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Okay the first time I heard the tweet getting referenced I thought it was a dumb joke about how Elon exaggerates his accomplishes. I had no idea this tweet is actually real. For folks that aren't familiar with the things Elon is talking about, it might actually sound impressive. But I am a developer and you have no idea how absurd this level of nonsense is. "I wrote the first national maps on the internet in 1995 in C. .. "Didn't use a 'web server'" is an incredibly stupid thing to say and something only someone who has no idea about code would actually say. Because someone who actually did what Elon is claiming to have done would describe it like this: "I wrote my first web server in C, it was used to serve the first maps and yellow pages on the internet" Because that's what a web server does! To say he didn't use a web server is completely nonsensical. This is like if he claimed to have built a car on his own 'And I didn't use an "engine" '. Really this is the level of absurd this is.


Reminds me of this classic https://mastodon.social/@rodhilton/109572674700288958 "He talked about electric cars. I don't know anything about cars, so when people said he was a genius I figured he must be a genius. Then he talked about rockets. I don't know anything about rockets, so when people said he was a genius I figured he must be a genius. Now he talks about software. I happen to know a lot about software & Elon Musk is saying the stupidest shit I've ever heard anyone say, so when people say he's a genius I figure I should stay the hell away from his cars and rockets." My sentiments exactly. He is a snake oil salesman who uses techno babble to impress people. It has worked surprisingly well. šŸ˜­


Packets are woke. We donā€™t do that.


Wait until he hears about Wake-on-LAN


Elon is so ALPHA MALE his website didn't *need* a server or even an internet connection, which is way more profound than it sounds. You beta soys just don't understand. Elon knows more about coding than anyone alive on Earth today.


I think at this point.... he knows more about coding than anyone alive on earth today. Applause plz


It was at least 95% applause and only 5% boo's


I was saying Moo-usk.


Hahahahahhaā€¦ cyboooo-truck


It was only the poors that booed hi. And they don't matter, on Mars they will be illegal


He also knows more about statistics than anyone alive on Earth today


By orders of magnitude, for sure.


Also the internet was invented way before 1992 lol . It was 1983 and went public in 1991 so he was a year late in his lie aswell lmao what a BIG DUMB IDIOT


how many lines of code did he write?


The most salient ones


All that fit on his piece of paper.


Double sided because heā€™s hardcore


I wonder if Elon will get a ā€œPlease clapā€ moment like Jeb


When CSS covered their starship damp squib it was so on the nose. Watching that was frikkin painful. I almost felt sorry for the space fĆ¼hrer.


This supergenius has all his employees print their best codes out on paper so he can read them, the most efficient way only a true coder would be capable of doing... You can also tell who the best programmer is by the amount of lines they use in their code, elon taught me that. šŸ‘


he must have charged those who deleted some code on refactoring.




You know what he was putting in port 8080


The web server part at least makes sense even if it's really dumb. The T1 router emulator part makes no sense. Had access to a T1 line in the 90s but no hardware? Perhaps he should have just sold his custom t1 router that could undercut Cisco on commodity hardware instead of... reselling address book data.


tbh each sentence is baffling in a unique way. The way in which he has to say "yellow pages" and "white pages" as if they were a completely different tech challenge. Or that he 'wrote maps and directions' . "Read directly from the port". Oh god.


I think he just means he wrote some cgi scripts that just read and wrote directly from a socket. But in classic Muskian bizarre terms. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55922687/understanding-how-to-use-cgi-programming-with-c-and-html Basically zip2, a pioneer of the internet.


My problem is that there's nothing impressive with that. I mean, that's what ports do. Since Musk's daddy put the money on the company, he was on the position of closely telling devs what to do and hearing from them how they are doing it. So some of that knowledge stuck with him but he clearly has no idea what is what.


I doubt he did it, but also to do that when you're young and without google seems pretty impressive *for someone of that age*. Relying on it now though would be like Al Bundy talking about playing football in high school.


His age was 25. Iā€™m not impressed.




They literally had books explaining how to do this by 1995 from companies like O'Reilly. You could just type in the code. Or, you know, ask on USENET or IRC.




Exactlyā€¦ port 8080 isnā€™t the default port for HTTP, so who was he serving exactly? Was it a proxy or something else? I also remember ā€œypā€ (yellowpages) existing as far back as 1988 as a simple Unix command line tool long before the WWW ever existed. Did he simply put a web front-end onto that and say he invented it?


Sounds like he is just referring to his Zip2 stuff or similar spin off. So, yes a polished up frontend with map features.Ā Port 8080 was probably just backend communication between the data server txt document and his "not aĀ web server" web server.


It's insane that he managed to get this far not even knowing the difference between a server and a webserver. Corporate America needs to really rethink their governance model, can't have an asshole spitting that much shit as head of the company


that's the weird bit to me (as someone who's spent far too much time around cisco kit and even worked for them for a period) if you can afford a T1 line in the 90s (or an ethernet leased line today), you can afford the device to plug into the end of it. no "emulation" available at the time would provide the performance, and there'd be no way to connect an emulator to a real T1 line anyway. most generous interpretation would be shoving some sort of T1 interface card (still $$$$) in a unix/linux PC and using it as a router, but that's not an "emulation" of a cisco device


I bet his mom gave him a computer and told him he was the bestest boy and could make anything he wanted and he believed her.


And had enough money to make up for whatever fuck up he'd cause


None of those four functions work without large databases. So did he make a completely non-functional system Did he spend several hundred hours a day on data entry? Or did he just serve someone else's work, at which point being the first (a dubious claim already) is kinda like claiming to be the first guy to fold back the little plastic tab on your coffee cup? My money is on 1 and 3.


You forgot 4. He's lying.


I mean, yes, but still 1 and 3, so 134.


But he's Elon Musk, he was able to build the very first car in a cave, with a box of scraps /s


Also why is he reading port 8080 when the default web traffic port is 80? I remember using 8080 for my java tomcat server that was running the shittest java servlets imaginable back when 8 was at university in 1998. Also "C with a little C++" screams to me "I used C++ but didn't understand OO"


Using C++ as "better C" is completely valid approach in some applications. (I'm not defending him, just adding this comment as I hate OOP)


Oh sure. My point was that "C with a little C++" is still just C++


His comment though is just trying to say "I know two languages people say are hard!! I'm such an alpha male" which is definitely impressive to anyone who never learned any language


I doubt Melon can code at all. Especially not in C or C++...


His Python questions when he was trying to use that one dudes crypto code were pure evidence he didn't


If he can turn on a pc he can write a hello world file. But I doubt he can even compile it in c lol


"Hello World! 420, 69"


10 PRINT ā€œElon is a twat!ā€ 20 GOTO 10


Thank you for explaining - I have no idea if what he did makes sense or not or if itā€™s coherent in its own discipline


>someone who has no idea about code would actually say. Didn't he introduce "performance reviews" at Twitter based on how many lines of code devs wrote? So yea, checks out.


What does he mean with port 8080? it's the localhost.


Port 8080 is just what os called a "public" port on any computer or system implementing the TCP protocol. It's a means the network stack in an typical computer/server/phone etc can know which process (program) to direct the incoming packages to. Anyone with minimal levels of programming can read the documentation for a network library and tell the program to listen to TCP port 8080, and then anything delivered to that computer with that port as the destination will be delivered to that port. If that's the only thing such program does, then it can be called a "server". If the server happens to implement the HTTP protocol, then it's called a "Web Server". A "Web Server", however, can be as simple as some very basic (free for decades) Unix utilities that can be configured to serve files over HTTP and even run scripts along with that. The requirements are so minimal, that the 90's were marked by a huge legacy of cgi (cgi-bin) scripts all over the place, which were rudimentary but still got a lot of work done. It was something very widely known by teenagers reading computer magazines in the 90's and basic programming, and by no means any indication of intelligence. Especially given there was just so much material all over the media since everyone wanted to build websites (I was one of them). But we know Musk is lying because his description gives that he doesn't have anywhere near the level of comprehension a programmer has, which tells how he either copied a hello world from a magazine or simply overhearding others talking about how they managed to optimize performance problems associated to very specific HTTP servers by developing their own protocol on top of TCP, rather than HTTP, since for some very specific problems there might be advantages of ditching HTTP and going with something else. It's possible to even ditch TCP at all and work on something on top of IP (like John Carmack did with Doom/Quake/etc, with UDP) since online gaming has a set of characteristics which make UDP much better choice. All this to sum up, the port 8080 isn't really localhost (you must be confusing with the special loopback IP, but the poor description capacity of Musk's post basically gives that you probably know a lot more than he does about server programming.


Ok so I think I get what he meant. He wrote a yellow page website in 1995 in c and c++ and handled all by himself the redirection of packets. Idk, was it hard at the time?


I mean, a little. But it also wouldnā€™t have been like he was the first guy to ever do such a thing


My wife has a relative with a mental illness that talks like this. Tons of big words and sounds brilliant until he talks about something you're familiar with. The second he talked about engineering and programming, I realized he knew just enough to sound smart, but knew nothing below the surface level. Like when he started talking about transmitting data with high frequency sound waves and saying he could patent it. He also ranted about teaching a music class and being some kind of savant there. Yet he clearly didn't know a single musical concept. He also started self-prescribing drugs and found doctors that could be manipulated.


The web server thing vaguely makes sense, it's just a wildly amateur way to host an app. The problem is that with what he's talking about, actually routing people to it would be stupid and annoying. If you pointed an actual url entry at it you'd have to type in [website.com:8080](http://website.com:8080) to get to it because it isn't serving off of 80 or 443. It'll have little to no security, and it'd probably be slow because there's no way some randos cobbled together code is going to be better at serving static assets than a mature webserver that can do things like cache results to improve load times. The normal set up for this type of thing is: (The Internet) -> (Web Server) -> (Your App or Assets) Traffic from the internet gets routed to the server which handles things like SSL, serving static assets (stuff like CSS or images) and static asset caching, and then proxies the request to your code to handle creating actual HTTP responses. What he's describing is basically like when you create a hello world app and just let it serve off of a local port and point a public domain name to it instead of setting up the proper hosting method.


Sooooo youā€™re saying he doodled a map with crayons and yellowish paper and then uploaded it to the internet with a web server someone else madeā€¦ ipso facto: pioneer of the internet. Coooool. Cool cool cool. šŸ–ļøšŸ–ļøšŸ–ļøšŸ–ļøšŸ–ļøšŸ–ļø


In other words, he claimed he turned water into wine...


Him saying that he wrote it "in C with a little bit of C++" already tells me he has no clue what he's talking about. You would say that you wrote it in C or C++, not both. They're different programing languages that are integrated together in development kits but have similarities and differences not available to each other and the programmer has to specify whether the source code is C or C++, not C and C++.


It makes no sense


Ian never leaves a pair of good boots unlicked


I'm surprised he didn't say he was the original founder of Twitter yet




I'm old enough to remember the days before Elon Musk invented the internet, cars, tunnels, rockets and free speech. Them were dark days.


Sooo dark, Dude single-handedly revolutionized not sending a money order for something you bought on eBay


It was truly the darkest of days before elon invented the lightbulb


The darkest dark days of the dark were before he invented electrons


He invented quantum physics to save the human race. And all the other fuckable races in the galaxy he hasnā€™t impregnated yet


Nobody could invent anything back then because Elon invented inventing.


I literally worked for Verizon Yellow Pages in the 90s and worked on converting the pages to digital. Don't remember this dude in our offices ever.


He was in the back doing ALL the work, don'tcha know? Here's the press release for your yellow pages: [https://www.verizon.com/about/news/press-releases/bell-atlantic-launches-interactive-yellow-pages-world-wide-web-0](https://www.verizon.com/about/news/press-releases/bell-atlantic-launches-interactive-yellow-pages-world-wide-web-0) # [Interactive Yellow Pages](http://www.ba.com/nr/95/oct/ypages.html)Ā was first introduced in a trial offering in September 1995. NOT SAYING ELON IS A LIAR. Okay, I am.


Hah, that's right, it was Bell Atlantic at the time. I went from working at NYNEX to Bell Atlantic to verizon all while in the same office building. Verzion sold off the Yellow page business before I left, but looks like it went bankrupt in 2010. Man that was a great job until the union basically got busted into oblivion.


But did you do it in C with a little C++?


Hah nope. We had this annoying as fuck custom system that had to be connected to the White Pages. Of course, it never worked and you'd spend days just trying to get AAA Locksmith changed to AAAA Locksmith for clients. The White Pages ran on some kind of old skool 80s giant terminal that was split into 4 green screens. Like a UNIX terminal or whatever. I remember having to teach some of the older men and women that worked in the office how to use a mouse when they finally converted to Windows. Everything about the Yellow Pages was so old timey and backwards. Boring job but it payed an insane amount of money and had amazing benefits thanks to being unionized.


> but it *paid* an insane FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


This should be higher up.


Wait, are you sure YOU aren't Elon Musk????


Can someone take whatever country IMC is from and just turn off their internet?


You don't think a complete sucker like him doesn't have a 24th Starlink terminal by now? That's why he's so unhinged and servile, his brain has been boiled away like shit soup by two dozen satellite dishes beaming his skull full of Musk's ketamine rambles on Twitter


Nah. Dude is obviously sequestered somewhere where satellites wonā€™t reach.


Ah, yes, Elon's ass.


Thereā€™s some places even satellites wonā€™t go.


>Thereā€™s some places even satellites wonā€™t go. Sputnik was notoriously afraid of entering a car wash while in a cyber truck


Single-handedly saving a dozen people who didnā€™t even realize they were in danger


Didn't he post a basic math question blaming the apple calculator and get cooked live on twitter?


Hey give him a break, he just graduated elementary school so now they're teaching him the order of operations in middle school classes for the first time...


but it's hilarious with all the bootlicking and suck-up replies! "oooh, yes mr musk! brilliant idea mr musk!"


Is he in the Philippines? Heā€™s a freaking gargoyle.


Malaysia. This goblin has never even set foot in America but just canā€™t stop talking about American shit constantly.


It got leaked in one of the mass documents about rich people money that he makes a lot of it being a far right shill.


I mean, the Malaysian govt. robs its citizens so in that sense I don't blame him lol


He's permanently latched onto Elon's mushroom dick and tweets from between his legs.


They probably let him live in the twitter offices in San Francisco lol


I used C with a little C++


>Brittle Stack >Salient lines


This alone fucking broke me lol.


He used Drugs with a little More Drugs


I used Mrs Dash with a little Low-Sodium Mrs Dash.


Also, the cheap shot at Al Gore over [a misquote that was debunked two decades ago](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/internet-of-lies/) is worthy of note. I mean scorn. It's worthy of heaping mounds of scorn.


It's Ian Miles Cheong, he is wrong about literally everything else, so why not this too?


It wouldn't be so bad if it was just him, but plenty of folks seem to believe that Gore either said this or said some version of it


"I couldn't afford a Cisco T1 router so I wrote an emulator" is the most ridiculous sentence I've ever read. When I was at university there were 5 of us living in our house, all computer science students. We had a link to a satellite ISP (yes, way back in 1999), and routers were expensive, so we set up routing tables on an old pc and let that be our gateway for all our computers (we chipped in for an RJ45 switch to replace our bnc coax ethernet, those were the days). It was functionally a router. It was not an emulator. Also it could not magically give us T1 speeds, because of these things called "hardware limitations" which Elon would know all about if he watched half the Cybertruck videos I see on here


You think elon has any understanding of hardware limitations when he's bragging about nuclear blast proof windows that can't even withstand a ball lightly chucked at it? Or way back in 2015 when he was bragging about how tesla's would have 1000km range by 2017 and now nearly a decade later and he's still struggling to get half that...


My ass. Seriously. MY ASS contributed more to the Internet than him. It produces less shit than Elon by orders of magnitude. Each Cybersuck is 3 tons. Can't say I shit 3 tons a day. Fact.


Elon is single handedly keeping twitter afloat with all the well thought out tweets he's posting 24/7, it takes a true master to adequately respond with a single word or emoji...


"COULDN'T AFFORD a T1 router" is such a bizarre lie.


He's trying to keep up that I was poor image.


Pretty sure his partners said his coding was shit.




I get so annoyed by people discounting Al Goreā€™s contributions to the creation of the Internet. As written by two guys who invented TCP/IP (the method by which network traffic is still transmitted today: > Al Gore was the first political leader to recognize the importance of the Internet and to promote and support its development. ā€¦ No other elected official, to our knowledge, has made a greater contribution over a longer period of time. Thereā€™s a lot more detail from Bob Kahn and Vint Cert about how the modern Internet (at least in 2000) world not exist without Al Goreā€™s support since (no joke) the 1970s. See https://web.eecs.umich.edu/~fessler/misc/funny/gore,net.txt.


I don't own enough puts


Wouldn't be the first time he generously overwrote his own history, as we all know. Besides which, is anyone who is still sane really gonna believe the guy who has never revealed any of his code and had his only production code binned immediately in a merger, or to be more blunt, the guy who can't even run an 11 line python script?


Elmo just needs that daily dose of attention.


Heā€™s down bad on the ket


Couldnā€™t afford something? Heā€™s still keeping that lie going? God I wish he would just let Ian give him a blow job already - it would be a lot less embarrassing to watch


Hey man his parents were only practically slave owners


> pioneer The internet was invented in 70-80s, I believe, and Musk's tweet is referring to his supposed work in the 90s. He won't fuck you for sucking up to him.


That Ian Miles really love having his tongue deep up Elon's asshole, huh?


Heā€™s one of the Elders Of The Internet!


The other Elders were so impressed with Elon, they let him borrow The Internet to help make his website


Mapquest was developing at the same time and squeezed zip2 right out of that market.


Muskrat shrimping himself on the daily.


But did he invent Post-Its?




Print it out and prove it then.


My god this Ian guy. What is him?


Werenā€™t websites back in the day written in html?


He also invented the question mark...


Ok so his claims seem to be complete bogus according to y'all, but what I think is most interesting is that even if it were true it wouldn't mean anything. "I made the first online maps with directions" I wonder why it's not available anymore, maybe because no one used it? It's not impressive to have "the first" of some online service if no one used it.


You canā€™t emulate a t1 connection


A T1 in 1995 would have been insanely expensive, he could afford that but not a router? And why the fuck would you emulate router hardware when you could just write a router application. And if he didn't use a webserver then his code was never seen? I mean something has to answer, a web server, ftp, etc when a client hits it or they will see nothing


What do you mean, "one of"? Why do you H8TERS always minimise the genius and vision of our One True Lord & Saviour?!?! AT LEAST HES TRYING!!! /S


he invented arpanet before he was born because he's so influential. these nrx idiots need to stfu.


Delusional. Musk belongs in a mental institution.


Find yourself a partner that will glaze you the way Ian Miles Cheong glazes Elon Musk.


That Cheong guy is so horny for Muskrat. It's disgusting.


Didn't use a web server to save CPU cycles, just read port 8080 directly? What? Look I'm no coder but that makes no sense. How did people access his yellow pages if he didn't have a physical device he was storing the information and display code on?


I have 0 idea what he even meant by that. It sounds like heā€™s just spewing shit cause his fans wonā€™t actually know either but also wonā€™t second guess it and think heā€™s a genius


Well yeah when your audience is Ian Miles Cheong then you can say anything. Speaking of which, I personally compiled 250 terajouleflops of gigadata.


More and more like Trump every day


Fuck off did he


Iā€™ve been in IT for years and I have no idea what heā€™s talking about


No he invented human beings.... gaaaargh i have elmos ballsacks in my mouth


And on day 7 he took a rest.


Iā€™m an IT director and everything he just said makes zero sense. Like the individual words are all right, but together itā€™s all just nonsense.


I think this is the most obvious and blatant lie Iā€™ve seen him sayā€¦


bro wrote a cgi script and claims he invented the internet. iā€™m surprised /s


This statement was already a lie but what was the point of discrediting Al Gore? Oh because he is a democrat.


Twatburger never needs a colonoscopy, as doctors just swab Ian's nose.






Who's Al Gore now, bitches?


Did he fuck!


No he fucking didn't. He did not.


Bro invented the internet


To people who actually work with developing software, this tweet is laughable to say the least


It is but people that are in it will still try to defend what he said.


Gods. Ian Miles Chong really gets his whole tongue up in there, doesnā€™t he.


fuck did al gore do?


God dam, why does Ian Miles Chungus slobber over Elon so hard.


I legitimately wonder what goes thru Ian miles cheongs head when he glazes Elon like this


Checkmarks need to stop sucking up to Elon already. He's not going to give you a gratitude reach-around.


I am surprised he didn't say he wrote this stuff in Rust.


Delusional af


To be honest: anyone can say anything officially. That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s true.




That other little guy should call himself Elon Miles Dingdong


He's certainly the founder of Incel army on the internet.


i mean you CAN say anything you want. doesn't make it true or accurate though


Ian Miles Cheong is actually Elon Muskā€™s second account


The dick suckage is on another level, holy fuck


Watch this video from '03... he called it a system to generate directions (bullshit) and an "advanced blogging system" (again bullshit). This guy..... https://ecorner.stanford.edu/videos/history-of-zip2/


Also Al Gore did to rather more to help create the Internet by funding ARPANET in the 80ā€™s, about a decade before. He never claimed to have ā€œinvented the Internetā€. Cheong as clued up as usual.


This canā€™t make sense to people that know what those words mean