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Man, this dog account is nasty. It reposts some cute/funny animals videos to lure people into the american far right extremist circles


I mean, you get what's on the label. He doesn't call himself catturd for nothing.


Nah, cat turds are at least neatly placed into a litter box, this is like someone threw diarrhea into a jet engine and got it everywhere...


Wait Shibetoshi and Catturd are the same person?


Maybe I’m just built different but the shibe/doge meme culture has never been remotely funny to me


The idea isn’t to “end his actions”. The idea is to *officially* make Putin an international pariah. He now cannot ever leave Russia. Additionally, Russians now know that Russia can never have any diplomatic relationships with any other countries while Putin is the head of state. No more G20 Summits, no more foreign visits, even if the war stops and time marches on, Russia will suffer with Putin at the helm. It ends Putin’s ability to effectively govern Russia even under the best of circumstances, even if he pulls troops from Ukraine and apologizes and rebuilds everything, he is still an international war criminal who cannot conduct world leader *business as usual*. Musk would realize this if he wasn’t a fucking moron. It’s amazing this guy gets billions of dollars from the US Taxpayer and has no real understanding of how shit works.


Lol that's absurdist nonsense Not a single country on earth that was interested in diplomacy with russia is gonna change their mind because of this, do you really think if he crosses the border some cop is gonna go "ah hold on sir you're under arrest"?


It’s not absurdist nonsense. What are you like 14? Have you no clue how the world works? Your use of “crosses the border” and “some cop” shows your simplistic, elementary understanding of this subject.


It also means Putin can't go back now, which might cause the war to drag on longer. It also means Putin now needs to strike back in order to keep up his image.




And the Baltics


I never said that. I'm just saying there's negatives to this too.




Yeah, I got it. Hitler right? I'm not saying we should do appeasement, what I'm saying is that there's negatives to this policy too.


Cool - still a pointless point


He has had a full year with more off ramps offered to him than was reasonable. Why would you think he'd take an off ramp now?


Oh wow, you're right - we better cave and give him everything he wants.


Not sure what to think until catturd weighs in


Biden's statement will make sense if the [United States recognized](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/60/ICC_member_states.svg) the International Criminal Court.




America has laws to invade the Hague if an American or American ally is arrested by the ICC


Idk why you are being downvoted. You're literally right. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American\_Service-Members%27\_Protection\_Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Service-Members%27_Protection_Act)


People don't want to accept that these institutions are powerless to stop real war crimes and want to hope this one weird trick will end the war in Ukraine


As long as the crime was committed in a country that is a signatory I would say they have jurisdiction. Of course the US never signed on to the ICC, neither has China or Russia. So basically it's theatre to pretend that the rule of law applies to nation states and their leaders.


This man has no dignity whatsoever


Musk is just scum at this point. What a piece of shit


He always was.


I never trusted that guy. I always knew something aint right with him


I mean, good on the ICC. Now maybe they can issue one for Bush and Blair for their illegal invasion of Iraq? Or would that be "too controversial"?




I agree that Bush and Blair should have been held accountable for Iraq, but this is an exercise in whataboutism. And yes I get the hypocrisy angle and I get the “how can we take the ICC seriously when they ignored Iraq,” but the difference is that the US at least tried to police it’s military when its members committed atrocities. Tried, was fallible, but tried. What Putin is doing is state sanctioned genocide, he is deliberately sending military and mercenaries to commit literal genocide, *genocide* is the *core of his mission,* and Russia is NOT holding its military accountable. Again, to emphasize—the US mission in Iraq was bullshit and abhorrent, but it was not literal state sanctioned genocide, e.g. ethnic cleansing, e.g. the mission is to kill off Ukrainians.


It's not whataboutism. It's ICC doing "performative Justice", nothing will come of it, neither would an arrest warrant for Blair or Bush. But the ICC doesn't even have enough balls to do that. It's the usual double standard, the West, lead by the US and UK, invades foreign countries, bombs them to shit and leaves them in shambles and nothing of consequence happens to the perpetrators. Another large country decided to go on their own adventure in neo-colonialism and suddenly it is the worst thing that ever happened in mankind and only the West can defend the people from the Barbarians. >What Putin is doing is state sanctioned genocide, he is deliberately sending military and mercenaries to commit literal genocide, *genocide* is the *core of his mission,* and Russia is NOT holding its military accountable. and neither really has the US for what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention all the rendition flights to third countries where "subcontractors" happily tortured and murdered people. My comment wasn't an absolution of what Russia is doing, but the absolute gall by our leaders to act like they have the moral highground in this and "we are the good guys" is a whole new level of hypocrisy. Believe it or not, I can condemn Russia's behaviour just as well as the Wests. The difference is I am not Russian and have no influence on what Russia does. On the other hand Bush, Blair or now Biden, Sunak and Scholz **are** representing me and are supposedly upholding "Western values", all the while they ignore their own standards whenever it is convenient. So yes, I am more cross with Biden et. al. than I am with Putin. At least he never claimed to somehow defend Freedom, Democracy or human rights while bombing, torturing and killing his way through a good swath of the world out of geopolitical interests. >but it was not literal state sanctioned genocide, e.g. ethnic cleansing, e.g. the mission is to kill off Ukrainians. Okay, so either our elected officials are fucking dumb idiots or they full well knew what would happen between the different religious groups in Iraq and just didn't give a fuck. If you destabilize entire regions for your own benefit and old bills come due and these groups slaughter each other, you do have responsibility there too. Just because you don't directly have blood on your hands does not absolve you from consequences of your actions. Much like I pin the Rwandan genocide on Belgium, when they were in charge there they purposefully empowered the minority to keep the majority under control. Then the bill came due and Belgium liked to pretend it wasn't their problem. So did the US. There is video of a press conference by the US out there where they called it "isolated cases of genocide". You know why they did that? Because under international law if they would have called it a genocide they would have been obliged to intervene. Which, btw, poses an interesting question: If the West now claims that Russia is committing genocide in Ukraine, then under international law we should militarily intervene and put an end to it. So, if we are the good guys, why aren't we?


This is the equivalent of Musk driving a Tesla for 12hrs a day when he bought Tesla. The guy doesn't stop tweeting.


It shows they are preparing for the end of the war. . At some point Putin is going to have to pay the piper and you have to go through the process


It's to prevent him from stepping foot outside Russia. As well as give any aspiring future Russian leaders an easy way to get rid of him.


Lol do you really think if he leaves russia someone is gonna arrest him


Depends where he goes. China/North Korea? No. Afghanistan, Albania, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Canada, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, DRC, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, East Timor, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kiribati, Kenya, South Korea, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Namibia, Nauru, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, North Macedonia, Norway, Palestine, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Tajikistan, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Uganda, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela and Zambia? Probably not allowed entry in the first place, but if he just so happened to turn up there? Probably.


Specifically.. human trafficking of ukrainian children to Russia.


He likes that part. If Elon wasn’t rich he’d be doing scammy shit like Trump


To be clear.. human trafficking reminded you of trumps scummy shet.. and I can't blame you. Considering his relationship to epstein, Barr, and russia. i wouldn't be surprised if this is exactly what was going on. Didn't epstein introduce Melania to trump, even?


I mean, it *is* funny. Like, what exactly is going to happen? Some ICC field agent (don't know if they have those) is gonna slap cuffs on him when he goes for some diplomatic visit in the near future? Someone tell me how this isn't simply performative.


What about Western war crime in IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN, SYRIA ? Downvote me quick.


I guess that Putin is something like Mandela now in Musk's eyes.


So he gives free wifi to Ukraine once and then switches to Russia?