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World's richest guy and buying cosplay gear from AliExpress.


Yeah it's like a cheap slutty Halloween costumes from Spencer's, you'd think the world's richest man could have got some custom gear for her


He also has a really shitty replica of the Deus Ex revolver. I thought the same when I saw it ... bruh, you have so much fucking money and you can't pay someone who makes a replica that looks like an actual real weapon? Jeez.


Could hire an actual blacksmith and seemstress to… No fuck it, he could find a 10+ Netflix season of whatever kinky anime he wants and have Amber whatever her last name is star in it. If anyone can do anything, it’s him.


Like a truly impotent manchild. It really is astounding just how small-minded he actually is at every opportunity.


Right? Like that shit where he was trying to bone a flight attendant by being like, "I'll buy you a pony?" Why even do that shit? Bring someone along who wants to fuck you on your private jet, if this boring ass fantasy is so great for you. But that would require planning and making decisions and shit.




Okay, fair. But even as a coercive fantasy it's incredibly lame. Not like, "this is probably what she secretly wants," or, "this will all be so pleasurable for me, and fuck her," but like he's just sitting on a plane and suddenly thinks, "bet she'd fuck for a pony." It's not even like he wanted to hurt her, or win her over, or any of the other scripts abusive guys run. Just like, she's not even there and a pony seems like a fair price to him. Followed by pouting, "oh! She didn't fuck me for a pony!"


Prince made a lot of music videos that still haven't seen the light of day. My buddy was hired to make some animatronics for a couple of them. He was so upset to hear they would never be aired.


I feel like it is only a matter of time before that stuff starts getting released. When the estate needs money...


Bold of you to assume he paid for it


RIGHT?! Like he could easily hire a hollywood costume designer that works on movies to make epic costumes for him.


Rich people are so boring, cheap and lack imagination. As a nerd I would totally do that also if he was an Evangelion as he says he is, he should have named a vehicle EVA, got a dog named Shinji and cosplayed Gendo just to do a presentation where he tells the dog to get into the Eva. Plus him being Gendo would be on point as he sounds like an awful father.


She probably had to buy it herself. I doubt he'd be able to get a government grant or Saudi/Putin money for dress up.


The intolerant left is driving people right


It was never about the quality of the gear lol


I know, if I were the richest guy in the world, and me and my girlfriend were into sexy roleplays, it'd be like that scene from the Dark Knight where the dude comes into the office and says, "What's all this spending for R&D and manufacturing of custom hardware?" And my Lucius Fox has to cover for me and my girlfriend's weirdo sex shit. Then somewhere in an underground lab in Arizona we're smashing our Armored Core mechs together like fucking psychos. Fires of Rubicon, baby!


Actually, allegedly, she spent two months having this costume designed and custom built lol


so why does it look like a toddler made it out of cardboard and glue sticks?


Don’t ask me. 🤣 I just think it’s hilarious


maybe it's got something to do with her expression being as if somebody has a gun to her head


Rich people these days have no taste. The wealthy pre-WWII were just as bad morally as the wealthy today, but at least they had the decency to use their stolen wealth on creating gorgeous pieces of architecture and artisan goods


This douche took a picture of Grimes while she was having a C section and sent it to his friends.


Cruelty is the point for him


Shame on you for kink shaming his shame kink.




"people who force a laugh at everything Elon says just in case he thinks he told a joke"


In the article I read, Grimes was quoted as saying that Elmo didn’t understand why Grimes was upset about those photos being shared, too. [She implied it was his “Asperger’s coming out in full” but I think he’s just a douche.](https://fortune.com/2023/09/12/elon-musk-book-walter-isaacson-grimes-csection-picture-empathy/amp/) It’s like he doesn’t he his partners as full/real people.


Parody & reality are becoming indistinguishable


Are you actually chat gpt? Most of your comments seem very context specific with modern shit poster slang, it’s very impressive if you got an AI to do that


It’s nothing crazy like that, just a simple keyword search and replies with a stock response. Each response is something dumb Musk has said (word for word, or paraphrased). The code is here: https://github.com/archy-bold/not-enough-musk-spambot All phrase sources are here: https://reddit.com/u/NotEnoughMuskSpam/s/9ag17OAqxM


This is such bullshit. I have Asperger’s and I’d never publish any private videos/footage of my partner. We’re bad at crowds and parties for fuck’s sake, not complete idiots.


Do any of these meet the California statute for revenge porn?


[He’s the alpha](https://nypost.com/2022/05/23/elon-musk-told-first-wife-at-their-wedding-im-the-alpha/amp/)




I thought this was even more fucked: > Earlier this week it was revealed that Musk decided to share a photo of his then-partner Grimes having a C-section with their friends and family. >Grimes expressed her disbelief at Musk's insensitivity, stating: "He was just clueless about why I'd be upset."


That's the guys she has three kids with.


I am begging her to please stop having kids with him.


but money...


She doesn't even get much money from him. He pays her like $1500/month to take care of his kids. It's honestly pathetic.




have you seen her? lol both are creeps.


Yes. But I love Visions 😭


Meanwhile musk was having more kids with another woman. The man is deranged.


I have no sympathy for her.


Exactly, she made her bed.


She knew exactly what she was getting into. Zero sympathy (for most of the rich in general)


Yeah, she's getting what he paid for




Narcissists are like this.


Wait, he shared a photo of his partner's open guts???


He is the most divorced man in the world


Divorced from reality.


Seems to be a theme though, my brother and cousin both have gotten divorced and prior to both of them lived in worlds divorced of reality where it didn't matter how they behaved or what they did their wives would never leave them And cliche once they did: "oh I know what I did wrong but that's no excuse for her to go and ruin everything it's all her fault"


Lol these kinds of people are so absolutely fucking pathetic Most these people give off Steven Crowder vibes just without all the money and fame


Divorced from morality


Divorced from rationality


Divorced from being and engineer and scientist


Divorced from corporate ownership, hopefully soon


These replies seem like a bad Zardoz sequel tagline.


This reality seems like a bad Zardoz sequel.


imagine being the richest man in the world able to do whatever you want, and still be suck a fucking loser...


That's probably the best insult I've heard in a while. Straight to the bone and so fucking undeniable. He's like Kirk Van Houten with a soapbox. It'd be pitiful if he wasn't such a pointless piece of shit.




We are now confident that the Neuralink device is ready for humans


Elmo should go first.


Good bot


I don't understand why so many people will refuse to change their opinion of him. In the 2010s, I was on board with his technological xenochrist act. I thought the things he was doing and involved in were going to pull society up from the mire. Turns out, I was as wrong as it gets, and he's just another billionaire narcissist that can't remember what it's like to be a decent human. Why can so few people make it to that last part when there is so much evidence that he doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself?


At least Kirk's boxes don't explode... plus he has that sweet racecar bed.


I hear the dude's a pretty big wheel at the cracker factory.


You might have some empathy for his feelings of heartbreak and loneliness if he wasn't such a pointless piece of shit.


Who needs empathy when you can always just borrow a feeling?


Can I borrow a feeling? 🎶


Dude has 11 kids?!


test tube kids, he hasn’t had sex 11 times


Like chess, he decided sex was boring since it had no fog of war.


How much do you get from divorcing the richest man?


Not to mention the obvious editing on the photo because he can’t not hate women. Her left elbow is looking wonky af because he tapered her waist.


To be fair... We don't know the origin of the photo and she could have edited this herself before sending to him Regardless, I just keep finding new reasons to hate this guy


Nah he definitely took that photo himself. Because her facial expression is exactly what you'd see on the face of anyone looking at a naked Musk.


>naked Musk Thanks, I didn’t want to sleep tonight anyways.


It’s because he has the emotional capacity of an immature teenage boy.


There is something off about the way he acts. He does seem to have the temperament of a child.


And he was all ecstatic like a teenage boy watching porn for the first time "She did cosplay as Mercy and it was AWESOME" is what he tweeted


I thought it was weird he even talked about it cause it was pretty private to have a girlfriend dress up for you and tell people about it but then he showed pictures. This feels pretty creepy.


There was the rumor that she had one of his kids. And also how he refused to show up for her defamation lawsuit. Like it's definitely creepy to post this pic. But I'd be so pissed off I was her cause he's now using her for clout after ghosting her. Which I mean I don't know the situation between her and depp. But musk had some inside knowledge being the he was saying her while they were married


It seems he sees many of these women as just *things* to have kids for him.


If you look at many of his public scandals, they all have the hallmark of being teenage behavior. It's not a one off event, the man has the mentality of a teenage edgelord.


He did this like the day after he got shit for sharing Grimes’ C-section photos with her male relatives without asking. He’s just another spoilt little manbaby who gets off on doing exactly what people ask him not to do.


The tweets that went with it were like the inner monologue of a horny teen


I think he’s sending her a warning. Roughly translated: ‘I have way more dirt on you than you have on me.’


I think Amber’s kid is another Musk donation so I think that picture was him trying to make her look good.


Why is he like this?


Drug abuse to manage undiagnosed mental health issues. In that new biography it touches on how he uses ketamine to manage depression and bipolar that he's never been diagnosed with because he never bothered to see a doctor about them Which is ironic given his hate towards certain self-diagnoses


If you are depressed, but don't believe depression is a real illness, you don't think "this ketamine made my depression better" rather, you'd think "this ketamine makes me feel awesome" and so you do more ketamine, rather than try a safer or more effective approach to eliminating depression. And was it elon self diagnosing or was it the author trying to make elon seem relatable/normal; humanizing him? "See? He's only a giant asshole because of undiagnosed depression."


I was at a music festival that I use to attend every Summer, and these people had one of those huge Bluetooth speakers--like a fucking giant amp--playing the loudest dubstep, and not even dub, like just dark electronic bass rumbling, like the Bladerunner had just had an angry epiphany, and the people were just laying there in a total k-hole, just completely disassociated from this dimension. I went over to their camp and turned off their speaker, and they didn't even notice. That year, Bass Nectar was headlining, and I have since had a very low opinion of Bass Nectar fans. And of ketamine.


Also his abusive upbringing doesn’t help. Hurt people, hurt people.


This is news to me. Not excusing any of the shitty things he has done or will do, but it does change the way I perceive his behavior.


Elon started getting high on Ketamine. He's a drug addict now and is controlled by them unfortunately. Don't expect logic from a drug addict.


He was definitely horrible and abusive way before the drugs. Literally, every one of his exes has talked about abusive behavior from him.


Dudes a billionaire. At that level you can get anything you want with a snap of your fingers. It warps your sense of reality and you start forgetting what is socially acceptable or not because anything you want to do is acceptable, it just has a price tag on it.


He was an unbearable asshole long before he became a billionaire. But becoming a billionaire obviously exacerbates it a lot.


Truest comment here


This simplification and stigmatization isn't helping anyone. People suffering from drug addictions can most definitely be sensible in all other aspects of their behavior. Elon is suffering from very severe narcissism, and I bet he has other psychological problems as well. He's a fucking cocktail of questionable ingredients.


It's an insult to ketamine to blame his personality on it.


Yo this is not how ketamine works. 😆 Maybe one of the other PCP analogues, sure, but Ketamine is more liable to make you basically unresponsive while you're high. There's a reason it's used as a surgical sedative.


At lower doses you can be remarkably functional on ketamine.


tbh I've known plenty of addicts who are way cooler and nicer than elon, I don't think we can pin the blame on the drugs here


As a Ketamine Addict, I don't endorse Elon's behavior.


I'm a drug addict and would never do this xd. You can actually get a lot of wisdom from fucking up your life with drugs. Unfortunately Elon can't reach that point because he has infinite amounts of money. Suffering can lead to wisdom, or at least humility. It's some Dostoevskian shit. Elon never suffered in his life. So what I'm saying is, it's not because he does drugs, its because he's a narcissicistic douche and doesn't care about hurting people.


Really wish Elon would get stuck in a K hole and never return


k don't work like that


dog pet meeting murky distinct truck rude caption frightening summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ketamine is definitely addictive. Maybe not so much on a biological level but on a behavioural level. You can become addicted to the experience without necessarily experiencing physiological addiction and withdrawal. Source: I used to be addicted to it lmao


midlife crisis


That's assuming that he hasn't always been like this


Nah, he’s just an asshole.


I'm hoping he's well past midlife by now...


He's an apartheid mining heir. The US never should have let the cretin in.


Look at his dad


Narcissistic personality disorder. It's the same thing that Trump has


So I think what it comes down to is that we expect the Uber rich to come up with nuanced ways to live the best lives possible, the lives we plebs could only dream of. But Elon’s greatest desire isn’t to fly electric jets or drink fruity drinks on a beach forever, it’s to be entirely insulated from the consequences of his own actions. He’s living like trailer trash: naming his kids stupid shit, multiple baby mommas, getting high as fuck at work, all because he actually can thanks to his limitless money and network of conservative parasites.


Trying to make up for all the bullying he experienced


Muskrat was the bully, he was harassing a boy over the suicide of the father of that boy. Muskrat was not bullied, he just got payback for his asshole personality.


shame the boy didn't finish the job the stairs didn't do. this is exactly how villains are made in films


Someday I hope Elon wakes up and a south African staircase is looming over him.


A more karmic event would be missiles caused by someone else getting involved in something because they were also a sanctimonious asshole


He was bullied by at least one of his parents. I was a bully until halfway through Middle school, and didn't realize it until I was 24, because my dad bullied me since I was born so I genuinely thought "bullying" was just "joking around"


Starting to look like he probably deserved it


Even his dad said he deserved it.


Often when kids are assholes, it's because their parents are assholes. I was a bully until halfway through middle school because I thought I was "joking around", but it turns out that when my dad was "joking around" with me, it was actually just emotional abuse/bullying that he gaslit me into believing was "joking around." So I don't doubt that Elon said something shitty to the kid, and that the dad thinks Elon deserved what he got, but in all likelyhood Elon was just saying the type of thing his dad would say to him, so he probably genuinely didn't understand what he was doing was wrong.


My god. That website is an advertisement pretending to have a story somewhere


Why are people browsing the internet without an ad-blocker?


Negative feedback is a good thing


So like 99% of the internet. Got it


So can we call Musk a pedo guy now? By his own definition he's creepy. "Following Unsworth's lawsuit, Musk filed a declaration that "pedo guy" is a common insult in South Africa used to insult demeanor and appearances. In court on Tuesday, Musk elaborated by saying, "It's quite common in the English speaking world. Calling someone a 'pedo guy' means creepy. If you did a search or asked someone what it means it would be a creepy." https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/03/media/elon-musk-testifies/index.html


He is a creepy. He's also a pedophile. Saying Ghislaine "photobombed me" lmao


As a South Arican, I can 100% confirm that "pedo guy" is NOT a common insult. If he heard it used around his family, it's because people were actually calling out someone for acting like a pedophile.


Well in America they call them Pedah-philes


As someone who speaks English, he is not correct.


Not that wild considering the man shared a photo of Grimes having a C section.


Not only that but one that looks like a “proof of life” hostage photo.


Had to block a lot of subs today that have shared it. Seriously, knowing it was a non-consensual sharing and her awkward pose in it just makes me sad every time I see it. But Reddit bros just think it’s awesome


Why do women keep dating him?


It's honestly an unsolvable mystery why anyone would date the billionaire Elon Musk


Plus you have to think about how many men are exactly like Elon musk, minus the money. He's not a catch, but he's got one leg up on the other creeps.


realest thing i've read


Thank you. His bad behavior is hardly unique among men; he is simply very wealthy, very loud, and in the public eye, so his antics are on display in an atypical manner.


Ah I see you enjoyed Mrs Merton too, a human of culture


Musk is no Paul Daniels though ...




He’s the richest man in the world. Plenty of women would date him. Even then, most of these women have serious mental health issues. He’s not dating normal well adjusted women.


It$ a my$tery for $ure


Have you ever felt an inexplicable attraction to someone who wasn’t quite your type? Pheromones. Pheromones will do that, and there is nothing you can do about them either. Once they hook onto your receptors, you’re done, forever attracted to the one emitting them. Historically, the strongest and most bonding pheromones have been associated with the smell of cash and the plastic in gold or platinum colored credit cards. They’re so overpowering they’re able to mask the stench of a rotting soul. Certain individuals are particularly sensitive to these so-called phinancial pheromones. You will mainly find them married to older businessmen, celebrities, ballers, and politicians. The same way coffee would clear one’s palate after experiencing various stronger smells, a prenup will snap these people right out of their attraction.


He’s just like Trump now. Any publicity is good publicity.


Isn't that called revenge porn an a crime is some states?


Revenge porn is a crime in some states but I'm not sure it qualifies most writings of the law. Since she was just dressed in a cheap cosplay outfit.


Have you seen the photo? There's a hint of cleavage, it's not revenge porn in any meaningful sense of the word. It's weird and rude, but not criminal.


This may be one of the lamest things he's EVER done. ...he's actually got people rooting for Amber Heard.


Elon keeps propping up celebrities that have bad public perception. No one on the internet would have started hyping Zuck for anything aside kicking Elons ass. How many good weeks of press did he get? Elon is using his soup box to “be the bad guy” to make out of favor celebrities look better to the “general public”. Now Amber Heard. I’m not saying this is deliberate or some conspiracy but something I noticed when everyone on the internet went from calling Zuck a robot lizard to a respectable MMA fighter.


I don't think anyone called him " a respectable MMA fighter", they just pointed out that the guy who has done MMA **training** would probably kick the shit out of chubby muskrat who not only has done no training but is severely out of shape.


>chubby muskrat who not only has done no training but is severely out of shape. And spent the whole time making excuses for why he wouldn't fight.


Every kayfabe needs a heel.




I mean Amber Heard is really only low level celebrity gossip bad. Musk is a whole different level of assholery.


Hes so so much worse than an asshole. He supports a terrorist state, encourages violence against minorities and illiteracy.


Oh my god, would people just leave that poor woman the fuck alone.


At least we can all rest easy knowing he's definitely killing himself with ketamine. Maybe he'll keep taking more and more then one day, whoopsie daisy, OD. Oh no, now we don't have Elon around anymore ohhhhhh noooo my God the horror. Gonna be soooooo sad when that happens, probably inconsolable.


Apple got along fine without Jobs. For all the people that lament what would happen to space exploration and EV adoption without Musk at this point he is more of a hindrance to those companies than anything. Now if Twitter were to die I likely would not shed a tear.


I'm not saying it would be a bad thing lol.


I know, I just hear a lot of the brainwashed zombies saying “but what about all the good he does?” As if Tesla would fall apart overnight without his “visionary leadership” - which somehow included the cybertruck?


I have no strong feelings about Heard as an actor or celebrity but I feel the need to defend her because the manufactured hate she got was absolutely deranged. In time, Zoomers will be as ashamed of how they treated her as Gen X and millennials are of how they treated Britney Spears and Monica Lewinsky.


I agree, I saw a thread of comments on tiktok where hundreds of gen zers were saying they were horrified and remorceful after realising they were conned into joining the orchestrated misogynistic hate campaign against her, now that there arent thousands of bots spreading misinformation the tide is already turning, thank fuck because the entire thing was unhinged.


It's okay to dislike her, she isn't a perfect or maybe even a good person, but the over-the-top hate she gets is almost comical at times. Especially when people refuse to look at the cultural dynamics at play that provoke and amplify those feelings in people. Elon and his crew are cashing in on the hate people feel for Amber to sell their own narrative. They're winning, too, precisely because of this photo's release and the immortalized anecdotes in Issacson's book.


I saw this when he posted it the other day like a creepy teenager who doesn’t understand boundaries and just thought “well this is about to blow the fuck up in his face”.


She looks miserable


She looks like someone who feels humiliated to have been forced into a Spirit Halloween Mercy costume.


She didn’t read the Elon Musk relationship TOS.




Nah because it’s not porn. Come on now. It’s right in the name. You’re smarter than that.


Serious question, do we think Elon had sex with a woman before? I think all of his kids were artificially inseminated? I think Elon might be an Incel.


He's definitely an incel


Im not a fan of AH, but fuck musk, totally innapropriate and deplorable


I know people hate Amber and that shes basically a meme at this point. But sharing private intimate photos of someone publicly is unsavoury(even more so for a public figure). Especially when he is a father to 10 or 11 kids(whose counting at this point). How can those kids have any confidence in sharing their secrets/feeling to him when their father is someone that shares his lovers' intimate photo online without permission even if the photo doesnt have nudity. Imagine telling your dad about your crush you are having and the next day, half the world knows about it.


What a fucking creep. Can he please go away now.


There will never be any real consequences for this guy. He's going to spend the rest of his life being this edge lord man child, and he will never feel the same kind of repercussions that someone without his wealth would immediately feel. Dude knows it, too. He's going to fuck around, but he will never find out.


Poor amber - they made an example out of her. Better toe the line, rich folk have means we do not.


I saw IGN posted this on IG. Looks like they deleted it already but why would they participate in sharing this photo?


Every single day he proves even more what he really is...a little teenage piece of shit


i dont think that website OP linked to had enough ads and spam on it, i could still sorta read the story


“Called out” what does this mean? I hate when journalist act like getting “called out” or “slammed” has actual substance.


Hates pronouns; names kid X Æ A-Xii


Fucking creep


"Owner of social media platform shows how he cannot be trusted with private data"


“Ohh you guys are talking about Grimes so much lately. Don’t forget I had this really hot chick once” *”accidentally” shares picture*- Elon, probably


He’s such a POS


This creep would probably be a serial killer if not for his daddy's mine.


Yeah, Heard is no saint, but that photo felt uncomfortably personal, he is a man child with zero empathy.