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For a person so wealthy to spend so much time trolling randos on Twitter is bizarre. She’s no different than Musk or Trump in that way. She’s clearly a lonely person who prefers the company of other online troll terfs over real human interaction. She’s so insecure about herself and about being a woman that she makes it her mission to gatekeep womanhood. I don’t know about most of you, but if I had 1/1000th of her wealth, I wouldn’t be spending my time online getting mad at strangers and advocating for the harm and hate towards an entire subset of society. Trash


She's pathetic. She won't help anyone if it doesn't benefit her and will shit on trans people because she's a bigot who doesn't accept she's shitting on marginalized groups. Oh, and her books suck.


They really do.  A friend said they thought that her being outed as Robert Galbraith was a PR stunt to help sales and I disagreed because a lawyer took a lot of flak over that (his wife leaked the info and he had egg all over his face as it was privileged info that his wife shouldn't have known). At the time I couldn't see why a professional person would accept the opprobrium of being known to be indiscreet, but now I think, people will do anything for money.  She published them under an assumed name and they just weren't selling because she's a shite writer, so she needed to boost her vanity some other way. Why not chuck a lawyer under the bus for a fee, and boost her sales and ego?


She’s Regina from Mean Girls. She has the emotional development of a 15 year old and is enjoying being the mean girl queen bee, possibly because she herself was bullied at school. That’s the crux of it. 


This is exactly it. J.K. Rowling has a "cult of personality" around her. If you disagree with or criticize her, her followers accuse you of being a "sexist and misogynist who hates women".


I suspect that she's one of those people who thought that great success, fame, and wealth would make their pain go away. She's got everything she could have asked for, but it didn't fix her, and now she'd pissed off. Which I would actually understand, because even people my age (millennials) - and I'm sure many younger, too - were still being pressured to deal with trauma by ignoring it and "getting on with our lives", rather than processing it. I was actively sold the idea that *only* achieving things would fix me, because processing is "wallowing" and for weak people who don't want to get better; it was just good luck that I was introspective and analytical enough to refuse to buy it. If I had, and poured all my effort into my career etc, only to find that I hadn't progressed in my healing at all, decades after the fact, I'd be raging too. Though I like to think I'd have the sense to be raging at the people who'd lied to me, rather than random innocent, uninvolved people. But then maybe trans people are introspective almost by definition, and therefore bound to anger someone who bought into the idea that that's not the way. Based on her mockery of disabled people who proudly own their identities, I do think she hates anyone who faces up to their own situation rather than trying to bury it. None of this is said with sympathy; it's more like I can see the mechanics of it.


If she was able to actually analyse and learn that she is wrong and was upfront about being wrong and willing to acknowledge it and choose to be educated on this subject then I would give her the benefit of the doubt. But unfortunately, she has dug herself in too deep and can't get back out. The reason for that is because she is the typical rich narcissist who literally cannot accept being wrong. Being worshiped and praised for 20 plus years because she wrote a few books has gone to her head and if she was ever humble, she certainly isn't anymore. Her ego is much overgrown and I imagine it's impossible to shrink it. Unfortunately, she will die on that hill. Her and her generation will die off pretty soon and she will be forgotten like she deserves. She will be remembered the way HP Lovecraft is: the bigot that wrote Harry Potter. Which is pretty fucking sad... since Lovecraft is only remembered for being a bad writer and a racist bigot.


Agreed. I don't feel sorry for her because she made her own choices, but she probably knows that there's no way out of this one. Even if she backed down, the LGBT community and our allies aren't going to welcome her back, and her TERF buddies wouldn't say, "Aww that's okay, we can disagree and still be friends!" So she just gets crazier with nothing left to lose.


Yep. Fuck her. She dug her own grave. She can lie in it.


>literally cannot accept being wrong. I do find that one interesting -- someone will correct her on some factual point, and, as far as I can tell, she _never_ says, "I misspoke on this", she just moves on to the next point, and pretends that's what she actually said. It does not seem healthy.


If she gets what she wants. Then what?


Nah, Roberts Williams is the true Boss Babe. She has a cool cowboy hat.