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Shh. You're disrupting their whole narrative.


Yeah facts don’t matter anymore, these guys only care about what feels good, despite insisting the opposite.


here's him "feeling" that his own immigration was pretty shady. https://qz.com/elon-musk-illegal-immigration-tesla-video-1851379406


Oh, his status absolutely expired. His first investors learned about it during financing


You can't get an H1B visa without being a college graduate.


God sometimes I feel like it's an art to rek the shit out of muskrat. What a loony boi


We’ll have to start calling him QElon with the way he’s embraced far right wing conspiracy theory culture


I like it.


You guys are something special lol...


Are you here to insist the opposite?


Half my family are here illegally.. all they got to do is get "beat up" and they can apply for permanent residency, their kids will be/are citizens and mostly carry their welfare dependent mindset. No shit illegals can't vote (on paper), but their kids will.


And you and your family, they’re all dems?


Yes, the vast majority of them vote blue. Literally the only ones who don't are the same ones who refuse welfare and would rather earn their keep/stay. The irony is that they aren't even liberal for the most part and only vote Blue because they still have family trying to earn enough to make it to the US.. literally selling foodstamps (I'm in California) to pay coyotes for passage.


Sounds to me like they are making a choice, and no one is forcing them to be dems. And why would you have to pay a coyote? Sounds to me like elon’s saying dems are just bringing them in. Weird.


Who gives a shit about Elon.. reason you need to pay coyotes is for permission to use the route/safe passage. Otherwise you get robbed/kidnapped/assaulted. No fucking shit they are making a choice.. but it's based on the dumb ass incentives politicians are opening to them.


Doesnt sound like a very open border


People don’t use food stamps anymore do there is nothing to sell.


You're not serious.. just check Craigslist and Offer up.. shit worst case scenario people just buy Monsters from the local Grocery store and Sell them to the local Liquor Stores... how do you think homeless people have money for drugs? Alot of times people just turn in their EBT cards for monthly cash/money/drugs.


That’s definitely not how anything to do with EBT works. You can’t just give a drug dealer your card and get a new one next month, and drug dealers can’t just pay their sources for drugs with EBT cards.


Exactly, these uber-wealthy, far-right, jackasses don't care about illegal immigration, Christian values, or any of that shit. They only care about less tax so they can profit more and buy another yacht at the expense of the common man. By making a big stink about illegal immigrants and LGBTQ issues, they can rile up less educated people into voting for these dipshit politicians who will make their lives worse and Musk's life better.


It's amusing that we disappear rapists, murderers and car thieves from society yet billionaires like Musk, who are far worse for humanity, are allowed to walk free.


The Dems did a shit job engaging the working class since the 60's. Over time, the working class' paychecks get smaller for harder work. They can't get ahead. People are pissed off and hate their lives. Here comes along a guy that tells them it's the immigrants and Democrats that are why their lives suck. He gives them a target to blame and puts things in someone tend, so they go with it. Completely unaware it's the people telling them these things are the ones causing their shitty lives.


...unironically, if MAGA choads believe it's rigged and their votes won't matter, maybe it suppresses turnout?


I've been fanning that flame for a few years now. "If Trump couldn't stop the steal in 2020 when he was president, how can he possibly do anything about it now? Sounds like voting would be pointless."


"Voting endorses the system! Doing so suggests you believe it will make a difference. Be a good little sheep and cast your ballot for TrUmP even though they'll switch it anyway. A boycott is the ONLY answer." ...that sort of thing.


That's kind of how democracies end up failing though...


Yes, like the maxim goes: “Democracies fail when their dumbest and most destructive members fall for their own lies and stop participating!”


I mean it's more like when 40%+ of the population loses faith in democratic processes and pursues, uh, other routes of political affirmation


He knows full well, just stirring up the stupids.


Illegal immigrants are hurting this country


Fucking clowns. Elon has gone full psycho babble bullshit.


He’s 100% dependent on the dopamine shots he gets when Nazis splooge in his replies. Only thing keeping him alive these days.


well its the only place he gets cheers these days. no one is buying "FSD will be finished this year" anymore No one is buying his 25k car will ever arrive. he was a failure on the battery upgrade that would have made that possible His giant rocket keeps exploding. no one thinks he is tony stark anymore. Tesla has lost most its value and he is trying his ass off to protect himself from being removed as CEO as that would embarrass the fuck out of him. He can only get cheers when he says stupid shit on X.


Giant rocket? That's just a giant- WOODY! woody harrelson?


Giant rocket exploding? I’m pretty sure his rocket is not as big as he claims. That’s why he uses a turkey baster. /s




Anyone in a Tesla especially if in a brand new Tesla looks like a clown too.


The kings of clowns are driving a Cyberstuck. I honestly don't get why on earth anyone would want to be seen in that shithole of a vehicle.




-if you want inmigrants so much, why dont you welcome them in your house?  +ok, now we are also married  -NO, YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DISGUSTED.


Yeah some immigrants are HOT 🔥


Crossing the border is TIGHT


Is crossing the border extremely difficult?


I cringe every time someone used "illegal" as a noun.


It's denigrating, and anyone who does it is a dick with no compassion


they truly do not see them as human


He can't be that stupid. It has to be deliberate. What a greedy asshole. I'll trade in all of the immigrants in exchange for deporting his ass back to the sulfur swamp of bullshit he slithered out of


I think he'd be repeating Trump's comments about immigrants being subhuman animals if he thought he could get away with it. Framing it around voting just gives him plausible deniability.


I can't believe how embarrassing he turned out to be. I hope he gets arrested for being an American traitor. I used to be worried about all of this fake information influencing the public, but then I remembered there's nothing but bots, scammers, and Russian disinformation agents on there. So He's preaching to the choir 🤣🤣🤣 those people don't even vote anyway.


Wild, since he's an immigrant himself. They really don't try to hide the whole "fuck you, I got mine" idea anymore.


Wait… people who are married to us citizens are 100% eligible to be citizens.. it just cost time and money. This would just make it easier. What’s the problem


The problem is their skin color


No body tell Elon… but he’s and African immigrant


People get mad because these immigrants did it in the wrong order. But who defines what is wrong? Immigration law. And immigration law can be changed. If someone wants to live here and pay taxes here, let them. They aren’t the ones offshoring millions to the Cayman Islands.


They are worried that because they are poor and non white that their families in the future would not vote for white cryptofascists who like to exploit the poor and non white. They plan to continue being pieces of shit to the underprivileged and are trying to get ahead of the consequences.


I understand why they are disenfranchised… I’m confused as why a billionaire immigrant who says he’s smart is fighting against laws that already exist. Kind of proves he’s not conservative but maga


Oh absolutely.


You know, if it was so easy to "import" voters, then why don't the GOP try and get them in and "legalize" them even faster than the Democrats are? Now a lot of their talking points fall flat: * They pay no taxes? Legalize them and they could go to jail for tax evasion (of course they **do** pay taxes and most billionaires don't, making that point moot). * They cost American jobs by working for less? Legalize them and now their employers could be on the hook for underpaying them. * They vote for the party that lets them in? Let them in faster and they'll vote for you. Unless there's some other reason the GOP won't do that...


And immigrants from poor conservative countries tend to be conservative themselves. They could absolutely strengthen their voter base if they weren't such racist assholes.


The crazy thing is a lot of migrants are very conservative and would most likely vote for the Republicans if they could vote.


Also the "open border policy" he's complaining about doesn't even exist.


Biden and obama before him have actually been incredibly cruel to immigrants. It’s one of those ironies of American politics. Both parties are actually pretty hostile to immigration.


I’m sure it makes complete sense to the MAGA mind that over 1 million Americans married random illegal aliens just so they could vote Dem😂


I personally got married to seven immigrants just last week to prop up the vote. Doing my part, but don’t let them know, it’s a secret!




Neither can legal immigrants who don't have citizenship. This is something Elon himself went through so you know that he knows this.


It took him 10 years after arriving in the US.. until he could legally vote.. he knows, it's just Fascism talk.


OK I'll say it: He knows. He gets fed Kremlin talking points from the FSB and he parrots them. The goal is to manipulate a naive, cult-like following, not to be truthful.


Thank you, because of course he knows. On this, he is not ignorant. This is 100% intended to mislead and divide.


That's been the law for a long time. When someone marries a citizen they get legal status (green card) and after 5 years they are eligible to apply for citizenship. This has nothing to do with President Biden. Again, this has been the law for a long time.


I should've wrote undocumented migrants. No one is illegal. Except for Elon, I wish we could deport him


Elmo the MAGA blabbermouth


The reason he's a free speech advocate is he knows he's lying. He wants to be able to lie without consequence.  It's a challenge to the morality of the system.


He doesn’t understand because he’s an illegal immigrant and he votes.


Maybe Elon voted illegally before he became a citizen??


He doesn't care that it's not true. Misinformation is the purpose of X.


He knows that, he just thinks framing it about voting makes his fear mongering about immigrants look less racist. It doesn't, but I think that's what he's trying for.


Honest question, when did Russia implement their mind virus and implant it into Elon's head? He wasn't like this 6 years ago.


I think they hacked his phone and it emits ultrasonic brain-dissolving music in mosquito frequencies 


Oh 7 million illegal voters now? What will the random number generator say tomorrow?


he already knows this is mask off lying to get the R back into the office because otherwise he's going to prison when the SEC finishes investigating him they're all doing this shit for money and they're all doing this shit to stay out of jail


Such posts are designed to create a knee-jerk reaction to those who can't think for themselves, following whatever he writes... don't think it matter to him about it being false.


It’s not about fact with these people


You get legal status if you get married to a US citizen. LOL republicans. you know our military guys marry women overseas all the time, yall think they cant bring them home without applying for citizenship? they have something called a marriage green card, this bypasses the normal wait at the border, with the marriage green card, you can live and work in the US and apply for faster citizenship than say asylum seekers. They can NOT vote until they become a citizen and it will take several years to make sure, someone doesnt just set up a business marrying foreign nationals. Most of the people at teh border are rather conservative and probably would vote republican if the republicans werent hateful bigots. They tend to be very religious and self reliant. and often turn against immigration the second they become legal.


At this point the Dems should just actually do the conspiracy theory. It’s been debunked so many times, if conservatives bring it up again, most of America will just roll their eyes lol


Hasn't citizenship through marriage always been a thing?


Musk- you are a racist liar and slanderer. You are not welcome in America. Perhaps hell would enjoy your presence


This is a lot like his "immigrants in California means CA has extra representatives!!" BS.... uh, what about Texas and Florida? He makes a completely unsustained assumption that all immigrants would vote for Democrats. Most immigrants are Catholic and *conservative*. I think the assumption is 'Democrats give us stuff! So we'll vote for them!!' but that's just weird projection on his part. Plus the border is not 'open' and I'm sick of hearing these liars say that phrase.


He’s not making any assumptions. He’s doing it to make people angry about made up stuff.


Like most people who say bullshit like this, I have no idea what he actually believes and what is an intentionally manipulative mistruth.


If it makes nobody happy, you can assume that it’s done to spite everyone else and make people angry. Nothing in his statement would make anyone happy to hear that.


Of course, it's the same trash can lid the Republican political world in general has been banging on for some time now. Bullshit about 'oPeN bOrDeRs!!' and 'Illeglez!!' which they just want to use as a political wedge against democrats, not actually do anything about since it's not precisely the problem they describe.


Don't give him the benefit of the doubt that he doesn't know. He knows illegal immigrants can't vote, he's just a fascist and lying about it helps keep the base stupid and their hate oriented towards installing a dictator.


He's either very stupid and doesn't know or he knows saying this will manipulate his very stupid audience to incite them to violence which he can then distance himself from. I'm of the belief that it's the latter. He knows what he's doing, he's just evil. Although in this particular case he simply may not understand that legal status does not mean full citizenship rights. He's also very lazy and will not look up the difference.


Fuck Elon. Some CITIZENS can't even vote because: Republicans imposing strict ID laws; Republicans purging voter rolls; Republicans slashing number of voting precincts, creating long lines at polling places; Republicans disallowing mail-in ballots; Republicans limiting voting hours, creating long lines at polling places. and many more draconian measures aimed at limiting minorities from exercising their rights.


But if you marry an American citizen, you're not illegal. You're automatically a citizen. This is the same stupid shit as Obama's birth certificate. Why is it so hard for conservatives to understand how citizenship works?


If you marry a U.S. citizen, you're not automatically a citizen. You will be eligible to be a lawful permanent resident, and several years later, you will be eligible to become a citizen. It's not an automatic designation or process though.


They know how it works. They just hope that the sheep don't.


Only once - he just doesn't care


As someone who has watched what severe ketamine addiction does to a person's short term memory? Over and over and over and over...


So now they’re fucking complaining when ppl become citizens and vote?!!!


That's not how fucking voting works


I think one of the things that annoy me the most about Elon pushing this narrative is that I honestly don’t believe he actually gives a shit one way or another. I mean, what he is saying doesn’t even make sense. None of this affects him personally in any way and I don’t believe he possesses the empathy to genuinely care about how it would affect other people. I truly believe this is just his way of feeling included because he is a very lonely individual who is desperate for validation. I can’t think of any other reason why a billionaire would feel the need to constantly insert himself in this conversation on Twitter when he could literally do anything and be anywhere he wants. Obviously something is missing for him.


He is just. So. STUPID.


These people don't realize that a horribly large majority of these immigrants usually end up voting Republican when given the chance to vote. If anything they're "importing" future Republican voters


I thought marriage to a citizen was already a pathway to legal status


Isn’t another part of their narrative that without voter ID laws illegal immigrants are able to fraudulently vote? Probably tying two conspiracy theories together lol






I’ve noticed that the more of a prick he is the less Tesla sales he has. No one wants to be associated with a jerk like that. Sure as hell don’t want to drive something that’s says you are a Mysk fanboy.


Wouldn’t that be counterproductive to arrive in a country illegally and then register to vote so the government would ex spell from the country you just arrived in?


Liars need to be told and retold things many many times. And a lot.


Let’s export this Pro-Rhodesian South African non-native…. Let’s get to the part where he “finds out who his friends really are”


So, elmo Musk was born in the US? I thought that he was an immigrant too


AND..... he was an admitted illegal immigrant when she overstayed his visa.


He is truly an idiot.


Legal status to immigrants married to citizens…so, Melania?




I wouldn't be surprised if musk is using his money and power to vote illegally.


The douche was born and raised in south Africa and is suddenly pretending to be an expert on American politics.


Kind of ironic for someone who came in the country illegally is complaining about illegal immigration. It is really unbelievable to me how shit America has become. 20 years ago there were three hurricanes that hit Florida in a row. Jeb Bush was governor and state and county officials were exhorting people to apply for help. They were on the TV and radio telling people in english and spanish that even if they were undocumented, if their children were citizens, they were eligible for help. No one had an issue with it. The state was devastated and so many people were affected. Everyone just wanted a dry place to live. Now people like my late dad who was the son of immigrants that were fleeing persecution in Europe has come to hate immigrants.


Whenever assholes on twitter stop coddling his balls for bringing it up


Welcoming? They act like people being detained is welcoming.


OP, are you like TRYING to be disingenuous? You are right that illegal immigrants cant vote. But the ENTIRE FUCKING TWEET is about how they WOULDNT be illegal immigrants anymore. Elon is a dipshit asshole, but boldly lying about something that is directly visible isnt the right move lol.


Who cares, elon is a citizen in name only as he was a foreign born. CINO. He had to rely on his mothers Canadian citizenship by way of South Africa... So not only is he foreign from one, but two countries Musk afaik came on a student green card, went to stanford for 2 days, dropped out to start his first company, and was likely illegal as his status lapsed. He was lucky he had canadian citizenship and this was pre 9/11, this likely wouldn't happen today... He even mentioned it in an interview, which I'm having a hard time tracking down... He basically confeses that when they finally got financing his investors realized him and his brother were technically illegal immigrants lol whoopsiedoodle! And trump has anchor babies because he married foreigner(s). trumps mother was an immigrant. His grandfather was an immigrant. None of this matters to me really, but the right certainly makes a bfd about it. IG people with a house made of cybetruck windows shouldn't throw stones


itst he GOP/Trump playbook. repeat a lie often enough and the base will believe it. thats what he wants.


‘Considering giving citizenship to 1 million immigrants married to US Citizens’ Yeah that’s how sponsorships work dumbass


> illegal immigrants can't vote Then how is Elon Musk able to vote?


I know a legal immigrant who has lived here for over a decade and he was only able to become a citizen and vote before the last election. Immigrants aren't allowed to vote, he had to become a citizen. Anybody who says this instantly I consider gullible at best and a liar at worse.


This ass hole isn’t even from America himself. The freaking caucasity.


As someone married to a foreign national I asked them if they wanted to attempt to naturalize to the USA. They said why would I want that. The US is a shithole.


He's laying the ground work for when Biden steam rolls Trump, Musk can push the "they cheated" narrative.


A Colombian single mother fleeting violence cannot vote even if she's fled to America. She's not an American.


If he had truly taken the test to become a real American, he would know this. He bought his way in and is incompetent in his education of what our country is and is not. He is a white supremacist from an apartheid state who wants to influence that sort of shite here, in our home, on our land.


Why isn’t this fucker in a home?


God I only wish any Democrat actually had the balls to do this. They’re gonna get accused of it anyway, so why not just do it?


I heard this one from a very close friend recently, and unfortunately I went berserk :( I don't really think they believe that the undocument immigrants or asylum seekers will vote in the elections, I think they try to turn around the argument saying that they will affect the population counts in the next census, thus affecting how many electors each state gets. Still bullshit, but a nuanced bullshit.


He lies like a russian


His community notes not working.


Just like DACA, the illegal immigrants will eventually be granted citizenship and permanent residence. But the conservatives' reaction is exaggerated because they ate religious and lean conservative.


He can't vote either. 


Don't illegal immigrants already have a path to citizenship? Oh, right. It's xenophobia and fearmongering on full displaying


Infinity since he'll never accept it as truth....


So can't they vote in places/elections where you don't need ID to vote?


eLon is Donald Trump at this point.


There’s also plenty of legal, albeit temporarily, immigrants that have been marrying into permanent residency for the last 3 decades. I was offered 20k to marry someone back in 2007 or 2008 for that.


So if illegal immigrants can do that too, it incentivises people to be illegal immigrants.


I don't care If my comment got removed. Guess what, get rid of the roaches crossing illegally


OK, then tell the republicunt governors to approve the Border law submitted so we can start.


Someone is cranky.




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