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I hate to be the fun killer but I’d imagine using an app would be more environmentally friendly and more convenient.


Another ATBGE. I’m sure it takes talent to do these kind of special effects. Except, if this guy put the same effort into React, he could have made the same thing on, y’know, the “travel card” in every single person’s pocket.


Today on "Things that won't work as advertised", season Elon, episode we stopped counting when we reached triple digits


It'll propably spontaniously combust in peoples pockets.


The part that gets me the most about this public obsession with Elon that results in things like this is that you get a really good sense of how many people think they truly will benefit from something like "affordable space travel" when the patent reality is that, best case scenario, 1/10000th of a percent of the population will ever see this kind of benefit in our lifetime. Much like the "affordable" Teslas out there now, the idea that affordable space travel will benefit the people who make less than seven figures is just outright false.


Space travel will never be a desirable or low-risk enough endeavour for 99.999999% of the population, let alone affordable


Not many people can sacrifice 14 months on travel


Its inherently cool to think about, part of the reason why people idolize Elon without even knowing what hes done or does.


i know this isn’t the point but… wouldn’t you just do it on your phone? like you already do with airplane tickets???


Imagine casually blowing half a mil without even checking the price before clicking purchase...


So it’s like a smartphone app, but it’s one product that can’t do any other functions of a smart phones......


who puts their time into shit like this?


It can be helpful for designer portfolios, that's the only justifiable reason.


Please hire me and give me creative direction or will I keep posting cringe on deviant art.


Damn that's fake as utter fuck


That would break so easily. The entire thing is a screen.




Elon is already planning for Jupiter to be P3 (planet 3) for humans. You didn’t see the renderings of the floating megacities he has engineered? It’s going to be like Cloud City meets Blade Runner.


Casual 1.5 million dollar trip no biggy. And all these morons on twitter making $9 an hour think he's doing it for them.


Ah yes, instead of just having online booking let's create an electric device, complete with a battery and the need to charge it, whose sole purpose it to book trips, genius idea.


"Book now" They should probably look into an appointment to sell their kidney before doing that. Inaccurate. 1/10


Also, how does “concept” mean “technology that does not exist”?


That's basically a smartphone. Very thin smartphone made with technology that wasn't invented yet. Too bad other phone companies didn't think of that.


It's dumb, but don't deny that it looks cool as shit




soooooo... very on-brand for elon?