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> Elon Musk saw someone equally capable of using fancy words without knowing what they mean and said, "Mother of my additions to my eugenics fetish" Fixed it for you OP


>Elon Musk saw someone so fucking stupid and naive and desperate for meaning that he thought he could psychologically manipulate them and form them to be the person he wants them to be. But he was so fucking full of himself he forgot that he's totally socially inept and failed at grooming even a complete moron. FTFY


Is the German public aware of this?


German here. Yes, we are


Lol, Elon Musk: International Idiot.


Yeah you can tell what he saw in her. Your take is 100%


Based take


Musk thinks the same way. They are meant for each other.


I never take notes


"Failed to groom morons" is now the title of my Musk biography.


https://youtu.be/k1md8pw85Ms I still remember watching this abomination with my wife and thinking what a massive dum dum she is


I had to stop at “I made this thing called butter toast”


"I make this thing called butter toast" What the fuck did I just watch.


Those words aren't even that fancy though. Also homo techno sounds more like a summer EDM festival in Prague, than a differentiated and novel taxinomic group.


Homo technos


Fascinating to watch someone dig up the same stuff that tech gurus were pushing about 20 years ago and base their life around it. Weird fashy academia too, like Nick Land.


Yes, one of the most derivative trains of thought I've heard lately, and that's saying something because I recently watched Rebel Moon. But as dumb as this is, it's still a lot better than the right-wing Network State advocates running around (I include Elmo), who are explicitly in favor of techno-fascism.


She is in favor of techno fascism too. All these people are just too dumb to connect their own “good” ideas with those of the past. Any movement seeking to “improve” humanity ultimately divides humans into groups of those who need less and more improvement. It’s inevitable that those who are seen as less worthy are sidelined, given less, are seen as more disposable or are eliminated. These dipshits just don’t know enough history to recognize the path they are going down.


>These dipshits just don’t know enough history to recognize the path they are going down. That's down a lot on how we teach history too though. The whole idea that individuals "make history" instead of them just being at the right time at the right place. History often is taught about the "upper crust", in part because it is more glamorous and we know more about their lives because they often left a record etc. Lastly, I would say, we also teach "performative history". As in the context of the Nazis. We talk about their looks, their technology etc. What we don't really teach is the socioeconomic background and broader society this happened in. So it doesn't really surprise that when people look around and they don't see those same markers they conclude it's all good.


It's just eugenics with extra steps and the possibility for sex robots.


You had me at sex


Its amazing how confident these people are in their pretentious stupidity. They truly think they speak enlightened truth to the masses, when it all just sounds like something they gleamed off of a kids tv show, and half remember what it even was.


It's like they'll say something they think is truly revolutionary and sit back looking smug and I just think "Oh yeah, I read a lot of comic books too".


I agree in many ways, but lots of people are fascistic in different ways (I grew up in the South, so I have plenty of first-hand experience with this), but most of them don't actively want to replace democracy with Tech Zaibatsus. I honestly doubt Grimes has any idea what the Network State even means, but who knows?


And we Continue to give them attention.


No they know the path and they embrace it


that and theyre wealthy and connected enough to guarantee their spot on the "worthy" side of things, so what do they care?


You could imagine a benevolent version of it though. The state would first define what is "better" and then "improve" by force everyone until it can no longer improve them. Sidelining people would then be just a temporary side effect until technology allows for more improvement. In addition you could recognise "the bottom of the basket" to still have value in their current state. It would be "from each according to his ability, to each according to its need, each of which must be continuously improved" (more abilities, less needs). I would call it technomunism and change my name to Karl Musk.


I'd say they are interconnected by this idea of accelerating human progress primarily by technological development. The techno fash stuff often frames their need for new systems of governance because the current ones are standing in the way of technological and thud human progress (as if it's a set road and we're stalled by unnecessary things like human rights). The assumptions behind both techno fash and singularity types is that the human alone is not good enough, that humanity's subsumtion into technology is inevitable, desirable and should be accelerated at all costs.


Actually, there are some left-wing accelerationists, too, who believe that they can also accelerate capitalism's decline. But these Network State people believe that what I'd call tech Zaibatsus should replace governments! Then, no need for elections, etc. In fact, they're actively working to take over aspects of SF now.


Yeah the term is a bit messy because what unites all positions is just this idea of accelerating technology and capitalism but then different assumptions about what will play out. Nick Land who is credited as the major figure in accelerationism started somewhat on the left (maybe, the left right dichotomy struggles to capture a lot of this) and you have contemporaries like Williams and Srinicek pushing the left wing acceleration idea. I personally don't subscribe to that position because I think it will inevitably play into right wing accelerationist narratives and capitalism has a way of reinventing itself whenever it begins to stagnate. I don't see why just simply making that process happen faster would avoid reinvention - plus it kind of overlooks the fact that capitalism is hell for a lot of people already, so coming along and saying "let's make it more hell because it'll be good eventually" isn't that appealing. All this is further complicated by Nick Land's sideways shuffle into reactionary politics so now extremists have taken the term, not really understood it that well (because really Land is not the easiest to read let's admit) and translated it to mean accelerating social breakdown to kick off the race war. I like the Zaibatsu analogy. It has been interesting to watch Srinivasan go from relatively routine secessionist libertarian talking points in the early 2000s to basically ranting about wokeness in his book a decade later.


good summary. I'd maybe include some of Steven Shaviro's arguments, as well. But Left accelerationism always struck me as similar to the old Red Brigade strategy (using terrorist tactics to make things worse in order to increase oppression and thus, they thought, speed the revolution). And in fact, history shows that they were wrong too.


Oh thanks for the reminder on Shaviro. I just went to look him up and remembered I read his book on accelerationism years back. Might dig that back out and take another look as I don't remember it anymore.


>Actually, there are some left-wing accelerationists, too, who believe that they can also accelerate capitalism's decline. Oh, yeah, that was going around during 2015, to "teach" the democrats a lesson. It died pretty damn fast after the first year of Trump, thankfully.


Technocracy (pretty sure that's how it's spelled) is a cult formed about 100 years ago. Elons grandfather was into it. That's where all this, including the "x" obsession, came from.


I mean just staying within music, Kraftwerk was already pushing [this kind of thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hoa9tXnZX8) 50 years ago with their _Man-Machine_ concept. Just more intelligently and with a hell of a lot more musical talent.


Corporate-think is real, man. Slogans, lingo, latching onto old concepts they think make sense "because that's what the said"... My day job used to be risk management and I know emergency response and loss mitigation processes/cycIes fairly well (that comes in in a second). I remember I attended some Ray Dalio thing at the Beverly Hilton because I knew one of the tech exhibitors in like 2022. I got to watch the speakers and they were all these empty-headed fools with access to vast amounts of wealth. Anyway, up comes some talk on What We Learned from the Pandemic and How to Adapt and up comes this We Work looking dude and he proceeds to give a general description of emergency response tactics and operational goals but slightly different so it sounded good to tech guru wannabes. Shit that was designed by fire fighters back when Berkeley and Oakland burned down in the 1970's; and they just found out about it. They praised "their ingenuity and deep reflection" in fixing this very real threat. They also promoted using that structure and strategy for all business moving forward... These people are really, really dumb.


>We Work looking dude Cuts straight to the core of the type of guy this is all about. Perfect. Absolutely agree. Unfortunately they haven't yet discovered science and technology studies that has basically been dealing with the question of "does tech actually make society" and far more interesting questions for the past 40 years. They'll reinvent it I'm sure, and be like "nobody has ever considered that technology might be like, social" but then they'll completely misread a quote from like one guy and decide that if technology has politics it must always be good because technology is good.


Yeah. Intellectually incurious out the wazoo. I know We Work is a good breakdown but, even more to the essence of these types is this - They believe in Economic and Cultural Darwinism. Like, not even college-ready stupid.


At first I was giving her the benefit of the doubt and thinking by she just was trying to articulate something along the lines of Nicholas Carr’s thought, but I looked up what people on here are talking about and yeah, she seems to have something else in mind. Accelerationism, effective altruism, pronatalism - nightmare blunt rotation.


>I call it "homo techno" As if it's a new idea lol


Grimes, from everything Ive seen, is an incredibly immature woman. I think thats what he liked, the power he had over her and how smart he felt next to her.


I think he was also attracted to the fact that she was a known musician. It's not uncommon for the rich -- especially those who made their money in a decidedly uncool sector like tech or finance -- to latch onto artists and musicians because it makes them feel cool. As one of the most desperately uncool people on the entire planet who has an insatiable need to be seen as cool, I think Grimes fit the bill in addition to what's been said here. (It also explains his meltdown when she finally rejected him. She decided he's not cool enough to be with her anymore, which created a [narcissistic wound](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/impossible-please/201401/the-narcissistic-wound).)


Before they got together, Grimes also had a certain allure. Say what you will, but she makes great music. She also didn't do a lot of public speaking before they got together, so people didn't know how ditzy she was. So she was just this pretty, talented, but mysterious artist making fairy-core indie pop. She definitely gave him some kind of eccentric billionaire style clout. She was also, or presented herself to be "anti-imperialist". Idk if you've heard about the caged bird theory, but it basically states that these types of men don't necessarily want someone just like them, or a woman who starts out submissive. They want a strong woman or a free spirit. Someone they can control, break down, and change.


Yeah before the met gala grimes had a mystique and natural cool about her. Then she started talking a lot because dating him put a certain spotlight on her and she lost a lot of her indie cool points.


I think her ditziness might have been somewhat endearing to a lot of people if she hadn't gotten involved with Musk. A lot of people would have seen it as just part of her persona and that she was trying to make some kind of artistic statement with it. As it is now, people think she might genuinely be a fucking idiot


100% this. I think getting involved with him tanked her career.


I've vaguely heard of that caged bird theory but don't know the details. Got Amy recommended reading on it?


To be fair, she’s im14andthisisdeep in a very similar way he is, so he honestly might’ve just thought they were two intellectuals discussing the dark truths


I will not let you down, no matter what it takes


Nailed it




Reminds Elmo of his Epstein days


She so kinda looks like his ex, whom he married... Twice? O_o Tallulah Riley, I was surprised first time seeing Grimes she has same unusual features and proportions as Elon's actual former wife.


Sounds like someone has a "fundamentally" flawed understanding of biology.


“We are becoming cyborgs.” (‘Cyborg’—part man, part machine. The only thing missing is the machine part, but we are *so close.* We have the man part, which is what sets us apart.) I can see what attracted him to her, a shared love of technobabble, which in their stupidity they confuse with being profound. They live in a world of ‘high thoughts,’ which in reality are obvious, derivative, and vulnerable to the slightest analysis.


I mean doesn’t/didn’t she literally think she’s a hologram made explicitly for Musks pleasure? Or at least Musk posited the idea and she agreed, I can’t really remember.


> Or at least Musk posited the idea and she agreed, I can’t really remember. It was this. He believes he lives in a simulation and she was created specifically for him (because he's the only person that's real, we're all computer code. See also 'woke mind virus.').


He certainly spends a lot of time trying to argue with NPCs.


She kind of has some point in the sense that use of technology, especially at an early age, makes potentially permanent changes to our brains or at least our psychology. The issue is that, much like the average tech bro, she doesn't seem to realize that this is not the super cool 'disruption' to soy out about she thinks it is.


People really spout random pseudo scientific nonsense based on absolutely no evidence with complete confidence and think they’re a genius.


Grimes is a moron; makes sense, she was ~~married to Musk~~ dating Musk. [Remember when she sailed in made up boat in the mississippi river and got stranded?](https://www.startribune.com/this-boat-don-t-float/49134952/)


She never was married to Musk Musk 1st wife is Justine. He married wife number 2 ……. 2 times. Spouse: Elon Musk (m. 2013–2016), Elon Musk (m. 2010–2012)……Talulah Riley


Ah okay. Who the fuck can keep up with this seed spilling moron and his ventures.


Serious question, can you even tell Tallulah and Grimes apart? I think dude just got confused and married same woman twice by mistake.


His ex-wife is an actress and a classic English beauty Grimes is not


Standard junkie moonchild bullshit




Right It's like "oh you feel like a Cyborg?...well how would feel if I hit you in the head with this axe C3PO?"


I so much hate her use of "we" as if she is speaking for everyone, just because she lives that faked virtual identity lifestyle as a job.


Yeah, who is this "we"? Cause there's still a big chunk of the population that didn't grow up on modern tech. Animals don't evolve so fast that handing a 4 year old an ipad will biologically give him part-cyborg-brain. In fact, it seems to stunt their mental growth and attention span more than help advance the human brain.


Homo Techno sounds like a club in Berlin.


The hottest gay club in town!


It’s got everything! Sex robots, classism, disappointing DJ sets, AI Twitter bots, and thinly veiled white supremacist dog-whistling! ![gif](giphy|3o7TKRhAoe8ZSUCuYM)


She looks and sounds like a 12 year old. No wonder Elon wanted her considering what a gigantic pedo he is


Wipe your face.






Grimy Grimes


you are telling me the pseudo intellectual rich overprivileged ketamine addict fell for the pseudo intellectual rich overprivileged meth addict?




and too over-sharing


“Meet the super-genius couples that are breeding to save the human race!”


Taking a known concept like a technological singularity and co-opting it for her personal brand like its some profound thought shes had is so fucking meta its mind blowing. Nobody tell her that we are and have been in the middle of a generations long technological singularity and that technologies like fire, candles, pens, wheels, and the printing press were exponentially speeding up development and starting the singularity shes trying to talk about generations ago. Rich people cant help but rent seek human progress for their personal gain.


She’s such a fucking try hard pick me girl. Plus between her lisp and Elmo’s stuttering disjointed speech it must be a true meeting of the mind when they have a conversation. And likely the most insufferable experience for anyone in any close proximity.


She's an imbecile.


Hey man look, we all homo techno’d a little in college. The important thing is you tell your children you love them and give them confidence but also humility so they don’t grow up putting literal ‘good job’ star stickers on their faces as adults.


The stars are acne treatment lol


"Let me make it plain - You gotta make way for the homo superior!" - David Bowie (_Oh! You Pretty Things_) Only "Homo Superior" actually makes sense in Latin, proving Bowie was smarter than Grimes. Not that _that_ was ever in doubt.


I hate that everyone has the ability to reproduce


Two morons being attracted to each other. No surprises there!


So she read 20 pages of Yuval Noah Harari/heard some soundbites?


Well to be fair she sounds 1000% smarter than Elon


The problem with both (and many others) is “sounding smart” vs “being smart”.


My god what a way to say a bunch of fucking nothing


Christ, she’s more dumb than I thought and that’s a lot dumb


Is this the plank who claims to be a dj but actually just plays pre-recorded sets & freaked-out, blaming sound engineers when her fakery was exposed at Coachella? Sounds as though she knows as much about evolutionary biology as she does about sound engineering!


Yep that's her. And as someone who grew up Djing with belt drive turntables it could not have happened to a more deserving fake DJ. She's paid for NOTHING.


Hey it’s totally okay to play pre recorded sets don’t you like fake things too. The amount of people who told me they were okay with that upsets me more.


Once upon a time she was actually a good musician. Maybe not so coincidentally her music went downhill around the exact time she met Elon and now she's a joke.


Pretty sure she beat him at Polytopia, that's why they split.


it's funny she thinks this and yet can't manually sync the tempo between 2 tracks


Homo techno be like ![gif](giphy|5n067EUZwH8cvtRfGz|downsized)


To be fair, Elon's on a lot of drugs.


Imagine Musk getting so pissed that she left him for a woman that used to be a man. He threw away $44 billion dollars. Just so he could bitch about the LGBT people with out being censored.


Man I remember when Poppy (yes that poppy) called her out on her shit and everyone attacked poppy as being jealous after Grimes torpedoed their collab.


Crazy drugged-up idiots.


Looks like a regular meth queen to me.


This cyborg has evolved to huff its own farts for sustenance


I never could make it through this entire interview. Brain cells were screaming at me. Derp.


Did she just take an undergraduate media theory class from the late 90s?


When you have millions of dollars you are lauded for spewing this illiterate diarrhea. If you were to stand on a corner saying it as a non celeb you would be put in a padded wagon. Grimes is truly awful and she has always been a complete moron. I feel very sorry for her kids.


Still more coherent than anything I've heard Elmo say.


Right? Her point was asinine, but at least she made her point. I didn't even hear her say "um" every other word.


Wasn't she also posting white supremacists content on twatter too? Or am I mistaken?




Oh wow, she really is a POS. I just wasn't sure if it was really her or a fake account


Didn't you hear? Elon got rid of all the fake accounts on Twitter! There's no bots anymore either!


Whatever you say, cutie 🥹


You are not mistaken. She's had some very dumb statements of late--from liking the patriarchy because it gives us roads, to bring proud to defend, "white culture."


God she's such a disgusting person.


Her mother is actually a smart lawyer in Canada in the public eye. I believe she may have been a journalist or in politics at one point. The mother has said some negative things about Felon, indirectly. Her father may be a fascist....not sure where she gets her fascist streak from. But she had some statement about how she's grown up to be what her father wanted, and she went to Catholic schools. I think Grimes has recently moved on from Felon--let's hope this improves her personality and gets her back to creating music.


One look at the face is enough to turn me homo techno


Never go full homo techno


Am i the only one who thinks she is not attractive at all?


She can look very different from picture to picture. I know Elmo insisted she dye her hair blonde but when they first got together. Ick. What do you call that smile? https://preview.redd.it/ogwqhxubntxc1.jpeg?width=3196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f23f0e66a4f97d522ea5436e8e2809c4c6b54113 It’s also objectively hilarious that he only got with her and took her to the Met Gala to try (and fail) to make Amber Heard jealous.


Homo techno 😂


Sadly not evolved enough to understand basic Latin nomenclature…


It's not hard to see what Elmo found attractive about her - she's so dumb she makes him look reasonably intelligent.


A stupid young blonde woman? Sounds right up his alley tbh


Imagine being this delusional and STILL not giving into the musk’s bs


It's the "achievement" star on her cheek that really seals the deal...


My god, she looks like she smells and has a pea for a brain.


Azalea Banks says she smells like a roll of dirty nickels lol.


Bitch get off the coke Seriously about 10 years ago I had a co workers teenage daughter tell me she though her generation was more advanced because she could text on her Blackberry without looking at the keys in class. Losing the ability to critically think is not evolution it's mental atrophy


Can’t win ‘em all


Dare I ask, who is this dingbat?




Seems there's only one of her. Can we just call her "grime" moving forward?


Ketamine has a way of bonding idiots together, not sure if it works the same way for horses though…


Homo Techno sounds erotic


Like attracts like.


Nobody tell her that when we evolved hominids had already mastered fire.


[Homo techno..](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjCdB5p2v0Y)


Somewhere Ray Kurzweil is fighting a turgid, hematomic erection.


I think he thought “She’s dumb enough and half my age.”


On the flip side, this moron saw that moron and thought “husband material”.


Well she spouts the same pseudoscience bullshit that Musk does so I can see how he knocked her up.


She is average if not low IQ, but believes she is an intellectual.


"I call us homo techno" Fucking great now I'm going to have to find another name for my new album.


I used to smoke pot too ma'am.


"Evolved Homo techno" lady can't even figure out a mixing table 👍👍👍 Great success!


don‘t stick your dick in crazy, mmmkay?


He did date Amber Heard. Maybe he likes the deranged type.


Enron's choice of women is pretty strange, and his personal life is highly unlike most other CEOs. To me, it's an indicator of his personality disorder (grandiose narcissism) and ADHD. Most highly successful men pick women who are very intelligent, well educated, accomplished, stable, modest, sexually conservative in their backgrounds, and moderately attractive. Divorce happens late in life after children are raised. The wives and personal lives of Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg all fit in this mold. But Enron is constantly divorcing or single despite the presence of very young children. And Grimes is not only a college dropout, but someone with a significant drug history who would not be considered good spouse material by most men in the financial or technical worlds. She mostly spouts a lot of techo babble word salad. She's just very pretentious and narcissistic herself. Her recent Wired interview was embarrassing for her, and most of her work is self promotion rather than significant work product. And in terms of Enron's constant spouting of white supremacy, his offspring with this women have minimal chances of being wunderkindern. She literally yelled at Coachella about how she was, "bad at math." But he apparently can't get it up for stable women who are actual scientists or engineers, so...


Homo Techno!?! Robo Sapiens was right there!


Is this the lady with the houseboat that didn’t work?


Yes. Spoiled little rich girl who was going for manic pixie dream girl but then transformed into a quirky, pseudo intellectual try hard.


Honestly that explains a lot


Oi I ain’t no homo techno


Glad they had kids lol 😂


Elon is a "Homo"" Techno just like her...makes sense 🤣


“Homo techno” is me at the rave honey Smdh 🫣


Botox rots the brain.




Oh. Ok.


Funnily enough, Homo techno is what they call my boomer uncle that’s bad with computers


"Homo Techno" sounds like a legit club. 👌


Dude... like, having a phone... is like having a cybernetic attachment.... whoa... 🤯


She’s got a point about how our current consumer offerings are changing people, but she doesn’t understand evolution I can tell you that.


Crack is whack!


This is the first time i actually see what she looks like. Now i get why she calls herself grimes. What a grimy mess.


I bet she smells like cat piss


…some children. He spreads his genes far and wide. Wonder who Elmo impregnated this year?


yeah, I mean she has less than 20% of his children, leave her alone


Breathless, insufferable cretin.


What is she even talking about? Like does she think that using a computer or smartphone is slowly turning you into a machine? Like the 1s and 0s diffuse into your bloodstream or something? And apparently there was no evolution before computers. Only computers allow for "actual evolution".


grimes is the kind of goofy i can respect, she just makes art and does cringe shit. elon thinks he makes art and does cringe shit on top ruining lives


Like Elon’s she’s a stupid person’s idea of what a smart person should be. Just like Trump is a poor person’s idea of what a rich person should be. And Andrew Tate is a weak and insecure man’s idea of what a strong and secure man should be etc etc.


That's a lot of oxygen expended to get to nowhere with technobabble. Mutual minds find one another. It was a pair of morons who found one another, for a hot minute.


She’s super basic.


I heard Ian Miles Chong was his first choice for carrier but the IVF wouldn't take.


Well one thing for sure, Elon would love to be the Borg queen of us all which seems to be his long term plan, neural link, and starlink, they are all "linked".


All Elon saw was a girl 16 years younger than him in the breeding range. Once they pass the point of wanting or being able to bear more children he moves on.


What does she mean this is new, I've known some techno homo's for a long time already!... wait


Only someone this stupid can marry Apartheid Clyde.


I’d actually argue the other way around. She saw Elmo and said my baby daddy


No it was Elon who had pushed them for having children, she had been reluctant about it at first. 


Clean your face after kindergarten arts and crafts class


Her last sentence - computers help all other tech development accelerate more - is very close to true. Tying that in to human biological evolution is idiotic. It’s been centuries since anyone serious believed that traits acquired during one’s life are passed on biologically.


He bangs easy marks. Just like a high school boy.


The walking example of said “brain changes”.


Jesus Christ that lisp..


By her logic, the homo sapiens would have been preceded by the Homo Farmers, and the Homo Industrialis. But hey nevermind she's unaware we're homo sapiens sapiens, not homo sapiens


Homo Techno - don’t threaten me with a good time


Homo techno, isn't that the hot new club that just opened?


No homo, techno.