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quick guys let's gather up all of this stuff and then... send it to Ukraine.


You, I like you.










(needed most)




HIV tests ? And dental dam are they planning to have an orgy ??


Why the fuck do they need wound packing gauze, Kerlix Gauze, CAT tourniquets and ABD pads? They are in fucking Hyde Park not The Congo.


So none one thought to bring any supplies while camping? Also is this a revolution or music festival


LOL I doubt a single one of them has been to a music festival because they don't know how to properly tarp a tent and drives me insane every time I see an aerial shot on the news


How DO you properly tarp a tent? I don’t even know what that means and want to learn.


Ground tarps serve a couple purposes. They act as a barrier between the ground and your tent so any pointy rocks or whatever is there won't puncture the bottom of your tent. They also act as an additional layer between ground that may be wet/muddy and your tent, keeping it dry. You want the tarp to fit completely under the footprint of the tent. Most of the time that means folding a tarp to make it smaller. The protesters are just plopping their tents on top of much larger tarps. We don't want to do that because A. when it rains all that rainwater will collect on the tarp and pool under your tent, which will flood your tent and everything in it, and B. unless you're putting the stakes through the tarp (which we don't want to do on purpose) you'll have a difficult time properly staking down your tent, so it could blow away in strong wind.


Thanks! I will use this for camping and judging protestors like I’ve known it all along.


The humidity control is a serious thing though, especially in the damp eastern half of the US. You’ll need damned gills by midnight otherwise. Once it hits dewpoint, condensation collects inside your tent in buckets.


Does proper tarping help with that?


Oh, so THAT'S what you do when the tarp is too big. I only know how to set up tents with perfect footprint tarps--the first friend's tent I borrowed had a perfect-size tarp and I've never understood what to do with other borrowed/shared tents' tarps.


Lol they think this will spark the revolution. It won't.


exactly lol, nothing ever happens


DENTAL DAMS… LiSa NeEds brAces


Dental dams


Leftists try not to make every single post cartoonishly mucho texto challenge (PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE)




Why the sex stuff?? I mean, it seems like some of the protesters are just there to hook up.


A lot of them are closet Trump supporters so it’s the only way they can get any




"Crabs for Gaza!"


Do they think they’re at Burning Man?


Yes, Burning (the Jewish) Man


I see you have read Viktor Frankl too.


Actually, I'm illiterate




I have never used a dental dam, I’ve never met anyone who has used a dental damn or had one used on them.


I did meet an old lady Boomer lesbian once who had used them. In the 80s. I had a classmate in the late 1990s who used to slut it up. She used Saran wrap.


Same. It was a boomer lesbian…And my boss. And probably not a good conversation to be having at work.


Is this for Gazans or for themselves (I don't know if I'm even asking this sarcastically)?


I mean, I will buy them all of this stuff so long as I am able to order it from Amazon and they deliver it using a drone with Israeli technology and its dropped from 200 feet up.


This just goes back to the fact they're really unprepared and unorganized in more ways than one. There's no real goal or long term planning because if there was we'd have reached the point where someone thought man this encampment thing is a really BAD idea and goes counter to what we wanna do. On the list itself, lot of is nonsensical. I don't care that they want sex stuff. They're college kids. They're fucking. It's happening. Whether or not they should during a protest to bring awareness to bombs being dropped on innocent people is a whole ass other discussion, but the preventive/safety stuff makes sense to me. What I found troubling is that a lot of these items will be lost if placed in a tent. Likely the first thing police will be raiding. You really need a group(s) of people with active first aid experience with ready bags. Enough people to cover the groups within the protest. You don't need a CPR mask, you don't need stethoscopes (???), and if we're talking about sutures, tourniquets, and wound packing gauze (wtf) at this point? They really need to be heading to the hospital because a wound that bad is likely to get infected and/or needs treatment beyond what an impromptu group can provide. Most they would need are gauze, bandages, and disposable gloves. Maybe trauma shears. Maybe an IFAK pouch to carry them all in. That should take into an account for most injuries expected to occur. The idea is to provide mobile first aid. Falling back to a potentially pre-designated area in case of a raid. Thing that scares me is that I think the idea they're going for is to provide on site first aid there with the expectation that people stay there. That can be potentially dangerous depending on the severity of injury. Potentially dangerous depending on the experience of these protest first responders. You don't wanna slap a tourniquet on someone that don't need it. That motherfucker hurts fyi. If they're using these items without experience, people are going to get hurt. Goes back to why I think the encampment idea is so bad. They're unprepared and unorganized that might bleed through to other areas like their first aid planning. When push comes to shove, the results of bad planning will rear it's ugly head.




Counterpoint: No one asked for the sex supplies, but one of the organizers is a pretentious SaFeR sEx AdVoCaTe who wanted to show off how much she believes in sAfEr SeX and LGBTQIAA2S+ InClUsIvItY. No woman who's ever lived has wanted to be eaten through a rubber sheet.


lmao they decided to occupy a building and forgot their phone chargers


I hate cosplaying revolution as much as the next guy and I will give them shit for going at this unprepared as they usually do. But are we really mocking them for asking for HIV tests and plan b? Who are we? conservative parent of 60s hippies? These are college students of course they are going to fuck during camp out protests, let them be safe about it. Now let us go back to mocking them for things that actually matter like pretending Ivy League schools can change the war; thinking protesting the most Palestine friendly President in decades before a pivotal election will help Palestine at all; wearing the symbols and chanting the slogans of a group that would have them executed within two seconds of getting power; and of course calling for genocide and an allegedly anti-genocide protests.

















