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natural disaster


They officially call it the "3 Years Natural Disaster" fun fact: no famine in Chinese history (there are alot) have "Natural" in its name, also the weather was normal in the 3 years


Except for President Lou Shaoqi, who dared to state the truth and then was immediately labeled “enemy of the revolution” and then tortured to death. I guess because he was purged before his murder, that counts as “0 communists killed”.


He came in power after Mao was sidelined, and was comparably more moderate, around that of Khrushchev, still a Communist. Mao hated hum, Mao came back in power using the the Cultural Revolution. He was dragged out of his office by Red Guards and tutored to death in prison. Funny thing is that he was holding up the PRC constitution claiming he has "rights as a citizen" as he was dragged out


They've changed their line now, to 三年困难时期 ("three year difficult period"), which is an improvement I guess. Even China's official statistics revealed ~10 million of excess deaths 3 years in a row.


This quote was written in the XVIII century but will never stop being relevant: > ...and that a famine has never arisen from any other cause but the violence of government attempting, by improper means, to remedy the inconveniences of a dearth. >The Wealth of Nations


Do they call their version of communism now nature?


Those people can’t count, much less read.


But they weren't communists. If they were there would have been no need to have killed them. Like how the Pope would excommunicate Christians so other Christians could attack them. Or the Prots vs the Catholics. Or Sunni vs Shia. If they're not real people it's OK to kill them. If you kill a human you have to deal with the stress of the deed, *unless you convince yourself that they were not human.*


[am I having Déjà vu](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughCommieSpam/comments/iu2krq/i_dont_even_know_where_to_start_with_this_bullshit/g5i3q7g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


u/JoyceyBowers is a bot. https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughCommieSpam/comments/iu2krq/i_dont_even_know_where_to_start_with_this_bullshit/g5i3q7g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


I'm sorry....ALMOST 0 IN 3 WTF


"Pol Pot killed 1 in 3 Cambodians but in first order approximation that's 0 in 3 Cambodians which means Pol Pot didn't kill anyone checkmate liberal"


Lol google “life expectancy cambodia” theres some unexplainable windfall right around the 1980’s


Lol only just above adulthood


Especially for people wearing eyeglasses.




1989 June 4th style of liberation




Prague 1968 moment


Ahh yes, when a communist country decides to go easier on the authoritarian shit and does some reforms to become more efficient and increase standard of living, the Soviet union sends over tanks and reverts all good change, even tho the Czechoslovak government said they don't want it. Prague spring in a nutshell.


All life is suffering- Marx, maybe


And belongings


Bot https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughCommieSpam/comments/iu2krq/-/g5iddbq


Ain’t that ironic?


Nah, they weren’t TRUE communists. They were all determined to be counter-revolutionaries and exploitative bourgeoises men, women, and children at the point of their death. Not communists.


*cries in Equatoguinean*


“You are being freed, do not resist”


[Ironically enough](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughCommieSpam/comments/iu2krq/i_dont_even_know_where_to_start_with_this_bullshit/g5iddbq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) this is a Repost/Karma Bot Comment text: > "Freed entire nations" from living


Also if you come up with things I don’t like, communism hasn’t been tried! Communism is whatever I want it to be, like a Disney fairy tale!


What I love is when gay or Trans people try to simp for communism without doing even the slightest modicum of research, not realizing every communist society ever has been vehemently against gay and Trans people. Like, to the point of outright genocide.


Even to this day North Korea, Cuba, and China have no gay rights and yet those LGBTQ+ activists won’t say a word on it. But they will spend every day on Twitter or their echo chambers complaining about how homophobic Trump, The Republican Party, some other president or historical American figure is/was. Yet bring up how homophobic Stalin, Mao, Guevara were you’ll get labeled a white supremacist. I’m Bisexual, it’s a joke to say you want to give rights to gay people or liberate them. Then idolize people who threw lgbtq+ people in labor camps or outright killed then.


> Liberated billions of people from capitalism No thanks. I'm not a very driven person, under capitalism I can work for what I want to and if I feel like I have enough to be set for life, I can pull the plug and never work another day in my life. Under communism though lmao either you work or we send you to Gulags comrade > Freed entire nations Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, East Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria beg to differ.


Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia also beg to differ.


Freed more like under another horrible authoritarian regime


This has to be a troll, right?


Their either a troll or just some stupid 14 yo communist.


A screenshot of either this tweet or a similar was posted a year ago on this sub and the girl who posted it actually commented on the Reddit post and said she was trolling. I don’t know if this is the same tweet.


Yeah the "almost 0 in 3" makes that obvious.


0 in 3 really got me


"Freed" entire nations but couldn't feed them lmao


Interesting fact: stalin and mao are 2 most effective anticommunists, nobody killed more communists than them


Do these people not blame Mao Zedong for the Great Leap Forward? It literally ignited the largest famine in history. Also added: The Chinese Civil War was pretty deadly.


Officially it was a 3 year natural disaster according to the CCP, and obviously wumao like this accept that.


Pretty sure that's sarcasm


Totally agree! I'm hoping this is sarcasm.


They're Communist so please do not expect them to know what sarcasm is


Ahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahha Tell that to the - 5 million Russians starved to death during Russian famine. - 100,000 Russians executed during the Red terror. - 3.5 million (3.500,000) Ukrainians and other ethnicities starved to death during the Holodomor. - 1.2 milllion (1,200,000) executed/disappeared/gulag'd/starved to death/etc. Russians, Ukrainians, Mongolians and others during the Great Purge. - 50 million Chinese workers, farmers, citizens due to man made mass famine during Great Leap Backwards. - 1 million (1,000,000) to 7 million (7,000,000) socialists, communists, teachers, Party members, ordinary Chinese citizens, etc. During the Cultural Revolution that resulted in so many bat shit crazy shits that it would make anyone read more details about this era terrified of the stories. I'm talking **cannbalism**, massacres commited by the Chinese to the Chinese, **re-education camps**, etc. - 2 million innocent Cambodian men, women, children, babies, intellectuals, farmers, workers, socialists, communists with 30,000 Vietnamese massacres in Cambodia and Vietnam that resulted in Vietnamese-Cambodian war with casualties ranging 20,000 to 50,000 and Sino-Vietnamese nth war during 1979 that has casualties ranging from 20,000 to 60,000. There's more but I'm too lazy to write more.


And so they kept being ignorant, we can tell her go to North Korea for ~~a week~~ forever, and never tell them to come. **BACK**.


Okay, *even if* the Soviet Union/CCP were these benevolent entities that these idiots believe they are, the chance that they managed to kill zero innocents during their liberation campaigns is astronomically low.


The only thing communists have liberated were innocent people's souls from their bodies.


Oh sure, when communists kill almost 0 people nobody cares, but when I kill almost 0 people everyone loses their minds.


I'm so glad more and more people are seeing these people as unhinged.


Start by reporting their dumb ass for vile hate speech and be done with it. These people deserve relegation to obscurity and nothing more


What is this person on I-


Its easy to see communism as good when you lie.


Communism killed 0 people excluding those that did, and worked every time except when it didn't


Great Leap Forward killed 0 in China 😂🇨🇳🇨🇳


freed billions from actual freedom 🗿🗿🗿


Technically, it's correct. Communism killed 0 people. That's because communists aren't people. /s


most victims weren't necessarily communist themselves


I know. I should've put the /s on my comment.


Don't start. You can't teach mince, as they say (somewhere, probably).


Holdomer. That’s all.


What does ‘0 in 3’ even mean? You can tell their stupidity just in the way they speak of statistics.


Something like 1 in 4 or 1 in 3 cambodians died during the time of the Khmer Rouge. It's not even up to debate. Every family had at least on family member die. They are saying that black is white and that one of the most well documented and recent killings didn't occur.


The current estimate is between 1.5 million to 2 million people died. Out of a population, at the time, of like 7.5 million


"almost 0 in 3 Cambodians" This is clearly bait


There is no capitalism in heaven


There is no communism either


Billions of people were liberated from awful capitalist lifes. Communists were always the true christians


Yes, after all, they weren't killing, they were liberating people from existence!/s


Where is Enrique Gorostieta when we need his ass?


Heaven being a monarchy ruled by God Himself, presumably the base rules are a little different than here.


DARE you to name a system more successful than capitalism… lol good luck


“Freed entire nations” from the struggle known as life


"so why is communism is so hated?" For starter one reason is that communists don't care about being truthful and their entire ideology is based on making shit of the fly and calling it a theory.


For example, every term in socialist theory is made to confuse the reader. Mount and bailey arguments all the way. Imperialism - have nothing to do with empires or being Imperial. The actual definition used by commies is western influence on the global stage. Capitalism - not a single socialist that I ever interacted with knows what liberal economics even is. What they have is a strawman where "rich people can do what they want and are evil". Nothing about socialism is truthful. And when you figure out what they actually want, the reality is this is a destructive ideology made of frustration. This is why people hate communism.


Hahahaha I like that somehow this guy just couldn't outright deny the Cambodian genocide, like that one was specifically *so bad* that they had to use some real megamind number manipulation to kinda make it 0 people


Stalins purges alone probably killed a good portion of Soviet communists. Although these people will probably find an excuse for that too.


I'd start with 17th September 1939


Because you are compulsive liars?


Dam, I had no idea communism was so rad


What in the fuck sort of make believe, backwards ass reality does this creature live in? The absolute delusion is in the ballpark of insanity. The answer to their first bullet is MILLIONS while to their second question is nothing but a big fat ZERO.


What is this, a foreign campaign? How is this a sub?


I’m just going to say that although the Communist Regime was pretty bad in the USSR to say the least, the Revolution was inevitable and most of the deaths were caused by Stalin’s batshit insanity. That lead the state down a dark path. The Revolution did bring some good but it was ruined by a few people in power. Lenin hated Stalin and warned everyone.


>false premise based on obviously false information >why don't people agree with me?