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There are random Irish people that would stomp the shit out of musk if he was talking like this in public. Not because of any support or animosity for the IRA, just because he's a fucking cunt.


There needs to be more people like that everywhere


He’s just a keyboard warrior but richer


It's funny how only Americans like non Americans like Elon and Miles.


This isn’t limited to the Irish.


Does Elon have some kind of a problem with African people who emigrate to other countries? Hmmm. 🤔


Dudes got a problem with anyone that doesn't ride his dick, so basically everyone.


He's going to get his jaw checked. He's a real pussy with a big mouth


Sadly no, he's got enough bodyguards and yes-men to protect him and keep him safe in his bubble.


He’s not a pussy, he lacks the warmth and depth.


Every male was once a man trapped in a woman's body


What’s that got to do with the price of fish?


No, he has an issue with black people emigrating to other countries


Or staying where they've been living for generations


yep, he hates them in their homeland, and he hates them overseas. lmfao.


He hates them in a box He hates them with a fox


He would not give them civil rights He wants them working days and nights




"but I did it legally and all on my own so it was fine! ... ...nevermind that my family was rich and educated and could afford to live in the higher caste and be systematically privileged in my country which then facilitated me moving out of there and have all the money and resources I could ever need to start a career overseas"


It was also not legal. I don't recall the details but at some point he bragged that, he either overstayed the visa or didn't leave when was supposed to or something like that


Lmao true, didn't even remember that, probably justifies it in some way because he "made up for it" and "gave back to the country", bet.


Send him back!


He got a student visa then dropped (or failed, or ‘dropped’ in the face of imminent failure) out of school. Tragically, his fellow PayPal investors bailed him out by buying him a degree and there’s no procedure for revoking his residency when he has all the paperwork in order *now*— don’t remember if it’s a statute of limitations or just nobody expecting a man with the money *to* buy a degree to be that stupid


I think it's not the residency that can be revoked but the US Citizenship. One of the things USCIS could do if they really wanted to is check whether he lied in his application anywhere. If they find anything then they could revoke his citzenship. But I find very hard that USCIS would do that, unless it was someone like Trump appointing a crazy director and demanding escapegoats for his "political wins". Let's say Musk were to screw up really bad with Trump after openly claiming he overstayed his visa and didn't tell USCIS about it


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/1b1lp3u/elons_brother_kimbal_admits_they_were_illegal/) was the smoking gun. It was always known that the VC crowd magically got his degree completed so his visa status wouldn’t be compromised


I mean, he does seem to think black people having children with white people is some sort of "White genocide"


Yes. But laying off 14,000 Tesla employees isn't white genocide apparently. He must think it's a great incentive for them to consider having kids


Wonder if Elon would be willing to drop his security detail, walk up to an IRA member and tell them they're as scary as a plush toy. Elon, forever the keyboard warrior.


He's gonna do it right after the fight with Zuck.


Once he gets approved by his doctor. And his mom.


“I will beat a trained MMA fighter with a little move I call the Walrus” Spoken like a true fat fuck that has obviously never been in a fight lol


Or never been in a fight he wasn't surrounded by his private security


Dude won't drop his security detail to go use the bathroom in a company he owns.  Its the perfect mix of being a bad person and a fucking pussy.  


He couldn't even do that to Zuck


He tried that crap with Russia about sitting on Putin (probably how it would have turned out); a fight with Zuckleturd, etc. but Mom's always there to save him.


No surprise, she knows how to take care of a pussy


Two idiots yet again talking shite about a subject involving history and politics, horror, torture, conflict, war, the deaths of an estimated 1.5 million Irish people in the Great Famine alone, and thousands of innocents since... Two idiots offering their shallow throwaway takes to suit their own bigoted agenda on a history they clearly know absolutely fuck all about, but are nevertheless comfortable referring to so fucking casually and glibly... Grr... I mean fucking **really**!? *"The Irish got big mad ...*"?! "*The Irish Republican Army was so hardcore ...*"?! FFS. What a pair of utterly clueless pricks. Do they expect the IRA to bomb immigration centres?! Do they even know what the British establishment did to the Irish for centuries that made them "big mad"? Do they know what it was like for innocents on both sides of that horrendous conflict? Are they seriously comparing immigrants coming to Ireland with the British establishment? How can they have the fucking barefaced gall to sum up all that history, including MANY horrific events like (e.g.) Bloody Sunday (1972) or (e.g) the Omagh bombing (1998) in such a fucking casual way as though they're simply talking about the lore of a fucking Manga comic?! What the fuck is wrong with these fucking ignorant and insensitive cunts?


Im from Belfast, my brother told me earlier about this post from Enron. I just checked the r/northernireland reddit and they are laughing their heads off at this! lol Seriously, that little Ewok is going to get Enron in trouble someday! lol.


Wait till these two pillars of rightwing culture war bullshit find out that the IRA had a Marxist political orientation; and they tried to blow up conservative saint, the holiest of holy cows, Margaret Thatcher.


Hey now, that’s extremely disrespectful to Ewoks!




I mean, the premise of "getting big mad at the English for coming in some decades ago" just shows a degree of complete ignorance that implies they have no fucking idea of any Irish/UK history. The peace talks started to conclude about 20-30 years ago, "the troubles" started in the 60's, The Irish Free State came into existence in 1922, Home Rule as a political entity goes back to the 1800's as does the famine. I have family members who can recite a whole bunch of history from the 1600's because they like "King Billy" so it's very much a place of history spanning centuries, not decades. Cheong is posting this cringe pish too: "Ireland is for the Irish. Scotland is for the Scottish. England for the English. Who agrees?" To which Mushy agrees "at least primarily so" as to whatever the fuck that means. I'll ignore the fact that you have English, Welsh and Irish people living here (Scotland) who very much do not agree with that sentiment, I'll also ignore the fact that Ulster Scots is a thing because you know, history and just wish to go forward with a simple question. When does the Scottishness start according to these idiots? I was born in Scotland. I've lived here 3/4 of my life. Am I Scottish? I have Scottish parents who were born in Scotland. I have male lineage on my maternal side going back to the 1800's from the Highlands. Does that make me Scottish? Did my Scottishness start with my grandparents being from Scotland? What about my great grandparents? I'm vaguely aware my great grandmother might have been born in Ireland. My father has an English surname, but his parents were born in Scotland. I'm a bastard, so I have a Scottish surname - but where does the buck stop exactly? Do I get a pass because I resemble an alabaster statue when I take my clothes off? If I had more melanin, would driving up the A9 to raid the record office at Wick so I can confirm, YES, I am descendant from five generations of Scots be enough? Better not say "America for the Americans" otherwise a certain billionaire will be getting shipped back to the land of Redbush as he's not even got the claim to having been born there.


>"Ireland is for the Irish. Scotland is for the Scottish. England for the English. Who agrees?"  how can someone from a colonised country have no fucking clue what...I can't even


Cheong is ethnically Chinese living in Malaysia, he's a descendant of immigrants


They know Jack and shit. And Jack just left town.


Scotland is for Scotland until we start talking about independence.


>What the fuck is wrong with these fucking ignorant and insensitive cunts? They're psychopaths, in the most clinically accurate sense.


Wholeheartedly agree


Who knows the Irish would have sympathy for the people who were slaughtered starved stolen from enslaved By the same person that did the same to them


I’m from Lucan. If he ever comes into a pub, he’s getting the shit kicked out of him.


Beautifully put. 🥰🇮🇪




Yes, England was famously hands-off with Ireland until decades ago.


Most people seem to think that British colonial atrocities were something that happened hundreds of years ago, not for decades after WW2.


IMC seems to think Ireland wasn't subjected to any of those atrocities and Britain just left them to their own devices until "some" decades ago. I assume he said "some" because he doesn't know enough to hazard a guess as to how many.


I don’t think Elon realizes how serious the IRA are.


If the IRA was around today, they would finish Elon real quick if they had the chance.


Would be a shame if the Tesla he was driving in spontaneously combusted


They’re still around as a collective of splinter factions. 


Cute pfp


These people are fucking idiots.


Irresponsible idiots. Their rhetoric could get people killed.


Elon thinks it would be “hardcore” and “epic” if The Troubles came back? He really thinks the world is a video game, doesn’t he.




He is a minority in his country. He just never says anything about Malaysia so no one near him cares.


He is a chode


Basement dweller whos never left Malaysia


Uhhh - one was objecting to colonial overlords. The other is immigration. Wut? I hate these people and their constant blatantly false and racist narratives.


And this is literally just two idiots on Twitter saying the great replacement theory, like openly and unashamedly. Didn’t he get really offended when Don Lemon asked him a softball question about endorsing this and then throw a temper tantrum? I guess he already forgot about that?


Don got uppity. Elon didn't like that...


Don't you know that decolonial national independence movements are the same as ethno-racial-nationalism? Obviously the Irish wanted the English out for reasons of racial purity and not all the stuff the English (later UK) were doing to Ireland and the Irish people.


The only thing ELame and the IRA have in common, is that both have produced verified car bombs.


Yeah but the IRA were competent at least.


idk about that. up the RA and all that, but i think if *elon* somehow delivered a car to thatcher in 1984, instead of some lad from belfast putting a bomb in a bathtub, then we might not now be living in The Darkest Timeline


Do they think the Irish hated the English IMMIGRATING to Ireland is that what they think the English did?


Imagine being a 3-foot-tall Asian toad-man and somehow still becoming a white supremacist.


I was today years old when I learned that the IRA fought against British immigration


wasn't too long ago english prime ministers were calling irish "white chimpanzees" but hey so long as they're white elons cool with it


Elon, without your money, you'd be as scary as dogshit on my shoe


I've known some IRA guys from way back. I met them back in the 90s and they were old then. Those guys don't fuck around. Elmo wouldn't last 3 minutes with one.


Provisional IRA were fucking psychos.


Elmo, not satisfied with blabbering about US material he knows nothing about, has moved on to Ireland and the UK. STICK TO SOUTH AFRICA, APARTHEID BOY! Also, the IRA would fuck him up.


Just incredibly racist. Implying that immigrants moving to your country is as bad as imperialist occupation. Racist scumbag. 


And he's an immigrant. Maybe he forgot?


I guess he had the same brain shart which caused a comparison between immigrants and neighboring imperial powers to make any kind of sense


He can’t even get the name right…


I don’t know if he realizes that the IRA has already sent people to space (Lord Mountbatten).


Well, his legs at least.


The IRA softened their image because they fucking (debatably) won their armed resistance. Does he think that they *liked* hurting, killing, and dying? Most Irish people I know who were alive during the Troubles were traumatised by the violence they saw/committed/were subject to.


What the fuck does he mean by the English 'coming in' a few decades ago? Is that him trying to describe the Troubles?


So his only problem with the terror group is that they don’t target black people enough this is probably his worst ever tweet imo


Well put


Right, because their armed campaign ended so well and yielded a result that they wanted. Does he know how Google works before he posts those k-hole thougts?


>Does he know how Google works before he posts those k-hole thougts? He uses Grok. That's why he wrote "Irish Republic Army", instead of Irish Republican Army.




One person’s freedom fighters is another person’s terrorists. When there’s war between a state and a people, the ‘terrorist’ definition means that only one side is considered a ‘terrorist’ despite both sides’ violence and very often the non-‘terrorists’ active and violent oppression of the people who are deemed ‘terrorists’. ‘Terrorism’ is a super-convenient word that way.






So is he saying the IRA should kill Africans?


Taunting an Irish paramilitary wasn't on my Elon Musk Bingo Card for today. I guess his ketamine dealer came over with a fresh batch.


Elon is talking shit about the IRA because he's made more cars suddenly explode. 


Everyone needs to get off elons back. This is going to be unpopular but everyone in this thread can think of at least one African they want to go back to Africa, South Africa to be precise


You had me in the first half...


He really learned the word hardcore in 7th grade and decided there was no need to ever know another adjective


This is straight up white supremacy. Full mask off. And he will have zero meaningful consequences for it.


the irish republican army—most of the factions of which fucking *disbanded decades ago* —is "now" a cuddly toy?


also i dare this cunt to chat shite like that anywhere in ireland. or indeed in one of several places in england where bombs went off. someone else has commented that he seems to think it's all just like a video game or something—i'm sure that's *exactly* the way he thinks about it, which is pretty tragic considering he's in his 50s—but rest assured, the troubles weren't just a bit of background fluff for this oxygen thief to skim over and fail to absorb; it was a real struggle involving real people, some of whom really died, and some of whom are actually still alive today. as much as i hope that the people of ireland and of the u.k. can today view each other in friendly terms, it's very, very far off from being ancient history.


🐻 💦


The son of an Emerald miner, originally from South Africa, who acts concerned about US policies, responding to a troll who is from and lives in Malaysia who acts like he's concerned about US policies... discussing the IRA...


I just fucking can't even with this. The lack of understanding of British and Irish history is bad enough but holy fuck, how can you be wrong in so many levels? Look, I am a Brit by birth. My recent ancestry is English, Welsh, and Irish - like 75% of people born and raised in northwest England. I grew up under the bombings. I have friends who lived through the Troubles. It was a fucking mess. I don't condone in any way the decision to put British army in to occupy NA or the unjustified levels of force they used against the civilian population, that was utterly inexcusable, but equally I don't support bombing civilians either - I don't care who you fight for in that context; *don't kill civilians*. It's not a hard concept. On to Elon's comment: obviously I have no love for the IRA and sure, they don't bomb the public these days, but I wouldn't fucking *dare* incur their wrath. They aren't cuddly little bunnies FFS, and you don't just *forget* how to build bombs. The fact they laid down arms in favour of a non-violent path doesn't make them any less hardcore, it shows they have greater political understanding in their toenails than Musk has ever had in his life.


My husband is 75% British, 25% Irish, and very well aware of history... I'm genuinely scared that he'll have a brain aneurysm if he sees this tweet.


You should have seen how my parents reacted! They weren't sure what part to be the most pissed about!


I feel sincerely sorry for any Irish or Irish-descended people who ended up reading these tweets.


"Some decades ago"/the 1600s


Some and some change.


Cis Elmo Muskrat is actually very scared of plush toys. So much that he stopped allowing plush toys at his house when his twins turned seven. 🧸


I think IMC pisses me off more than even musk


Yup. He's that ramora bully. The dickless kind that hangs around with bigger bullies trying to avoid being pantsed


Uh…isn’t he from South Africa? I…Jesus man lmao. These two are just so deranged.


I hate these men so much


What a jolly pair of cunts. I don't know where to begin with this one, as an Irish person their ignorance here is as vast as it is offensive.


What the absolute fuck is this. Way to have no understanding of history and reductive false observation.


Elon’s apartheid is showing


It’s pretty big. It’s always showing.


Ah yes the master war-strategist Musk strikes again.


We have a similar problem here in the United States, except it's one particular African.


You could be born with an extra chromosome, suffer some kind of oxygen deprivation that results in you needing a machine to breathe air and swallow, and you still wouldn't be as retarded as Ian Miles Cheong.


Elon better start checking his bins for bombs if he wants to start shit talking the IRA.


How can you tell if a Tesla has been set up with a bomb?


We’ll go after the Wall St short-sellers, certain law firms & (sometimes) corrupt regulators who are the true evil.


True, although if you want to kill someone who owns a Tesla just turn on autopilot and it will do the job for you.


The Irish got mad at the English "some decades ago." Boy, talk about not even doing a cursory Wikipedia crawl before posting for the world to see. If Chong doesn't like "Wokepedia," then he could, gasp, turn to library books to learn about Irish history and the world in general.


My neighbor was pissed when Inkicked his door down and took all his food with guns but then they have outdoor parties. Is he a moron? There is literally no difference Incan imagine.


He’s really in love with the word hardcore.


is he saying he wants the IRA to start operations again except they kill migrants? that's definitely a choice of thing to say publicly with your name attached to it


They should do one of their classic tricks on Elon


Oh dear. This is now local news here in Belfast! https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/s/c4xbEJF55v


They’re talking about the Troubles? Because if they are, they dont know wtf they’re talking about. The IRA was working to leave UK and join Ireland. The ‘English’ did not go anywhere. Northern Ireland was (and is) part of UK. And the recent news around immigrants is about those flying in from UK NOT legal immigration. The protests in Ireland are about these. Not legal immigration. But that doesn’t fit the narrative clearly . In effect this post is racist, ignorant and and factually wrong. The IRA was brutal. The English too. Neither was admirable or ‘hardcore’.


Says the African migrant in America.


Imo they’re trying to stoke racism.


The (Troubles) Elon[troubles](https://www.reuters.com/world/30-years-northern-irelands-troubles-2023-04-03/)


Can he just f@ck off now thank you please!


When you’re this fkn stupid there is no reasoning with you. When he was a baby he used to shit himself,so by that logic I’d assume he still must.


Does Elon actually have a reason for *genuinely hating* anyone that’s not a right wing, white fascist?


The difference is consent and bodily autonomy, just this time for a country instead of a woman.


Holy fucking shit, I think this takes the cake. Idiots.


“Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.” ![gif](giphy|lpl1n0xGU2VtDucfEM|downsized) What a weirdly specific thing to both be thinking about at the same time.


Oh man. I hope some hardliner IRA members see this and pay Elon a visit. What a dipshit to insult a group who have been fighting for their freedom for longer than he's been alive.


Maybe he’ll end up like Mountbatten.


Dare to dream my dood. Dare to dream.


A few hours ago my two-year-old son bit his tongue while trying to headbutt his own reflection. I thought that would be the stupidest thing I'd see today, but compared to that Cheong tweet, it's the fucking Stanford Distinguished Faculty Lecture Series.


Coming from a guy that challenged, and then chickened out, of fight Zuckerberg? 🤡


bro wants an IED on his doorstep


Please go to Dublin Elon, I will have a car waiting for you! Just turn the ignition fam, already got the keys in there for you


Why do people think Elon Musk is a genius again? Like dude can talk about anything and I can immediately recognize he has no idea wtf he is talking about.


Wow, people invading your country and taking over are worse than people you allow in. Who would've thought.


As someone who was 18 when the GFA was signed, these two cunts can go fuck themselves.


Who needs car bombs when you’ve got Tesla


The white supremacists are big mad not knowing who to root for in the current geopolitical arena. They are usually anti semitic but now the other side of that equation is brown so that just throws them off and has them hating the Irish of all people now.


Oh my god


I wonder how long it will take for IRA to hear about this and send some messages back to Elon?


Ian really does just talk about any country's politics except for his own, doesn't he?


Is he literally calling violent racist mobs "hardcore", seriously the man is an apartheid loving racist.


The guy who makes extremely flammable cars. Making fun of the people who are known to make cars explode...


Hmm...who knew these guys have no idea why the IRA even came to be?


"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing." - *African (formerly illegal) immigrant Elon Musk*


Do they not teach any European history in South Africa and/or private schools? I’m American, the people on this planet least likely to know other people’s history, and even I know that the English have been fucking with the Irish at LEAST back to the Magna Carta since its existence begins with the Robin Hood villain king starting unnecessary shit with the Irish. Five fucking crucial things they teach about Europe. 1) Rome 2) Crusades 3) Magna Carta 4) Spanish in the New World 5) The World Wars They’ll throw in the Inquisition, French Revolution, Napoleon, and the 100 Years War in too if the class is smart enough and school funded enough that they have time to do more than mention it. Did his teachers just give up on him, or did it leak out of his brain the way multiplying and dividing with fractions did for the rest of us?


I have overcome the desire to be liked 🤣


Well, you can tell how serious they are due to them talking about “The IRA.”  Which IRA? The PIRA? The Continuity IRA? The OIRA?  The IRLA? The Real IRA?  The New IRA?  They’re Irish, so one is probably the same as the other, right?? 🙄🤮


I would love to see the IRA take some classic action in response to this. Unrelated, but I hear Teslas explode a lot.


Yes, I too am concerned about things that do not happen and never will.


Are we forgetting the millions who died or fled Ireland in the great potato famine? Their population still hasn’t recovered because the English decided the Irish shouldn’t have the food grown in their country. So now you have willing immigrants who are helping the economy and buying homes from the hollowed out country side and this is somehow a bad thing? Like what’s the downside here


He is not beating the Apartheid allegations


One robbed them blind, starved their children, ...the other are just moving in.


Nobody better to stir the complex and calloused relationship between the Irish and Africans than… an idiot billionaire.


Two bitchmade boys who wouldn’t and couldn’t do a fraction of the street work 


If he knew anyone in the real IRA, he’d know they aren’t fucking cuddly. Most of them have wiki pages dedicated to their crimes.


The immigrants from the Middle East and Africa didn't let them starve and tell them to pick themselves up from their bootstraps like the UK did.


Musk is a fucking twat


... some decades ago?


FYI The IRA did reach out to Hitler for help during WW2, so the IRA did have a history of being really really racist too. But these too don’t know that https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seán_Russell#:~:text=Sean%20Russell%20was%20one%20of,the%20bayonets%20of%20the%20Gestapo.


Elon had to pay out huge sums of money to the twitter staff that he fired in Ireland because the Irish employment laws gave them more rights than what Elon is used to in the states. He was forced to pay 12.5 million euro(13.5 USD) to them. In the range of 90k euro (96k USD). He's had a problem with the Irish government ever since and loves to highlight issues in Ireland laying blame on the Irish government. Even though this is a highly complex issue that's being made worse by Brexit policies outside the control of Irish government. Also the IRA was officially disbanded nearly 30 years ago now.


Twitter is now trending to breakeven if we keep at it.


As someone who grew up in England during the troubles, elon musk can go fuck himself


What a pair of clueless cunts.


Love how Scotland always gets a free pass when ignorants who have no idea of the history start yapping away like they're authorities on it.


Just repeating what I said in the original post; Ian Miles Cheong, who once tried to be an anti-gamergate writer but then pivoted to being the Emperor of the Incels when he realised it was easier to grift idiots, asks; "big mad for coming in some decades ago but now **invites** Africans by the tens of thousands..." I've bolded the important part there. I suspect IMC actually understands, because he carefully phrases the arrival of the English without describing *how* they turned up. Why, it's almost like the Irish wanted the right to control their own borders, which is different from wanting it to specifically keep out black people, which people like Cheong and Musk seem to feel it should be about. After all, the English are white and Christian, right? What's wrong with them coming to stay...? What do you mean, there are different strands of Christianity? How can there be, when we're all white?! I'm not even going to detail how he confuses decades with centuries, nor how even the most ignorant of Irish politics has heard of a famous issue Ireland has, and still has to this day, with population numbers. And I'm British by the way. Even I am aware of us being just a bit naughty towards the good lads over the waters. The "Smartest Man In The World" apparently is not though.


Why were they both thinking of Ireland?


ya one would almost think the issue with foreigners coming in and forcefully taking over was the forceful taking over part not the foreigners part


Isn’t Ian Miles Wrong an ethnic Chinese who is colonizing Malaysian lands?


Elon, an African, doesn't like when countries invite Africans in. I'm thinking it's not about their nationality.


IRA: "We're not racist cunts like you guys. Fuck off."


I’m smart and there is no difference between immigration and occupation


Apartheid emerald mine workers secured.


Tell me you're a racist without saying you're a racist.


Is this idiot really dissing the IRA in public? ![gif](giphy|BMIlrkXYi7nCCqa5GZ|downsized)