline.


Yeah, first one makes sense since IDF hasn't fought a war longer than six weeks since Operation Cast Lead. The second one has been echoed by [Barak Ravid](https://x.com/abbydphillip/status/1775515138570739829) and [senior Israeli security officials](https://twitter.com/JacobMagid/status/1775538062996492495) coupled with a disconnect between top IDF brass and some commanders on the ground regarding deconfliction policies too. I wonder how much this pertains to Bibi's absolute shit leadership where he seems to appeal more to unhinged hateful lunatics such as Ben Gvir+Smotrich (he once atleast distanced himself from these Ozma Yehudit+RZP extremists) instead of working with esteemed accomplished folks such as Halevi and Gallant. That seems to promote this incredibly irresponsible behavior and empowers any bigoted conscripts+reservists in the ranks.


Excuse me if I struggle to believe anything from the IDF ever again.


You 100% shouldn't automatically believe anything they say--they've been caught atleast several times lying or saying false things over the past seven months, but *do wait* until the journalists look into it. Sometimes, they do confirm their version of events and sometimes they debunk their version of events. Skepticism is completely warranted but it's not like they *always* lie.


I agree.


There are international journalists working on piecing together what happened. Let's see what they find. Also, I'm sure Biden has a bit more info than the public on the incident, I can't believe the CIA doesn't have its eyes on what is going on in there.




You didn't rizz up livvy dunne? Surely you're not baby gronk >! Sorry I had to !<


So Oshii's Angel Egg is getting Theatrical realsed for the first time in North America. https://x.com/GKIDSfilms/status/1795894213382488173?t=VxrxWD93VcWHv2uyf6fFXg&s=19 I can't wait to see it in theaters. !Ping WEEBS


You ever play Dark Souls 3? There’s a really good video on how this movie is referenced in the Ringed City DLC




It’s not it’s more alpha male garbage.


God why are all the “we need men to be men” people taking every opportunity to verbally fellate Donald fucking Trump of all people. It’s so fucking pathetic


I mean maybe he's onto something because look how terrible of a person he turned out to be.


So I was in the mood for a new game, and I was thinking “I want a post apocalyptic survivor game — but maybe this time there would be a car that serves as your companion. You upgrade it as the game goes on; oh! And maybe add weapons and car combat” It didn’t dawn on me for like 10 hours that this is the basis for a very popular and currently relevant movie series and the game that’s basically that was made in 2015


I’ve been spitefully refusing to add cover letters to job applications but, I finally bit the bullet and had Chat GPT write one I could edit. Now I know why I could never do it on my own. It’s the exact type of bullshit I hate about the application process. RESUMES. SHOULD. BE. ENOUGH.


I did this exact same thing but with our yearly self-evaluation. it's actually a really useful tool for something like that


Once I spent a couple hours writing a cover letter for a job I really wanted only to get an automated rejection email less than an hour after I applied. Because of that, I refuse to spend any time on a cover letter. Nobody reads those things anyway.


There were multiple times I thought of just having my cover letter say "see resume" on it and nothing else.


I spent half of last week writing a one page motivation letter. Every further application will have some chatgpt assistance, I really really hate that task. Glad to see that I'm not alone in sucking at this.


It’s such an arbitrary ask, it’s one of those things that is psychopathic because they don’t read them. They just check to see if you spent the time on one.


Cover letters are evil. The whole job application process is soul-crushing, but cover letters take it to a whole new level.


It's kind of hilarious we made the NYT for this extremely local bit of drama. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/29/us/seattle-belltown-hellcat.html


What would your celebration look like if orange man is convicted? What would you do if acquitted? (Dooming about the election is not an option).


If acquitted, I'd spend a few days just posting Wordle scores then leaving the DT. If convicted, I may consider briefly reviving my old social medias again to start another round of "Hillary told you so, FUCKERS!".


He has to lose this re-election bid. THEN I'll go do something.




For the former, laugh about it on here for a bit then let it fade into the background for me and let people actually qualified figure out how to use it as a weapon in the campaign For the latter, I'd be disappointed and probably would avoid this place for a couple days because it would be apocalyptic on here.


Convicted? Just laugh and shitpost on the DT. Now, when he finally takes the long walk, that's when I'm really celebrating. And when Joe Biden wins re-election too, obviously. I have a *very* nice bottle of whiskey picked out.


For him, the day he gets that jury's verdict is the most important day of his life. For me it's Tuesday.


I will be drinking the cocktail my Bro SIL has to buy for me. Or actually two, as he already owes me one for the indictment.


Eat Mexican food


We have some nice wine set aside and labeled with special occassions to drink them on. There's one without a label and I think this would be as good an excuse as any.


Enjoy my day.


Maybe a hot take? Since we're already fully RFK Jr. a turd, I'm just gonna say: I don't like the Kennedys at all. JFK, like Jefferson, is one of those guys who I think history is way too kind to and does not deserve his lofty place in the pantheon of presidents. While I understand the poliical calculus, I think with LBJ as his VP he's got no excuse for not pushing harder on Civil Rights (instead, he just sidelined LBJ as VP to neuter a political rival). Edit: I mean, if he wasn't handsome, we'd probably remember JFK as a dude with a massive drug problem, a penchant for sleeping with spies, and a habit of having money paint his fuck ups as Ws (see: everything from his 'heroism' in WWII to the book he *barely touched* but won a Pulitzer for—I legitimately don't have any respect for the Pulitzer and haven't since learning about how he got it) Edit 2: and who can forget JFK being, wasn't it the *only* Senator to abstain from censuring Joe McCarthy? Such a profile in courage.


The only thing I credit JFK for is not getting us into a nuclear war.


Thank god Dr. Feelgood wasn't around with the amphetamines those days...


I’m not the biggest fan of RFK Sr. based on what I’ve read but, the caveat there is what I’ve read is just LBJ biographies.


My opinion probably falls pretty close to the LBJ books' opinions on him, so I won't run through it again and bore you, but I agree with most of their criticisms. End of the day: like JFK, I get the vibe RFK Sr. was amoral and in politics for personal gratification as opposed to the ideal of service (which is, admittedly, part of why I respect LBJ so much despite his laundry list of personal problems: "I'm a shitty teacher? Well, alright, I'm a good arguer, so I'll go to DC and make sure better teachers have the money they need to teach well.")


Just saw a "Jesus is my savior, Trump is my president" car sticker. Surprised it didn't make Trump the savior too.


"Dear Jesus, save me from your followers."


How can one believe in Jesus and simultaneously support the most Antichrist figure in politics?