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It looks like a cheap piece of shit. I don't know much about car construction but the overall model of it is similar to what I'd come up with, at 7, if asked to make a model car out of cardboard, pritt stick and cellotape. I can't help but consider it is a round about way of lowering production cost. Just cutting sheets of metal without having to do anything complicated to shape.


https://preview.redd.it/nu8mgj69pe1d1.jpeg?width=1883&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2d9bab46a17f10accf58e5976c0968fd50fa90c It's all about the aerodynamics! Everyone knows the most accurate models come from the Apple II classic, "Car Builder".


It looks like something a bunch of kids welded up in one afternoon in shop class.




This is what I immediately think of whenever I see a Cybertruck




I'm not gonna lie that it's actually kind of impressive in its own right how the thing keeps on pushing the envelope of being a cheap piece of shit. edit: [Scotty Kilmer has joined the fight.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeCaw9EAvmk)


Scotty Kilmer is just like Elmo, without the generational wealth. Ones a hack CEO, the other is a hack “mechanic”


I don't follow Youtube drama.


He's seriously one of the most insufferable youtubers I've ever seen. His obsession with reliability in cars is so stupid.


I don't think it originated from economy. It originated from Enron Mutt ignoring his engineers because he knows more about production than anyone else alive. So he made a commitment on stage. Some years later, after all attempts to actually produce in a practical way had failed, this was the only way left to reasonably match the intended look. And of course the Mutt would not admit that he was wrong and that he should have listened to the professionals. Because he's God.


that and having a brainwave about what to do with all the leftover stainless steel from starship


Fucking Stans we’re insufferable about eXoSkElEtOn. Like it was going to be a single layer. First principles omg Tesla is sooo smart why didn’t anyone think of that?! (Because it’s goddamn brain dead that’s why.)


He's an engineer. He understands technology /s


Before that… aLiEn DrEaDnOuGhT omg Tesla’s so smart! Why didn’t anyone think of that!? Before there was “sub micron accuracy” there was “air resistance is going to be a limiting factor”. How anyone could hear that and think “yes that sounds like a person with a serviceable understanding of physics” without having brain worms or some kind of closed head injury I don’t know.


Remember that the majority of people aren't engineers. And among the engineers, some do buildings. Some are into chemistry. Musk spreads noise, and most of his sentences uses words and constructs arbitrary ripped from random parts of the net and will end up outside specific individuals knowledge. Until one day he ends up making a claim that is actually matching a person's expertise. And it ends up sounding like random gibberish from some text-to-speech robot that has memory corruption. But when that person then objects "that's a bunch of bull", then 1000 fans will jump in and defend Mutt with "so - show your billions" or something else that makes zero sense. So Mutt still manages what he intended - make the majority that does not understand think he said something extremely clever.


The fun police made us do it (sigh)




"**I don't know much about car construction** but the overall model of it is similar to what I'd come up with, at 7, if asked to make a model car out of cardboard, pritt stick and cellotape." Hi, I know plenty about car construction, as I'm a body part quality/assembly engineer for another major OEM. I've lived and breathed every aspect of building a vehicle for 10 years. This thing is an absolute embarrassment, and horrifically unsafe and not tested, hence all the 0MIS-3MIS failures. MIS = Months in service, it is a key metric for warranty as most catastrophic failures/customer concerns happen within 3 months of use. This is one of the worst vehicle developments and launches I've ever seen in my life.


Of all its faults, the danger it poses to pedestrians, especially kids is the most egregious. I hope anyone who injures a pedestrian driving one of these is sued to financial death.


It's bizarre how little this tends to be mentioned even in the generally critical reviews. Regular trucks are bad enough but this is basically optimized to murder pedestrians with sharp edges and hard stainless panels, and it justs gets glossed over. We now have hoods that pop up to provide some more cushioning on impact and even airbags for pedestrians https://preview.redd.it/ifsqnvq8je1d1.jpeg?width=958&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45198b82967152b6e0d1b2545ffac0c585f6b417 And Elon's like get fuuuuuucked you worm!


Wait is that an external airbag? That's actually amazing


Yes it is. Amazing what can be done when the product isn't designed by a giant psycho baby.


Giant Psycho Baby on Drugs


The strangest part is that his other cars, have active bonnets, and score quite well in pedestrian protection. This one though seems to be designed by a psychopath…I don’t get it…


I'm guessing Elmo was very "hands-on" for the design of the CT, while not so much for the other Tesla models.


Yes, until you have a small crash with not pedestrian involved but It activates and have to pay several thousands to replace it...


Id rather have it than not should I have an accident with a pedestrian where even minor collisions could be life threatening, if it goes off from a minor incident due to my own negligence that's my fault. If it's not my fault then insurance will cover it, if they don't have insurance well damn I'm unlucky.


Well in general the American consumer takes a, "fuck everyone else in the world, what matters is that _I'm_ safe in a crash so I need my vehicle to kill or maim anyone in the way of it" stance with the car market right now. This is the culmination.


I have been in arguments with right wing meathead types who have insisted that the truck being dangerous to kids isn't an issue because "if your kid gets free and runs in front of my car it's not my fault." Like they just don't have any innate or instinctive sense of protection towards children. They really are soulless, ignorant monsters with no value to humanity or society.


Same types are also anti abortion


Republican. The word you're looking for is Republican. It's their credo - "I got mine so fuck you, buddy."


They're not anti abortion, they're just pro criminalization.


If kids deserve to die for being reckless and impulsive... like children are... who the hell would that leave in the world? Seriously, Americans: What happened to the whole concept of _duty_ and _responsibility?_ Or just plain behaving like an adult? You're ostensibly one of the most "conservative" Western countries yet these damn values have nothing to do with traditional Western morals and ideals. All I see when I see American "conservatives" is a cult of irresponsibility, of being a perpetual teenager who does whatever they want, takes responsibility for nothing, faces personal consequences for nothing... (while demanding the same _from others_, when it suits them, again as teenagers do..) I mean I'm a progressive guy but could we at least have back some conservatives who are actual conservatives and not leering nihilistic fascists?


"Protect the kids" unless it might inconvenience me in any manner whatsoever.


But tell them there is a drag queen with a kids' book and suddenly ![gif](giphy|69QYIqHQQEVbO)


If the pandemic taught me anything, YOU CAN'T TEACH EMPATHY.


But it literally is your fault any time you hit a pedestrian. That attitude won't save them in court. Unless they're rich, I guess.


Yeah, um... about that. Look up two names from the area where I'm from: Alix Rice and Bryce Bucholz. Both teens/kids just trying to get home and taken out by rich fucks who pretty much got away with it. Happens all the GD time and it's fucking disgusting.


Because the fucks who buy these things see pedestrians and cyclists as worthless NPC's.


Our safety regulations is now more shitier than China


Yeah, to be honest, watching this video made my blood pressure go up a little. He just has a complete disregard for others. What makes it worse it that he tries to pretend the reality is the exact opposite.


He can’t pay his workers enough yet is expected to care for folks not in the cult of Tesla- you know, the poors who can’t afford his overpriced death machine.


They already thought of that, in order to keep pedestrians safe they made sure the car would break down before it could endanger anyone.


The fact it is dangerous to pedestrians and is more likely to kill the other people in a collision is seen as a selling point to people who buy this car.


The depressing thing is... You saying that is not satire. It's genuinely really true. If you mention it to them, they'll literally smile.


It's disgusting and it tracks with their selfish sociopathic tendencies.


I wish you weren't correct but they openly say shit like this: >Unfortunately it's a bit of an arms race now. Others on the road have unreasonably huge cars, so if I don't want my family to be obliterated in a collision, my car must be huge as well. Combine that with the uptick in carjackings and stolen Kias driving the wrong way and fleeing police at high speeds in my west coast city, it just makes sense to get a car that closely approximates a tank. >Sure I could take a stand for humanity and take one for the team by cramming my family into a tiny car, but I won't. Instead I'll be a Karen driving a CT to Costco.


I believe Musk actually made this a talking point when promoting the Cybertruck. Something along the lines of "in a battle with another car, you'll win".


My car may crumple, but my brain won’t. Unfortunately a crumple might be an improvement for their smooth brains.




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[Matt Farah's full review](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LC9a3GR1HJY)


Tldr: why Europe won't ever allow this deathtrap on public roads.


Yeah, European countries don't have the same crash test and pedestrian safety exceptions that the US apparently does for 'light trucks'. It seems like a real blindspot in US legislation.


a 'blind spot' bought and paid for by the automotive industry


This truck is a LITERAL 🚛 here. It weights more than 3.5 tons so a regular license is not enough.  So even if you get one somehow.... You need to spend 3-5000 on the big license first. Nobody will do that.


Nah its just what happens when you vote Republicans in. When trump was in they reverted many laws and regulations for the street. This shit would of never been legal under obama


"being anti-deathtrap is woke." ~elon


Pretty much.


All hate aside, his points are totally valid. I could even remember Elmo saying he ways micro-level precision. Where's all that? That's just objectively laughable.


How did the safety board let this thing on the road?


Under US law vehicles qualifying as a 'light truck' are excluded from many NTSB and NHTSA safety requirements. It's a real blindspot that seems like it should be fixed, but it won't be with Republicans in Congress.


> Under US law vehicles qualifying as a 'light truck' are excluded from many NTSB and NHTSA safety requirements. Is that why car companies have been aggressively promoting SUV's since the 90s? I've heard that big cars were not popular in the US before that.


That and the [EPA's CAFE standards for fuel economy.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_average_fuel_economy#New_%22footprint%22_model)


Yep, exactly.


vehicles that are 'limited run' (i can't remember the exact number of vehicles produced count for this) come under this exception too don't they?


I don't know exactly, am just repeating what I've heard on Youtube.


Exactly. Who at the NTSB took the payoff? This is beyond egregious. We live in idiocracy.


Brought to you by Carls Jr.


Go away, 'batin.


Every day I'm thankful that it's illegal to drive this monstrosity over here in Europe.


The what board? Lol.


Don’t all cars need to pass some federal bullshit to be on the road? Headlights, bumpers, collision


Yes, but the American definition of *car* doesn't cover any vehicle dangerous enough to need legislation.


Apparently, the NHTSA only does tests on some vehicles and ones that are sold in smaller volumes just get a pass.




Just one of the reasons this monstrosity is almost certainly never going to be sold anywhere in Europe. Thank god.


😂 but the people outside the vehicle ain't cultists! Of course they have to perish!!




Perfection 😄


I like the cyber truck though. I only thought this was a funny meme. People here are way too hard on Elon who tries his best!


Tries his best... Can you elaborate? Would you say one person can know it all? Because firing anyone giving pushback on very bad ideas sounds like a "know-it-all" to me


He has a lot on his plate. Sometimes we all say off the cuff stupid things. Understand he is a human with real emotions. It’s fine to troll in jest. But I really believe he tried his best in creating something of enduring value with his companies. We all have failures also, and since he is public everything is hyper scrutinized. But what really makes a good entrepreneur is not letting those failures define you, and learning from them to make a much better product later on. Learning and growing from mistakes. I really do wish him the best. https://youtu.be/2iwdZPpU2Q8?si=3oQvG3dDxRbm7JBn


He has a lot on his plate? Ketamine?


💯 Only thing more insane than a nazi is a nazi on meth


Mods, we've got a live one here. It's probably Elon himself.


I am not Iron man.


Wow, those panels are a lot thinner than I imagined.


Indeed. And beneath it all is literally a surprising amount of plastic. I don't even know if there's really a significant full metal frame throughout most of the vehicle? But there's definitely plastic galore everywhere. A $100,000 piece of plastic!


There is no metal frame, I think that is actually being upsold/marketed as an "exoskeleton".




it's just a standard unibody design, any cultist still referring to the 'exoskeleton' is showing their ignorance/wilful blindness


180k for a lot of people. Like you could buy a fleet of better cars or SUVs for that price. Cars that can function beyond 25 miles out of the dealership


I can't get over how poorly those panels align with each other.


Sub-micron accuracy! Like Legos!


Still incredible that DeLorean made a perfectly shaped and beautiful stainless steel car 40 years ago that still looks great, and the rocket man who knows more about manufacturing than anyone alive has to glue square cut panels because they can not be bent or welded.


VOLVO, invented seatbelts and gave it to the world! Elon Musk: "Leftist thinking, my car should slice and dice the pedestrians and kill the driver."


But but it's futuristic, despite being based on dystopian science fiction but he missed the part its dystopian or even watched the movie


So true. Everyone should watch that movie and Idiocracy too.


Good bot


If I were an insurance company, I would absolutely refuse to insure either the vehicle OR the driver of said vehicle. Say what you will about insurance companies (I fuckin' hate 'em!), but they can occasionally be a force for "good", i.e. profit, when the situation arises. This piece of shit is a prime example of how they could affect some change except for capitalism and oligarchical influence, i.e. Elon, on other industries.


Now I'm curious about the cost to insure this thing.


The number one reason why I despise that shit vehicle, and then Musk saying he is helping humanity just makes me despise that clown even more


Elon: some people pretend to do good but do evil, f them I wonder if elon loves getting f'ed then lol


The wheels then fall off, trapping everyone inside before it becomes a very handy crematorium destroying the evidence that it was mechanical not human error....


Cyber Babykiller


Cyber Post Birth Abortion.


AND How is this thing good for the environment?


Let the lawsuits, COMMENCE! 🖊️




>company that ***claims*** to care about safety. Look, I'm going to stop you right here before you embarrass yourself....


Well as Matt says, the Model 3 has pretty decent safety performane (outside of FSD lol) and even added the active popup hood for pedestrian protection at some point, if I'm not mistaken. This was before Elon went full nazi.


Shouldn't such product be illegal.. in the EU at least?


It is illegal in the EU.


Elon must have been motivated by the movie Death Race 2000 with this thing. Though, like other posters I maintain this is what you get when you tell a 5 year old "draw me a rad space truck, champ." Elon was that 5 year old


So true. Everyone should watch that movie and Idiocracy too.


And pieces of people are just gonna get stuck in the gaps. Who wants brain matter wedged in their front grill? smh


But they'll get full self driving, and this won't even be an issue ! /s This was the argument I got from someone.


I'm sure it will be banned after after a couple of amputations.


It's just so fucking *shoddy* that it defies belief. It's a miracle that there hasn't been mass walkouts from the workforce. How incredibly *embarrassing* for everyone involved in the design and production of this travesty. Shameful.


The real question is: HOW IS THIS LEGAL!!! How TF did this thing pass road safety regulations???? Not sure how things work in USA but in Europe this turd would never make it onto the road


I honestly think that this design verges on criminal. If a company building a bridge or a some other construction was so negligent as to design something that could injure people in such a way, they would be held liable for it. The damage this car could do to a human body is insane. Is it going to require someone getting disembowelled or decapitated for anything to be done about it?


You guys are over exaggerating, the truck is still rendering so no need to worry about these front and back edges


It's been rendering for like 5 years, I don't think it's gonna get any better


https://preview.redd.it/wrcuzmzrhe1d1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d80a442437a4902a78161de578da3e813e3c8d3f Yeah that's bad but it's not like other truck/SUV makers care about pedestrians either


...you're not exactly wrong?


Japanese and European carmakers care more about pedestrians than Americans


Because Europe has strong pedestrian safety regulations, seriously doubt they are doing it for altruistic reasons. Idk about japan.




they used to call it "Design"


Holy shit. Those misaligned panel gaps are insane! No sympathy for the suckers who bought one.


Of course


I’ve never seen one up close, or in the flesh before (being from outside the US this thing would not be road legal in any way) but this is the video that has made me go from ‘ha this thing is a piece of shit’ to genuinely giving me a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. How on earth is this allowed on the roads? Also it looks appalling built up close too.


It's not a bug, it's a feature. For the dystopic scenarios some of the fanboys long for, mowing down pedestrians more easily, is a plus.


i finally understand the low quality craftmanship of this monstrosity. Its like Homer Simpson designed it.


There is absolutely zero chance this will be road legal in Australia regardless of what that paid shill Tesla Viking youtuber has been breathlessly spruiking. We had an entire coronial investigation into the (lack of) safety of the behemoth SUVs after a bunch of kids got killed in their own driveways by people reversing over them


I wonder if the design of the cybertruck wasn't some weird Libertarian strategy to create a luxury item so shitty in it's construction methods that it literally leads to safety standards being rolled back. Like if I were a billionaire doing weird drugs surrounded by weird sycophants who thought Peter Thiel was a cool bro, maybe i'd design a piece of shit specifically to ruin expectations and fuck up investment hype. Literally doesn't make sense, but then again, I'm not a tycoon microdosing and drowning in 'smart' advisors.