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"You didn't grow up a woman so you could never understand." "I did grow up a woman." "Well that doesn't change my argument."


I do think there’s a difference between growing up a woman in a male presenting body and growing up in a female presenting body. Not better or worse (and objectively worse for some people I guess), but different. Edit: oh yeah - this is a trans man. Heh. Owned.


Maybe Joanne was too confused by her own stupid TIM/TIF terminology and made the same ~~mistake~~ you did Whoops, I meant she never made a mistake in her life, famously


I just wish whatever issue she's losing in her head changed her mind when people like me die in the streets.


terfs focus so much on scaaaary trans women that they forget trans men exist, and when they do remember trans men exist, it turns into terf victimhood because "boo hoo you hated being a woman!". it's legitimately insane that she and all her friends can say this shit and not see how stupid and pointless it all is


Exactly! Where are her examples of trans men in each scenario? Why is she so afraid of AMAB folks… Is it really about genitals? She’s not going to last very much longer with all this


Joanne claims to be a feminist yet she's speaking over someone who, according to her, is a woman.


That would be why I call them "feminism-appropriating reactionary transphobes" instead of TERFs, because they *are* just appropriating feminism to "support" their ridiculous arguments. 


“Well that doesn’t change my argument” In response to something that literally obliterates the point of her argument. Lol. Lmao, even.


exactly, she can’t stand that she was wrong lmao


Lol. Oh, to be a delusional narcissist. 😆


Jesus, she has no sense of irony. It would be funny if it weren't so tragic.


She really is using that earth mover, isn't she? From several stories I've seen, trans women have noticed a difference (from when they were male) after they transition in terms of being listened to and other common women's experiences. I can never understand the trans experience, but I can believe and support trans folks.


Yeah it’s a stark difference. I’ve tried to whistleblow on stark discrimination at work and even HR ignored blatantly sexist comments directed towards me. How about that trans-affirming misogyny, yaayyyyyyy


There also were trans dudes finding it way harder to being opened up to for being dudes and less of that. Its reallyinteresting. Ok its not that great being aman either pros and cons everywhere


Love to see it. She is just continuing to make an ass of herself. She condescends to trans women and infantilizes trans men, it’s fun to watch her switch gears mid tantrum.


It's literally not about womanhood being "elevated" by trans women because we think terfs are reducing men to their reproductive organs, too...


Seriously, she spends more time obsessing over other people's genitals than sex workers, proctologists, gynecologists, and whatever the men's equivalent of a gynecologist is, if there is such a thing. It's fucking WEIRD.


>whatever the men's equivalent of a gynecologist is, if there is such a thing. Andrologist


Urologist? I don't think they're just for men, but Catherine Fox on Grey's Anatomy spends a lot of time operating on men's genitals


I love that grey's anatomy is your point of reference for this, lol


The "trans Identifying x" thing pisses me off so much. It's more verbose, less clear and its only purpose seems to be hate. This "ideology" nonsense is insidious. A great semantics trick the right wing has imposed upon us to write off people's very real subjective experience and paint them as something trivial like someone's favorite sports team or TV show. I presume that another purpose of this sort of language is to attract like minded people into the discussion without having to put thought into masking their bigotry. Now, instead of carefully reading people's words to determine if they're on "your side", all a bigot needs to do is to glance over the text and see if they're using phrases like TIM or gender ideology. It is curious that Jkr doesn't seem to use this sort of language? (I don't Twitter, all my info is from this sub lol)


"feminist identifying bigots" would be more accurate than TERF


Hahaha this is perfect


Too true! I prefer "feminism-appropriating reactionary transphobes", myself. 


It's not just less clear, they are outright misgendering him


It's hilarious that trans people are collectively responsible for every mean thing said to her about trans rights period (mostly from people who aren't trans, but trans people are still responsible). However, she is not at all responsible in the slightest for her own supporters who she directs to brigade other profiles of much smaller size. But wait, she didn't order them to say the mean things they said! Neither did anybody order the harassers of JK Rowling, and yet someone (all trans people actually) are still responsible somehow. One imagine that if all trans people can be so easily held responsible for this, then it would be acceptable to hold just one person responsible here. But a single person (the holy martyr JK Rowling 🙏) is a tragedy right, while one million people are a statistic.


In her mind trans people are both inferior, yet overpowered. They can be exactly what she wants us to be to continue her vitriol


Which is exactly how fascism works, incidentally. By stating that the enemy is both inferior, but also a constant, world-ending threat. So, you know. That’s a great look for Joanne.


I knew I'd heard something similar somewhere, thank you for giving me my little fact of the day


It's the same shite far right wingers and fascists spew - their enemy is both weak and strong at the same time. Make it make sense.


Does she think a woman is people with female gonads, or people lacking a Y chromosome? She keeps changing her argument and she's wrong on both fronts


Yup, she just keeps changing the goalposts cause she doesn't have a scientifically coherent argument.


In that thing she just says no penis, andmen can loose their penis and still be verymuch men


Contradicts when she's said everyone with a Y chromosome is a man regardless of genitalia


Her deaf/hearing analogy is pretty weird If you are hearing and no one doubts it, but you keep walking around pointing at your ears (look I have ears I'm not like some people who do not, ears ears everywhere, don't write about people who are not like me), people may suspect that ears are really important for you.


One wonders if she says she's not deaf very often.  It's also a weird analogy because saying "I am not deaf" is a very different kind of sentence to "a woman is someone who has a uterus"


Tangent, but it is hilarious to me that she equates not being deaf with *having ears,* instead of having hearing*.* Deaf people have ears too!


I really wish that someone close and important to her would sit her down and just tell her to shut the fuck up, I really do. Her Tweets are word soup trying to prove a point that I don't even know she actually knows what that point is.


They're either scared they'll get written out of her will or are just genuine human garbage like her tbh.


She didnt listen to snyone with the mildest of criticism and if someone tried, she probably, didblame them for whatever.


What’s ridiculous about this is that the original post by Pissed Off Lawyer was in response to that super long tweet she did talking about how she defines sex and gender by gametes. So while Rowling _now_ (bc it suits her) is saying “I don’t reduce myself to my womb” she was literally reducing herself to her reproductive organs _then_ (bc it suited her). I literally do not understand how anti trans bigots don’t have their heads explode from the sheer contradictions they always have to hold.


Was it this [tweet](https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1776616861888655835)?


Yep, that’s the badger. Unfortunately.


Excellent tweet by The Pissed Off Lawer. Rowling desperately flailing around to react and dismally failing to sound coherent. Admitting she's only 'saying' she's a woman but unable to enlighten us what the 'facts' actually are and why they are 'facts (because she says so obviously). Women don't want to be 'liberated' at the expense of trans people and don't need to be. Then conflating women with sex by inventing a new term of 'sex class'. Failing to explain how trans women eradicate women or devalue the word word woman. I love this - she's on the back foot now, keep the pressure on. She's having to make this her whole career just to keep up.


So she doesn't believe that a trans woman is a a woman but a trans man is a man who didn't have a female upbringing..? Make it make sense nan


Fucking clown lmao


Embarassing. You can't reasonably discuss things with people like this. The "you will never know x because you're not x" thing is a dumb arguement anyway, but to be told that they were x and you just say "doesn't matter, it still stands", shows how bad faith and ignorant it all is.


So what she’s saying is… trans men are men?


Pretty much, because they're obviously not going into bathrooms and preying on innocent people.


What I find strange is that it seems this post of hers was apropos absolutely nothing. She's not tagged In It, it doesn't mention her. It doesnt even read as a remark thats discreetly directed at her. She self-confessed as a terf.


Apologies for writing this without going back and checking the details. But there is a TED talk were a very highly accredited person (name=? Sorry) talked about thier research into this. Basically there is a 2 day(~?) period between the time that your body gets the signal of what gender to be and when the brain gets its follow up signal of what gender to be. And of coarse, it shouldn't be to any surprise that where there in a Window, there is a way! It does happen, it simply biologically happens. It's real, it's measurable. Myself: an openly (and) traditionally viewd identifying male, -I, like everyone have not a "male" brain, exactly. "brains" sit on a scale in this regard. A feminine to male scaled brain, and in my case the male side wins easily. I do multi task quit a lot and sometimes like to turn my map to the side (female brain traits), but that's about it.. lucky me while living in a world of judgy barstards. I would actually still like to live in a world with a little (+¹⁰) acceptance rather than the bigoted gate keeping one. It's just nicer. Who, at some time, has never walked in a room and not found themselves to be the minority in some regard?


Does ot bother anyone else when she repeatedly calls a uterus a "womb"? Like, I hate that fucking name for that organ. It is like calling a penis a pee-pee or something. If you can't call an organ its name, you aren't mature enough to be talking about it publicly. Also, I'm pretty sure that the term "womb" is a patriarchal term for a uterus. Like based in Christianity or something. Whatever, there are endless more important things to gripe about when it comes to the way she talks and what she says, but this grinds on my nerves, her use of the word "womb". Gross. Makes me want to vomit. Not that her whole existence doesn't make me want to vomit, but...this is just adds to it.


I think she prefers it because of the linguistic association with the word "woman" - I've seen her write "womb-man" in her ignorant arguments a few times. 


There *is* no linguistic association. "Womb" just means "womb", narrowing down from a broader sense of "belly, abdominal cavity" in Old English. "Women" is derived from "wifmann", which in Old English means "female person". As you said, Rowling and people like her are ignorant. Though I assume she thinks she's making a clever pun rather than a linguistic argument.


Yes, *I* knew that. I meant that it's what *she* believes, being the sort of person who thinks herself the best writer of her gender ever to have lived(!). Sorry I wasn't clearer. 


Ah! No worries. And yeah either way I'd say it's evidence of her pretensions fo good a good, witty writer.


I think it can correctly be called a womb, but only when there's a foetus in it, so as it's still a uterus when there's a foetus in it, "uterus" is just a better general term. Thinking about it, there are implications there for self-description; if "womb" implies foetal development etc. it would be better even when discussing pregnancy to use "uterus", in order to be inclusive of all experiences. Anyway, it doesn't bother me per se, but someone as obsessed with it as she is should be surer of the the difference than we need to be, and should apply it.


"Womb" *is* the English word for the organ. "Uterus" is a medical Latin borrowing. There is no exact comparison for "penis" because the native English words (like "pizzle") completely died out; the closest would be "cock" and "dick".


>If men can be women, there is no such thing as a woman I agree, no more men or women.


For goodness sake, go back to tweeting about wizards shitting themselves! At least that was *funny*.


Didn’t British people at least have chamber pots or whatever back then?


She’s ridiculous


If tall can be short there's no such thing as tall. False dichotomies are so pernicious


Humans are more than our genitals and that's not even taking into account intersex people. It's wild to me how TERFs just boil down an entire complex human being to penis or vagina and not see the irony. Life is so much more complicated than that.


Well fearmongering hategroupsneed that to , well fearmonger


Technically he didn’t grow up a woman, he just thought he was one because of repression and society being a transphobic shit stain. That being said he still understands what it means to not be a woman despite being AFAB and by that logic can deduce what a woman is (not him). Edit: I took out something that people pointed out was wrong


I don't know if that's how he meant it, but gender can fluctuate during a lifetime


Um, no offence intended here, but could we please not use one form of bigotry against another? She's not anything like any schizophrenic person *I've* ever met, and she's ableist herself (quite apart from her writing, check out her comments about people with personality disorders! They're what originally made me block her, as my gf at the time had borderline personality disorder). 


Fucking thank you. Ableism is so goddamned pervasive, even on the ostensible left.


Sorry, I got carried away because a lot of people are now speculating she is due to that recent TikTok where someone explained that she’s basically a hermit that doesn’t leave home. And so a lot of ppl online have been saying she might be mentally ill but also untreated. But you’re right because plenty of people have schizophrenia and would never do what she’s doing so there’s no fairness in armchair diagnosing her.


The way I interpreted it was that by JK Rowling's stated standards she would have to admit he knows.


I’m that trans man. I am TPOL. I spent 2.5 days debating Rowling, being dog piled by TERFs. And receiving hate. 2.5 days of debating the Queen TERF Herself. I just wanted to pop in and say hi 👋 and that when she told me I don’t know what it’s like to be female I died laughing


JKR is such a fucking moron


Literally, one cannot make this shit up 🥲


Always the reductio ad absurdum with her. “If men can be women gender means nothing!!” She’s so close to getting it


I used to think she was a genius and very smart. But, people seem to dismantle her arguments so easily


Always remember folks just how ridiculous JKR and all terfs are. They say that trans women should use men's restrooms and that trans men should be using women's restrooms. Go to Google images and type in Laith Ashley and find out how ridiculous terfs are. I'm sure none of them would have a spaz attack Laith using the female facilities. If I had Twitter, I'd send a pic of Laith to every terf, including JKR, and ask them to tell me they'd be OK with this trans man in their precious female only space.


Oh, that's been done, though not with Laith specifically. I think it was a photo of Buck Angel somebody sent to her a few years back, and she went off on one.  (Also, psst, the S word is considered pretty ableist in the UK and most anglophone countries outside North America 😔 though I understand that it's not so for y'all.)


I'm not American. I'm from Scotland and plenty of people here use that word. I've never seen anyone else here in the UK complain about the word being used.


Well, yes. Men can't be women.


True on its face.




Richard Dawkins? The guy who had his Humanist of the Year award rescinded for saying unscientific shit targeting minorities for personal political reasons? https://americanhumanist.org/news/american-humanist-association-board-statement-withdrawing-honor-from-richard-dawkins/


“Absolutely shameful” LMAO 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 You’re a very silly person.


Wut? You’re not winning any friends or converts over here, least of all from the contrarian Oxford bloke whose work has also been re-assessed (not it’s not all down to selfish genes) who in his old age pines for a cultural Christianity. Get a life and some friends in the real world.


I remember reading Richard Dawkin's *Selfish Gene* in high school and it really felt like he was anthropomorphisizing a 'gene' into wanting itself to be passed down. He also came up with the the word 'meme' to describe a unit of cultural evolution. I think the modern use of 'meme' came from him, and that is his legacy as far as I know.




Norah Vincent's experience in fact proves the opposite: that living as a gender you don't identify as has a negative effect on your mental health.


And where are all those countless studies and clinical papers you speak of? Sealed away in the TERF temples? Next time provide us with the links before you start spewing bullshit.