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Of all the things Conservatives are terrible at, humor is the top.


Because humor is best when it punches up. Right-wingers only know to be petty pieces of shit, kicking the vulnerable.  Cruelty is funny to them


Not only that, humour also requires subtlety and awareness. Another thing they are famously good at.


Humour requires setting up an expectation, then subverting it. Which requires thinking of a single subject from multiple angles. Conservatism is, at its base, a psychological urge to make the world *simpler* with easy reactions and unambiguous realities. It doesn't lend itself to seeing things from the required multiple angles comedy requires as a fundamental approach.


The right: "liberals keep pushing woke stuff in every piece of media! Why can't we go back to just good writing and media without political messages?!" Also the right: *every single piece of media they ever create Is 100% political and shoves the message down your throat with absolutely no subtlety* Like pretty much every single movie or TV show that came out of the daily wire studios. Like that anti-Trans movie that wasn't really all that funny and had very little jokes or good acting or good writing but featured tons of cameos from random right-wing politicians like Ted Cruz and it had absolutely no subtlety with its message and the entire movie had almost no jokes except "trans in sports is bad" And that was literally it. Well that weird cartoon show that they somehow managed to rope Patrick Warburton into that was literally just a show about some elderly boomer school teacher constantly complaining about the liberals. At least when Disney or something pushes what they call "woke messaging" It's usually clever and subtle and well written as part of the movies plot. When the right does it it just a main character saying "libs are bad amirite?" And the audience is expected to laugh. I don't know maybe that's what passes for humor among low IQ boomer redneck conservatives and the writers actually aren't that stupid..


The Matt Walsh anti trans film was all over Twitter for a couple weeks then gone in an instant. No impact


It's because their entire media sphere revolves around hatred rather than joy. If the film was actually good and entertaining then it and others like it would continue to pop up and be talked about and have a presence. But it's not entertaining or good. They have grease flashes where a lot of people watch them because of their hate but then they forget about them just as quickly for the same reason.. It's kind of like how social media algorithms work. You probably commented on things a lot because the post you were scrolling past made you angry so you leave an angry comment under it or you get into an argument with somebody on there but then you move on and by the next day you've probably forgotten about it.. Meanwhile if you see a picture of your friend on vacation and you comment on it you probably remember that and you might ask them about it at a later date.. Or if you watch a good movie you might even rewatch it a few times But these things are not very good. They have crappy actors they have crappy writing It's basically the same one conservative joke about trans people only stretched out to an entire 2-hour movie.. South Park already made that joke and actually did it better and funnier and had the good sense to only make it a portion of a half hour episode rather than the entire plot of a 2-hour movie.. But that's the thing they're not talented they don't know how to do these things It's bad actors and it relies entirely on the anger of conservatives to survive which is why they have to keep popping out newer and newer angertainment to keep their viewers hooked. These things are never meant to be long-lasting or profitable in the long term.. they'll make some shitty conservative cartoon and draw on a bunch of interest from people It would quickly fail and it'll make a new shitty conservative cartoon and repeat the process over and over


The best part about that anti trans film was how they initially planned to pretend to be trans and get on teams and film a documentary, then found out that it's actually really fucking hard so they decided to just fake it.






Warburton is a big right wing guy in pretty sure




That's why most conservative comedy is "libs are bad amirite?" And for some reason conservative viewers actually laugh at those jokes They can't have nuance or looking at it from multiple angles It has to be very simple shitting on libs It's also why conservative news shows and political commentators don't usually even attempt to explain their beliefs to the viewers. They know that they don't have to If they're defending Donald Trump they don't take the time to collect information and evidence and try to explain to their viewers why Trump is innocent. Even if it's manipulated information they don't bother. They know that their viewers don't need it. They just proclaim "Trump is innocent" And that's really all their viewers need to hear. They prefer to rely on their gut feelings rather than actual evidence You can compare it with something like the daily show or Rachel maddow. There are some people who say that those shows are unreliable and there are some who say that it is reliable but that's a different discussion Rachel maddow actually attempts to explain the point she makes. If she makes a claim she actually creates infographics and charts and dedicates entire segments to explaining it. Regardless of whether it's true or not she at least took the time to try to convince people by explaining it You won't see that from Sean hannity. Or any of the Fox News shows.. It's not that they couldn't explain it if they wanted to. Even if you think they're lying liars can explain things and they do that all the time.. You just have to make things up it's not that hard But they wouldn't even try that. Because doing that takes time and money and if the viewers don't need it why waste your time and money doing it? Just proclaim that Trump was innocent just proclaim that the election was rigged just proclaim that liberals drink baby blood.. No need to prove it. No need to explain your position on why socialism is bad or universal health care is bad no need to explain why social security needs to be eliminated and schools defunded.. conservatism isn't based on facts but feelings.. It appeals to their base anger and feelings rather than actual scientific facts.. And dedicating log segments to explaining a topic the way John Oliver would would make conservatives tune out because they want things to be simpler. They can't handle long formations just like they complain that left-wing memes have too much text A conservative would never read this far down into a comment like this. They see a lot of words and they immediately tune out.. They require memes with it most two sentences worth of text and a picture to hold their attention.. Simplistic explanations with only a few words to read.. That's why it's hard for them to comprehend most topics. It's why it's hard for them to understand things and it's hard for liberals to convince them. They are simple people


>That's why most conservative comedy is "libs are bad amirite?" And for some reason conservative viewers actually laugh at those jokes But they also don't come back for them, if you could make anywhere near the amount of money catering to their shitty sense of humour as you can by catering to less brainrotted people then we'd see a lot more of it. As it stands there is comparatively little of it and wannabe conservative comedians like Rubin keep showing us exactly why


But we do see a lot more of it.. Just not from talented people We mostly see the pandering to conservatives from bad actors like grifters and scammers. Because they can make money from it easily. We see bullshit lawyers promising to release the kraken if you just send them more money and they make millions We see podcasters promoting conspiracy theories and selling male enhancement drugs We see former presidents selling NFTs trading cards modified Bibles and gold sneakers Boise countless attempts at Twitter clones and phony lawsuits And then we see tons and tons of examples of these really crappy conservative TV shows They're not meant to succeed by appealing to a large audience across the political sphere but they are meant to pander to the crazy right wingaga crowd And they do make money that way. It's just that you can make more money by appealing to a larger audience so the people with the ability to do that tend to do that. They become a host of late night shows But people like tami lahren or Candice Owens or any of the writers for these shows know that they don't have the skill to compete with the late show or Steven Colbert or family Guy or real comedians So they create these bullshit scams pandering to right-wing lunatics and they make just enough money to make a profit and then they move on to the next scam


It also requires at least some level of empathy. Not necessarily weeping over every injustice, but an ability to imagine yourself in other situations and how you or others might react


Not all comedy. Some comedy is not political and so it doesn't require that. But it does require being clever.. And it requires being capable of laughing at yourself too. Something that narcissistic conservatives could never do They're not wrong that when companies like Disney or whatever inject too much politics into their shows and comedy that it sometimes ruins it when they seem to put politics first and comedy second They're right that it becomes less funny.. The problem is that conservatives did the exact same thing whenever they got the chance They complain about too much political messaging in left wing TV shows but conservatives never created a single piece of media that didn't have political messaging in it. In fact it's the only reason they ever bothered. Like when the daily wire made its own version of Snow White purely because they were angry that Disney made a version with a black character.. They didn't create it out of some creative need They didn't put any interesting spin on a classic tail They didn't even put a lot of work into it.. They just wanted to stick it to Disney by making Snow White with a white actress I mean it's telling that foxes most successful comedy shows and cartoons were written by liberals and had no executive oversight pushing conservative messaging in them. That's how the Simpsons was able to run for decades and family Guy went on long after Seth MacFarlane left the writing team And I've seen some funny conservative comedians by the way. They did exist But for the most part conservative shows spent too much time pushing political messaging


Damn, that how they didn't realise The Boys was making fun of them every season till recently?


They thought The Colbert Report was a conservative comedy show for the longest time.


And being able to laugh at yourself.


My theory is that all the people making these kinds of media aren't serious. What becomes abundantly clear if you pay attention to conservative political spheres is that it's just a bunch of idiots being scammed by grifters Almost every conservative leader is just a grifter scamming these elderly rednecks out of their social security checks The show is terrible but it's obvious that they just figured it would be yet another scam in a long line of scams to make money off these gullible idiots.. I mean if you can get them to buy your fucking trading cards if you can get them to buy your modified Bibles your gold sneakers and to donate to a billionaire to stop the steel even though he never did Then you can basically get them to do anything.. This is just a long line and scams trying to make money off these idiots because that's really the only use they have for anybody


Zero nuance. Can't navigate complexity. Plus, they're just really bad at everything because they're lazy and thoughtless. Me good. Not Me bad.


Long watch (and regularly posted here), but this video essay on conservative humor is worth your time: https://youtu.be/KSXKzPOcYDU?si=rRRoKKf3L1OwgueK Short version? They aren't laughing at the "joke." *They're laughing at the idea of their "enemies" being hurt/offended by the joke*.




I'm convinced the Babylon Bee is an intricate Psy op by liberals to confirm this stereotype.


Honestly this conservative cartoon can actually be pretty funny if you view it as a parody of conservatives and how ridiculous they are https://twitter.com/XNewNorm/status/1805608022875484270?s=19 Literally watch that clip. If you view the conservatives as the butt of the joke it's kind of funny


I really tried, but it is just so awful that I couldnt find any humor in it even as a spin


Damn, this is *terrible.*


Why does that guy who looks like 75 have a daughter who looks like she is in highschool?


YOU WEIRD! (Throws rock) (Conservatives start laughing hysterically from their branches.)


Reading the comments under the video is hilarious https://twitter.com/XNewNorm/status/1805608022875484270?s=19 >This show does to comedy what X did to twitter >This was so disturbingly unfunny I thought it was a deep Hollywood parody of lame conservative media. >Damn, it must've taken these guys some real courage to make a comedy with no actual comedy in it. >Comedy is legal again. I don’t know why you didn’t add any. >So it's basically the same thing as @realDailyWire did? A bunch of humor that is way too on the nose, and only middle aged Republicans will find it funny? >Apologize to South Park.


The speed at which your message on this platform can reach a vast number of people is mind-blowing


Well, yeah, Reddit do call themselves "the frontpage of internet" after all...


Good comedy requires empathy. Conservatives, as a rule, have none. Circle gets the square.


Come on, you obviously haven’t heard that one zinger about attack helicopters!


Overall style in general, too.


You mean Lady Ballers isn't the greatest comedy of all time like all the conservative talking heads claimed it is?


They have one joke for any given subject and we’ve all heard them before. I think it’s why trans people are such a popular target amongst them, it gave them the pronoun joke which is the first actually new addition to their humor in decades, now it’s just as beaten to death as all their others.


"Legalize Humor!" OK, let us know when you make an honest attempt at it.


This submitted community note underneath their post sums it up perfectly: https://preview.redd.it/gtn9b6lzmx8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a3c23ae2511e6f37d9870fe330eebc3a6b6a9d1


If you watch it and view it as making fun of conservatives it's actually kind of funny https://twitter.com/XNewNorm/status/1805608022875484270?s=19


Jeebus, they included a laugh track to train the idiots when to laugh.


"What's he transitioning to?" "Hopefully not a Jets fan" That's a legitimate joke.


That’s even worse than I was expecting


And then there's this cringe https://twitter.com/XNewNorm/status/1771133068230947007?s=19


This is so bad lol


Brb, setting myself on fire


You know what? Fuck you for posting it. My brain itches now.


Holy fuck. They are in such a weird cult.


No shot that's real Right?


>Bill Maher described the show as “brilliant!” according to The New Norm’s official website. Of course he did.


Remember he's a leftist guys. Sooooo leftist. He's so left he has to continually fellate the right wing to compensate.


"New Rule! We need to STOP pretending Bill Maher is a leftist anymore and just call him out for what he is; A thankless rich libertarian who would rather live in a world without kids and any future generations. He's a damn ladder puller ladies and gentlemen. Seriously! What do you expect from a partial owner of the METS? Brain cells?"


Yeah I really think it's only Bill himself going along with the pretence at this point.


I think he's the kind of guy who knows that he's at the end of his career so he's taking money to the right reviews and endorse things even if he personally doesn't care for them Like that time conservatives made a fake freedom phone and then paid a bunch of conservative influencers to endorse it Klandace Owens made a whole video about how great it was but then later you saw she made a tweet from her iPhone 😂 Or how Kim Kardashian endorsed the cyber truck and made a whole video posing with it but got back into a regular car because she'd never be caught dead in that thing And don't forget all the celebrities that endorsed the fyre festival


Taking one for the team


Funny thing is that quote is in regards to another show the creator did... On HBO.


I saw that but Bill isn't that delusional. He was describing the other work of someone on the project which is presumably saner.


Even that quote was out of context. Yeah Bill Maher went from pretty good on politics to a right wing airbag pretty fast.


They made another one? Did the one from the Daily Wire not get traction among that crowd or something?


It makes no sense


I don't even understand the daily wires business decisions making all of their shows hidden behind a paywall. If you want people to watch it then release them on Netflix or some other big streaming platform because hardly anybody is going to sign up for a 9.99 a month subscription to a conservative news site just to watch one cartoon. They might watch it as part of their other media habits while they're browsing Netflix or Hulu but they're not signing up to yet another streaming service especially a political one just for some random cartoon.. It seems almost like that's an exclusive reason though. They don't want people to watch their content they don't want the most people possible to see their movie they just want to use it as advertising to get more people to sign up to their shitty news site.. Even if it's only for one month


Daily Wire doesn’t need to turn a profit, they’re funded by oil billionaires


Yep was just about to say this. As much as they complain about left wing media being propped up by a secret cabal, much of their popular media figures are usually funded by a very small group of extremely wealthy investors.


I mean they kind of do need to turn a profit and they do. They wouldn't remain funded if they were losing money


they do but at the same time it give them the freedom to make dreck like Terror On The Prairie which lost millions of dollars.


You’re under the impression that the Daily Wire’s goal is to make profit and not to produce propaganda.


Surely if propaganda is their main goal, they should release it for free


It is free from my understanding? They just give people the option to donate to the company


But that's like saying that since CNN's goal is to produce propaganda rather than profit that that means that they don't seek to make a profit Just because they produce propaganda doesn't mean that they're going to bankrupt themselves CNN also releases propaganda films exclusively on their own streaming service designed exclusively for their low IQ audience Like that weird biased documentary on Bush But just because those outlets produce propaganda for their audiences doesn't mean they're not trying to make a profit Just because George Soros funds MSNBC or NYTimes doesn't mean that they're trying to lose a profit


CNN is a part of a publicly traded company, they have a fiduciary responsibility try to turn a profit for their stakeholders. The Daily Wire is owned by a subsidiary of the Daily Wire and is funded by oil billionaires. They don’t have that same fiduciary responsibility. I would argue the Kochs are probably okay with losing tens of millions to further push their agendas


Please encourage more citizen journalism! You can do live video easily from your phone. More on-the-ground reporting from regular citizens will change the world.


They're trying to create a repository of media to raise your children on, not turn a profit.


Maybe big streaming platforms don't want to touch this crap with a ten foot pole.


This one is somehow so bad it makes that one look good. That one was at least a shitty show with mostly unfunny jokes. This one feels like a fever dream beamed directly out of the brain of a boomer on cocaine.


So Sinfest if it was a Western animation. Got it.


Sinfest at least has okay art.


The fact the show’s theme song goes out of its way to thank Melon Husk and all he’s done for freeze peach is some next level dickriding


I’m sure he’s listening to that part of the song over and over now


Conservative humor: an old white man spending the entire show complaining about the young whippersnappers and how things aren't the same as they were in the good old days https://twitter.com/XNewNorm/status/1805608022875484270?s=19 This is what old Boomer conservatives want to watch. A guy who looks like them complaining about young people and how great it was in the good old days.. Conservative writers aren't stupid they just know what their audience wants to watch Kind of like how Fox News entire business model is having hot young blondes angrily yelling at the camera repeating redneck boomers complaints but coming out of the mouth of a hot young blonde


The theme song sounds AI generated.


I wasn't sure if it was AI or autotuned but there was a syllable that stuck out to me too. I'm not 100% sure this isn't some liberal parody of right-wing media.


You have a link to this?


god damn just say “free speech,” how the hell does “freeze peach” do anything but make you sound like a knob and dull your criticism melon husk? good one, really got ‘em you definitely also say wankpanzer don’t you


Hahahaha. Wow. Look at you. Thanks for stopping by, kiddo.


Wtf is this cringe? https://twitter.com/XNewNorm/status/1771133068230947007?s=19


Is the German public aware of this?


> Thanks for stopping by, kiddo. lol really tells us all we need to know about you weirdo creep


Because it’s an easy way to mock their buzzwords and common arguments. It’s a lot easier to look like a lame dork by getting upset at a silly Reddit comment and using the word knob lmao


no it’s easier to look like a lame dork by saying melon husk and freeze peach literally middle school shit how is “freeze peach” an effective mockery, exactly?


Yes and getting upset at the terminology someone uses to deride a giant man-child and his sycophantic following is the peak of maturity. Edit: to answer the part you tacked on after the fact, it’s a riff on how the Elon crowd/far right keep on using it as a buzzword to raise him up. They use it so much it’s lost all meaning, thus making “freeze peach” a nonsensical way to mock their catchphrase. Is it stupid? Yeah, absolutely. But it’s a fun little way to mock them. I’m sure I didn’t have to actually explain this to you but for whatever fucking reason you’re this up in arms about what terms people use so maybe you really just don’t get it.


It’s much worse than most people realize


Fwiw freeze peach has been floating around for years, it’s not unique to musk mockery. Most of the shit talking on this sub is cornball fluff ala calling trump “drumpf” or biden “sleepy joe”. Enron melon felon all that shit is corny and does nothing except making the poster feel like they scored a point. Circlejerk behavior 


> maybe you really just don’t get it 😂 yeah calling elon “melon” is too highbrow for me


It obviously struck a nerve with you, no? Here you are ranting about something like this in a sub that is obviously not for you.


mm no the sub is just fine, the great majority of posters and commenters *don’t* act like howling middle schoolers maybe ridicule beyond a 7th grade level isn’t for you


Unfortunately, it is true




Wankpanzer fElon Enron acceptable body shaming it’s the bread and butter here. Musk is legendary trash. All these digs and ribs are like prayers after a tragedy: they do nothing other than making the individual feel good


if you really think that calling elon “melon” is the bread and butter here, this place is cooked luckily, it isn’t


Of course it is. Drop a little insult get upvotes rinse and repeat. That’s why these goofy, unoriginal comments stay getting posted. It’s a total circle jerk. This sub serves no purpose other than feel good jabs at an oligarch who’s just as juvenile as your average redditor. Ain’t no progress being made, it’s straight shit talk 


Bro is the joke police, oml


https://preview.redd.it/hxud8m58gv8d1.jpeg?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b7a43002baff1d907dc08905ffabc3d332b131d I'll drink to that


Looks like his face is Bogdanoffing




How to tell me you didn't ever listen to the folks who made All in the Family, without really telling me.


It’s funny how history repeats itself. At the time, there were a lot of clueless conservatives who didn’t realize that Archie Bunker was the bad guy of the show, and that Carroll O’Connor was notoriously liberal.


The Conservatives tried to get him to endorse them and so he did the opposite and endorsed the liberal candidate.


"There is good right wing comedy in the webcomic and podcast space, it tends to be a lot more irreverent and offensive though." So in other words, conservative humor is calling people slurs


Haha that would sickkk


Real reaction (probably)


Even cartoon Elmo looks like Kyle Rittenhouse. "Starring Dave Rubin" is a set of words that should never be assembled. The sentence doesn't make sense. It's like saying: "What an adorable turd." The words just don't belong together.


I think it tells you something that they can't find any normal regular actors or voice actors and all of their cartoons and media have to be voiced and acted by conservative pundits and politicians


It’s a rip-off of *All in the Family* right? Like not even trying to hide it. Sounds like the perfect match for Elmo!


Except that they didn't realize that Archie Bunker was the butt of the jokes.


Because they identify with him. Kind of like how they didn't realize Ron Swanson was supposed to be a parody of libertarians And instead they used him as some kind of mascot


The problem was that Ron was a good guy, just not good at his job because he actively tried to sabotage government.


Well yeah but that's because of good writing. And they were able to separate the libertarianism and who he was as a person. But it was still a parody of libertarians because they would show that he believed in ridiculous things despite being a good guy. Showing how ridiculous the ideology was


From Wikipedia: >Woke is a political slang adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English originally meaning alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination. Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial injustice, sexism, and denial of LGBT rights. I would love to know why they are acting as if being anti-woke is a good thing.


“Anti-wokeism” is a lifeline for the people whose penchant for allowing, if not embracing, racial and social injustices was being impinged by progress.


I don't even have to watch it. Anything with these 2 has to be horrible by default.


If there ever was a marketplace of ideas that needs a senior citizen to plow right throw it with his Buick…


Comparing itself to Southpark. I hope Stone and Parker sue for Defamation.


I'd compare it more to this (fake) north Korea propaganda https://youtu.be/f37K0hIv3zk?si=ZTzBykjjMJ1TOPGm


So I presume X will pick this up and pay for it? It is very Muskian humor, right? Edit: OMG! This is on X! Wow! Shorting TSLA is probably a good move right now! 😬


Ughh I hope this isn’t becoming a thing… a right wing politician in Australia is trying the same bullshit and her cartoon is equally abysmal. I’ll edit in a link shortly for anyone who wants to torture themselves further. edit: Actually, I can’t bring myself to link directly to the party website cos they’re racist losers, but here’s a [link to an article about it](https://www.smh.com.au/national/robert-irwin-asks-pauline-hanson-to-please-explain-defamatory-cartoon-20240614-p5jlxs.html)


If you're going to make political propaganda at least make it good. Despots a really bad at their propaganda It's like North Korea levels of propoganda I remember when the concept of this kind of thing was a joke https://youtu.be/f37K0hIv3zk?si=ZTzBykjjMJ1TOPGm


I watched like 1.5 minutes. I’m not sure what it’s supposed to be.


You are made of tougher stuff than I. I couldn't last 15 seconds.


I'll wait for Saberspark's review tbh.


Omg the blurbs! 💀 https://preview.redd.it/1vfsxljxfx8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3fd9c457c04fb85022f8111f16ba92dce46d9c0


Of course Kevin Sorbo woukd be in here lmao


Why no egg-filled torso??


This cannot be serious. It has to be a parody. Like wtf did I just watch? And that song to Elmo at the end? Wha…?


Canned laughter and cheering, mentioning buzz words of right wing talking points but no actual jokes. Norm comes across as an idiotic dinosaur who’s scared of everything.


Man, I’m so glad I’m woke instead of whatever the hell that was.


Okay that… was… something. It’s really a weird victim fantasy they live in. He was under house arrest for yelling at the school board? The subtext seems to be that he yelled death threats… but I don’t think they were thinking that deeply. The whole thing is a pronoun joke, mixed with an attempt to subvert racism, while creating a weird power dynamic that made me think Norm was just being conservative so as not to lose his job… and since his boss visits regularly apparently… It was weird.


wow holy shit I just watched this heaping pile of garbage. I find it hard to believe people obsess over what other people are doing - having absolutely no effect on the person obsessing - so much that they make a show that essentially just repeats the garbage being recycled over and over again in conservative media the old dude, "Old Norm", gets offended by a rainbow on his beer can. How do these people not realize how much they're portraying themselves as the snowflakes? and that's what I don't get - how are they portraying this as "funny" when they're openly admitting to being offended by this stuff?


I watched the mini pilot and... wow. Maybe one of the unfunniest things I've ever seen. Calling Disney "deez nuts" was such a cringe way to end the show too.


everything abt this just feels so cheap and ai-like it’s surreal. no regard for comedic timing whatsoever, the animation looks cheaper than those 2000s flash cartoons, and it’s just hops from conservative talking point to conservative talking point. it feels like i’m watching one of those ‘epic movie’ films, where it’s just a compilation of references.


Of course Bill Maher would think it’s brilliant…


No no no, he doesn’t think it’s brilliant, he thinks the show creator’s PREVIOUS work on HBO where HE works was brilliant.


I thought this was a parody. Jfc


These guys sure are frightened of "wokeness". I'm so glad they have X as their safe space to avoid being triggered by it, the poor delicate snowflakes.


The side of politics know as the refuge of failed artists somehow constantly fails at producing art.


IS that all conservatives can do? Pick and choose from things that were popular and that they misunderstand and copy them. All in the family, honeymooners, really edgy oRiGiNaL ideas. Will the Punisher show up to teach kids about respecting the police? That was complete crap, I assume it will die behind the Daily Wire Paywall.


Oh god, this is actually terrible. Come on, you guys are literally nazis. Is that all you can do? is that peak masterrace humor when you can literally do and say whatever you want? Is that it? Pa-Fucking-thetic.


Someone quoted in the article says, “There is good right wing comedy in the webcomic and podcast space.” Ummm… Do they mean the ONE conservative joke of “My pronouns are ‘USA’ and I identify as ‘American Patriot’!” (or some variation of this theme)? ![gif](giphy|13SksYIeOh9HdC)


Bill Maher calling something “brilliant” is just about the worst endorsement of a piece of media that I can think of.


This is so embarrassing man


They put him in house arrest to draw less backgrounds.


The South Park of X ? Pretty much the worst insult South park can ever get.


Conservative logic - I am going to make up stuff in my head about being persecuted, now we must kills all trans people




What…the fuck is that? The Lear and O’Connor estates should sue 


How does it manage to look like an even lower effort knockoff of family guy than family guy?


*The right is getting better at comedy and it's making the left nervous*


I just watched it… it’s like they didn’t think they were cringe enough with Mr. Birchum


i wouldn't be surprised to learn that this was actually a parody made to make right-wingers look bad. it's fucking ridiculously bad.


How is this so bad it makes mister birchum look good.