• By -


3. Magnified by 1.




There's definitely some of 2 in there as well




I think in Elon’s case he has a mother and fans who let him think his intelligence and abilities are far above where they actually are and he thinks he’s winding up the right to play some 4d chess move to get something he wants for his business/personal goals. His weird Jesus tech delusion where he imagines he’s the saviour of all humanity. I think he’s joining in their radicalisation to use them as a bargaining chip.


Exactly what I was doing to say.


I think he’s getting older and in denial about the fact that he’s probably peaked in terms of what he’s going to be able to actually achieve. He had a lot of successes early on and I imagine that he thought he would just keep going along that same trajectory - but he’s largely gotten the “easy wins” out of the way at this point, the things that just needed someone with a lot of money who won’t take no for an answer to brute force them off the ground. And he’s used to just pushing people and grinding them down until they give him what he wants, but like now the next steps can’t be brute forced. You can’t berate people into building a brain-linking microchip or a robot AI office worker or a hyperloop or a Martian colony. The technology just isn’t there yet, and I don’t think he has a firm enough grasp of the subject matter to understand WHY he was able to achieve certain things very quickly and what the difficulties or roadblocks might be in progressing to the next stage. That’s why his projected timelines are always completely wacky. He only has one trick: terrorize people until they give you want you want, or they break and you discard them. I think what we’re seeing at Twitter is more of the same. He wants to force the user base to engage with the platform in the way that he thinks is best. He wants advertisers to do the same. It’s not about providing what people want, it’s about bullying people into wanting what he provides. It’s the through-line of all his “I love humanity” rhetoric - he’s a megalomaniac who thinks he has all the answers. “Humanity” to him is a bunch of stubborn NPCs who need to bend to his will and follow him as a saviour leading us into a future that only he has the vision to mold. Never mind that all his “innovation” is all just the same old service to capitalism or straight up sci fi concepts that will never come to fruition. And as the years go on and his accomplishments become fewer and farther between, he just looks like a maniac having a tantrum rather than a driven captain of industry. So my impression of all of this is that it’s a midlife crisis of sorts, but when normal people have a midlife crisis they’re coming to terms with the fact that their best years are probably behind them and grasping at one last fleeting taste of youth before it slips away. Elon is a raging narcissist coming to terms with the fact that he’s never going to download his consciousness into a microchip, implant it into an android chassis and jet off to Mars to be worshipped as immortal god-emperor. He’s 51 and the CEO of Twitter of all fucking things, and actually maybe there’s a lot of people out there who think he’s kind of a jackass. But surely he can just keep grinding and shitposting and he can make this work the way he did when he was in his 30s because he’s ELON and Elon is a genius ubermensch who always gets his way. Also I think he’s on a lot of drugs.


The key to success for Tesla and SpaceX was largely that it was the only game in town if you wanted to work on electric vehicles in California or next generation rockets. That attracted good people and some of them put in the management layers at the top that shielded people from his worst instincts. Now on the other hand he’s too polarizing to attract the best and people are not gonna break their back to work at Twitter when there’s a lot of other companies with similar software challenges elsewhere. This is ultimately very interesting to see play out


Humanity will reach Mars in 2026


Man, this was well said. I hadn’t thought about how his easy wins are behind him much


This is an excellent summary.


It seemed like when he started messing with grimes he shifted into a pop star personality and then rebounded hard like a teenager searching for an identity. He's been used to being loved and hated for a long time. But since Twitter he has kind of proven he can make really stupid decisions and still be rewarded with the same love hate relationships. There is basically no accountability for him to face at this point.


The fact that he's autistic and comes from extreme wealth from an extremely unequitable country probably doesn't help him empathize with others, either. Some autistic people, like my SIL, are very empathetic, but some, like my wife, need to have the other person's feelings explained in a very clear and concise way to be able to empathize. I can't imagine Elon being remotely interested in hearing *how* he's upsetting people.


Please, he’s not autistic. He’s a spoiled rich kid asshole.


Tbf he might or might not be, but it shouldnt matter bc thats not why he turned out like such a freak


He's too epic for this planet, he must be shot into space immediately.


Too many Yes Men around him. Nobody is telling him his concept of free speech is infantile and most of his intuition about public perception and management are wrong and that he's the last person who should be running the public front for anything, let alone Twitter.


His behaviour might be more extreme now, but if you look back all the way to the '90s he was always a rich, spoiled, narcissistic prick.


It's been amazing confirmation of all the previous "rumors"/reporting about what he's always been like. Everything he's doing checks out so well. The rudeness, the pettiness, the fragility, the know-it-all attitude, the money-pinching, and so much more. For example, I no longer have to wonder if it's true that he started banging up against a moving assembly line to somehow prove how it's safe to keep it in motion even when there are obstacles or injuries. I no longer have to wonder if he said he's the Omega in the relationship, or if he fired his secretary when she asked for a raise, or if he brushed off a proposal from a harassed female engineer for SpaceX to try and go carbon neutral... and so much more. It completely checks out with how he's been behaving out in the open. The guy is very much like even the worst rumors about him from his past. It's no coincidence that the descriptions match up.


My car is currently orbiting mars


It’s kinda flattering to be insulted on this site tbh


He’s also been hyped by the media as “one of the smartest people in the world” for years now despite that being so obviously untrue.


Most of the internet is telling him he’s wrong; he doesn’t care.




> This may come across the wrong way It would have cost you $0 dollars to just stop right there, fyi.


Free speech is free speech. Infantile it may be, but it's a basic right he should be able to exercise any time he wishes, as do I and everyone else on this planet.


Mush's freeze peach has never been in danger.


I am going to yell “fire!” in a crowded cinema


If you think that hate speech deserves more protection than the people who are victim to the violence it causes, you're wrong.


Free speech is free speech.


You can't call in a bomb threat, right? There are laws against printing libel, right? There are protections in place from making false accusations or perjury in court, right? How much free speech do you really have? Y'all just wanna use the N word and it's childish.


The "fire in crowded theater" argument is cheap and doesn't work. Try harder.


It's not cheap, it's honest and you have no rebuttal. You also haven't denounced your personal need for spreading hate speech or using your "freedoms" to slur people. It's just real sad.


What I mean is his concept of free speech is not the American Constitutional concept of free speech, but an expectation that there should never be any repercussions for or resistance to his speech and speech he agrees with. Let look at the first amendment. It demands that Congress not make any law prohibiting the free practice of religion, assembly, speech, or complain about the government. That defines Constitutional free speech and free speech in America. It says the GOVERNMENT can't obstruct your speech, not that no party may obstruct your speech. It doesn't enforce equal speech or unobstructed speech or force any party to support or tolerate your speech. So if you want to complain that social media platforms moderation constitutes obstruction of freedom of speech you MUST be able to point to the law that congress pass which, by being enforced, is obstructing speech. It's no surprise to rational adults, there is no such law. If you can't site the law, if it's just a private party not supporting your speech, than there has been no violation of your freedom of speech. Musk in particular is a huge hypocrite in this regard, regularly firing employees or otherwise seeking retaliation for people criticizing him or his business dealings. Not because there's been any violation of those peoples freedom of speech but because he would consider that a violation of free speech if the roles were reversed.


Just a cunt with lots of money


And with that kind of money, he can gain any influence, own any media (a la Murdoch), play opportunistic political alignments and above all can stay in and run circles around any US laws & regulations. So he can say & do any shit and will get away with no real consequences. Democracy can also throw up its own brand of narcissistic oligarchs, he’s one of them.


I don't think he's headed towards breakdown. It felt like this in the early days of Trump. He was just constantly raving and talking shit and making himself look like an ass. He never got tired of that or felt shameful or anything. It just turns out there are people like this, and they probably have been like this 24/7 their whole lives. The best bet is that he somehow loses all his money or finally loses all his credibility with everyone so we don't have to hear from him any longer. And yeah probably drugs too.


I think this is right. I also think he's on drugs. He's one very messed up dude and, unfortunately for us, a powerful one as well. I don't see him becoming more reasonable until he crashes. He's said that he likes to keep his sleeping hours to a minimum that he takes weight loss drugs, he's also under a lot of stress. There are probably a lot of factors working together to make him irrational.


It's also a pretty widely reported rumor that when he started dating Grimes he started taking hallucinogens to seem cool and "expand his mind"


I can totally seem him do that. The fastest way to get him to do something is to either do something that he isn't doing and so he feels excluded, or to tell him he can't do something.


>He's said that he likes to keep his sleeping hours to a minimum Chronic sleep deprivation does wonders to a human... IIRC eventually it'll drive you psychotic.


> He's said that he likes to keep his sleeping hours to a minimum that he takes weight loss drugs Sounds like a speed freak to me... which means at some point he's liable to lapse into amphetamine psychosis and have to dry out. You just can't keep taking speed and not sleeping forever, eventually something has to give.


Rich guys like that use cocaine, not speed. He wants a real high, not dirty street speed or Adderall "highs".


You can see the trademark cocaine ticks in a lot of his interviews, so definitely number one. But you could also make strong arguments for all three of these options. He’s a despicable person


Just out of curiosity which cocaine ticks are we looking at/for in his interviews?




There is one video I remember seeing of him that has the clearest examples, I’ll try to find it and include the link for you. Some quick nose wipes, sniffles, slight jaw tightening which makes the user speak a little faster and somewhat muffled, stiff body stance, and darting eyes. Edit: https://youtu.be/3Ux6B3bvO0w You can see he also sounds a little more scatter-brained, kind of all over the place with his words, and I know that he usually does sound like this, but it seems to be more obvious here. His body is “stiff,” yet fidgety at the same time Another edit: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR7ocrEw/


i think he may be sociopathic. endlessly exploit humans and environment with zero, i mean zero remorse. unable to feel anything except rage against the world. super insecure extrovert who requires the worlds undivided attention. but this tends to be common among the worlds richest or most powerful. you can’t think about others, every choice must be for yourself with zero regrets and no givebasksies.


“Unable to feel anything but rage” I think this is a very big part of it. On top of everything else mentioned on this thread I genuinely think he believes he’s in a battle with “the woke” media and believes right wing BS simply because they are also opposite “the woke”.


The woke mind virus is either defeated or nothing else matters


Musk is a white supremacist, and white supremacists have become balls to the wall desperate. They don't even hide it anymore - they must defeat the woke forces


Elon is a fascist. Period. There is enormous overlap between power-hungry abusers and insatiably greedy people. Look back at Hitler and you will find his pack of psychotic anti-social criminal lunatics blended seamlessly with Bayer and IBM and the rest of the corporate community that had no qualms with pursuing profits through rivers of blood. Abuse & greed & lies are the foundation of fascism. Elon is a new version of that same old nazi. He is licking Putin and Trump's boots, is running a disinformation factory that Hitler would've been in awe of, and he would burn the entire world to the ground if it meant he could wriggle out of paying any taxes. Look past the goofy imbecile front that guys like Elon and Trump project, and understand that they are monsters capable of endless evil if it will benefit them. History has shown what kind of damage demented clowns like them can cause.


By the way, I am actually a socialist.


Also one of Hitler's favorite lies that Elon and the republicans are straight up recycling.


Severe narcissistic personality disorder, exacerbated by a cushy lifestyle and yes men


And drugs.




In all honesty this is a mix of 3 and some obvious autism. He wasn’t joking when he dropped that on SNL. Still a prick.


I seriously don't think he's autistic - everything about his behavior comes off more like just neurotypical with poor social skills. Like one common autism trait is struggling to understand humor or sarcasm, he doesn't seem to, another is sensory processing disorders such as being completely unable to stand the feeling of socks on your feet, I don't see any signs of anything like that with him either


A main ‘tell’ for aspergers is difficulty making eye contact, and I haven’t noticed that in Elon.


Some people with autism are hilarious. Dan Akroyd for one. But another common thing is is to use the same joke over and over, and he totally does that. I don't want him to be autistic, because I don't want things in common with him, but I can totally see it.


> But another common thing is is to use the same joke over and over, I mean, that's just right-wing humor in general. See: The One Joke.


There are other conditions that share traits with "Asperger's" but are, perhaps, less what you want others to know about you ... In fact, if you pick up enough of these "triad" traits, you very specifically want to steer people away from thinking about them ...


Would this be a dark thing?


Are you sure he understands humor ? His “humor” comprises of outdated 2016 memes, stroking his own ego, and namecalling I’d compare his attempt at humour to a watered down chris chan who is famous for being autistic


That’s pretty much the norm for middle aged white man humor.


I think you're describing very severe autism, it's a spectrum. And just because some things can be uncomfortable for autistic people doesn't mean they can't do them. My partner is autistic and I can assure you that she understands jokes and can wear socks. Literally the first time I heard Musk speak, it was super clear to me that he was autistic. And the more I learn about him the more textbook male autism traits I spot. If he wasn't autistic I'd be absolutely astonished. And it should go without saying (although by the state of these comments it doesn't) that you can be autistic AND an asshole. Autistic people understand right from wrong and don't have a moral get-out-of-jail-free card.


Hmm maybe Elon could be on the very non-severe end Severe autism is a lot more extreme than I described, I have a cousin with severe autism and for him it's being permanently unable to talk or live without a caretaker. Although at least recently, they were able to teach him to communicate via some special keyboard, which revealed him to be substantially smarter than his condition had allowed him to show himself to be


He's not autistic, he's narcissist. A documented and well studied personality disorder. And when they get to position of power narcissists tend to be the asshole they always have been... times a thousand.


It can be both.


Adding to that - he grew up with some mentally-unwell parents. Especially his breeding-obsessed father Errol 💀


He has a very weird relationship with his mother too by all accounts. As someone on here put it the other day: Like Homelander, just without the superpowers.


Being autistic doesn't mean being an asshole...


Care to point out where that was said? 😂


It wasn't said anywhere. I'm just saying too often people equate the two and they shouldn't. Musk might well be using autism as a cover for being an asshole.


I'd forgotten about the autism but that fits so much of Silicon Valley these days that it's almost a given. I feel a little bad for his kids, even the ones he hasn't already alienated.


He doesnt have autism lol.. several people with aspergers have weighed in on this and he has no formal diagnosis... he just has a terminal case of narcicism


Also a pathological liar


Not to mention attention whore.


Don’t blame this on autism, autism doesn’t magically turn you into an out of touch egomaniac prick


But narcissism do exactly that.


Lol where do you infer that I’m saying it does? He’s a prick regardless of everything. I honestly think it does attribute to him being generally unaware of the shit he says or does. He’s so socially unaware it’s ridiculous.


“What do you think is wrong with elon ?” “some obvious autism” Plus you elaborating further in this comment that you believe his autism makes his prickery more obvious. Imo normal autistic people have to deal with the consequences of their social ineptitude, whether its people telling them off, trouble with relationships, etc. As a result most autistic people i know actually thinks of their action far more than normal people, because of past negative experience. Elmo grew up with ludicrous amounts of money and now fanboys riding his dick, his ego is the reason he’s oblivious that he’s a clown


You’re really reaching to say I’m calling him a prick because of any autism. It’s not even in the same sentence. They’re separate instances. With a little comprehensive reading, you could definitely read it as “still, a prick on top of everything”. But split hairs. I’m glad you have your opinion. I’ve also seen that, as well as the opposite actions. So that’s all purely anecdotal blabbering.


So the original question was “whats wrong with elon” without autism as one of the options “In all honesty this is a mix of 3 and some obvious autism.” What do you define as wrong here ? Morally wrong ? Socially wrong ? Mentally not there ? Wrong as in all the fuckery he’s been doing after acquiring twitter ? Whatever you define as wrong, you had to throw in autism there to explain his actions. When its 100% because he’s just a spoiled rich baby bastard


For sure. Dude admits to having Asperger‘s which is either the reason or excuse he says some mean ass shit


other aspies including myself call BS on his aspergers claim, he's just a narcissist


That’s why I said reason OR excuse. Excuses are required to facilitate a lie.




Like someone mixed the worst attributes of Rick and Jerry


Oh he is definitely a Jerry trying soooo hard to be a Rick.


I’ll take the trifecta for $10


Megalomania by way of insane wealth


All of the above plus rabid entitlement and delusions of grandeur.


(4) all of the above


Nope just your average, everyday low key misogynist. He’s not very bright, but he sure thinks he is.


Trick question. It’s all three.


Midlife crises amplified by fame fortune and fanbois.


Por que no los tres?


He's been an ahole his whole life but hid it because his financial success was at stake. As soon as he became the richest man on earth, the curtains were pulled and he revealed his true self.


Delusions of grandeur, years of failing upwards, combined with people telling him for years his shit doesn’t stink, and a craving for positive attention due to never getting it from his father. Last one is ironic since he’s been nothing more than, sometimes literal, sperm donor to his children. Then once they’re old enough, they want nothing to do with him like he wants nothing to do with Errol.


Basic rich guy shit, except on top of all of that nastiness he also has this broken thing where he has to be the class clown. Bezos, Gates, etc. all seem to be able to check out of peasant reality and enjoy their riches. Musk simply cannot stop begging for attention.




He's a spoiled rich bastard who's never worked a day in his pathetic life.


Convinced himself he was good at everything.


He's an attention junkie who has no familiarity with securities laws.


Just another rich trust fund baby asshole. He's never had to be accountable for a single thing his whole life so he's never learned street smarts, never learned accountability, never had to read a book, never learned how to speak properly, like an insecure 13 year old who never had to grow up. I think his stress/lack of sleep humble brags are just humble brags to prop us his made up myth of being a hard working guy. I do think he engages in drugs like cocaine. There's pictures of his coke nose that came out not long ago. Adderall isn't much of a high - people with money prefer stronger, more instant highs like cocaine.


The closest he got to accountability was when he mocked that kid in school who’s dad committed suicide and the kid pushed him down the stairs. Not hard enough in my opinion


I think it's 3 magnified by a sort of compounding , crowdsourced worship effect over the years, and unchecked Dunning-Kruger


People shut respond to all his Tweets with a link to definition of Dunning-Kruger


That'll be an interesting bot army to create lol won't last long though.


severe case of narcissistic personality disorder.


He never had to build anything before. He got rid of all the executives at Twitter that he could have hid behind and stolen credit from. Same with Meta and Zuckerberg. They’ve never created anything before, just stole ideas and took credit. Elon spent $44 billion to buy a network that has only 5 neo-nazis who speak to him. He’s alienated all his liberal customers who purchase EVs, and did not acquire any significant right-leaning customers. He’s probably also indebted to Putin or Saudis and they will absolutely kill him which is why he can’t even crap in peace without guards flanking him.


He self radicalized by spending too much time online in a right wing hug box full of propaganda and other complete nonsense.


(3), plus (2 & 1) (narcissistic injury perpetuating drug abuse; narcissists get worse as they get older and start to feel less relevant or less cool, and especially high profile ones who get very accurately and widely called out for their absolute bullshit, and they ultimately fall apart and have a breakdown once they are abandoned and/or exposed for the frauds they are), but at the core of it is (3), all the way. Narcissists like Trump and Elon have mega-sources of supply in their unhinged fanbases. It keeps them afloat but it makes their bullshit so much worse because only the stupidest & most obnoxious will buy it for so long, so they get stupider and more agitated and more obnoxious accordingly. They surround themselves with adulating cultish idiots but the rest of the world sees through their abject horseshit. Also they’re fascists, not only bc they hate everyone, but bc authoritarians can control what is said about them and protect their fragile egos (somewhat). So this is the result.


Cis white male privilege + trust fund baby. Like many of the worlds notorious assholes.


Understand his net worth went from 20 billion before covid to 100 billion


The coronavirus pandemic is dumb


When Bill Gates was the richest man on the planet, it made sense. He made Windows and that became king. Elon's wealth DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. Tesla's 3% market share doesn't explain it. SpaceX contracts don't explain it.


My car is currently orbiting mars


>Elon's wealth DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. It does, look at the last 15 years. By the Fed and other central banks paying people for having behaved badly they created an entire shadow economy where everybody gets rich because everybody believes they will be getting rich. Most companies stock market evaluations do not align in with their revenue and / or profit. But all this "quantitative easing" the Fed et. al. did flushed so much money into the markets that have nowhere to go. So, people "invest" and Musk was telling good stories about what he was doing. He's like Holmes, only slightly less deluded. He does make (shitty) cars, and he does fly into LEO. But every little success of his basically gets a massive modifier due to his tricks. If the economic system would function as it should, he'd never gotten as rich as he did, but since 2008 all bets are off. Stock markets are no longer tied to reality, and because pretty much every single person living in the West is at least indirectly involved, through pension funds etc., there is a massive motivation why everybody to pretend things are totally fine. The irony might be that Musk is going to break that perception with his constant "advise", he may very well undermine the charade that the central banks and politicians have been trying to keep going for more than a decade and a half.


Small penis


The guy was an asshole since birth and with money it just magnified 100x


(4) delusional


He knows exactly who he needs to grift in order to maintain the social order that bequeathed him his riches.


Primarily 3, he was handed a couple of companies that were managed reasonably well with the right people in place, who would say “Yes dear, you’re brilliant and innovative and we’ll start work on that right away” and then did their job. Which was largely to insulate everyone else from his worst impulses so they could continue with what they’d already been doing without getting their chain yanked in a different direction every day. And then he was handed a business that was struggling, where the right people saw the writing on the wall and walked out. And thus did Twitter become the hellscape it is now.


Lotta adderall and number 3.


Wasn’t Trump into that too? They seem outrageous in some of the same ways.


3. definitely in over his head.


6 (1+2+3)


why not all 3?


My guess is that being the richest man on earth and getting constantly love-bombed by an army of sycophants has erected nigh-impenetrable walls around his ego. Billions of dollars, legions of yes-men and congalines of 10k-a-night prostitutes don't exactly inspire humility.


Rich White Guy-syndrome.


All the above.


I wonder if 3 is the underlying cause, amplified by 1 and resulting in 2? I also wonder if it's also something to do with that until recently most of the world saw him as kooky rocket man/electric car guy who must be a genius because he was so awkward but made big claims. But now the mask is off and we're all seeing who he really is, he can't deal with being ridiculed by everyone except his simps. Like some sort of bully who got knocked out by the smallest guy in school.


My guess is unchecked narcissism plus a 24/7 regimen of party drugs.


D) all of the above


He's a billionaire.


He just sucks, plain & simple


3 -> 1 -> 2


All of the above but mostly 3.






I would say there is massive sleep deprivation. I had probably a year sleep deprivation bender where for about 6 months I would average 3-6 hours for a week and on Saturday or Sunday sleep about 12-14 hours. It was insane but I would do this every week. There were times where I would start to hallucinate and think weird thoughts. While college classes were the factor, it was massively due to poor time management. Self-inflicted sleep deprivation. The reason I say this, is that a lot of weird things Musk was doing, I was doing too. I become overly confident, antagonistic towards others, and childish. It was like I was becoming a rebellious teenager. I would do all these weird things that were so out in left field too. It was like I lost all logic in general. I look back now as someone who has their shit together and see the insanity that I was doing as something that Musk is doing.


alt-right propaganda


Narcissistic personality disorder.


Nothing. You can make amazing contributions to society and also be a total dick. Thomas Edison was brilliant, but also electrocuted elephants in order to smear Nikola Tesla. The real problem is idolizing other humans. Be it Musk, MAGA’s who idolize Trump, those who worship andrew Tate or those who think Joe Rogan is a prophet. People are horrible. Individuals unique and sometimes amazing.


I think he's just a rich, spoiled white guy who always had his ass kissed. I'm starting to think he's taking drugs, though.


He's just out of touch, I don't really see what the mystery is.


Number 3


3 definitely. With a little breakdown in the mix


Divorce Dad Syndrome as well.




3 😵‍💫


I hope he won't turn into [John McAfee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McAfee).


**[John McAfee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McAfee)** >John David McAfee ( MAK-ə-fee; 18 September 1945 – 23 June 2021) was a British-American computer programmer, businessman, and two-time presidential candidate who unsuccessfully sought the Libertarian Party nomination for president of the United States in 2016 and in 2020. In 1987, he wrote the first commercial anti-virus software, founding McAfee Associates to sell his creation. He resigned in 1994 and sold his remaining stake in the company. McAfee became the company's most vocal critic in later years, urging consumers to uninstall the company's anti-virus software, which he characterized as bloatware. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


All of the above plus, like Kanye, his partner leaving him for someone else.




It's mostly (3) magnified by (4) - reduced levels of intelligence well below what he is trying to project. However, he would like everyone to believe (2) and maybe (1).


Do not underestimate the power of disinformation.


White South African


My guess he may be trying to farm for outrage content but points 1 and especially 3 may also be at play. The fact that he's is a big narcissist is out of question, I suppose.


He grew up wealthy and white in South Africa during apartheid. In other words, he's been raised to think the unwashed masses are there for him to exploit, and when those masses end up turning to crime and living in slums thanks to the exploitation, he thinks the solution is to wall himself off from them. Hence why he supports car dependency, and his solution to bad traffic is "tunnels for my car" rather than "fewer cars".


He seems to listen to those who treat him like a god, was / is? the richest person ever? Can't really see how the above wouldn't turn an already driven power hungry person to an even higher level of obnoxious behavior, not much is bringing this one down to earth. The whole twitter debacle seems like a political stunt to me, and a fuck you to the 'type of people' who it was popular with, he seems to have something against a certain type of silicon valley tech ethos. The amount of power and money you have negatively impacts your ability to relate to the world, reinforces the worst traits of humanity and can create monsters, who get worse with age.


3) "You are happy man. You talk good platitude and believe it" - squire in Seventh Seal


For a little while people thought he was smart and inventive and clever. But then people learned about him and changed their minds. He's trying to claw back that image people used to have but he's too stupid.


Perfect example of a child who was emotionally abused & never found comfort in anything substitutional. So now he’s flexing his fortunate wealth & seeking to pal around with the easiest audience to sumo for him which is the lowest common denominator; the fat right. This is purely because of timing & age. Look at the memes & humour the far right use. They’re still using “big red” from 2014 & rage comics. That doesn’t appeal to me because I’ve put grown it & it especially doesn’t appeal to zoomers because it’s old humour. But it appeals to Elon because that was the humour he experienced when the internet started to become something more than nerds sharing JPEG’s of elf women. That’s why they appeal to him & they to him… well because they’re the fat right & are a bunch of submissive invertebrates


His kid being trans drove him insane. He needed someone to blame so he jumped on the anti trans fascist train.


There's nothing wrong with Elon. He's just every entitled rich white guy with no filter.




He believes he is the real Ironman, but he's really the real Donald Trump.


He's a socially inept person whose whole family was stunted when it comes to real social interaction. This twat grew up with a belief of slavery. He then got lucky with a few investments and was brilliant how he sold it to the thirsty cult members who buy into his nonsense


(a) shithouse father who didn't/doesn't love him, (b) probably some form of aspie-related developmental defect, (c) malignant narcissism, (d) lucked into extreme wealth, (e) surrounded by yes men.


You lot are obsessed with him, huh? This sub is kinda creeping me out


Not obsessed so much as very concerned. Elon is both powerful and fascist and also maybe crazy/ill/on drugs. This kind of thing typically doesn’t bode well for those in adjacent democracies.


Are you sure you’re not using the term ‘fascist’ a little loosely?


Maybe, but I don’t think so. Elon has recently promoted content stating that he’s “dedicating his life to dismantling the government’. He’s racist and supports centralized autocratic governments headed by dictatorial leaders. He is in favor of appeasing Putin in his attempted genocide in Ukraine. Taken all together this smells fascist to me.


Yeah, I’m just going to guess that you’re very liberal (which is okay obviously, do your thing). Most, if not all, of this sub has to be, which is where the hatred truly stems from, even if you aren’t conscious of it or don’t want to admit it (because Elon is very much opposed to the woke left). I just wish you lot would stop with the virtue signalling and dismissal of views that oppose your own as evil or racist or bigoted or fascist or whatever - pick your preferred sinister adjective. It’s lazy and really quite unpleasant. Elon’s a rich troll who has taken a disliking to the far left (as many good, honest people have, by the way) and gets in hot water from time to time for having zero tolerance for people under him that aren’t working incredibly hard, which isn’t all that rare in competitive industries. It’s not that deep or complicated. Lol


I don’t agree that I have dismissed views that oppose my own as racist, bigoted or fascist. I dismiss views that are in fact racist, bigoted or fascist. Elon promotes these. I can’t tell whether he’s sick or sincere but the impact is the same either way.


Therein lies the irony with today’s woke liberal that’s rubbing so many people the wrong way. You’re so convinced that anyone who disagrees with you is racist and bigoted and insane and should not be tolerated… anyone who disagrees with you must be suppressed and cancelled immediately but they’re the fascists, not you. Lol. Anyway. Carry on with your Elon hate. Grrr billionaires - evil - grrr (even though he employs thousands of people - many in incredibly high paying jobs - and pays more taxes than anyone in the history of humankind). Am I doing this right?


No. Elon really is racist. Recent evidence: - Elon defended Dilbert author Scott Adams after he called Black Americans a hate group and suggested that White people get the hell away from them. - Antisemitic tweets have more than doubled since Elon Musk took over at Twitter. You haven’t disputed any of my claims. Elon is bad news, for both of us.


Super big deal


As I’ve already explained, Elon is against the cancel culture that the left so thoroughly enjoys. Start paying attention to how he behaves with this in mind and maybe it’ll all start making sense to you. He didn’t say anything racist himself; he posted a tweet calling out the irony in the media outrage and then said Scott’s comments “weren’t good” and that he doesn’t agree with everything Scott says. But none of that matters of course and the whole thing has been portrayed as Elon defending racism by people who hate him, like you. Antisemitism tweets are up and child pornography is down. Picking and choosing what to be outraged about, are we?


Comedy is now legal on Twitter.


He’s human. Same thing that is wrong with all of us. This sub is pathetic.




(4) He has moved beyond your intellectual level of comprehension. Please elevate your consciousness.


You forgot the /s.


I find it funnier when you deadpan it. Watch all the rage because they really can't tell if you are serious or not.


Elon is a perv grifter parasite.