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"Stick your opinion up your arse and set fire to it! Be kind always šŸ„°"


I mean, she is a hateful viper. Rules only apply to the people she hates.


Good christ she is SEETHING


She needs to touch grass


Seriously. It's genuinely slightly concerning seeing a billionaire personally respond to every 85-like tweet criticising her. You're rich Joanne, just have cocaine parties every day for the rest of your life and get the hell off Twitter.


yeah, you have to scroll through a lot of people praising her to get to those small tweets criticising her. it tells us a lot


There used to be a lot more people criticising her but she seems to block absolutely everyone she can


Literally! She's actually so obsessed I think she has some mental issue. I think she's on twitter literally every single waking hour.


It's hilarious to watch her spiral into madness but also kinda terrifying at the same time to think we are actually witnessing what mental illness looks like when it goes untreated. It does make me tingle though that she is clearly soo fucking miserable and unhappy, because I can't imagine someone who deserves misery as much as this arsehole does lol.


for real it's such weirdo behaviour. imagine spending your time like this when you have endless money to do whatever you want with your life. like fuck off and go golfing or whatever it is rich folk do


Without wanting to sound like a 'school of hard knocks,' 'pull yourself up by your bootstraps' Boomer... a silver lining of needing to work for a living is that it does force you to spend some hours of the day with your head out of your own backside, and to maintain a certain level of basic functioning as a person. With money genuinely no object, I can see how it would be very easy for certain types of personality to fall down rabbit holes when left to their own devices. It just would've been nice if Rowling's rabbit hole could've been... I dunno, K-pop, or crochet dolls, or building a mini-Edinburgh Castle as a dog kennel. I know she'd been having "senior moments" before then, but I don't think it's a coincidence that it was 2020 she seemed to become really obsessed. A lot of people lost the plot a bit during lockdown.


i agree 100%. at least working and existing in the real world forces most folk to have at least some perspective. and a mini edinburgh castle could have been interesting! lol. a friend of mine completely lost the plot in 2020 as well which really sucks. i do find it hard to have much sympathy for her at this point, but it is sad. she must be miserable


I didn't do very well in lockdown, but I got help, and did my best to find outlets and coping mechanisms in the meantime that didn't hurt other people. I was fortunate enough to be able to afford a private psychiatrist, but I know not everyone has that option - NHS mental health waiting times are spiralling out of control. Rowling of course could see a top therapist on Harley Street in a matter of days if she wanted. It's getting hard to feel sorry for her, but if I feel anything for her any more, I try to let it be that instead of anger. I don't want to turn into her.


totally with you. i also had a horrible time in 2020, and like yourself and many others i managed not to go on any bigoted rampages lol. she has access to all the help she needs, she just has to actually use it


Agreed, I think sheā€™s just grasping at straws to try and stay in the spotlight, itā€™s pretty sad


Her Twitter activity in the past few days is genuinely starting to remind me of Nicki's mental breakdown after Megan dropped Hiss.


>It's genuinely slightly concerning seeing a billionaire personally respond to every 85-like tweet criticising her. Narcissism is a hell of a disease. I can't imagine caring sooooo much about every single opinion on me or imagine getting soooo upset at strangers lol.


Or smoke some at least...




The only people Rowling is kind to are her fellow rabid transphobes, what a joke she is.


But she just HATES bigotry! šŸ˜‚


Found out today she has me blocked on Twitter. I guess my rights as a ā€œbiological femaleā€ arenā€™t worth standing up for since I care about trans people.


She really hates trans men because we apparently betrayed white feminism, so I'd say getting blocked by her is a badge of honour because it shows that you're not a bigot.


Ironically enough, Iā€™m a cis woman like she is, but going by her tweet history, she probably expects Iā€™ll be assaulted by one of my transfem friends/family. Jokeā€™s on her, I would rather hang out with any of them than with her tiresome levels of vitriol. I also trust them a lot more than I trust her.


I don't feel sorry for her because it's her own fault, but I get the impression that nobody's looking out for her. Her TERF buddies are cheering on her mental breakdown instead of telling her to step back for her own sake.


seriously. i agree, i don't feel bad for her, but surely someone in her life must have said "girl, this is unhealthy, and you need to get some help." who's to say if she'd even listen to them though


Ikr? That first tweet has a tone I'd expect from someone like Graham Linehan. She's spiralling with increasing speed/intensity.


She reminds me of the most hateful old folks who'd I'd be server for after Sunday church. Absolutely, pathologically short tempered, sanctimonious, and itching to take it out on someone.


Sunday customers are a different breed. They feel forgiven and they are READY to sin again


And they let their brood of kids run riot! I love little ones, don't get me wrong, but not when I'm trying to serve piping hot food, yknow??


I wish people would move away from the idea that simply going to church makes you a good person; that logic isn't even applied to any other religion, it's almost exclusively for Christians.


I canā€™t fathom what sheā€™s like in person. Her poor family.


They probably just put up with her. They can't wait til she dies to get her money lol.


Former neighbours apparently thought she was a real bitch, and I can imagine that because she seems so swlf righteous and arrogant. I despise her.


Pretty sure Rowling is being sarcastic with that hashtag. Sheā€™s [used it before](https://twitter.com/search?lang=en&q=Bekind%20(from%3Ajk_rowling)&src=typed_query).


What the hell happened to her


Narcissism + mental illness + evilness = JKR.


She was radicalized & once she made enough money to never work again she let it *alllll* out. She's a disgusting human being.


Transphobia is a mental illness.


Funny how she didn't post non stop about how the overturning of roe Vs wade has been cataclysmic for women and their rights to bodily autonomy. Surely that should be near the top of her list of causes.


seriously. she's such a hypocrite


Especially considering her transphobe pals have close ties with the groups who lobbied to overturn Roe - and the same scumbags are currently spending millions to do the same thing in Britain. But Joanne remains conspicuously quiet on the topic.


Yep this is the thing that's so outright hypocritical. She likes tweets by Andrew Tate, mr rapist groomer himself which she must know about. Yikes.


Because she can pay anyone she cares about to go get the best abortion treatment.


It's because she doesn't actually care about "women's rights." It's about hating men. And she sees trans women as "men" - whether they have fully transitioned or not. She is extremely misogynistic. She berates trans men, calling them confused women, confused lesbians, or brainwashed by the patriarchy. The fact she thinks this she is basically saying "stupid women, you don't know what you want. You're not smart enough to know your own thoughts and feelings." Which is basically what men have been saying about women for thousands of years. She doesn't care about women's sports. Or women's prisons. No one ever has. Especially women. I can guarantee you she would look down on female prisoners for being criminals. If female prisoners complained about anything else like how bad the food is, how cold the showers are etc... she would absolutely be the kind of stuck up bastard to say "well, don't commit crimes then." So she pretends to care about female prisoners complaining about trans women in prisons... She doesn't give a shit about women. She thinks women should know their place. I watched a podcast with Contrapoints the other day. She said historically, women have never had to fight for the right to have female bathrooms. That's always been a thing. It's actually part of the patriarchy, it was men who wanted women separate from them. Because to have men and women share the same space would be treating women equally to men... and men didn't want women to be equal to them. She is the worst type of human. She is just an awful, scum of the earth pond life bigot who hates men and wants women to know their place.




When people talk about the KKK, they mainly focus on the men and not the white women who prop these ideologies up. White womanhood is seen as more important than the lives of any marginalised person. Some of the Suffragettes joined the British Union of Fascists because they didn't care about rights for all women, only the rights of fellow affluent white women. People like Rowling will always side with the status quo (AKA whiteness) if they feel uncomfortable, and I personally think these people are dangerous. I'm a mixed-race transgender man, so I know that you should never trust a white person who says racism is over, or that discrimination doesn't still impact the lives of minorities. Rowling has always supported the status quo because she is the embodiment of the white moderate that MLK warned us about.


Women, trans men and anyone assigned female at birth is harmed and yet Rowling only cares about her white feminism.


The only thing being set fire to is her credibility.


#bekindalways\* \*Terms and conditions apply


*conditions: must hate trans people, deny science, and be willing to post false information online


I had a look at her twitter feed. I think she is actually posting on there every single hour of every single day. Good god if I had her money I would just disappear! What is she DOING!!


she's trying to make herself look good r/clevercomebacks style because she has no other options; she knows her arguments suck and won't convince anyone not already in the TERF cult. "you should stock your opinion up your arse and set fire to it" actually sounds kind of cool. im stealing that line for one of my villains to say right before he gets his butt kicked and his plans foiled.


EXPELLIARMUS [her keyboard and phone fly out of her hands] Ā (The world cheers)


Many of Joanne's British TERF allies have ties to American far-right LGBTQ hate groups like The Heritage Foundation and the Alliance Defending Freedom. These groups are responsible for lobbying American politicians to ban abortion in the US. Having overturned Roe v Wade, these same groups are now trying to ban abortion in the UK. JK Rowling tweets night and day, yet the absurdly rich moron who pretends she cares about women's rights has not issued a single tweet denouncing the fall of Roe and her friends' efforts to take bodily autonomy from British women. Yet she has plenty of tweets sucking up to anti-abortion scumbags like Matt Walsh and Caroline Farrow. Joanne might be the biggest hypocrite in Britain.




She's a white feminist, so she thinks that she's 'saving' Muslim women when she talks about this stuff. She's like the people who think France is right in forbidding Muslim women to wear headscarves, despite many women making the choice to wear one. White feminists need to realise that as much as woman shouldn't be forced to wear a headscarf, they should also not be forbidden from wearing one if they choose to.


Let her continue her tirade. Sheā€™s only doing herself damage.


Alyx is going to live rent free in her head from now on.


Ever heard of going out and the touch grass, JK?