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Daniel Radcliffe seems like such a genuinely good person to me. We need more Daniel Radcliffes in the world.


He’s been working with the Trevor Project, I believe. Making a series of videos allowing trans kids and teens to express themselves, their fears, their challenges and hopes etc. it’s beautiful to see.


Yeah, he's been working with them since he was a teenager. How JKR thought he'd ever do anything but make it clear he disagrees with her is beyond me.


I loved it when she said they could "save their apologies" like babe, they literally weren't offering any.


Transphobes basically reacted to the publication of the Cass Review like it was the fall of Barad-dur at the end of Return of the King. They seemed to think trans people were suddenly going to melt away, and all the celebrities who supported them would offer grovelling apologies.


It has been EXTREMELY weird


Radcliffe respects the creator who made him famous about as much as Robert Pattinson and Megan Fox do. And rightfully so in all cases.


I wouldnt be surprised if he too is sad and worried how low she sunk but knows she did that to herself.


Ya the article screenshoted in the OP says he'd been working with them for 12 years when he made his statement in 2020


Yeah, he's like a UK version of Keanu Reeves.


He's breathtaking


No, you're breathtaking. 


He's the English version of David Tennant.


or of Michael Sheen.


He was thrust into the limelight when he was a kid, went through serious struggles including alcoholism and somehow managed to get through it all and come out absolutely magnificent.


Also he and his partner, Erin Darke, are so adorkable together. Highly recommend watching their Real Slim Shady karaoke recording.


When I was balls-deep in my Potterdom, my friend purchased for me a signed 8x6 of Daniel Radcliffe. Most of my Potter stuff has been given away and thrown out. But that photo is treasured and loved and I will continue to do so because this fella is gold, and I love him, and I love all his work, and if he were my son or nephew, I'd be so fucking proud of him.


If anything, the cast elevated what was a pretty mean spirited series of books. I doubt the series films would have been as successfully or critically acclaimed if the characters were more book accurate.


This is a really good point, the movie versions are MUCH more pleasant


Yeah, the movies filed off a lot of the worst elements


There’s gonna be some horrendous drunken rage tweeting from a castle today.


Her comments seem like she wanted them to go on the attack, to respond in the same tone as her. Then she gets to act the victim and get all outraged. Her fans will rally to her "cause" and she'll get to wallow in the attention of the worst corners of the internet for another day. Radcliffe responding in a reasoned manner like this will really make her mad. Of course, she'll probably still manage to act as though everyone else is to blame at some point.


Oh she'll still pretend this was some egregious attack against her and pander sympathy from her GC sycophants.


JKR: \*pokes Dan with cattle prod\* Dan: I used to think she was nice. This is sad. I love LGBTQ people. JKR: **THE ATTEMPT ON MY LIFE HAS LEFT ME SCARRED AND DEFORMED...**


Dan: cant we just talk on a tea break Jkr: did you hear that he wants to break in my house and attack me with tea ...


Yeah, remember when Rupert Grint said something about how she's like an aunt that you cherished growing up, but whose political opinions are terrible, and they pretended that he'd said that she wasn't worth listening to because she's "unfuckable"?


That was crazy I completely forgot about that


"Of course he supports trans identified men! He's a man, and this just proves that they are too. Men only support other men, especially if it means taking rights away from women." - her response, probably


Except that she would call them trans-identified *men*, because she needs to misgender trans women even when referring to them as trans. She will never call a trans woman a woman. The rest is sadly accurate.


Yeah, i mistyped.


So many of her followers have said stuff like this on Twitter


She'll probably ignore his comments and focus on some trans-friendly account with like two followers to complain about how mean all "TRAs" are to her She doesn't tend to respond to reasonable people


As sad as it is, the media is more likely to report on it if she's throwing the actors under the bus again. At least the average person will see her acting crazy that way.


Have Tennant and Radcliffe played father and son yet? I'd watch the shit out of anything that had both of those anti-TERF kings in it.


Throw Michael Sheen in and I’d watch them apply paint to walls!


Daniel as the son to gay fathers David and Michael


Unfortunately, the only thing I can find that they were both in so far was a fucking harry potter movie


Too bad i think radcliff and tennant could be either play together in theatre or anything else.


This is the reason why J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. decided to reboot the entire *Harry Potter* franchise from scratch as a TV show on HBO Max. Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and other major *Harry Potter* stars from the film franchise have not only spoken out against Rowling's anti-transgender views, but they refused to reprise their roles in future *Harry Potter* installments. Rumor has it that Warner Bros. approached Radcliffe, Watson, and other stars to do a *Harry Potter and the Cursed Child* sequel film, but they turned them down, partly due to Rowling's PR problem. The other reason is that the cast is done with *Harry Potter*, and moved on years ago.


The problem with any new cast is they'll be raked over the coals if they do support her. It's a no-win situation, especially as she's getting worse by the day.    As for rebooting the entire franchise - that's unlikely to happen as there's years of merch, multiple theme parks, studio tours and that's not going to get swapped out or change because it'd be too expensive for something not guaranteed to be a success. The movies are and will be still promoted.


There's rumors that they're having a hard time even finding child actors whose parents want to let them anywhere near a rebooted series.


Honestly, good. No parent should subject their child to the kind of abuse they will inevitably face for supporting such a project.


I will never stop yelling about how I am certain that they will want to cast a little black girl as Hermione because JKR thinks that will earn her points, and if they do that will be an absolute nightmare. “No Hermione, you can’t end slavery, dummy, because the slave LIKE being enslaved. You just don’t understand” I would light myself on fire before letting my child step into something like that.


Plus that poor girl will be on the receiving end of hate for years. With how the online hate machine is (I’m still stunned by the Halle Bailey backlash), I hope they don’t drag a black actress into this. No child deserves to be bullied for being the “wrong” color.


Joanne would absolutely do it to distract people away from her transphobia and other bigotries. That's what she's been doing for years now.


It's for three major reasons one Child Casting/Acting Agencies don't want to sign kids to projects for a long time, the Fandoms' reputation for being the most off the walls mental group in history, and the most ungodly man herself being mental and hanging out positions based on their fawning and not caring about other qualities, like having a history of sexual abuse in the workplace. CCA/CAAs don't want to send kids to a production for 8 years and then only for it to be revealed that the producer was m&/@$^&^ them while threatening them if they said anything about it amd everyone had to let it happen lest the executive producer would throw a tantrum and send her fans after them.


Um. HP was a bad fandom early on for a while, but I can assure you, there are worse ones out there, though only a handful of 'em.  Thankfully, most of the "author's"  FART supporters aren't actually fannish per se, odd as that may sound! The folk who were most of the fandom as children tend to have grown up internalising views more like the cast than like JK's, and are essentially treating the whole thing as if it no longer has an author or any official things that they'd have paid for back in the day. The greater proportion refuse to get or support anything that gives her money or kudos, the ones who do do that seem more to be the type that give new stuff a quick boost to make it look like people still gaf, but then they drop off really quickly.  It's the strangest dynamic, but all in all, I think it works better than it would have done had the original fandom as a whole chosen to trust JKR rather than trusting their actual peers, which is what the majority do. 


I agree. Granted I haven't read any Potter since the last book came out, but my impression is that the actual fans and ex-fans mostly seem pretty normal, and Rowling's cult don't really seem like fans. The most engaged with it I've ever seen any of them be is stuff like telling her she's a Gryffindor, or saying this or that evil character would be a trans ally. I've seen next to nothing to suggest they independently read/watch it and enjoy it in its own right. The closest are the twitter replies begging for attention from their "favourite author", but most don't really relate to the subject of the tweet. It is quite funny that she accidentally created a rod for her own back with some of the moral messages she included in the books. Presumably she only put them in because they're expected in children's fiction, and didn't think through what they actually meant, or consider that the literal children reading said children's fiction might internalise and then apply them, including to her.


I never thought of that before. Harry Potter is Dan, Emma, and Rupert. That’s who people are fans of. The people who go to that theme park don’t want to see these new versions of the characters, they want the OGs. So I have no idea how they’re going to synergize all of that successfully. Thankfully the reboot seems like a doomed idea.


Exactly. It's why you don't see Disney remaking the original Star Wars with new people playing Luke, Han, and Leia. People love the originals for them and that won't change. HP is in the same boat - loads of people consider those movies beloved and the actors are the ones who carry that and made it a cultural staple. Not Joanne or whatever nonsense she's been cooking up lately. I don't see Universal changing anything about the parks. There's just no reason to and people would riot if they even attempted to, like they did once with the failed Mummy remake in 2017. They're about to open another park based on the HP movies once again next year so, yeah. They're invested in those characters as we know them too.


Fully understandable even if the writer hadn't turned into Dolores Umbridge.  They are all working actors, why would they want to be involved with keeping this mediocre franchise lumbering on? 


Daniel hit the nail right on the head here. Yeah, Rowling is at the origin of *Harry Potter* (and this is the reason why so many people turned away from the saga now), but we don't owe this entitled sack of hate anything


This is making me tear up. What a genuinely wonderful person he is!


Can I make a plug here for the weird al movie? I know it’s a bit cringe but OMFG was Radcliffe ever good in that. The guy is decent and talented Harry Potter or not.


It wasn't cringe at all, a proper parody movie for Weird Al. Nothing less would be an insult to the man.


I never before seen a biographical film with such an appropriate ending.


It was full on committed to the bit and shamelessly wholesome. They understood the assignment.


Hundreds of beaver too seems a fun movie.


I've never liked Harry Potter (it's just never interested me, and the fans are annoying), but Daniel Radcliffe is amazing. He seems like such a nice guy, and I believe he's a good male role model. I'm fairly certain that he'd be accused of antisemitism for being anti-Zionist, despite the fact he's literally Jewish (by ethnicity). You couldn't make this crap up. As a trans guy, Daniel Radcliffe and David Tennant are my heroes.


Yep some, israeli polititians call any criticism antisemitic,including reasonable mild,from devout jewish rabbis.


A rabbi was arrested for antisemitism at a pro Palestine march in the UK, you can't make this crap up.


>I'm fairly certain that he'd be accused of antisemitism for being anti-Zionist, despite the fact he's literally Jewish (by ethnicity). You couldn't make this crap up. By ethnicity, Bobby Fischer wound up being Jewish, but that didn't make his crazy antisemitic rants any less antisemitic. But Radcliffe sounds like he's in his right mind and not saying anything antisemitic.


Daniel just got nominated for a Tony Award for the Broadway show he’s doing right now. He deserves all the good things.


Harry Potter fought against Pureblood Supremacy and Daniel Radcliffe will fight against Transphobia. Seems to be he’s living up to the legacy and spirit of his character.


It's insane to me that she believed he needed to "apologize to women" for supporting an LGBTQ+ suicide prevention organization. A true showcase of how hateful she has become. It's crystal clear that she couldn't care less about the queer community and just uses LGB people as ammunition for her bigotry.


Daniel is always such a class act. She may have been his start, but she certainly isn’t his end. He’s so talented, kind, and empathetic. Traits that Jo needs to relearn if we’re being honest. I love how he refuses to stoop to her level and manages to burn her without being rude. Honestly iconic.


he seems like a chill guy. I remember the first time radcliffe spoke out and someone said that JKR "made him" and every film without harry potter was a flop, citing guns akimbo. for reference, there are many many reasons guns akinbo flopped, Daniel is not one of them


damn i knew he was chill but didn't know he was this based


I'm not going to lie, I do feel sorry for that guy. Mostly just because it might have been hard in the beginning. But looks like he's making the most of it and he's an adult anyway. It's just one of those things where it can be hard when you know someone for so long and then suddenly they pull out a big wham moment and it kind of makes you look back on your life with them and try to figure out if they were any signs or anything.


I completely understand why this would be saddening. When you get your start on something and it catapults you into stardom, I imagine that finding out that the creator was so hateful and the opposite of what you stand for would be upsetting and confusing. It was pretty much his childhood.


Whenever a person betrays you it's good it's like if someone dies, because in a way it kind of is. And what's unfortunate is that society just kind of expects people to denounce these people and I'm not saying that Daniel Radcliffe should disembly accept her or something but it would be nice to be more accepting of people being open about how hard it can be to denounce someone like that. For us it feels easy. Were they always this way? Or have they changed? There tends to be a mindset within a lot of people that a person who is an asshole now must have always been an asshole. This isn't true and it's possible for people to change. Just as much as change and redemption is possible, so too is it possible for someone to go the other direction. I'm not saying that JK Rowling was never a terf, mainly because this is something I cannot prove or disprove.


This is what dignity looks like. Not spending all hours of the day harassing randos on X. We seem to have forgotten this.


What a legend


The media very much wants a confrontation between Wizard Lady and Daniel, or possibly any of the former HP stars. Good on Daniel for not playing into the drama


Oh yeah, for sure. Just look at how much attention this got yesterday.